BC Police Taser 11-Year-Old

I remember when I talked to a Montreal cop about tasers a few years ago. I asked him what he thought of them, whether it might not be a good idea to get rid of them, but he was of the mind that we should have more of them. But what about these incidents where people die from being tasered? he said those people must have had some underlying medical condition and they would have died whether you used a taser or not.
Excuse me?!
Yes, he really said that and I just imagined him and all the other cops sitting spiral-eyed in front of a screen at a brainwashing seminar on tasers where they are told, “If the person dies, they were weak and were probably going to die anyway. It’s just a coincidence that it happened after they got tasered.”
Looks to me like the people who indoctrinate cops about tasers are the same ones who program the medical professionals about vaccine ‘safety’.
That cop seemed like a nice guy. He really did. But he had been programmed to believe the most absurb things when it comes to electrocuting people to keep them in submission to you as a policy enforcement officer.
Now, please explain to me how an 11-year-old kid got tasered and why the police is refusing to tall the public whether the child was armed or not? How did we get to the point of having ‘peace officers’ who electrocute children in this country?

One response to “BC Police Taser 11-Year-Old

  1. Not surprizing at all really. We allow our governments to to stage economic bubbles, false flag events, take away freedoms via Patriot Acts, go to war based on obvious hoaxs like 911, molest and radiate children (and everyone for that matter) based on underwear bomber hoax, and on and on. It just gets more and more obvious yet the sheep continue to sleep and comply to this high tech Orwellian police state. Sheeple really have no interest in truth and/or just too stupid to see what is happening. What is happening is only the beginning and will get much worse.

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