Tag Archives: treatment

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist

Autism_Puzzle_t670This is an indispensable resource for parents who are trying out different biomedical interventions with their kids who are on the spectrum. You fill out the questionnaire at baseline and then after each intervention to evaluate improvement. It is recommended that you try out and evaluate one intervention at a time to get the most accurate results.


H2O2 Cancer Protocol

I have decided to put all the information I have on alternative cancer protocols here on the blog. Disclaimer: this is for information purposes ONLY. I have absolutely no proof that the following will cure cancer or that is even safe to do. I am not recommending that anyone do this. If you have cancer, please talk to your health practitioner about treatment options.
As for my personal experience with this protocol, my mother used it last year. She was at first told she had what was suspected to be an angiosarcoma tumor in her breast. She followed the protocol and the only negative effect she reported was diarrhea. When she went in for surgery, a 4-inch tumor was removed, but it was completely calcified and was graded Stage0 or ‘carcinoma in situ’. In my opinion, there is no way she ever had angiosarcoma, but only carcinoma in situ. In any case, she did this protocol with only minor side effects. Here is the protocol:

“A lot of health food stores now sell a product called “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.” There is a forty day way to get rid of tumors using only that product.

-Use a dropper to put 15 drops of “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide” into a full cup of water. Because water is H2O and hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, you don’t even need to mix it; it mixes immediately, diluting immediately after you put the drops into the water. So for the first three days, you have fifteen drops of it in water along with your breakfast. That’s 15 drops in water with breakfast, NONE with lunch, NONE with supper.

-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 7-TO-14
-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, ten drops in a cup of water with lunch, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 15-TO-20
-17 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 17 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 17 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 20-TO-30
-25 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 25 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 25 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 30-TO-40
-15 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 15 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 15 drops in a cup of water with supper.

You may experience brief dizzy spells on days 7, 15, and 20. This is normal. The dizzy spells will not last more than ten seconds, and you will not have more than one of them in a day. That’s like thirty seconds of dizziness in the whole 40 days. Between days 15-to-30, all of the tumors will be shrinking and dying. By day 40, your body will be completely cleansed of tumors. A catscan will reveal no tumors and the doctor will say it’s a miracle. But it’s really just the proper application of “oxygen therapy” via the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.

The tumors will be gone from your body, and you won’t have cancer. But it’s really just a recess from cancer. The cancer will return in 1-to-5 years unless you solve the underlying issues which caused it, which are usually related to stress and/or nutrition. You CAN do this hydrogen peroxide protocol again when it returns, and then you’ll have another 1-to-5 year recess from cancer during which again to try to solve the stress and/or nutrition issues which caused it. But if within the 1-to-5 years you successfully solve the underlying stress and/or nutrition problems which caused the cancer, the cancer will not return.

The fact that pH level 7.88 is the exact specific pH level that kills tumors does not appear in any books yet. The information was extracted from a very close friend of a successful cancer doctor.

It is days 15-to-30 when your pH will be at the appropriate level. Days 30-to-40 are just to make sure all the tumors are gone.”

Black Salve Cancer Treatment

I just received the following testimonial from a woman who used black salve to draw out part of a breast cancer tumor. This is an old treatment that is used for drawing out anything from an ingrown toenail to a splinter, but some people have used it to remove a skin cancer growth, or even a breast tumor as you will see.

“Yes I have cancer – but I was diagnosed 2yrs ago (september 2009) and told that if I didnt have ‘treatment’ immediately I would die.
Well – I’m still here – and healthier than I’ve been for a long time lol.
My lump also hasn’t got any bigger for the whole time I’ve been using alternative treatment. (it initially got much bigger after they did the biopsy though and thats when it began to get painful)
Tried a few different alternative treatments so far including amygdalyn (laetrile).
One of the most effective, visual ones (one I could see physically working) was black salve – I managed to extract part of my tumour out through my skin (its usually recommended more for skin cancer) – but omg its so painful – I wouldn’t recommend anyone try it without having some morphine on hand. Unfortunately it was a waste of time even asking my doctor for some because our laws prevent my doctor helping me in any way to overcome cancer using alternative therapies. (research the cancer act of 1939 -uk)
I know the black salve sounds ridiculous and if I hadn’t experienced it for myself I wouldn’t have believed it, but I found out that it was widely used many years ago for the treatment of cancer. From what I’ve seen, I’d say its probably very similar to the Hoxsey treatment. I found this online – an original book from when they used to use it in clinics:
I’ve also recently discovered another treatment called protocell that I’m looking forward to trying. I think I’ll know within a few months if this is going to be the right one for me. Sometimes I think certain things work for some and other things for others.
The black salve however, works – FULL STOP. (research it, youll be amazed)
Here’s a couple of examples: http://www.altcancer.com/products/testimonials


Of course you’ll find quackwatch telling that it doesn’t work and that it burns your skin but its not true – I’m living proof of that. Before I used it, I tried it on a bit of healthy skin for a day or so and NOTHING HAPPENED. That says it all.
I had to persist with the salve where my tumour is, and I think I had success because my tumour is actually attached to the underside of my skin and that’s why after a few applications it came into contact.
I can’t tell you how painful it was though once it started killing the cancer. I haven’t been brave enough to try it on the rest although I know for sure that if I were in a life/death situation I could get rid of it that way.

It’s yet another example of a cure that cant be patented so they’ll do their utmost to ban it. It’s actually been banned now for use in humans but not for use on animals so many sites have to sell it under the guise of it being for someones pet.
You also know its not a scam when these people actually tell you how to make it. Problem is, the herbs used to make it have been banned in our country so not much chance of that. (the only chemical in it is DMSO which is used as a ‘carrier’ to help it penetrate through the skin)
All I can say is it works – and my family know it works so they now no longer worry about most cancers.” -Michele

Here are two recipes for black salve. The person who sent me the above testimonial says some of the ingredients are illegal in the USA. I am not giving medical advice or recommending for anyone to use this, I am just putting this here for my own and other people’s information. The recipes below are from http://www.quantumbalancing.com/blacksalve.htm
I am mirroring it because it is not uncommon for sites disseminating information on natural remedies, especially ones for cancer, to get suddenly shut down or censored.

Cansema Black Salve Recipe #1
One tablespoon each of powdered bloodroot and polk root
1 tablespoon zinc chloride
DMSO (5 drops per 4 ounces of salve)
One tablespoon Charcoal (optional)
Vitamin A, 10,000 IU (more vitamin A can be added up to 200,000 IU.
Pine tar (one teaspoon to one tablespoon)
Pascalite clay
Dissolve the zinc chloride in one to two tablespoons of warm distilled water. Use only enough water to dissolve. Set aside. (Be careful with this, do not get it directly on skin and keep locked from children), and do not breathe fumes.
Mix bloodroot, charcoal and polk root in a separate container with a little cooking oil, just enough to cover the herbs, mix well. Carefully add the zinc chloride and water mixture, stirring well. Gently heat the mixture in double boiler, stirring constantly for 30 minuets Remove from heat, stir well, let cool, add DMSO.
Next, mix one teaspoon to one tablespoon at a time of the Mennonite clay to the bloodroot mixture until you have a smooth, thick paste that is easily spreadable. Do not put too much of the clay into the mixture or it will be lumpy. If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of oil or water to thin. If too thin, add a small amount more of the clay. The clay is important in this recipe since it helps to draw out impurities from the skin. If you do not have clay and need to make the paste right away, it can be thickened with flour.
You will only need to apply this paste once. Apply to the cancer, cover with gauze and tape (band aids will not work), leave undisturbed for 12 hours. At the end of 12 hours, wash area with soap and water, and then clean with hydrogen peroxide. This can be applied every 2-3 days if you feel you need to, usually one application is all that is needed for very small cancers. The cancer will drop off by itself in one to five weeks. Your may have pain, fever, stinging, intense itching or burning; this is normal. You can apply some chickweed salve to the area for the itching, but do not use anything else such as healing salves. Healing salves will heal up the area before it has time to kill the cancer.
Cansema Black Salve Recipe #2

Cansema is a natural skin cancer treatment. The active ingredients of Cansema are Zinc, bloodroot, and chaparral. It can be ordered from Alpha Omega Labs in the Bahamas. There is a Recipe available.

This is a recipe for a black paste very similar to the Cansema. But this is a preferred paste for melanoma and all suspect skin cancer like lesions. This paste also has worked well for all manner of cancers provided that they have become exposed to or close to the surface of the skin.

1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
1/2 cup Zinc Chloride, crystals or liquid
1/2 cup common white flour
1 1/2 cup warm water
100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)

Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the water. Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then stir in the other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook for thirty minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application is much the same as Cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste over the affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the covering but do not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the cancer out at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some people with sensitive skin put Vaseline around the cancer so that the paste does not irritate the skin.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post is for information purposes and should not be construed as medical advice.

Watermelon Facial

Someone sent me this tip on youtube. Although I haven’t tried this recipe myself yet, I personally don’t use any commercial beauty creams and such. All I use is olive oil to clean my face, and coconut oil and aloe vera as a moisturizer. Not only is it clean, natural, free of chemicals and guaranteed good for your skin, but it’s a lot cheaper, too, than buying creams.

Here is the recipe for a watermelon facial. i hope you enjoy it. As I always say, just because you are a truther doesn’t mean you have to look like one.

“You need to find a watermelon, yeah, a watermellon…non-GMO. After you’ve found a good watermelon proceed to slice it into pieces that will resemble small 3″x5″ cubes. Then juice that watermelon into juice, yeah, juice it. After it’s juiced apply the juice to your skin…no joke. The watermelon juice contains several minerals that will make your skin actually shrink and you will look ten years younger.”

Artemisia Cancer Cure?

I had recently come across a testimony from a Doctor who treated a boy with cancer with artemisia, among other things, and he stated that it produced a prompt remission. So I looked into Artemisia.

Artemisia cure for cancer?

In an archeological dig in China in the 1970’s, many ancient herbal remedies were uncovered. Among them was one for malaria using Artemisia. As a result, this herb began to be used widely for malaria treatment. Of note, this is Artemisia Annua, also known as Sweet Annie or Qing Hao in Chinese, not Artemisia Absinthe, which is known as Wormwood and is commonly used in anti-parasite cures.

But what’s more, in 1995, bioengineering professors Henry Lai and Nahendra Singh from the University of Washington began studying its potential as an anti-cancer drug and found it killed cancer cells in vitro in a matter of hours, and was even able to cure a dog from bone cancer withing 5 days.
After pumping the cancer cells with maximum amounts of iron using something called holotransferrin, Lai and Singh introduced artemisinin to selectively kill the cancer cells.

If you go to Prof Lai’s page at the U of W, you will see that his research is focused on
biological effects of electromagnetic fields and cancer treatment using Artemisinin and synthetic compounds. He has an entire page dedicated to Artemisinin information.

Of course, it comes with a warning that the FDA has not approved Artemisia for use in the treatment of cancer, that more research is needed and that you should consult with your doctor (who will, in accordance with the FDA, recommend that you be poisoned and irradiated).

But below that, you will find a list of 206 studies going back as far as 1996, showing that artemisinin induces apoptosis, aka cell death, in cancer tumors and basically cures cancer.

You would think that after over 15 years of such promising research in vitro and in animals, someone would have done a human study by now- but no. I guess it would be considered unethical to deprive someone of ‘standard of care’, but you would think that surely they could find someone to volunteer to delay his murderous standard treatment by a couple of weeks to see if Artemisia would work as well for him as it does for the mice. I’m sure this could be done, but who will fund it? The problem is always funding because it all comes down to money. Investment vs return. If you use cheap herbs to actually restore people’s health, you lose out on some big bucks. That’s the bottom line for Big Pharma.

Instead of funding studies with natural herbs, research has taken the direction of studying a synthetic, patentable version of artemisinin as well as nanotechnology that could be used to deliver it. Is this really necessary? The plain of herbs worked for the dog, who I hear was still alive two years after the study, and that’s about 14 dog-years. Pretty good long-term survival, I would say.

We are told that cancer is some mysterious, horrible, incurable condition that can only be addressed with toxic, expensive pharma treatments. I used to work as a transcriptionist in an Oncology dept and I had full confidence in standard treatment. Day after day, I typed out reports of people improving, going into remission, being declared cancer-free. It never occurred to me that I never got to type reports about patients dying because once they died, their files were handled by the morgue. We are told that ‘cancer’ is this incurable mystery, but if you look into it a little more, you will find that cancer is no mystery and it is certainly curable, or at least manageable in other cases. Doctors who use alternative treatments to cure people from cancer are often persecuted, even run out of the country.

The fact is, there is a cure for cancer. Not one cure, actually, but many. ‘Cancer’ is nothing but an umbrella term used to describe about 100 conditions that involve abnormal cell proliferation and tumors, which can have many causes and to which there are many remedies. I would recommend “Knockout” by Suzanne Somers as a primer in alternative cancer treatments. Yes, Chrissie from Three’s Company. No, she’s not playing doctor, she’s interviewing doctors. You can get more info at http://suzannesommers.com

Preventing people’s access to natural cancer treatments is done under the pretense of ethics, but nothing could be more unethical than forcing people to undergo horrendous toxic treatments which have a very low success rate. But the word is getting out and people are saying Enough is Enough! We have been lied to! We demand real medicine! We demand health freedom! We will not allow you to profit off our sickness and death!

Note: Dr Lai’s experiments involved artemisinin and holotransferrin. This should not be interpreted to mean you can cure yourself of cancer at home using Artemisia Annua.