Tag Archives: David Andrew Christensen

The Katrina Virus

virusTonight on Truther Girls Radio: Special Guest David Andrew Christenson is an Air Force Officer and Veteran who has been classified as a terrorist.

The Department of Justice classified Captain David Andrew Christenson as a terrorist. This was done to bypass Federal Law and the Federal Judiciary. It was relayed to Captain Christenson that if he did not stop his research and quest for justice that he would be assassinated as a terrorist.
The FBI attempted to murder/assassinate Captain David Andrew Christenson while he was being held in isolation in the Orleans Parish Prison. Coast Guard Commander William Wesley Goetzee was not so lucky. He was murdered in the Orleans Parish Prison on August 7th, 2011. The FBI failed with Captain Christenson but succeeded with Commander Goetzee.
What was so important that the United States Government had to classify Captain David Andrew Christenson as a terrorist and then attempt to murder/assassinate him?
Chemical warfare ingredients, “THE KATRINA VIRUS”, were released during Hurricane Katrina. The end result will be GENOCIDE for the residents of New Orleans. (“The Katrina Virus” represents all of the contaminants that were released from government research/laboratory, manufacturing and storage facilities. These facilities were controlled directly and indirectly by the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency and included public institutions such as local hospitals and medical schools. The Harvard University Medical School has been tasked with studying and tracking the long term health/medical issues and “The Katrina Virus”.

Where to catch the show:
Listen live to our interview tonight, Friday January 18, 2013, from 10:00-11:00 pm EST at americanfreedomradio.com
Download archive at americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_13
Join in the live chat at truthergirls.chatango.com
Call in at 218-339-8525

Contact & Website info for David Andrew Christenson
website is persimmonpublishingus.com (Very slow. Open the Documents tab and double click on every line.)
YouTube: “David Andrew Christenson Channel” Index of over 175 Videos!

Facebook: David Andrew Christenson


Image courtesy of renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net