Tag Archives: hydrogen peroxide

H2O2 Cancer Protocol

I have decided to put all the information I have on alternative cancer protocols here on the blog. Disclaimer: this is for information purposes ONLY. I have absolutely no proof that the following will cure cancer or that is even safe to do. I am not recommending that anyone do this. If you have cancer, please talk to your health practitioner about treatment options.
As for my personal experience with this protocol, my mother used it last year. She was at first told she had what was suspected to be an angiosarcoma tumor in her breast. She followed the protocol and the only negative effect she reported was diarrhea. When she went in for surgery, a 4-inch tumor was removed, but it was completely calcified and was graded Stage0 or ‘carcinoma in situ’. In my opinion, there is no way she ever had angiosarcoma, but only carcinoma in situ. In any case, she did this protocol with only minor side effects. Here is the protocol:

“A lot of health food stores now sell a product called “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide.” There is a forty day way to get rid of tumors using only that product.

-Use a dropper to put 15 drops of “35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide” into a full cup of water. Because water is H2O and hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, you don’t even need to mix it; it mixes immediately, diluting immediately after you put the drops into the water. So for the first three days, you have fifteen drops of it in water along with your breakfast. That’s 15 drops in water with breakfast, NONE with lunch, NONE with supper.

-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 7-TO-14
-Ten drops in a cup of water with breakfast, ten drops in a cup of water with lunch, and ten drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 15-TO-20
-17 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 17 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 17 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 20-TO-30
-25 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 25 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 25 drops in a cup of water with supper.

DAYS 30-TO-40
-15 drops in a cup of water with breakfast, 15 drops in a cup of water with lunch, and 15 drops in a cup of water with supper.

You may experience brief dizzy spells on days 7, 15, and 20. This is normal. The dizzy spells will not last more than ten seconds, and you will not have more than one of them in a day. That’s like thirty seconds of dizziness in the whole 40 days. Between days 15-to-30, all of the tumors will be shrinking and dying. By day 40, your body will be completely cleansed of tumors. A catscan will reveal no tumors and the doctor will say it’s a miracle. But it’s really just the proper application of “oxygen therapy” via the extra oxygen atom in hydrogen peroxide.

The tumors will be gone from your body, and you won’t have cancer. But it’s really just a recess from cancer. The cancer will return in 1-to-5 years unless you solve the underlying issues which caused it, which are usually related to stress and/or nutrition. You CAN do this hydrogen peroxide protocol again when it returns, and then you’ll have another 1-to-5 year recess from cancer during which again to try to solve the stress and/or nutrition issues which caused it. But if within the 1-to-5 years you successfully solve the underlying stress and/or nutrition problems which caused the cancer, the cancer will not return.

The fact that pH level 7.88 is the exact specific pH level that kills tumors does not appear in any books yet. The information was extracted from a very close friend of a successful cancer doctor.

It is days 15-to-30 when your pH will be at the appropriate level. Days 30-to-40 are just to make sure all the tumors are gone.”