Lose Weight and Feel Great in 2012 with Natural Neda

“The concept of bio-individuality is that each person has their own nutritional needs. So, when the experts say, “dairy is good for you” or “fat is unhealthy,” it’s too much of a generalization. One person’s food is another person’s poison, and that’s why fad diets don’t work in the long run. I look at how you live your life and teach you how to listen to your body’s wisdom. You will never have to go on another diet again.” -Neda Smith

Today on The Truther Girls, I will be talking to Neda Smith, a wholistic nutritionist who specializes in metabolic typing and who is now launching her new web-based program “30 Days to Lose Weight and Feel Great” . The whole program is done via webinar and phone so you do not have to live nearby, or find a babysitter or drive anywhere. If you can not make the sessions Live, they will ALL be recorded so you can listen to them at your convinience. This is for the person who is just sick of trying to lose weight and is ready to commit to making changes in their lives. It is not a FAD diet, it is a whole food diet based on your metabolic type. There will be some restrictions but there will be lots of great foods to eat and enjoy, for which your fad-dieting friends will envy you. Do the program with a friend and start feeling great about yourself!

Visit Neda’s website at naturalneda.com

Listen live today at 2:00pm EST on americanfreedomradio.com
Download the archive at americanfreedomradio.com/TrutherGirls_11
Chat room : truthergirls.chatango.com
Caller line: 281-339-8525
Feel free to call in with your questions for Neda or send them to me via the chatroom.

3 responses to “Lose Weight and Feel Great in 2012 with Natural Neda

  1. InherentHealth.com has a genetic test that will show whether you need to stick to mostly protein and fat or whether you are able to tolerate carbs more easily. They can also show whether you do better with high or low intensity exercise. I did the test and switching to high intensity exercise (my genetic type) worked wonders for me. They are recommended by Dr. Daniel Amen of the Amen Brain Clinics.

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