Category Archives: Vaccination

Recovering Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Special Needs with Shelley Tzorfas

tzorfas recovering With 1 out of 6 kids now having a Developmental Disability, 1 out of 50 Autistic (which equates to 1 out of 29 boys) there is no time to waste while academia figures this out. The child’s brain can be “Rebooted” similar to how a stroke victim can relearn to walk or talk. Early intervention is essential.
My guest tonight is Shelley Tzorfas, author of ‘Recovering Autism, ADHD, and Special Needs’. In this book, Shelley show how much of ADHD is a systemic internal infection and what to do about it. Autism is up to 50 layers of illness that effect the skin, gut, eyes not working together. She addresses sensory overload and how it is a physical illness, not a psychiatric problem, and how to strip away each layer of discomfort. Shelley also discusses what dyslexia really is, how kids are getting misdiagnosed, why it is important to re-write the IEP or the goals for school, careers (Not grocery bagging) vacations (and scholarship) simple reading and writing exercises, free vision exercises, colleges that accept only special needs kids, and how to detox and more.

Shelley has been working on a one-to-one basis with kids in her “Specialized Tutoring/Learning Assessments” business. At the beginning the clients were a little hyper or unfocused but by the 1990’s they came in with little to no eye contact, banging their heads, unable to hold down food and generally clumsy. What she discovered was that in 1986 US passed a law that blocks people from suing vaccine maker’s in regular courts. Consequently, kids went from receiving a few vaccines to getting more than 70 containing aluminum, fetal cells, parts of rats, pigs, dogs, caterpillars, formaldehyde, mercury, ether and more. They also went from milder to more severe vaccine damage.

Shelley came to this work originally because she had undiagnosed dyslexia until age 25. She hid the fact that she could barely read or write through the beginning of college. Accidentally, she discovered that her eyes were not properly tracking together and that she had double vision, which was corrected in her 2nd year of college. A team of 3 eye specialists provided vision training and within several months, Shelley became an avid reader. She learned to write during my master’s thesis

Shelley has an MFA, had studied education at NYU and Hunter College, is a member of the International Dyslexia Association, of Cambridge Who’s Who, and of several Holistic Groups. She is the author of “Recovering Autism, ADHD, and Special Needs,” and “The Road Too Often Travelled.”

Click here for “Recovering Autism, ADHD, and Special Needs”
Click here for ‘The Road Too Often Travelled’:
tzorfas road

Listen live tonight from 10:00 pm -midnight EST at
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Call in: 218-339-8525

Evidence Vaccines are Harmful

The following was written by Lizzi Hollanders in response to a question about where to find information on evidence of the dangers of vaccines. It’s such good information that I am putting it here for all of us for future reference:

I encourage people to conduct your own research and not base choices on other people’s opinions. There is a great deal of information and misinformation out there. If people want to have an opinion on the vaccination dialogue then please back up statements with facts and citations to reliable and valid sources. Spreading fear and anxiety only magnifies the anxiety and does not create a supportive environment in which to really assess the facts and make a choice based on what is best suited to you and your family.

As for ourselves this is how we came to our decision and I offer it as an example of how to make an informed choice, but in no way suggest it is the “right” or the “only” choice.

After extensive research we have decided that there is no rational basis upon which to vaccinate. the entire premise of vaccinations is deeply flawed, the risks far outweigh the benefits and the dearth of reliable, valid and consistent scientific data in tandem with the incredible profiteering conducted by the Pharmaceutical corporations makes the entire vaccine industry (and it is an industry as it it the greatest source of profit to these companies deeply suspect and guilty of extreme skulduggery.

A robust immune system can handle almost all disease and process it so that the body recovers and the results in life long immunity—far superior to potential partial immunity and/or destroyed immunity which wanes over time in tandem with the endless negative sequalae of auto-immune disorders that can result from the over injection of toxins into children’s bodies.

Below are some links i find helpful in helping me elucidate the facts as they pertain to vaccination. the fact is this is a very heated debate filled with extreme ideological differences such that i believe it is often an unbridgeable divide and thus not worth engaging. it is simply up to each individual to make a choice, to use informed consent and exorcise fear from the decision making process. any choice made in fear will result in doubt and uncertainty. the only path through this mire is to gain, gather and process knowledge. information is power and that is how this battle is being waged.. i have spent the better part of three years researching the tropic and for me I am satisfied, based on the current condition of our life, where we live and our health that any benefits from vaccinations do not outweigh the risks.

here are some links to resource I have found most helpful. First though a book called “Childhood Vaccination: Answers to your questions, by Katia Bailetti” was an excellent resource to starting out on this journey of becoming informed and getting out of the dogma and ideology. the books break down each vaccine, it’s ingredient, the pros and the cons of having the disease, the pros and the cons of getting vaccinated and the degree of partial immunity and the time it lasts. it is well worth the read, it is neutral in its standpoint and accessible in that it is written in average english – not academic.

anyway, here are links i find great.

here is a link that gives a graphic of the increase of vaccines introduced to the vaccine schedule from 1983 to 2010 – it makes me shudder when i look at it. Canada follows an almost identical schedule.

Here is a link to a table that shows a variety of vaccine schedules around the world

This is a great one for people who want to engage with pro-vax people.

Here is a link of a parent who says these questions need to be answered before she will even consider vaccinating her children.

here is a link to an interview given by an ex-vaccine developer who discusses the series of deceptions used by Pharamceutical companies to sell vaccines to the public

here are some links on the Hep B vaccine. it’s one i consider one of the nmost dangerous and insane of all vaccines

And this is a fantastic article that explains how the human immune system works prior to vaccination and what happens to the immune system after vaccination… a must read for anyone

and this article recently came out which i think is fantastic – discusses why children don’t regress before age of 1 and examines how vaccination toxicity impacts the immune system

as for the whole whooping cough thing. First of all, as was seen in California, 1 in 3 people had been fully vaccinated for whooping cough but caught it anyway… this is a severe vaccine failure, plus when considering the serious risks associated with the vaccine the cons completely outweigh any pros

here is a link to a resource examining the connection between SIDS and the whooping cough vaccine

and here is a link to some information examinig the connection between whooping cough vaccine and childhood allergies like asthma, eczema, hay fever…etc &

Here is another article that helps tease apart the myth that vaccination equals immunity

And for those who really want to get into the nitty gritty here is a link of all the vaccines currently manufactured and their ingredients. It’s a worth a read and educating yourself about what exactly is being injected into your and your children’s bodies.

Finally along with the known neurotoxic effect of mercury is an even more deadlier adjuvant agent. Aluminum.

Aluminum is a positively charged bio-conductive element, 64 times more positive than colloidal blood products (ie. anything suspended in your blood) are negative; with the properties of a coagulant. It literally draws in all other metals & toxins in its path. When injected into deep muscle tissue or subcutaneously, this neurotoxin gets redistributed via the bloodstream (consisting of 90% water) to areas of fatty tissue (highly electrical tissues – negatively charged) throughout the body, builds up over time in these delicate centers; primarily in the Brain, Spinal cord, Myelin sheath, Meninges, cardiac cells, breasts & ovaries (in women), prostate (in men), kidneys, liver, gut & bowels.

This “sludging” is activated when Aluminum interacts with Hemoglobin in flow, in the negatively charged environment. This causes the negatively charged blood products to “attract” towards the larger, more massive positively charged Aluminum, causing clumping or “sludging”. This restricts blood flow, and it changes the Zeta Potential to change from -15mv (minus 15 milivolts) towards -10 mv (minus 10 milivolts), or possibly closer to zero. This is an increase in Zeta Potential, from a negatively charge towards neutral. (This is somewhat analogous to a change in state of water as it turns to ice – it’s a change in viscosity, affecting blood flow).

I sincerely hope this helps. I make no bones about the fact that I advocate for non-vaccination because I have come to know that vaccines are mostly bunk science riding on the coattails of some good science, and disseminating it’s veracity through a heavily indoctrinated culture of blind faith in public health policy and pharmaceutical companies… and that is why it is such a difficult terrain to navigate… when lies disguise themselves behind truth, it take a sharp mind and a clear heart to see the way through. good luck to everyone in making the choice that is right for you and your family.


Where is Justice When Police Investigate Themselves?

Dan Dicks of will be joining me today on the radio to discuss the problem of police being allowed to investigate themselves. Of the nearly 2000 cases of violence or death involving the police, which were investigated by the Ontario Police’s own ‘Special Investiagtions Unit’ between 1996 and 2006, only 38 resulted in any charges being laid. Can the police be trusted to investigate themselves?

Dan is a Canadian activist, journalist and filmmaker from Toronto. He is the producer of the films ‘United We Fall’ and ‘The Nation’s Deathbed’, and the Director/producer of ‘Into The Fire’.
Please visit his Youtube channel weavingspider and website .

You can listen live at 3:00 pm EST on February 16, 2012 at

First Hour (2:00 pm EST), I will be talking to Dr Jerry Hoover. Dr Hoover is a Naturopathic Doctor, now retired in Nicaragua, who has had decades of experience restoring to health people who suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer. We will be discussing how natural approaches differ from standard medicine and why they are successful in reversing conditions that are considered incurable by the mainstream medical establishment.
Please visit Dr Hoover’s website, naturalcancercure, where you can download his free e-book.
One of the topics we will address today is the role of sunlight in human health. We have all heard that sun exposure makes our bodies produce Vitamin D, which lowers our overall risk of cancer and improves our general health, but too much sun is known to age or burn the skin and raise the risk of skin cancer. So, how much sun we need and how should we go about exposing ourselves to it safely?
Listen in at 2:00 pm EST for the answer to this questiion and much more.

Australia: Immunize or Lose Benefits

Recently, there have been a number of news articles threatening Australian parents that unless they provide proof that their kids have been immunized on schedule, they will lose up to $2,100 per child in tax benefits including the Family Tax Benefit (FTB) Part A end-of-year supplement, worth $726.
This news was posted on prison planet, who got it from ABC News Australia.

The Herald Sun states that one in 10 Australian children are not immunized. One in ten? That’s a pretty high vaccination rate, and one-in-ten is probably the percentage of children who have not received the entire schedule, not of children who are completely unvaccinated.

The article goes on to explain that:

“The supplement, worth $726 per child each year, will now only be paid once a child is fully immunised at one, two and five years of age, meaning more than $2100 could be withheld.

A new immunisation check will be introduced for one year olds to supplement the existing checks at two and five years of age.

Families are already required to have their child fully vaccinated to receive the childcare rebate and childcare benefit.”

Required– that sounds pretty grim. Damn government, forcing poor parents to inject their poor children with junk, withholding tax breaks from parents unless they vaccinate their kids! What ever happened to human rights, religious and philosophical objections? Isn’t there a way out? In fact, yes, there is a way out- although the government and the media obviously don’t want to draw your attention to this.

If you go to Immunise Autralia and have a look at their FAQ, and click the question, ‘What exemptions will be available for the new immunisation conditions linked to the Family Tax Benefit Part A supplement?’, you will see that the exemptions are just as available as they always have been.
But even there, they attempt to mislead the public by saying
‘A child may have a temporary or permanent exemption if a recognised immunisation provider determines that receiving the vaccine is medically contraindicated. A child may also receive an exemption from the immunisation requirements if a recognised immunisation provider indicates that the parent has a conscientious objection to immunising their child.

It looks to me like they are trying to give the impression that the immunization provider has to agree with the parent’s objection, but in fact the law states that the provider only has to certify in writing that:
he or she has discussed with the adult the benefits and risks of immunising the child and the adult has declared in writing that he or she has a conscientious objection to the child being immunised.

They have to explain the risks vs benefits to the parent and agree that the adult has stated he or she objects. That’s it, that’s all!

Fore more information on Australia’s vaccine laws, visit and know that, in Australia, vaccines are no more mandatory now than they ever were and that you can both refuse vaccination and continue to access the tax ‘benefits’ the media would like you to think you face losing.

Lawyer Alan Phillips on Vaccine Rights and Exemptions

Back-to-school time is here and many people are concerned because they are under the impression that they will have to allow their kids to be vaccinated in order for them to return to school, or else be dragged through beaurocratic mud and maybe even have the CPS show up at their door. Fortunately, nearly all of the US states allow for vaccine exemptions: 48 allow for religious exemptions and 18 also allow for philosophical exemptions. Today, I will be talking to Alan Phillips, who is an attorney specializing in vaccine waiver and exemption law.

According to Alan, “The vaccine push is becoming more aggressive. I’ve gotten calls from new categories. A pharmacist recently complained that he’s required now to get vaccinated, to give vaccines, and to say “would you like fries with that?”, only he has to push vaccines, and not fries. I also heard from an airline pilot for the first time about required vaccination. There’s no end to this!”

If you have concerns about mandatory vaccinations for yourself or your children, listen in today by clicking ‘listen live’ at from 3:00-4:00 pm EST (I will be covering news alone from 2:00-3:00) or download the archived episode at
Feel free to call in with your questions for Alan. The number is 402-237-2525
You can also send question through the chat room:

Alan Phillips contact inforamtion:
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
P.O. Box 3473
Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3473

A Decade of Vaccines: Depopulation and Bio-warfare

Video uploaded by canuckism101
A decade of vaccine / population control biowarfare technology and the globalist eugenic agenda

Brian Deer Accusations Against Wakefield Fraudulent

On January 11, 2011, journalist Brian Deer published an article in the British Medical Journal entitled, “How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed” in which he alleges that Andrew Wakefield falsified data pertaining to the children in his 1997 study which linked the MMR vaccine to a condition he named autistic enterocolitis, a novel bowel disease associated with autistic behavioral symptoms.

Wakefield’s study had resulted in parental suspicion of the MMR vaccine and a decrease in MMR uptake. It was retracted by the Lancet, where it had been published, and a massive campaign was launched to increase public confidence in the MMR vaccine and portray Wakefield as a fraud and an unethical scientist. His medical license was also revoked and he was charged with professional misconduct.

However, what has emerged since the publication of Deer’s article are newly-published documents proving that the medical histories and behavioral changes reported by Wakefield had previously and independantly been documented by researchers Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Dhillon, and had been reported in a 1996 presentation to the a meeting of The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group
at the Royal Free Hospital entitled, “Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR – A Review of the First Seven Cases.”

According to Dr Wakefield, this new evidence “completely negates the allegations that I committed scientific fraud. Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew or should have known about the facts set out below before publishing their false allegations”.

Of note, Brian Deer is a journalist, not a doctor or other medical expert. Yet his ‘study’ has been blared all over the propaganda media as new evidence that Wakefield is a dishonorable person guilty of fraud. In light of the new evidence, however, one might want to re-think who is truly committing fraud here and why Deer’s article has been given such publicity and prominent publication in the BMJ in the first place.

Despite the media and medical/pharmaceutical industries best efforts to demonize Wakefield and exonerate the vaccine industry, parents are not stupid and more and more of them are investigating matters of vaccine safety and coming to their own conclusions. From the great amount of material avaiable showing, without a doubt, that vaccines cause auto-immune and neurological disease in animals and have never actually been proven safe in humans either, many parents are deciding that the theoreticl risk of not vaccinating is overshadowerd by the mounting evidence that vaccines do cause extensive damage to the human organism.

People are indeed not stupid and the more the industry pushes their propaganda instead of performing real studies with unvaccinated control groups, the less confidence the public has in vaccines, especially in light of things like the ‘swine flu’ vaccine campaign, which proved to be unnecessary (the swine flu turned out to be far less deadly than regular seasonal flu) and unsafe (a 700% increase in miscarriages was documented in vaccinated mothers).

Try as they might, the industry is losing ground. People are waking up and the change in consciousness is unstoppable.

Learn more:

Scientific Evidence of Vaccine Damage in Dogs

Although many parents witness their children’s health deteriorate rapidly after vaccination, we are repeatedly told that there is no evidence that vaccines cause damage. The main reason this claim can be made is that there has never been a study done on humans that compared the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. The control group either receives a different experimental vaccine or regular ‘baby shots’. The closest we can get to seeing the true extent of the damage that vaccines do is through animal studies. While it is hard to find raw data from animal studies that are done for the purpose of testing a vaccine ultimately to be marketed to humans, some studies done on the effects of vaccines on dogs and monkeys are avaiable to us, and the results don’t look good.

The following link will take you to a summary of the evidence of vaccine damage on dogs. Aside from the fact that you can extrapolate the results to mean that vaccines likely cause such damage in humans as well, isn’t this enough to make you re-think vaccinating your pet?

Here is an excerpt from the report:

The vaccinated, but not the non-vaccinated, dogs in the Purdue studies developed autoantibodies to many of their own biochemicals, including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, cytochrome C, cardiolipin and collagen.

This means that the vaccinated dogs — ”but not the non-vaccinated dogs”– were attacking their own fibronectin, which is involved in tissue repair, cell multiplication and growth, and differentiation between tissues and organs in a living organism.

The vaccinated Purdue dogs also developed autoantibodies to laminin, which is involved in many cellular activities including the adhesion, spreading, differentiation, proliferation and movement of cells. Vaccines thus appear to be capable of removing the natural intelligence of cells.

Dogs and cats, like our children, are more and more often falling victim to auto-immune diseases and cancer. In recent years, reports of ‘autistic’ dogs have even surfaced. Whether you have a pet or a child, you owe it to them to make an informed decision when it comes to vaccinating them. And likely, if you are truly informed, you will find that you cannot possibly submit them to this kind of assault.

Flumist with Toxins for Canadians 2010 Flu Season

Canadians To Be Vaccinated With Live H1N1 Virus with MSG For The 2010/11 Flu Season

Dave Mihalovic
Prevent Disease
September 23, 2010

The Public Health Agency of Canada has once again given their seal of approval for the injection of a dangerous cocktail of toxic chemicals they call a trivalent vaccine. The 2010/11 recipients of AstraZeneca’s FLUMIST will be exposed to several strains of live viruses including H1N1 and H3N2. The vaccine also contains MSG and other known neurotoxins and immunotoxins.

Similar to last year’s Arepanrix Vaccine, FLUMIST was approved without evaluating its safety and effectiveness on a single Canadian.

The vaccines are especially being promoted for children since the nasal spray vaccine can be marketed as less invasive due its intranasal delivery that does not require needles. Ontario’s chief medical officer of health said a non-injectable vaccine is an “attractive option.” The product has been on the U.S. market for the last seven years.

AstraZeneca Canada is currently ensuring that all Canadian pharmacies are making preparations to stock the vaccine this fall. The influenza vaccine will be one of several vaccines to be offered on the Canadian market.

On August 26, 2010, Health Canada issued a Notice of Decision to AstraZeneca Canada for the FLUMIST vaccine.

The FLUMIST Trivalent vaccine product information:

Three Live Viruses:
– Influenza Virus Type A (H1N1);
– Influenza Virus Type A (H3N2); and
– Influenza Virus Type B

Route of Administration:
Intranasal Spray

Dosage Strength:
0.2 mL

Clinically Relevant Nonmedicinal Ingredients
– Gelatin hydrolysate (porcine Type A)
– sucrose
– arginine
– gentamicin

Additional Toxic Ingredients:
– Monobasic potassium phosphate: Immunotoxin
– Arginine hydrochloride: Toxic to lungs and mucous membranes
– Monosodium glutamate: Neurotoxin, Excitotoxin
– Gentamicin: Nephrotoxic


There are currently NO clinical trials or results which have validated the long-term safety and efficacy of the FLUMIST vaccine. Regulatory health agencies are refusing to acknowledge this fact or the nature of toxicity levels associated with the FLUMIST and its ingredients. The well documented toxicity evidence for each ingredient presented above are simply ignored.

If you’ll notice, most of the ingredients that are considered non-clinically relevant excipients are ALL TOXIC and yet still injected in every person that receives the vaccine.

No Pharmacokinetic, Carcinogenic or Fertility Studies

One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of any vaccine are its pharmacokinetic properties. AstraZeneca and Medimmune do not consider the study, analysis or evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of any vaccine ingredients or excipients including FLUMIST. This means that the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients within the vaccine are not known or even considered in safety assessments.

FLUMIST has not been evaluated for its carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or its potential to impair fertility. There have also been NO animal reproduction studies or studies in pregnant or lactating women and it is not known whether FLUMIST is excreted in human milk..

Hospitalizations and Deaths

An increased rate of hospitalizations (for any cause) through 180 days after final vaccination dose of FLUMIST was observed in children 6-11 months of age.

There were eight deaths reported within 180 days of FLUMIST
dosing. Of the 8 deaths, 4 occurred within 42 days after the last dose of FLUMIST. 43 and 180 days after FLUMIST dosing, deaths were due to diarrhea and sepsis, encephalopathy, suffocation, and posterior fossa tumor and malignant hyperthermia.

Adverse Reactions

– Pain
– Redness
– Swelling
– Fatigue
– Headaches
– Arthralgia (joint inflammation)
– Myalgia (muscle inflammation)
– Shivering
– Sweating
– Swollen lymph nodes
– Fever
– Vomiting
– Tingling or numbness of the hands or feet
– Shortness of breath
– Vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)

Serious Adverse Reactions

Congenital, familial and genetic:
– Exacerbation of symptoms of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy (Leigh syndrome)

Immune system:
– Anaphylactic reactions, facial edema and urticaria

Nervous system:
– Guillain-Barré syndrome, Bell’s Palsy

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal:
– Epistaxis

Skin and subcutaneous tissue:
– Rash

The information above clearly demonstrates that the Public Health Agency of Canada and Health Canada have no interest in meeting some of the most basic precautions to safeguard the health of Canadians.

Last year, just as flu activity increased across Canada, federal authorities warned Canadians not to buy natural remedies and to strictly confide in the anti-viral drugs and vaccines authorized by Health Canada.

172,000 doses were eventually recalled and withdrawn after serious adverse reactions, notably in the heart and lungs, and hundreds of deaths were reported.

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Please protect yourself naturally from the flu. Learn what colds and flus really are and use common sense to best of your ability.

Dave Mihalovic is a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a natural approach to treatment.

Cocaine Vaccine a Bust

In the early days, mental health professionals who dealt with drug addiction hoped that sson a new vaccine would cure cocaine addiction. In 2000, a Phase I study at Yale used:
The vaccine, TA-CD, is designed to generate drug-specific antibodies, which bind to cocaine and prevent it from traveling to the brain from the bloodstream. This neutralizes its psychoactive effect.
Inclusio criteria for the study was 30 days of abstinence, a desire to stop using and willingness to seek treatment. The study authors mentioned that the vaccine did not reduce cravings for cocaine, but simply interfered with its effect to produce a high. What they are being injected with is actually succinylnorcocaine linked to recombinant cholera toxin B-subunit protein. This means that the cocaine molecule is attached to the cholera toxin protein in order to trick the body into making antibodies against the cocaine along with the protein.
To override the vaccine’s effects, it may be possible to take massive amounts of cocaine, but it is unlikely that addicts who are actively working to overcome their addiction would want to do that.
From this last statement, one would gather that either these scientists were being overly optimistic or they really just didn’t understand how addiction works. In any case, they knew this outcome was possible, but they played it down.

2004: BBC Headline States “Cocaine Vaccine Stops Addiction”

The vaccine is created by attaching the cocaine to a large protein molecule which is used to stimulate the body’s immune system to produce antibodies that recognise the drug.
Trials carried out in the US showed almost half of those given the TA-CD vaccine, developed by Xenova, were able to stay off the drug for six months.

Yes, it turns out that half these people were able to stay of cocaine for 6 months- which means it didn’t work so well for the other half, and who knows what heppened after the 6 months were up and they were out of treatment. Nonetheless, the scientists remained optimistic and the drug company had the MSM touting the benefits of their new wonder-drug, as usual. Of note, no reference is given to the actual study so readers can look at the data for themselves.
Fast forward to 2010: Washington Post reports “Testing of Cocaine Vaccine Shows It Does Not Fully Blunt Cravings For The Drug’
Well, as we saw from the earlier reports, it was never designed to blunt cravings. And you kow what happened? According to the article,
some of the addicts participating in a study of the vaccine started doing massive amounts of cocaine in hopes of overcoming its effects
That’s right, they just kept trying to get high even though it wasn’t working anymore. Now, that is not surprising, really, because that is what all addicts do once they get to a certain point, especially with cocaine, where tolerance develops very quickly and after te first hit off the crack pipe, you spend the rest of the night making yourself feel like crap hoping to catch the buzz you did with that first puff. The doctors at Yale mentioned that this could be a possibility back in 2000, but they forged ahead anyway and hoped for the best. The article goes on to elaborate that,
Nobody overdosed, but some of them had 10 times more cocaine coursing through their systems than researchers had encountered before, according to Kosten. He said some of the addicts reported to researchers that they had gone broke buying cocaine from multiple drug dealers, hoping to find a variety that would get them high.
That’s not what I would call a success, heh heh.

An article on the blog Addiction Inbox, entitled “Cocaine Vaccine Hits Snag’ gave us more details:

Of 115 addicts involved in the study, only 38 % produced sufficient antibodies to dull the effects of cocaine, Rachel Saslow of the Washington Post reported. And among the high-antibodies group, only 53 % stayed free of cocaine 50 % of the time. “Immunization did not achieve complete abstinence from cocaine use,” said Thomas Kosten of Baylor college of Medicine, one of the authors of the paper.

Not everyone produced ‘adequate antibodies’, and when they did, the vaccine mad a mediocre success rate. Nonetheless, “NIDA director Nora Volkow characterized the work as “a promising step toward an effective medical treatment for cocaine addiction,” with the proviso that “larger follow-up studies confirm its safety and efficacy.”

When you hear ‘safety and efficacy’- watch out! it means they are going full steam with this. Confirm safety? How can it be confirmed when studies so far have shown that a significant amount of recipients increased their cocaine use, risked overdose, and went broke in the process? Confirm efficacy? When only 38% of people ‘responded’ to it, and among those only 53% stayed clean 50% of the time? That amounts to what- 19% of people who received it being able to abstain half the time? In other words, 81% of participants failed to stay clean, which is equivalent to the success rate for most regular rehab centers. Is that really a success rate for the vaccine or is it roughly how many cocaine addicts would stay clean 50% of the time with standard treatment anyway?

Remeber that efficacy is n ot equivalent to effectiveness. Efficacy represents something you measure in the lab, such as antibodies. Effectiveness is how well the product succeeds in achieving the desired result in real life. For example, a flu vaccine that claims 90% efficacy, may translate to 35% effectiveness in terms of actually preventing you from catching the flu (and remember that, speaking of flu shots, only 5-15% of the population actually catches the flu in any given flu season, so 35% effectiveness means it has lowered your chance of getting sick by about 2-5%, but I digress…)

In a 2009 clinical trial on 109 methadone patients, 21 out of the 50% receiving the vaccine achieved purportedly adequate antibody levels. Of these, 45% had cocaine-free urine tests, vs 35% for the remaining 88 who eithe rreceived a placebo or did not develop high enough antibodies. That means that about 9/21 people in the high antibody group stayed off the coke for a few weeks. How anyone could create statistics and come to any kind of conclusions on the vaccine’s effectiveness when the sample size was so small is beyond me. I was taught in school that you can never talk about statistics unless you have a sample of at least 100 people. But this becomes an effective way for pharmaceutical companies to make data appear to work in their favor. For example, you take 200 people with lung cancer, give 50% chemo and 50% chemo +radiation, and if you have 10% 1-year survival in the chemo group and 11% in the chemo +radiationn group, you can claim that radiatio exteded survival by 10%. Really, this is a lot of nonsense. All you had was one extra person live a year, but it is enough for somebody to make a lot of money giving somebody some kind of additional useless treatment.

And so it seems to be with the cocaine vaccine. They overlook the obvious red flag that it doesn’t work for most people, works shabbily when it does, and even drives a sizeable number of recipients to increase their cocaine use to dangerous levels. But none of that would deter Big Pharma, whose priority is evidently profit, never mind at whose expense.

Here are a couple of the original studies: