Category Archives: metaphysics

Activate Your Transformation

psychedelic Tonight on TrutherGirls Radio, my guest is Sage,Transformational Facilitator & Transitional Manager aka (Man-in-Jah)

Assisting Jedi’s become Jedi Knights. Helping you re-member what you already know and activate in you what has been dormant. Through a specific assessment and communication style that starts from go and funnels down to a bottom line, Sage is able to personalize and customize a de-programing and rewiring experience for the individual’s mind, body, & soul aspects. Sage’s unique listening style allows him to hear what your soul is saying and which parts the ego controls. By holding you accountable to your higher self, this can lead you to clearer conscious choices. Like a conductor of an orchestra that brings attention to the moment and fine tunes as the performance is happening from a unique position of the whole, holding the harmonic balance and frequency.
Our shadow-self can rule us by using fear and confusion against ourselves, which are energies of darkness. Darkness has been defined as an absence of light; and by filling in the void of darkness with light, a personal freedom is realized. Like the great messenger Bob Marley sang “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, nobody but you can free your mind”… As facilitator, Sage is able to hold more light with a very neutral and universal position through the individual’s process or situation, helping make sense of any confusion and extinguishing the illusion. This can provide more clarity for the individual to make empowered decisions for oneself. Sage is able to assist in quantumly speeding up the processing of emotions and slaying the personal demons that keep us from realizing our self. Allowing you to be more productive towards your mission and stand more comfortably in your ‘I AM’ and your ‘WE ARE’…One.
End results may be contagious and spread. Increased levels of enthusiasm and clarity about self and life…

Listen live from 10:00- 11:00 pm EST at
Live Chat:

Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /
Call in : 218-339-8525

Healing Your Energy Meridians with Biofield Therapy

psychedelicTonight on Truther Girls radio first hour, 10:00-11:00 pm EST, I will be joined by Jeanine, who is a certified Nutritionist and Health Educator specializing in biofield therapy. We will be talking about energy blockages on your body’s meridians and will be addressing questions such as:

– What are Chi and energy meridians?
– How do scars, injuries and even tattoos interfere with them?
– How does this lead to disease?
– How can acupuncture, mud packs, magnetic clays, castor oil packs and nutrition re-establish the free flow of Chi across these meridians?

Listen live from 10:00- 11:00 pm EST at
Live Chat:
Call in : 218-339-8525

Accused Criminal Becomes First Jesuit Pope

ITCCSSecond hour my guest will be Kevin Annett from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
The ITCCS is a common law de jure court made up of ordinary citizens, and which has the backing of a Belgian court, and has issued arrest warrants for former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, the Queen of England , and several others including now the new Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio for their roles in crimes against humanity. Kevin will be telling us about the new Pope Francis and his shady history and involvement in human trafficking in Argentina during the ‘Dirty War’ years of 1976-1983. He will also be giving us an update on the proceedings of the ITCCS legal procedings.

Listen live from 11:00 pm – midnight EST.

Medicine Without Medicine

How can you cure illness without any drugs, herbs or other medicine whatsoever? By our understanding, this shouldn’t be possible, and yet it apparently is.
See the video below where Gregg Braden talks about using metaphysics to eliminate health problems and how this is even being done at a hospital in Japan, with success at removing even cancerous tumors.

Please also see this interesting account of a woman, Anita Moorjani, who was completely healed of end-stage lymphoma after having a near-death experience.

One author who is known for her work on metaphysical cause of disease is Louise Hay and you can see her website at

Many websites address the topic of how your mind/soul manifests illness in your body as a result of issues that are not actually physical in nature. Here is an example of a list of connections made between illnesses and metaphysical/emotional causes.

I realize that to anyone who considers themselves a Christian, the mere mention of the word ‘pagan’ might be a turn off but I remember that the renowned pastor Cindy Jacobs stated in her book ‘Women of Destiny’ that she was healed of an ovarian or uterine growth by faith, at the altar, and that as she was healed she realized that this tumor was a manifestation of negative emotions she held on to that were associated with her relationship with her father. Christians are metaphysical beings just as anyone else, and we manifest disease in the same way as everyone else.

I don’t know whether any such list as the one above is particularly accurate. It seems to me that the best way to know what is causing your illness would be to examine yourself and your life and to consider and pray about what is making you sick and ask God to remove that from you. For example, if worry has caused you to become susceptible to colds, you could turn your worry over to God, affirming that you trust in Him and in the path He is leading you on, and that you renounce your negative thoughts and emotions that are holding you back and causing disease in your body. Let go of all negative emotions such as anger, resentments, fear, and worry. They are worse for you than GMOs and vaccines. Receive everything in your life as a gift.

Disclaimer: this is neither medical nor spiritual advice, it’s for purposes of information and discussion.

Transhumanism and the NWO Agenda

My guest today on the radio is Max Igan, author of ‘Earth’s Forbidden Secrets Part One- Searching For The Past’ and producer of the documentary film Trance-Formation on transhumanism and the NWO agenda. Our entire system, from the way we are educated to the currency system we use, is geared toward drawing us further away from our own humanity and our connection with all life around us. Transhumanism is touted as the next logical step in our evolution. But will it improve us as human beings, or will it only serve to further dehumanize and enslave us?

Max’s website is
his Youtube channel is
You can download his book here at no cost: Earth’s Forbidden Secrets

Please watch max’s film here:

Max will be joining me at 3:00 pm EST, possibly earlier. You can listen to my show today from 2:00-4:00 pm EST at
Download the archive here:
Chat room:
Chat room with video (may be open)

Reiki and Metaphysics To Heal Ourselves and The World

We tend to think of our battle against NWO tyranny as a physical one to be waged with protests, strikes and the like, but it is above all a spiritual battle and our greatest weapon is our power as spiritual and metaphysical beings. On Thursday, May 10th, Natasha and I will be joined on the radio by two people whose expertise is in this area: Joanne Basilieres, from, who is a Reiki and Yoga practitioner and teacher, and Bernard Alvarez from, who is a doctor of metaphysics.

Reiki for Healing

According to Joanne’s website: ‘Reiki (pronounced “ray-key”) is a natural, simple and safe, yet powerful holistic laying-on hands healing technique that uses spiritually guided universal energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things. It increases spiritual awareness and progress and is a means for each person to access the richness of his soul and discover his own great potential.
“REI” means universal, spirit or soul, and “KI” means the vital life force energy, which flows through all that is alive. Therefore the word Reiki refers to balanced Universal Life Force Energy. Reiki engages the “Ki,” which is our connection between mind, body and spirit.
Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs.’

Joanne performs Reiki healing as well as initiation to help others use the Universal Energy for their own healing and that of other people as well as to bring healing to situations. Her practice is based in Montreal, and you can contact her through her website for Reiki healing or initiation or for any of the other services and workshops she offers.

Join from at 2:00-3:00 pm EST to listen in on our discussion of Reiki and feel free to send us questions in the chat room or call in to talk to us live.

Bernard Alvarez and Metaphysical Healing

Bernard’s Bio:
Bernard Alvarez is the Empowerment Director for the Global Illumination Council AKA The GIC. He is an Author, Talk Show Host, Metaphysician, Truth Activist and Occupy Facilitator. His message is of balancing activism with spirituality.
The GIC Network consists of a website, You Tube Channel, GIC Radio, GICTV (Livestream channel for LIVE events), Facebook and Twitter pages. The GIC Network has over 3,000 Members worldwide and the GIC You Tube channel has had over 20 Million viewers.
Bernard is currently producing a DVD series for the GIC called “Awakening the Lightbody” that is due out in late summer. It will focus on developing a relationship with one’s own energetic body sometimes called Chi and how to improve our ability to better heal from our emotional baggage and live a proactive life.
Bernard was recently named Moderating Facilitator for the Virginia Regional General Assembly in which multiple Occupy groups will converge to better identify and collaborate on specific issues and actions around the State.
As a Radio Host, Bernard has interviewed hundreds of leaders in the Consciousness and Truth movement and has been a guest on multiple television and radio shows.
His motto is “activism without spirituality is just an angry mob”.

Join us from 3:00-4:00 pm as we discuss what metaphysics is and how we can apply metaphysics to bring healing to our lives and to the world. Chat and caller lines will also be open.

Listen live:
Chat room:
Call-in: 218-339-8525

Sevan Bomar: Time For Truthers To Emerge

Now we go all the way. Many are discussing the Matrix and how its very existence has now been confirmed as part of our reality but what is Actuality? With society experiencing dream time, astral travel, and altered states of consciousness where does it all lead? Join us for an amazing show another collaboration from The Truther Girls Sonia & Natasha and The Resistance James Bomar (Sevan) in which we spearhead the most direct subjects related to daily life, spirituality, and the occult.

Topics Discussed:
The Third Eye, what does it really do?
DMT and Ayahuasca, a good idea or bad idea for spiritual progress?
Ancient occult groups in the world, what are they up to today?
E.T. Involvement – Codename Aiwass: Nazi Germany the United States and the Venusian Affair.
Top recommendations for Deprogramming Mass Hypnosis

Show Time – April 19 2012 1:00 PM CST
Call In Number – (218) – 339 – 8525
Listen to the Live Streaming of by clicking here
The Truther Girls Chatroom can be accessed here
FYI — the show will be archived here:

Sevan is the author of ‘The Code To The Matrix’, which can be read for free on his website
He is also the host of Esoteric Radio and The 2012 Show airing Sundays at 11:00 am Central the link is