Tag Archives: cancer

Your Great Youtube Channels Pt.2

Essential Oils, prepping and Pet prepping, healing cancer naturally, moringa trees, Beauty in Darkness and more. Here is my second post about my Youtube viewers’ own great channels. Below you will find everything from News and Politics to Natural Health Info, and even a channel that teaches you how to Prep for your pets!

christie Christie Aphrodite is the host of Soul Journey’s Radio on americanfreedomradio. Christie is a gifted healer and Earth Mother extraordinaire. Visit her channel for lots of great info an though-provoking vlogs.
Click her for channel SoulJourneysRadio
Website: souljourneysradio.com

demcad DEMCAD
Libertarian Reginald Kaigler discusses current events, politics, the Fed, the U.S. constitution and the economy.
Website: demcad.blogspot.com

pets Pet Prepper’s Channel
Prepping for pets before a disaster hits. I am a groomer of over 20 years, and I am just here to share what I can with other people prepping for their pets.

plottEric Plott Moringa trees and cancer cures. Come check out this channel for lots of great info on healing cancer naturally. Website: PlottPalmTrees.com

aileenBeauty in Darkness Aileen Collo Amparo’s channel.
Subscribe to my channel to get updated on the release of my free movie and other inspirational videos that hopefully can lift our consciousness as my small contribution. Collectively, we can re-create a whole new world that is more beautiful and one that we deserve to live in. Simply because we are all naturally beautiful. Some remember, some just had amnesia 🙂
Website: beautyindarkness.org

jenniferJennifer Knotsmed Please visit Jennifer’s channel for some great playlists on topics such as chemtrails. GMOs, orgonite, astrotheology, fracking, sovereigns/freemen, ancient aliens, the Crowhouse, Coast to Coast, and much more.
Click here to see her channel.

Medicine Without Medicine

How can you cure illness without any drugs, herbs or other medicine whatsoever? By our understanding, this shouldn’t be possible, and yet it apparently is.
See the video below where Gregg Braden talks about using metaphysics to eliminate health problems and how this is even being done at a hospital in Japan, with success at removing even cancerous tumors.

Please also see this interesting account of a woman, Anita Moorjani, who was completely healed of end-stage lymphoma after having a near-death experience.

One author who is known for her work on metaphysical cause of disease is Louise Hay and you can see her website at louisehay.com

Many websites address the topic of how your mind/soul manifests illness in your body as a result of issues that are not actually physical in nature. Here is an example of a list of connections made between illnesses and metaphysical/emotional causes.

I realize that to anyone who considers themselves a Christian, the mere mention of the word ‘pagan’ might be a turn off but I remember that the renowned pastor Cindy Jacobs stated in her book ‘Women of Destiny’ that she was healed of an ovarian or uterine growth by faith, at the altar, and that as she was healed she realized that this tumor was a manifestation of negative emotions she held on to that were associated with her relationship with her father. Christians are metaphysical beings just as anyone else, and we manifest disease in the same way as everyone else.

I don’t know whether any such list as the one above is particularly accurate. It seems to me that the best way to know what is causing your illness would be to examine yourself and your life and to consider and pray about what is making you sick and ask God to remove that from you. For example, if worry has caused you to become susceptible to colds, you could turn your worry over to God, affirming that you trust in Him and in the path He is leading you on, and that you renounce your negative thoughts and emotions that are holding you back and causing disease in your body. Let go of all negative emotions such as anger, resentments, fear, and worry. They are worse for you than GMOs and vaccines. Receive everything in your life as a gift.

Disclaimer: this is neither medical nor spiritual advice, it’s for purposes of information and discussion.

Still Drinking Soda? Read This!

A lot of attention had recently been given to the fact that Coke and Pepsi have decreased the amounts of caramel color in their drinks to avoid having to label them with a cancer warning. But reducing the amount of caramel color won’t change the fact that sodas are carcinogenic chemical cocktails. Here is a list of what makes soda so toxic. And by the way, caramel color is found in many foods most people eat every day, such as some breads, so if you are concerned about your caramel color intake, make sure to read the label on anything you buy.

1- Hormone-disrupting BPA in the can lining. This chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen and has been shown to have a number of detrimental effects on your health including raising your risk of breast and prostate cancer. You might also wind up with a bad case of moobs if you’re a guy.

2- Aluminum in soda cans. Aluminum is a known neurotoxin that has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease in many studies.

3-Brominated vegatable oil. This is present in about 10% of fruit-flavored sodas and sports drinks in the USA. Bromine displaces iodine and the resulting deficiency can increase your risk of breast, thyroid gland, ovary and prostate cancer. Bromine toxicity itself can cause symptoms such as skin rashes, severe acne, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, fatigue, metallic taste, and cardiac arrhythmia. It can also impair fertility.

4-Corn syrup sweetener, found in sodas, juices and many other processed foods is directly linked to obesity in a dose-dependant manner. Fructose, which is found in corn syrup, has also shown to induce the creation of new fat cells around internal organs (visceral fat). Obesity is a cause of type-2 diabetes and visceral fat, in particular has been linked to metabolic disturbances, increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes as well as breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery in women. http://www.health.harvard.edu/fhg/updates/Abdominal-fat-and-what-to-do-about-it.shtml

5-Aspartame in diet sodas can cause many health problems, including neurological, psychiatric, gastro-intestinal and other issues and has been shown to cause cancer in lab animals.

6-Soda contains a lot of sodium, which will not slake your thirst, but lead to more dehydration. Too much sodium in your diet is bad for your health and can affect your blood pressure.

7-Soda is highly acidic. When you take in acidic substances, it alters your body ph. To maintain your blood ph in the right range, your body has to leach alkaline minerals from your own bones. This is why acid-causing substances can contribute to demineralization and its associated problems. Your cells also don’t transport oxygen as well when your ph is acidic. What’s more, cancer cells thrive in an acidic, oxygen-depleted environment while an alkaline environment wipes them out. This is why alkalization and oxygenation are the basis of many natural treatments for cancer. In other words, by acidifying your ph, drinking soda turns your body into a friendly place for cancer cells. To read more about Ph and cancer, go here http://www.alkalizeforhealth.net/cancerselftreatment.htm

8- Caramel color. It’s a chemical, not caramel, and it is so carcinogenic that Coke and Pepsi recently opted to reduce the amount of caramel color in some of their sodas rather than have to label these drinks with cancer warnings according to new FDA guidelines.

9- Mountain Dew turns mice to jelly. This was the defense launched by the company when they were assailed with a lawsuit from a man who claimed to have found a dead mouse in his soda. They said that was impossible because the acids in the soda would have disintegrated in the mouse into a jelly-like substance. Yech! If it does that to a mouse, what does it do to your insides? And if it does that to a mouse, who knows how much disintegrated junk you might be ingesting when you have a can?

10- Phosphoric acid, added to sodas to give them a tangy taste, is so corrosive it destroys tooth enamel and is even used industrially as a rust remover. http://www.naturalnews.com/021774.html

Besides being poisonous, soda makes you burp. That’s not ladylike!

Still feel like drinking soda?

Statins Exposed!

Our guests today on The Truther Girls radio show will be James B Yoseph and Hannah Yoseph, MD, authors of ‘How Statin Drugs Really Lower Cholesterol – And Kill You One Cell at a Time’. Statins interfere with your cells’ ability to reproduce itself and function normally and are made from carcinogenic mycotoxins. As a result, they are highly toxic, cause accelerated aging, tissue damage, mental impairment and are strongly linked to cancer. Yet, these drugs are extremely popular and a full 25% of the American population is currently on statins, including virtually all senior citizens. Is it a surprise that we are seeing such high rates of cancer and senile demetia?

Please listen in today to learn how statins work, the kind of damage they cause, and how they got to be treated as a legitimate product in the first place, instead of the fraud that they are. On today’s show you will also learn why oxidative stress is the real cause of CVD, and find out some surprising common sources of this, and what you can do to counteract it.

You can purchase James B and Hannah Yoseph, MD’s book here

Listen live from 2:00-3:00 pm EST, may 24, 2012 http://americanfreedomradio.com
Archive will be up next day here: http://americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_12
Chat room: http://truthergirls.chatango.com
Call in: 218-339-8525

Rick Simpson: Cannabis Cures Cancer!

When Rick Simpson accidentally discovered that hemp oil cured his skin cancer, he ran to his doctor to enthusiastically share his discovery. Instead of being thrilled at the news, his doctor basically stuck his fingers in his ears and said he wanted nothing to do with this. Perplexed but undeterred, Rick went on to share his discovery with many people, and the results confirmed that cannabis does, indeed, cure cancer. For his good works, Rick has been relentlessly persecuted and has been forced to flee from Canada, currently taking refuge in the Czech Republic. Despite the authorities’ best efforts to ruin him, Rick continues in his work, teaching people how to make and use hemp oil to cure cancer and treat many other ‘incurable’ diseases. Please visit Rick’s website phoenixtears.ca for more information.

In his own words, Rick explains:
My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with instructions on how to make Hemp Oil medicines for about 8 years. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Throughout man’s history hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge hemp has always been used as a political and religious football.

The current restrictions against hemp were put in place and maintained, not because hemp is evil or harmful, but for big money to make more big money, while we suffer and die needlessly. Look at a proposal such as this; if we were allowed to grow hemp in our back yards and cure our own illnesses, what do you think the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry would be to such a plan? Many large pharmaceutical companies that still exist today sold hemp based medicines in the 1800′s and early 1900′s. They knew then what I have recently found out. Hemp oil if produced properly is a cure-all that the pharmaceutical industry can’t patent.

Two years a go I contacted the Liberals, the Conservatives and the New Democratic Party about this situation. I also provided them with evidence to backup what I was saying. No one lifted a finger, in most cases I was lucky to get a reply. I contacted the R.C.M.P. along with many other organizations and Public Interest TV shows, with little or no response.

Why are all these people trying to avoid such a simple truth? If I am in some way wrong in what I have been saying then I invite the system to come and prove it. I would be happy to put on a public demonstration of what this oil can do. That would answer this question for the Canadian public once and for all. It seems unbelievable that we have a law in Canada that will not allow us to cure our own diseases with a natural herbal remedy.

To learn more about cannabis oil, please watch the documentary ‘Run From the Cure’

Please also see the trailer for the upcoming film ‘Crazy: A Phoenix Tears Story’

Natasha and I will be interviewing Rick Simpson on ‘The Truther Girls’ radio show on Thursday, May 17, 2012 from 2:00-3:00 pm EST. Please join us and feel free to send us your questions for Rick via the chat room, or to call in to talk to Rick himself.
Listen live to our show from 2:00-4:00 pm EST at americanfreedomradio.com
Archive: americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_12
Chat: truthergirls.chatango.com
Call-in: 218-339-8525

Second hour, Natash and I will be doing News and Commentary.

Where is Justice When Police Investigate Themselves?

Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca will be joining me today on the radio to discuss the problem of police being allowed to investigate themselves. Of the nearly 2000 cases of violence or death involving the police, which were investigated by the Ontario Police’s own ‘Special Investiagtions Unit’ between 1996 and 2006, only 38 resulted in any charges being laid. Can the police be trusted to investigate themselves?

Dan is a Canadian activist, journalist and filmmaker from Toronto. He is the producer of the films ‘United We Fall’ and ‘The Nation’s Deathbed’, and the Director/producer of ‘Into The Fire’.
Please visit his Youtube channel weavingspider and website PressForTruth.ca .

You can listen live at 3:00 pm EST on February 16, 2012 at americanfreedomradio.com
Archive: americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_12
Chat: truthergirls.chatango.com

First Hour (2:00 pm EST), I will be talking to Dr Jerry Hoover. Dr Hoover is a Naturopathic Doctor, now retired in Nicaragua, who has had decades of experience restoring to health people who suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer. We will be discussing how natural approaches differ from standard medicine and why they are successful in reversing conditions that are considered incurable by the mainstream medical establishment.
Please visit Dr Hoover’s website, naturalcancercure, where you can download his free e-book.
One of the topics we will address today is the role of sunlight in human health. We have all heard that sun exposure makes our bodies produce Vitamin D, which lowers our overall risk of cancer and improves our general health, but too much sun is known to age or burn the skin and raise the risk of skin cancer. So, how much sun we need and how should we go about exposing ourselves to it safely?
Listen in at 2:00 pm EST for the answer to this questiion and much more.

Medical Cannabis with Dr Robert Melamede

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to Dr. Robert Melamede, Professor of Biology at the University of Colorado, about the medical uses of cannabis and how the body’s Endo-Cannabinoid system (and plant based Cannabinoids as suppliment) kills cancer cells and inhibits tumor growth. Robert is a tenured professor and former chairman of the biology department at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (use CCS), as well as chairman of and president of a publicly traded company CBIS on the NASDAQ bulletin board Cannabis Science. he was also a founding member of the Vermont grassroots party and ran for U.S. Senate in 1994, Congress in 1996, and again for Senate in 1998.

Please visit the following websites for more information:

Dr Melamede’s Youtube channel is http://youtube.com/doctorbobcannabuzz

Listen in live at 3:00pm EST at americanfreedomradio.com
download the archive at americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11
chat room: truthergirls.chatango.com
call-in: 402-237-2525

H2O2 Cancer Protocol

I have decided to put all the information I have on alternative cancer protocols here on the blog. Disclaimer: this is for information purposes ONLY. I have absolutely no proof that the following will cure cancer or that is even safe to do. I am not recommending that anyone do this. If you have cancer, please talk to your health practitioner about treatment options.
As for my personal experience with this protocol, my mother used it last year. She was at first told she had what was suspected to be an angiosarcoma tumor in her breast. She followed the protocol and the only negative effect she reported was diarrhea. When she went in for surgery, a 4-inch tumor was removed, but it was completely calcified and was graded Stage0 or ‘carcinoma in situ’. In my opinion, there is no way she ever had angiosarcoma, but only carcinoma in situ. In any case, she did this protocol with only minor side effects. Here is the protocol:

“A lot of health food stores now sell a product called “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.” There is a forty day way to get rid of tumors using only that product.

-Use a dropper to put 15 drops of “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide” into a full cup of water. Because water is H2O and hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, you don’t even need to mix it; it mixes immediately, diluting immediately after you put the drops into the water. So for the first three days, you have fifteen drops of it in water along with your breakfast. That’s 15 drops in water with breakfast, NONE with lunch, NONE with supper.

-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 7-TO-14
-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, ten drops in a cup of water with lunch, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 15-TO-20
-17 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 17 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 17 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 20-TO-30
-25 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 25 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 25 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 30-TO-40
-15 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 15 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 15 drops in a cup of water with supper.

You may experience brief dizzy spells on days 7, 15, and 20. This is normal. The dizzy spells will not last more than ten seconds, and you will not have more than one of them in a day. That’s like thirty seconds of dizziness in the whole 40 days. Between days 15-to-30, all of the tumors will be shrinking and dying. By day 40, your body will be completely cleansed of tumors. A catscan will reveal no tumors and the doctor will say it’s a miracle. But it’s really just the proper application of “oxygen therapy” via the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.

The tumors will be gone from your body, and you won’t have cancer. But it’s really just a recess from cancer. The cancer will return in 1-to-5 years unless you solve the underlying issues which caused it, which are usually related to stress and/or nutrition. You CAN do this hydrogen peroxide protocol again when it returns, and then you’ll have another 1-to-5 year recess from cancer during which again to try to solve the stress and/or nutrition issues which caused it. But if within the 1-to-5 years you successfully solve the underlying stress and/or nutrition problems which caused the cancer, the cancer will not return.

The fact that pH level 7.88 is the exact specific pH level that kills tumors does not appear in any books yet. The information was extracted from a very close friend of a successful cancer doctor.

It is days 15-to-30 when your pH will be at the appropriate level. Days 30-to-40 are just to make sure all the tumors are gone.”

Essiac Recipe

I am putting this here in case it becomes difficult to find on the Internet at some point. This is the recipe and dosage directions for Essiac tea. This originally came from curezone.com. Please go to that website to find out more about the origins, uses and history of Essiac tea.

“Snow gives complete instructions for preparing the brew. One thoroughly mixes these dry ingredients in a bowl, then pours the dry mixture into a wide-mouth glass jar and shakes well. One mixes 1 1/2 quarts of distilled water to every ounce of the dry mixture and boils it up in a stainless steel, lidded pot. After boiling hard for 10 minutes, turn off the heat, says Snow, scrape down the sides of the pot, and stir well. The pot then sits for 10-12 hours. To preserve a supply, one must sterilize the implements and reheat the liquid until it is steaming hot, but not boiling. One strains the mixture and puts it in bottles. The caps of the bottle are tightened and then and set aside to cool. Once the bottles are opened, they should be refrigerated, but not frozen.

It is important to question the source and authenticity of the herbs. For example, there are over 100 species of “sorrel” but it is important to make sure one is getting real sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and not some substitute, such as ordinary garden sorrel (Rumex acetosa).

The final product looks somewhat like apple cider or light honey and has a mild, earthy aroma and a flavor that some patients refer to as “punk”—a little like dry, decayed wood. To use, Snow says one should:

Shake the bottle gently to mix any settled sediment.
Take 1 oz. of the decoction in 2 oz. of hot water on an empty stomach, 2 to 3 hours after supper each night.
Refrain from food or drink for 1 hour after taking it.
Allow at least 3 hrs. to elapse between using Essiac and any prescription drug or treatment.

Some patients complain of nausea and/or indigestion after taking Essiac, says Snow. This may be because they take it on a full stomach. Large doses of burdock root tea have also been found toxic in certain cases. For more information, see the article on Essiac in Cancer Therapy as well as Snow.

13 (measuring cup) ozs. burdock root (Arctium lappa), cut into small pieces;
4 oz. (scale weight) powdered sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella) herb;
1 oz. (scale weight) powdered slippery elm (Ulmus fulva) inner bark;
1/4 oz. (scale weight) Indian or Turkey rhubarb (Rheum officinale, Rheum palmatum) root.”

The Smoking Gun for Big Tobacco

I did some research a while back and found that lung cancer deaths at the turn of the 20th century, when virtually all the men smoked, were about 1 in 20 000. I’m sure some skeptics would say that’s probably because people didn’t live long enough to get lung cancer, but that’s not quite true. Child mortality was high, but if you survived to your twenties, your life expectancy was fairly close to what it is today- maybe 10 years less, but long enough for you to have the possibility of getting lung cancer. Yet, it was extremely rare. As a tangent, I have read that at that time about 25% of deaths were caused by tuberculosis, which makes me have to sarcastically ask how we ever brought those figures down without a tuberculosis vaccine. Oh yes, there was a vaccine- but it was discontinued because it was found to be useless. They still use it anyway, but not in North America. And oddly, the places that have the highest rates of TB have the highest rates of TB vaccination. But like I said, this is a tangent.

I suppose the skeptics would also doubt that the amazonians who smoke so much get old enough to die of lung cancer either, but even if their life expectancy is shorter, some of those who live to a ripe old age should at least get lung cancer, but they don’t. Same turned out to be true for the indigenous people of Papua, New Guinea.

What I found was that lung cancer did not rise in tandem with smoking rates, but with the introduction of phosphate fertilizers, made from apatite rock and containing the radioactive element Polonium. Since Polonium bio-accumulates, tobacco crops over the years have produced yields containing more and more of this carcinogenic crap. This is known to be a fact, and yet you will never hear about it. So it makes me kind of sick, so to speak, when the government comes out with their anti-smoking laws and mandatory nauseating pictures on cigarette packs and does nothing to outlaw radioactive, carcinogenic phosphate fertilizer. Given our corporation-run system, this is not all that surprising as growing the plants without this product results in about 30% decrease in crop yields. Once again, profits win out over public interest.

And then, after spending so much money on enforcing smoking laws and funding anti-smoking health warning campaigns, the government decides to put carpet glue in the cigarette papers- to protect you from house fires! I’m pretty sure far more people die from cigarette-induced cancer than from house fires. But then again, as a recent study funded by the tobacco industry discovered, smoking deaths are good for the economy. So let those bastards smoke carpet glue while you’re at it and speed up the economic recovery!

What was especially unfortunate was Barb Tarbox, the poster child for cigarette-induced lung cancer, going around to schools freaking the kids out showing them her bald head and blaming herself for being the ‘world’s biggest idiot’ smoking two packs a day. Yes, she had been warned, cigarettes do cause cancer, and smoking two packs a day is a bit excessive (you have to wonder how someone even finds the time for it), and it’s good to make the kids not want to smoke. But in the end, wouldn’t it have done us all a greater service if Barb had used her public voice to call the tobacco companies and the government out on what they were really doing that was making people sick: not selling tobacco, but selling highly adulterated tobacco?

It seems to me that God makes it pretty clear to us which plants are good for us and which ones are not: those that are not immediately make us sick upon ingestion. This is logical in order for a caveman to survive. God wouldn’t put things around that would be ok to ingest for a while and then strike you with a horrible disease to make you die a slow death- that would be a bit of a mean trick.

So, as someone who believes in God and the perfection of his creation, I find it annoying that everyone is on the bandwagon to demonize the tobacco plant. What we need are regulatory bodies that are not run by people who serve corporations- or the Devil, for that matter, with the two usually going hand-in-hand anyway. Big Tobacco, not the tobacco plant, is the killer.

Below is a fascinating discussion with David Wolfe on smoking various herbs, including tobacco.
I was thinking of it today because I found a local shop that sells all these unusual herbs like mullein, mugwort, yerba santa, and sage. I am going to try smoking some of them and I’ll let you know what happens. If I post a video about it, it means I didn’t die and it’s probably safe enough for you to try it.