Gluten-Free Cooking with Chef Andrew Doyle

eat taste liveConsidering going gluten-free, but not sure how to go about it? Need advice on shopping or recipes? Chef Andrew can help! And what’s even better is, he will be joining me live tonight on Truther Girls Radio from 11-midnight EST.
Listen live at
Live Chat:
Call in to talk to chef Andre in person: 218-339-8525

When chef Andrew Doyle’s father nearly died from undiagnosed Celiac Disease years ago, he became a dedicated gluten-free chef and has been been cooking gluten-free ever since. He currently hosts an online gluten-free cooking show called Eat, Taste, Live, which is a live, interactive cooking class for celiacs, gluten-intolerants, and healthy eaters.
Their mission is to create amazing, tasty recipes for those with Celiac disease and/or gluten intolerance.
and those seeking a healthier, better today. Each class features Chef Andrew Doyle preparing various dishes that are 100% gluten free and 100% delicious.

Eat. Taste. Live. Always delicious. Always gluten free.

Tickets are $12.50 per episode and can be purchased at!kitchen-studio/c1bcs

For more on Eat. Taste. Live. and gluten-free cooking:
Check out their FB page:
And their website:

3 responses to “Gluten-Free Cooking with Chef Andrew Doyle

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