Category Archives: Globalism


SHITHOLE VIDEOWhat did Donald Trump really say, and what does this mean for America?

If you look deeper, beyond the present coverage focusing on what a horrible person Trump is for making such uncouth remarks, you will see that there is something even more sinister at play, and on a much larger scale.

More info in the video below.

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un cuts videoThe globalists are freaking out about Trump cutting funding to the UN- but what has the UN really been doing lately? Maybe it’s better for them to have their funding cut!

Check out these stories in the video below and tell me what you think.


The Truther Professor

My guest today will be Anthony Hall, professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta and author of “Earth Into Property’ on the disastrous effects of capitalism on aboriginal peoples. He is also the author of ‘The American Empire and the Fourth World’. In addition, he is a 9/11 truth seeker.
You can see Professor Hall’s bio here:
And check out his San Francisco presentation here:

Today, we will be discussing globalization, capitalism and the effects on aboriginal populations, and also touching on Dick Cheney’s decision not to speak in Toronto because of the reception citizen jurists gave him at the Vancouver Club.

Listen live at 2:00 pm EST at

Where is Justice When Police Investigate Themselves?

Dan Dicks of will be joining me today on the radio to discuss the problem of police being allowed to investigate themselves. Of the nearly 2000 cases of violence or death involving the police, which were investigated by the Ontario Police’s own ‘Special Investiagtions Unit’ between 1996 and 2006, only 38 resulted in any charges being laid. Can the police be trusted to investigate themselves?

Dan is a Canadian activist, journalist and filmmaker from Toronto. He is the producer of the films ‘United We Fall’ and ‘The Nation’s Deathbed’, and the Director/producer of ‘Into The Fire’.
Please visit his Youtube channel weavingspider and website .

You can listen live at 3:00 pm EST on February 16, 2012 at

First Hour (2:00 pm EST), I will be talking to Dr Jerry Hoover. Dr Hoover is a Naturopathic Doctor, now retired in Nicaragua, who has had decades of experience restoring to health people who suffered from chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer. We will be discussing how natural approaches differ from standard medicine and why they are successful in reversing conditions that are considered incurable by the mainstream medical establishment.
Please visit Dr Hoover’s website, naturalcancercure, where you can download his free e-book.
One of the topics we will address today is the role of sunlight in human health. We have all heard that sun exposure makes our bodies produce Vitamin D, which lowers our overall risk of cancer and improves our general health, but too much sun is known to age or burn the skin and raise the risk of skin cancer. So, how much sun we need and how should we go about exposing ourselves to it safely?
Listen in at 2:00 pm EST for the answer to this questiion and much more.

The Ron Paul Uprising and Electoral Fraud

February 2 at 3:00 pm EST, I will be talking to Debbie Lewis, writer of the film ‘The Ron Paul Uprising’ and ‘Blood of Patriots’ and co-writer of ‘Ennemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2’.
Debbie is a mother of two, concerned with the egregious nature of the current US government, looking for truth and answers and exposing what she can. Debbie has written two full-length documentaries and contributed to a third.
Ron Paul represents classic American values and calls for return to Constitutional government,less government intervention, an audit of the fed, and even the legalization of cannabis. He is very popular in the polls, yet somehow the ballots don’t reflect that popularity.

Debbie will discuss how electoral fraud seems to have been used to skew election results. Here are a few examples:
– In Iowa, the first caucus in this US elections cycle. They called the state for Romney, with Santorum second, almost a virtual tie. Ron Paul came in third, a few thousand votes shy but enough to be tied in delegates. two weeks later, the official count came in. they found that there were eight precincts missing, unaccouted for. They also found that Santorum actually won by about 34 votes, so Santorum was declared the official winner in Iowa after the official count was in. But they actually couldn’t even completely make the count official because of the eight missing precincts. What happened to these eight missing precincts?
– In New Hampshire, the second state to hold an election in this cycle, one journalist sent teams into different spots throughout the state asking for ballots for people who had died. In NH, you do not have to show ID to vote. The journalist and his team were able to show ballots for hundreds of people who had died and had not been taken off the voter rolls. This showed that anyone could go in and vote under the name of a deceased person, without having to show ID.
– The day of the South Carolina primary, which was the third state to vote in the cycle, a news report came out that the department of justice along with the state dept had figured out that there were nearly 953 votes fraudulently cast in the names of deceased persons in previous elections, and it was not known in which elections these votes had been cast.
-Stephen Spoonamore, cybersecurity expert and former CEO of Cybrinth cyber security company, stated that he considers computer voting to be a major security risk for America because of the ease with which it can be tampered with.

To hear more from Debbie on Ron Paul, his Presidential campaign and dirty dealings at the polling places, tune in on February 2, 2012 at 3:00pm EST at

Please visit Debbie and her husband William’s sites and see the trailers for their movies at:

Richard Gage And the WTC Demolition

AE911Truth Petitions Canadian Government to Investigate Scientific Evidence of WTC Demolition
Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to Richard Gage, AIA. Richard is a San Francisco Bay Area architect, a member of the American Institute of Architects, and the founding member of AE911Truth. He has been a practicing architect for over 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. Most recently he worked on the construction documents for a $400M mixed-use urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail, parking structure, and 320,000 square feet of mid-rise office space—altogether about with 1,200 tons of steel framing.

Mr. Gage became interested in researching the destruction of the WTC high-rises after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for the truth about 9/11.

Today, we will be discussing the official explanation of the WTC collapse versus the evidence that the event was a controlled demolition. We will also be talking about the new petition AE911Truth is submitting to the government of Canada, asking for a an investigation of the new scientific evidence surrounding 9/11, including the presence of explosives as discovered in the chemical residue of the WTC dust and the evidence found by AE911Truth that points to the WTC collapse as having been the result of a controlled demolition.

For more on the petition, see my previous post on my interview with 9/11 eyewitness David Long here.

You can also visit for more information.

Listen live to our interview today, January 26, 2012 at 2:00 pm EST at
download the archive at
chat room:

AE911Truth Launches New Petition to Canadian Government

Today, I will be interviewing David Long of AE911Truth, who is working on a petition asking the government of Canada to investigate the new scientific evidence surrounding 9/11. This would include the presence of explosives as discovered in the chemical residue of the WTC dust examined by Prof Niels Harrit and the evidence found by AE911Truth that points to the WTC collapse as having been the result of a controlled demolition.

David was actually himself present in NYC on 9/11 and you can see him giving his account of what he witnessed in this interview here:

The petition, which will be going to the Canadian Parliament has already been signed by 1405 Canadians. To view or sign it , go here
And also, visit for more information.

This will be the first of two interviews I will be doing on this subject this month, with the second one featuring Richard Gage of AE911Truth on January 26 at 2:00pm EST, where he will be announcing the next showing in Montreal of Experts Speak Out, the newest and best film made by AE911Truth on the events of September 11.

The showing will take place in Montreal in February, with the date and venue to be announced in the near future. People who are interested in making a difference have an opportunity to do that now with this upcoming event. Show your support by coming to the showing and learn how you can help send this message to the government of Canada by familiarizing yourself with the action plan and writing to your member of Parliament.

To listen live:

Lee Camp on ‘Occupy’; Bruce Cain on Hemp

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to activist and comedian Lee Camp about the Occupy movement, and hemp activist Bruce Cain about how the legalization of hemp could solve many of the world’s problems, from the production of fuel, textiles and paper, to feeding the world and making good medicine.

1st Hour Guest Lee Camp will be joining me today from 2:20- 3:00pm EST. Lee has toured the world as a comedian and has been thoroughly involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement, performing at Occupy camps across the US and Canada.He first gained fame (and notoriety) when he decried FOX News as a ‘parade of propaganda’ and a ‘festival of ignorance’ on live TV.
Of his album, ‘Chaos for the Weary’, the Huffington post says,
“In his exploration of American history and the way it is taught, Camp talks about how the truth is more interesting than fabrication and he proves it on this CD. It’s not just more interesting. It is, as Ms. Carlin says in his introduction, really fucking funny.”

Visit Lee’s website at or see his videos including his ‘Moment of Clarity’ monologues at and

2nd Hour Guest Bruce Cain will be joining me from 3:00- 4:00pm EST to discuss (1) what the drug war is truly about and (2) how we resolve this in a way the serves the greater needs of people throughout the globe. Bruce has been the editor of the “New Age Citizen” Website since it’s inception around 14 years ago in the year 1997. Prior to that he was the editor and publisher of “New Age Patriot” (1989 – 1997), a magazine on “Drug, Environmental and Social Reform.” He has been an advocate for our inalienable right to grow and consume Marijuana, without taxation or regulation, since he first inhaled in 1968

The MERP Strategy for Marijuana Re-Legalization in a Nutshell

You can see Bruce’s bio at and his videos at

Listen live from 2:00-4:00 pm EST at
Download the archive at
Chat room:
Call-in: 402-237-2525

OWS Solves Nothing! It’s Hijacked!

Today on The Truther Girls:

1st Hour: News and Commentary with Sonia and Angela Black. The OWS movement: is it serving the purpose of the NWO? While people protest and the economy crashes, courts rule government is above the law, federal employees continue to rake it in, and DARPA works on mastering the art of propaganda. Plus! Gadaffi dead and what you should know about fracking.
Congress Living the High Life
Courts Rule Government Above the Law
DARPA Wants to Master the Art of Propaganda
State Department Funded OWS Agitator
Gadaffi Dead!
Fracking Poisoning our Water Supply

2nd Hour: Sonia is joined by Youtuber Rupert for more news and commentary.

Listen live at 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm EST at

Mahdi Nazemroaya on Lybia

Last Thursday, September 29, I had Mahdi Nazemroaya on as my guest on The Truther Girls. Mahdi is a journalist working for, who has traveled to Lybia during the current war and has been reporting on what he has witnessed. You can hear download our interview from the archive here.

The interview has also been uploaded to Youtube here:

Here is some footage of Mahdi speaking on Lybia at the Montreal conference, ‘After 9/11: Ten Years of War’.

Madhi’s articles are available in many languages at

These are Mahdi’s articles in English, German, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Portugese, and Arabic and Global Research: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

These are his articles in French: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya (en francais)

These are his articles on the Voltaire Network in English, Russian, Spanish, French, and Italian:
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya (Reseau Voltaire)