Reiki and Metaphysics To Heal Ourselves and The World

We tend to think of our battle against NWO tyranny as a physical one to be waged with protests, strikes and the like, but it is above all a spiritual battle and our greatest weapon is our power as spiritual and metaphysical beings. On Thursday, May 10th, Natasha and I will be joined on the radio by two people whose expertise is in this area: Joanne Basilieres, from, who is a Reiki and Yoga practitioner and teacher, and Bernard Alvarez from, who is a doctor of metaphysics.

Reiki for Healing

According to Joanne’s website: ‘Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a natural, simple and safe, yet powerful holistic laying-on hands healing technique that uses spiritually guided universal energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things. It increases spiritual awareness and progress and is a means for each person to access the richness of his soul and discover his own great potential.
“REI” means universal, spirit or soul, and “KI” means the vital life force energy, which flows through all that is alive. Therefore the word Reiki refers to balanced Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki engages the “Ki,” which is our connection between mind, body and spirit.
Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs.’

Joanne performs Reiki healing as well as initiation to help others use the Universal Energy for their own healing and that of other people as well as to bring healing to situations. Her practice is based in Montreal, and you can contact her through her website for Reiki healing or initiation or for any of the other services and workshops she offers.

Join from at 2:00-3:00 pm EST to listen in on our discussion of Reiki and feel free to send us questions in the chat room or call in to talk to us live.

Bernard Alvarez and Metaphysical Healing

Bernard’s Bio:
Bernard Alvarez is the Empowerment Director for the Global Illumination Council AKA The GIC. He is an Author, Talk Show Host, Metaphysician, Truth Activist and Occupy Facilitator. His message is of balancing activism with spirituality.
The GIC Network consists of a website, You Tube Channel, GIC Radio, GICTV (Livestream channel for LIVE events), Facebook and Twitter pages. The GIC Network has over 3,000 Members worldwide and the GIC You Tube channel has had over 20 Million viewers.
Bernard is currently producing a DVD series for the GIC called “Awakening the Lightbody” that is due out in late summer. It will focus on developing a relationship with one’s own energetic body sometimes called Chi and how to improve our ability to better heal from our emotional baggage and live a proactive life.
Bernard was recently named Moderating Facilitator for the Virginia Regional General Assembly in which multiple Occupy groups will converge to better identify and collaborate on specific issues and actions around the State.
As a Radio Host, Bernard has interviewed hundreds of leaders in the Consciousness and Truth movement and has been a guest on multiple television and radio shows.
His motto is “activism without spirituality is just an angry mob”.

Join us from 3:00-4:00 pm as we discuss what metaphysics is and how we can apply metaphysics to bring healing to our lives and to the world. Chat and caller lines will also be open.

Listen live:
Chat room:
Call-in: 218-339-8525

5 responses to “Reiki and Metaphysics To Heal Ourselves and The World

  1. I will keep a lookout for the Awakening the Lightbody near the end of the summer sounds like it will be worth hunting for! Thanks for the blog I enjoy reading it! 🙂

  2. According to the reiki master Sherry L. Higginbottom, Rhode Island USA, there´s a different reiki symbol called Len Somei which means unconditional love. It is the number eight drawn in the horizontal position

  3. If only it had proven results…

  4. I am trying to find sherry higginbottom to take a master reiki class from her . does anyone know anything about her. does she still teach reiki. Thanks

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