Activate Your Transformation

psychedelic Tonight on TrutherGirls Radio, my guest is Sage,Transformational Facilitator & Transitional Manager aka (Man-in-Jah)

Assisting Jedi’s become Jedi Knights. Helping you re-member what you already know and activate in you what has been dormant. Through a specific assessment and communication style that starts from go and funnels down to a bottom line, Sage is able to personalize and customize a de-programing and rewiring experience for the individual’s mind, body, & soul aspects. Sage’s unique listening style allows him to hear what your soul is saying and which parts the ego controls. By holding you accountable to your higher self, this can lead you to clearer conscious choices. Like a conductor of an orchestra that brings attention to the moment and fine tunes as the performance is happening from a unique position of the whole, holding the harmonic balance and frequency.
Our shadow-self can rule us by using fear and confusion against ourselves, which are energies of darkness. Darkness has been defined as an absence of light; and by filling in the void of darkness with light, a personal freedom is realized. Like the great messenger Bob Marley sang “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, nobody but you can free your mind”… As facilitator, Sage is able to hold more light with a very neutral and universal position through the individual’s process or situation, helping make sense of any confusion and extinguishing the illusion. This can provide more clarity for the individual to make empowered decisions for oneself. Sage is able to assist in quantumly speeding up the processing of emotions and slaying the personal demons that keep us from realizing our self. Allowing you to be more productive towards your mission and stand more comfortably in your ‘I AM’ and your ‘WE ARE’…One.
End results may be contagious and spread. Increased levels of enthusiasm and clarity about self and life…

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