Tag Archives: natural


SUPERBUG THBA new mutated bacteria which is being called a ‘nighmare superbug’ is rising out of Illinois. Who is at risk and what can we do to protect ourselves?

As pharmaceutical options run out, we may have to look more and more to natural solutions.

CRE is a bacteria that normally lives in the gut but can cause life-threatening infections when introduced into other parts of the body via medical interventions. What’s worse is, a new mutation of it is proving to be resistant to even the strongest antibiotics. And infections continue to rise as hospitals struggle to decontaminate equipment.

Other hospital-acquired infections like C. difficile cause thousands of deaths a year in the US and Canada in people whose immune systems have been thrown out of balance by antibiotics. In the case of C. difficile, it was discovered that the high-potency probiotic can be used to restore gut flora and improve survival rates.


List of GMO-Free Foods

If you are trying to avoid GMO foods, you here is a list for you of some GMO-free foods:

Arrowhead Mills: GMO-free providers of baking mixes and flours found in both natural health food stores and regular supermarkets.

Eden Foods: GMO-free providers of canned goods, noodles, tamari, miso, vinegar and Asian foodstuffs.

Natural Choice Foods: GMO-free roviders of frozen dessert products.

Purity Foods: GMO-free makers of spelt-based noodles, snacks and other goodies.

Rapunzel: My all-time favorite chocolate company. They also sell speciality oils.

Spectrum Oils: GMO-free manufacturer of speciality oils, cooking oils, salad oils and natural shortening.

Genisoy: Uses only certified GMO-free soybeans for their many soy products.

Earth’s Best: Baby food manufacturer uses non-GMO ingredients.

Healthy Times: Baby food manufacturer uses non-gmo ingredients.

Bob’s Red Mill: GMO-free provider of baking mixes and specialty flours.

Pamela’s Products: Provider of luscious gluten-free baking mixes sources non-GMO ingredients.

Cascadian Farms: Provider of frozen entrees, juices, frozen vegetables and fruit, yogurt and other foods.

Imagine Foods: GMO-free provider of soy and rice milk as well as broth and other foods.

Thai Kitchen: Source for coconut milks and Asian ingredients sources gmo-free ingredients.

Amy’s Kitchen: GMO-free source of canned soups, chilies, boxed and frozen meals.

Nature’s Path: Manufacturer of cereals and snack bars made with ingredients sourced gmo-free.

Annie’s Naturals: Manufacturer of BBQ sauce, salad dressings and other condiments sourced from gmo-free ingredients.

San J: GMO-free manufacturer of soy sauce, shoyu and tamari.

Tradition Miso: Manufacturer of miso pastes that are made from GMO-free ingredients.

Barbara’s Bakery: Manufacturer of cookies sources from gmo-free ingredients.

Lundberg Family Farms: GMO-free provider of rice and wild rice foods including raw rice, soups and convenience foods.

Walkers: Provider of the best shortbread cookies ever as well as other sweet treats.

Fantastic Foods: Provider of hummus, falafel, risotto couscous, soup and other mixes with gmo-free ingredients.

Vitasoy: Manufacturer of soy-based foods sourced from gmo-free ingredients.

Clif: Manufacturer of energy bars sourced from gmo-free foods.

Kettle Chips: GMO-free manufacturer of potato and tortilla chips.

Que Pasa: Manufacturer of tortilla chips and other Mexican foods sourced from non-gmo ingredients.

Garden of Eatin: Manufacturer of chips, salsas and other snack foods.

French Meadow Bakery: Manufacturer of bread and baked goods using non-gmo ingredients.

White Wave: Manufacturer of soy products including tofu and tempeh using gmo-free soy.

Bearitos: Manufacturer of snack foods and dips using gmo-free foods.

Chaffin Family Orchards: Is committed to GMO-free foods and sells an assortment of goods including olive oil.

Cultures for Health: All starters and products sold at Cultures for Health are GMO-free.

Grindstone Bakery: GMO-free provider of wheat- and gluten-free bread.

Pure Indian Foods: GMO-free provider of grass-fed ghee.

To Your Health: Provider of gmo-free sprouted breads and sprouted flours.

US Wellness Meats: Provider of pasture- and grass-fed meats free of GMO supplemental feed.

Zukay: Provider of live cultured condiments and salsa free from GMO.

Wisconsin Healthy Grown Potatoes: GMO-free potatoes.

Thanks to Natasha Myers-Holcomb for providing me with this list, which she got it from Barbara Eis.

Where is Justice When Police Investigate Themselves?

Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca will be joining me today on the radio to discuss the problem of police being allowed to investigate themselves. Of the nearly 2000 cases of violence or death involving the police, which were investigated by the Ontario Police’s own ‘Special Investiagtions Unit’ between 1996 and 2006, only 38 resulted in any charges being laid. Can the police be trusted to investigate themselves?

Dan is a Canadian activist, journalist and filmmaker from Toronto. He is the producer of the films ‘United We Fall’ and ‘The Nation’s Deathbed’, and the Director/producer of ‘Into The Fire’.
Please visit his Youtube channel weavingspider and website PressForTruth.ca .

You can listen live at 3:00 pm EST on February 16, 2012 at americanfreedomradio.com
Archive: americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_12
Chat: truthergirls.chatango.com

First Hour (2:00 pm EST), I will be talking to Dr Jerry Hoover. Dr Hoover is a Naturopathic Doctor, now retired in Nicaragua, who has had decades of experience restoring to health people who suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer. We will be discussing how natural approaches differ from standard medicine and why they are successful in reversing conditions that are considered incurable by the mainstream medical establishment.
Please visit Dr Hoover’s website, naturalcancercure, where you can download his free e-book.
One of the topics we will address today is the role of sunlight in human health. We have all heard that sun exposure makes our bodies produce Vitamin D, which lowers our overall risk of cancer and improves our general health, but too much sun is known to age or burn the skin and raise the risk of skin cancer. So, how much sun we need and how should we go about exposing ourselves to it safely?
Listen in at 2:00 pm EST for the answer to this questiion and much more.

Restoring Vision Naturally: My Story

A couple of years ago, I posted a video called ‘Opticians Hate This Video’ which was about how glasses for myopia weaken your vision and that poor vision can be corrected with exercises. Due to popular demand, I am going to do a follow-up video. But in the meantime, I will tell you my story here.

I have had glasses for myopia since I was nine years old. After getting my first pair with a -0.50 Rx, my eyesight deteriorated over the next few years, until I eventually ended up with a prescription of -5.00 in my right eye and -4.75 in my left. I also had an astigmatism Rx and in my twenties I was given a prism in my left lens because my left eye had developed strabismus and was turning outward.

A few months after I had my son in 2007, I decided to get new glasses and chose plastic frames for the first time, on the advice of a stylish friend. I wore them for a while, but after a few months, I noticed that my eyes were hurting me a lot and it seemed to have something to do with the glasses. So, I started to leave my glasses off more and more often to ‘give my eyes a rest’. Eventually, it got ot the point where I could barely tolerate the glasses at all, so I went back to the optometrist. They said that my Rx had changed: it was lower now. They gave me a -4.75 Rx and I thought this would solve the problem, but still my eyes continued to hurt. So I went back, after again mostly not wearing my glasses for about a month, and they gave me -4.5. I went back a week later because they still hurt. I had heard the optometrist say my eyes were 4.25, so I figured the problem was that they had over-corrected. They explained that they liked to give a slightly stronger prescription to give me better even better vision, but sent me home with a -4.25 as requested. Still, the problem was not solved and I returned again. I asked if maybe the lenses were misaligned, but they assured me they were not. They thought maybe I had become diabetic as a result of my pregnancy, so I had a test, but I was not diabetic. Then the optometrist said the problem must be that my close-up vision was deteriorating with age (although I was only 38) and the solution would be progressive lenses. I got those, but they made things worse, so I got regular glasses again. You can imagine how much all this was costing me! Because of the constant pain, and since I was starting to think there was something wrong with the glasses industry, I started looking into eye exercises, to see if that would help. I found out that not only would they help eye strain, but they could also improve my vision. I started doing some exercises that I learned online and also bought a book on the Bates method. Before finding this information, I had taken to rolling my eyes around in various ways to relieve the strain, not realizing that this could actually be helpful to my vision.

At this point, seeing that my myopia prescription kept going down, I also asked the optometrist if they could just give me weaker lenses, but they would not do that. So after a while, I found another optometrist who would do this, and I got lenses that were two diopters weaker than what I supposedly needed. This doctor also noticed that my Rx was now -4.00, and tht I no longer needed a prism and my astigmatism was a lot lower than it had been. Thinking that the eye strain might be from not being able to tolerate the astigmatism prescription, he made me some lenses without it. By this time, I had been doing the exercises for a couple of months. It seemed to me that they must be working, since I no longer needed the prism, and I thought they might have helped with the myopia and astigmatism as well.

So, I wore the weaker lenses, although I left them off a lot because they still hurt. I figured this obviously could not be because of an overly strong prescription, or astigmatism correction, and I felt a bit despondent that I would never again be able to wear glasses comfortably. I thought maybe my eyes really were deteriorating because of age, and couldn’t accommodate to the lenses anymore. Still, I kept doing the exercises. About a six months of so later. I went to get some new glasses because my frames were getting old, and it turned out that my Rx had gone down to -2.75 and -3.00. I got a new pair with my ‘ideal ‘ prescription, but they hurt like hell, so I also got a cheap lens in one of my old pairs, with 1 diopter less than I needed, and no astigmatism correction. When I told them I still had pain with my newest pair, they said that might be because of the plastic frames, in which the lenses are flatter, which puts more strain on the eyes. And the fact that my frames were a bit too large for my face would have made this worse. So that was what it was! The plastic frames! That made sense, and I was amazed that no-one else had mentioned it to me, as I went through all this trouble for the past year and a half. i continued to wear plastic frames, but smaller ones and with a minimal prescription as described above, and these cause only occasional, minimal discomfort. If they bother me, I still take them off, but it doesn’t happen as often as it used to.

So, it was the plastic lenses that had been the culprit, and they had led me to go without my glasses and take up doing eye exercises, and the result was that my myopia prescription went down by two diopters, my astigmatism prescription went down to almost nothing, and I no longer needed a prism. Of course, I can’t prove that this is exactly what happened, but it sure looks like it to me.

I still wear glasses. Partly, I lost motivation to do the exercises when I finally got a pair that I could tolerate. And partly, I like my glasses as a fashion accessory. But I am happy with the improvement in my eyesight and I believe that I could make further progress if I went bakc to using the techniques that had apparently worked for me in the past.

There has been an ‘explosion of myopia’ in North America over the few decades. It used to be that only a few children and young people in a thousand were myopic, but by 1969, this figure had gone up to 10%. According to Joseph J. Kennebeck, OD, this can be attributed to excessively straining the eyes with too much close-up work and TV viewing, and the use of myopia prescription lenses, which weaken the eyes over time.

Many people have used exercises such as the Bates Method to improve their vision. You can learn about some Bates exercises here on their website seeing.org/techniques/index.html There are also many videos on Youtube about using eye exercises to restore your vision.

Certain exercises are particularly helpful for specific problems, such as crossing the eyes to correct strabismus. Your vision is also a reflection of your spiritual and psychological state, and these states can be improved as you improve your eyesight. Please watch this interesting video on Vision Therapy.

Disclaimer: the content of this article is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice.

Lose Weight and Feel Great in 2012 with Natural Neda

“The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has their own nutritional needs. So, when the experts say, “dairy is good for you” or “fat is unhealthy,” it’s too much of a generalization. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets don’t work in the long run. I look at how you live your life and teach you how to listen to your body’s wisdom. You will never have to go on another diet again.” -Neda Smith

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to Neda Smith, a wholistic nutritionist who specializes in metabolic typing and who is now launching her new web-based program “30 Days to Lose Weight and Feel Great” . The whole program is done via webinar and phone so you do not have to live nearby, or find a babysitter or drive anywhere. If you can not make the sessions Live, they will ALL be recorded so you can listen to them at your convinience. This is for the person who is just sick of trying to lose weight and is ready to commit to making changes in their lives. It is not a FAD diet, it is a whole food diet based on your metabolic type. There will be some restrictions but there will be lots of great foods to eat and enjoy, for which your fad-dieting friends will envy you. Do the program with a friend and start feeling great about yourself!

Visit Neda’s website at naturalneda.com

Listen live today at 2:00pm EST on americanfreedomradio.com
Download the archive at americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11
Chat room : truthergirls.chatango.com
Caller line: 281-339-8525
Feel free to call in with your questions for Neda or send them to me via the chatroom.

Kangen: Water as Medicine

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to Ocean, molecular hydration specialist, about Kangen water.Unlike other waters, Kangen is ionized, alkalized, and molecularly structured so that it has medicinal properties. It is the original medicinal water made by Enagic in Japan, where it has been used for over 37 years in hospitals and clinics with proven results. It is researched and approved by an eminent non-profit organization of over 6500 group of independent Japanese doctors that approve only one technology per year and Enagic is consistently picked as the top of the ionized water machine on the market for support good adult health. There have been other doctors who who have studied this water for years, and are daily finding new information about its uses and viability in assisting health.

Ocean has studied and followed experienced experts in the field of hydration for several years, such as Horst Feltzer, vascular surgeon and developer of the stent, and Hiromi Shinya, co-inventer of the colonoscopy who has done over 300,000 exams of digestive systems and specifically colon health. Both these world renowned doctors heartily approve of Kangen water as a viable element for good health. Ocean has also studied the work of many more doctors, scientist and researchers in their work on the importance of proper hydration, alkalizing foods and liquids that support good health. Their research has revealed many breakthrough findings and dramatic personal health testimonies that show there is overwhelming evidence of the power of Kangen water.

Of his own life experience, Ocean says, “Like many younger Americans I was hooked on the “meat and potatoes type diet”, with a constant yearning for better health practices through my mid life. When I finally reached the age of 60 I felt that I needed to seriously take time to study and research how to take better care of my health, as I saw the beginning signs of my own body declining. I also saw my mother quickly die of advanced stages of acidic poisoning because of massive amounts of prescription drugs, poor water, non-nutritive foods and lack of exercise. She died this year of complications of a lifetime of over acidity and lack of oxygen to her tissues and systems. Please look into what the Nobel prize winning research from Otto Warburg shows about acidity and oxygenation in diseased cells, how it is formed and it produces ill health.

Having accumulated much information on health over the years, I was then introduced to Kangen water by a good friend and this key element changed my life profoundly. My website TheWaterOf Champions.com has videos, links and an ebook that shows why this water has properties that are not found in regular water. Most people assume ordinary water to be health-giving when, in fact, most water is highly toxic to our body and causes more stress and difficulties than it helps support.

For more information please contact me at ocean@thewaterofchampions.com, get a ebook, check out the sources about the Enagic machine on YouTube. If you want to wade through the piles of B.S. about the controversy about ionized and alkaline water, please be aware that anyone can make statements for or against any topic. Enagic and Kangen water have the history and endorsement that has stood the test of time.

Much appreciation to all of the people that have gone before me, researched diligently and have witnessed personally the benefits of this water.”

To listen in live at 2:00 pm EST, November 15, 2011 : americanfreedomradio.com
Archive: americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11
Chat room: truthergirls.chatango.com
Caller line: 402-237-2525

H2O2 Cancer Protocol

I have decided to put all the information I have on alternative cancer protocols here on the blog. Disclaimer: this is for information purposes ONLY. I have absolutely no proof that the following will cure cancer or that is even safe to do. I am not recommending that anyone do this. If you have cancer, please talk to your health practitioner about treatment options.
As for my personal experience with this protocol, my mother used it last year. She was at first told she had what was suspected to be an angiosarcoma tumor in her breast. She followed the protocol and the only negative effect she reported was diarrhea. When she went in for surgery, a 4-inch tumor was removed, but it was completely calcified and was graded Stage0 or ‘carcinoma in situ’. In my opinion, there is no way she ever had angiosarcoma, but only carcinoma in situ. In any case, she did this protocol with only minor side effects. Here is the protocol:

“A lot of health food stores now sell a product called “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.” There is a forty day way to get rid of tumors using only that product.

-Use a dropper to put 15 drops of “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide” into a full cup of water. Because water is H2O and hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, you don’t even need to mix it; it mixes immediately, diluting immediately after you put the drops into the water. So for the first three days, you have fifteen drops of it in water along with your breakfast. That’s 15 drops in water with breakfast, NONE with lunch, NONE with supper.

-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 7-TO-14
-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, ten drops in a cup of water with lunch, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 15-TO-20
-17 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 17 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 17 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 20-TO-30
-25 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 25 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 25 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 30-TO-40
-15 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 15 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 15 drops in a cup of water with supper.

You may experience brief dizzy spells on days 7, 15, and 20. This is normal. The dizzy spells will not last more than ten seconds, and you will not have more than one of them in a day. That’s like thirty seconds of dizziness in the whole 40 days. Between days 15-to-30, all of the tumors will be shrinking and dying. By day 40, your body will be completely cleansed of tumors. A catscan will reveal no tumors and the doctor will say it’s a miracle. But it’s really just the proper application of “oxygen therapy” via the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.

The tumors will be gone from your body, and you won’t have cancer. But it’s really just a recess from cancer. The cancer will return in 1-to-5 years unless you solve the underlying issues which caused it, which are usually related to stress and/or nutrition. You CAN do this hydrogen peroxide protocol again when it returns, and then you’ll have another 1-to-5 year recess from cancer during which again to try to solve the stress and/or nutrition issues which caused it. But if within the 1-to-5 years you successfully solve the underlying stress and/or nutrition problems which caused the cancer, the cancer will not return.

The fact that pH level 7.88 is the exact specific pH level that kills tumors does not appear in any books yet. The information was extracted from a very close friend of a successful cancer doctor.

It is days 15-to-30 when your pH will be at the appropriate level. Days 30-to-40 are just to make sure all the tumors are gone.”

Healing Tooth Decay: Making the Price Diet Work for You

Today on The Truther Girls, Ramiel Nagel, author of ‘Cure Tooth Decay’ returns to help teach us how to make the Weston A. Price diet work for us, despite our limited access to whole, natural foods.
I have been trying to follow this diet for the last couple of months, and because I have very limited access to some of the staples of the diet, I found that it was difficult and stressful to follow it. A lot of times, i would end up just not eating very much and feeling hungry and irritable. Disheartened, I told Ramiel about this, who gave me some good news: even if you can’t get everything in the diet and follow it perfectly, you have quite a lot of leeway and can make it work even within some constraints.
So today, we are going to talk about some of the difficulties with the diet and how to work around them. If you have been following the diet and having trouble with it, this information may be very useful to you.

Ramiel’s website where you can buy his book ‘Cure Tooth Decay’ is curetoothdecay.com

He will be on with me from 2:00-3:00pm EST. You can listen live at americanfreedomraido.com or download the archive from americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11

Chat room is truthergirls.chatango.com
Call-in number if you would like to speak to Ramiel is 402-237-2525

Second hour, will e News and Commentary with Sonia.

Ageless Forever with Ellie Schirra

My guest today will be self-esteem and anti-aging coach Ellie Schirra.
Ellie is a photographer, model and actress, who specializes in helping women and at-risk teens raise their self-esteem and empower themselves. She created the You Are Special program, which later became part of the Girl Scout curriculum, and also owned and ran the Wings Retreat in Evergreen, Colorado.

Ellie is now creating a website called myagelessforever.com, which will be geared to helping people of all ages understand that everything you put into your body, mind and spirit will either age you or keep you young forever. At seventy years old, Ellie herself is proof that this philosophy works!


Listen live at 2:00 pm EST today at http://americanfreedomradio.com
or download the archived show at http://americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11

Until Ellie’s website is up and running, you can learn more about her philosophy and techniques for remaining Ageless Forever at her youtube channel

Questions for Ellie can be sent via the chat room during the show at http://truthergirls.chatango.com
or you can call in at 402-237-2525

Black Salve Cancer Treatment

I just received the following testimonial from a woman who used black salve to draw out part of a breast cancer tumor. This is an old treatment that is used for drawing out anything from an ingrown toenail to a splinter, but some people have used it to remove a skin cancer growth, or even a breast tumor as you will see.

“Yes I have cancer – but I was diagnosed 2yrs ago (september 2009) and told that if I didnt have ‘treatment’ immediately I would die.
Well – I’m still here – and healthier than I’ve been for a long time lol.
My lump also hasn’t got any bigger for the whole time I’ve been using alternative treatment. (it initially got much bigger after they did the biopsy though and thats when it began to get painful)
Tried a few different alternative treatments so far including amygdalyn (laetrile).
One of the most effective, visual ones (one I could see physically working) was black salve – I managed to extract part of my tumour out through my skin (its usually recommended more for skin cancer) – but omg its so painful – I wouldn’t recommend anyone try it without having some morphine on hand. Unfortunately it was a waste of time even asking my doctor for some because our laws prevent my doctor helping me in any way to overcome cancer using alternative therapies. (research the cancer act of 1939 -uk)
I know the black salve sounds ridiculous and if I hadn’t experienced it for myself I wouldn’t have believed it, but I found out that it was widely used many years ago for the treatment of cancer. From what I’ve seen, I’d say its probably very similar to the Hoxsey treatment. I found this online – an original book from when they used to use it in clinics:
I’ve also recently discovered another treatment called protocell that I’m looking forward to trying. I think I’ll know within a few months if this is going to be the right one for me. Sometimes I think certain things work for some and other things for others.
The black salve however, works – FULL STOP. (research it, youll be amazed)
Here’s a couple of examples: http://www.altcancer.com/products/testimonials


Of course you’ll find quackwatch telling that it doesn’t work and that it burns your skin but its not true – I’m living proof of that. Before I used it, I tried it on a bit of healthy skin for a day or so and NOTHING HAPPENED. That says it all.
I had to persist with the salve where my tumour is, and I think I had success because my tumour is actually attached to the underside of my skin and that’s why after a few applications it came into contact.
I can’t tell you how painful it was though once it started killing the cancer. I haven’t been brave enough to try it on the rest although I know for sure that if I were in a life/death situation I could get rid of it that way.

It’s yet another example of a cure that cant be patented so they’ll do their utmost to ban it. It’s actually been banned now for use in humans but not for use on animals so many sites have to sell it under the guise of it being for someones pet.
You also know its not a scam when these people actually tell you how to make it. Problem is, the herbs used to make it have been banned in our country so not much chance of that. (the only chemical in it is DMSO which is used as a ‘carrier’ to help it penetrate through the skin)
All I can say is it works – and my family know it works so they now no longer worry about most cancers.” -Michele

Here are two recipes for black salve. The person who sent me the above testimonial says some of the ingredients are illegal in the USA. I am not giving medical advice or recommending for anyone to use this, I am just putting this here for my own and other people’s information. The recipes below are from http://www.quantumbalancing.com/blacksalve.htm
I am mirroring it because it is not uncommon for sites disseminating information on natural remedies, especially ones for cancer, to get suddenly shut down or censored.

Cansema Black Salve Recipe #1
One tablespoon each of powdered bloodroot and polk root
1 tablespoon zinc chloride
DMSO (5 drops per 4 ounces of salve)
One tablespoon Charcoal (optional)
Vitamin A, 10,000 IU (more vitamin A can be added up to 200,000 IU.
Pine tar (one teaspoon to one tablespoon)
Pascalite clay
Dissolve the zinc chloride in one to two tablespoons of warm distilled water. Use only enough water to dissolve. Set aside. (Be careful with this, do not get it directly on skin and keep locked from children), and do not breathe fumes.
Mix bloodroot, charcoal and polk root in a separate container with a little cooking oil, just enough to cover the herbs, mix well. Carefully add the zinc chloride and water mixture, stirring well. Gently heat the mixture in double boiler, stirring constantly for 30 minuets Remove from heat, stir well, let cool, add DMSO.
Next, mix one teaspoon to one tablespoon at a time of the Mennonite clay to the bloodroot mixture until you have a smooth, thick paste that is easily spreadable. Do not put too much of the clay into the mixture or it will be lumpy. If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of oil or water to thin. If too thin, add a small amount more of the clay. The clay is important in this recipe since it helps to draw out impurities from the skin. If you do not have clay and need to make the paste right away, it can be thickened with flour.
You will only need to apply this paste once. Apply to the cancer, cover with gauze and tape (band aids will not work), leave undisturbed for 12 hours. At the end of 12 hours, wash area with soap and water, and then clean with hydrogen peroxide. This can be applied every 2-3 days if you feel you need to, usually one application is all that is needed for very small cancers. The cancer will drop off by itself in one to five weeks. Your may have pain, fever, stinging, intense itching or burning; this is normal. You can apply some chickweed salve to the area for the itching, but do not use anything else such as healing salves. Healing salves will heal up the area before it has time to kill the cancer.
Cansema Black Salve Recipe #2

Cansema is a natural skin cancer treatment. The active ingredients of Cansema are Zinc, bloodroot, and chaparral. It can be ordered from Alpha Omega Labs in the Bahamas. There is a Recipe available.

This is a recipe for a black paste very similar to the Cansema. But this is a preferred paste for melanoma and all suspect skin cancer like lesions. This paste also has worked well for all manner of cancers provided that they have become exposed to or close to the surface of the skin.

1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
1/2 cup Zinc Chloride, crystals or liquid
1/2 cup common white flour
1 1/2 cup warm water
100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)

Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the water. Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then stir in the other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook for thirty minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application is much the same as Cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste over the affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the covering but do not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the cancer out at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some people with sensitive skin put Vaseline around the cancer so that the paste does not irritate the skin.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post is for information purposes and should not be construed as medical advice.