Black Salve Cancer Treatment

I just received the following testimonial from a woman who used black salve to draw out part of a breast cancer tumor. This is an old treatment that is used for drawing out anything from an ingrown toenail to a splinter, but some people have used it to remove a skin cancer growth, or even a breast tumor as you will see.

“Yes I have cancer – but I was diagnosed 2yrs ago (september 2009) and told that if I didnt have ‘treatment’ immediately I would die.
Well – I’m still here – and healthier than I’ve been for a long time lol.
My lump also hasn’t got any bigger for the whole time I’ve been using alternative treatment. (it initially got much bigger after they did the biopsy though and thats when it began to get painful)
Tried a few different alternative treatments so far including amygdalyn (laetrile).
One of the most effective, visual ones (one I could see physically working) was black salve – I managed to extract part of my tumour out through my skin (its usually recommended more for skin cancer) – but omg its so painful – I wouldn’t recommend anyone try it without having some morphine on hand. Unfortunately it was a waste of time even asking my doctor for some because our laws prevent my doctor helping me in any way to overcome cancer using alternative therapies. (research the cancer act of 1939 -uk)
I know the black salve sounds ridiculous and if I hadn’t experienced it for myself I wouldn’t have believed it, but I found out that it was widely used many years ago for the treatment of cancer. From what I’ve seen, I’d say its probably very similar to the Hoxsey treatment. I found this online – an original book from when they used to use it in clinics:
I’ve also recently discovered another treatment called protocell that I’m looking forward to trying. I think I’ll know within a few months if this is going to be the right one for me. Sometimes I think certain things work for some and other things for others.
The black salve however, works – FULL STOP. (research it, youll be amazed)
Here’s a couple of examples:

Of course you’ll find quackwatch telling that it doesn’t work and that it burns your skin but its not true – I’m living proof of that. Before I used it, I tried it on a bit of healthy skin for a day or so and NOTHING HAPPENED. That says it all.
I had to persist with the salve where my tumour is, and I think I had success because my tumour is actually attached to the underside of my skin and that’s why after a few applications it came into contact.
I can’t tell you how painful it was though once it started killing the cancer. I haven’t been brave enough to try it on the rest although I know for sure that if I were in a life/death situation I could get rid of it that way.

It’s yet another example of a cure that cant be patented so they’ll do their utmost to ban it. It’s actually been banned now for use in humans but not for use on animals so many sites have to sell it under the guise of it being for someones pet.
You also know its not a scam when these people actually tell you how to make it. Problem is, the herbs used to make it have been banned in our country so not much chance of that. (the only chemical in it is DMSO which is used as a ‘carrier’ to help it penetrate through the skin)
All I can say is it works – and my family know it works so they now no longer worry about most cancers.” -Michele

Here are two recipes for black salve. The person who sent me the above testimonial says some of the ingredients are illegal in the USA. I am not giving medical advice or recommending for anyone to use this, I am just putting this here for my own and other people’s information. The recipes below are from
I am mirroring it because it is not uncommon for sites disseminating information on natural remedies, especially ones for cancer, to get suddenly shut down or censored.

Cansema Black Salve Recipe #1
One tablespoon each of powdered bloodroot and polk root
1 tablespoon zinc chloride
DMSO (5 drops per 4 ounces of salve)
One tablespoon Charcoal (optional)
Vitamin A, 10,000 IU (more vitamin A can be added up to 200,000 IU.
Pine tar (one teaspoon to one tablespoon)
Pascalite clay
Dissolve the zinc chloride in one to two tablespoons of warm distilled water. Use only enough water to dissolve. Set aside. (Be careful with this, do not get it directly on skin and keep locked from children), and do not breathe fumes.
Mix bloodroot, charcoal and polk root in a separate container with a little cooking oil, just enough to cover the herbs, mix well. Carefully add the zinc chloride and water mixture, stirring well. Gently heat the mixture in double boiler, stirring constantly for 30 minuets Remove from heat, stir well, let cool, add DMSO.
Next, mix one teaspoon to one tablespoon at a time of the Mennonite clay to the bloodroot mixture until you have a smooth, thick paste that is easily spreadable. Do not put too much of the clay into the mixture or it will be lumpy. If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of oil or water to thin. If too thin, add a small amount more of the clay. The clay is important in this recipe since it helps to draw out impurities from the skin. If you do not have clay and need to make the paste right away, it can be thickened with flour.
You will only need to apply this paste once. Apply to the cancer, cover with gauze and tape (band aids will not work), leave undisturbed for 12 hours. At the end of 12 hours, wash area with soap and water, and then clean with hydrogen peroxide. This can be applied every 2-3 days if you feel you need to, usually one application is all that is needed for very small cancers. The cancer will drop off by itself in one to five weeks. Your may have pain, fever, stinging, intense itching or burning; this is normal. You can apply some chickweed salve to the area for the itching, but do not use anything else such as healing salves. Healing salves will heal up the area before it has time to kill the cancer.
Cansema Black Salve Recipe #2

Cansema is a natural skin cancer treatment. The active ingredients of Cansema are Zinc, bloodroot, and chaparral. It can be ordered from Alpha Omega Labs in the Bahamas. There is a Recipe available.

This is a recipe for a black paste very similar to the Cansema. But this is a preferred paste for melanoma and all suspect skin cancer like lesions. This paste also has worked well for all manner of cancers provided that they have become exposed to or close to the surface of the skin.

1/2 cup powdered Blood Root (Sanguinaria Canadensis)
1/2 cup Zinc Chloride, crystals or liquid
1/2 cup common white flour
1 1/2 cup warm water
100ml Chaparral extract or 100gm of powdered Chaparral (Larrea mexicana)

Pre-mix all but the water, thoroughly, before adding to the water. Using a stainless steel double boiler. Put in water, then stir in the other ingredients. Stir in well using a wooden spoon. Cook for thirty minutes over boiling water, stirring constantly. Application is much the same as Cansema. Apply a thin layer (2-3mm) of the paste over the affected area and cover for 24 hours. Then remove the covering but do not disturb the lesion at all, do not attempt to pull the cancer out at any time, it should fall out in 10 days or so. Some people with sensitive skin put Vaseline around the cancer so that the paste does not irritate the skin.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this post is for information purposes and should not be construed as medical advice.

733 responses to “Black Salve Cancer Treatment

  1. Im on it now and its working! This stuff is bloody awesome.

    • You are all loony and delusional. Baking soda didn’t do anything. I am now COVERED with cancer. Thanks crazy lady.

      • Maybe a class-action law suit against some crazy person selling medical cures without a license. You deserve to roast in Hell for telling people to buy your shit instead of seeing a doctor.

      • So you’re covered in cancer, are you? Mmmm, that’s nice. Now, for several years, I’ve been using that dark, tarry stuff of Greg Caton’s (Hi Greg!) that you seem to call baking soda (hey, are you colour blind?) and it truly works. Perhaps too well, sometimes. Having learned a thing or three (for the benefit of those who are sincerely interested, but probably not for you) the application of a good poultice for the usual 24 hours on a deep BCC on the nose that penetrates right through to the nasal interior WILL KILL THE TUMOUR AND LEAVE A HOLE, which probably won’t close up afterward. Mine didn’t and required plastic surgery. Lesson learned. I found the trick, and this certainly works for similarly big and deep BCCs as I subsequently proved, but should probably also work quite well even if much of the nose is consumed by BCC, is to put a small amount of salve on for ONE HOUR and remove it. Repeat that every couple of days and if the BCC or SCC is spread widely, then choose a different location for the small amount each time. An eschar will not form. Only a small fraction of cells in the tumour will be killed at any one time without generating scar tissue and it will allow healthy cells to proliferate and fill the space left by the dead cancer cells, which the immune system cleans up internally, rather than ejecting them in the usual manner. It will leave no scar and no crater. The only drawback is that it takes more than twice as long to eradicate the tumour and requires more attention, too. But it is worth the extra trouble. One does not end up being “cosmetically challenged”.

  2. Just to make note of a misspelling, The plant used is Poke root not Polk root. I make this salve at the herb farm where I am doing an internship and this is a common mistake.

    • Hello Carolyn, it’s only a small thing, but BOTH spellings are correct. Polk is the rarer spelling and may be geographically restricted to a particular area, but’s nonetheless legit for that species of plant.

  3. These herbs maybe illegal in most countries but at the moment they are still legally available for purchase here in the states. I have access to all these ingredients on a daily basis. What is illegal is to combine those listed above into a salve and then using it for human consumption.

    • I live in Melbourne Australia where can I get the ingreadiance to make black salve


      • Rocco, I can tell you where you can buy it in ozzy if you send me email to lovingterra at gmail dot com
        Also here to report the successful use of blacksalve in Russia by russian women who had melanoma spread from her shoulder to underarm area. She had a surgery to remove it but obviously they could not remove it all. She had to wear salve for the week to get positive reaction of salve. She is amazed … word is spreading…
        Greg – sorry, I promised to translate some of your pages, but I am currently working on very important project for Russian people
        to arsh..e Michael – I HAVE NOTHING TO PROOVE TO YOU in case you ask..

        • Terra . . . I would never have thought you had “anything to prove to me” to begin with. Yours was a generous offer. I appreciate what you’re doing. So we can converse at a later time when you’re not so busy.

        • Completely convinced now

          I wouldnt have suggested anything else. I take wholeheartedly whatever you say. There could not be any other possible explanation . if you say it has happened then it must have happened. What more evidence do you need that someone “being amazed” and “word is spreading”. I take it all back. Only an unbeliever would look for anything more………..

          • Completely convinced now

            Of course something like ….she has been cured…….. have a verifiable picture……………….she is alive and this was five years ago…………but never mind…………”She amazed” .that will do……

  4. We need to start a movement to change everything that is wrong with orthodox medicine. We need to be clear and precise on what we are trying to achieve and remain focused at all times. I for one have had it and I am prepared to do whatever it takes to accomplish our goal. Rosemary Pustak from Queensland Australia

    • Hey Rose, love your work xx

    • Where do we get this stuff from in QLD? 🙂

      • hi kerri,you can actually buy on prescription a new jel called picato jell, it’s made by the drug companies, so it’s legal and very expensive. they say to apply it 3 days straight and it will kill skin cancer and it’s made from a comon garden weed.all natural!

        • Picato is for the cutaneous treatment of non-hyperkeratotic, non-hypertrophic actinic keratosis in adults.- so not skin cancer. It is considered to be a potentially pre malignant condition and is strongly associated with HPV virus.
          It is made from a plant extract of a common plant – which by most accounts on here shouldnt happen as a plant cannot be patented and therefore cannot be a commercially viable product. However as 25% of medicines come from plants it is clearly a wrong assumption in the first place.
          As for the cost it is approximately $100 Au – minus the subsidy. In England is will cost £ 7 and in Scotland nothing. In the US $51 with insurance and $600 without. That is a reflection on the American commercial health care not the cost of the drug.

          • hi kerri, i saw this jel on a current affair program, so i was just telling you what was said.I will not be using it but will continue with the black salve, as I know personally that it works.however, i will not use it on my face again as the pain was really bad.especially if used near the eyes.a lot of pus went behind my eye, it was unbearable.I had to go to hospital, and the doctors were really angry with me for having the nerve to try natural remedies.they had to squeeze the pus out, i thought my eyeball was going to explode.I’m fine i said i will use it on my body but not my face.

        • that is radium weed or milkweed and grows in a park nearby. I have known about it for years and my father (redhead) used it to kill a very aggressive skin cancer almost immediately.
          it is ridiculous that people have to go to a doctor to get a prescription when all they need to do is find it and apply for nothing – absolutely disgusting

      • Rosemary Pustak died 22/3/2013

      • Rosemary Pustak died 22/3/2013
        So no need for a reply

    • Hi Rosemary,
      I’ve studied cancer for the last nine years and still working on it, together with a huge book I hope to finish and get “out there” in the next two years. The research delved into the politics as well as the cures, which truly do exist (but not in mainstream medicine). What you are talking about is the political problem and Greg Caton can tell you plenty about that. (Hi Greg!) The epicentre is in the USA, where Big Pharma and the AMA have a stranglehold on medicine through just about every medical organisation you care to name, including ACS, NCI, NIH and FDA – whose senior executives are nearly all puppets on the hidden payroll. You can thank Rockefeller, just for starters. Only way to beat it is sheer weight of numbers and activism. Spread the word, that’s all.
      By the way, black salve should not be considered a cure. It may be a partial cure at best. That’s because although removal of skin tumours will help to normalise the physiology, it still doesn’t fully address the original causality factors. Unless you do this in any cancer treatment, you don’t get a cure – only a reprieve. For that reason, no single treatment such as using black salve should be expected to yield the complete result and what ought to be used instead is a multi-modal approach modelled on what is called Integrative Medicine. This should first of all address nutrition, lifestyle, detox, tissue oxygenation, infectious microbes (bacteria, viruses, yeasts etc.) and immune support in order to normalise the body’s biochemical terrain.and restore healthy homeostatic mechanisms. These things done, the body will do the rest in most cases. For the few people who need more, you get down to finer details – considerations such as drug resistant malignancies, cachexia, ‘low energy cancer stem cells’ and so on. Effective treatments exist for ALL such considerations and problems, with the only exception being the genetic one, such as in Philadelphia Chromosome. Yes, they’re ALL natural and even genes can be inactivated – you just have to find the right agents to ‘switch them off’. I’ll highlight two single substances, which I personally rate as the most important metabolic cancer agents on Earth. The first is Clinoptilolite (a Zeolite mineral) because it’s the world’s second-best detox and one of only two that’s genuinely safe in what is otherwise a very tricky business; plus it’s the world’s very best anticarcinomic because it’s a totally safe and non-toxic G-phase apoptogen that causes malignant cells to fail the DNA fidelity tests during division. It modulates the p21 gene and also interacts with the p27 and p65 genes. This stuff has produced 78% complete remission in terminal cancer cases plus a further 9% extended survival in a trial with a cohort of 64 patients with various stage 3 & 4 cancers – it will even cure liver and pancreatic cancers. The other is DMSO – the world’s single greatest Medical Principle. Powerful analgesic, chelating solvent, transmembrane transporter, potentiator, catalyst, antimicrobial, antiviral, oxidative agent, antiarthritic, healer and more. But there’s something even better: The Rife Beam Ray or Rife-Bare Machine. Only treatment modality in medical history ever to have yielded a 100% complete remission for all 16 terminal cancer patients in a Scripps Clinic trial at La Jolla circa 1950. Mainly, this electromedical modality works by (a) destroying infectious pathogens, which are ALWAYS involved where there is cancer; and (b) stimulating metabolic and immune function, including detox activity.
      As for the black salve – yes it’s handy and it does work. Just be careful with it. We know Stephen Barrett is an outright liar, but poke and sanguinaria do contain toxins, zinc chloride and DMSO are not to be carelessly messed with and chaparral contains NDGA, which although not toxic itself, is a potent mobilising detox compound that can cause toxaemia because it leaches poisons out of tissues, but doesn’t actively eliminate them from the body. That’s why I recommend Clinoptilolite or MCP for detox – not EDTA, NDGA, DMPS, DMSA, IP6 or any of the others commonly called detox agents. Only those two operate in all necessary detox functions independently of the liver.

      • this is one of the biggest piles of convoluted pseudo scientific pile of utter crap I have ever read in my life.
        The Rife machine paper – published where? What proof? Its not circa 1950…..It should be published somewhere – to make outrageous claims and not know when the paper is published. Where is the proof?
        These machines are still available for hundreds of dollars and it is simply a battery with two electrodes
        Detox ? Detox what?
        “This stuff has produced 78% complete remission in terminal cancer cases plus a further 9% extended survival in a trial with a cohort of 64 patients with various stage 3 & 4 cancer” Where?????
        As for” Hi Greg… doesnt cure cancer…….” I think poor Greg might disagree with you “Cansema cures cancer”

        Just utter garbage

        • Coming from you, that’s a gigantic compliment.
          I specified the Rife trial being conducted at Scripps Clinic, La Jolla. Your ignorance of both that and the Zeolite trial does not surprise me. I suggest you find them, yourself. They’re not that difficult. I’m not your proof gatherer and in any case, I think you’ll theorise that they were faked in some sense or another, no matter what evidence is presented. I don’t care.
          Greg is welcome to his own views and we may not be expected to agree on everything. For all I know, since we have not had discussions, his definition of “cure” may differ somewhat from mine. I am well enough satisfied that topical black salve (which is what I was specifically referring to) will eliminate whole tumours in the role of a localised epidermal/subdermal treatment. It cannot deal with metastases or really deep tissue malignancies, nor completely address causalities. That is not a criticism of it, but a perception of its limitations. Beyond that perception, there are possible (and quite plausible) theories on black salve mechanisms of action in the stream of stripping masking proteins and activating immune response which, if further research should happen to favourably indicate the likelihood of veracity to me, will further improve my estimation of its potential. I am interested in that other oral formula (Cansema III?) too. That holds promise as a more broadly systemic adjuvant treatment.
          May I quote you on “These machines are still available for hundreds of dollars and it is simply a battery with two electrodes”… No, I retract that. Consider yourself quoted, instead. Call it a return compliment, but I do think you have a Rife Machine confused with a GEIPE. Oh, but even a GEIPE isn’t anything so simple as a battery and electrodes…
          Now, a Rife Machine (or Lakhovsky MWO for that matter) may take the form of several different configurations. The basic unit is a precision frequency oscillator able to produce square, sine and/or other waveforms at between 0 and 30 KHz. Modern versions are able to sweep through sequential frequency programs. To configure the most potent type typically called a Rife Beam Ray or Rife-Bare Machine, one feeds the signal from that basic unit to an audio amplifier of up to 200W. This then amplitude-modulates a high frequency carrier wave of 1 MHz to 30 MHz. 3.1 MHz is a good carrier that provides excellent signal penetration. The output is then put to a plasma globe. This is the emitting device – a rarified gas vessel much like a typical fluorescent tube – which emanates the signal predominantly as scalar wave energy. It is the Beam Ray design developed by Rife I think around 1948 that was used at La Jolla.
          Oh, and please don’t tell us you don’t know what detox is, what it’s purpose is or how to safely conduct a detox program – that would surely be SO embarrassing for you.

          • well in order to remove the bacteria causing the cancer I would apply an enectrical current throught the skin using a nine volt battery. I would then put him in an orgasmatorn machine to remove the dangerous thoughts that cause cancer. I would then give him raw liver smoothies, coffee enemas and send him to a clinic in Mexico to give him tradtional chemotherapy. but say it was personalised.. Then huge doses of vitamin C, chelation therapy and get the latest detox diet from Cosmopolitan magazine to suck out the badness. Then take oral as well as topical Cansema which has diagnostic powers and would extract the cancer from all around the body……

          • Detoxification is the removal of toxins. If you mean in the grown up sense – not that hard
            If you mean the Lala definition
            “Many alternative medicine practitioners promote various other types of detoxification such as detoxification diets but scientists have described these as a “waste of time and money”. Sense About Science, a UK-based charitable trust determined that most commercial products’ “detox” claims lack any supporting evidence”
            It means absolutely nothing. There is no definition what the toxins are how you can demonstrate they have been removed, problems with having them etc. In short it is a pile of mumbo jumbo by people who generally like hose pipes in their rectum or extracting money from the hard of thinking.
            As regarding the Rife machine dress it up what ever way you want. The paper doesnt exist.It has never been shown to work nor can it nor do baceria cause all cancers. He was a laughing stock to intelligent people then and now.
            Trying to dress up a battery with two electrodes into something from Star Trek is laughable

          • GOT YOU. CHARLATAN. I’ll leave you in your half-witted state of apoplexy. I have a weekend to commence. It doesn’t include your bulldust.

          • Benefits of using zeolites in animal feed include increased mineral utilization, reduction of heavy metals-induced anemia, and reduction of aflatoxin toxicity. However, none of these benefits are applicable to humans

            A small pilot study sponsored by the manufacturer of a proprietary oral zeolite supplement in immunodeficient patients suggests some immunomodulatory effects, but no additional studies validate these claims. In an Alzheimer’s mouse model, zeolite reduced oxidative damage and plaque generation. Two older animal studies suggest that micronized zeolite may have anticancer benefits, but this also has not translated into any further studies. Currently, no studies of zeolite as a cancer treatment in humans have been published.

            A company filed a U.S. patent application in 2001 for a synthesized form of zeolite as a cancer drug . Data submitted were based on in vitro, plant, and animal studies. The patent specified that the substance must be injected directly into the tumor, which rules out any benefits by oral route. In addition, the FDA has issued warning letters to several Internet distributors of zeolite products for misleading claims about health benefits

            Zeolite can affect brain serotonergic receptor activities of mammary carcinoma-bearing mice, but the clinical implications for humans is unclear. Zeolite supplementation did not prolong survival in tumor-bearing animals

            Zeolites are carcinogenic when inhaled.There are no published studies investigating the purported antitumor effect of zeolites in humans. Large prospective studies have demonstrated that inhaled zeolite is carcinogenic, and responsible for a well-described epidemic of malignant mesothelioma in Turkey

            So thats pretty much that taken care of………as for the “Rife trials ” – a study almost eighty years ago . I wonder what cancer they had and how it was shown? Ultrasound? CT scan? Killing the “viruses” that caused cancer??
            I was aware that new trials were on going but presumably if they are on going they havent been done yet. Still it will be much more interesting when cancer can be seen and recorded.

            charlatan? The last time I saw anything as thick as you it replicated by dividing itself in half. Its interesting you go very quiet on subjects when it is pointed out that you have no basic understanding of what you are talking about.

            They don’t put arsenic in food you thick fuck it is a trace element. Carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas – try an atmosphere of it – it is how they slaughter pigs in many countries. The fact is you have no understanding of basic concepts.

            I’m afraid that lack of insight is not the same as being impervious to criticism – many paranoid delusional schizophrenics exhibit the same symptoms.

      • Rosemary Pustak died 22/3/2013
        So no need for a reply

  5. This is so important.

    I’ve seen first hand, also how eating asparagus daily can have an impact on cancers, as a loved one has been eating it to reduce his skin lesions. We got the idea from another friend who totally got rid of serious advanced cancer (lymphoma or something).

    I would also be really interested in hyperthermia treatments. Main important thing, I think, for people to remember is to embrace normal fevers. It’s a good way to flush away cancer in just a few days. I wonder, myself, how many children with cancer would be well if their parents wouldn’t race to suppress every childhood fever.

    • What? I suppose asking for any proof would be a ridiculous thing to do ?

      • TruthHunter . . . I agree . . . it is why in Meditopia, I refer to the suppression over the past 150 years as the “Great American Medical Holocaust.” Tens of millions of people who have perished at the hands of people like Michael Murray with their ridiculous chemotherapy and radiation modalities could have been saved were it not for the suppression of work like mine, or R.R. Rife, Wilhelm Reich, Nathan B. Stubblefield, William F. Koch, Nikola Tesla, Gerson, etc.

        Michael Murray says he wants proof. He is absolutely insistent that we haven’t provided any. Nonsense. I provide a plentitude of proof in Meditopia and my other online material, but he says that doesn’t count because I RESEARCHED IT, WROTE IT, and POSTED IT.

        Interestingly, I have no way — with the present tools that are at my disposal — of proving that the world is round. I really don’t. And if we apply the logic of Michael Murray, none should have the audacity to suggest that the earth really IS round.

        But let us presume that I DID want to prove that the world is round. The simple fact is that at the end of my pursuit I would have produced no more convincing an argument than I could that Cansema — or any other properly prepared escharotic — cures skin cancer better than 99% of the time . . . and a great many internal cancers at lesser percentages of success.

        This the big problem — as Thomas Sheridan makes clear in his work (“Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath”). It is the psychopaths who represent the authoritative, official position, and that is why we, ordinary people, have to use tools like the internet to sanity.

        Because if we don’t . . . no one else will . . . and then we are stuck with the ridiculous antics of the Michael Murray’s of the world

        • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

          Greggie baby …………..just a quick simple question . I can tell you are stressed………… can you die of radiation poisoning 30 years before x-rays were discovered?
          Simple question……..should be a fairly straightforward answer.
          As for chemo being first utilised after that and really only in the 1940’s ……but Im being kind .Just answer the first question….I know you dont like too ..but just for me …………..

          • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

            so you might be doing yourself out a job – all you need is a temperature “It’s a good way to flush away cancer in just a few days.”
            and “asparagus” ?
            You have done research on this as well? Amazing………….

            But please honey – just the x-ray question – im dying to see your answer!

          • Epidemiologically, cancer has accelerated as a modern epidemic since WW II. I have never asserted online or in Meditopia that anybody was using chemo or radiation therapies in the 1800’s — which have seen their real accrescence since 1950’s. Nor have I ever asserted that the use of chemo and radiation therapies alone are responsible for the runaway cancer rates we see today. I believe that modern technology — natively maladaptive to normal human functioning as it is (read the work of Dr. Rene Dubos) — has provided an onslaught of cancerogenic inputs that we are only beginning to appreciate. A good example of this is the work of Samuel Milham (M.D.) in “Dirty Electricity : Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization.”

            But whoever you are (“Quack Journalist / . . blah blah blah”?), I believe the larger issue related to your post is form. Your pubescent attack — to a person you have never meet or addressed before — has the same infantile manner that Michael Murray’s does. If you felt I had a fact wrong, you could have come online in a civil manner and asked me to address it.

            But you didn’t.
            We’ve never seen you before and yet right out of the shot block, you’re flaming me. It is typical of the way I am treated by people who are sent in to represent the Medical Industrial Complex. We can tell who you are by your complete and uncompromising lack of civility and hostility to the facts that are contrary to your financial and political interests.

          • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

            Greg I know it is really hard for you not to be a total asshole but do try. You have generally no idea about anything let alone my education but rest assured it is significantly greater than yours which is virtually nil.
            You ” remain convinced” I am a quack journo” until your next post when you have changed your mind to some anonymous secret agent for another countrys governement based on paranoid ramblings in an online magazine with an anonymous source- in most peoples eyes – an unverifiable conspiracy based fabrication.

            The assertions made were that having a fever got rid of cancer . This is false. Or eating asparagus will cure cancer either. This is clearly just utter crap. What happens to the cancerous growth ? it just dries up? or indeed the “internal cancers that you claim that your tablets treat – does a renal cancer just “get passed out? Extrude through the skin? Urinated out? The notion is physiologically impossible yet you claim that I dont understand physiology. Something having an physiological effect does not equate for normal people to a cure for anything. What is the bioavailabiity of the cansema capsules ? Do you know ? What “internal cancers” are you talking about? How do you know the long term survival? Do the people that die write in and tell you?
            These are perfectly valid questions which you will simply refuse to answer and create another excuse which I look forward to seeing ………..

            Max Gerson did not treat anyone . Once again your personal statements are utterly meaningless as you sell crap for a living , are a convicted liar and will provide any rubbish to try and justify your cause.
            His clinic has killed several people from electrolyte imbalances, salmonella from unclean equipment and colitis by infusing coffee enemas.
            But like you he claimed they were all out to get him, provided not a shred of proof and set up in a third world.

            You should really make up your mind what causes and what cures cancers. Gerson asserted it was sodium imbalances, then your other quacks thought it was a lack of orgasms, or a lack of vitamins, or an excess of sodium and need a pint of coffee up their ass with a raw liver smoothie (Gerson) or just “toxins” and can be treated by massaging or sexually abusing children( Reich – who thought his father was an alien) giving injections of distilled water,( William F Kock) or using the Rife machine ( which was recently available on a certain persons website for only $400 – and consists of a 9 volt battery and two electrodes.)

            Proof is not hard to get.
            If you want proof the world is round look at the moon. if it has a crescent shaped shadow on it then it must mean that something round is blocking the light from the sun – that would be the earth,
            Providing proof in medicine is much easier. You have people with evidence of a diagnosis. That means in most conditions pathology.
            You give them treatment and then follow them up for a time and see what happens – easy peasy.
            You dont see patients just sell jars of potions. You dont know what they have or what happens to them. You offer no logical explanation as to how tumours can be selectively killed or not and how they leave the body without defying normal physiology. You dont follow them up but claim to know who lives and who dies. If they do die you blame other treatment they have had beforehand.

            You refered to the “great American medical Holocaust over the last 150 years ” where “millions of people have perished… ridiculous chemotherapy and radiation modalities”

            The notion that millions of people would have been saved by sitting in an orgasmatron box, being massaged, having cappuccinos poured up their ass or given injections of distilled water simply shows you have scoured the freak books looking for delusional crap artists like yourself . Nothing more.

            Im still waiting on an explanation of the success of chemotherapy in leukaemia and falling death rates from cancer…………..

          • Dear “Quack Journalist” . . .

            I suppose I could make the claim and support it by saying that you are a complete moron . . . but even that would be giving you more credit than you describe.

            WHO on this blog ever asserts that getting a fever by itself cured cancer? Hmmm? Who? Who one this blog ever asserted that eating asparagus — by itself — cures cancer? Can you tell me? Who? You don’t know the difference between an adjunctive therapy or primary modality, do you? Show me where I ever said that that practitioners were using chemo or radiation therapy in the 1800’s. Never happened, genius. You are going to keep saying it, of course. But it never happened.

            What I DID say is that the general pattern of suppression of effective cancer curing remedies since the 1800’s has prematurely MURDERED tens of millions of people. You’ll never agree to that, of course. But everything I have experienced in my professional career in the alternative health care field over 30 years confirms it. People know that I know what I’m talking about. And that’s why I have such a large international clientele.

            You’re like Michael Murray — I respond to your questions in depth, and then your next response reflects no indication that I posted anything .. .. and like Murray you have this notion that if you just spread enough of your vomit around, the stench will be so great, nobody will want to hold a discourse.

            You’re wrong.

          • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

            Who makes the acsertion ? The person above who wrote the post thats who…she also stated that cancer was caused by childhood fevers.
            Who doesnt answer any of the following points
            Yes it did genuius as I clearly quoted – in the last 150 years…was your quote. Now you dont believe the shit you write yourself
            The people you quoted were all fakes
            You do not have any follow up to back up your statistics
            You cannot explain how the substance removes internal cancers
            You do not state the bioavailabilty of your tablets
            You still cannot explain chemo effects on leukaemia
            You cannot explain how something with a practically neutral ph burns the skin

            All of your statments are based on your own claims about what doctors have said to you, what patients have told you and what you beleive – so take you out of the equation and its all entirely based on your say so.

            Here are the questions again you have refused to answer.

            You stated that the best way to make cancer spread was to cut into it
            This is rubbish.
            You said that doctors knew more about cancer in the 1840′s than today. This is rubbish.
            You have said that cancer survival has not improved. This is rubbish.
            You have stated that the salve is “self diagnostic” . This is rubbish.
            You have quoted a “study” from 1840′s involving 4000 patient. This “study” does not exist
            You have said that the medical treatment of cancer has an “abysmal ” survival rate . This is rubbish.
            You have said that you do not need evidence to prove it works as you have lots of testimonials on the internet. This is rubbish.
            You say you have treated over 20,000 patients. This is rubbish., You have no qualifications and selling fake creams with false claims on the internet is not the same as treating patients.
            You have said medical authorities are killing millions – this is rubbish.
            You give no explanations as to vaccination and the reduction in deaths, public health campaigns or medicine. to name but a few
            You have said all orthodox organisations are corrupt – this is rubbish

          • Murray . . . you have the misguided notion that is one doesn’t have theories that are acceptable to you, all empiricism must be ignored. There is a REASON why people of your ilk resist “Evidence-Based Medicine” as I make clear in Chapter 4 of Meditopia (

            Cansema cures cancer. You would have the many thousands of people around the world who have reported their positive results ignored if the person making it doesn’t have an officially-sanctioned explanation as to the mechanism of action. This is bullshit. It’s why people don’t accept the official version of much of anything anymore. People trust their own experiences and when they are an eyewitness to their own cure, you feel that you — the Almighty God that you are and your friends in the Orthodox Medical Community — should have the power to veto what people are an eyewitness to. This is just nonsense.

            I’m not going to address the rest of your letter because it is a regurgitation of things we have already debated. You jwon’t address my comments or posts — so why should I waste my time taking your “SAT tests”? You don’t want to believe that Middlesex Hospital announced a cure for cancer in 1858 and did a clinical study with over 4,000 patients. You want to rewrite history, as do all tyrants who don’t want people believing in things they don’t like. Tough. It happened, and I cite my sources in Meditopia. You press the issue of follow-up, as if 4,000 people wasn’t enough in the original study. What follow-up? What more follow-up do you need to this multi-year study? As anyone been able to REFUTE the results? Of course not.

            You insist — in every one of your posts — on asserting that I’m a fraud, as if there isn’t a mountain of evidence to support my contention that modern, orthodox medicine isn’t the very epitome of fraud. I suppose you think that I have paid off the hundreds of people in Australia who are working with Panacea-BOCAP and are collecting a mountain of clinically valuable data to support my claims . . . none of them using fake data — the kind you see in JAMA and the New England Journal of Medicine.

            No matter what I say or who I quote, you have to take issue with it. I understand that. You have no other recourse.

            This blog was set up by Truther Girls to report on two approaches to skin cancer that are consistently curing this ailment. One of those I am connected to; the other I am not. I find it curious that you would devote so much time to a blog that is — by its very existence — something you are labeling as fraudulent and untrue.

            Have you noticed yet that not a single person who has used Cansema or other black salve variant has come on this board to say that it didn’t work?

            Oh — I forgot — it couldn’t have possibly happened the way they described. Everybody is a liar if their outcomes don’t have your approval.

            Too bad. You are powerless to change reality.

          • still waiting for a answer

            if there is a study – name it – there is no reference to it on your website – only a reference to a book. If it was a study and published name it .

            It is not ” theories that are acceptable to me” – that is the argument of the mentally handicapped. But surely you must have a notion of how it works . How it is “self diagnostic” How it penetrates skin and seeks out cancers? How it burns with a practically neutral ph? Otherwise it just looks like it doesnt work – your only explanation is that it does because you or anonymous people you claim to have told you – say it does, Virtually all chemical physical , neuronal .pharmacological and pathological pathways are explained – except you simply attack me because you ask for an explanation. Or is it from Hogwarts?

            I am not asserting you are a fraud – you are a fraud . You have convictions for fraud. And forgery. This isnt in question.
            I simply enjoy exposing you – I do this for fun not for a living. And if someone sees that you refuse to answer simple questions they might just seek proper care rather than a cure all cream with “more than 99% success” – take your word for it – then all the better.

          • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

            I did laugh…….” if I thought you had a wrong fact “!!!
            No I did say you had several right ones. That the American health care system isnt very good and the ph of orange juice. Everything else has been pretty much utter bollocks.
            Please dont give the mock offence at an intelligent professional who doesnt even live in the country you claim I am a government representative of and then refer to people as prostitutes and rapists,.
            I am simply challenging a convicted con man and forger who sells fake products from the third world to answer direct questions . You dont. it is good for people to see you are a fake and a coward who simply makes up whatever fanciful shit he likes and then refuses to provide any evidence for the garbage you write.

            All quacks and con men do the same as you – rather than provide proof they try and demean the questioner. Happens all the time as they have no means of explaining – you have been asked straightforward questions over six times and you have so far given seven excuses.

          • Ok . . . now I get it. “Definately a Quack Journalist” is another screen name for Michael Murray. I wasn’t sure because you’ve been changing identities.

            Murray . . . every time you lie, I’m going to call you on it. Earlier on this blog I called you on every one of your questions (look above) and I detailed my responses point-by-point. Again, you can keep SAYING that I didn’t answer your questions, but that doesn’t make it true.

            BTW . . . you never responded to Panacea’s collection of hundreds of clinical reports of cancer cures using our products that appeared in the Jan./Feb. 2013 issue of Veritas . . . studies that would never, in a thousand years, be reprinted in JAMA, New England Journal of Medicine, Nature, Science, or any of the other publications controlled by Big Pharma. They suppress it in the same way that Linus Pauling was able to show that statin drugs are a complete fraud on the public, and despite being a Nobel Prize in Medicine laureate, he couldn’t get his studies published after that.

            If a Nobel Laureate in Medicine cannot get his well-structured studies published if he “bucks the system,” how would you propose that I would?

            Get your talking points out, show us the hack that you are, and come up with a ridiculous response. We’re waiting.

          • Oh well done…. No one replies to your garbage except me …. Sherlock .
            Linus Pauling we’ve been over before, he did not prove anything regarding statins. He didn’t get published because the research was rubbish. And now it’s a vitamin c deficiency – as well as toxins vitamins sodium …. Which one is it?
            And again you haven’t answered a single question
            As for veritas this is a crap hippy magazine that you took an advert in . Written by you . Which of course makes it true.
            Answer the questions . Copy and paste them – they should be moderated by now surely….
            Just remind me …. I’ve been through repeatedly and they aren’t there. Be a
            Man and answer them

          • I’m going to reply to your latest missive because there isn’t a single thing in it that’s true. To-wit:
            ( 1 ) Linus Pauling never said that hypoascorbemia had anything to do with cancer. What he did was show that statins mask the effects of deficiency as it relates to cholesterol. He was able to show that statin drugs are a complete fraud on the public. And he came out with his studies in 1991 — at a time when statin drugs were already pumping in $150 billion a year in revenues. I provide extensive detail in Chapter 4, Section 4 of Meditopia.
            ( 2 ) Veritas Magazine. I have never been in contact with anyone who works for or is associated with this publication. In fact, I received the PDF copy of the article only AFTER it came out — from a trustee who works for Panacea BOCAF. You pulled this one out of your rear . . . and you have no evidence to the contrary. But you’re good at that.
            ( 3 ) For the fourth time : I addressed your questions in a point-by-point response that you can see above.

            I am not answering your questions two and three times. You may have time for this nonsense, but I do not.

          • still waiting for a answer

            He never said anything about vitamin C and cancer – except for the 1979 book ” Vitamin C and Cancer” – I think the name is in the title.
            As for statins WHERE IS THIS LANDMARK STUDY ??? Other than your imagination / it was banned/ burned/.assasinated

            You are a liar who has refused to answer the questions at all.
            You are forgetting your previous excuses
            ” i dont need to answer”
            ” Im not going to answer”
            Case closed”

            And of course you didnt – what prove to I need – well I spoke to someone on the magazine who said you did and there were two witnesses – now you cant deny testimonials can you

            It is not a journal or anything or repute – it is hippy shite that proves nothing – if that is the best you can do it is pathetic

          • Murray . . . you are a complete and total liar.
            I have NEVER spoken to anyone at Veritas.
            In fact, I didn’t even know they existed until Panacea contacted me earlier this month. You’ve been caught. Give us the name and number in Australia of the person you talked to who said that I am the behind who is behind their article. You can’t. Because it’s a total lie. You made it up.

            As far as Linus Pauling goes . . . again, see Chapter 4, Section 4 of Meditopia. I have all my references there — far more material than you can present on any post :

          • still waiting for a answer

            Of course I made it up . This is to illustrate the point that you knowing doctors ” you “having met patients treated by Gerson” methods and you having “thousands of patients sho told you they were treated successfully ” can be entirely made up as well.
            All of it relies on the word of a man with two convictions for lying – hardly reliable is it now?

          • still waiting for a answer

            Chapter 4 –
            It does contain information on vitamin B17 – trialled and shown to be ineffective
            Burzynski & Antineoplastins – where they use traditional chemotherapy – and can get away with fake medicine as they say it is a trial and get people to pay to be in it but have never published. They have no record of any successes – only patients who cant be traced
            William Frederick Koch & Glyoxylide – a compound which only exists theoretically and what was sold was distilled water.
            Wilhelm Reich’s discoveries concerning orgone energy – massaging people and putting them in an orgasm box – cancer was caused by bad sex. The man who thought his father came from a UFO
            Harry Hoxsey the salesman whose own treatment didnt work on himself. When his “patients” were examined there was no proof that they had cancer in the first place.
            Mathieus Rath – who killed people in South Africa by giving them vitamins and not anti retrovirals and not taking them to hospital
            And eventually after pages of boring shite about scurvy……there is still not a reference to show that statins are a consirpacy only your own extrapolation.
            Just pause for amoment – if ther eis no money in Vitamin C – can there be any money in aspirin – so why is it used in cancer prevention studies at the moment? Could it be that – heaven forbid – some doctors are trying to stop disease???? But no – no money – no study

          • Oh well done…. No one replies to your garbage except me …. Sherlock .
            Linus Pauling we’ve been over before, he did not prove anything regarding statins. He didn’t get published because the research was rubbish. And now it’s a vitamin c deficiency – as well as toxins vitamins sodium …. Which one is it?
            And again you haven’t answered a single question
            As for veritas this is a crap hippy magazine that you took an advert in . Written by you . Which of course makes it true.
            Answer the questions . Copy and paste them – they should be moderated by now surely….
            Just remind me …. I’ve been through repeatedly and they aren’t there. Be a
            Man and answer them . Your evasion for an expert is getting tiring . Please feel free to rebuke any accusations of the fakes that you think could have saved millions ….anyway off to have a rectal latte …. That should sort me out.

          • Murray . . . I cover some of the suppressed medical technologies as it relates to cancer in Chapter 4 of Meditopia ( The suppression of the work of Rife, Koch, Tesla, and escharotics alone has contributed to the premature deaths of millions of people.

            You won’t read it. But any others who may be reading this board might.

          • still waiting for a answer

            And I have highlighted the fact that they were fakes and psychopaths

            Their collective ” discoveries” were absolutely nothing
            Distilled water doesnt cure cancer. Sexually abusing children doesnt cure cancer. Applying small electrical currents doesnt cure cancer. Pouring a gallon of coffee up your colon is not going to take away a lung cancer.

            They are not suppressed – they dont work. People arent going to suppress a cure for a condition they might get themselves.
            However you have made a living out of exploiting the desperate.

            Fakes like you simply have to cling on to the same routine

            Cancer cures are “suppressed”
            Cancer is one disease with one common problem which can be remedied with their treatment
            All doctors,universities ,governments and pharmaceutical companies are all in a gigantic world wide conspiracy as clearly dead people are good for business,
            There is only one healthcare model in the world which is the American one, The fact that every other industrial country provides free health care and doctors get paid a standard amount is passed over.
            When proof is asked they deny it/ say it isn’t necessary/ not contain information or provide unverifiable testimonials
            When asked what is the physiological process it basically comes down to magic plus see above.
            They deny the need for a diagnosis.
            They will all deny basic facts like falling cancer mortality or the effect of established treatments
            When they are asked to stop making unsubstantiated claims they will say it is a conspiracy
            They will set up in Mexico /Third world and sell their wares.

            It is simply beyond the scope of normal intelligence to comprehend that there are at least six different deficiencies/ processes and that there are at least six or seven different treatments a- all with universal success and no recurrence

            Unless of course you are an ex – convict who sells potions for a living.
            Now I see why you post on a site called (truther) girls – because you dont have the balls to answer a single question

        • Just to chuck another two cents’ worth in, the Statin fraud is one of the big ones in modern medicine.
          (1) Cholesterols are not bad for you – they’re good for you and the body manufactures them because it needs and uses them. Primarily, they serve to rigidify cell plasma membranes, particularly in zones called “rafts” where influx/efflux proteins, signalling proteins and whatnot are mainly embedded. They provide binding between phospholipids and proteins.
          (2) The real culprits are not cholesterols – not even LDLs. Instead, they’re oxycholesterols and the LDLs figure more prominently because they are the ones that oxidise more easily. Oxidation renders them less soluble, so they precipitate as plaque on vascular interiors.
          (3) Inhibition of them by statins is harmful – not beneficial. Cells with inadequately reinforced membranes are inherently “weak” and may also manifest failure by cells to retain their plasma proteins properly.
          (4) Statins also inhibit CoQ10 production and this is even more seriously harmful. This vital endogenous antioxidant in its Ubiquinol redox state is what keeps the blood vessels clear of plaque. When it is depleted, there is little to prevent cholesterol oxidation and what little cholesterol may be left for the system to use properly is much more likely to oxidise and precipitate in the vessels and perhaps also the heart, instead. It effectively doubles the risk of heart attack, rather than reducing it.
          (5) Once Ubiquinol CoQ10 has scavenged a pair of oxygen radicals, which it may have done from oxycholesterol to become Ubiquinone CoQ10, it probably migrates into cells, where it participates in the ETC as part of the Mitochondrial Complex I in which ATP is produced. So CoQ10 is vitally important and statin drugs BLOCK the stuff. That’s dangerous.
          (6) Nobody who is breathing, and I mean absolutely NOBODY – should be using statins. Keep up the CoQ10 instead – Ubiquinol for clean blood vessels and Ubiqinone for energy production.

          • I think two cents would be a gross ecomonic over estimate.
            You just demonstrate you are a clone without an original thought once again.
            Your explanations are clearly wrong and you are speaking about physiological processes you dont understand. I thought you had “studied” cancer for nine years and hey presto you are an expert on cardiovascular medicine too…
            Excessive cholesterol is clearly pathological in cases of inherited hypercholestrolaemia and the treatment is well document and the reduction in mortality. However if you can demonstrate papers that show otherwise it would be great to see them.
            The 4S study on secondary prevention clearly demonstrated the reduction in mortality and has been repeated over and over. The main effect is due to plague stabilization and is therefore why it is effective in patients with normal cholesterol. The important issue is the cholestrol :HDL ratio but I am sure you knew this. This is taken in conjunction with the other significant risk factors to determine their use but again you knew this

            as for your manufactured statement
            “that little (?)cholesterol may be left for the system to use properly is much more likely to oxidise and precipitate in the vessels and perhaps also the heart, instead. It effectively doubles the risk of heart attack, rather than reducing it. ”
            What is this based on other than your imagination? And the effect on stroke or vasospasm post sub arachnoid hemorrhage ….?

            So far you have talked of AZT which isn’t used,papers which you refuse to quote as they dont exist, using posionous gases to treat HIV and demonstrate no understanding of secondary prevention in vascular disease, and processes advertised in womens magazines……..very impressive
            You are not my information gatherer but these papers dont exist so if you wnat to prove otherwise that would be good

  6. Oh, forgot to add, I also had a relative who used black salve to get rid of her lesions. It was wonderful, even if very painful. Frankly, I find it a little bit of a turnoff because of this problem. But it should be in every cancer-fighting arsenal, just in case it’s needed.

    • definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent ( i've changed my mind)

      A turnoff? I didnt think cancer treatment was supposed to be a turn on!

  7. I just read the below link about Black Salve and other like treatments. It’s horrific and will scare anyone away from using it. Perhaps that was the intent of the article however, it does raise concern of severe irreparable damage from this treatment. If it were I who had the skin cancer, I’d try the Gerson Therapy 1st as it addresses the actual cause of the cancer and discontinue eating sugary foods.

  8. I am currently using Black Salve on two skin cancers. Yes it is painful. I am going through a hot and cold over the time of the cancer being killed. I did not take anything for the pain. I have had other skin cancers burnt off and cut out over the years. These last two came up over a few weeks. Sores that would not heal.

  9. Hi,
    I just discovered your cool blog! So, on the topic of (escharotic) black salve, I’ve had one brand since the early 90’s. Once this runs out, the ‘veterinary only’ stuff looks good too. Over the years, a friend and I have used it several times for small -and not so small- red irritated patches that don’t go away. It’s still very potent! Here’s what I’ve found: It has always done what it claims. Yes it hurts, not so bad for small stuff, but, say, penny sized and more, WOW! The instructions aren’t kidding: “manage your pain”. However, I don’t take anything for the pain. Mind you, it’s impressively painful once ‘the process’ peaks. Yeah, I’ve seen the quackwatch picture, it’s gruesome! (She did NOT have the genuine stuff! Read the article) So, what did I do? Last year I put some on a nickel sized red patch on my nose. My face didn’t melt like that poor woman in the picture, but it was quite intense! Once again, it worked just like it says. Not for the timid or fearful! I will always have this stuff around. I definitely make no medical claims, non-chemical sunscreens are our friend, and your are responsible for your own not-approved-by-doctors health knowledge journey. All the best!

  10. Isn’t it possible that it’s the zinc ingredient that is doing the work? I used A & D diaper cream (with zinc) on a small skin lesion/tag/whatever and in a few weeks it gradually disappeared. I told my doctor, who is pretty open minded and he said “Hey whatever works!”

  11. Pingback: DERMATOLOGISTS HATE THIS VIDEO! (natural skin cancer cure) | Cancer

  12. Would be a good idea to publish a list of known good suppliers of the Black Salve. Just to overcome the internet fake shops. In europe the authorities are planning to close the markets for herbal medicine. Even in the free morality of Holland I have to find suppliers from other countries for some herbs, while they leave drugdealers on the streets. If someone in Switzerland orders from outside, the package will be screened, the police will come to his house and fine him (and also the MD that gave him the prescription gets fined). The world goes upside down.

  13. marian dubrowski

    where in Australia can i get ingedients please?i need this cream ergently as i have been told they couldn’t get all the skin cancer out from my face.

  14. Hi I found this youtube video that gives a Black salve recipe is it correct, or a fake?

    • Jan,
      There are several black salve recipes – in fact the exact constituency of a black salve is almost open-ended. This recipe is a legitimate one, although I would personally leave out the Glycerine because it’s hygroscopic. The zinc chloride will already do plenty of that because its hygroscopic, too. Note that contrary to popular belief, glycerine does not moisturise – it de-moisturises, because it soaks up water and does not easily release it. DMSO is more than just a transdermal carrier – much more. In fact, it is directly anticarcinomic in its own right and dramatically potentiates other compounds into malignant tissues by almost a thousand-fold versus what healthy tissues would receive. In addition, it accelerates biochemical reaction speeds – said to be by a thousand-million to one. It is a powerful analgesic that works by blocking nerve signals, but initially produces a strong heat sensation for ten to fifteen minutes. I think it activates the nerve system’s heat sensing channels and then depletes the acetylcholine, leaving the area numbed – much like capsaicin from jalapeno. It have not yet tried it, but intend to experiment with repeating DMSO applications through the paste or scab without otherwise disturbing it, to ameliorate the ongoing pain problem. Graviola is rich in Acetogenins, which are lactone lipids. They are self-potentiating in malignant cells, because they have very high binding affinity with Ubiquinone Oxidase, a cell membrane enzyme unique to malignant cells. It’s not found in healthy ones. Actually, I suspect UO is also present in bacteria, but I won’t go into the rationales for that. Acetogenins actively inhibit Mitochondrial Complex I, the process of ATP production. For this reason, they are particularly good against multi-drug resistant cancers and also multi-drug resistant microbes. They practically shut down the p-glycoprotein efflux pumps that resistant cells or bugs use to get rid of cytotoxins. They cause the mitochondria to release apoptogenic caspase enzymes, too, so in these ways, they cause the deaths of cancer cells with minimal or no impact on healthy cells, depending on the cells’ energy requirements. Some Acetogenins are incredibly potent – there are two in Paw Paw (Asimina Triloba) with EC50 ratings against prostate cancer cells of less than 1 attogram per millilitre, marking them as the most potent selective apoptogens known to medical science. Those are Trilobacin and Asiminocin. The most notable one in Graviola is Annonacin – somewhat less potent, but still quite powerful. Sensitivities of different cancers to different acetogenins vary widely. One could even choose to use Goldenseal in one of these recipes. It contains the alkaloid Berberine, which is also a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor with many useful applications against microbes and malignant cells, including resistant ones. Galangal is similar to ginger or turmeric, so it has a range of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and anticancer actions including Cox-2 inhibition. Bloodroot contains a toxic alkaloid called sanguinarine. Poke contains toxic alkaloids phytolaccine and phytolaccotoxin. Chaparral contains NDGA, a potent chelating toxin leacher/mobiliser. Bentonite or montmorillonite or pascalite clay will absorb toxins and also thickens the mixture. Charcoal does both likewise, while flour is mainly just a thickener. The zinc chloride raises the pH and may have other effects.
      Basically, a good black salve formulation will exhibit several distinctly different anticarcinomic actions ranging through pH modification, Cox-2 inhibition, mitochondrial complex I inhibition, g-phase apoptogenesis, caspase activation and so on; and is designed to work as a dermal exiguent that kills and draws out the tumour.

  15. Black salve hurts because it burns your skin, this much is obvious given the large gaping holes people are often left with. any sane doctor would prescribe surgery instead of this method of burning cancer off. To anyone wondering if they should use this, consider getting surgery instead or any other scientifically proven medical intervention and take their side effecs into consideration.

    • If that is what you choose to do then great! But if someone chooses to use this method what is it to you? I get real tired of everyone from the government to neighbors that think everything needs to be done according to their ideas and rules. Have the surgery my friend. I choose to NOT.

    • problem with surgery, is that they don’t get it all, this stuff does go to the root and then some, seems to pull it out. If you do it again so you know you got it, it does not do anything the second time around,only if you got it all. Always want to make sure it heals up, even if there is a scar, there is also with surgery. My father had a new nose from 4 surgeries on his nose, because they could never get it all. If a suave had been used under supervision and then reconstructed after on the skin, at least he would have know they got it all….

      • I am waiting for my black salve to be delivered as I have had very invasive surgery on my face twice in two weeks and they didn’t get it all and I’m so badly scarred that I don’t like to go out in public.I can’t afford to have plastic surgery as i’m a pensioner,I will give the salve my best shot.It’s the only thing I can do now. Marian Dubrowski.

    • Have you tried this..because I did and it did not leave any gaping holes…just removed a small spot I knew was cancer!

      • hi everyone the black salve worked for me! I’ve had several surgery’s to remove skin cancers and I can tell you they leave terrible scars.I’ll continue to use the black salve. Marian.

        • Hi Marian, very nice. I had used it on my forehead as well, my hubby on his scalp, my mother in law on her face in few spots, two spots were treated after she has done surgery, all worked wonderfully, we had wholes after moles fall out but they healed wonderfully and closed with the skin growth. I am in ozzie as well, our health department is so corrupted, unbelievable

          • hi everyone,it’s been 10days since my skin cancer fell off.the hole in my eyebrow is nearly fully closed.i am truely amazed the surgeon that is fixing my lip to chin scar will be amazed,cause he was going to remove the 1 on my eyebrow.i thank god for finding the blacksalve.

          • It is great Marian. But do not expect your surgeon to acknowledge the work of the black salve. It was the case with my mother-in-law, she used salve under “supervision” of her doctor, and after salve did it work, the doctor just said ‘hmmm’. She even suggested that their was mistake and it was not cancerous, even though my mum had lab exam confirmed. THEY JUST PATHETIC. Under their ‘medical license’ they are not ‘allowed’ to acknowledge the efficiency of herbal treatment. Our government and health system are totally corrupt, like mafiosy.

          • hi sorry for what happened with your mum.I have a great family doctor,who was amazed what took place with the black salve,I shown him the photo’s, and he told me to continue with the black salve because it had done its job. he totally backs me doing it this way.

        • Hi Marion, I too am in Australia, where did you get your black salve from? Kim

        • Marian! Where did you get your black salve from? I am in need of finding some! And im so happy for you..that it worked! 🙂

  16. How do I get that black sav

  17. Is there any where in Australia you can get Black salve from?

    • Black Salve is now illegal in Australia, but you can make it up yourself, there was a post above, this is from the “One answer to cancer” video.

  18. Black salve works very very effectively and efficent. I’ve been using it for over a year and a half now and have removed many many areas of cancer. Some painful some not. The larger the area the more painful it will be. Visit this site for all the answers to all your questions. I have ordered from them as well. Black Salve is used by some Vetrinary establishments in the US and as I know it it is not illegal to use it on yourself. It’s been around for well over a hundred years. You can get yourself cut,burnt and poisioned if that is your wish. We are taught from a very early age to run to the Dr. when we are sick so this is the normal reaction for many people, but there are alternatives that are 100% effective. I’ve walked the walk and will continue my use forever.

  19. Virgilio Minshew

    Skin lesions can be minimized through the use of acid peels and in the worst cases, it can be reduced by laser exposure. ,”;;”

    Please do check into our blog

  20. This stuff works. Go natural – herbs

  21. Lydia Fitzpatrick

    I have used black salve (escharotic salve) for over 15 years now. Having grown up as a “California Girl” baking in the sun all of my life, I am now dealing with massive basal cell cancers and melanomas. My sister deals with squamous cell cancers. I have used the salve to extract the cancer and it’s roots on more than 25 occasions over the years, the latest being a melanoma on my arm. During this time, I would occasionally go to a dermatologist who would cut out cancers from the sensitive areas (such as the nostrils), only to have the cancers return. I would then use the black salve and it would be painful, yes, but it took the cancer away with no returning. At this point, I will not ever go back to a doctor to have cancer cut off me, I only use the salve and with fabulous results.

    After looking at Quackwatch’s gruesome photos, I have come to realize that the swatch of skin that is missing from the woman’s face has been surgically removed (the clean straight edges show that it was cut away surgically). Now I’m sure she probably used the black salve incorrectly, and as such, had a huge eruption and ran to the doctor who then removed all the skin across the face and then took the photo and claimed “look what the black salve did”. Hmmmm……..funny how during the turn of the century, the U.S. had “escharotic hospitals” where the black salve was used to treat cancers, then they closed them in lieu of modern medicines pharmaceutical treatments and suddenly our cancer death rates started to soar.

    I recommend the black salve 100%, however, everyone who is using it for the first time needs to have an experienced user guide you through the process and show you how to use it correctly and responsibly.

  22. Most of the time, skin cancer is caused by too much exposure to UV radiation and malnutrition. .

    Our blog site

  23. Cedrick, ya think!

  24. marian dubrowski

    the sun screen that most people use is full of chemicals,which cause you to get more skin cancer .people need to use something like natural instincts,which doesn’t have the harsh chemicals.i know this for fact as i’ve used sunscreen for over 30years.ive had multipal skin cancers.marian.

  25. Its calked quackwatch for a reason. Ive seen more convincing evidence on Harry Potter…

    • what is point exactly michael? if you are what you’re claiming and working in the cancer research then why to ignore black salve cures, check blacksalve facebook, do you believe that so many people are making it up and wasting their time in photoshop editing pics???? why to be in denial? because it can be patented? because there is no big profit in it?

      • Presumably you can’t patent mould either .,.. That will be bad news for antibiotics ,… Or soil…. Bang does immunosuppressants ..

        • LovingTerra . . . Michael Murray doesn’t work in cancer research. I know this because no one who is serious about cancer research would make so many glaring misrepresentations as I have seen here. I have associates who disagree with me on a variety of things and our discourses in sharing those disagreements do not affect our mutual friendships. But Murray is clearly not educated in alternative cancer therapies. He is a proud member of what naturopaths call the “burn, poison, and slash” crowd.

          If you read through the now very lengthy thread above, you will see that Murray is very motivated when he posts here. He has no objectivity, and is here only to bad-mouth something he knows nothing about. He doesn’t like the video that Truther Girls posted, so he is here to criticize it. He has not the background, training, or expertise to comment on the properties of escharotic preparations. His only capability is to criticize it and dilute valuable insights of other contributors with his spam.

          He doesn’t even consider the many testimonial submissions from conventional medical doctors that you find on the Cansema testimonial pages (linked from

          You cannot reason with Murray or hold a civil conversation. The proof lies above.

          • still not answering the questions

            I nkow you are too thick to actually read the statement above. The point is being made that natural things cannot be patented and no use or profit can be gained fform them. Penicillins , cephalopsorins both came from mould, and azothiprine came from soil. So hence the statement is inocrrect.
            But I doubt you understand the concept of something being wrong.
            And we are back to your imaginary firends again who tell you things….
            Greg – as your memory seems to be going I will remind you of one of the correct statements you made. You dont know who I am nor what my qualifications or experiences are. In spite of telling you I do not reside in America you have continued repeatedly with the garbage about secret agents for the FDA and “disinfo ” agent.
            You simply fill the box of the “alternative” salesman – you seek to discredit rather ant criticism as your livelihood depends on it.
            naturopaths – or unqualified potion sellers.

            But you are wrong again – i have never watched the video.

          • It is an established fact — as anyone who has worked in this line of work knows — that the deck is stacked against natural remedies, as opposed to isolated chemical compounds. I had friends who worked at Ozel Pharmaceutical in San Antonio trying to get amvirzel (an oleander extract) approved. They went through $15 million before they realized (and I heard this from the company president) that no matter how much money they spent and how positive their clinicals, they would NEVER get their product approved.

            As is typical with almost all purveyors of natural remedies who try to go the conventional route, they were forced to close their doors.

          • still not answering the questions

   know someone again who just happens to provide a quote that fills your point……… strange…..
            It sinteresting that the CAM centre in the US has spent $3 billion so far – perhaps he should try ther e- so far they havent proven anything that works yet

          • LOL . .. . the CAM crowd could spent $500 TRILLION dollars and never come up with a natural remedy that works. They are committed to not finding one. See. . . .


          • still not answering the questions

            Clearly that is your view point and that is backed up by a reference to ….your view point.
            A more realistic view would be that when examined some methods dont work or are less successful that others. Not an unreasonable assertation
            Professor Ernst – professor of complimentary medicine at Exeter University – (and a trained homeopath – which he later declared has no physiological basis) and trianed in acupunture, herbalism
            was quoted as being the ” best qualified person to assess the evidence” summarised
            “demonstrably generate more good than harm” was limited to St John’s wort for depression; hawthorn for congestive heart failure; guar gum for diabetes; acupuncture for nausea and osteoarthritis; aromatherapy as a palliative treatment for cancer; hypnosis for labour pain; and massage, music therapy, and relaxation therapy for anxiety and insomnia.”
            In a peer reviewed journal and all references were available.

            In an accompanying editorial he did say
            “But it was also a lesson in something else – the resistance of alternative therapists to evidence that does not suit them. “The healers had pestered us to do this trial. But when they got the results, only one was so disappointed that he gave up healing. The others reached the standard conclusion – if my healing art is not shown to work then it must be the fault of the trial.”

            So when a unit is set up with billions of dollars of investment by people who are enthusiasts to the cause and dont find any a childish summation is that ” they didnt want to” .
            But as you have been reluctant to admit that anything might not be effective this is hardly surprising

    • Man, this guy sounds like Andy Lewis.

      • Really? And you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic. Its the same pattern all the time. When asked for evidence for the exquisite pseudo scientific babble you dotn provide any. Just “disinfo agent” insults and pathetic attempts to discredit when you are asked a simple question

      • Ozone? You mean the poisonous gas? Why sint it used? Em….because it is poisonous mainly…….

        “Even very low concentrations of ozone can be harmful to the upper respiratory tract and the lungs. The severity of injury depends on both by the concentration of ozone and the duration of exposure. Severe and permanent lung injury or death could result from even a very short-term exposure to relatively low concentrations”

  26. Lydia Fitzpatrick

    As a matter of fact, I do…..and I do my “due diligence”…….Do you???!!!???

    • Am I suggesting that unproven unsubstantiated witchcraft and fairy stories may not be true in spite of having a webpage full of more tosh – then yes – absolutely – here is a reference for a website to stop alien abductions – I assume that makes it true as well.
      As for the imbecilic ” it cant be patented and therefore no profit” – cyclosporin comes from a fungus – which presumably you cant patent or make money out of – oh hang on – its a medicine – and yes you can – so please go away and realise that saying a catch phrase that is nonsense doesnt make it true. Morphine, aspirin, curare all come from plants .the list is huge. It isnt used as there is no proof it works.

      • Michael, what’s your problem? This stuff works for the people who are here talking about it. You don’t have to use it. Have an open mind or get lost.

  27. and really – I know this will come as a shock to you – but Facebook and YouTube are not were people who have any credibility publish “evidence” – and yes I am sure there are fake pictures and stories around . In order yto show it is cancer you need to look at it under the microscope … honestly – it I need to explain how you diagnose and prove treatments it simply defines the point that it is guff. I just laugh how a Facebook page suddenly makes someone an oncologist.

  28. “There is no such thing as “alternative treatments ” – there is either treatment that works or it doesnt . There is no alternative”

  29. with arseh..s like you in our health system what chance do we have? why you even reading it if you against alternative treatments, your mind is closed.

  30. it is proven that mainstream medicine particularly with cancer make the problem worse, i.e. all the “treatments” will give you cancer if you do not have it already. mainstream has no interest in cures…..just treatments that will kill you… it is all about money…. I can say million things, would someone like you listen, research – no, so go away.

    • Of course it is – proven ???? – this is the problem with morons like you – you simply create an alternative universe where doctors actually somehow give people cancer because some mysterious organisation pays them to do so – now – to normal people this just sounds – well crap frankly..
      It is all based on conspiracy theory based on nothing. When you are asked to demonstrate any proof that it works you look to Youtube or say it works for people…….a bit like the anti alien abduction helmet I’m sure works for the people that use it.
      Now the basis of this laughable piece is that cancer is sucked up out through the skin – – what – all cancers ? bowel cancer ? and what if there is nodal involvement – does it suck that out too?
      Once you visit reality and realise doctors and medicine dont give you cancer – its a disease – thart happens – you might be in a slightly better place. to argue.

  31. It just makes me wonder why you’d even spend time commenting here. And there absolutely IS truth in the ‘it can’t be patented therefore no profit’ “catchphrase” as you call it. Drug companies actively fight against alternative treatments at times. They even pay people to discredit and ridicule alternative treatments. Alternative is a word I’m using here to describe alternatives to prescription drugs and the treatments they teach in medical school. I’m allowed to use the word alternative, and so is everybody else. And guess what? The treatments they teach in medical school don’t cover every last treatment that actually works. Did you know that? Medical school just doesn’t cover everything. Isn’t that shocking?

    Black Salve has cured people of cancer. That doesn’t make me an oncologist. It makes me a person with a certain amount of awareness.

    • I comment because I can . I comment because this witchcraft has no proof it is effective.” Testimonials” and posting on social media and friends saying things isnt proof.
      Again other than conspiracy theories that suit your cause where is the evidence for drug companies discrediting people. Like most hippies that vomit this garbage you are unable to see that drug companies. researchers, doctors, pharmacists are all separate entities rather than some collective secretive organisation that conspires to kill people. If this was the case it seems to defy logic as to why vaccines would have been created or diseases eradicated or preventative medicine,
      Most drugs come from natural compounds whether you like it or not – but they are purified, standardised and distributed – that is how they make money – it really isnt that difficult . I am well aware that not all conditions are treatable. However for years homeopathy was claimed to treat and cure lots of conditions – when they tested it – it didnt work. It is called being discredited. If this works lets see some proof – but you weill make your excuses and run away or insult to avoid doing so

      Sadly people will come to harm rubbing potions on their body hoping to suck out cancer – that is why I post.

  32. Yet it is misleading to suggest that no research takes place. The US government has an agency (NCCAM) dedicated to complementary and alternative medicine, and in 2010 the National Institutes of Health (NIH) allocated nearly around $520 million to this field (around 1.5% of all federal funding for medical research). Potential HIV therapies investigated in government-sponsored trials include acupuncture, yoga, Reiki and distant healing.

    Although practioners of complementary and alternative medicine generally voice support for scientific research, they are often unwilling to accept negative findings. In 2005, medical journal The Lancet published the most thorough review of homeopathy trials ever conducted.Having analysed more than one hundred trials related to a wide range of illnesses, the authors concluded,

    “there was no convincing evidence that homeopathy was superior to placebo.”
    Homeopaths united in objecting to the methodology of both the trials and the review. Some even suggested that placebo-controlled randomised trials (regarded as the gold-standard of medical science) were inappropriate for testing their system of healing.”

    • These four treatment modalities are among the last I would entertain in the treatment of HIV. So you’re telling US those criminal bloody creeps flushed good money down the toilet to discredit modalities hardly worth an credit for AIDS in the first place? I tell you, that is par for the course. Now what about oxidative therapies like Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide, huh? Don’t tell us the best answer going is AZT, because it’s NOT.

  33. And this is from the National Centre for Complimnetary and Alternative Mecdicine

    “There is limited scientific evidence suggesting that some of the complementary health practices discussed here may be useful in managing some symptoms of cancer and side effects of treatment. At present, there is no convincing evidence regarding the use of these practices in preventing or curing cancer.”

    Just thought you might like to see……….

  34. I know there isn’t any cancer conspiracy because I know that the people doing and running the research are human. Their lives, like mine, have been touched by cancer. They, like me, would do anything to save the lives of the people they love. Furthermore, I assume that any treatments associating themselves with a conspiracy theory have something to hide—the simple fact that their treatment doesn’t work.

    Michael Higgins was an Australian engineer who was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2001. This article was the centerpiece of a Web site he set up in 2003 to help prevent others with cancer from wasting their time, money, and even their health pursuing worthless “cures.” During its four-year lifetime, the site had more than 120,000 page hits and generated more than 300 feedback emails. Mr. Higgins died in 2004,

  35. Aside from inviting you to get lost, I did not insult anyone. And I really don’t know why there’s such a huge concern from you about the possibility somebody might hurt themselves with black salve. Lots of people hurt themselves with chemo and radiation all the time.
    As far as your opinion on the amount of honesty and concern for citizens that comes from drug companies, my opinion is different. We shall not come to an understanding.

    I don’t think doctors and ‘modern’ medicine are out to kill people. I just think that people should be free to treat their own bodies. Is that too much hippy vomit garbage for you? Love you man. It’s all groovy.

    • However the difference with chemo and radio therapy is that there is some evidence that they work and most people are aware of that risk,. Childhood leukaemia had a death rate in the 1960’s of approaching 100% is is now around 10%. There is a physiological basis for how it works.
      Skin cancer with the exception of high risk melanomas are not treated with chemo or radiotherapy but surgery so why drug companies are afraid of losing a market share that doesn’t exist is simply beyond understanding. I am well aware of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry and is a consequence of business and medicine colliding.

      I have no problem with people using whatever treatment they wish – but they should have some basis in reality. This story is attempting to create an entirely new physiological process where cells somehow become mobile, move and migrate through tissue and stick to a chemical compound. Is it seriously suggesting a large tumour would simply end up outside the body stuck to a lump of corrosive paste?
      Most “alternative” treatments are harmless and most have been proven to do nothing – but there is a real danger when a desperate person follows this and ends up – as in the case series in the American Dermatology journal – having reconstructive surgery that harm has been done because people were not provided with a realistic and honest explanation. Sadly the USA has more of this alternative health care as they are the only country in the developed world to not provide basic healthcare as a matter of right and so people resort to extracting their own teeth, smoking dried up plants and any cheaper or home made remedies.. Im not sure this should be the real definition of “alternative” – as it makes it sound as if some people have a choice.

      • You can read Ingrid Naiman’s book Cancer Salves. You can also choose to believe or not believe people’s first hand accounts. There is probably no certified big money research that will satisfy you. And yes, it does work. It’s not a new physiological process. It’s quite old. And I still don’t see your reason for being here arguing about it. Nobody’s asking you to use it.

        • Indeed it has been used for centuries. it is a simple chemotherapy paste which will destroy cells – that is not in doubt. What is stated above is that cancer cells will migrate out of the body – this is a new claim. There is no need for big money research – aspirin is still extensively investigated and most research can be done by simple observations. and it comes from a plant so cant be patented so no one would be interested in it anyway Saying it works is not proof – neither is personal testimony. Otherwise,any claim for anything to treat any condition remains completely unverifiable. I was simply asking for proof.
          So I assume you believe that cancer comes out of the body aka The Green Mile”? I am simply adding a little intelligence to this in case someone misdiagnoses themselves then applies a potion and subsequently dies of breast cancer. Surely people on here should have some strenght of ther convictions rather than running away every time a reasonable question is asked

          • I am not familiar with The Green Mile, and no, the cancer doesn’t float away on pixie dust. Forgive my lack of technical terms but for internal tumors such as breast cancer, it goes something like this: The salve makes a hole. It’s not magic, it’s painful. More salve is applied. The salve makes a scab inside. More salve is applied. The salve works its way in towards the cancer. It is a physical, painful process. It is not magic. For whatever reason (not magic, I assure you, most likely something to do with the ingredients in the salve, which unfortunately has not been scientifically researched or explained YET) the scabby mess works its way out through the wound. There is leakage of pustulent matter afterwards. It’s not pretty. It’s not painless. It’s not magic. But it takes the cancer out. I gave you the title of a very thorough book on the subject.

          • Michael Murray

            Thank you for the reply. However I am curious as to several points . How does the person know they have cancer and not for example a benign breat lump. The salve destroys normal tissue to make the hole. How does it get to the abnormal tissue and how would it know to destroy abnormal tissue and how does it heal?
            Is there not a risk that of someone has nodal involvement that this would be missed? I’m not sure I see any advantage to this if you don’t get a diagnosis , don’t know how long to treat , don’t know if it has spread if you actually have cancer in the first place and it would seem to leave a hole in a persons body.

  36. Lydia Fitzpatrick

    Well, thank you for all your ranting stupidity……you are showing everyone what an idiot you are….and you need to get a hobby or a love life and get the hell off this board, as you are eating precious server space with your diarrhea of the mouth. You have no credibility with the posters here, or are you too self-involved to see that?

    • Like many posters of limited ability you follow the same pattern of insult and evasion.
      I am simply asking straightforward questions.
      Hw do you know what you are treating ? Which cancers or is it all? When virtually all skin cancers are treated with surgery where is the evidence that “big pharma” wants to prevent curative treatment when the cure rate for non melanoma cancers is practically 100% without any resort to chemo a the moment. Are you saying hey are trying to protect a market share that doesn’t exist?
      Lastly please print any evidence it works- it has been used for hundreds of years before modern surgical techniques so there should be plenty….
      Having no credibility with people who believe in unproven witchcraft and you insult anyone who challenges them is a good thing. It might just stop h possibility of someone with a melanoma dying who would otherwise live.
      And regarding concern for my well being- are you not doing exactly the same thing?!
      However if you can’t or aren’t willing to answer the questions an apology would be a suitable alternative…. I wait with baited breath….

  37. Long story short. A woman has a life experience shares it on a blog. A idiot comes along and says her life experience is witchcraft.
    Sorry Idiot… you look like an idiot.

    • Joe thank you for that almost Kronkite like description….it really was extremely eloquently put.
      Now let me try – imaginary unverifiable story written by overweight unintelligent American woman claiming a new physiological process that human cells will migrate out of the body on application of a compound on the skin after having been on too many websites and overdoing her appreciation of “The Green Mile”.
      When asked for evidence or proof that this happens intelligent/inquisitive/ open minded person who has seen “The Green Mile” but realises it was a film, is told that if something is written down it therefore is true/works for them/ is an idiot/ go away/get a life/ big pharma/I believe anything that is written down including the page on alien abductions by rather aggressive hippies.
      And please Joe – try and use at least one variant of idiot … makes you look – well – you know…..
      But the offer still stands – provide some grown up evidence – or apologise

  38. Blah blah blah Your still an idiot.

  39. Try again Micheal. Ill tell you when your not an idiot.

    • Really …….? And this magnificent display of maturity and your command of both the English language and science makes you what exactly?(I’ll give you a clue – or one of your carers can explain it to you – but it isnt good…)

  40. In faxct you are so thick you give ignorant pot smoking toothless hillbillies a bad name….

    • Dope smokers suffer less from cancer. Cannabinoids are very strongly anticarcinomic. Check out the Virginia University and Madrid studies….

      • the Madrdi study was looking at ten patients with brain cancer who had extracts injected directly into their tumours – they were all dead in a year.Hardly proves “dope smokers get less cancer” – this is very difficult to prove as you dont know who smoked how much for how long and would really need twin studies as a control group to verifiy with sufficent power.
        This is just guff

  41. LMAO Still an Idiot Micheal!

    • I’m so glad…..just to point out “idiot” doesn’t need a capital letter and its “ael ” in Michael….as in the persons name…..

  42. Yup still an idiot.

  43. People, do not waste your breath with arse…e named machael, it doesn’t matter what you say, it is like beating the head against the wall.
    if this arse…e has a bit of common sense he would make his own fuc…g practical test.
    arsh.e, get the salve and apply to the melanoma mole and see for yr fuc..g-self, the results are seen in 24 hours.
    who the fuc… you are to call all us here lairs and witches…brainless bustard – i said it all

  44. Sorry “michael”, still think your an idiot. You should have a nice bowl of oats and relax. Silly little jock who makes the scotch look bad.

    • This is like Sesame Street – names have capital letters. So being told repeatedly you are stupid – repeatedly-by someone who is struggling to construct a sentence is highly amusing.
      And loving terra …. Such aggression . It is highly common for people who have no answers to straightforward questions to simply insult and run away. My friend has a melanoma – on his retina and on his liver. Presumably by rubbing this on it should disappear.
      The original poster said she rubbed it on her skin and nothing happened but only when it went through the skin was so painful it required morphine. The receipe stated “may experience burning ” several other posters described the pain on application . She also said her family weren’t worried about most cancers because of this – ? Really ? Lung cancer , bowel cancer , leukaemia ? Conveniently enough her cancer is near the skin. She still went to get it diagnosed properly and then took proprietary medicine for the pain. Other people here seem to be slapping it on anything without having a diagnosis . You can’t say you are treating skin cancer – there are lots of different types – unless you have had it biopsied . But if you choose to believe one poster who said ” I just knew it was cancer” – you might want to think again before calling other people stupid and mounting your broomsticks.

      • And Joe ( capital J – take note) please don’t tell me I am stupid again…. You have established your ignorant opinion sufficiently at the moment…. When you have another sentence you would like to add at any point with anything more substantial I would love to discuss issues with you further.

  45. Once again… your an idiot. I didn’t call you stupid, do you declare yourself stupid?, i called you an idiot and will continue to do so til the end of my days or til you send me proof that your otherwise.” Testimonials” and posting on social media and friends saying that your not an idiot isnt proof. I want proof provide some substantial evidence that your not an idiot.

  46. Sorry to here about your friend that has a melanoma – on his retina and on his liver, cancer touches us all. I wish him well and i would respect his choice of cancer treatment and hope you would do the same for these people here on this blog.

  47. People have been diagnosed and went on to use the salves.

    I really do not know how to explain this. It does somehow target the abnormal tissue. Really, I don’t know. Possibly because the salve triggers lymph and inflamation in the healthy tissue above the tumor, and as it begins to scab up it follows a path towards the diseased area.

    It would be good to have a true diagnosis when trying the black salve. There are accounts where there was a true diagnosis and people have used the salve succcessfully. And yes, some people have done a halfway job, thinking the tumor had all been reached, and had to do subsequent applications. It really would be good if MDs would work together with black salve users.

    It does create a hole, a kind of pink bloodless crater. The holes gradually fill in with normal healthy tissue.

    • hi, I’ve used the black salve and it did hurt like hell and it did leave a big hole, but it was worth it.the hole closed up in a matter of weeks and left less scaring than when I’ve had them surgically removed.I’ll continue to use the salve.amen.

    • Bridget , thank you for the reply. I just find it very difficult to understand and I have a fair degree of understanding of pharmacology and physiology. A salve is a chemical paste. It does not really seem plausible or logical that it can target certain types of cells by an unknown mechanism. The concept of a “magic bullet” against cancer cells is not new and has been sought for years. It is stretching imagination to think it can create a hole by killing health cells, cauterise blood vessels to not cause bleeding, directing towards a tumour , destroy cancer cells, extrude any waste material then allow healing and complete closure all by an entirely unknown and unrecognised mechanism.
      The notion that this has not been looked at is not plausible as virtually every cellular step and chemical has been examined. One study in South Africa in 1990 suggested that only cancer cells were targeted but this has not been able to be replicated.
      There have been many reported cases of burns from the use of salves and in one case in Australia a man who developed a fistula by applying the salve to his abdomen. It is obviously a corrosive chemical compound. They have been banned in the USA and Australia for making unsubstantiated claims as to their cancer killing ability. in order to make these claims you need evidence and they did not provide any. The danger of making a patients own salve is that the strength will not be guaranteed. Im afraid I find the evasive answers that it is too expensive to do research or there is no money in the compound as it is made from natural resources or from plants is simply not true. Capsacian ointment was made from an extract of chilli and clearly this is a plant and did not require a patent to be taken out on the plant.
      40 % of Americans take alternative health care products or supplements and spent around $20 billion . I suspect a great deal of the aggression aimed here I suspect is from people with a vested interest simply posing as interested posters.

  48. There are different ways to make it. Zinc chloride is the more corrosive ingredient. Some salves include it, some don’t. I personally have no vested interest. I found the idea intriguing, and a little scary. I did research about it. I have no reason to disbelieve the accounts of people who have used it.

    I don’t disagree, it is stretching the imagination to think it can create a hole by killing health cells, cauterise blood vessels to not cause bleeding, directing towards a tumour , destroy cancer cells, extrude any waste material then allow healing and complete closure all by an entirely unknown and unrecognised mechanism. However, this is would seem to be the case. It would be great if it could be properly studied and understood.

    Ingrid Naiman says she was approached by different groups to do trials with the salve, but she refused each one for different reasons — she was turned off by the greed and the obvious wish to exclude all competitors. She said she was somewhat sorry (but not completely sorry) afterwards that she turned them down.

    And I don’t really want to point out that your initial posts were rather aggressive as well and people tend to respond in kind.

    • Im sure you believe it is not a stretch of the imagination as you clearly believe they work and believe the people who say they work like Ingrid. However on speaking to several physiologists, pharmacologists and physicians none had any understanding of how a simple mixture could have behaved could behave in such a way. Collectively to perform all these actions in a way unknown to science and unrepeatable in a laboratory with no single piece of evidence published is frankly impossible. The chemicals and compounds have been tested. The suggestion that it seeks out cancer cells which you cannot explain , no professionals have explained or witnessed and is not reproducible in anything other than two scientific papers

      The active ingredient in many of the salves is Sanguinarine from blood root amongst others. Two studies have been published 20 years apart regarding its anti cancer properties. One in 1990 on its effect on dermal cell lines and the other in 2010 on prostate cancer. cells so its effect has been looked at.
      They have very specific actions on limited cell pathways as all chemicals do . It has been suggested that it may be a potential cancer treatment in the future. However many compounds are . The effect on cell lines is often not translated to effect in either animal or human tests.
      It is interesting that almost exactly the same claims are made for cannabis oil for treating everything from skin tumours to systemic tumours . Again all these chemicals and compounds have been looked at in spite of having been examined and have pharmacological effects but this has not been translated to clinical effectiveness.
      Zinc oxide has no topical use and is water soluble so would have difficult being absorbed through the skin. “Contact can cause severe irritation, skin burns and ulcerations. Solutions are corrosive. Symptoms include redness and pain.”
      Again it just seems that for any compound to have such a miraculous ability and then for the actual ingredients to not actually matter just is incomprehensible

      However she has a vested interest as she has a fairly extensive book list, diplomas , counselling sessions and directed healing which are also available (including astro medicine at many hundreds of dollars per session),I think it is also unlikely that if the compounds are known ingredients why she would be approached or why research would not go ahead without her. Again this could simply be an unsubstantiated claim. It seems highly unlikely that if the proprietary salves could substantiate their claim they would have legally made a fortune. if it was me I would have gone all out for a share of the billion dollar market.

  49. obviously Michael hasn’t spent time online watching testimonials as they are very compelling…. my best friend was diagnosed in July with breast cancer and was dead in 3 months under the best treatment modern medicine could offer. She suffered terribly and her “expert care” bankrupted her family. My father died of melanoma but not before he was butchered by surgeons at MD Anderson and had to live with horrible facial disfigurement until his death.

    I would certainly try this product before being butchered and/or poisoned.

    We all have eyes that can see the process of echar formation and expulsion is similar in many of these testimonial cases. The application to healthy skin has shown that it is non corrosive to non aberrant tissue. The results are immediately seen.

    • the bloodroot black salve really does work,i used it on a skin cancer on my eyebrow and it worked really was very painful but minimal scarring, not like the ugly scars i have on my face from surgery’s.i’ll continue to use it.marian

      • Oh well it must be true then – cant get any better proof than that – of course – presumably you had it biopsied to prove what kind of skin cancer it was , have the pathology available and some kind of proof that you received no other treatment?
        If you have ugly scars please provide a picture?

        • i saw a skin specialist who had removed previous basal cell carsenoma’s and it was he who told me it was cancer and wanted to remove it like he did the others.but i’ve had enough butchering to last a life time.i will not put photo’s of my surgery’s scarring on here as i really hate them and am embarresed by them.

          • well again it remains your word as evidence. So none at all then…strange that…

          • Lydia Fitzpatrick

            And you shouldn’t have to post pics of your scarring for this moron……please just ignore him….he has issues.

          • Michael Murray

            Issues? Listen shit for brains simply because I ask for proof for any of this garbage I have issues? – and all that constantly happens is excuses, insults or running away. So far it has been video testimonials, ” my grandma said so” facebook , youtube, or a host of unverifiable claims about who had what cured with a magic paste
            here is a quote from the real world ( obviously filled with conspirators in the I want to die from cancer society)

            “The TGA is not aware of any credible, scientific evidence which shows that any black or red salve preparation is effective in treating cancer.”

            “Both black and red salves are corrosive and essentially burn off layers of the skin and surrounding normal tissue. They can destroy large parts of the skin and underlying tissue, and leave significant scarring.”

            Now if you want to come up with one shred of REAL evidence please do so – if you cant then apologise and admit you are simply paert of the scam putting people at risk

          • show fuc…g proof that they burn ars..le, yr TGA are criminals and liers. yr place in hell together with those monsters who persecute honest people for curing sick…

          • Michael Murray

            Gail Bumpus, of Singer Island, Florida,
            During the first two visits, without taking a biopsy, Craft said that she had extensive cancer in the nose and that a black salve that he had invented would remove the cancer without leaving any scars….When the dead tissue was removed from her nasal area, it was apparent that her nose had been burned off. So far she has had six operations to reconstruct a nose.
            In 2007, the Florida Board of Medicine secured a consent agreement under which Craft was reprimanded, fined $9,000, ordered to pay administrative costs, and banned from using “black salve” again”

            Consequences of using escharotic agents as primary treatment for nonmelanoma skin cancer.
            Arch Dermatol. 2002 Dec;138(12):1593-6.

            “Salves intended for the treatment of cancers cannot be legally marketed.”

            “The extreme danger of using escharotics products is illustrated by the experience of Ruth Conrad, an Idaho woman
            Within a week, a large part of her face, including her nose, sloughed off. It took 3 years and 17 plastic surgery operations to reconstruct her face. …During a deposition, the naturopath stated that he had obtained the salve from a woman in Mexico and that he didn’t know who had manufactured it. The picture shows the extent of the injured area.”

            salves using an excessively high concentration of zinc chloride are responsible for the reports of skin damage. Concentrations greater than 40 percent are indeed well known to cause burns, scarring or disfigurement

            Read more:

            Yes of course everyone is part of the world wide lets not treat cancer conspiracy because they are happy to die of cancer or watch their family die.This includes the TGA the FDA the BMA the Brititsh Dermatological College……where treating with surgery has a cure rate of non melanomas of over 98%….no chemo there so no money to be saved

          • I think this Guy is being paid to leave messages online to scare people from using black salve. Or else he’s just kind of mental. I don’t know. LOL

          • Michael Murray

            Yes that right Herbie – I should really be advocating self diagnosing cancer, making a home make acid paste that has no prove it works and slapping it on your face where it will suck out the badness. And of course it works because it is just the “other people/lunatics” that think there is just a realistic chance this is witchcraft and someone will die as a consequence.
            You on the other hand might be one of the people who has a website and sells snake oil. Im not getting paid . I just like seeing if anyone can provide proof or whether it is just name calling and running away.

        • Cancer salves were first documented as a form of quackery in a 1955 Time article:

          “A 37-year-old housewife had a skin condition that later (at Duke) proved not to be a cancer. Convinced that it was, she had gone to a backwoods healer, who applied a salve. Soon a quarter-sized hole disfigured her nose, opened up the nasal cavity. Duke’s plastic surgeons had to build her a new nose”
          Oh Time magazine is in on this conspiracy too…..

          Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
          Volume 53, Issue 3 , Pages 486-494, September 2005
          Escharotic and other botanical agents for the treatment of skin cancer: A review

          McDaniel S, Goldman GD. Consequences of using escharotic agents as primary treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. Arch Dermatol. 2002;138:1593-1596

          Osswald SS, Elston DM, Farley MF, et at. Self-treatment of a basal cell carcinoma with “black and yellow salve”. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:509-11

          Elston DM. Escharotic agents, Fred Mohs, and Harry Hoxsey: A commentary. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:523-5

          Jellinek N, Maloney ME. Escharotic and other botanical agents for the treatment of skin cancer: A review. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:487-95

          Further dangers regarding the use of escharotics agents include:

          Non-selectivity of tissue damage: escharotic agents destroy normal tissue as well as skin cancers.
          Lesions are often undiagnosed; hence many patients self-treating may be treating anything ranging from completely harmless lesions to dangerous melanomas.
          The manufacture, marketing and distribution of escharotic agents is unregulated, so the strength and purity is unknown.
          The lack of scientific evidence for the efficacy of these agents, or their risks and side effects.

          Sensible words ( for normal people) from FDA ( other liars and people who like getting cancer)

          Furthermore, since Black Salve, Black Salve with DMSO, Black Salve Bloodroot Capsules, and Ellagic Insurance Formula are offered for conditions that are not amenable to self-diagnosis and treatment by individuals who are not medical practitioners; adequate directions cannot be written so that a layman can use the products safely for their intended use

          In 2005, “folk healer” Dan Raber (of Georgia, United States) was arrested and charged with causing severe bodily harm and practicing medicine without a license for dispensing bloodroot paste to nine women with various ailments including breast cancer, causing severe disfiguring destruction of their skin and underlying tissue (as well as failing to successfully excise their tumors). Lois March, M.D. of Cordele, Georgia, was also charged as an accomplice and had her medical license permanently revoked for her role in assisting Raber’s unlicensed treatment by prescribing massive amounts of opiate pain medication to his customers in order to allow them to continue their bloodroot treatment despite the severe burning pain and disfigurement it caused

          From the American Cancer Society ( presumably the society full of corrupt hateful individuals that like people having cancer)

          The Curaderm Web site reports that clinical trials have been done in humans, but this claim refers to uncontrolled trials or studies that have not been published in conventional medical journals. Further clinical trials are needed to find out whether this preparation has any role in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.

          Otherwise, claims that cancer salves cure cancer are based on individual reports and testimonials. There have been no controlled clinical studies of cancer salves published in the medical literature, and available scientific evidence does not support claims that cancer salves can cure cancer or any other disease.

          As for the claim that the cancer salves only affect abnormal tissues, pathologists have reported finding damage to healthy cells after cancer salves have been used.

    • No but I have spent a long time reading about proper medical treatments,
      Your friend suffered terribly because she had terminal cancer. You have a corrupt inefficient health care system which does result in huge numbers of personal bankruptcies. Both of these facts doesnt make a magic paste work. If she had widespread cancer even the most optimistic “alternative” treatment or salve user would suggest that applying it all over would somehow have sucked out all the cancer.
      As for melanoma it cannot be shown to be a melanoma until it is removed and looked at under the microscope. Otherwise you have no proof that you are treating a melanoma in the first place. How would a “salve” remove all the spread of the melanoma from all over the body?
      Im afraid I have watched some of the “testimonials” – they are completely unverifiable. Stories. I have seen testimonials that there were WMD in Iraq, Presidents didnt have sexual relationships with women, that people were abducted by aliens, had interactions with Bigfoot……….it doesnt provide any evidence. If you find them convincing I can only assume you are easily convinced. For all the time they have been around a sesnbile person would ask for one shred of evidence rather than provide excuses as to why it cant be done.
      if you would prefer to use them for conditions you havent got and presumably would be able to prove you had them without biopsy knock yourself out. But even on this page it adds it isnt medical advice. Im amazed at how little people need to become an MD.
      However the bottom line is that with no proof you are potentially leaving vulnerable people to increase their chances of dying.
      The very beginning of this imaginary tale she states that she also used laetrile – she really needs to keep up as this was thoroughly discredited over thirty years ago in at least two trials and a meta analysis – this is what happens when you test hockum – it tends not to work – hence the resistance to doing it

    • It is corrosive to normal skin – the people on here cant even seem to agree to that . it is simply impossible for something to make a hole in healthy skin and create an inflammatory reaction without destroying normal skin to gain access.
      This is really twisting reality to suit your argument. Unless the ph is completely neutral and it contains no corrosive or irritant chemicals. I know you can think by claiming what ever you want makes something true but you cant rearrange basic chemical facts to suit yourself

  50. The recipes for the salves are available for free. People who have used black salves for cancer and experienced the results just _want other people to know about it_. That’s all I’m going to say. Probably. But just for fun I’ll add that my great-grandmother, when she was ninety years old, developed a painful growth on her lower back and it started to affect her ability to walk. She directed my grandfather and grandmother to find different plants, and poultice them on her back. They changed the poultice every few days. After several weeks when they changed the bandage, the growth came out and it had what looked like roots. That’s just a family story. My great-aunt took the growth to the doctor but he didn’t tell her anything about it. Doctors in those days were not the first place one turned when sick. My great-grandmother lived many more years after that.

    So you speak to your people, who can’t accept it, and I speak to mine, who can. I don’t know what more to say. But it was nice talking to you. 🙂

    • The main reason they are free is for an illusion. They are not allowed to sell it because they cannot substantiate the claims. However there is still a market in doing so illegally and offering the recipe most people wouldnt know how to make it properly or how to store it and then buy it . It really isnt that complicated. The recipe for Coca Cola is freely available but probably easier just to buy it

  51. The problem is simply by saying something is free is not a cop out for having evidence it works. There are many people like one mentioned above who do sell it along with recipe books and spiritual healing. The recipes for homoeopathy are widely available and free and they have been shown not to work.
    Nor are unverifiable folksy stories about grandma.
    It is simply a chemical paste or varying ingredients and strengths does not have the power to wonder through the body destroying tissue , clearing cancer and magically closing up a hole it created in the first place. The reason it cant be explained is because it doesn’t happen. in all this wonder paste there seems to be no one with any recognised qualification that can verify how or if it works – not one. To try and say its something to do with lymph is just pseudo medical mumbling.
    In order to treat something you need to know what it is . Its not preferable it is essential.
    The fact is that the market for “alternative” treatments in the US runs to around $30 billion, Lots of people make a lot of money, 60% of Americans dont believe in evolution and a fifth dont have health care . Large numbers believe in Bigfoot, 35% in aliens at Rosswell and 50% in the impending war with Islam.
    Frankly finding people who believe in magic creams or have no alternative is hardly surprising.
    However in civilised countries with better education and a proper health care system this isnt the case.

  52. “Dr” Kurt Donsbach sometimes uses salves to treat cancer patients”

    He has now been arrested three times for selling unproven medicines , impersonating a doctor and causing the deaths of several “patients” – mind you his clinic in Mexico looks lovely………huge in fact….

  53. I don’t want to respond to this thread, except to say that I have experienced cansema, and have given it to others. I would not have given it to others unless I was sure it was of value.
    As to responding to others doubts, No need.

    • Thanks P…. I’ve been reading about various products that remove diseased tissue. What I can see is that in areas with thin layers of skin, like the nose or other structures, proceed with caution is the best advice.

      • ” Diseased tissues” ? What on earth does that mean? Either you are a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon with your own pathology lab or you aren’t. Probably not a good idea to diagnose yourself. That is how bad things happen.
        As for areas of thin skin – surely this is completely unnecessary – as stated above multiple times it is completely harmless to normal skin only targeting cancer which falls off after one application. You must be mistaken that the salve could actually do any damage?

    • Patrick again utterly meaningless statements and a cop out of I’m not going to answer because I cant.
      You have used it – so what? You have given it to others – so what?
      And you are sure of its value? Oh well that’s alright then – Patrick anonymous has said he is sure of the value so it must be OK. Unlike the rest of the world where it is of no PROVEN benefit. In fact I seem to recall it was banned – for making false claims it cured cancer. For encouraging people to self diagnose and self treat.
      As for “no need” – you mean no ability to – when something has been clearly and publicly thrown in the proverbial trash you simply look utter ridiculous to continue to make stupid claims.
      Skin cancer needs to be diagnosed. In order to do this is it needs to excised. it has an almost 100% cure rate for non melanomas. t gets really boring to constantly hear the ( oh I cant say its big pharma because they dont make any medicine for it) – I know I have had two cancers – the first clearly left an “ugly scar/butchered” and hey presto – a second cancer comes along – and Cancer Go cream sorted it.
      “Crock of…” I believe normal people would say…………

      • hi it’s marian here and i’ve had 6 skin cancers removed by surgery and they all left bad scars.the 1 on my eyebrow that i used the salve on has left very little scarring.and no i will not put photo’s of my suryery ascars on the net.

  54. It is not my first time to visit this website, i
    am visiting this website dailly and get fastidious information from here daily.


    • That’s very mature I’m sure . However the definition of a troll is ” someone who posts extraneous or off topic remarks with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response”
      I have clearly not posted anything off topic or unrelated to the topic.
      I have simply asked for verifiable proof that the treatment works . I have highlighted the potential hazards of treatment . It is patently incorrect so suggest I do not care for others well being by advising that self diagnosis and self treatment with unproven dangerous medicines is ill advised. Your assumption that readers will use it more given contrary advise is utterly speculative.
      I do not make money – people who sell fake cures , salve “recipe books” Mexican clinics all make money as might you do hence your resistance and aggressive nature when asked about the truth you simply insult and run away.
      People like you are afraid of the truth and are threatening people’s safety and potentially their lives. Someone will try and treat a melanoma with a home made acid cream and die . There – cant put it any clearer. mind you if they go to the other page on here cannabis oil seems to cure all cancers too so I’m surprised there is any left at this rate.


    • Please it is unnecessary to use capital letters , It makes you look even more stupid.
      Here we go then,

      Skin cancer needs to be diagnosed by biopsy . Here they are advocating self diagnosis, This is patently dangerous. This isnt ranting this is simply stating a fact.
      You are the one who needs to come up with the proof as you have none for the “treatment you are dangerously advocating.
      I have stated the problems with salves in details above
      I have shown the statistics on cancer survival proper diagnosis and management
      You have written hysterical trash in capital letters to show you cannot answer any questions or provide any evidence.

      For basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer, the cure rate is close to 100%, This means that there are perfectly good – almost 100% – it doesnt get much better. There people are followed up and the statistics verified openly. There is nothing to hide.
      Including melanoma the survival in the UK 2005-2009, 84% of men and 92% of women in England survived their skin cancer for five years or more.
      90% of deaths were from melanoma. Many of the remaining deaths were from other unrelated causes as the patients are often older.
      Making hysterical declarations about “knives” is nonsense – it is a scalpel and has been used by surgeons . This is normal practice.

      Read more:

      Chemotherapy is not used except for metastatic melanoma. Melanoma needs an excision biopsy to obtain a clear diagnosis.

      Black salves – there is no published data.











      Now anything thats not clear? So by encouraging people to self diagnose self treat with home made unproven medicines is dangerous and unethical. Too bad if you either dont like it or are too thick to acknowledge

  57. ok. so you post lots of known knowledge. I am not here to advocate anything just new solutions that work better. You aare basically saying that the way things are in medical institutions are totally healthy and are doing a great job of healing the cancer patients. this is where we disagree. you basically think that where we are with medical treatment in our society is great, and everybody (your statistics and percentile rate above) prove that we have indeed mastered the cure for cancer. Yes or no? is this what you are saying? When society stops evolving and medically cures stop progressing and people who are the victims to these diseases fall prey to the medical services provided as much as you think they are civilized and super advanced; are really not. thats the point. We as humans need to continue to challenge ourselves and to put on the table the reasons why we are failing in this cancer department. If u cant find fault with the medicine used and fight those that are trying to evolve or medicinal society at large then you are just part of the problem yourself. you can defend this all you want but at the end of the day being content with the medicine we have today will not benefit the advancement for medicine tomorrow. So as long as you keep defending the present medical standards and how they are basically curing people with your “statisitics” then you are defeating the purpose of evolution,despite your intense claims of modern medicine doing such an efficient job, there are In 2012, about 577,190 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 people a day.
    go check it out.You’re lack of concern is disconcerting. I feel sorry for you, maybe you should be a caveman and live in a rock since you hate the concept of man actually taking steps forward to find new and more efficient cures. this is my main point of your obsessive arguing and passion for the status quo in our fight to find real efficient healthy medical treatment for the future of mankind. if you want to blabber on then go ahead you obviously have a bone to pick with anyone who tries to post anything to advocate new solutions and are perfectly happy with the amount of people dying since you don’t want to change anything. I’m done wasting my time with a caveman.

    Click to access acspc-031941.pdf

    • So to summarise the meaningless rant above

      You are providing no evidence at all to dispute any of the facts I have stated.

      Skin cancer to which the salves are mainly referred have an exceptionally good success rate with modern treatment

      The statistics refer to skin cancer .

      Other cancer treatments are being constantly evolved and tested to provide proof that they are effective,

      Advocating self diagnosis and self treatment with unproven therapies is not progress . It is not heroic or intelligent .

      America has a very high rate of cancer because of the lack of preventative health care, universal access to treatment , obesity and addictions. .

      You have made no rational point or evidence to contradict the fact that an acid cream applied to the skin cannot cure internal cancers let alone any evidence for skin cancers. This is simply wrong ,

    • “just new solutions that work better”

      To state that a treatment is better is a bold claim
      In order to prove a treatment worked in the first place you would have to subject people to a treatment and follow them up for a period of time to ensure it is effective.
      In order to state that a treatment is better you would have to prove it by getting enough people, proving that they had cancer, randomising to receive one treatment or the other. The groups would have to approximately equal in demographics. Both groups would have to be followed up for long enough – five years is usual and then mortality, complications, cost, acceptability were measured.
      Enough people would have to be recruited to demonstrate that the difference was statistically significant. In the case of skin cancer you would have to decide whether you were looking at squamous, basal , melanomas or Kaposi.
      This isn’t contentious. This is just the way things work.
      Claims that there is an pro cancer conspiracy are just that. Stats published this week showed that mortality from skin and bowel cancer have halved since 1970’s, breast cancer mortality had fallen from 50% to less than 15%.
      Notions that cheap cures are not wanted seems to be against the research into aspirin and bowel cancer. This will not make money for any drug company or doctor.

      Is the current system perfect? – far from it. However turning one self into an oncology/ pathology expert on the basis of reading a blog by someone who claimed to have been helped by something is not remotely sensible and frankly dangerous.
      The initial claim is unverifiable ,She has a superficial tumour which we see no evidence of. As the tumours originate in the glandular tissue and not in the subcutaneous fat this seems very suspicious. She doesn’t claim it is cured – it just “hasn’t gotten any bigger”. She uses laetrile which was in fact tested and meta-analysed and was shown to be ineffective and potentially dangerous. The website then has a disclaimer that it is not offering medical advice. So collectively this being read by the easily impressed would at first reading seem plausible when in fact is nothing of the kind.

      • Thank you for your rational advice. A friend has just died from cancer. She had a lump in her breast a few years ago that was at an early stage and could have been treated with conventional oncology. I have to assume she was skeptical/cynical of conventional treatment. She went on to treat herself with Black Salve and claimed to have cured herself, and did seem fine for a couple of years. As a result of not being in the medical loop, she would not have had regular tests (ie MRI’s, etc) to make sure the cancer had gone. After losing weight, and various other symptoms, she eventually had tests to discover the cancer had metastisised into other parts of her body…..bones, lungs. She went to Mexico to the Gerson Clinic for six wks. She came home ten days ago and died yesterday morning. I have to accept that she made up her own mind with regards to the treatment she felt comfortable with and that is every human’s right. She was a vibrant, very attractive, intelligent, well read and respected woman. She was also mother to a young boy, an only daughter, an only sister, and adored by her husband and friends. I can’t say for sure that conventional treatment would have cured her, but looking at the evidence, I think she may have had a better chance because she found the tumour at an early stage. Her death was no less agonizing for her at the end regardless of choice of treatment.

  58. I’m guessing you don’t mind me visiting and saying thanks to you for your
    post – it really helped

  59. If a person can see with their own eyes what has happened to them, then what has happened is their reality. Are they to look at the result and not believe? Are we to deny the obvious just because it has not yet been written in a medical journal by which then it apparently get’s it’s authenticity; or is the authenticity that authenticates it to be in the journal in the first place?

    • The fact is that you are simply saying that you will believe anything anyone says because you want to believe it. “Are we to deny the obvious” ? Or use some intelligent questioning to ask for simple justification or proof?
      Sadly as in the case above someone lost their life when convention therapy would have a proven rate of 90% for that stage of cancer.
      Are we seriously suggesting that simply because an unverifiable story” is provided that this is sufficent to risk peoples lives.

  60. Mike check this out, it may help you???

    • No it doesnt help anyone. This is one of the most dangerous videos I have ever watched.
      Ill explain again. Real medical treatments and real proof of effect are not published on Youtube by using a home made video. Or Facebook. Or “testimonials” – as this is just people saying things. ( See below for “testimonials” about alien abduction. It even stretched imagination by the standards of drivel on this website. It is simply a very long rehash of the same unproven fantasy delivered here time and rime again.
      real evidence are published in real trials to show the effect. It just seems a little strange that on another page on the same website cannabis oil cures all cancers as well .Amazing. Wait thousands of years for a cure for cancer and two come along at once. Or in actual fact neither.
      I could have made the same video with a word processor, Google images and interviewing a few friends claiming they had been cured.. Before and after pictures are not proof it is even the same patient let alone what treatment they have had. Anyone of above average intelligence can see it is fake and how terrible it is.
      If you look in Youtube under alien abduction there are tens of thousands of videos and an interview with an “alien” – I am sure there are gullible people who will claim this is proof, there is a government conspiracy etc……..
      I think it is grossly irresponsible and will result in deaths.

  61. This is from the website that produced the video. They have such strenght of beliefs that they deny all the claims that they make in advance.

    “This is a research site covering the black salve issue. ALL material provided herein is in no way intended to provide or advertise any medical advice or make any generalized medical claims in any way shape or form. By continuing to read you agree to not consider any of this research material, or testimonials as medical advice. This information is provided specifically for the researcher only, none of this material is intended to provide any diagnosis, cure, or to prevent any disease, nor to provide any medical advice whatsoever.”

    They also state that black salve has been banned ( because it is harmful and unproven) but if you want to buy it , drop us a wee email and we will see what we can do………….strange that……..not that they are making money out of it or anything….

  62. Si in short they make bold claims which they say they arent actually cures everything – but they arent saying it – it is banned – but let us know if you want to buy it ( wink wink) and we are happy to take your money as a donation – Im sure they are. Are fools like you fall for it. It makes Bernie Madhoff seem quite srupulous. At least people only lost their money with him

  63. You are a paid basher..

    • No I’m just making intelligent rational statements looking for proof.
      You are just making childish comments and provide not a single shred of evidence to contradict anything I have written. Now until you can I would suggest not embarrassing yourself any further.

  64. Michael . . . you’re nothing but a DISINFO AGENT of the orthodox medical establishment. The fact that you would express sympathy for the work of Quackwatch, whose infamous operator, Stephen Barrett, even confessed in a sworn deposition that his job was to discredit viable “alternatives,” shows your true colors. SO . . . . the best thing the people who are participants on this thread can do is communicate their thoughts, share their ideas, and completely ignore your posts as if you weren’t even there.
    The pattern is well-established and I’ve seen it many times : when citizens of good will get together to share experiences about alternative healing techniques that are safe, highly effective, inexpensive, and embarrassing to those in authority, someone is sent in to muddy the waters.
    On this thread, that nefarious character is you.
    You’ve been marked.
    And we know what you’re up to.
    As for those who want to know what is really behind Cansema, other current black salves, and their predecessors, they have only to read the first four chapters of Meditopia ( — a free read online), and come to their own conclusions. (It is the most authoritative history on the suppression of cancer-curing escharotic preparations ever produced.)
    Paracelsus was using escharotic medications to cure cancer in the 1530’s, before those in authority had him assassinated.
    They still do that today . . . but for “small jobs,” it is so much easier to just send in some reprobate like you to try and keep people stupid.
    Your cover’s been blown.
    Tell your handlers to send you on another assignment.

    Greg Caton
    Founder, Alpha Omega Laboratories / Creator, “Cansema”
    Guayaquil, ECUADOR

    • Greg I am honoured for such an astute assessment from such a famous criminal and fraudster.
      To find out I am actually an undercover agent provocateur will come as a surprise to the people I work with.
      Your fantasy imagination including some fourteen century episode of CSI regarding Paracelsus would seem to err towards mental illness.
      Probably unsurprising in view of the fraud charges, time in prison and your cream being banned as it doesn’t work . However I’m glad to see you can still exploit people while living in the third world . So just a shade of a vested interest in selling unproven rubbish.
      If you have any evidence better than a online made up unproven one please let me see it.
      You are albeit rich I would guess slightly paranoid exploiter and I can see why you are trying to discredit an ordinary citizen with fantastical accusations. It does not however make you any less pathetic.

    • Greg, welcome. Great to hear from you, you are one of the foundation stones in alternative cancer treatment cures and I bow before you for your continues courage to stand against pharma mafiozy.
      Do you sell your cures to Russia? How to become your distributor?
      As about the prick named Michael here, everyone ignores him here, he is quite retarded, so no need to waste your energy to prove him anything as he is not able to comprehend it and will continue barking like a mad dog.

    • Hi Greg! Yup. Murray’s a marked man. I am inducting him into my “Hall Of Infamy”. As for Barrett – he actually ADMITTED THAT??? Oh, I’d already got the filthy mongrel on several dirty things and always knew he was a paid disinformant (do you know he even doctored several Wikipedia articles on alternative therapies?) but that confession’s BEAUTIFUL. I want that one for my “Cancer Quotes” – it’s gotta be priceless. Could you please put me onto it?

      • while you are chatting to Greg it might be interesting to discuss the fact that black salve “doesnt cure cancer” – as for marked man? Jesus – talk about paranoid…..
        All fake sellers dont show evidence they just try and attack anyone who questions that they might just be making money out of exploiting desperate people. At least if they have cancer and die they wont come back looking for a refund. Strange how “alternative” medicine never offers a cure for high blood pressure or gangrene…or meningitis … fact anything come to think of it….

  65. Hi, Terra . . . In response : we routinely ship our salves to Russia, Ukraine, and Belaria . . . with much less frequency to other former Soviet satellite countries — probably because the language issue becomes even more acute. (The majority of our materials online are in English.)

    Thank you for the kudos . . . it’s most thoughtful of you . .

    If you’d like responses to some of the more substantive questions surrounding this entire issue, which The Truther Girls were kind (and bold) enough to bring to light, let me know. My mentor, Dr. Russell Jordan, was himself the co-founder of two successful pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. (as I recount in Chapter 1 of Meditopia) and through him I was able to learn a great deal about suppressed remedies spanning centuries. It’s a difficult thing to be accomplished in your field and only discover at the end of your career (and life) that this very field is incorrigibly corrupt and beyond repair. Intellectually, this was Dr. Jordan’s gift to me at the end of his life.

    About becoming a distributor — we no longer encourage it, because in our primary markets, it just sets up good-hearted people to have to go through what we experienced, and we don’t wish that on anyone.

    The U.S., in particular, is quite challenging, as I make clear elsewhere ( It may no longer be the land of the free. But it’s definitely the home of the brave.

    If you’re a clear, independent thinker, you have to be brave to live there.

    Greg Caton

    • Oh dear this is getting really silly……….it doesnt take a conspiracy theorist to work out that you are talking to yourself Greg…Lovingterra is clearly you – praising you for the outstanding work you are doing while getting in a bit of free advertising.But thank you for pointing out that the evidence in the free book that you highlighted to prove how good your treatment is …is published by you……….cant get any more convincing than that can you !?
      Youre combined “he is a prick ” and ” just pretend that man isnt there” sounds a little little the Wizard of Oz on being discovered. As for pricks Im sure you have more experience than most from your time in prison.

      For $49.95 (£31) a product called Cansema guarantees 100 per cent success in the removal of skin cancers, even melanomas – regardless of type or size. The makers say that it can discriminate between healthy and cancerous tissue and can therefore both diagnose and treat. That is simply not scientifically possible. Cansema is a so-called “escharotic”, which poisons and kills any skin it touches, cancerous or otherwise. There are documented cases of patients losing large areas of their skin and face, including the whole nose, after using escharotics, and needing years of plastic surgery to correct the damage.
      Independant 1999

      Cansema is listed by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, as one of 187 fake cancer cures Business week

    • Michael, just shut up your dirty stinky mouth, I am not talking to you. I am russian, direct, rood and bold to such demoralising arsh..s like you , and don’t have time to waste answering your idiosity, or would like to hear my swearing in Russian, piece of crap? I can record an audio and send it to you free of charge.

      Greg, yes the language is the issue, I created blog in Russian where I put info on alternative cures. I don’t have much time to translate everything, so I put links to English resources and give brief resume in Russian. Poor people start writing me and asking where from they can buy an alternative herbal medicine. I do point them to your website and few others, but of course they asking for translation. I wonder, do you plan to make a page with your products in Russian? There are more than 300 million people speaking this language. I am willing to help in translating though I do work full time. I guess you will face the same issues for Chinese language and alike. Love you and all freedom fighters!!!

      • This really just gets worse….
        Lets just clear a few points just for the sake of fun,
        The cure rate for non melanoma skin cancers is over 90%.
        it is usually on the skin – hence the name. This doesnt involve “invasive surgery”
        Youtube is not evidence. There is a video with an interview with an alien. This isnt proof aliens exist.
        Cancer isnt one disease. Cure rates vary depending on the type . spread and age of the patient,
        You have no shred of evidence in controlled trials that your medicines work.That is why you have moved to a third world country like many others who have fake clinics in Mexico.

        The only information you provide is your own websites or publications.
        I have copied information but from independant newspapers. wikipedia and magazines. But I am glad you dont disagree with anything on it.

        This is all standard fare .. I believe there was over 150 fake cancer cures censored by the FDA. Now either yours is the only one that works and are just unlucky or just bear with me – people sell products which dont actually work as people with cancer get desperate.
        I am aware of the secret league across the world of 10 million doctors in every country hand in hand with every drug company , university department and research scientist to hide the cure for cancer and presumably they would risk their own death and those of their loved ones to protect profits…………thats probably it .

        The fundamental question is do the salves work? A rational person would ask for evidence. And other than home made videos there is none.
        End of.

  66. This investigation was initiated based on information regarding the illegal activities of a food processing plant called Lumen Food Corporation, located in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Lumen Food Corporation advertised products via an Internet website under the name of Alpha Omega Labs, located in Nassau, Bahamas. These products were advertised as containing medicinal qualities for the treatment of cancer and many other diseases.
    From 1999 to 2003, Gregory CATON, President of Lumen Food Corporation, and his employees utilized Alpha Omega Labs to take direct orders for these unapproved new drugs. The chemical substances were not approved for sale by the FDA. As a result of the scheme, CATON received approximately $950,000. In order to legally market a drug in interstate commerce, the drug’s manufacturer is required to comply with all applicable provisions of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act in order to ensure that the products sold are safe for humans and effective for their intended uses.
    On at least two occasions known to the FDA, the items shipped by CATON’s firm and used by consumers resulted in bodily injury and harm. The products were Cansema Tonic III and H3O. Cansema Tonic III was advertised for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of cancer. H3O was advertised for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of athlete’s foot, cuts and burns, eczema, fingernail fungus, chronic gas, gastroenteritis, gingivitis and periodontal disease, halitosis, herpes sores, ophthalmia, psoriasis, sore throat, strep throat, and wounds. CATON did not have an Investigational New Drug (IND) application on file with the FDA.
    On September 17, 2003, a federal search warrant was executed at CATON’s residence, Lumen Food Corporation, and an industrial site owned by CATON. All of these locations were in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
    During the search of CATON’s residence, a cache of weapons was found consisting of three semi-automatic rifles, one bolt action rifle, two shotguns, a semi-automatic pistol, 10, 252 rounds of amunition, three body armor vests, leg armor and two bullet resistant helmets. The weapons, armor and ammunition were found concealed in a hidden compartment that was inside a closet. CATON was arrested on possession of firearms by a convicted felon.
    Numerous misbranded and unapproved new drugs were seized during the search at Lumen Foods, as well as items deemed as hazardous materials by chemical engineers. Also seized were (16) sixteen (55) fifty-five gallon drums of a liquid corrosive material at the industrial site owned by CATON. This liquid was subsequently identified as sulfuric acid and was mislabeled as non-corrosive. All of the hazardous materials seized were subsequently destroyed by a hazardous materials disposal company.
    On May 26, 2004, CATON was convicted of violating Title18, U.S.C. § 1341 – Mail Fraud; and Title 21, U.S.C. §§ 331(d), 355(a) and 333 (a) (2) – Introduction into Interstate Commerce of Unapproved New Drugs. CATON also forfeited (2) two buildings and his residence in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
    On August 24, 2004, CATON was sentenced to (33) thirty-three months incarceration to be followed by (3) three years supervised release.

    Only fair for people to see what kind of kind caring person you are – the kind that has body armour assault rifles and 10,000 rounds of ammunition

    • It appears that someone has learned to “cut and paste” from U.S. government websites. Impressive.

      I would respond to this, except that the relevant parts of Meditopia that were written in 2004 already do so quite extensively. See :

      If anyone had doubts about my claim that this thread was infected by a disinfo agent, those doubts have been completely dispelled.

      The FUNDAMENTAL QUESTION . . the most important question of all in this matter is this : ( 1 ) Do “black salves” — when made according to the well-established prior art that can be found in nothing less than the U.S. Patent Office since the mid-1800’s — CURE CANCER? Do they really work and are they really effective? . . . or . . . ( 2 ) Is this a elaborate hoax or mythology that has been perpetrated on the public by a handful of people who are just trying to deceive the public . . . for fame, profit, or some other ignoble purpose?

      The establishment would have you believe the latter . . . only they are loath to explain why I give away the formulas for free — (I have generated more competitors than I care to count) — why YouTube now has hundreds who provide pictorial evidence of their cancer cures — and why Big Pharma’s solutions to cancer treatment continue to be obscenely high-profit chemotherapy, radiation, and invasive surgery, despite the fact that their success rates are abysmal. Embarrassingly abysmal — which is why there are so many millions of people looking for alternatives in the first place.

      Anything that doesn’t directly address this fundamental question is misdirection. Nothing more. There is no other question that is more central to this discussion.

      ONE LAST THING . . . I don’t know who LovingTerra is, but I just clicked on her link and it appears to be a site in Russian. Yes, yes, I know — now I’m an agent from Russia, I suppose.

      We Russians are setting up bases of operation all over Ecuador! (LOL)

      Greg Caton

  67. Hey Greg, don’t you want to follow an example of Departie who just migrated to Russia?? I am sure most of Russian will greatly benefit from you rather then from French actor

  68. Greg, you blow up my cover, now Michael will send FDA agents to Russia to arrest me and my property, I am so afraid, where shell I run to hide from these mad dogs?

    • Terra . . . LOL . . .

      I traveled to Russia twice in 2003, but have not been back since. Please write to me at . . . since a wider discussion of my research in Russia is outside the subject of this thread and would not interest others.

      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Greg Caton

  69. What a wonderful feeling to see Mikey the dickhead gone. Now back to the original blog of useful information being exchanged outside of the gestapo fda. Best to all and thank you Greg, you are an icon real to life stories with our health system!

    • steve if you ever have an original post not containing insult / all praise to the paranoid ex con / let’s get back to selling fake medicine for profit please be sure to post it …. Otherwise I might get bored .
      I know this will be a shock to Americans but there are other countries with educated free thinking people . I’m sure this will be outworn your tiny collective intellect but just pause for a moment … Would an organised ” attack” or questions as normal people call it be done by one person? Surely the global alliance of cancer cure prevention could muster something bigger and more effective – not just one person asking questions like where is the proof ? Where is the long term follow up ? What is the failure rate? Is there anything except amateur videos on YouTube to back up your claims? If it is 100% effective with no recurrence show just a little evidence .
      Or alternatively you could just insult pretend you didn’t read the questions and run away

  70. Steve . . . the only way to keep this thread meaningful is to ignore disinfo agents who are sent in to criticize pockets of free-thinking citizens who are trying to share their ideas and experiences. I wrote Meditopia ( to demonstrate to the world that escharotics have been used as an effective cancer cure for at least 500 years. Gathering the evidence was no mean feat. YOU COULD HAVE 2 MILLION clinical cases documented with cures that are non-recurrence and the “Disinfo Mikey’s” of the world would still have something to criticize. The clinical studies that preceded the initial 1858 Middlesex Hospital announcement involved over 4,000 successful cases — all using one of Cansema’s predecessors.

    It is extremely rare for me to see a skin cancer case — or even one that is close to the skin — that is not effectively removed with a properly prepared escharotic. My own career began with Dr. Russell Jordan’s clinical studies in Mexico using the “zinc chloride / chapparal” embodiment that cured over fifty cancer patients with no recurrence. Why can’t you find these studies in medical journals? For the same reason that someone as celebrated as Nobel-Prize winner in Medicine, Dr. Linus Pauling, couldn’t get his last studies published in ANY medical journal in the mid-1990’s, because they proved that statin drugs are unnecessary and a sham — at a time when statin drugs were already grossing over $150 billion a year. Dr Matthias Rath, M.D. launched his career as a result of witnessing this atrocity.

    What is amazing isn’t the lack of clinical results that show that escharotics work. What is amazing is that there are so MANY cases proving it works and the establishment is so good at suppressing it. Meditopia explains how the system operates, so that the “Mikey’s” of the world are seen for what they are.


    • Greg ,

      Meaningful – are you having a laugh?
      Once again I am not sure if you are able to read properly. I am not nor is rthere such a word in the English language as a “disfo ” agent or otherwise.
      You are simply refering to your own rambling publication to justify your own theories.
      Your writing is simply full of trash , made up conspirocies and facts and anceitn studies that wither do not exist or are not valid.
      You seem to selectively pick people whop have made unproven claims Dr Pauling regarding vitamin C) or are unethical con men (Dr Raith – unauthourised trials. He simply tries to sell vitamins as medicines making unproven outlandish claims – a little like yourself.

      Five trial participants stated in sworn affidavits that they were stripped to their underwear, photographed, and had blood drawn without their permission. They were told to take pills containing what were said to be high doses of vitamins, including Rath’s VitaCell. Demetre Labadarios, who leads the Human Nutrition programme at Stellenbosch University, questioned the safety of administering high doses of supplements to already-sick patients.[

      During and immediately following the vitamin trials, “many people died,” deaths attributed by Rath’s adversaries to a lack of effective medication..Sanco-Rath clinic workers reportedly instructed patients to return to the clinic in the event of medical emergency, rather than going to hospital

      Swiss Study Group for Complementary and Alternative Methods in Cancer (SKAK), an independent group which evaluates alternative medical treatments, examined Rath’s vitamin preparations and the marketing claims made by Rath.[31] The Study Group reported that they “found no proof that the vitamin preparations of Dr. Matthias Rath have any effect on human cancer.

      And a trial in 1858 ? Are you really serious? Pre antibiotics/ anaesthetics in infancy ? Published where? Randomised? Controlled ? Followed up ? Hoenstly if you werent being serious if it would be absolutely laughable.

      Yes cutting and pasting again – however that doesnt invalidate the content. Not a difficult concept.

      As for your other fantasy about Paracelsus being “assassinated” – everyone else thinks he died of natural causes – or perhaps big pharma sent a cybernetic organism back in time – living tissue on an alloy frame – to kill him to protect their profits in the future.

      So in summary you sell something there is no proof that works , referring to supposed evidence from 170 years ago, your own made up publication and two scientists who didn’t do the things you claim but one who did make claims shown to be wrong and the other to his one time collegue who is an unethical vitamin salesman who kills people in clinical trials.

    • Wonderful summation of Dr Linus Pauling and his later nonsense – suffering from Nobel disease –
      “The Nobel disease has been defined as “an affliction of certain Nobel Prize recipients which causes them to embrace strange or scientifically unsound ideas, usually later in life.”

      As for Rath

      Médecins sans Frontières, ( the famous for profit drug company who treat people for money) which runs three HIV clinics in Khayelitsha treating nearly 2,000 people with Aids drugs, said yesterday that after three years, four out of every five people on the treatment were still alive. Without drugs, half would have died within a year. Those who died mostly had advanced Aids before starting treatment. Only four deaths could be directly linked to drug toxicity.
      Not bad for a drug industry committing genocide….rather badly…

      “Critics of Rath’s micronutrient theories are condemned as lapdogs of the drug industry”

      “The alternative therapy movement as a whole has demonstrated itself to be so dangerously, systemically incapable of critical self-appraisal that it cannot step up even in a case like that”

      In short when i asked the question is there any evidence you could have cut tot he chase and simply said no.

      • You always know when you’re winning a debate. The other party begins cerebrally “foaming at the mouth,” resulting in a concatenation of non-sequitors, generous smatterings of annoying typos, personal attacks, and logical inconsistencies that tell you one thing and one thing only : their sole purpose in communicating with you is that they have an agenda and will apply whatever polemic contortionism they have to in order to make you look bad.

        And why is that?

        Because their sole purpose from the beginning was to try to discredit you and the ideas you have put forth in the first place . . . normally because you have touched upon a nerve that is impacting somebody else’s pocketbook.

        That is precisely what we have here.
        A usurper.

        • You got a thesaurus for Christmas – well done
          “Winning the debate?” This is about science and fact. Either you have proof it works and it is superior in the long term and is with an acceptable side effect profile or it doesn’t exist.. And you don’t. You simply run away and spout when asked simple questions and are unable to refute anything that is written,
          You make yourself look bad all by yourself. While trying to promote your own products on here for profit it is hardly preferable to have some honesty made visible. Im not the one who sells chemical pastes you do . I have nothing to lose you do. I think it is your nerve that has been triggered.

          So far Time magazine, Newsweek, The independent, New York Times FDA TGA, BMA, Medicine Sans Frontieres and the National Association for Complemtary Therapies all seem to have a united voice – what a strange collection of unrelated organisations …but of course this is part of the plan of The Society to let people die of cancer” …..part of the now defunct “lets let people die of infectious diseases if only that chap Jenner hadnt gone and spoiled it all”

          An usurper -? You keep changing your mind as to what i am – how about an intelligent free thinking professional you knows rubbish when he reads it.

          • MDM . . . I have no idea who you are or who you work for . . . though — much like “Mike Murray,” you are a faceless poster who comes on to the scene with a very obvious agenda. And like Mike, you seem to relish propagating provably false information.

            Escharotic preparations are incredibly cost effective. I can’t speak for others, but we ourselves sell Bloodroot Paste for $10 a jar. It can be used on multiple lesions. Yes, a large clinical jar of Cansema DOES cost $59.95, but this can be used to treat an entire room full of people with skin cancers . . . with MULTIPLE GROWTHS. Compare that to a trip to the dermatologist which can run $100.

            Concerning your “thesaurus” jab : I don’t use one. Perhaps neither nor Mike can appreciate that some of us have sufficient command of the English language such that grade school language aids are no longer necessary. Your combined attacks remind me of an old saying I heard when I was a teenager with a short-lived affection for billards: “If you can’t shoot good, shoot hard.” You can’t address the massive evidence I present in Meditopia — which machine-guns the reader with hundreds of verifiable footnotes. You are impotent to come to the table with meaningful counter-arguments, and so you resort to childish personal attacks — all of which I address fully in Meditopia. You are like 5-year-old kindergartner children, whose only response to a classmate’s criticism is “I know you are, but what am I.” You don’t have the intelligence, grasp of the relevant facts, or cerebral resourcefulness to elevate the conversation so that other participants on the thread can ask the right questions and come to their own truths, so what do you do? You work assiduously to drive the discussion into the mud so that there is no meaningful discussion at all.

            The ribbing about the Middlesex incident in a case in point. You criticize my ability to draw from clinical studies that were published in the 1800’s — when physicians commonly knew that few things do a better job of making cancers metastasize than cutting into them surgically — as if a timeless truth is somehow diminished with time. Strangely, these studies were conducted well before it was common practice for pharmaceutical companies to rig clinical studies — a ubiquitous, scandalous, insidious practice that has even been cited by the New England Journal of Medicine.

            You are all ABOUT negating the facts and the real evidence. The suppression of legitimate cures is why Truther Girls did their video on this subject in the first place! Obfuscation is your goal. It is your mission. It is your assignment. Just like Stephen Barrett and Quackwatch, which has been thoroughly discredited.

            I have news for you.

            You’re losing. As more and more people come to realize that conventional medicine is, at best, about maximizing profit, and at worst, about eugenics, your tactics are becoming increasingly impotent. There is an obviousness to what you are doing that more and more is only escaping the village idiot.

            I don’t mind valid criticism. If I make a statement that can be shown to be incorrect or misstated, it SHOULD be corrected. That’s part of a healthy exchange.

            But that’s not what you’re here for.

            And just like “Malignant Mike,” you’ve been marked.

          • If you wish to be corrected you may find this helpful regarding your misunderstanding regarding surgery spreading cancer.
            Factors affecting the spread of tumour include the age of the patient, the location , type of tumour, genetics, race, vascularity, proximity to blood vessels and lymph glands, chemotactic factors, haematogenic growth factors, tumour necrosis factor levels, nutritional status and a host of tumour v host interactions. Surgery is not what makes tumours metastasis. If this was the case resection of metastatic tumour would be universally pointless – I believe Lance Armstrong would be testimony to this being false. This wasn’t known by doctors in the 1800’s as it isn’t true now and the understanding of cancer was primitive. In the 1840s asepsis was barely used, there was no histology, and few microscopes . There were practically no anaesthetics , no antibiotics and no adequate pain killers. Most surgery was simply done by holding a patient down and using amputation or fairly blood excision. Suggesting that an acid paste was better than amputation is hardly a revelation. It is not however proof it is a superior efficacious treatment in the 21st century
            To imply that doctors would not exaggerate or manipulate their results to gain more patients is quite naïve. Doctors were paid by patients. The only country where patients pay for their treatment directly is the USA so your comments about payment are not relevant to every other developed country. A paper -which has now turned in to an incident – involving 25 patients – which a doctor treated 4000 patients – equivalent to almost 30,000 based on todays population seems extreme in the least. I can find no record of this anywhere only your own reference in your own publication to a book. Hardly concrete. It would not have been proven treatment as the diagnosis could not be proved and it was not comparing anything and I doubt there was any follow up. In short the whole example simply borders on the ridiculous. A paper/ incident apparently unreferenced by a presumed honest doctor who knew all about a pathological process which doesn’t exist from 170 years ago. It is utterly absurd.
            I have no doubt he used it especially if the alternative was excision without anaesthetic. However trying to manipulate this into evidence for a theory that surgery spreads cancer is simply utterly false and should be retracted. You clearly have no medical pathological or physiological knowledge and are simply making up facts to justify your medicine.

            If a large bottle of salve can treat a “room full of people “then why on earth do you sell it?

            This is not “suppression of real cures” and the battle is not mine to lose. I don’t make a living selling medicine that is not proven to work. Cancer survival rates have almost doubled in the last thirty years or in the case of childhood leukaemia gone from virtually nil to over 90%. This is proven , documented and reproducible, audited, monitored internationally organised for rare tumours and coordinated. The very notion of extracting internal tumours by plant chemicals that only target cancer cells is physiologically impossible and utterly fantastical.

            As for the volume of references in Metotopia they are simply all quotes from a range of practically identical general knowledge books and cancer conspiracy theories. Nothing from any journal or institution of repute.
            Please don’t flatter yourself – you haven’t “worked with” 20,000 patients – you simply delivered a jar. No response again for anyone else would not be evidence.
            You are simply encouraging self diagnosis and treatment for your own profit not for anyone elses benefit. Lets not pretend any more.

          • I originally responded to this board because a customer asked me to. MDM, you have not responded to the specific claims I make in Meditopia, nor will you ever. And you have made it readily apparent that all the clinical data in the world would not convince you of everything.

            You have your story . . . and you’re sticking to it. You are a member of the medical equivalent of the Flat Earth Society, and, frankly, I don’t have time for it. This isn’t a cop-out. It’s a fact. I have thousands of clients around the world and like most people who are successful in their field, I have time management issues. Tonight is a typical example : it’s 8:30 p.m. and I have 2 to 3 more hours of correspondence.

            As to your claims about the relationship between cancer and surgical intervention, it’s just unadulterated malarky. I cite the compelling arguments of both Blake and Pattison in my book . . . but you’ll never read it, so what’s the point? You’re here to criticism what you are paid not to understand — (George Bernard Shaw).

            It must really piss you off that people such as myself are able to get their customers the help they need at a tiny fraction of the cost of the “burn / slash / poison” allopaths — who don’t get nearly the same positive results and have made iatrogenesis the leading cause of death in the West.

            Tough. Live with it.

  71. Greg, I just removed an area from the back of my neck that has been bothering me for years. It wasn’t big but it was fairly deep. It’s just amazing to me. My whole family including my children use B/S. My brother and sister and their kids also use as well as some friends to. It is a great thing nature has given us all.

    • Sounds like BS to me…

    • Steve . . .

      Thank you for the input.

      You can help people understand the tragedy of this suppressed area of the healing arts by having them read just Chapters 1 and 2 of Meditopia ( It costs nothing but a little bit of time, and when people understand that the therapeutic choices they make can sometimes mean the difference between life and death, they will see the importance of an ongoing commitment to their own self-education. When people don’t take the time to become independently informed, vested interests will fill the vacuum and insert their own agenda . . . a case in point being that viral infection that has recently injected himself onto this board with his own unsubstantiated claims and vitriolic remonstrations.

  72. Greg you are clearly a very deluded man who has no idea of his own confabulations. The bottom line is you keep referring to your own rather verbose, completely fabricated “most in-depth account of black salves” which is one of the worse written pieces of fiction I have ever seen . It is like you have history of medicine and then create stories to fit. Black and white pictures from when 90 year ago – then colour then back to black and white – no histology no reference – just “cutting and pasting yet somehow pro-ported as proof.To be fair half of it is about your conspiracy about how everyone else is wrong and you are the only one who is fighting against this imaginary empire and all for only $50 a jar. You are the one with the vested interest as you are the one who has made a living out of selling unproven nonsense . Pharmacological companies make no money from treating skin cancer other than melanoma yet you cry “profits” continually.
    When you are asked to provide just a shred of evidence you simply say it is not necessary as it wouldn’t be believed or refer to an imaginary study from the 1840’s or produce unsubstantiated claims about either unproven claims by a Nobel prize winner or a man who experiments on poor Africans and kills them for profits.
    If you take off the mask of a world wide conspiracy that doesnt exist you appear for what you are – just like every other seller of snake oil.” Its free, its been used for years , its 100% effective., its natural big pharma suppress it / profit concerns / hiding the truth. – every fake cure say the same thing being it shark cartilage or cannabis oil.
    Im surprised there is any cancer left in the world or the mortality has decreased for childhood leukaemia from almost 100% to less than 10% in fifity years – or would you just suggest covering someone in acid paste and sucking out the badness?

  73. Hey guys, feel a bit tentative jumping in here, but this is my experience – my family and extended family are educated people, pilots, engineers, accountants, business people. I say this to reinforce the fact that I appreciate knowledge, and education. We all have health insurance, and I carry supplemental cancer insurance, in case we should ever need it, with traditional medical treatments. I am going with my 26 year old son this week to have a recommended colonoscopy. I am very thankful for the medical community here in the U.S. My fathe-in-law, and my husband have both had SKIN cancers surgically removed, (non melanoma). They have since then used “black salve” on numerous skin cancers, both medically and self- diagnosed, with great success. I have watched first hand the processed and it works like others have reported above. They have both rubbed the salve on self-diagnosed “non-cancerous” skin, with absolutely no effects. They have reported the pain is intense, especially on larger spots, when the “plug” falls out, it does leave a substantial hole, but they heal up beautifully, in fact, better than some of the surgical scars. I haven’t personally tried it, but I have seen the results first hand. You can’t see the wind either, but you can’t deny it’s results.

    • ” Noname” — your experience is universal. In fact, since I removed my first skin cancer in 1989, I have found only a handful of people who claimed that Cansema didn’t remove their skin cancer . . .. out of about 20,000 cases we’ve worked with.

      This would explain why medical practitioners — “professionals” — hate it so much. Most people do not need oversight, since the product lends itself so readily to self-administration.

  74. Noname thank you also for your input. It’s great to see people share experiences from both sides of the fence. I have been saved by medical Dr. as well with some heart problems. No question of their place in the medical field there. B/S and it’s use will go on forever even if it has to remain underground so to say. I have saved literally thousands of dollars of medical costs because of it. Also I would like to add anyone here reading this that if your Dr. wants you to use Aldara please run as fast as you can away. You can read about this so called cancer treatment here from Big Pharm

  75. Interesting article
    An unqualified salesman .creates a treatment…..
    The treatment consists of a caustic herbal paste for external cancers or an herbal mixture for “internal” cancers……… Reviews by major medical bodies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, have found no evidence that it is an effective treatment for cancer. The sale or marketing was banned in the United States by the FDA as a “worthless and discredited” remedy and a form of quackery. When the evidence he gives for 170 patients only five contain any histology and none actually has cancer he says it is a conspiracy….
    The treatment is now sold from outside America to avoid jurisdiction…..

    Amazing how history repeats itself…….this was 53 years ago…..

    • Here is my response to anyone who would have the audacity to suggest that the U.S. FDA, NCI, ACS, or any other orthodox agency could ever contribute anything positive to the fight against cancer. See :

      The fact that you come here in citing their criticism of escharotics as something to be respected shows how out of step you are with reality.

      • Greg , this really is actually very funny.
        Your reference for your statement that the all legitimate organisations are n fact illegitimate ………is a reference to you …again!
        Your own webpage to back up your own statements…fantastic. What more proof or justification do you need than your own words of paranoid wisdom to show you are in fact completely correct.!!

        I know this will prove an awkward question for a man with a tenuous grip of anything remotely real but if none of these organisations have done anything for cancer treatments why has the adjusted cancer mortality ( that means accounting for other factors) fallen from an average mortality at five years of over 90% to under 35% in sixty years? Why do they vaccinate against cervical cancer? Why have some diseases been eradicated? Why is aspirin being studied for its ant cancer role? Surely this is completely counter intuitive – surely there is no money to be made by keeping people alive or selling aspirin?

        I know you will not be able to address without more unsubstantiated psychotic paranoid ramblings but i am enjoying having a laugh asking.

        • What in God’s name is the matter with you? I frequently link to articles I have written so that I don’t have to retype material that is already on the web. Many web authors do that. It saves time, and it’s not a tautology. (Don’t ask. I’m not answering. Get a dictionary and look it up).

          All the organizations that I mentioned have some jurisdiction over one or more facets of the cancer industry. What’s the deal here? You don’t know that?

          Your cancer figures are completely fictitious. A new study has just come out, decisively showing that out of 17 of the most prosperous Western nations, the United States is DEAD LAST in mortality and overall health. Please see :

          So, what’s next, genius?
          What’s your next move to try and discredit alternative medicine or me personally? Come on . . . I’m waiting for that next burst of psychotic energy!

      • The point is which you deliberately avoided was that at least this salesman had the decency to try and proof his treatment worked, it didn’t You know better not to waste your time .
        He then tried it on himself when he developed prostate cancer and guess what – it didn’t work . He then had conventional therapy and survived another seven years. Strange that when you developed the mysterious “cant fly over 30,000 feet kidney disease” a conventional doctor made that diagnosis……ableit Im sure for the right fee.

  76. Terra keep us all posted as to your B/S in Russia.

  77. No name- how do you self diagnose skin cancer? Just have a look and say – yes looks like cancer to me?

    • Well . . . I think that is the whole point here. Properly-made escharotic preparations — as I make abundantly clear in Chapter 1 of Meditopia ( are self-diagnostic. Their diagnostic capability far outmatches any of the current biopsy, blood antigen, or radiological testing methods that are used to detect cancer. Anyone who has mastered this healing art knows this. You will not know what cancer cell type are dealing with, but you will know with certainty whether the underlying tissue has any cancer or not.

      In our current Age of Iatrogenesis — “death by doctoring” — the imprimatur gained by saying that a certain doctor did or didn’t render his holy diagnosis has plummeted to the point where millions of people are choosing to forego the process altogether. What is the value of a diagnosis if the doctor is only correct 50% of the time?

      • Greg – you discredit yourself every time you type something. You have no credibility with anyone of note. You are a college educated salesman . You have no formal training and lack even the most basic insights.
        ” Doctors are wrong 50% of the time” – and this is based on what exactly ? Don’t tell me another one of your pages? I would love to see an obstertican that gets it wrong “50% of the time” You are simply making up statements.

        “Their diagnostic capability” – have you been tripped out all weekend while watching the harry Potter box set. They are not “self diagnostic” – this is so stupid it doesnt even make sense – do they diagnosis what is wrong with themselves???
        This is an acid paste. It doesnt have diagnostic powers. This isnt black magic . It is utterly unbelievable that you can write such utter horse shit.

        ” Mastered the healing art” – what ? Now you are Jedi ? You are an ex con who is selling acid paste in a jar from a third world country. Please dont flatter yourself.

        As far the cancer statistics being “factitious” once again you are wrong. The ranking on a country’s individual healthcare system is not the same as how the mortality for cancer has changed. Surely someone of even limited education as yourself realises this. However the trouble is you will simply shout its a fake or refer to your own internet page as you have clearly said that any organisation is in fact unacceptable to you which is clearly a statement of utter nonsense. Because you dont believe it doesn’t make it real. That is part of the problem with the mental illness that you clearly demonstrate.

        The information is widely available. Here is the information from McMillan cancer support in the UK 2012

        The estimated average survival times for people diagnosed in 1971–72 and 2007 respectively were:
        adult leukaemia – 4 months (1971–72) and 36 months (2007)
        ovarian cancer – 8 months and 37 months
        myeloma (a type of blood cancer that can also affect bone tissue) – 5 months and 30 months
        stomach cancer – 2 months and 8 months
        oesophagus (foodpipe) cancer – 2 months and 8 months
        brain cancer – 3 months and 7 months
        pancreatic cancer – 2 months and 3 months
        lung cancer – 3 months and 5 months
        kidney cancer – 9 months and 64 months
        rectum cancer – 15 months and 106 months
        colon cancer – 7 months and 120 months
        non-Hodkin’s lymphoma and “other cancers” – 12 months and 120 months
        For some cancers such as breast, cervical, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, larynx and melanoma (skin cancer), the current estimates of median survival time were not fully presented. However, data from the 1970s showed that people with these cancers had a long average survival time of at least ten years.

        Cancer Research UK 2011

        People diagnosed with breast, bowel and ovarian cancers and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are today twice as likely to survive for at least 10 years as those diagnosed in the early 1970s according to new figures1 released by Cancer Research UK.

        The percentage of women likely to survive breast cancer for at least 10 years has jumped from less than 40 per cent to 77 per cent while the proportion of people likely to survive bowel cancer has risen from 23 per cent to 50 per cent.

        Twice as many patients with ovarian cancer and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma are likely to survive for at least 10 years with survival increasing from 18 to 35 per cent and from 22 to 51 per cent respectively. And for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 10-year survival is predicted to increase from less than 50 per cent to around 80 per cent.

        Ten year survival rates have improved from around 21% in the mid 1970’s to approximately 60% for men diagnosed with prostate cancer between 1996 and 2000.

        Now which bit do you not understand or are you going to say it is all ficticious because it makes you look even more stupid|?

  78. After several dr. visits to have suspected skin cancers checked out, one can become relatively adapt at at being able to self diagnosis. Even the MD. would make a diagnoses without a biopsy. So basically yes – looksl like, feels like, acts like, the same things the MD was cutting out. And if the salve is put on non-cancerous skin, no harm done.

  79. Harry Hoxsey – you surely must have hear of him – his life is almost a parallel of yours . He was a non educated salesman who sold salves . He published books of garbage. He gave his evidence to the authorities and there was no evidence of efficacy. As it harmed people and there was no proof of effect ( sound familiar) he relocated to a neighbouring country. When he developed cancer he tried his own treatment and it didn’t work. Then he took conventional therapy.

    In 1950, Hoxsey submitted case histories of 77 patients to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), claiming that they were “fully documented with clinical records and pathological reports” and that they would demonstrate his treatment’s effectiveness. However, the NCI found that of these 77 reports, only 6 included actual tissue biopsies. Of the 2 biopsies from patients described by Hoxsey as having “internal cancer”, neither showed any evidence of actual malignancy. The NCI concluded that Hoxsey’s records did not contain sufficient information to evaluate his treatment. Hoxsey argued that it was the NCI’s responsibility to seek out the information necessary to verify his case reports, and attributed the failure to do so to a conspiracy on the part of the NCI and AMA

    Now I am not sure if you are a distant relative or can you see any association at all?

    Old wives tale/no proof/ makes money/ gets closed down/ relocates to third world/ its a conspiracy………..

    Anything yet?

  80. Please people don’t even respond to mikey, he has an agenda and just wants to engage you to further it. Who gives a shit what he says, really. He was sent here to sway everyone to his way of thinking and to discredit what we all know to be true. These kind of jerks are all over the internet for various reasons. The stock market being another place.

    • Yers dont even respond to “Mikey” .largely as you will only embarrass yourself trying to explain why published death rates are wrong, how cancer isnt spread by surgery, how 50% of doctors are wrong all the time, why sell jars of paste to treat whole rooms of people, how a simple paste can diagnose……..
      He has an agenda – you are right – to expose colossally fraudulent liars who exploit sick people and who refuse to answer simple questions – like where is the proof?
      He was sent here by who shit for brains??? I know you paranoid maniacs cant contemplate that anyone can have an independent mind. But I await your reply containing the words pharma/ cover up /establishment/ healing . if you actually had an original thought in your mind you would be dangerous

  81. Greg doesn’t respond
    When asked about a ” paper” from the 1840’s – no reference.
    When asked about third world killing vitamin dispensing Rath – no response
    When his photographs on the website are stolen from an aged textbook and then colour with no reference with what they are – nothing
    When asked for proof his treatment works – YouTube – so effectively nothing
    when asked where is the evidence for doctors being wrong 50% of the time – nothing.

    • Mike / MDM / and whatever other fictitious names you choose to you when you post . . . my references stand on their own merit. Thousands of people posting evidence of their cancer cures on the internet stands from the use of escharotics on its own merit. The fact that the government of Ecuador sided with me and issued a declaration saying that my kidnapping at the hands of the U.S. State Dept. and FDA was completely illegal (see stands on its own merit. The many books written by noted authors such as John Rappaport, Dr. Samuel Epstein M.D., Patrick Quillin, Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D., Guylaine Lanctôt, M.D., Stanley Wohl, M.D., James P. Carter, M.D., Ralph W. Moss Ph.D., and so many others on the methods, tactics, and objectives of the MEDICAL MAFIA stands on its own merit.

      You disinfo agents obviously have a lot of time on your hands.

      I, on the other hand, do not. I’m a practicing herbalist.

      If people want MY side of the story, they can read Meditopia ( — Chapters 1 through 4 being the parts most relevant to the original Truther Girls video.

      Don’t listen to disinformation agents with their pubescent personal attacks and biased information sources.

      The best advice I can give to anyone : do you own research and come to your own conclusions.

      Case closed. Court is adjourned.

  82. I had a growth on my forehead, started small and got bigger over the years, and would itch. I’m fair skinned, middle aged, and 3 of my siblings and my mother of had melanoma so I take these things seriously. I asked my internist to remove or biopsy it, he wouldn’t (Im in an HMO and they are reluctant to do procedures or refer), advised me to try using wart remover and said it was just a keratosis. It was unsightly and itched so I tried the wart remover, it didn’t work. In searching online I came across this b/s info so I ordered and tried it. It took 3 rounds,but finally it’s gone and I just have a small indentation where it was instead of a quarter sized lumpy growth.

    I do not say this substance is a panacea for whatever ails you, but it DOES draw out and remove irregularities. It is not comfortable to use, should be used cautiously for sure. But naysayers need to realize many people don’t have insurance or money for doctors. It is very hard to even get into a dermatologist in the U.S., unless you’re paying cash and going in for botox or fillers then you’ll be seen.

    Follow the money. If big interests pockets are threatened they will bring the hammer down, using taxpayer funded agencies as their personal enforcers.

    I can understand an individual wanting to warn people to ‘be careful’, being concerned about public heath, but don’t understand this campaign to demean people’s genuine personal experience.

    I also urge people to use prevention first, use nature’s anticancer weapons, organic vegetables and spices, and use a physical block sunscreen, because cancer treatment is all about slash and burn, and the treatment often causes secondary cancers down the road so best to just prevent it if you can.

  83. And also when people criticize individual MDs for not suggesting this or another ‘alternative’ treatments, in U.S. physicians are hogtied by overseeing agencies and not to mention potential lawsuits. Most doctors, nurses, etc are compassionate and well meaning, but if they make the wrong move or stick their necks out too far, they can kiss their careers goodbye. It’s a very discouraging situation for them.

    • I have witnessed this travesty for over twenty years. Countless physicians have confided to me that they are tired of being forced to use expensive, ineffective treatments because they have a knife over their throat. If they use an effective alternative, they risk the loss of their license. One close personal friend, Dr. Leonard Smith, was an internist in Gainesville, Florida, and in the 1990’s he treated several people successfully with our Cansema and ended up with a $43,000 fine from the Florida licensing board. He was an internist / surgeon with a highly successful practice. After that, he just couldn’t do it anymore. He gave up his practice, closed shop, and became a medical consultant. Few physicians have that kind of moral backbone, but they all know what’s going on.

      Another friend of mine, Steve, was living in Minneapolis when he finished his internship. He couldn’t continue, because — as he told me — “I would never have begun medical school in the first place had I known that we’re just drug pushers. There are things we are urged to prescribe that are more dangerous than what the thugs move out on the street.” Instead, he decided to take the securities’ test and he gave a stock broker specializing in medical IPO’s.

      It’s a defining characteristic of our age. See . . .

      Greg Caton

  84. Amen brraceg, I see you have walked the walk as I.

  85. What ever you slap on your lesions is up to you but make damn sure you get a biopsy afterwards. You dont’ want to find something nasty lurking under the healed up scar.
    Punch biopsies are quick and cheap-surely it’s worth it.


    He’s written many, many books….

    • mdmurray...........d..not t

      Gosh………….If you had a brain you would be dangerous……..I know that the letters T and d sound quite similar but sadly they are not the same…I also know that other countries are usually unknown to Americans but i live in one of them,
      Unfortunately this is another case of exactly the same ………….lone authority educating the world on the “dangers” of everyone else while selling a load of unproven crap or “natural” substances- of course anything “natural ” is good for you – like tsunamis…or snake bites.
      If this is your notion of “truthquest” I would try a bit harder – or get someone to read out the individual letters

      • I think it was British playwright, George Bernard Shaw, who said, “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” That you, Mr. Murray (if that’s even your real name) would have the audacity to come on this board and throw aspersions — some of them mind-numbingly petty, while offering nothing constructive that addresses the original Truther Girls video post, shows your mettle. The experiences of people who have posted comments on this board in earnest cannot be cast aside because you belong to or represent the priestly orthodox medical community and find certain truths distasteful. Your false knowledge isn’t merely more dangerous than ignorance. As I document in Meditopia, it is people of your ilk that are responsible for the premature deaths if HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of innocent people because simple, natural, provably reliable cancer cures have been suppressed in the name of power, privilege, and profit.

        People are catching on to the fact that the profit model of the orthodox medical system is “anti-human.” It is an abject failure. It is every bit as fraudulent as a “democratic” political system that thinks nothing of programming voting machines without audit trails so that an Elite can determine the outcome of elections.

        Thou protesteth too much . . . which is understandable when one considers how many hundreds of billions of dollars a year in criminally-acquired profits are secured by Big Pharma each and every year.

        But you and your fellow reprobates in the criminal medical caste are about to die a cruel death . . . a kind of collective karma for all the harm you have done.

        And I dare say that few will mourn your passing when you do.

        • mdmurray...........d..not t


          I am so glad your keyboard still works – I had asked some direct questions and was waiting on an answer – but nothing.
          By petty I assume you mena inconvient truth – I mean just because the clocks go forward at the new millenium not every rational person buys ten thousand rounds of ammunition three assault rifles and some body armour. So your version of reality is somewhat different to most sane people.
          But one again – quotes from famous people, constant references to your own paranoid web pages and the same rehashed conspiracy crap about how doctors are actually killing people for profit. When a simple point that cancer deaths are going down, how do you explain immunisations or preventative medicine suddenly you have nothing to say except it is false. Nothing to counter just a statement.
          I think you are somehow referring to yourself. You sell acid paste that doenst work while claiming it cures cancer. You say complete and utter crap that it is “self diagnosing” and when you are asked to show evidence for this you simply ignore the question as you know fine well it is crap.
          Herbologist? Again – guff. I once sold a picture of the space shuttle – doesn’t make me an astronaut .
          You are a man with no training, no intelligence no evidence who pedals his snake oil from a third world while shouting “they are all covering up” =I am the Messaih come to save you ………….just give me your money.


    Oops–mea culpa. You’re right. I was doing a quick search for cancer salve pictures and saw the name Michael Murray without reading the posts (no time, I’ve got to go meet my friend in a few minutes, who is freaking out over the salve treatment. I’ll check back in later and read through this blog as I should have done in the first place. I thought DR. Murray, a world-renowned naturopathic physician, was under attack.

    When you’re right, you’re right.

    • Of course, he was right. There’s no relationship between the work of Michael Murray, N.D. and this usurper, but that misses the larger point. People have a right to disagree. Again, it’s all part of a healthy exchange. But when you have a thread that is peppered with this concatenation of flames — one after another — it doesn’t benefit anyone. It only demonstrates that Truther Girls has touched a nerve that doesn’t sit well with the world’s oncologists / dermatologists / pharmacists / health care policy makers, etc. . . . the ones whose fake “legitimacy” is at stake.

      Your board was invaded — once again — by a disinfo agent.
      And you should have expected this.
      The very nature of your work absolutely guarantees that you will be a magnet for “pie throwers” who can’t respond intelligently in kind. They can only hope that by generating confusion the People will go back to sleep.

  88. mdmurray...........d..not t

    its not discouraging. It is simply good practice. Doctors try and provide treatment based on reasonable evidence or on sound practice. It would be plainly ridiculous if someone used a treatment and then justified it by saying “well this bloke on the internet who sold it said it was great and it could suck out cancer” as you would probably rightly thought to be insane, Being carted off while shouting “its all a conspiracy – all cancers can be cured by slapping on an acid paste as sold by that convicted nice honest couterfiter/ bankrupt /parole skipping/ illegal gun owning/non qualified con man bloke who is living in a third world country and cant answer a direct question without referring to his own websites” wouldn’t exactly help your case.
    Its not a matter of” walking the walk ” its a matter of using cut price rubbish because you are desperate.
    Wart treatment could be used to remove a melanoma – wouldnt necessarily
    be the best thing to do – but it would be cheap.
    Time to grow up people – unless of course you sell this crap for a living.

    • Acid paste . . . that’s what you’re calling it? Acid paste? Just what acid are you talking about? Is it the NDGA (nordihydrogauaretic acid) in the Larrea, which is less acidic than tomato juice? Is it the zinc chloride, which has a pH around 5.0? . . . . Hmmmmm . . . can’t be the Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) because that’s alkaline. In fact, there are 60 alkaloids in the bloodroot that, together, contribute to the escharotic process. Are there any other herbals that contain hydroquinones that you don’t like? They’re not acidic, but — hell — let’s call them acidic anyway because it sounds good. Purified water . . . now maybe that’s the acid you’re talking about. since you’re being so ridiculous. It’s usually closer to 6.8 — not 7.0 . . .

      Have you ever worked in a lab? Do you even know the difference between acidic and alkaline compounds? Do you even know the average pH of well-made escharotic?

      Murray . . . you have no knowledge about escharotics or their successful history of use. None. You’re just reading from the FDA’s cue cards because you’re desperate. You’re like Toby McAdams with who — for years — got away with falsely saying that we were putting sulfuric acid in our Paste, just to smear us . . . never mind that no maker of escharotics I have ever known in my life has ever used a harsh acid — organic or inorganic — to make their products. My wife and I have treated over 20,000 cancer cases successfully . . . the majority of them being skin cancer, as skin cancers comprise the largest single class of cancer cases. We have hundreds of documented cases on our web sites, many of them detailed pictorials.

      What is the establishment’s response to this? What’s the best they can come up with? I will tell you. A scam artist named Sue Gilliatt, who in June, 2004, admitted in a sworn affidavit that she intended to work with the FDA to destroy us BEFORE she even received any of our products. She admitted under oath that after using our products, she no longer had cancer. She admitted under oath that she was in it for the money. And she admitted under oath that the photos she produced to try to criticism escharotics were taken AFTER she had her NOSE surgically removed. This is what you’ve got. This is your support. This is your response to escharotic and their successful use. (BTW . . . anyone who thinks that I have exaggerated any of the specifics of the Sue Gilliatt case can read the court transcripts for themselves in Chapter 3 of Meditopia at

      I understand that you’ve got a responsibility to come on here and be an apologist for this atrocious scam. But really? Can’t you come up with anything better than name calling?

      Acid paste . . . . . I’ll tell you where the acid paste is . . . it’s in the relentless, vitriolic postings you make that cannot possibly do anything to the legitimacy of escharotic preparations.


    I’m back home. Of course, I didn’t see any middle initials for Michael Murray but if I’d had time to read through the posts I would have known better. The much-esteemed DR. Murray would never have made such blunders as his “silly statistics” and other offenses. Dr. Murray, if you’re out there, PLEASE FORGIVE THE SCANDALOUS MIS-IDENTIFICATION. I’m so grateful to have been set straight.

    • mdmurray...........d..not t

      Oh please dont make unsubstantiated crap comments. The ” esteemed” Dr Murray is an ND – or quack to other people – who exploits the hard of thinking for his share of the $ 20 billion ” alternative” ( i.e evidence free) health care market in the US.

  90. Caton,

    lets try and extend your education. I ask perfectly logical sensible questions to your lies and you do not answer.

    You stated that the best way to make cancer spread was to cut into it
    This is rubbish.
    You said that doctors knew more about cancer in the 1840’s than today. This is rubbish.
    You have said that cancer survival has not improved. This is rubbish.
    You have stated that the salve is “self diagnostic” . This is rubbish.
    You have quoted a “study” from 1840’s involving 4000 patient. This “study” does not exist
    You have said that the medical treatment of cancer has an “abysmal ” survival rate . This is rubbish.
    You have said that you do not need evidence to prove it works as you have lots of testimonials on the internet. This is rubbish.
    You say you have treated over 20,000 patients. This is rubbish., You have no qualifications and selling fake creams with false claims on theinternet is not the same as treating patients.

    When you are asked direct questions you have simply jibbered on abt “disinfo / if thats your real name/ undercover FDA agent/ here read my blog/webpage/ paranoid rambling web page.

    The bottom line is that you make ridiculous false statements and are unable to back up anything you say. You simply make stupid statements that either defy the laws of physics/ physiology or hide under the “its all a huge conspiracy- Im the only one that tells the truth – and for a man with a colourful past that takes a bit of swallowing.

    It is acidic – that is why it is corrosive. 6M Zinc Chloride has a ph of 1. This is why is it refered to as a corrosive substance. Your fantasy statements bear no witness to reality. The “woman ” allegedly reporting the use it strangley named both your product and your website – now there is a coincidence. She also refered to having morphine hand for the pain. Pain from what? How does an inert substance burn through skin? Accoridng to your made up facts it should be less corrosive than sea water.

    Now answer the questions- straightforward enough for you?

  91. “Put the zinc chloride (99.4% pure) in an uncovered glass bowl. Depending on heat and humidity, it will take as long as 4 days to liquefy. Adding distilled water will promote fast liquidfication. Grind herbs being careful to keep the temperature below 100F. Add the herbs to the zinc chloride and stir thoroughly. At first, the mixture will be a bit thin. Add flour to thicken to the consistency to toothpaste. The pH should be in the 3.7-3.8 range”

    • I know . . . I know . . . Acid paste. Did you know that orange juice is anywhere from 3.3 to 4.1? Using your logic, perhaps we should outlaw orange juice as “Acid Beverage” because it’s too caustic for human consumption.

      Murray — you just wanna dig that hole even deeper, don’t you? Do none of your verifiably false statements bring you even the slightest embarrassment? Is your hatred of natural methods of healing so great that there is no level of self-humiliation you won’t endure?

      BTW . . . only one of the half dozen cancer curing escharotics that have been filed in the U.S. Patent Office use flour as an ingredient. (In 22 years of use, I have NEVER used flour — regardless of grain origin — in anything I have ever made in the lab.) You’d know this if you read Chapter 1 of Meditopia . . . but — again — I understand that reading anything that I have written is just too much to ask. You are closed to any facts that don’t fit your preconceptions.

      Also . . .. Ingrid Naiman is not an authority on escharotic preparations. I wrote this in the Cansema FAQ over 10 years ago (see Unlike yourself, I feel she is sincere, but her book, “Cancer Salves” makes statements about zinc chloride that reflect no more knowledge about its functional properties than yours. You chose her as an authority on this subject simply because you don’t know any better.

      At this point, I have to wonder just how long you’re willing to pose as an authority in a field where you have absolutely no background, no mentoring, no experience, no training, no expertise, no propensity for objectivity, and nothing constructive to contribute.

      You can bring only one thing to this thread, and you have successfully brought it with every post —– SPAM.

  92. from the book CANCER SALVES by Ingrid Naiman

  93. mdmurray,aka, little mikey= ignore

  94. mdmurray...........d..not t

    Oh dear. so far you have said two accurate facts. The ph of orange juice and that you dont know who I am. As such to then give a resume of my experience and knowledge. I have not said I was an expert – I left that to liars like yourself. However even the most simple of minds can recognise a complete bullshit artist when they see one. I have everything to contribute as you are part of the multi billion dollar scam of the sick and the desperate. You steal money from people when you do not have a shred of evidence that your treatment works.
    As for orange juice – yes I would ban it if people made it into a paste and said it “cured” cancer. I did not choose her as an expert I simply quoted her recipe. The only justification for your own statements saying she is not an expert is ..once again your own mywhataloadofcrapia website ………….quoting your own statements doesn’t make them any more real or factual. It just makes you look stupid.

    You are simply showing yourself for the pathetic evasive criminal that you are. I have asked twice for you to justify statements that you have made that are patently nonsense and your response ? ” Case Closed” – meaning you refuse to answer or no answer at all.

    Here are the FALSE statements that you made so far

    You stated that the best way to make cancer spread was to cut into it
    This is rubbish.
    You said that doctors knew more about cancer in the 1840′s than today. This is rubbish.
    You have said that cancer survival has not improved. This is rubbish.
    You have stated that the salve is “self diagnostic” . This is rubbish.
    You have quoted a “study” from 1840′s involving 4000 patient. This “study” does not exist
    You have said that the medical treatment of cancer has an “abysmal ” survival rate . This is rubbish.
    You have said that you do not need evidence to prove it works as you have lots of testimonials on the internet. This is rubbish.
    You say you have treated over 20,000 patients. This is rubbish., You have no qualifications and selling fake creams with false claims on the internet is not the same as treating patients.
    You have said medical authorities are killing millions – this is rubbish.
    You give no explanations as to vaccination and the reduction in deaths, public health campaigns or medicine. to name but a few
    You have said all orthodox organisations are corrupt – this is rubbish
    You have given no explanation as to why you would sell a jar of your potion big enough to “treat a room full of people”

    You said having published your successful recipes for your potions you have given rise to “countless” competitors. Then you say everyone who made your product was actually doing it wrong just to smear you, along with people harmed by the cream

    This is not spam – These are perfectly legitimate questions. Im sure you will struggle with the concept and simply give the standard response and run away.
    But you have business to make so evidence and honesty are simply not in your vocabulary. So now once again answer the questions…..third time lucky

  95. mdmurray...........d..not t

    and Steve…go grow a pair…….

    • Murray . . . you were beyond outrageous before. Now you’ve descended to the ranks of pubescent aspersions . . .just leave. No one takes you seriously here. Leave.

  96. mdmurray...........d..not t


  97. mdmurray...........d..not t

    “Im sure you will struggle with the concept and simply give the standard response and run away.”

    Uncanny isnt it?

    But forgot to ask how something less corrosive than milk manages to burn through skin………but there isn’t really any point .as the ” community” here would think that would be an unacceptable offensive question.(how you would know what anonymous people who you cant see on a website think is beyond me .but I am sure you would have it written down somewhere to quote as to how you know…)

  98. Michael, did you know that the original Moh’s surgery included the use of bloodroot paste, but that because the procedure took too much time, they dropped that part of the protocol? So, yes I have a reference. Unless you think the originator of Moh’s surgery was a quack, you need to rethink your position.

    • Paullie . . . your statement on the employment of escharotics as an essential component of the original Moh’s surgical procedure is factual. I detail this in Chapter 1 of Meditopia (

      Incidentally, Veritas Magazine (Australia) did a magazine article on our work in their Jan./Feb. 2013 edition. It quotes the work of an organization called Panacea that has collected hundreds of case studies, with medical reports and extensive documentation showing that Cansema cures cancer. One of their trustees sent me a copy. See . . .

      Click to access veritas_jan_2013.pdf

      BTW . . . the Nirvana Anderson case is getting more attention. The TGA (Australia’s equivalent of the U.S. FDA) ORDERED Nirvana Anderson to take down her website where she was RELATING her positive experiences using Black Salve. She was NEVER in the business. She was only an END USER. We have now entered a new era in health care where it will now become increasingly difficult to even DISCUSS our experiences with one another . . . So much for freedom of speech. We should enjoy the opportunity to talk to one another now, because we will not be able to do so much longer. Big Pharma realizes that it cannot win this battle, based on the facts. Their only option is to ensure that none of us can talk.

      This parallels the worldwide attempt to make owning a firearm illegal. People need to get the connection here. If you take away a man’s right to protect himself, you are one small step away from taking away a man’s right to express himself. There is a reason why the U.S. Bill of Rights is constructed where the Freedom to Bear Arms immediately follows Freedom of Speech. People have lost their appreciation for this connection.

      • peacefull warrior

        TGA by the way operates under the pretended laws, they are NOT REAL LAWS, people of australia are f..d by Commonwealth Australia CORPORATION, registered in USA, they are not the same as Commonwealth Australia of People, all “profits” (Australian taxes) are going to “shareholders”, check this video:

    • mdmurray...........d..not t

      In 1948, Mohs publicly renounced the use of escharotics without accompanying surgery, claiming that it caused excessive mutilation and was an unreliable cure

      It should be clarified that Mohs used zinc chloride only as a fixative and Sanguinaria only as an organic stabilizer for his fixative paste. The primary procedure undertaken by Mohs was surgical excision

      So is he a quack – absolutely not . Do I need to rethink my position – absolutely not.

      Lets recap –

      Mohs performed surgery. He developed a technique to be as minimally invasive as possible. He used pathology to establish a diagnosis. He followed up his cases as reported on survival and recurrence. He used a mainly zinc chloride paste as a preservative for the tissue as frozen sections were not available. When better techniques were used he adapted. and left unwarranted techniques behind..He did not use pharmaceutical agents and nor are they used today.The current techniques allow for a cure rate between 94 – and 99% for non melanoma skin cancers. He published extensively in peer reviewed journals and his pathological specimens were inspected for diagnostic accuracy.
      The reference you provide does not mention blood root only zinc chloride paste.

      In 1978, Tromovitch and Stegman demonstrated that in situ fixation with Mohs surgery was not essential and that a similar cure rate of BCC could be obtained with fresh frozen tissue sampling

      In short he did NOT recommend escharotics, self diagnosis , no follow up . no peer reviewed publications and did not claim 100% success of any skin tumour let alone bone tumours or bowel tumours. He did not and no one does today use chemotherapy agents for non melanoma tumours.
      Many of the people posting here have recommended frankly dangerous activity under a banner of pseudoscientific garbage and pretend conspiracy to justify their own greed for profits.

      • Michael . . . as with nearly every post you have made, you present us with a cavalcade of misstatements. No one that I know in the alternative health care field says that they anything 100% of the time. Even with skin cancers, Cansema does not work in about 1% of all cases. This 99% success rate drops precipitously with inner cancers. Taking into account the large number of people who come to us, for instance, after chemo and radiation have brought the patient to the edge of death and irreversible cachexia, there are some cancer types for which we are successful only 50% of the time.

        I provide more detail in the use of an escharotic preparation in Moh’s in Chapter 1 of Meditopia ( Zinc chloride was only one of the active ingredients; Sanguinaria canadensis root being another.

        Don’t ever talk to me about greed.
        You dare to mention greed when the average American losses over 80% of their lifetime assets in the last 60 days of life with completely useless therapies. You dare to mention greed when most pharmaceutical companies have way over a 2,000% profit on “cost of goods” as a standard part of their business model. You dare to mention greed when health care costs are out of control and Americans are coming in last in health care outcomes? Orthodox medicine is the epitome of greed . . . and anyone who has objectively studied the subject knows it.

        If I worked with the kind of profit margins that are routine in the pharmaceutical industry, I’d be a billionaire by now.

        • mdmurray...........d..not t

          Greg – you have been asked no less than three times to provide answers to direct questions and you have refused to do so mainly as you are a professional and convicted liar.
          I have provided no false information. AT ALL. You on the other hand have not provided one verifiable fact other than “its on my website”
          Regarding Mohs – the information is detailed above. He did not use it to treat, nor did he recommend it. He said quite correctly it didnt work and could result in scarring. Once again referring to your fantasy webpages to justify your own statements – continually – borders on insanity.
          Now you are simply manufacturing statistics based on your imagination. You do not see patients , do not know what is wrong with them and do not follow them up. You have no idea what your “cure” rates are. You have no qualifications and are simply selling jars of potion on the internet. Please stop flattering yourself.
          To compound your fantasy further now you extend it for “internal ” tumours – what tumours? Bone tumours? Renal tumours? Leukaemia??
          You are simply a dangerous criminal who persists in replying to posts with utter garbage and runs away like the criminal coward you are when you are asked direct questions or to provide a shred of proof.
          And why ?- because you cant answer the questions and there is no proof.

          • As I’ve said before, I answered your questions point-by-point and you ignored it. I have provided web pages with detailed information to address your questions. You ignored that, too. You’re a quack, Michael, and you represent an entire system ot quackery, which is the very reason I penned Meditopia in the first place.

            Did you read this month’s article from Veritas, which I posted earlier? Of course, not . . . and you’re not going to. You are set in your opinions and no accumulation of facts is going to persuade you.

            As for “treating people,” we deal with hundreds of practitioners around the world and THEY treat many of the people who use our products. My wife is an N.D. and she counsels hundreds of direct users per month. I know, I know . . . you don’t think naturopathy is a legitimate healing discipline.

            Tough. Good naturopaths get results. Live with it.

          • mdmurray...........d..not t

            Once again you are an evasive liar . You did not address any of the points . I asked how something less corrosive than milk could burn through skin for example. You have said NOTHING.
            As for N(ot D(octors) you are at last correct in one thing – they arent doctors and are useless. Again evidence free zone. And once more you are challenged on where you dream up these statistics and more nonsense appears as you cannot provide a SHRED of evidence about mortality.It really doesnt take a genius to work out this utter crap is made up on the hoof.
            To summarise you dont treat patients you dont know what they have and therefore cannot establish their mortality.
            You did not answer any of the questions and did not provide any substantiated evidence.
            You said the salve ” self diagnostic” – which is utter nonsense . Along with virtually everything else you have said.
            Now man up and answer the questions rather than hide behind excuses of ” I gave you references” – you will find them above – three times – or do you want them again?

          • Michael . . . I have responded to each and every one of your questions in detail. They don’t always appear directly below your query — for reasons that are unclear to me . . . but if you look above, you can see my very extensive comments.

            Don’t call me a liar.
            You may disagree with me. But I don’t lie. I don’t need to.
            You, on the other hand, have chosen to completely ignore my responses, because you get too much enjoyment out of saying I ignored you.

            Nobody goes through the trouble of authoring the body of work I have created online (i.e. there are over 1,600 pages on alone — all created by me), and providing the footnoted materials that I do, if they do not believe in their work.

            You have already made your point.
            No amount of proof will ever convince you that escharotic preparations are legitimate. We get it.

            Anything else?

          • mdmurray...........d..not t

            Spare the mock indignation. You have convictions for forgery and fraud and you pretend to be offended by the truth. You are evading the questions – feel free to cut and paste your reply. There are multiple questions in plain English. I get notified about every response – and there haven’t been any.It would seem strange I get every reply except when I ask direct questions – then you say you have referenced elsewhere…its posted somewhere else …which one is it? I have looked through the entire site and cant find them.
            You are a liar and you do need to . Your livelihood depends on selling cream that there is no proof works. If I was you I would cut and paste and reference lots of articles and put in on my own pages and then constantly refer to by way of justifying saying the same thing. “Created” being the operative word.
            You deny anything real as long as it suits your purpose. Any real evidence would be accepted. It is just you haven’t presented any. This is a convenience for you to not to do so. Just as usual your own pages, imaginary patients, unverifiable testimonials, Youtube, Facebook.
            Where is the study from 1840’s. Where is the evidence that they knew more about cancer? Where is the proof that incision spreads cancer? How can the salve be “self diagnosing? How can it burn through skin when it less corrosive than milk?
            This isnt even asking for proof – this is questioning biological impossibilities.
            The fact that hundreds of fake cancer cures were listed at the same time either means they were all fake or you were singularly unlucky and all the other vendors of shark cartilage, cannabis oil, coral calcium sound waves machines and light therapy were all fake and you were lumped in with them or in reality you have no proof or different spin other than the cover up/ big pharma rubbish,.
            So please I do look forward to being proved wrong …………….copy and paste all your answers…….

          • Michael . . . my responses to your questions are so long that I am getting “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” And the last two have not cleared.

            I will look into why they are still not “cleared” — because nobody on an alternative medical board should get away with the kind of nonsense you’ve been pulling here.

        • mdmurray...........d..not t

          Greg you have an amazing ability to respond to a post by not mentioning anythnig in the post at all. I have read many of Noam Chomski’s books. However American literature is filled with paranoid writings and as you aptly demonstrate in your own postings simply writing something or having an opinion doesn’t make it real
          You have a government which uses laws and organisations to its own end – like many. However there is no world wide plan to ban guns although only an imbecile would encourage firearms as way to maintain freedom of speech and security.
          Children in America are four times more likely to be abused , most likely to die than other developed countries and more likely to be obese. One in three women experiences domestic abuse and one in four children sexual.This fantasy about protecting your family is a convenient excuse to maintain a gun fetish . In reality a child is killed or wounded every few hours.
          These arent difficult concepts . You have developed a paranoid , gun fetish/ culture where some people of limited intelligence use catch phrases like ” our guns are there to overthrow the government ” – and presumably after committing treason they would then have to establish their own government. This is why people think it is normal to have military weapons , body armour and thousands of bullets because the clocks are going forward at new Year.

          • You must have failed American History.

            The founding fathers were very clear on the importance of a gun-holding populace as a check to tyranny. The Federalist Papers — authored by three of the founding fathers — are filled with comments on the importance of a well-educated, well armed citizenry so as to protect the People’s welfare.

            That you would come on a blog thread that was created to talk about Black Salve and keep harping about the danger of guns is only further confirmation that you’re a Disinfo Agent. I only mentioned it once because it is tangential to the Nirvana Anderson case and the clear evidence of a declining respect for freedom of speech in the common narrative.

            No person in the U.S. who understands the history of their republic or its constitutional underpinnings would ever talk the way you do.

  99. mdmurray...........d..not t

    The “worldwide attempt to make owning a firearm illegal.” By whom? This must have missed most people.
    Most countries do not have issues with firearms. Most enjoy more freedoms of expression and a better longer fitter life than most Americans. It seems rather contradictory to connect free speech and liberty with having the ability to kill people.
    Lets look at reality. there are 290 million guns in the US, It has one of the highest murder rates in the developed world. Most are by firearms. Every decade there are over one million people injured or killed by firearms. Having a gun in your home means you are four times more likely to be killed or injured during a burglary. For very justifiable homicide there are another twenty related killings from accidents, domestic abuse and suicides..Most guns used in crime are stolen.There is a direct correlation between the level of gun prevalence and of gun crime. Gun crime takes two yeas of the average American life expectancy.

    Because of the poverty, social inequality, racism, prison industry and the lose interpretation of the constitution to suit a multibillion dollar gun industry and the political impotence to try and improve the situation it is unlikely it will improve. However most countrlies in the world manage free speech without bearing assualt rifles to express their opinion

    • Michael . . . I believe you’re one of those people who enjoys being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian — because you certainly have no proclivity to stick to the facts.

      Even as big an intellectual luminary as Noam Chomski (professor emeritus of language at MIT for close to 50 years) has written volumes documenting the steady erosion of civil rights by governments worldwide since 9/11. In the U.S. the collapse of civil rights is what inspired former U.S. Federal judge, Joseph Napolitano to write his books over the last ten years, “Constitutional Chaos: When the Government Does Follow its Own Laws” and “It’s Dangerous to be Right When the Government is Wrong.” Even more stinging are the recent articles by former Asst. U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts. One of his most recent articles says it like it is : “In Amerika, Law no longer exists — the extermination of truth.”

      For my part, I don’t have to read Paul Craig Roberts to realize that there are little minions of darkness who are out there trying to stamp out truth.

      I only have to scan your posts.

  100. Obviously no one would spend so much time bashing natural alternative without a clear agenda and a very nice pay check from the mafia!

    • Hans . .. .. your observation is universal. Unfortunately not everyone has your experience so that they are able to understand that the very foundation of the Medical Industrial Complex is terminally flawed. It cannot be repaired. In time, it can only be destroyed and replaced with something that is life-supporting and nurturing to those it claims to serve.

      This same experience comes from reading Chapter 1 of Meditopia ( — a free online read.

      • “No one that I know in the alternative health care field says that they anything 100% of the time”

        ” your observation is universal”

        Now Greg can you manage to spot your own contradiction?
        And still waiting for your answers …so far excuses include
        “Case closed”
        ” I have answered and referred elsewhere”
        “My posts are out of synch”
        “My post is being moderated”

  101. I have been diagnose with melanoma and the dermatologist was very eager to send me to the butcher shop (Hospital) to have it surgically remove(just a nice word use that mean leaving a hole the size of an orange on your face).

    This happen 7 years ago and i use black salve recommend to me by a farmer who cured cattle with it (Amazing i know farmers can replace a highly educated thief with a stethoscope) and i apply only once a thin coat on the melanoma and after 2 weeks it was gone.

    I went back to the thief(Dermatologist) and show him the lesion and he said how the hell did you remove that melanoma? I told him that now i will consult a farmer for anything related to skin cancer!

    It is truly working folks there is no scam about that the only real scam there is are the medical mafia thugs that are polluting every single place on the web so they can keep those big juicy check flowing.

    Same goes for so many so call professionals who are only professionals at buying BMW&AUDI, 3 houses and a Spain Castle, one private jet and many, many prostitutes.

  102. I have used black salve about 20 times for skin cancers, always with complete success. The smallest was about 1/8″ on the side of my nose. The largest was about 2×3″ on my upper chest. I’ve noticed 2 distinct responses. One kind rarely gets bigger than a quarter, usually dime-sized, always has one black center surrounded by an ashen gray zone and comes off clean. The other looks like black pepper sprinkled on cigarette ash, always has very irregular borders, is always big, and always bleeds, sometimes quite a lot. I think these are more like clusters of tiny tumors. My salve came from a woman here in Arizona who called herself The Kitchen Chemist. Her salve had the reputation of being the best in the Southwest. I wrote the instruction sheet for its use. It was bloodroot-based. Unfortunately, no one can reach her now. She was in her 80s and may have passed away. To my knowledge, no one ever learned completely her recipe or process. If anyone has any knowledge of her whereabouts, please contact me at RRR; 9927 W. Peoria Ave.; Sun City, Ariz. 85351. Note: This works. Surgery can never be counted on to get all the toxified tissue around the central tumor, virtually assuring a future recurrence.

    • Richard . . . in all candor, I have never heard of this “Kitchen Chemist” before, but she was obviously using an earlier embodiment of Black Salve, which was based primary on a zinc chloride / bloodroot / humectant combination. I provide plenty of recipes from U.S. Patents going back to the 1860’s in Chapter 1 of Meditopia. See :

  103. Well what an interesting barrage of institutionalised crap from Mr Murray. I knew the ‘Undercover Boys’ were using mind control and they have certainly done a good job on him. Hope he manages to wake up at some point and see what’s happening in the real world of cancer. Maybe he should look up Professor Ulrich Abel’s 10 year research (published in the Lancet) on the effectiveness of Chemotherapy and read his conclusions. After contacting 350 of the top cancer centres in the world, he pronounced that the evidence of chemotherapy being of any use in the treatment of cancer was ‘A Scientific Wasteland’ much like Mr Murray’s brain actually!! By the way I am a 6 year survivor of colon cancer with spread to the liver and refused Chemotherapy and it looks like the medical mafia were wrong, I didn’t die after all.
    I don’t know Greg personally, but I know who is telling the truth,and it’s not Mr Murray.

    • Vanguard……………laughable embarrassing stuff.
      You shouldnt really encourage people to reply as it will only humiliate yourself.
      Lets start with a few corrections. You are likewise a liar like Greg – or just exceptional stupid.
      Professor Abel is not a professor – he is a doctor. He is not a medical doctor – he is a statistician. He did not publish in the Lancet. He first published a monogram in 1991 in an in house publication of the Gerson clinic. ( Yet another place , located in Mexico where for a lots of money you too can drink raw liver smoothies and have coffee enemas – then die) . He then published the same material – albeit expanded in the journal ” Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy in 1992. No, Id never hear do fit either.
      If his work too ten years then most cancer papers look at five year follow up and take approximately two years to analyse and publish so this means his work was based on studies carried out and ending before 1974. So almost 40 years ago.
      It was a very thin study, not a meta analysis and asked opinions of some oncologists from which he drew his own conclusions. He did not detail all the studies nor did he offer comparisons or filter any studies to allow comparison. In short it was nothing.
      So a paper by one non professor, non medical person based on studies from forty years ago using non stastical analysis to provide an opinion and published in a journal no one has heard of. Cant get any better proof than that then can you?
      Obviously seeing the light he then went on to be involved in three other publish trials of chemotherapy up til 1999 – the last being on pancreatic cancer.
      This is life comparing the chance of surviving a road traffic accident now based on studies of the 1973 Ford Pinto with no air bags, ABS, seat belts, crumple zones, fuel cut off, pre tensioners or collapsible steering column by a non engineer published in a photography magazine and saying it is valid proof today.
      Just utter crap. its the problem with you thieving lying types – you dont provide proof and get rather aggressive when it is pointed out you are talking complete bullshit. Rather than facts there is the inevitable attack/ conspiracy theory/ brainwashing/ “disinfo” agent/ big pharm/ mafia/ Spain castle/ prostitutes/ greed/ paid informant drivel.

      The notion that it might just be some person with a reasonable and rational questioning approach asking valid questions is simply too great to contemplate.
      The power of the internet allows information to be checked. it also allows people to invent references or testimonials or statements which are false.

      And if chemotherapy doesnt work just as an example – Lance Armstrong? Childhood leukaemia – from virtually incurable to over 90% success? Please provide some evidence rather than just weird accusations. I wait with baited breath – or will you just give ” the dog ate my homework” excuses like dear old mr Caton – the man with two convictions for fraud and couterfiting – but you believe him. Probably new him in prison.or you are him

      • Michael Murray . . . is their a problem with the software on this site, or have you added impersonating me to your bag of tricks? (There’s no other explanation for your post appearing with me as the author).

        So, you’re a chemotherapy supporter! HOW PREDICTABLE!
        Conventional chemotherapy produces therapeutic results so bad, so — as I have said before — dozens of doctors have confided in me that they would NEVER undergo it if they had cancer themselves. This makes good sense, because as the Starfield Studies made perfectly clear (JAMA — June, 2000), DEATH BY DOCTOR (iatrogenesis) is a leading cause of death. Few things besides smoking are as dangerous as a stay in the hospital. See . . .

        Michael . . . you’re a merchant of death. You know that, don’t you? I mean . . . when you’re alone, in your bedroom, looking into a mirror, you surely must be aware that you represent the most immoral, unethical, greedy, and ravagingly insane industry in the history of civilization.

        I know, I know . . . I’m a liar. You’re comebacks are predictable. The way Americans who don’t believe we should be going halfway around the world killing everything in sight for the oil and opium money are automatically labelled TERRORISTS now. You’re like the guy accused of rape who goes before a judge after the victim has been able to provide indisputable evidence as to what happened to her. And in your defense you assert, “I was walking along, minding my own business, and this vicious woman got in the way of my erect penis.”

        That’s where we’re at.
        That’s how insane it is.
        And that’s why anybody who reads your posts are just taking in more spam. You’re biggest problem : consciousness is rising. Every day people realize that conventional medicine is about power, profit, and prestige . . . not real healing.
        It’s gotta really piss you off that there is NOTHING you can do to change this trend.

        • disinfo agent/ big pharma rep...etc...etc...

          Greg – you once again direct the accusations that are of course reflectiong on yourselfSpam???? Are you serious???
          vanguard posted about a paper that effectively doesnt exist. It wasnt published where he said and was of poor quality ( as you wouldnt know what this means just take it from me) by someone who participated afterwards in studies of chemo whose professional standing he exaggerated dooesnt contain proper statistical analysis , was a single author and published initially 22 year ago based on 40 year old studies. This may be acceptable to you but to me it looks like a crock.
          In what way is this spam? The post was misleading and disingenuous. You address none of these facts but like all fakes try and shut down any criticism by equating me to a rapist. Thats very mature but it doesnt really address any of the issues. Largely because you are not capable. You just drivel on about irrelevant issues or quote your own web site……..again……..and again…..

          You on the other hand must be pissed off. You are the one that sells unverified crap from the third world to desperate people to make money to satisfy your own greed and ego. .
          Nothing you write is verifiable. ” Dozens of doctors have confided in you” – ” I have a friend who ” ” Thousands of phone calls” ” Hundreds of testimonials”
          When you are asked to explain justify or provide evidence for the patently colossally biologically impossible statements ( “the salve is self diagnostic”” ” it has a ph of 6.8) you make you run away.

          So far –
          ” case closed”
          ” Ive already answered”
          ” the information is referenced elsewhere”
          ” Ive posted and its gone missing”
          ” The post is too long and its being moderated..”
          ” It doesnt matter how much evidence.. you still wouldnt believe it”

          There are only so many times you can make up excuses for not
          answering direct questions and pretending that somehow you know what everyone who reads this post is thinking is simply egoistical fantasy.

          The JAMA paper refers to what the rest of the world knows . Involve money in medicine and corruption will occur. Any kind of medicine – especially fake.The US ranks outside in virtually all health parameters. This is an entirely different issue. You are simply using it as an excuse to peddle your potions and forget that there is a whole world out there where a different health care system payments mean that your conjectures about doctors being paid more is simply and utterly wrong. There is a huge difference from a genuine medical mistake and deliberately selling something which will potentially endanger someone’s life when you have no proof it works.

          Once again I have stated the falling death rates from cancer , the effect of chemotherapy on leukaemia as an example and again you ignore it , pretend and run away saying if its not on my website its false.

          You are si,mply a pathetic individual who doesnt have a shred of manliness to try and asnswer a few questions. A quack and a coward. You must be very proud
          As for the name I was simply illustrating how easy it is to write a post while posing as someone else.

          • Murray . . . I never commented on Vanguard’s cited study specifically because I’ve never seen it before. As for quoting my web sources, I have — throughout my career — had to address thousands of Medical Industrial Complex apologists, like you, and that is why I created hundreds of web pages to address specific issues.

            You insist that quoting one’s own work is somehow unprofessional, invalid, or otherwise dubious. Like so many of your posts, it’s a non-sequitur. What is WRONG if I provide posts to expand on something which I’ve already have to address hundreds of times before — especially since so much of my work is heavily footnoted with authoritative references?


            Michael . . . I stand by my assertion that you’re an orthodox medical hack and you lack credibility. You don’t see any of your supporters around here rallying to your selfish cause, now do you? There’s a reason for that. If you did enlist the “aid” of supporters, all the normal people would leave and you’d end up talking to yourselves.

            As for the fact that I actually do make money as an herbalist, and have for most the past 22 years, how dare you compare me to the likes of million dollar a year internists, big pharma execs, and hospital corporation trustees. In your worldview, anyone who doesn’t belong to your idea of the “system” is committing fraud on the public if they earn one cent making a living. Only an MIC hack would have the nerve to suggest that someone is working in the alternative medical field — which is very dangerous to begin with — because they are “in it for the money.” You say this with such frequency because nobody knows more about profiting big with a system that so completely bankrupt — morally and ethically — than someone like yourself. It is a deflection of your guilt — what the Kabbalah calls “bread of shame.”

            Nobody here is buying your nonsense, Michael . . . nobody.
            As you can see in the Veritas Magazine article I posted, properly prepared escharotics, in general, and my products, specifically, work. You cannot ignore the clinical results and neither can your friends in the various regulatory brothels.

            You’re toast. It just hasn’t sunk in yet.

          • disinfo agent/ big pharma rep...etc...etc...

            Once again you prove you are a loser. Add brothels ,rapists………….one would detect some kind of fixation here…..
            Veritas “MAGAZINE” – you mean journal? Scientific publication? Surely not the hippy new age love and peace publication……..Ignore clinical results? You surely dont mean you have some proof ? Or was it the crappy black and white unverifiable photographs from your website? Please , anyone can recognise an advertorial when they see one. It gives nothing new . ive read the same rehashed shit so much i could write the article myself……and swop black salve for any other “cancer cure” like oncopeptides, vitamins, cannabis oil………..

            You simply refuse to answer the questions . I have asked them repeatedly. You have spoken utter and absolute crap – answer the questions.

            You dont have any of your “own work” – cutting and pasting web pages is not exactly taxing. it is just inane fabricated ramblings and references to other quacks.

            You are not a herbalist – this is as much a fantasy as someone calling themselves a “nutritionist”. If I sell a picture of the space shuttle it doesnt make me an astronaut.

            What is WRONG is that you are a deficient con man who is afraid of answering direct questions . Surely to be called a fraud, a coward a con man and a liar would stimulate most people with any integrity to refute the accusations. . But not you , BECAUSE YOU CAN’T. This is just another excuse. You are making statements which are even by psychiatric deluded standards utter shit and you are incapable of answering a direct question. So now you are saying you simply dont have to answer because it is wrong – – think that makes eight excuses so far.

            You simply look like a freak for suggesting that vaccination, emergency surgery , eradication of diseases, public health, preventative medicines and falling death rates in maternal , infant and increasing life expectancies are all down to 15 million doctors worldwide trying to kill everyone for profit. The idea is so stupid it barely registers with sane people. Instead you pick one country and pick one part – oncology in the US – then chemotherapy for certain diseases – while ignoring the rest of the world as it doesnt fit in with your delusions – and then pretend. I have repeatedly stated the falling death rates from cancer and the success in leukaemia and you keep running away.

            Is this not how you make your money? You are not big pharma – you are little doesn’t work prey on the vulnerable pharma and try and silence criticism with insults .

            Now for the fifth time answer the questions

            Here are the FALSE statements that you made so far

            You stated that the best way to make cancer spread was to cut into it
            This is rubbish.
            You said that doctors knew more about cancer in the 1840′s than today. This is rubbish.
            You have said that cancer survival has not improved. This is rubbish.
            You have stated that the salve is “self diagnostic” . This is rubbish.
            You have quoted a “study” from 1840′s involving 4000 patient. This “study” does not exist
            You have said that the medical treatment of cancer has an “abysmal ” survival rate . This is rubbish.
            You have said that you do not need evidence to prove it works as you have lots of testimonials on the internet. This is rubbish.
            You say you have treated over 20,000 patients. This is rubbish., You have no qualifications and selling fake creams with false claims on the internet is not the same as treating patients.
            You have said medical authorities are killing millions – this is rubbish.
            You give no explanations as to vaccination and the reduction in deaths, public health campaigns or medicine. to name but a few
            You have said all orthodox organisations are corrupt – this is rubbish
            You have given no explanation as to why you would sell a jar of your potion big enough to “treat a room full of people”

            So can you be a man or not?

          • Mr Murray, glad to see you posted showing your true profession now, I was getting confused. Sorry I could not reply earlier but some people have to make an HONEST living, unlike yourself of course who get’s paid for trying to discredit real medicine as used for thousands of years before the Chemical Boys got involved. Anyway, just to put you straight, Dr Ulrich Abel was indeed medically trained at The Institute of Epidemiology and Biometry at the University of Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic. This hospital represents itself as a ‘World Class Oncology Hospital’ so you might assume that they know a little about cancer. His reasearch from that hospital on the effectiveness of Chemotherapy was damning as mentioned earlier. Interesting that you cite Lance Armstrong as a good example of a Chemotherapy success story. He is obviously someone that you admire and as probably one of the most successful liars in history, having deceived the world for 20 years or more, he is a prime example of how lies and deception can be very proftiable, but in the end, evil allways gets found out..

          • Vanguard . . . you will NEVER convince Michael Murray of anything. All the evidence in the world would not convince this hack that we shouldn’t all be taking 100% of the RDA for chemotherapy intravenously (LOL) . . . As you have noted yourself, he’s here not to engage in a healthy discourse, but to slander anything that isn’t orthodox and in comformity with his professional (read : profit-driven) views.

          • disinfo agent/ big pharma rep...etc...etc...

            No – you can convince me if you show evidence. Greg simply uses this an excuses not to answer questions. God Ive seem more balls in a eunuch. Greg is the kind of muppet who will say he believes anything he likes it suits his purpose
            The fact is that the paper didnt exist , the person who wrote it isnt a professor. and eight or nine short comings which might be acceptable to retarded crooks like Greg but not normal people.
            So in short it was a fake reference. But Greg is good at fake,

          • disinfo agent/ big pharma rep...etc...etc...

            So do you want to issue your apologies for your lies now then. PHD does not indicate a medical degree – he is a statistician, The paper was not written by the department it was written by him. It wasnt published in the Lancet. he isnt a professor. It didnt use statistically recognised techniques. Trying to bullshit around it doesnt make a crap one persons opinion any better.
            The fact regarding Lance Armstrong was that he was cured of metastatic cancer – I dont think he lied about that bit.
            I know this might be hard for fuckwits like yourself and Greg to contemplate but here goes anyway- simply by pointing out you made a crap reference which was largely fabricated and 22 plus years old doesn’t mean you can tell my personal likes and dislikes, employment, or location. I know its hard – next you will be saying rubbing potion on a melanoma is a good way to treat it………….

          • Calm down Michael, you really must try and control your rage, You know what Ghandi said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win”
            You seem to be fighting the truth, so we are nearly there!!

          • disinfo agent/ big pharma rep...etc...etc...

            Again – you cannot tell a state of mind from writing. But Im glad you acknowledge that everything you wrote was shit. Oh no you didnt …….I forgot . Nothing liek addressing the facts.
            If you want to tackle truth – try writing it first.

          • Vanguard . . . we’re just mercilessly playing with this disinfo wack job at this point. I am wondering if Michael Murray is one of the 3,575 professionally paid “disinfo agents” that are discussed by a DHS insider in the following interview :
            If so, it would make perfectly good sense. Sounds like a pretty good job, too . . . you get paid to sit at home in your underwear all day on the computer, and screw with people’s heads using pre-scripted propaganda.

            You gotta know that with a name like “Truther Girls,” you are just begging to attract one of these sick puppies . . . and so, it looks like we did.

          • Michael, anybody reading your rant’s can judge very well youir mental state, it is not good! Anway, I won’t fuel your rage anymore as my job is done here and you might want to find another site where people are more gullable to your misinformation. As more evidence emerges about the rigged drug-trial results and safety of the most profitable drugs that you are peddling, the more obvious this will become.Bye Michael, we win!

  104. and I thought I would just mis- sign it just to show how easy it for the same person to write posing as someone else and say what a jolly nice honest person someone else it – and say something like ” I was dead and used black salve and came back to life – which proves its healing properties”

  105. One thing seems fairly obvious. MDM/Murry/Whatever doesn’t have any personal experience with this. While obviously very bright and educated,
    he is dangerously ignorant in a practical way. If people knew the truth about cancer the fury of the people would make the French Revolution look tame.

    • I am just a littke surprised that a temoerature csn flush away cancer or a bit of asparagus. Makes you wonder how anyone could possibly die of it if this was the case. Not an unreasonable question

      • Michael Murray . . . I have to believe you’ve never taken a course in human physiology. Although hyperthermia-type cancer therapies are hardly cures, I think it is entirely unfair to discount the research done in this area. But hey — you’re anti-natural, so why shouldn’t we expect this of you? A common mammalian response to viral attack is fever. It is the body’s way of using hyperthermia to immunologically target the virus. What is the response of Big Pharma to this very natural, self-induced way of curing the problem? Medication to lower the fever, or course.

        You seem to hate asparagus. Did your Mommie make you eat it as a toddler? I’m so, so sorry you had to endure that. Bad Mommie!

        As it turns out asparagus is one of a variety of vegetables that contain cancer-fighting phytochemicals that should be included in any natural approach to curing cancer. Raw asparagus, broccoli (and other brassicas), tomatoes, apricot seeds, turmeric, and raspberries all contain anti-cancer compounds and unless allergies with one or more are present, should be employed in treating cancer successfully and avoiding the salivating oncologist’s desire to get you on chemo or radiation therapies. Max Gerson (M.D.) cured MANY patients using diet alone, and I personally have met about two dozen people who successfully treated their cancers using diet as their primary weapon.

        Henry Beil (M.D.) wrote “Food is Your Best Medicine” in 1965. It had a deep effect on me early in my career. The title says it all . . . and it takes medical industrial prostitutes, like Murray, to divert us from the obvious when it comes to the ways and manners we should be treating our own bodies.

  106. My best guess Murray = Caton

    • ” Murray = Caton ”
      You couldn’t be farther from the truth.
      Philosophically, we don’t even reside in the same universe.

      • thankfully the final gets tiring dealing with snake oil salesmen

        LOL!! well done Greg – now three points of fact – you are doing well

        Lets summarise
        I am a professional published graduate – Greg is not
        I have not an ex convict with convictions for fraud and forgery – Greg is
        I am not a conspiracy theorist who believes all established institutions, journals universities, drug companies, governments , medical institutions and all doctors only have one role which is to increase death rates and only treat one disease – cancer – with only one modality – chemotherapy. Greg does.
        I do not believe in unproven techniques like injecting distilled water, giving vitamins and massaging naked children to get rid of cancers. Greg does,
        I do not beleive putting a chair in a box to heighten sexual satisfaction will get rid of cancer. Greg does.

        I do not believe in a multitude of theoretical explanations for the cause of cancer Greg does.
        I believe different cancers can be caused by environmental substances including , smoking, radiation, UV exposure, some infective agents,inherited genetic defects, acquired genetic defects, alcohol Greg does not.
        I believe that cancer is a huge range of diseases and locations and suggesting one treatment modality is patently incorrect . Greg does not.

        I do not believe in theories and treatments which mostly date from before the second world war if not longer. Greg does.
        I believe if you are going to show the success rate of a treatment you must show the person has the condition and follow them up to show they survive. In essence the most basic of proof.
        Greg does not.
        I do not believe that anonymous unverifiable conversations statements, photographs or Youtube videos are sufficient evidence of proof. Greg does.
        I believe that if you are going to claim you are treating people you should have seen the patient, examined them, established the diagnosis and follow them up . Greg does not.
        I do not admire mentally ill people who think their father came from outer space, sexually molested children or experimented on Africans to their death.Greg does.
        I believe that the average life expectancy has increased, the mortality from cancer has decreased from over 90% in 1926 to an average of 36% at five years in 2000. Greg does not.
        I believe that chemotherapy for childhood leukaemia has decreased mortality from virtually 100% in the 1940’s to less than 10% today . Greg does not.
        I believe that the mortality from myocardial infarction has decreased from 2000- 2010 from 78/100,000 to 34/100,000.. Greg does not.
        I believe that pathological processes and pharmaceutical action should be understandable and not be in the realms of being unexplainable or biologically impossible.Greg does not.

        I believe in the last thirty years the following have contributed to better treatment and survival rates all of which were not widely available before any of the mass of theories that he believes in.
        MRI , CT scanning , ultrasound, computerisation, interventional radiology, genetic screening, stem cell research, immunosuppression for transplants, organ replacement, better antibiotics, better screening programmes, improvement in blood pressure control, more effective medicines, improved immunisation, bone marrow transplants, public health campaigns, reduction in smoking. Key hole surgical techniques improved audit, research and disease surveillance. Greg does not.

        I believe that if inexpensive treatments are shown to work for disease treatment or prevention they will be adopted rather than not as they will not raise money for the pharmaceutical industry like magnesium for ecalmpsia, folic acid to prevent birth defects,aspirin to stop cardiovascular disease complications or be investigated at the reduction of bowel cancer. Greg does not.

        I do not believe if a group of professionals were to discover and publish these results in a peer reviewed journal , as they have in these cases,that the information would be out there and there would not be able to be suppressed by external organisations. Greg does.

        I believe that when properly tested if the results show a treatment to be ineffective then it should be abandoned as with many previously “conventional treatments like laparoscopic hernia repair. The following have been tested and shown to be ineffective . Homeopathy, Gerson technique, Hoxley paste, Rafe machine, “vitamin b 17”. Greg does not.

        I believe that many “alternative health practicioners will not put their treatment forward for testing as they not not want it to be shown they are ineffective . Greg does not.

        I do believe there are fake treatments for cancer being sold. Greg only does if it is his own which he then blames on a competitor

        I am able to answer direct questions. Greg is not.

        And lastly and most importantly I do not sell potions nor make my living from a third world out with jurisdiction of proper controls . Greg does.

        I do not believe there is such a thing as “alternative medicine” I am with Richard Dawkins
        ” It either works or it doesnt work – if it works it is medicine. If it doesnt it isnt”

        I believe that the “alternative ” health care market is worth around $30 billion in the USA alone and is therefore worth the investment of false claims and multiple websites to obtain a share of that market,.Greg does too.

        • Murray . . . before it was readily apparent that you were on the board to defame alternative medicine. This much was clear. But now I think you’ve thrown a head gasket. BETTER THAN 90% OF THE THINGS THAT ARE IN YOUR POST ARE MORE THAN SIMPLY LIES — YOU MADE THEM UP. Like having stated that you were touch with Veritas Magazine talking about my involvement with them, when I knew this to be impossible.

          And all this talk about using distilled water for cancer (?) — (an excellent cure for thirst, by the way) — and naked children and myocardial infarctions and what-not . . . where do you get all this nonsense? You can read this entire thread and not find one instance where I have mentioned any of it. YOUR DESIRE TO FLAME ME PERSONALLY IS SO GREAT THAT IS NOTHING TOO OUTLANDISH THAT YOU WON’T POST. It seems to come from a demented mentality that if you lie often enough, eventually something will stick. It isn’t.

          Interestingly I have never had a State charge for anything in my entire life. I have had two “Federal” run-ins — one in 1989 in which an associate in one of my businesses (George Ackerson) ran some $100 bills through a photocopy machine at my printing company (none of them passable) — an event I detail in Meditopia (Chapter 3) that resulted in a slap on the wrist (as no was intending to actually pass those photocopies). And then my FDA charge in 2003, which I detail exhaustively online to such an extent (because it is my intent to show how scandalous it is on the part of the U.S. government). Everyone of your posts contains the same mantras, which — like that self-confessed disinfo agent, Dr. Stephen Barrett — gets tiring. “Fraud,” “quack,” “snackoil doctor,” etc. . . . No mention is made of the fact that NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, has ever taken me to task for what has been posted on Meditopia since 2004. Least of all, you.

          You can’t. You can only do what you do now. Make statements that you attribute to me that I never made. Ignore my responses. Give no thought to the fact that the materials I have put online are more thorough than anything you can reasonably present.

          You seem to be proud of your pedigree. You shouldn’t. It’s not a badge of honor. It’s a badge of shame. Your supreme reliance on formal education from a system that has performed so horrifically is not something I would brag about. As historian, Gary North (Ph.D.) has noted : “Always beware ‘respectable people,’ so they are beholden to the very institutions that are the source of that respectability.”

          Your flames do not, of course, reflect the fact that my mentors were THEMSELVES formally educated and realized that in their OWN process of post-formal-education they had learned far more than they could have ever learned in a university. Dr. Russell Jordan taught me the history and practical art of escharotic preparations. He was a teacher of virology at the University of Michigan medical school. He could have chosen any number of people to impart what he knew before he died, but he taught me. He was not a lightweight, like you, Murray, he was the co-founder — earlier in life — of not one but TWO successful pharmaceutical companies (i.e. Vipont Pharmaceutical and Chemex, Inc.) Only late in life did he realize that modern medicine was a broken system that was beyond repair. I detail ALL of this in Chapter 1 of Meditopia.

          The idea that orthodox medicine’s greatest legacy is that it has suppressed legitimate cures clearly annoys you. I understand that. It is why your posts are all ostensibly erratic and irrational. But virtually ALL MAINSTREAM MEDIA — be it in the the field of orthodox medicine, politics, education, technology, etc. — is beholden to large financial interests. This is the entire point of the journalists’ anthology, “Into the Buzzsaw : Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press” by Kristina Borjesson.

          Murray, here are the simple facts of the matter :
          ( 1 ) You are going to believe what you want to believe because your mind, heart, and soul are tied to orthodox medicine. No amount of evidence will persuade you otherwise.
          ( 2 ) You are on the wrong side of history, and this is evident by the astonishing number of people who are abandoning the orthodox approach and evaluating alternatives. As Dr. Eddy (M.D.) says in his writings (see Chap. 4 of Meditopia), orthodox medicine has been mortally wounded by AVOIDING an evidence-based approach. “Doctors don’t know what they are doing,” he says. Keep in mind this is coming from an esteemed colleague much farther up the totem pole than yourself; he’s an M.D.; and he has a Ph.D. is mathematics and statistics.
          ( 3 ) You can do nothing to address the criminal behavior that is now part and parcel of modern medicine. The Ecuadorean government here issued a ruling last April that I had been kidnapped without any legal foundation whatsoever — ( And because your side can’t win on the evidence, you’re getting even more ridiculous. Nirvana Anderson is an Australian woman who created a website ONLY TO DISCUSS how our product cured her cancer — with documents and pictures. She doesn’t sell anything. Never has. She represents no one but herself. AND YET the TGA (Australia’s equivalent to the FDA) raided her and said she had to take her website down. See :

          Slowly, but surely, we are witnessing the end of Free Speech — worldwide. Why? . . . I’ll tell you Murray . . . because nobody believes you anymore or the organizations you represent. Mafia tactics are all your people have left to try and enforce your global hegemony.

          • thankfully the final gets tiring dealing with snake oil salesmen

            Willlliem Reich – massaged naked children to remove their “armour” which caused cancer. He stated his father was an alien. He created an orgatron – a box with a chair in to treat cancer
            William Koch William Koch glyoxide antitoxin” (fraud), also called “recrystallized synthetic toxin”, which proved to be distilled water

            Rath carried out trials that killed people.
            These are all the people you claim are having their successful treatment suppressed. A bos with a chair? Honestly?

            Really you should surely you should know about the lunatics you are in love with.

            “Same mantras” – these are commonly used phrases. Like fraud…..

            “Ignore my responses” Im still waiting on them
            “He was not a lightweight,like you” – “ Really ? What is on my CV then? Flattering your friends people is one the lowest forms of self praise.

            “No amount of evidence “ – any would be good.

            “ Where do you get this information from ?” Everywhere – it is fairly widely available , published freely and tied in with hospital diagnoses and death certifications.

            You just ramble like the deluded leader of some kind of cult.
            “ Its all lies” – yes of course it is The only part was a clearly demonstrated and declared admission to prove how easiy it is to make untrue statements, The rest is entirely factual.

            But over all I would have to give it a F minus.

          • As usual . . . misinformation is your calling card.
            ( 1 ) Wilhelm Reich — I know nothing about Reich massaging children to remove “amour.” What I do know is that when I was in Moscow in 2003, I was surprised to learn that the Russian Institute of Sciences has researchers there who were using “orgone energy” to successfully treat cancer. On the way back from visiting Russian billionaire, Brinsolov, who owns one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Russia, one of his representatives told me,, “We get our best research ideas from watching who the American government prosecutes.”

            Reich may have been eccentric. I couldn’t say because I have never claimed to be an expert on Reich and I do not use orgone energy in my own work. But the trumped up FDA charges against him and the manner in which he was assassinated by U.S. agents in 1958 just before he got out of U.S. federal prison is an indicator that Big Pharma wasn’t happy with the success of this work. I’m not the first to make this observation. Many other researchers have made note of it.

            ( 2 ) William F. Koch — Dr. Romero (M.D.) is using Koch’s technology in Mexico extensively and has a very high success rate in treating cancer. You know NOTHING about Koch or his work. If you did, you would know that glyoxylide was a homeopathic, and if you use chemical analysis to test ANY homeopathic that it potentized to 10(6), you will get just water. The mechanism of action of any highly potentized homeopathic is energetic, not chemical.

            Oh —- I forgot. You don’t think homeopathics have any value, either . .. . after all, it puts no money in your pocket.

            ( 3 ) “Lunatics you are in love with . . . ” Quick comment . . . If a fellow medical researcher — past or present — is having clear and convincing clinical success, I will investigate it and perhaps even use it in my work. I don’t care whether you care for them or not. You can’t argue with success.

            ( 4 ) “Any would be good.” The studies that are the basis of my work are quoted in Meditopia. You don’t like the results. So they are not valid in your eyes. Tough.

            ( 5 ) “Rath carried out trials that killed people.” Like Reich, I am not an expert on the work Rath has done SINCE his close working relationship with Dr. Linus Pauling. What I DO know that their evidence in condemnation of statin drugs was very convincing and compelling. See Chapter 4, Section 4 of Meditopia (

            ( 6 ) On Grading . . . Predictably, you are like every apologist I ever met who believes that all things that pour forth from the Medical Industrial Complex is good, noble, and holy. My work is “F -” in your eyes because it does not conform to your worldview.

            But here’s the thing . . . tens of thousands of end users around the world know that Cansema cures skin cancer 99+% of the time. They are eyewitnesses to its performance, and it costs a small fraction of the cost of conventional approaches.

            Is there ANY conventional treatment for skin cancer that gets that kind of success rate? Of course not.

            Murray . . . you’re an angry, enraged man because you’re on the losing end of performance. This is a battle you cannot win, because this just happens to be one business where actual performance trumps the power of propaganda.

            I shouldn’t blame you.
            If I were in your shoes, I might be a raging, irrational, maniacal lunatic, too. But that’s just it.

            I’m not.

          • still not answering the questions

            Here is the thing you are missing .
            its not complex and I am being very patient .
            How do you establish the success rate? It doesnt seem apparent. Youi dont see patients so you are assuming they have the condition. how long and how do you follow them up to know it has gone and what is the period of time before you declare them disease free? Assuming this is talking about non melanotic skin cancers?
            With “internal cancers again what is your success based on? telephone conversations?
            This is not some kind of outrageous questioning this is basic common sense.
            As for conventional treatment for skin cancers coming close I believe it is around 94-98% – even you would have to admit that was “close”
            However if your only “proof” is your word in reality that doesnt count for anything and and again I know you struggle with this concept – it cannot be demonstrated.
            If you do not know enough about the fakes that you are praising I would suggest reading a bit more about them . Surely you are not suggesting that a chair in a box would treat anything?
            As for Dr Romero – surprise surprise – he has used homeopathy to treat tumours – and how do you know this? Because someone will have said it on his website thats how. But you are right homeopathy has been shown to be completely ineffective.
            Koch if you didnt know claimed to have synthesised a compound. But wrong again – it puts money into the pockets of homeopaths

            Your evidence is non existent – you dont have any . It is not my eyes it is anyone with half a brain. You dont treat patients, You dont have a diagnosis . You dont know what is wrong with them ,, You dont follow them up so how can you possibly know what your success rate it . It is simply impossible.
            You clearly are deluded enough to state that because you say people have said it works that is sufficient. It is patently not.
            Combined with your denial of death rates from cancer, success in leukaemia, and increasing life expectancy from every source in the world but you believe anonymous statements clearly trump that.

            And you dont know anything about Rath – well you sang his praises in a previous post and I gave you information about him. So you are either ignorant or have a selective memory loss.

            Im not looking to win nor am I angry. I am just trying to protect people who might otherwise die by buying fake unproven evidence free potions and who do not have a diagnosis

            And really you need to stop playing the “assassinated” card quiter so often……….Paracelcius , Reich……Raffe dies of an overdose – what at 83? Couldnt possibly have been he was 83?

          • still not answering the questions

            but you are right – you cant argue with success – but if you cant define what is evidence of success you might be a long time trying to establish it.
            But collectively you dont seem to know a great deal about all these people from eighty or so year ago other than they ALL cured cancer. ( metcrapai chapter 4 ) And you didnt knwo Linus Pauling wrote about vitamin C and cancer………tsk tsk………not doing wella re we?

          • Actually, when you mentioned it, I did recall the book. It is important to note that Linus Pauling did NOT promote Vitamin C as a cure-all. He was very precise in his defining of hypoascorbemia.

            I have known many cancer patients who have gone through orthomolecular therapy using Vitamin C. It always helps, but clearly, Vitamin C is not a cure for cancer. And based on my reading of Pauling’s work, I don’t believe that was his point.

          • still not answering the questions

            Now you are really stretching it even by your own standards – he wrote a book called “Vitamin C and cancer” in which he stated that “75% of all cancer can be prevented and cured by vitamin C alone.” but it wasnt about curing cancer with vitamin C ??
            The fact that you dont beleive that was his point is hardly surprising.
            H elater fired and was successfully sued by a colleagues who showed that it accelerated skin cancers in mice.

            It is highly doubtful that the concept that vitamin C might cure cancer and other diseases would ever have been taken as seriously as it was for as long as it has been had it not been championed by a scientific figure as towering as Linus Pauling. Unfortunately, in his zeal, Pauling popularized his ideas not primarily by publishing in scientific journals, but mostly by writing books, giving talks, and forming his own insitute to do experiments designed to prove his ideas. Another sure sign of a zealot, Pauling couldn’t tolerate data that contradicted his belief in vitamin C. Indeed, when data from the experiments of a colleague at his institute, Arthur Robinson, suggested that vitamin C at the doses advocated by Pauling might actually increase the rate of tumor growth in an experimental model in mice:

          • Murray . . . the material I present in Chap. 4 of Meditopia dealt with hypoascorbemia. I make very clear throughout my work that Vitamin C is an important adjunct, but clearly not a cure. Just because I cite the work of a researcher — regardless of who they are — doesn’t mean I agree with everything throughout their entire body of work.

            I think anyone reading this board would like to know what that has to do with Black Salve. Or . . . are you once again going out of your way to prove that you are only here to kavetch ??

          • hoe do you calculate successful treatment?

            It is relevant as you are the one who raised his name, his suppressed work and the “millions” of deaths caused by statins on a paper he did not publish. What this has to do with black salve only you can answer.
            You also talk at length about him (Metopia chapter 4 page 4 ) and stated he did not say anything about Vitamin C curing cancer.
            My point was that you talk about someone extensively as having his work suppressed and have made inaccurate statements about his claims, seem unaware of his publications or the major contraversies in his life. and now strangely seem to be saying that his cancer theories you dont agree with. As for your ” work” I assume you mean writings as you presumably havent done any kind of trial to quantify the improvement of cancer survival by taking vitamin C?

            But to get to my earlier poitn which again you refuse to answer – if a patient has for example a melanoma – how do you establish they have , how do you establsih it has been successfully treated and how do you follow them up?

            This is not a trick question.Perfectly straight forward. In order to get a success rate of 99% you must have some numbers. 100 people treated – one will get recurrence? repeat treatment? die?
            This is utterly crucial to your claims. so please explain

          • Among my other duties, I’ve been working on the web since Sept., 1995 — as a designer and web merchant — and in all that time I have never seen anyone so fervently committed to consistently making posts that are exercises in extreme tautology. You criticize me for referencing my own work, insisting that they do nothing more than loop back to my own opinions, when it is clear that my comments and claims are heavily footnoted.

            I provide you access to more material than anyone I know who sells ANYTHING related to health care on the internet, and still I hear your bellowing from afar, “Where’s the proof? Where’s the proof?”

            You should be more careful how you waste my time.

            I remember years ago reading Jerry Mander’s “Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television,” and one of his points in an early chapter is that our modern day pundits have created their own self-serving constructs that make the observations of ordinary people mute. He references a study where millions of dollars were spent to scientifically determine the BEST bait for a mousetrap. What was the conclusion of this lengthy, double-blind study and ardent exercise in errant pedantry? [ Drum roll, please. ] . . . . CHEESE.

            Tell ya what I’m gonna do . . . You have provided me with so much material that illustrates the mindset that has contributed to this colossal abortion that IS the modern medical industrial complex that I’m going to write another Ashwin (my periodic essays). I don’t write them much anymore, because we have a caseload where my wife and I have to work 60 to 70 hours a week, but I know from my stat counter that thousands of people read them. I estimate that there are well under 20 people that have read and contributed to this blog. Something that does this good of a job of demonstrating why things are as screwed up as they are needs a much larger audience. MUCH LARGER.

            I will post my essay on “” and return with a link.
            After that, you can carry on with the business of creating more convoluted SAT tests for your next target, and I can get back to work — dealing with customers who trust in the power of their own observations, who trust in what they eyewitness . . . namely, that orthodox medicine failed them miserably — in many cases I’ve worked with, bringing them to the edge of death — and they were able to get results that were cheaper, safer, and more effective somewhere else.


          • Well I can only say I am glad to have been of service.

            What I am trying to establish is how you arrive at the percentage success rate of your treatments.
            The number of people treated divided into the number of successful treatments will give a percentage success. How do you get the information to arrive at these figures?
            Is it based on sales, refunds, testimonials or notes of treatment failures?
            Simple question

          • Mmmmm…. Snake Oil.

            Rich in Omega fatty acids. These are active Cox-2 and 5-LPO inhibitors. Not only are they anti-inflammatory and analgesic, but also anticarcinomic. Further, the oil is transdermal.

  107. Hmmm … your writing styles are very similar and what better way to get your opinion out there than to have a devil’s advocate, a worthy opponent. And no one else seems to have anything to gain by the continued ridiculous rant. Just sayin’

    • Sansa . . . I sense that you’re sincere. But it’s not true. Honestly, I don’t know who Michael Murray is, and my wife (Cathryn Caton, N.D.) says he’s so outrageous that I should just leave it alone and not let him get under my skin. But — for whatever reason he does — because he is emblematic of the ridiculous polemics that cause many people to automatically seek out on orthodox practitioner without evaluating alternatives. I’ve had to deal with this for the last 30 years of my professional career.

      Do you really think we have similar writing styles?
      OUCH !!! [ I hope you’re kidding. ]
      Lastly . . . can you give me a reasonable explanation as to why you think I would waste my time coming onto a low-traffic blog in order to slander, defame, and flame myself? I don’t see how your “devil’s advocate” theory benefits me. Just how does that work?

      Just curious.

      • thankfully the final gets tiring dealing with snake oil salesmen

        well my wife ( proper MD, phd and managing director of a charity) says you are a ridiculous lunatic who doesnt answer any questions
        By the way – Im not sure selling crap is a profession – its just a living.

        But you are right – you dont know who I am – so stop making wrong assertions,Oh hang on that would mean being based in reality , having a back bone and being honest – so that will be a no then……….

  108. pause for thought

    Interesting article in regards to the following aspect
    a. a substance that is extracted from a plant and cannot be patented
    b. A cheap compound that has no commercial value
    c. A treatment being advocated that will stop people getting ill.
    d. Doctors publishing results offering a cancer prevention but not cure which seems to imply that they do not gain from death or illness
    e. Huge numbers of patients in transparent trials openly published and reviewed with statistical techniques apparent and followed up for many years
    f. Studies form other countries implying that there is more than one country in the world

    Clinical Evidence for Aspirin’s Efficacy as a Chemopreventive Agent

    Perhaps the most compelling evidence for the cancer prevention effects of aspirin comes from the examination of the national medical records of individuals enrolled in nine non-cancer clinical trials.[4] Taken together, these studies represent data from >23,000 patients who regularly took aspirin (at least ≥ 75 mg/day). While none of these studies intended cancer outcomes to be primary endpoints, the meta-analysis of these studies demonstrated nearly 20% decreased risk in overall cancer mortality after a 20-year follow-up period, with most of the benefit occurring after five years of aspirin use (hazard ratio 0.66, p = 0.003). The reduction of cancers was most significant for esophageal and colorectal cancers, but an overall gastrointestinal (GI) cancer reduction was observed for patients with >10 years of follow-up (representing a larger pool of patients). Particular attention was paid to GI cancers as studies have long suggested that aspirin and even other NSAIDs may decrease colorectal cancers.[4-6] Moreover, in this meta-analysis, significant reductions in cancer deaths were also observed for lung cancer and for a variety of other solid cancers; no survival benefit was observed for hematological cancers.

  109. kin Cancer. Avoid any cosmetics that have tar in them. Tar can potentially cause skin cancer, if used on a regular basis. In addition to cosmetics, some psoriasis treatments and shampoos may also contain tar. Check your labels carefully! Know your family history. Once of the causes of skin cancer is genetics. If you have members in your family that have had skin cancer, you may be at more of a risk to get it as well. –

    Up to date blog post on our personal web-site

  110. Very interesting, I am attaining the ingredients to make my own black salve. I dont have cancer (at least I dont think so? lol) but I believe it should be in the fridge of everyone. as for fuckterd “definately a quack journalist / disinfo agent” this obviouse male in mid to late 20’s is nothing but a narsisistic and most likely bi polar piece of crap, waffling on so much rubbish. him (oh screw it, it is now “it”), it, is more than likely one to administer domestic violence towards partners and is so clearly egocentric that “it” believes “it” is right in whatever bullshit garbage….screw it…why bother wasting ones air on rubbish such as that? YAY for the internet and wonderful information that people can take from it and learn and experiment for themselves on! PS I have read that shitaki mushrooms kill breast cancer, raw fresh cabbage, beetroot and celery kill cancer cells too. and the apricot kernal, vitamin b17 (foudn in the apricot kernal) also kills cancer. and there is my 2 cents 🙂

    • I have to congratulate you. It is not often that people as utterly thick as you would provide evidence in the public arena of just how a brain dead person can still manage to post on the internet.
      So lets just get this straight – you are going to make your own biodegradable acid paste which ( doesn’t) treat anything to have it in your fridge “just in case”? Why not keep a harpoon in your fridge “just in case” a passing whale suddenly causes a career change and a hankering for baleen plates……………..and please – if you are going to swear at least be able to spell it properly. It just adds to the laughability factor
      As fro quoting things you “read on the internet” – two cents is probably a gross over valuation. Quoting decades old crap about things that dont exist – there is no such thing as” vitamin b17″ just reinforces you are either a cretin or a seller of fake medicine. All of these fake cancer cures are at least forty years old – strange that.
      There is a cult of “complimentary medicine” – or not medicine as it should be better known – as self appointed messiahs like Greg typify the stereotype – they are the master , the one true way, behold the unbelievers – they shall die…..etc etc……….
      Why doesnt someone just walk into a hospice with their “goods” and cure everyone – or in Gregs case “50% of internal cancers” – now that would be good.

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  113. I am wondering. There are many recipes for black salve on the internet. How do we know which ones work. I see that the recipe on this site has plain flour in it. Why. What would the flour be good for.

    • The inclusion of flour — found in several embodiments of Black Salve in the late 1800’s — was common among medical doctors who had mastered the art of curing cancer with escharotic preparations. This would include John Pattison, M.D. and Eli G. Jones, M.D. This is, of course, well before the Medical Industrial Complex began targeting natural cures in favor of far more profitable approaches, including chemo, radiation, and invasive radical surgery . . . before efficacy was thrown out the window . . . before the eugenic high priests of orthodox medicine took over. I detail this development in Chapters 1, 2, and 4 of Meditopia (see The evidence is both massive and nauseating.

      In the tons of Black Salve — (yes, tons) — I have made since 1990, I’ve never used flour. It’s only contribution is that of improving consistency. There are herbs and processing techniques you can use to improve consistency without adding an ingredient that does nothing to further its medicinal properties.

      Greg Caton
      Alpha Omega Labs

      • So at a little over a million dollars a ton its not surprising you produce this crap about how cancer mortality was lower one hundred years ago….

        • If you address a post to me and it isn’t at all cogent or logical, don’t expect me to respond in kind. I make my position quite clear in Meditopia ( and there are literally hundreds of well-documented cases to be found linked from my Cansema page ( and on numerous YouTube video documentaries about Black Salves, in general.

          If that’s not enough for you, I don’t know what to tell you. Stay with chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. You deserve it, and you’ll be doing us all a favor by helping to cull the global herd of those are no longer capable of independent thought or appreciation for overwhelming empirical evidence. The engineered iatrogenesis of modern medicine is producing an unintended “survival of the fittest” response. (See :

          The irony is palpable.

          • You are right about irony . You have made at least two million dollars by ready reckoning and you talk of big pharma and the profits they make Presumably little fake pharma is acceptable .

          • Murray . . . you obviously know nothing about my business — which is why you have used this thread, which is supposed to be about sharing knowledge about Black Salve, as a place to flame me.

            I make about 300 different products — the majority made and shipped from inside the U.S. and which have nothing to do with cancer. We’re successful at what we do because we’ve been on the web since 1995 and our customers trust us and the integrity of our products. Endorsements from scientists, including a former NASA astronaut, have added to our legitimacy.

            Again, you’re here to present the standing, self-serving mythologies of Big Pharma and the MIC as it relates to conventional cancer treatment. We all understand that. And that’s why you cannot directly address the thousands of people online who have shared their success with Black Salve — whether I had anything to do with its manufacture or somebody else.

      • Thank You Greg, I appreciate your response and agree that plain flour will do nothing to assist the medicinal properties of the salve.

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    • You do that …. Also note that ” very unique ” is a meaningless statement …. So shouldn’t look out of place on here with old Greggie boys messiah proclamations about how it was much better to get cancer or be ill in the 1800’s as people clearly lived longer, no nasty antibiotics , antiseptics , vaccinations , investigations to cause harm and death .
      You should watch “The Master “. …. There is a great line in it when his son says “Its all crap anyway – my father makes it up as he goes along”
      In the film Anyone who disagrees is challenged not with proof but in all cults with personal insult and reference to their own writings ….
      “alternative” medicine is exactly the same . They exploit and effectively kill people by offering fake treatments , Demonise anyone who queries for more that what amounts to hearsay . Faith rather than fact . As Ron hubbard said if you want to get rich start a religion – failing that sell crap medicine.

      • Murray . . . you need to take your meds BEFORE you post on the internet, so that somebody else can understand your ranting. You are in no position to criticize other people’s “command of English” or deficiency in “rational thought,” since you show no embarrassment in lacking both yourself.

        • Caton you thick shit…. ” very unique ” – its either unique or it’s not .
          And speaking of more irony
          I think I just posted something about personal attacks rather than evidence ”
          You just regurgitate your own pages of copy and pasted drivel about every fake cancer cure there has ever been or reference to invisible patients or YouTube …. I mean FFS … YouTube??? If someone has made a video it must be true right ?
          I’m still waiting on an answer as to how you calculate your mortality for internal cancers . You have refused to answer this simple question.
          And your calculations are interesting ….at least 2 tons made, 20,000 ” patients treated ” that works out at least 10 jars a patient ….strange…

          • And I k ow I ask in vain w wry time as you are too cowardly to answer a direct question
            Childhood leukaemia …. Fatal in the 1940s …. Now over 90% cured …
            Cancer mortality reduced by 45% since the 1970s …
            The euro card study looked at a population of 200 million and 800,000 cancer cases over fifty years to show the influence of age sex country …. They should just have asked you and got the answer much quicker…. ” it’s about 50% survival …. For internal cancers …. All of them …..”
            It really is funny… Well it would be if you didn’t potentially kill people

          • “Potentially kill people . . .”
            Black Salve? Kills people? Oh really?
            Pray tell, Fred McMurray, just exactly how does that work?

            I get sick and tired of hearing you orthodox people rant with one fraudulent statement and made-up fact after another. It is now 2013 — ten years since the FDA destroyed my U.S. lab — and still, S-T-I-L-L, you have doctors using the Sue Gilliatt case (see Chapter 3 of Meditopia) as their poster girl for WHY black salve is dangerous. They even made it the lead subject of a book targeting natural remedies.

            You never hear them mention that on Page 93, Line 14 of a sworn deposition she took in July, 2004 (cited, again, in Chapter 3 of Meditopia) that she confessed to removing her own nose with embroidery scissors. It had nothing to do with the use of Black Salve . . . So yeah . . . she was a complete psych job . . . and she is the one oncologists cite as proof that you shouldn’t use Black Salve.

            I have already posted (some 10 to 15 posts ago) information that completely destroys any notion that orthodox medicine is “winning the war on cancer.” Certain cancer types may have dropped, just as polio numbers went WAY down, beginning in the 1940’s, after which orthodox medicine fraudulently began taking credit for this fact with the introduction of vaccines. Never mind that it is an epidemiological fact that polio had dramatically dropped on its own. On balance, cancer rates are way up, and as the Starfield Report noted in the June, 2000 issue of JAMA, it is exacerbated by iatrogenesis . . . doctor screw up.

            As for my earlier statement, yes, a small jar is enough most individual cases of skin cancer. And, yes, one jar will treat a room full of people who have a single growth to treat. But Black Salve isn’t just used for skin cancer. It is, for example, frequently used on breast cancer. (Go 70% of the way down the most current testimonial page at Something this large is GOING to take one or two large jars — perhaps more. Additionally, you do not take into consideration the fact that there are people who may have a dozen or more growths that they treat. They still count as just one person. But they are treating quite a number of growths.

            Arithmetic, Murray . . . arithmetic. You really need to bone up there.

          • answer the questions and stop avoiding them

            I asked ” How do you calcualted your mortality of 50% for internal cancers ”
            You didnt answer

            I asked how you explain the drop in mortality in childhood cancer from almost 100% to less than 10% (with this abomination of modern medicine)
            You refuse to answer

            I asked you to answer without refering to your own website – fail.

            I asked repeated for the reference to the paper in 1848 treating 3000 people with black salve in London. No paper.

            “Polio cases reached there peak in the 1940s and 1950s” – Immunisation followed afterwards along with the development of ventilators to replace the iron lung. So once again you are completely wrong that and just making things up . If you want to provide evidence to the contrary please do so.

            Infectious diseases did fall with other factors such as improved nutrition and sanitation. However diptheria cases in the US in the 1920 was equivalent to around 600,000 with 15-20,000 cases. There have been thirteen cases since 2000. The same with at least a dozen other conditions and smallpox has disappeared The problem is that vaccination doesn’t fit with your conspiracy theory that all doctors are trying to make money from people being ill and hence these childish arguments.

            You will remember the disclaimer on your own website saying that this ” advice ” doesn’t not substitute for professional diagnosis . This is how black salve kills people by ignorant people believing unsubstantiated claims about the efficacy or treating cancers.
            You group all non skin cancers as “internal cancers and claim about half are cured but you are unable to make any rational explanation of how you know this.
            People like you encourage people by your actions to use unproven medicine and will die as a consequence.

            Cancer rates are increasing in some cancers.That is because of the aeitology of cancer. You cant get a secondary cancer from treatment if you havent had a cancer treated in the first place so one agian this statement is simply stupid. Many risk factors are for mutliple cancers. Secondary primaries are common with smoking.
            Age is a risk factor for cancer . prostate cance ris almost universal in men over ninety. As more men live to that age the cancer incidence will increase.
            And before you label this as an apologist this is simply factual explaination. You need to stop making up excuses for pathological processes you dont agree with
            As for your “testimonials” it seems strange you have 20,000 of them and have treated 20,000 people.The fact is you have no idea what people have what they are using it for or what effect it has. You dont ask on the order form you dont follow people up nor do you ask for proof of diagnosis.
            It is all based entirely on your own statements.
            You are simply changing your statments to justify that you are a liar and refuse to answer direct questions.

            As continuing our commentary on irony you talk of fraud and then make claims about 50% cure rates you cant prove , papers that dont exist and deny simple facts about immunisation or simply make up testimonials or rely on imaginary statements.

            I will ask now for the ninth time – answer the questions

          • Murray, if you had even taken 60 seconds to examine Meditopia, you’d know that I provide plenty of references for the fundamental work that was done in the 1800’s. You seem perturbed that the standards of clinical studies that were conducted by the early pioneers of escharotic preparations do not meet your standards.

            Anyone who will go through this thread will be irritated to find that I have answered your questions at great length, often numbering them point-by-point, and then you follow up with more demands for material that I already covered. I have no compunction for your refusal to acknowledge my information.

            As for the cases we work with, you demand that I provide clinical figures, when anyone who knows what we do are aware that we provide products and work with end users and their practitioners. We don’t treat people. We are not in their physical presence. The vast majority of our customers purchase our products and then we never hear from them again until they order our products again. I often get emails from customers where they relate an internal cancer — liver, lung, colorectal, bone . . . it varies — five or ten or fifteen years ago. They are grateful, and the fact that they did not get back to me sooner has no bearing on the legitimacy of their experience. You have this perverted notion that if people from your camp cannot verify “cancer cures” using YOUR criteria, then lay people have no right to lay claim to any legitimacy of what they’ve experienced with their own bodies. What wholesale bullshit.

            The percentages I cited earlier in this thread concern those customers who decide to work with my wife (Cathryn Caton, N.D.), because they have no other practitioner to work with, despite that the fact that my wife always prefers that people have their own local, qualified practitioner to work with. She documents her successes and her failures, which are about evenly split. Nowhere on any of our sites have we ever claimed that we have conducted blind studies, nor was the structure of our relationships with our customers such that this was ever possible.

            What irks me most, however, is that the blind studies that you clamor for have turned into a medium of massive fraud by the pharmaceutical industry. The NE Journal of Medicine had received so many complaints along these lines that they published an article about it a few years back — this, despite the fact that they get their advertising and virtually all their support from the very industry they were criticizing.

            You lost any molecules of respect I might have had for you when you began pushing — on this thread where the focus is Black Salve — on the virtues of vaccinations. I have dealt with countless doctors over the years who have come to the conclusion, privately, that vaccinations are one of the biggest scams ever pushed by the pharmaceutical industry. I happen to be a fan of the work of Andrew Wakefield, M.D. — see : . . . and then I have been an eyewitness to this travesty on a very personal level. My one and only nephew, Daniel, born healthy and without any infirmities, became autistic in 1994 after receiving a set of childhood vaccinations.

            So . . . just keep that disinfo machine going . . . because the mountain of lies behind the industry you represent just keeps getting more and more evident.

          • The fact that you are a fan should be no surprise. Your terrible website if full of homage to every fake and quack in the last 150 years albeit nothing for over forty years. The similarities between a fake like him who exploited vunerable people and has contributed to the deaths of people and yourself is quite uncanny.
            You should read Brian Deers excellent dissection of this organized fraud. Its so simple even you would find it hard not to comprehend. But that you admire a conventional medically trained doctor who was funded by big Pharma to promote vaccinations – albeit single ones – and made up a paper published in a peer reviewed journal of the type you now object to while withholding any declaration of interest- seems to contradict everything you have said.
            He did not tell parents he had been paid around $700,000 to gather evidence for the claim that the MMR caused autism. He implied that the triad of bowel disease, autism and MMR were linked in the twelve children. However even in his paper only six of the children had all three. When the cases were examined none of the twelve had all three . When the pathological samples were re examined none had signs of inflammation.
            The average time of onset of symptoms of autism was between three months and thirty nine months – he rounded it up…. to 38 hours.
            A recent study of MRI in neonates has demonstrated that autism is a congenital condition . The notion that is created by a vaccine is simply utterly wrong.
            So in short it was an entirely fabricated paper by a dishonest man who made a lot of money dishonestly – now remind me why you admire him again?!
            Vaccinations save lives. You have avoided the fact that you were wrong about polio dropping in the 1940s. Polio, tetanus, whooping cough, mumps, measles ,rubella , H influenzae have all been reduced by more than 99% and smallpox eradicated completely. Rotavirus has reduced infections in Mexico by over 80% in a few years. But trying to present facts and patently visible evidence to a denialist will be predictably rejected. Safe to say that no one of any intelligence holds vaccination theories in any regard.
            I have to say I did laugh at your endorsement by astronaut and scientist…….he did seem to go a bit loopy at the same time as endorsing you he was driveling on about strange energy and aliens that coinhabited the earth……………!!

            As for answering my questions you haven’t – you simply say you have and refer continually.
            I have asked about childhood leukaemia and you have never answered
            I have asked for the reference to the paper from 1848 you said was published and you haven’t given it.

            As for your explanation of your cure rates I don’t think I have ever seen a thinner waffle in my life. And again forgetting your earlier post you had said you had treated over 20,000 people and I reminded you that you are an unqualified salesman with a history of fraud and criminal charges – or as you like to call yourself a master herbatologist.
            There is no “camp “ for defining what a cure is. It is generally accepted that not being dead or not having the disease is a good place to start. You made extremely definitive claims about “ cure” rates which you are now, thankfully, admitting to be absolutely baseless. THIS is “wholesale bullshit”. You are saying half the people with “internal cancers” are cured when in actual fact you have no idea who had what and who survived or not. You are simply making stuff up on and expecting people to take your word for it. It is just utter crap. If you want a maths lesson in order to get percentages you have to have two numbers – you don’t have either.
            You cannot explain how your crap works, what process it undergoes how it travels in the body and what happens to the tumor. You cant explain how something less corrosive than sea water burns the skin and out pops a tumor. Perhaps you need to read your own disclaimer about “ this isn’t a treatment ..and there is no evidence……….” it’s the only honest thing you have ever written
            As for the ND – not a doctor – again completely made up and we have to take your word which we have seen is pretty flimsy. Based on cure rates ? Could be two patients if even any existed. So more “bullshit”
            And spare the autism / vaccine fantasy………as demonstrated above it is a congenital condition and the paper was removed from history. Even someone as limited intellect as you can see the made up bits.

            Go and read for yourself. It will be an education.

          • Epidemiologists have known for years that diseases follow cycles within societies, with or without treatment. Orthodox medicine has ridden with these peaks and falls, attempting to take credit for a host of phenomenon that occur naturally within mammalian populations. (That includes us, Murray.) Yet, behind it all, orthodox medicine has been a dismal failure, which is why Ivan Illich, after a lifetime of study, could come to the conclusion (by the late 70’s no less) that, “”The medical establishment has become a major threat to health.” Anyone who wants to know what a complete joke conventional medicine is, need only read his monograph, “Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis and the Expropriation of Health.” See : . . . or that of Dr. Thomas McKeown, “The Role of Medicine: Dream, Mirage or Nemesis?”

            Murray, you’re like a crooked accountant who cooks the books and condemns anyone who questions the methods you used to come up with your phony numbers. You have the audacity to come on to this board when the majority of contributors just want to honestly and openly express their personal experience with Black Salve. It is — after all — why this board was created in the first place.

            But you don’t like that. You belong to a class of people who don’t think that people have the right to interpret their own experiences for themselves. You insist on using your own scientific criteria. But SCIENCE, as Thomas Kuhn made so clear in “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” IS NOT ABOUT THE QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE. It’s about the quest for concensus among a professional elite who insist on telling everybody else how to think and what to believe.

            It is this that you embody.
            And you must now face a world that is waking up . . .and which, regardless of how assiduously you work to impede it, is just plain sick of your shit.

          • Murray . . . I suppose that adherence to third-grade arithmetic would be too much to expect of you. Eight years of college did not evidently improve your math skills. Let’s start from the top. If I have made a total of 4,000 pounds (2 tons) of product since 1990, and we have had not less than 20,000 end users, that would mean that each one has used — on average — 1/5th of a pound of product. The larger jar (which is mostly what we sell) is 102 grams. There are 454 grams in a pound. More advanced cases may use two jars.

            Feel foolish yet? Any apologies forthcoming?
            Of course, not.

          • still waiting...

            My mistake – four jars – if conviently the most conservative estimates on the weight of produce and the liberal end of people sold are actually correct. Which scientists endorsed? One astronaut? Gosh….Oh course they would be good scientists as they agree with you and if anyone disgreed then they too would be an apologist for some world wide conspiracy….Having one scientist or Buck Rodgers of course doesnt make a fake real.

            But oh dear Greggie – I think you are forgetting your own lies. You said earlier that one jar was enough to treat most people – 25 grams. You said that the large jar was “enough to treat a whole room full of people” – when I asked why you sold it you didnt reply – now one person needs at least two jars to treat two rooms presumably. So at a dollar a gram still a lot of cash and hence why you are apologist for selling fake medicine.
            Assuming that anything you say is actually verifiable or true ….nothing so far…If I said I had email testimonial that I had healed 20,000 people just by thinking about them this would be no more believable
            And Ill try again as your gutless run away instinct took over again when asked a direct question – and please dont for Jesus sake refer to your own shit website

            “And I know I ask in vain w wry time as you are too cowardly to answer a direct question
            Childhood leukaemia …. Fatal in the 1940s …. Now over 90% cured …
            Cancer mortality reduced by 45% since the 1970s ”

            ” How do you calculate 50% mortality form “internal” cancers?”…

            So man up girly boy and answer the questions.

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  119. answer the questions and stop avoiding them

    Here we are greggie boy – think this summarises your anti vaccine nonsense

    “How one addresses the antivaccine movement has been a problem since the time of Jenner. The best way in the long term is to refute wrong allegations at the earliest opportunity by providing scientifically valid data. This is easier said than done, because the adversary in this game plays according to rules that are not generally those of science.

    Ehreth estimates that vaccines annually prevent almost 6 million deaths worldwide.In the USA, there has been a 99% decrease in incidence for the nine diseases for which vaccines have been recommended for decades accompanied by a similar decline in mortality and disease sequelae.”

  120. stop wasting space.

    • Ive tried to tell him but he keeps conung back with more and more derranged shit as he makes a fortune selling crap but maybe he will listen to you

      • It’s probably time to stop typing as every time you do you simply show your ignorance 
        So back to the epidemiologists -or convention doctors who support vaccination in that modern medical abomination as they are otherwise called . 
        Not all diseases show  cyclical variation in incidence . They are called endemic and there incidence is relatively static.  Some diseases cause epidemics and some pandemics. 
        Transmission of disease depends on a host of factors type of organism infectivity easy of transmission the role of a vector, geography climate genetic variance. Hence there is no epidemic of rabies or malaria. 
        So with many diseases relatively static in incidence a vaccine or twenty are introduced in a country or two hundred and the incidence goes down or in the case of smallpox is irradicated . In countries with cyclical incidence like rota virus the incidence can be tracked for the last forty years and the peaks stop after the introduction. It’s utterly evident but you are as I have said before the medical equivalent of a holocaust denier. You are simply made to look stupid and the best you can do is pretend that it’s all made up . As for me cooking the books I’m afraid you flatter me as I have no real control over the incidence of infectious diseases and who dies from them worldwide .
        The WHO recognises the extent of the problem. It states five times as many  articles on harm  as benefit but mainly without science or evidence and largely from litigatous cultures. 
        So hundreds of countries with tens of diseases so several thousand documented  reductions or removal of each disease in a country and it’s all a coincidence?
        Why not demonstrate an epidemiologist who thinks this rather than the personal opinions of a philosopher from 38 years ago? Why not ? Because you can’t that’s why not. As I stated no one of any intellectual capacity holds to vaccine conspiracy theories . 
        For modern medicine being disastrous presumably if you had meningitis you would reject antibiotics , got diabetes reject insulin and not have anaesthetics or aseptic equipment and not have a pacemaker if you got heart block .
        In your mentally disturbed world all scientists doctors pharmacological companies and governments liaise to try and exploit people increase illness shorten life worsen prognosis and increase maternal and child deaths and let diseases flourish…..and champions  like sell acid pastes for millions of dollars and if it doesn’t work its their own fault, a fake , not enough effort or not your fault as you said it is practically completely effective. 
        You are morally bankrupt and profit from people’s death by encouraging them not to seek a diagnosis and to self treat . People die for your greed. 

        • Murray, you can stick to your “talking points” all you want. It doesn’t make any of them true. Black Salve is not “acid paste.” We’ve covered this before, ad nauseam. Your posts contain this hidden assumption that if you lie often enough, post it frequently, and don’t stop, that somehow — magically — your dribble will assume an air of possibility. It doesn’t work that way.

          We have NEVER told anyone that they should not get a reliable diagnosis. Many people, however, are aware that Black Salve is both therapeutic and diagnostic. Properly made, Black Salve, does little more than irritate healthy tissue. The presence of cancer cells are required to initiate a full escharotic reaction. This is a solid fact you cannot change no matter what you do.

          As for launch support for vaccinations, you will find few people in the alternative medical community who will cater to your prejudices. You make it sound like people such as Andrew Wakefield, M.D., are complete frauds. For what good reason? Why would someone risk their life and reputation by warning the public about the dangers of vaccinations? Why would they make up fake data? It’s nonsense.

          Your promulgation of fake cancer figures is nauseating. I had a friend of mine in Lake Charles, Louisiana, a retired M.D., who — strictly as a hobby — would collect newspapers from the 1800’s. He wasn’t interested in the news. He meticulously studied the obit sections. He told me on several occasions that the most striking observation from his study was how few people ever died of cancer in those days.

          This correlates with Samuel Milham, M.D. and his work. He published a book last year entitled, “Dirty Electricitity : Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization.” His conclusions mimic Ivan Illich’s. The man is 81 years old now and throughout a long, illustrious career, he had to deal with one attempt after another to have his data altered by medical authorities who didn’t like his conclusions. EM pollution has caused cancer incidence to skyrocket and has introduced a carcinogenic etiology that few people were ever exposed to even a century ago.

          None of this has any meaning to you, of course.
          Because truth is your greatest enemy.
          It is anathema to any conventional medical propagandist.
          What you do sickens me to no end.

          • wakefield - what everyone else knows apart from you.

            Im not sure if you are mentally ill retarded or just trying to keep up the pretence just fr the sake of your fraudulent business.
            My “talking points” ? You mean a brief summary of the nature of incidence of infectious diseases? What doesnt make them true? You are simply arguing about facts by saying they arent true. You have no medical knowledge and are at best a college educated ignoramus. THESE ARE FACTS YOU MORON. They are not disputed by anyone except you.

            The fact that a man who worked for a vaccine company and was promoting vaccination is heralded by the anti vaccine movement as a “blend of Nelson Mandela and Jesus Christ” just shows how fucking thick they / you are . You honeslty couldnt make this stuff up.
            And please FFS?????? Why WOULD he fabricated research HE DID FIFTEEN YEARS AGO YOU THICK FUCK.
            At least if you are going to be someones bitch try and keep up.

            Here is a summary…………
            Andrew Wakefield is about as discredited as it is possible for a doctor to get. He was found to have ordered invasive investigations on children without either the qualifications or authority to do so. He conducted research on nine children without Ethics Committee approval. He mismanaged funds, and accepted hundreds of thousands of pounds from lawyers attempting to discredit the MMR vaccine, being found by the GMC to have intentionally misled the Legal Aid Board in the process. He was not just dishonest, unprofessional and dangerous; his contempt for the rules and regulations that safeguard children in research projects was vile.
            He held one child down with three adults. Another child has his bowel perforated while gather samples for his research and had life threatening complications resulting in a payout for negligence of £500,000.
            He claimed to have found measles in the samples of bowel and CSF. He found none.

            Here are some of the fabrications
            .This is in the public domain – please feel free to check

            The paper in The Lancet was a case series of 12 child patients; it reported a proposed “new syndrome” of enterocolitis and regressive autism and associated this with MMR as an “apparent precipitating event.” But in fact:

            “Three of nine children reported with regressive autism did not have autism diagnosed at all. Only one child clearly had regressive autism;

            “Despite the paper claiming that all 12 children were “previously normal,” five had documented pre-existing developmental concerns;

            “Some children were reported to have experienced first behavioural symptoms within days of MMR, but the records documented these as starting some months after vaccination;

            “In nine cases, unremarkable colonic histopathology results—noting no or minimal fluctuations in inflammatory cell populations—were changed after a medical school “research review” to “non-specific colitis”;

            “The parents of eight children were reported as blaming MMR, but 11 families made this allegation at the hospital. The exclusion of three allegations—all giving times to onset of problems in months—helped to create the appearance of a 14 day temporal link;

            “Patients were recruited through anti-MMR campaigners, and the study was commissioned and funded for planned litigation.

            Why DID he do it ( note the use of the corrrect word – not WOULD ) ?
            Like yourself to make money.

            Wakefield—in partnership with the father of one of the boys in the study—had planned to launch a venture on the back of an MMR vaccination scare that would profit from new medical tests and “litigation driven testing”. The Washington Post reported that Deer said that Wakefield predicted he “could make more than $43 million a year from diagnostic kits” for the new condition, autistic enterocolitis. He was also promoting the use of single vaccines which he was paid for by the company whcih made them.

            There now this isnt too difficult for you.surely??

          • wakefield - what everyone else knows apart from you. 2

            Before the introduction of the measles jab in the UK in 1968, about HALF A MILLION people caught measles each year of whom about 100 died.

            Annual measles deaths fell to SINGLE FIGURES after the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1988 but concerns over the jab’s safety were raised in the late 1990s when Wakefield produced a since discredited paper suggesting MMR was linked to an increased risk of autism.

            Now immunisation has gone down the disease has reappeared…………what an amazing coincidence.

            Please explain how you see no connection whatsoever?

          • Murray,
            MMR vaccines contained Thimerosal. For adults, they may still do so, though for children, the vaccines allegedly no longer contain this preservative – a highly toxic mercury compound. (I say, “Allegedly…”)
            Ever heard the expression, “… mad as a hatter…” ? Of course, you have, Englishman. Hatters used mercury vapour to shape the hats they made. It sent them mad. Completely bonkers. They put this filth in vaccines for children. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. NEUROTOXIN. NEUROTOXIN. NEUROTOXIN. That’s central nervous system poison.
            So what do you think autism is? Sugar addiction?
            Funny… I could have sworn it was a CNS dysfunction.

          • prof? dont flatter yourself...

            No autism is a congenital condition which can be detected in neonates by MRI scanning. It is not caused by vaccines or preservatives. Im sorry to disappoint and educate you at the same time. You might want to read the posts above on Andrew Wakefield and his falsified results above…again good education.
            Please if you dont have an original thought in your head please stop posting its embarrassing.

            And as for AZT …..Im afraid it went out about twenty years ago as the mainstay of HIV treatment………..but its certainly better than poisonous gas thats for sure…….

          • prof? dont flatter yourself...

            and just for your information Im not English….
            and “filth” – they manage to put mercury in teeth in massive more quantities and no harm there……arenic is present in many food stuffs and its posionous…………..heavens above even carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas and they put it in fizzy drinks……..wonders will never cease.
            Zinc oxide…a potent chemical irritant..they put that in that black salve crap……

          • prof? dont flatter yourself...

            actually i see you have read it you are just too cretinous to understand. Another medical holocaust denier . All you do when confronted with an intelligent summary and when there is not a shred of proof linking MMR with autism is make your self look unbelievable ignorant and have to rely on the “I know better – its a cover up” /FDA/ Pharma/ government……..
            have you honestly asked yourself why? Why governments would want autistic children or people to die of cancer? Why woulld workers for companies jepordise their own lifes and their families lives to hide an apparent cure? How would they manage to prove this only to keep it secret.? – it would take a massive cover up involving tens of millions of people – but you dont answer questions do you…as you cant
            The increase in autism diagnoses even occured after mercury was removed…………..what bit are you struggling with?

          • back to the autism nonsense......

            But here is a wee thought………would poisoning by mercury not give you .em mercury poisoning…..? I know I know……such awkward awful questions….

          • No, you’re not English. I was kidding. You can’t even write the language correctly. Mmmm, mercury-silver amalgams… I hadn’t mentioned those, but since you have, consider yourself quoted on them: “… they manage to put mercury in teeth in massive more quantities and no harm there……arenic is present in many food stuffs and its posionous…………..heavens above even carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas and they put it in fizzy drinks……..wonders will never cease.
            Zinc oxide…a potent chemical irritant..they put that in that black salve crap……
            Mercury in teeth certainly is in much more massive quantities, but it’s bound up with silver and releases slowly over time. That’s not so in the case of the vaccine. But in dispute with your claim that there’s no harm there, the damage it does is enormous. Nobody can ever state correctly that it doesn’t leach out and that it does no harm. Anyone with a modicum of knowledge in the chemistry of metals wouldn’t dare say what you have said except an inveterate liar. It cannot fail to leach and it cannot fail to have toxic effects. Neurotoxin. Neurotoxin. Neurotoxin. Don’t waste your keystrokes claiming incorrect timing on autism incidences either, nor put it down to a congenital defect as if the cause must be genetic. Incidence patterns suggest something very different. Gestating infants cop the lion’s share of mum’s mercury, but I suppose you don’t know that, either. It occurs to me that it could easily account for the “congenital” incidence. See my next post with quotations from a former Boehringer-Ingelheim scientist.
            Arsenic is present in certain processed foods and has apparently been fed to chickens for the table, too. Frankly, that’s just as reprehensible as mercury in vaccines and teeth; there’s no excuse for any of it; and it must be stopped.
            Carbon dioxide exudes from our lungs. We produce it as a byproduct of metabolism. So if it’s so toxic, why haven’t you dropped dead already? Surely the toxic concentration can’t be so high if you must trouble to cite fizzy drinks? Ahhhh, perhaps it’s some other gas you’re full of. Oh! I know… Hydrogen sulphide…. Haaahhh… Where’s the bloody clothes peg? I’m sure it’s started to seep in through the router… Something sure smells bad.
            Mmmm, zinc chloride… You know, the way you talk, this stuff must be more toxic than mercury. I make my own hydrated form from Zn ingots and HCl. I put it in the black salve I make. (Snigger!) I get more reliably known purity at less expense that way. Interesting stuff. It’s got a whole range of distinct hydration states. Ever seen a ceramic material that rings like a bell, but soaks up water to become an oozy goo? Yeah, note that’s zinc chloride – not zinc oxide. Didn’t have that one right earlier either, did you?
            You’re not posting to an unknowledgable ignoramus here, nor someone with a miniscule IQ comparable to yours, Murray. I’ve read your drivel. Thjere’s no comprehension proble. Only a credibility problem and I DON’T get intimidated by my inferiors. Not a damned thing you’ve posted in this forum to ANYONE is either educational, or even constructive. How bloody dare you presume to “educate” me. You’re hardly even fit to educate a dog on the etiquette of pissing on lamp posts.

          • Sorry Greg, I think this is actually your discussion (I use the word very loosely!) discussion string – but please permit just this liberty here, with the quotes from Helen Ratajczak.
            “The article [Theoretical Aspects of Autism: Causes—A Review” by scientist Helen Ratajczak] goes on to discuss many potential vaccine-related culprits, including the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time. “What I have published is highly concentrated on hypersensitivity,” Ratajczak told us in an interview, “the body’s immune system being thrown out of balance.” University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Brian Strom, who has served on Institute of Medicine panels advising the government on vaccine safety says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy (brain damage), but not scientifically linked to autism. As for Ratajczak’s review, he told us he doesn’t find it remarkable. “This is a review of theories. Science is based on facts. To draw conclusions on effects of an exposure on people, you need data on people. The data on people do not support that there is a relationship. As such, any speculation about an explanation for a (non-existing) relationship is irrelevant.” Ratajczak also looks at a factor that hasn’t been widely discussed: human DNA contained in vaccines. That’s right, human DNA. Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue. Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR [Mumps, Measles & Rubella] vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked. Ratajczak also says an additional increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue. Why could human DNA potentially cause brain damage? The way Ratajczak explained it to me: “Because it’s human DNA and recipients are humans, there’s homologous recombination tiniker. That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it’s changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it’s an ongoing inflammation. It doesn’t stop, it continues through the life of that individual.” Dr. Strom said he was unaware that human DNA was contained in vaccines but told us, “It does not matter…Even if human DNA were then found in vaccines, it does not mean that they cause autism.” Ratajczak agrees that nobody has proven DNA causes autism; but argues nobody has shown the opposite, and scientifically, the case is still open. A number of independent scientists have said they’ve been subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit them when their research exposed vaccine safety issues, especially if it veered into the topic of autism. We asked Ratajczak how she came to research the controversial topic. She told us that for years while working in the pharmaceutical industry, she was restricted as to what she was allowed to publish. “I’m retired now,” she told CBS News. “I can write what I want.” CBS News reporting on Helen Ratajczak’s article linking human-DNA vaccines with autism. [Here, I note several specific items the CBS article raises. 1. The body’s immune system is being thrown out of balance (by vaccines in increasing number and frequency); 2. The prevailing medical opinion disagrees that vaccines are linked with autism, according to Dr. Brian Strom, who in the same breath ADMITS direct association with brain damage – so what the hell does he think autism is – sugar addiction? “Brain damage” is much worse and actually adds dozens of other neurological diseases to the list alongside autism, since one must be mindful already that vaccines are notorious autoimmune disease triggers; 3. Toxic Thimerosal in vaccines and if most has been taken out, that still leaves some, but wait! It’s been replaced with something else to continue fuelling the global disease epidemic – recombinant human DNA and that is your autoimmune disease trigger, because as Ratajczak correctly points out, it is recombinant in humans and therefore “changes self” to trigger immune response – permanently; 4. A number of scientists said they’ve been subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit their research into vaccine safety issues and especially if it went near autism, indicating SOMEBODY behind the scenes knows precisely that vaccines and autism ARE linked, but is determined to prevent official acknowledgement by those who represent the “prevailing medical opinion” by merely perpetuating an apparent “absence of peer-accredited proof”; 5. Ratajczak herself was restricted in what she could publish while in the employ of pharmaceutical corporation Boehringer-Ingelheim, but can now write what she wants; 6. She’s not the first who was on the inside of this stinker of an industry to blow the whistle and she won’t be the last. 7. Something not mentioned in this CBS news article is the advent of the infamous “Danish Studies” of 2002 & 2003 organised by Poul Thorsen. These retrospective metastudies produced conclusions that there is no correlation between the Thimerosal-bearing MMR vaccine and the incidence of autism. The studies are widely criticised as being invalid – that they were corruptly contrived to protect sales of the vaccine and also protect the progenitors of it from litigation or prosecution. There are very strong indications that the claims correctly implicate Thorsen and colleagues in scientific fraud and Thorsen was actually indicted on charges of fraud, money laundering and “theft” of up to $2 million from the Centers for Disease Control. CDC was the sponsor and major funding source for the studies – the charges against Thorsen were limited to the financial arrangements of the studies as they were disbursed through a CDC insider named Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp and had nothing to do with the study conclusions. CDC was able to get off the hook and leave Thorsen as the fall guy, yet still benefited from the work of Thorsen and colleagues. Despite the accusations against Thorsen and colleagues on the veracity and reliability of the studies, CDC and other affiliated organisations still cite the Danish Studies’ conclusions to allay public concern in America about the vaccine. Even Dr. Stephen Barrett cites them in his pro-orthodox literature. So although Thimerosal is now supposedly no longer present in MMR vaccines administered to children, I am not aware of any overt official recognition of the Thimerosal-autism link; nor of any class actions of litigation that would surely arise out of a wider public awareness of the real truth.]

          • This is the most delusional crap I have ever read. So there is no connection proven repeatedly in hundreds of thousands of children looked at in dozens of countries with thiomersal, MMR or vaccinations. None . Zero. in fact it was described as the “biggest medical hoax of the last 100 years. ……..pretty definite there.
            And you come along and single handed make up another excuse for how mercury poisoning in the mother somehow translates into autism, or DNA ……..not that vaccines are purified or anything. Could you honestly get any more a fantastic explanation by a sole lunatic??

      • Murray, I have no relationship with any of the posters who have been posting their comments on this page. Nor do I hold conversations with them elsewhere. The very fact that you would think that I would do something so pubescent as to take up other screen names and post in another identity — which you have been doing since you first discovered this blog — tells me that you know no more about me or my work than you know about Black Salve and the nature of escharotic preparations.

        Not a damn thing.

        You have failed to convince anyone here of your position. You have only managed to activate Gresham’s Law on this blog, driving out and diluting the good, the honest and true, by compound trash upon more trash, which is all your comments have been.

        • The good the honest and the true – you are one of the most publised fakes on the plant . Nothing you say has any basis on reality and people need to be warned of your profiteering disregard for humanity. You are scum just think everyone should be aware of it – a bit like Andrew Wakefield

        • Hello Greg.
          This one’s for you. It’s a recipe. Ingredients are:
          1. DMSO 99.9%
          2. MSM 100%
          3. Olive Oil, extra virgin
          4. Emu Oil
          5. Wintergreen Essential Oil in 1:1 Ethanol:water (White Willow bark can be used instead)
          6. Lemon Peel Essential Oil
          7. Calendula Flower
          8. Arnica Flower
          9. St. John’s Wort
          10. Menthol crystals 100%
          11. Jalapeno fruit
          12. Ginger
          13. Boswellia as 1:1 Ethanol:water extract or pure resin crystals
          14. Black Peppercorn
          15. Turmeric
          16. Cats Claw
          17. Comfrey
          18. Gotu Kola (Indian Pennywort)
          19. Astragalus
          21. Aloe Vera
          22. Gibberellic Acid
          23. Magnesium Chloride

          Most ingredient quantities are flexible. Use your own “feel” for the ingredients and what performance you most want to get out of it.
          DMSO steep to extract essences from herbs etc. and then strain and filter them through unbleached paper – each separately from its own steeping bottle into its own ready-to-mix bottle. For most herbs, I use about 20 g of dried product in 200 ml DMSO. I then use as much filtrate of each ingredient as I want and document the exact amount of each for any given batch. Magnesium chloride dissolved in minimum necessary distilled water. DMSO won’t dissolve it, but once it’s aqueous, DMSO will marry with the solution. Simply weigh and add the crystal ingedients, then measure and add the oils. Gibberellic Acid (GA3 Isomer only) is the special one – an optional ingredient – but then, so are several of the others listed, anyway. It is only available in 90% purity and I don’t like that. I purify it further to 99%+ by settling out the heavy metal impuritities in Acetone, drawing 80% of the solution off the top after three days kept still and cool in a tall, slender bottle and then evaporating the Acetone completely. The remaining 20% solution is retained for comparative analysis, but is never used. Only 0.01 gram of this hormone per litre of formula is used, so measure and add it last. The mix is not homogeneous – the oils rise. So mix thoroughly before decanting into each and every bottle for near-uniform constituency. Bottles are 50 ml or 100 ml narrow-necked amber glass with polyethylene dripper neck inserts. Polyethylene is DMSO-proof. So is Polypropylene. Other than those, the usual glass, steel, wood or ceramic containers only. Same with any other utensils used with it.

          I think you can easily guess what this stuff will do, but firstly, it’s topical for unbroken skin only.

          It’s foremost an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Penetrates the skin in mere seconds, takes full analgesic effect in about 45 seconds and just a few drops can last up to 12 hours. I typically get 10 hours out of mine, but that may take more than a few drops – maybe six – or even more if the seat of the pain is deep, such as in a hip joint. It’s because this ingredient list is considerably extended beyond the original dedicated anti-inflammatory and analgesic formulas, which had only ingredients 1 to 13 or 1 to 15 in them. Doesn’t work for every ache and pain but does beautifully for most – arthritis, muscular, back, sciatica, sunburn (but not on broken blisters), sprained and broken ankles, migraine and so on. Not for sensitive skin areas such as eardrum, anal region, eyelids, mucous membranes, open wounds etc. It may not actually burn or harm in these regions, but it’ll sure as hell light up the nerves something fierce for 10 to 20 minutes until acetylcholine neurotransmitters are depleted enough to numb the region. On normal skin areas, it merely feels “warm and silky”. Some small percentage of people can show a local allergic reaction on the skin. Test with a drop first before using fully. Cannot be used.internally, must not be swallowed and keep it away from children. Keep it at coolish room temperature and out of sunlight. Never allow it to become contaminated (you know the rules with DMSO). Apply and gently rub it in with fingers – gloves are not to be trusted.
          Secondly, it’s a healing promoter, especially for bone, cartilage, tendon and ligament, but it will help just about any tissue to heal faster and may help regenerate arthritic joints over time with regular use.
          Thirdly, it’s a potent antifungal and works brilliantly on tinea, ringworm, etc. Kills the itching for ten hours or longer, but 2 to 3 days of regular use about every 6 hours will also totally eliminate the fungus. I know. I’ve tested it.
          Fourth, it’s antibacterial and will even handle multi-drug-resistant bugs.
          Fifth, it’s a local immune response regulator, therefore very good for RA, SLE at the local level.
          Sixth, it has anticarcinomic and some protective properties, though it’s not actually formulated with this in mind.
          Other than the cautions mentioned, it is free of any nasty side effects and very potent. I love mine.
          I think you will, too.
          FOOTNOTE: To other readers here, please understand that you need to know what you’re doing in the making of this stuff, as you would with black salve. It’s not child’s play, so although I would not discourage you out of hand, it definitely requires fairly advanced chemistry and herbal knowledge and considerable care – lest thou inadvertently createth a monster that can harm thee.

      • You have just made me laugh.

  121. Hi,
    I found your website when I was at the end of my ropes. After a long time battling skin cancer I had decided my only option was to end my life. I sought help from the medical community and the treatment options would have left me totally disfigured. I was just a number, a billing invoice and no one really cared. I do believe modern medicine has a place but so does natural elements. Mankind did survive a long time with out what we call modern medicine. Whenever I asked for natural treatment I was shown the door and my problem progressed. I have suffered greatly and as I said I was about to give up completely.

    Your site has given me some hope or at least one more chance. I will gather my strength one more time and with God’s help and yours I will survive this toxic situation. Thank you for giving me some hope when the doctors gave me none.

    • Good luck. You might as well give it a go. Don’t forget the check out the utube testimonials.

  122. is there anythnig you dont believe?

    Black salve is an acid paste.It has no “diagnostic” capabilities – only in your imagination. IIn order for it to penetrate the skin it must damage the cells .If in your supposed treatment of breast cancer it doenst part the cells like Moses and walk through. You are simply making stuff up . You cant explain how it works or how it penetrates skin. You cant explain how the paste works or how “internal “tumours are removed.
    There are many published examples of people being burned or in one case a man creating a perforation of his bowel which I have detailed earlier. But as they are printed in the real world you simply dismiss anything written by anyone more intelligent and more honest than you – which is virtually everyone – as fake/ cover up / abomination/conspiracy/ dont need facts or proof / all science is made up. Such a colossal collection of excuses as to why you are right and everyone else is dishonest and wrong.
    You have repeated said it is cheaper than going to a dermatology clinic – that you have treated 20000 people that you have a cure rate of more than 99% then admitted you have no records no proof and no idea.
    Then on your webpage make lots of excuses as to why if it doesnt work then it is all down to the user.
    Ans sweet Jesus – an imaginary docotr looking at old newpapers and this somehow is evidence. Jees – there were no aircraft deaths, no road traffic accidents….there were not many post mortems, no microscopes til 1840 , no staining till 1900, no MRI CT, XRAY Ultrasound……….and they didnt make a diagnosis of cancer. Next you will be saying that they died of infectious diseases that arent prevelant anymore ……………..all twenty of the biggest killers – by a strange natural phenomenon …or in childbirth- or accidents – or malnutrition….and that they all lived even longer as we do now – if only those pesky modern inventions hadnt made things so much worse.
    Fucking moron

  123. cancer in the 1800s with Dr quincy......

    and the average life expectancy was forty two……………as cancer gets more common with age…..perhaps .and just hear me out …………it wasnt as common .or maybe wasnt diagnosed…………….radical ……

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  126. this is a joke

    Unfortunately this website could have been useful for those in need of assistance and support for skin cancer but it has turned into a joke.

    • From there it became an infomercial for everyone selling the stuff to make as many made up claims about 99% cure rates of all skin cancers and half of internal cancers . Claims referred to on YouTube claim it curing widespread bone cancers to brain cancer. At the same time decrying every single doctor university researcher government and pharmaceutical company as all being part of a works wide conspiracy to let people die of cancer – presumably only using the US model of health care as the rest of the world is counted out . Every fake and disproven cancer cure has been used to justify outlandish claims from orgasmatron boxes to vitamins.
      What is the joke is that the alternative health card select is worth billions – about $40 billion in the US alone- yet the sellers of fake medicine decry profits made by “big pharma” as it suits them . I would have thought $40 billion was big in anyone’s estimations .
      Yet ask for evidence and two things always happen – personal attacks and claims that proof doesn’t matter. Science is rubbish unless they agree with you – Nobel prize winners and loopy astronauts . And extending it to simply denying basic facts . Crooks that fabricated results for money have respect and vaccines which eliminated diseases and prevented millions of deaths are simply cashing in on a strange coincidence .
      If you have a disease make sure you have a diagnosis before embarking on treatment . And make sure the treatment works. To do otherwise is the real joke

  127. this is a joke

    MD – yes, it is a good idea to have diseases diagnosed but after doing that, wouldn’t you give black salve a go, just in case it does work. I would think that if you had a skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, you would want to try it out.

    • Personally I don’t think it’s a “good idea” I think it is essential to know what you are dealing with . The notion that one treatment can treat all sorts of conditions is simply not true.
      I’m not sure I want to ” have a go” to see if something works . If if doesn’t it might locally invade , rarely spread or cause much harder to treat complications . I don’t mind ” having a go ” with cup cake recipes but cancer is a slightly different issue
      So in my country I could see a specialist for free be diagnosed have a basal cell cancer excised it could be looked under the microscope to ensure complete excision treated in a sterile enviroment using proven techniques and followed up .
      Alternatively I could buy a paste from the Internet which would be home made , not quality controlled and potentially be fake . I would have no idea of its effectiveness or shelf life . I would have no recourse to compensation of it went wrong . It wold then take a period if time of self administered treatment which is dependant on my effort to treat myself.
      I would be relying on the word and evidence of non medical people who by all accounts guarantee cure rates based on speculation and unverifiable sources, are unable to explain how it works , attribute nothing short of magic and physiologically impossible effects and make ridiculous statements like removing g cancerous lesions by surgery causes them to spread .
      Thanks but no thanks .

  128. Wow. I came across this blog after viewing your youtube video (Dermatologist hate this video – natural skin cancer cures). I have to commend you for telling the truth about cancer, exposing big pharma, and providing resources to help those willing to free their minds. I was unaware of black salve as a treatment for skin cancer. I guess that can be added to the list of ALL the others.

    Thanks again. And keep it up.

    • Wow i just read you blog and it’s the same rehashed rubbish and advertising your own website to sell your own fake cures . What an original idea .
      Dr Clark – who could cure cancer- died of cancer . Maybe she got the parasite that causes cancer that doesnt exist in America
      Hoxley – own treatment didn’t work when he got cancer .eventually died of cancer .
      Vitamin b17 – doesn’t exist . Isn’t a vitamin . Doesn’t work .
      Royal rafe – disnt work either didn’t cure anyone but you can still buys battery with two electrodes for $300
      Budwig – unproven dietary nonsense from sixty years ago

      There we are – that will save anyone having to read another pile of crap

  129. this is a joke

    HI MD, Freedom of choice is very important. For those who want to use the salve, they should have the right to do so. If you prefer the traditional medical solution, that is your choice and you should be free to follow that path. All treatments have successes and failures. I have had close friends who followed exactly what their doctors had advised but unfortunately passed away. One required a bone marrow transplant due the effects of chemo and lost her life less than a year after the transplant. I guess that there there may also be patients who have followed the natural path who have also lost their lives. Whether someone chooses traditional or natural, the patient should feel supported and have faith in their decision.

    • Of course people have freedom of choice. However the also need freedom of information . There is a common marketing ploy used by “alternative” sellers that natural is good. Many of these sites quote the same historical quacks who to summarise have claimed that distiller water , coffee enemas, small electrical currents, boxes to sit in , vitamin c , different diets and tailored chemotherapy. Most are at least 40 years old and many approaching 100 ..
      quite simply cancer isnt one disease and there will not be one cure. It is big business which prays on the vulnerable and the desperate who will try anything.
      Of course there are unsavoury business practices , fail rates – however they usually get exposed pretty quickly. Wakefield , researcher on chronic fatigue , anti sickness drug, xigris for septic shock. If there is fraud or it’s made up it will get found out. However these are the exception and people denying better survival rates and more prevention and screening are simply flat earthers .
      However in the “alternative” field it’s multi billion dollar business and they have no morals and know that they have no proof fr what they do amd in many cases know that what they sell is completely ineffective. They are not bound by statute simply profit and it is utterly naive to think these people dont exist. However they make outlandish claims to make money. Mexico or indeed Guatemala seem to be thick with clinics outwith control.
      If people want to use them that is their choice. Unfortunately many victims of fraud are willing ,.

  130. And while success and failures are present in both treatment that is proven and “alternative ” treatment the existence if both does not equate with equal successes.
    Early breast cancer has a five year survival of almost 97% -while claiming alternative treatments may have successes it simply isn’t documented. And the is the crux of the issue . In the euro are study tens of millions of people and almost a million people with cancer studied . Information about treatment effect of age type of cancer and country where treated were all analysed.
    We know the outcome with normal treatment. It doesn’t exist for “alternative” .

    • I have breast cancer figures over five years from Contreras Hospital in San Diego, California. Much more respectable than the statistical norm. They use an Integrative Medicine model surprisingly similar to mine.

  131. And most have the moral equivalence of the man recently convicted for making millions selling fake bomb detectors

  132. this is a joke

    Michael, when money is involved, we will always get dishonest people out there. But unfortunately, those dishonest people make the honest ones look bad. I am sure that there are genuine providers of natural products, who care about the health of their customers. So many herbs in the world have not yet been proven to fix an ailment but just because they are not yet proven, it does not mean that they do not work. For example, echinacea. There must have been a time when echinacea was considered snake oil but now many people use to shorten the severity of a cold with great success. I know that a cold is not a serious illness but this is just a small example of a natural product that does work. Maybe the perfect solution is for doctors to work alongside naturopaths where they can combine their talents. Maybe one day.

    • “just because it hasn’t been proven to work doesn’t mean they don’t work ”
      This sums up the immoral irrational and unscientific approach of naturopathy . They may care but giving a ” treatment ” which is not proven to be effective is simply wrong . It is theft and it is dangerous . Covering someone’s head in orange peel in the basis that it hadn’t been proven not to work us plainly just stupid but suits the corrupt programming .
      These remedies advertised and not prefixed with ” hasn’t been shown to be effective ” rather statements of what they can and will do.
      Thd majority of medicines come from plants and natural substances . Echinacea had been looked at extensively . It doesn’t work . One study showing it reduced the duration failed to reveal the results methodology conflict Of interests or who funded thd study which turned out to be a maker of herbal supplements .
      Homeopathy has been looked at and is ineffective . Vitamins have been shown to either be ineffective in supplements or increase cancer risk as in folic acid and vitamin E.
      Real doctors in most countries have a fixed salary . They work on the basis of giving people treatment that works rather than the inescapabily stupid notion of giving something on the basis it hasn’t been proven not to be ineffective yet

  133. this is a joke

    Hi Michael, I should have been clearer when I wrote ‘just because it hasn’t been proven to work doesn’t mean they don’t work’. I meant that it may not have been proven to work by western medicine. For example, natural therapists may have used protocol A to fix illness Z for many years, with success. They can see that protocol A works against illness Z and therefore will continue to use it. So, it have been proven to work via natural avenues but not proven by western medicine. Given that western medicine will not use protocol A to fix illness Z, they will probably never see or prove that it works. I hope that this makes some sort of sense.
    I really do believe that there are some wonderful doctors out there but there are also some very good natural therapists that are helping patients where doctors may not have been able to fix the problem. That statement may also works the other way around where doctors may have come to the rescue where a natural therapist has not been able to assist.

  134. Im not sure there could be considered to be a lesser degree of burden of proof by the notional attribute to an ancient imaginary Eastern culture. Most institutions in the Far East will still look to commonly accepted levels of proof as evidence. Im afraid i dont buy the someone has used it and it works therefor it actually works as this is not proof – only non randomised irrepudicable here. Relying on a practionnners word that a treatment that they sell works is utterly and wholeheartedly unreliable. It certainly doesnt “prove” that a treatment works.
    The power of placebo , the power of paying for alternative “treatments” all contribute. However very often in alternative practice the diagnsisi is not clear nor is or can be evidence of resolution of a problem for which there cannot be clear diagnosis made. Simply because someone says their chronic fatigue is betteror there is less “bloating” is not proof.
    Ayou are trying to imply equivalence. Doctors treat everything and anything from orthopedics to cataacts to childbirth to pathog

    • Murray, I put this to you.

      Let’s take an hypothetical cancer case – a victim diagnosed correctly with Liver cancer – an aggressive one.

      How would you treat this patient?

      • And is your name Michael J. or Michael Thomas, in either case a radiation oncologist? Perhaps you’d recommend and use Cyberknife? After all, Paddy Swayze went for it with his pancreatic cancer, yes? Why not the liver, then?
        Hey, pardon me all to bits – I’m jumping to premature questions. YOU’RE gonna tell the story as to how to treat a liver cancer patient, aren’t you?

  135. Thank you for the good writeup. It actually was a amusement account it.
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  136. You make no sense.

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  138. You are obviously joking. Stop writing a heap of random words and wasting everyone’s time, just like Alvaro above.

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    • I know the concept of there being more than three people in the world called Michael might seem strange but there you go – its true . Now liver cancer …. You do mean liver rather than pancreatic?
      Well the treatment depends … Are we talking primary or secondary . If a secondary which one? How many mets ? Of primary what is the cause ? Is there liver failure ? Hep b hep c? Hepatoma ? Cholangiocarcinoma ? Lymphoma ?
      Age of the patient ? I know on lala land one size fits all but in grown up land it’s a bit different….

  146. Primary hepatoma, HCV, mets existing, number and locations not all known, liver failure imminent. Age 35.
    I gonna love this….

  147. (Imminent = Early signs of jaundice).

  148. but if you do want to show some evidence that it works please feel free….or are you going to do a Greg and say evidence doesnt matter there are thousands of testimonial on the web etc etc……..

  149. but I do love how you go from ” precipitate “perhaps” in the heart” and then go on to confidently say something that may happen…according to you then suddenly definitely causes a doubling of the heart attack rate.. and no one has noticed but you with your access to your imaginary study group……..amazing

  150. Im sure you have hundreds of similar cases where they have all survived and regenerated their liver by using some recently discovered rock like kyrptonite…

  151. Kryptonite, not to be confused with the noble gas, is the theoretical 126th element. It will be an 8th period member of a third series of 15 Group T(a) transition elements like Lanthanides or Actinides. It will be radioactive with no stable isotopes and quite possibly have a toxicity similar to Plutonium. About two years ago, I named it Hawkingium (Hk) and the series Teslanides. Not that any of this would mean anything to you.
    And no, radiotherapy is destructive, not regenerative. If anything can regenerate the liver tissue, it will be oxidative therapy in concert with conjugated SOD, Glutathione and CoQ10 in two of its three redox states, plus something like Comfrey. But for the cancer, that “recently discovered rock” is none of the foregoing, but instead a hydrated Aluminium Silicate of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium, plus our old friend DMSO to deal with the HCV, perform as an adjuvant oxidative agent and do some chelating, potentiating, and differentiating. But all this is just rock basic stuff. It gets quite a bit more involved than that. Now, what have you got? Sticks and stones?
    And you’re right. I’m doing a Greg. He’s got nothing to prove to the likes of you and neither have I. You haven’t even managed to dredge up two rather well-known clinical studies, as it is. As far as you’re concerned, they don’t exist. WRONG….
    I’ll tell you what. You still haven’t troubled to describe how you would treat our hypothetical liver cancer patient, but I think you’re not going to. Perhaps you want us all to accept that drivel about coffee enemas, chemo, Cansema and – what else? – as if you were serious; but even then, you illuminated nothing whatsoever about the administration protocols of anything in it – no surprises there. You simply don’t know haw to administer anything of the kind. So I definitely don’t think you will illuminate anything. After all, the only stuff you’ve got to fall back on for use in such a case is the poison, slash and burn approach, which will quite comfortably yield a sub-1% survival probability in cases like this one. That’s a FAIL in any language, even though it is par for the course in allopathic medicine.
    Now, as a consequence of all this verbal time wasting and somewhat unappealing lambasting that’s been flying about, I have decided YOU don’t exist. There is no satisfactory proof that you exist. You’re no better or more substantial, to say nothing of being even in the slightest degree more intelligent or constructive, than one of those fake site agent “stringer” profiles on an American-styled adult dating site. They’re just about as vacuous as anybody can get. But at least they show some manners…
    That’s it. You are erased. You don’t exist.

    • I take it back .greg might be deluded but he patently isnt mentally ill as you clearly are . I think people claiming to discover new elements is clearly a sign.
      Pretending you treat people with practically incurable diseases successfully is just fantasy . As for your other post on an imaginary compound ….” gloves not to be trusted ” ? Acetylcholine is involved in meuromuscular transmission not pain so you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about .
      And it treats everything and does everything . If you weren’t mentally illit would be quite funny

  152. why are people on this forum so mean

    • Im afraid there is an element of frustration and retaliation. The premise of most of the posts on here and with many ” alternative ” health care websites are the same. Mulitnationals are out to make money, having already discovered a cure for ” cancer” which is free, universally successful, has no treatment failures., no recurrence, made from natural ingredients and there is a hidden conspiracy involving every doctor, healthcare system , university and government .
      The notion is that all ” alternative” health care produce is of course completely effective with no side effects and discounts the notion of sell diagnosis or misdiagnosis as potentially fatal.
      The page has simply been highjacked by many sellers of internet unproven medicine to promote their wares and who dismiss any reasonable suggestion by ridicule or ludicrous accusations rather than actually providing any evidence for their claims.

    • Good question, Be Nice.
      In general, one can only surmise that like politics and religion, there is a polarisation between “Left” and “Right” in Medicine and personal passions evidence themselves without reserve. And somewhere amongst all of this, money and profits in the billions are involved. So it’s inevitable that organised crime involving graft and corruption on a monumental scale, up to and including multiple instances of murder, become involved, too. Unfortunate – and almost equally unavoidable in the current socio-politico-economic environment. I can only suggest you garner what you perceive to be worthwhile information from the posts and disregard the vitriol.

      • And on the subject of murder (which will swing back to Black Salve as the central point of relevance in this forum) it happens that one Harry Hoxsey is strongly suspected to have been one of those victims at the end of a 35-year battle against Morris Fishbein, the AMA and FDA. Fishbein accused him of being nothing more than a horse doctor and although horse doctors ran in the Hoxsey family, he was nevertheless something more. He distinguished himself in the annals of alternative medicine, not only for being arrested some 157 times in 16 months, but for three cancer formulations passed down in his family and learned from observing what a cancer-afflicted horse ate – and subsequently recovered fully from the malignancy. Two of these formulas were orally ingested “tonics” and one was a topical salve. One might fairly safely presume one of these is ancestral to modern-day Black Salves and if I were to hazard a guess, I’d even surmise that Greg Caton’s “Cansema III” could be based upon a Hoxsey oral tonic formula as much as Black Salve certainly appears to be loosely based on the Hoxsey topical formula. That is something I consider to be worth investigating and possibly even using, so perhaps you might follow up with Greg Caton himself on Cansema III.

        The Hoxsey formulas have been claimed to yield an 80% success rate in cancer cure, separately so by Hoxsey himself and subsequently by a nurse in his employ who eventually took over the operation and after three years in the US, took it to Tijuana, Mexico. Qualified data on these 80% efficacy claims are not currently available to me and seem rather sketchy. Only one qualification is reported by my info source and that is that it’s 80% efficacious provided there has been no prior chemo or other allopathic medical intervention. That much makes perfect sense, since in no way should one fully expect a good rate of cure under treatment regimes that crush the Immune System.

        Now, the ingredients are are follows, according to the information source I discovered.

        Harry Hoxsey’s formulas included Red Clover, Burdock root, Barberry bark, Licorice root, Buckthorn bark, Prickly Ash, Poke berries and root, Stillingia root, Cascara Amarga, Potassium Iodide, Zinc Chloride and Antimony Trisulfide.

        Note the similarity with Black Salve. These ingredients are variously anticarcinomic either directly or indirectly, detoxifying, immunomodulating, cathartic, diaphoretic, lymphostimulant, endo-exocrine stimulant, exiguent, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial. The Zinc Chloride would be limited to the topical formula, whilst Antimony Trisulphide is an interesting one. If it is included in an oral tonic, it must be in homeopathic concentrations, meaning very, very small. If so, the philosophy behind its use would be along the lines of giving the human system a bit of a nudge and then letting the flow-on effects of a biological response take over. Presently, I have not verified whether it is used as such, or limited to inclusion in the topical formula only. The topical formula, by the way, is obviously an escharotic, like Black Salve as we currently know it.

  153. wonderful post, very informative. I ponder
    why the other specialists of this sector do not notice this.
    You must continue your writing. I’m sure, you have a huge readers’ base already!

  154. Hello Olga,
    I’m unsure as to whether you’re addressing me, or someone else, perhaps. If it’s myself, well, thanks! Sorry that I shall probably move on soon, since what I had to offer on the matter of Black Salve has already been posted and I do need to get back to doing other things.
    I do perceive that there are a couple of loose ends to tie up.
    For example, there may be some confusion among readers regarding Zeolite, due to some disinformation mixed with fact being posted about it in this forum.
    So to clear that one up, it happens that the epidemic of asbestosis and mesothelioma caused by Zeolite mining in Turkey is quite true. But here’s where the disinformation was snuck in under the radar. At least 175 different varieties of Zeolite mineral have been documented. Zeolites are formed when volcanic lava meets saline water, resulting in a generalised composition described as a hydrated aluminium silicate of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Because lava composition varies considerably and also because salinity, temperature and pressure of the water involved also varies, the exact chemical constituency, structural morphology, porosity and chemical behaviour of different Zeolites also vary a great deal. They may be used as filtration agents, chemical catalysts in the laboratory, or possibly in the case of Erionite, as thermal refractory material like asbestos, The type responsible for the epidemic in Turkey is Erionite, a filamentous crystalline type. Its fine needle-like crystals resemble those of Asbestos and indeed, this particular mineral is very much as virulent as Blue Asbestos in destroying lung tissue and causing cancer. It’s very nasty stuff.
    In addition, I would not even recommend that anyone inhale any kind of mineral dust whatsoever, whether it’s any kind of Zeolite or other material. Even without the asbestosis or mesothelioma as it is caused by Erionite, dust encountered in mining operations of any kind is bound to be harmful to the lungs and tends to shorten life expectancy. That would even apply in some degree to Micronised Clinoptilolite, if one were silly enough to inhale it, even though the micronised material will clear from the lungs more easily than non-micronised mineral.
    OK, so Micronised Clinoptilolite is a very different member of the Zeolite mineral group and this is the one specified as the potent cancer cure. It is porous and the pores with a certain electric charge distribution pattern are what capture toxins. It does not have a filamentous structure, does not cause asbestosis and it does not cause any kind of cancer whatsoever. Instead, it is in effect a Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor (CDKI) and that means it will cause genetically faulty cells to fail the G-phase fidelity tests in the cell replication cycle and leave healthy cells completely unaffected. It has unparalleled selectivity. Thus it is an excellent anticarcinomic agent. Naturally enough, it is taken orally – NOT INHALED.
    Another loose end is Oxidative Therapy, where the most commonly used agents are Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide.
    Is Ozone a poisonous gas? In certain concentration ranges, yes. It can cause oxidative damage to tissues. However, that concentration range varies a great deal between different individuals. Disinformation was slipped in under the radar once again in the form of lack of information on HOW it is correctly administered – it was simply and blithely described as a poisonous gas. Guess what? Dioxygen, the oxygen we breathe and can’t survive more than five minutes without – is also lethally toxic at high enough concentrations and pressures. Ask any deep sea diver. It merely happens that Trioxygen (Ozone) is more so because it is a less stable molecule and therefore much more reactive, as well as having a tendency to release Oxygen singlet radicals. With any oxidative therapy, a strict protocol must be followed in order to mitigate this in favour of managing the radicals for the better, instead of allowing them to roam free to do harm in the system. The most strongly favoured protocols are known as Autohaemotherapies. In these, between 200 ml and 600 ml of the patient’s blood is removed and treated with the oxidative agent, whether that be Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide, EX-VIVO. Once it is fully reacted, it is returned into the patient. This signals oxidative stress to the patient’s homeostatic machinery without actually causing oxidative stress, which then responds by generating increased quantities of endogenous antioxidants – CoQ10, SOD and Glutathione in particular. This may be repeated about once every three days. The therapy is also called Oxidative Preconditioning. The antioxidants manage the oxygen radicals, direct them where they can do good work instead of harm (Mitochondrial Complex I for example) and protect the tissues. People thus preconditioned can safely absorb much higher levels of oxidative agents than non-preconditioned people and do so without harm, but instead enjoy accelerated healing capacity, better health, a more active, yet balanced immune system and more energy.
    So it’s a similar story with Hydrogen Peroxide. It’s a bleach. Toxic? Yes, again in certain concentrations or dosages. But as with Ozone, Oxygen or even water, there is a range of concentration that is safe and a range that is not. Yep, that’s even true with water! Ozone is oxidised Oxygen. Likewise, Hydrogen Peroxide is oxidised Water. Both are less than completely stable and release Oxygen singlets. With these singlets, you can make good, or you can make problems. Antioxidants are the keys to effective regulation and tissue protection. You can either stimulate their creation within, or you can infuse them intravenously, or you can take “protected” ones orally. Hydrogen Peroxide can be taken orally with greater safety, because you can govern the dosage, whereas breathing ozonated air does not afford the same level of dosage control. In the case of H2O2, use 35% food grade and dilute it with distilled water one part to 34, which is 1%. The protocol for oral ingestion of an oxidative agent, whether it is Hydrogen Peroxide, DMSO or Chlorine Dioxide, is to begin with very small dosage amounts at low concentrations on an hourly basis and slowly increase the doses over a period of 14 to 21 days towards full therapeutic levels, Older people should use a longer preconditioning period. This gives the body time and opportunity to respond to the oxidative presence by creating those antioxidants and progressively increase them towards high enough levels to deal safely with therapeutic dosages of oxidative agent. It’s a very good way to keep the arteries clear and the heart strong. If you administer full therapeutic doses of an oxidative therapy agent without following such a preconditioning protocol, you will certainly cause harm. Medical supervision is very strongly recommended. Since MD medicos and allopathic clinics rarely if ever provide for such therapies, the logical choices are integrative medicine clinics and ND, BHS or MHS practitioners.

    • Summarizing the substantial and growing body of study results showing deleterious health effects of breathing ozone, in 1976, and reiterated in 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reflects the scientific consensus that ozone is a toxic gas which has, as yet, no demonstrated safe medical application in specific, adjunctive, or preventive therapy. One possible reason, noted by the FDA, is that in order for ozone to be effective as a germicide, it must be present in a concentration far greater than can be safely tolerated by man or other animals.
      I gave never seen quite so much I’ll informed and frankly stupid statements in my life.
      Only a moron would suggest that another chemical causes asbestosis. Asbestos causes asbestosis . I think you mean mesothelioma . Which is caused by both .
      ” ask any deep sea diver ” about oxygen ? You mean a high partial pressure of oxygen not just high concentration ?
      There is no evidence for any of the rubbish you print you are simply regurgitating pseudo scientific sounding rubbish . There is not a shred of proof for any of it and since you clearly have no idea what you Re talking about while laing to be intelligent you are only embarrassing yourself with your failure to grasp even basic concepts .
      As for the attribute of made up research or made up properties of made up compounds it’s just pathetic . You writing things doesn’t make them true . Just shows you are grossly deluded and ignorant

      • Erionite is known to be a human carcinogen and is listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a Group 1 Carcinogen.[5] The prevalence of malignant pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma due to erionite exposure in the Central Anatolia Region is very high.[6] Descriptive studies have reported an excess of mortality from mesothelioma in individuals living in three Turkish villages where there was chronic exposure to erionite; only two cases of mesothelioma occurred in the control village, both in women born elsewhere.[7][8] An excess of lung cancer also was reported in two of the three villages contaminated with erionite. Respirable erionite fibers were detected in air samples collected from the affected villages, and lung tissue samples collected from mesothelioma cases contained erionite fibers. A higher proportion of ferruginous bodies with a zeolite core were found in inhabitants of the contaminated villages than of those from the two control villages.[4][5][7] Erionite is reportedly present in the local volcanic tuff.[8]

        There is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity of erionite in experimental animals. Rats exposed to erionite by inhalation or injection (intrapleural or intraperitoneal) and mice exposed by intraperitoneal injection had high incidences of mesotheliomas.

        You seem to just be choosing chemicals at random and saying they are

        As for Hoxey

        In 1950, Hoxsey submitted case histories of 77 patients to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), claiming that they were “fully documented with clinical records and pathological reports” and that they would demonstrate his treatment’s effectiveness. However, the NCI found that of these 77 reports, only 6 included actual tissue biopsies. Of the 2 biopsies from patients described by Hoxsey as having “internal cancer”, neither showed any evidence of actual malignancy. The NCI concluded that Hoxsey’s records did not contain sufficient information to evaluate his treatment. Hoxsey argued that it was the NCI’s responsibility to seek out the information necessary to verify his case reports, and attributed the failure to do so to a conspiracy on the part of the NCI and AMA.[12]

        Based on a folk story from the 1800’s on his grandfathers claim. He was an ex coal miner. He had no training . He cured no one at all . There is no proof . He has been discredited for almost seventy years . he tried his own treatment when he got cancer . It didn’t work . He took conventional treatment t and lived another seven years . What bit dont you get ?

        • Th is the same rubbish Greg produced …. Interesting that no ond has produced any miracle cure in the last fifty years when people have the ability to diagnose and show proof .
          Just pathetic . And you talk about ” disinformation” . You just write regurgitated rubbish

  155. Michael Murray, you are my hero. I have not even begun to read through the entire exchange you have been having with these folks, but I applaud your attempt to save them from themselves and more importantly from that snake-oil salesman Greg Caton.

    Here are some (extremely graphic) images of what happens when you apply black salve If you are very sensitive, please do not click the link as they show a woman with most of her nose burned off and a large lesion on her forehead.

    Please, people. You are right to question all information given to you. Ask questions and become better-informed. But make sure you can verify your facts and your sources. Don’t become a victim.

    • Are we also victims of the medical industry when a doctor makes a mistake that may cause serious defects of even death.

      Who knows what formula of black salve this lady used.

  156. That’s a fair question. The images are quite graphic and do indicate the use of an escharotic of some kind. It’s unfortunate that there are no accompanying data on the formula, administration methodology and so on. Something else is curious – the final picture depicts the lady and her nose before treatment began. It looks reasonably healthy to me, so if that’s so, then why would salve have been applied to it in the first place? Too many unknowns to draw reliable conclusions. That’s a pity, because if genuine, the whole thing could have been importantly informative. Could there be a contraindication for the use of black salve on tissues with cartilage underlying them? Could that have implications for ears or the costal cartilages? If so, could it be attributable to specific ingredients that possibly should be dispensed with when treating cartilaginous tissue complexes?
    There’s another series of questions relevant to this poor woman’s plight.
    What alternatives could be expected to have done better?
    Chemo? Not a chance. It’s systemic and creates a whole range of other serious susceptibilities via immunosuppression and toxicity.
    Radiotherapy – perhaps Cyberknife? Utterly unthinkable. Not only is there a horribly high failure rate, but the consequences (especially cyberknife) are even worse than what those pictures show. You wouldn’t use it on your worst enemy.
    Maybe an MAB carrier-based photodynamic therapy could work OK, although MABs are notorious for causing autoimmune diseases and anaphylaxia, which is sometimes fatal. Bit extreme for a nose job.
    Surgery? Ah, this must be the obvious orthodox solution. But OK, that means cutting away the offending tissue, doesn’t it? I suspect it would yield results quite comparable to what we already see, so the lady would still need to undergo tissue grafting to reconstruct her nose.
    As I see it, that pretty much leaves other CAM modalities as the only viable options that might produce a more satisfactory outcome. There are a few.
    Interestingly, Clinoptilolite is one of these options, because it has shown efficacy as a topical paste application on superficial cancers. In addition to working in a similar way to something like Bentonite or Pascalite clay, which takes up toxins out of the skin (yes, this kind of clay is a black salve ingredient), but also exhibits a range of direct and superlatively selective anticarcinomic actions, while being at the same time utterly harmless. Even so, whatever is used may not provide a 100% guarantee of complete success. Cliniptilolite’s efficacy is generally around 90% or so for non-terminal cases of just about any cancer (including liver), or around 75 to 78% for terminal cases, but even it does not yield a universal 100% cure rate.
    Thus I still strongly advocate a multimodal approach to the treatment of any patient with cancer – under a sound Integrative Medicine model. Look to the simplest basic priorities first – nutrition, lifestyle, positive outlook, immune support, detox, cut out the carbs, systemic pH, tissue oxygenation, eliminate pathogens. Get the basics right and go from there to the more complex stuff.

    • How do you treat a skin lesion ? Well you go and see someone who makes a diagnosis . Then decide what needs to be done . Skin cancers non melanomas are routinely removed by surgery and has a success rate between 95-98% .
      Or alternatively you follow the crap talked by mad prat …. Apply an unknown quantity of god knows what on to what ever it is you have and hope for the best .
      All because he spouts Mumbo jumbo and picks a chemical at random .

  157. There’s another consideration concerning the lady’s nose. The malignancy may very likely have resided in the cartilage – not the dermal tissue and hence not be visually evident in the last photo. I consider an escharotic would be inappropriate in such a case, because cartilage is very slow to regenerate. On the plus side, it should also be a relatively non-aggressive cancer. I think what would be called for would be a slow apoptogenic treatment supplemented with fibroblastic regeneration promoters, such as Comfrey and Gibberellic Acid. This approach could reconstruct the tissue while the malignancy is being progressively eradicated, thereby causing minimal damage.
    SURGEON: “Well, dear lady, the operation was a success. Never mind the bloody great hole. We’ll reconstruct it for you. How good is your medical insurance?”
    When looking at the basics as described, namely nutrition, lifestyle, positive outlook, immune support, detox, cut out the carbs, systemic pH, tissue oxygenation, eliminate pathogens – these are essentially nonmedical basics. They REQUIRE NO DIAGNOSIS. They are preventive measures to live by in the first instance for good overall health (yes, even pathogens with the right herbal/nutritional components) and in the second instance, still powerfully capable of renormalising compromised biological systems of cancer victims to such an extent that they will cure a significant proportion of sufferers without resort to the more intricate stuff, or necessity to resort to medical interventions. Diagnostics are required, but NOT for any determination of whether these aforementioned measures should or should not be put into effect. They SHOULD BE. This is entirely consistent with the fundamental principle that when you give your body the right resources and opportunity, it will better resist disease and better heal itself. In no disease is it more true than in cancer. LET NOBODY REFUTE THIS. IT IS A FACT. PERIOD. So instead, the diagnostics (which in cases of cancer or any serious diseases are certainly necessary) will be used to determine what other more advanced measures in the form of medical interventions need to be effected IN ADDITION to the basics; and for ongoing monitoring of the patient’s condition.

    • More misinformed rubbish.
      Benign cartilage tumours are usually left alone. Chondrosarcomas are very aggressive and often difficult to treat. And you would suggest “treating” it with plant food.
      Most skin cancers are caused by uv light exposure . Spouting nonsense about tissue ph oxygenation and carb avoidance is unbelievablably stupid.
      Invasive candida is extremely rare normally and claiming that if you don’t eat live yoghurt you will die again is just garbage.
      I’m not sure if you are just incredibly thick or just totally deluded.

  158. I overlooked one of the basics – microbiome support – so add this one to the list. Symbiotic flora are the body’s first line of pathogenic defence and they serve numerous other important functions, including GIT maintenance, digestion, transformation and regulation of a range of biochemicals. They are largely responsible for preventing candida from getting out of hand, thus eliminating, or at least minimising, the risk of it breaking out and becoming aggressive and systemically disseminated.

  159. Back to the lady and her damaged nose, I am convinced the pictures are quite genuine. The likely cause is overuse and Greg Caton has warned against doing this in no uncertain terms on his Alpha-Omega Labs website. I reproduce part of the narrative from a tube clip with a still picture series found at on black salve treatment as it was contributed by Nirvana Anderson. It highlights what I’m getting at. Pictures are not included here – please refer to the clip.

    “Everywhere I put the Salve, I get a reaction. No two sites are identical & they heal quickly, leaving my skin improved. After just a few days, the original treatment has dried and is ready to fall off. There are internet sites that warn about this Salve. Here are the pictures that are used over and over again. I believe the warning pictures are accurate. Never apply the Salve to the whole nose. It requires special care. It is usually the area most extensively damaged by sun exposure. I treat my nose in small sections… …because the Salve can’t discriminate. If there is cancer, the Salve will remove it all. Treating small sections allows each area to thoroughly heal. I have discovered that many people are fiercely anti-Salve without having seen or tried it. They believe that at best, the cream is a superseded treatment, at worst it is a skin eating caustic product that only fools would use. The following pictures are the results of two treatments. One treatment is Aldara, the other is Black Salve. One has damaged the immune systems of its users, the other hasn’t.”

    • So lets get this straight – you – a clearly unqualified person who has repeated demonstrated that you dont know what you are talknig about – comment on Gregs website regarding a treatment that even you admitted doesnt cure cancer – that Greg an unqualified ex convict says not to over do it – amongst the disclaimers saying nothing he says is medical advice – and then report on another nut case unqualfied rant quoting an unqualified ex actress as proof?? This couldnt get any more ridiculous

  160. mad prof – thank you very mach for your informative information. I find your posts are super usefull and will integrate your advices into life, keep it coming and ignore troll murray, he is paid for spreading disinformation

    • I also give English lessons as well …. I have a lot of time on my hands getting paid £1000000 a year to write ” disinformation” ona few websites saying outrageous things like ozone is a poisonous chemical or asbestos gives you asbestosis ….

    • Oh yeah, chemo has a 100% cure rate…NOT. I think ignoring Murray instead of answering to him makes more sense. I’ve seen the effects of chemo, and it’s really a “hit or miss” game.

  161. Wonderer, you are so right. You have said what we are all thinking.

    • Actually having re read all your comments I have to say I have reconsidered. You seem an ill informed idiot who is publishing anything and writing a whole load of crap about nothing and then refusing to make any comment when your cretinous comments and wrong facts are stated….

      • real wonderer

        you are not f@king wonderer but a f@g troll. as you can see english is my 2nd language, try to imitate that! f@g @shhole

        • No you is a fuckin troll by preetend no apeakie engleesh dontA mean you es fuckin stupido as well .
          Whatabit of the crap who likied?
          Abestosis is caused by something other than asbestos? That live yogurt prevents opportunistic infections? That cancer causing chemicals should be used to treat cancer or poisonous chemicals ?do tell because I’m all ears you thick shit…

    • thanks - how easy it is to post and make ti look like someone else

      Please…………. ” thinking “?? Are you serious?


    Yes, you are right. Let’s fix cancer with western medicine. Just like we fixed morning sickness with thalidomide. Western medicine is always right. No need to ever look outside the box. Don’t think for yourself. Just do what you are told. Western medicine has all the answers. Nothing else can ever work.


    And if it does work, we will just discredit it so you think it doesn’t work. Gee, we will even discredit the inventor to ensure that you do not believe anything he or her says. That’s just who we are. WE ARE WESTERN MEDICINE. WE ARE ALWAYS RIGHT. EVEN IF WE KILL YOU.

    • I know this is difficult for you but bear with me. Cancer is a multitude of diseases. Often it cannot be cured. Western medicine is not successful universally. However nothing is. However it is usually publically funded, published, researched,monitored and administered by trained individuals. It doesn’t make claims that cannot be substantiated. If the hs go wrong like thalidomide ….sixty years ago …. They are found out and changed. It’s not faultless not does it offer 100% cure for everything.
      This however doesn’t mean that this an be used as an excuse to sell any fake medicine over the Internet to desperate people to make money by cashing in on anxiety ,claiming a conspiracy, making unfounded unproven claims and hiding behind pseudoscientific Mumbo jumbo . It’s a multimillion dollar enterprise run by crooks .

  164. It, what doesn’t exist because there’s no proof of its existence, seems nevertheless to have contrived a truth or two. Oh, my, that must have been DIFFICULT.
    Thanks to Wonderer and Thanks. As already mentioned, I may not stick around too much longer, but as long as I do, I’ll try to offer worthwhile stuff.
    Let’s Out Our Trust, you are so right!
    I mean, Western Medicine demands scientific proof. That’s what the Double Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial is all about, right?
    It makes the evidence acceptable, replicable, reliable, trustworthy and so on.
    For example:
    A pharmaceutical corporation gets hold of an idea, which might have come out of university research on a plant, or anywhere else, for that matter. In the case of the plant and usually a single active natural principle isolated from it, it then seeks to develop an artificial method of synthesis from petrochemicals (which is therefore a patentable process) and then further, to develop an artificial derivative which can itself be patented, also. You could take an artificial Flavonoid like Flavopyridol or Ipriflavone, for instance.
    Then it runs all the usual in-vitro and animal in-vivo tests until finally, it comes time to test it on humans, after shelling out an exhorbitant 1.4 million dollars (at last quote I read about) to the FDA for an Investigational New Drug Permit.
    So then, it designs the clinical trial, recruits trial subjects and screens them according to its requirements, custom designs the placebo and keeps its constituency a secret from everybody including the FDA, controls exactly how the trial is conducted, controls the way it is evaluated and assessed, and controls the way its results are reported.
    This keeps everything nice and precisely scientific and nothing gets out of hand.
    And let’s not speak of palm-greasing baksheesh behind the scenes, because that never happens – right? Oops! I spoke of it. Damn…!
    But I have a question.
    Isn’t this a bit like letting the prisoners have the keys to all the prison gates? If you’re a university student, should you get to write your own examination papers and assess them yourself?
    Is this methodology in the way it is regulated by the FDA genuinely true to scientific method – or is it more like the political and marketing sciences applied to the nth degree?

    • “worthwhile stuff”? Are you being serious ? Every time basic mistakes are pointed put to you there isn’t response.
      Your half baked explanation is just that – half baked. Trials are monitored, audited and registered . Placebos are examined and double blinded means no one knows who gets what . They are carried put intend or hundreds of places often invoking thousands or hundreds of thousands. Then larger supervised clinicAl trials then post market observation, that’s why drugs are given warnings or withdrawn because if side effects.
      Alternatively you have black salve or cannabis oil . Both proport to do the same thing. Cure any cancer without relapse without question no side effects .no testing no quality control, no proof, no qualified manufacture. No come back . Of course this is much better .this is ” opening your eyes to the cure” this is ” natural ”
      No wait it is crap.
      Now run along and stop filling up pages with mindless gobbledegook. Just a thought if any of these were actually effective would someone like Steve jobs not be alive? Or just perhaps like the minister who recently sold a cancer cure which turned out to be suntan cream and beef stock – it was just total crap?

  165. Well, that’s your scientific proof, whether you approve of it, or not.

    • You wouldn’t understand the concept of proof if it was spelt out in front of you ….so what is proof then? Testimonials ? YouTube ? Greg catons word? Facebook ?


      • And you do know there is more thsnpnecountry in thr world that trials and tests drugs – hundreds of regatpry authorities thousands of other groups who will test and publish and question others results …
        Daft question really of course you don’t

  166. 1. “But nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause be. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known, so that today ignorance is no longer an excuse that one cannot do more about prevention. That prevention of cancer will come there is no doubt, for man wishes to survive. But how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions of men must die of cancer unnecessarily.”
    Two Time Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg in a meeting of Nobel Laureates, June 30, 1966.

  167. 2. Dr. James Watson won a Nobel Prize for determining the shape of DNA. During the 1970’s, he served two years on the National Cancer Advisory Board. In 1975, he was asked about the National Cancer Program. He declared, “It’s a bunch of shit.” Nobel Prize Winner James Watson. See:

  168. 3. “Everyone should know that the ‘war on cancer’ is largely a fraud.” Two Time Nobel Prize Winner Linus Pauling, pioneer of Vitamin Megadosing cancer therapy and author of several books on Vitamin C and cancer.

  169. 4. “To the cancer establishment, a cancer patient is a profit center. The actual clinical and scientific evidence does not support the claims of the cancer industry. Conventional cancer treatments are in place as the law of the land because they pay, not heal, the best. Decades of the politics-of-cancer-as-usual have kept you from knowing this, and will continue to do so unless you wake up to their reality.” John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D.

  170. 5. “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison.” Glenn A. Warner, MD.

  171. 6. “Chemotherapy is an incredibly lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical companies. The medical establishment wants everyone to follow the same exact protocol. They don’t want to see the chemotherapy industry go under, and that’s the number one obstacle to any progress in oncology.” Dr. Glenn A. Warner, M.D.

  172. 7. “You wouldn’t believe how many FDA officials or relatives or acquaintances of FDA officials come to see me as patients in Hanover. You wouldn’t believe this, or directors of the AMA, or ACA, or the presidents of orthodox cancer institutes. That’s the fact.” Hans Alfred Nieper M.D. (1928-1998) [Dr. Nieper was described as an “Orthomolecular Physician” who applied principles of physics to his medical practice. He used a Caesium Chloride protocol in Hanover, Germany to treat cancer patients, but was also a noted pioneer in the treatment Multiple Sclerosis. In addition, he used mineral therapies to treat alcoholism and liver damage.]

  173. 8. “Odd that it’s good enough for, and sought after by the bigshots with enough money, but not allowed for the common people. Ed McCabe, commenting on Dr. Hans Nieper’s remarks about FDA & AMA officials. [Author’s Comment: As of 1998, Ed McCabe was in jail for his campaigning against the medical orthodoxy and was released from custody after serving 18 months. I am not acquainted with precisely what he was convicted of. If I were to hazard a guess, it would likely be for advocating unsanctioned non-pharmaceutical substances for use as actual medical treatments. This is commonly an illegal practice in developed countries. Some such substances may only be advocated as “health supplements”, if anything, whilst others like Ozone or DMSO require administration by qualified, licensed medical practitioners, but are (or have previously been) prohibited. Used successfully and legally in Europe for many years, Ozone is now legally used ex-vivo in California by Oasis Of Hope Hospital as a cancer treatment, which signals a recent change for the better. But generally, advocacy laws prohibit promoting agents that are “not scientifically proven”. That really means “not administratively proven in officially approved trials and thereby not fully sanctioned under existing pharmaceutical regulations”. It has little or nothing whatsoever to do with what is scientifically proven or unproven; and absolutely nothing to do with what is safe and effective, or NOT safe and effective. Money and power are demonstrably more relevant in the provenance of cancer treatments than genuine safety and efficacy.]

  174. 9. “We are not dealing with a scientific problem. We are dealing with a political issue.” Dr. Samuel Epstein, M.D.

  175. 10. “Eleven years ago I discovered that inexpensive zappers routinely cure cancer and AIDS. What’s taking so long for this news to spread? The answer, of course, is subversion, ritual magic, DOR-based radionics and other high-tech magic and, not least, the studious avoidance in the What To Think Network of any mention of this phenomenally liberating, accessible technology.” Don Croft (July 2007) [It is presumed that Don Croft is the progenitor of the electromedical device called “Croft Terminator”. For “Zappers”, see Synoptic List and other Appendices for references to – “Robert Beck Protocol”, “Royal Rife Machine”, “Rife-Bare Machine”, “George Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator”, “Hulda Clark”, “GEIPE”, “Electromedicine” and “Croft Terminator”. Detailed articles exist in Cancer’s Answers for several of these.]

  176. 11. “There will never be a CURE for Cancer until the Establishment can accomplish their objectives by permitting it. Their primary goals are money and control. What big conglomerate will get the blessings of the Big Establishment? Nothing happens on the world scene that is not planned and designed by The Big Establishment. After 30 years of planning Metabolic Programs for some 33,000 Counselees and developing the scientific Paradigm for the PROPER CURE AND TREATMENT OF MALIGNANCY, I would like to share some of the conclusions. First, we fall victim, not only to cancer, but also to the very clever brainwashing of our number one ENEMY. The Medical Establishment and the unending barrage of the conspiracy with the MEDIA and support groups such as the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the American Medical Association and an unlimited number of organizations that make their income from the crumbs that fall from the establishment’s table.” Dr. Kelley DDS.

  177. 12. “An examination of the 62 random cases shows that our success rate has been 82 percent. Considering the patients we called inconclusive but for whom we were able to be of some help, it is over 90 percent.
    Now compare our figures with the official (as of early 1983) American Cancer Society figure of 15 percent of patients who are helped by radiation or chemotherapy. (Also, note that the two physicians in our sampling elected not to be treated with radiation or chemotherapy. We find this to be true of practically all the physician-patients who come to our clinic.)
    Of the people we could not help, those who died or are presumed dead, I am willing to state that we probably could have helped these patients had they not come to us with enormously debilitated immune systems resulting from having already undergone massive chemotherapy or radiation. The profound sadness we at the clinic experience when we receive a patient who already is beyond help is only offset by the great joy and satisfaction we feel when so-called terminal patients walk out of our doors after the accepted tests show them to be on the road to recovery, or when the disease is at least controlled to the point where they are able to lead comfortable and normal lives.
    Each patient cited here has been proved to have cancer by a qualified pathologist examining tissue under a microscope. In medicine only this represents the final proof of cancer. Once the diagnosis is firmly established, the metastases or recurrences may be judged by other means, such as X ray, CAT scan, and palpating (feeling) nodules.” Virginia Livingston Wheeler M.D. (The Conquest of Cancer: Vaccines and Diet p. 18, 19). [Virginia Livingston-Wheeler’s centrepiece of treatment was an autogenous vaccine – possibly the safest of all vaccine types. American legal authorities (spearheaded by the FDA) have stopped her from using that particular part of her cancer treatment protocol on the false pretext of contamination and anaphylactic risk. In this passage, she states a central, incontrovertible truth: “…we probably could have helped these patients had they not come to us with enormously debilitated immune systems from having already undergone massive chemotherapy or radiation.” The same American medical authorities are NOT stopping the butchers who use chemotherapy and radiation.]

  178. 13. “From different kinds of malignant tumours, good results were achieved in the following cases: mammary cancer, cancer of the prostate, testicles, rectum, ovaries, uterus, larynx, brain tumours, malignant melanoma, Hodgkin’s disease. (However, tumours with poor vasculation, e.g., tumours of the bones, sarcomas, lymphoadentises, neuroblastomas, etc. do not show satisfactory improvement.) In the case of leukaemias the blood picture of the patient shows fast and lasting improvement, the number of white blood cells decreases to the normal value, the number of platelets increases. Although I did not deal with diseases of different origin, patients and doctors using the Drops observed that they are effective in the following cases as well: lack of appetite, disorder of digestion, fatigability, weakness, insomnia, enfeeblement, persisting headache, anaemia, menstrual and menopausal problems, nausea, asthmatic diseases, bronchitis, child retention problems in pregnancy, cervical lesions, frequent subfebrility and developmental anomalies in children, certain types of diabetes in children and adults, persisting diarrhoeas of non-bacterial origin, vasoconstriction and hypertension, non-traumatic epilepsy, ulcers, arthritis, haemorrhoidal disease, aphtha, pemphigus and multiple sclerosis.
    The Drops can help 65-70% of the patients suffering from these diseases. Out of this group of patients about 30-35% will be capable of going back to work and lead a normal life. In the case of the remainder (approximately 35%) the question of going back to work does not arise partly because of their advanced age, partly because of the permanent damages caused, e.g. by operations.” Interview with Dr. Jozsef Beres.

  179. 14. “Without exception, all the oncologists I talked to about Dr Burzynski were scornful and hostile. Twenty-five years of practising unconventional medicine did not prepare me for what I discovered. Delving into attitudes, actions, and beliefs of modern oncologists was like opening a box of cereal and finding it full of worms. They just don’t care…. The question I kept asking was why, and the answer to that question gradually began to creep out: Dr Burzynski’s discovery threatens one of the largest and most lucrative industries in the history of mankind, the cancer treatment industry.
    All those radiation machines and doctors who run them
    All those chemotherapy drugs and the doctors who prescribe them
    All those so called studies that just juggle the doses of chemo & radiation, and
    All those surgeons who have been flailing at cancer for over 100 years
    If it (antineoplastons) is allowed to flourish, it renders obsolete the entire cancer treatment industry. He has discovered a non-toxic treatment that is about as close to cure as we have ever seen. If you think the lumber jacks in the Pacific Northwest were scornful of the spotted owl, you haven’t seen anything yet….
    Also it is not just about money, it is about strongly held beliefs, beliefs that have meshed with the personality of virtually everyone in the cancer treatment industry, especially the physicians. In short, these beliefs are that cancer can only be treated with therapies that mutilate, poison, or burn the patient, in the hope that they “kill” the cancer… Therefore, each patient who is miraculously cured by Burzynski’s nontoxic therapy is not viewed as a breakthrough, or even as something good, but rather as a dangerous messenger of heresy, a terrible threat to their beliefs.” Dr Whitaker, M.D.

  180. 15. “My investigation to date should convince this Committee that a conspiracy does exist to stop the free flow and use of drugs in interstate commerce which allegedly has solid therapeutic value. Public and private funds have been thrown around like confetti at a country fair to close up and destroy clinics, hospitals and scientific research laboratories which do not conform to the viewpoint of medical associations.” A Report by Special Counsel for a United States Senate Investigating Committee … Making a Fact Finding Study of a Conspiracy against the Health of the American People. [Author’s Note: What should be regarded as both astounding and brazenly criminal, yet in hindsight is hardly surprising at all in the light of the sheer magnitude and depth of corruption in the American medical and political systems – is that the findings of the Senate Investigating Committee made no difference to anything whatsoever.]

  181. 16. “Every discoverer of a cancer remedy has encountered a Chinese wall of resistance,” which has been the same in every page of recorded cancer history, and that the myth that the discoverer of a cancer cure would be “honored, acclaimed, and practically deified as a saviour of the human race,” should be changed to “dishonored, denounced and crucified, unless he is a fair haired boy of the dominating oligarchy.” THE CANCER BLACKOUT: An Illuminating Factual Survey by M. H. Clutter, D.R.L.

  182. 17. “Stanley Kops….has produced proof positive that the oral polio vaccine has always been contaminated with SV-40, a monkey virus which has been linked by the FDA and other organisations with cancers such as mesothelioma and meduloblastoma. Since 1963, we have been assured that polio vaccines have not contained this deadly contaminant. Stanley Kops shows that not only is this not the case, but that the vaccine regulators who are charged with keeping our families safe, have known all along that SV-40 was never removed from vaccines.” Meryl W. Dorey. [Author’s Note: Only the matter of whether the vaccine was actually made free of contamination since 1963 remains unverified and open to question – all other salient facts in this quote are absolutely accurate. That poses the question, “Who is telling the truth and was the virus actually removed post 1963?” Refer to “DIP” in the previous Section A of this Chapter – a methodology for assessing probability of accuracy on the parts of Dorey & Kops Vs. NCI & the Orthodoxy on this question. The inevitable inference to be drawn from it is that the SV-40 contamination was probably not removed. Update: Nowadays, vaccines are made using infected cells bred in laboratories from three aborted human foetuses, according to HSI. I have not yet established when animals ceased to be used for making vaccines, if that is in fact the case. But modern day use of foetal cells throws the door open on a whole new scandal in which the causality of autism in young children (plus a host of other extremely serious autoimmune diseases) is implicated. Human DNA is inherently recombinant in humans, as is viral DNA, whereas animal DNA is not. Daughter cells from recombined DNA exhibit a high degree of genetic incompatibility with the recipient hosts and trigger destructive autoimmune responses on a scale far exceeding that of animal-sourced material. That is not to presume that animal-sourced material (particularly in the form of serum antibody vaccines) doesn’t also trigger autoimmune responses, because it does; merely less frequently. The antibodies (which are proteins encoded in non-human systems, not DNA) are still foreign and shouldn’t be introduced into a human system where they don’t belong.]

  183. 18. “Ozone eliminates… viruses and bacteria from blood, human and stored… Medical ozone is successfully used on AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis, Mononucleosis, Cirrhosis of the liver, Gangrene, Cardiovascular Disease, Arteriosclerosis, High Cholesterol, Cancerous Tumours, Lymphomas, Leukemia… Highly effective on Rheumatoid and other Arthritis, Allergies of all types… Improves Multiple Sclerosis, ameliorates Alzheimer’s Disease, Senility, and Parkinson’s… Effective on Proctitis, Colitis, Prostrate, Candidiasis, Trichomoniasis, Cystitis. Externally, ozone is effective in treating Acne, burns, leg ulcers, open sores and wounds, Eczema, and fungus.” These results were from many different clinics and repeated year after year.
    Despite all this, the U.S. media still barrages us with sad pleas for money constantly so our medical establishment can “Find a cure” for these diseases. Well, if myself, only one man with a computer and a telephone, can find all this documentation I really don’t think the medical establishment with all its money and vast resources is looking very hard. Do you? OZONE HAS CURED AIDS IN OVER 300 CASES.” Ed McCabe, campaigning medical journalist known as “Mr. Oxygen” has the website [McCabe is correct. It is also true of Hydrogen Peroxide and to a similar extent, Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO. These are all potent oxidative agents that deliver Oxygen into all tissues, healthy and malignant alike. What is significant is that healthy tissues thrive on Oxygen and use antioxidants for regulation and tissue protection, whereas malignant cells and pathogens cannot.]

    • You have verified him fully ?? Really ??0h well thats alright then .
      So just summarise a few tiny mistakes
      Rife zappers don’t work
      Vitamin c doesn’t t work
      Burzynski clinic uses traditional chemo and has published nothing and cured no one
      ” cancer cells can’t use oxygen ” – absolute crap
      ” ozone has cured ….” crap

      You are simply rehashing all gregs rubbish and even quoting from his website
      Individual quotes from conspiracy nutcases is not proof .

      Chemotherapy is a small percentage of drug spending . It is however a massive market for fake cures.

      There are more than one country in the world. There is no conspiracy beyond an unintelligent Americans paranoia .

      So in summary you Have nothing new to say no proof and simply rambling paranoia and random statements from unverifiable sources ,magazines . Not an ounce of evidence . Not a single credible source. Nothing on summary. If that’s your best shot runalong ….

  184. 19. “I became interested in Vitamin C and cancer in 1971 and began working with Ewan Cameron, M.B., Ch.B., chief surgeon at Vale of Leven Hospital in Scotland. Cameron gave 10 grams of Vitamin C a day to patients with untreatable, terminal cancer. These patients were then compared by Cameron and me to patients with the same kind of cancer at the same terminal stage who were being treated in the same hospital but by other doctors–doctors who didn’t give vitamin C, but instead just gave conventional treatments. Cameron’s terminal cancer patients lived far longer compared to the ones who didn’t get 10 grams a day of vitamin C. The other patients lived an average of six months after they were pronounced terminal, while Cameron’s patients lived an average of about six years.” Linus Pauling Interview by Peter Chowka 1996 [Author’s Note: Pauling and Cameron pioneered Vitamin C megadosing, administered intravenously. Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Charles Moertel subsequently conducted clinical trials of Vitamin C Therapy sponsored by NCI in order to determine the relative benefit of using this type of therapy. The results were not statistically better than orthodox performance at all and Moertel made public statements (and of course, formal reports to medical review boards) to this negative effect. However, it was later found that Moertel fixed the design of the trials. He administered lesser doses of Vitamin C; foreshortened dosage periods so they continued only for a small fraction of the full duration of the trials; gave the vitamin C via oral administration instead of intravenously; and which Pauling and colleagues agree to be a relatively ineffectual route; and is accused of other indiscretions of even more vile nature, for in having cheated the trial’s design, he allowed patients to die who might otherwise have lived. He is further accused of convincing other patients on the same vitamin C therapy to discontinue it in favour of some filthy orthodox treatment – resulting in more unjustified deaths. According to Pauling and Cameron, the dosages must be significantly higher; must be administered intravenously; and must not be discontinued in the persisting presence of cancer. Therefore, those Moertel trial results at Mayo Clinic must be taken to be false and corrupt. Moertel and his colleague Creaghan must be considered to be murderers.]

  185. 20. “As a retired physician, I can honestly say that unless you are in a serious accident, your best chance of living to a ripe old age is to avoid doctors and hospitals and learn nutrition, herbal medicine and other forms of natural medicine unless you are fortunate enough to have a naturopathic physician available. Almost all drugs are toxic and are designed only to treat symptoms and not to cure anyone. Vaccines are highly dangerous, have never been adequately studied or proven to be effective, and have a poor risk/reward ratio. Most surgery is unnecessary and most textbooks of medicine are inaccurate and deceptive. Almost every disease is said to be idiopathic (without known cause) or genetic – although this is untrue. In short, our mainstream medical system is hopelessly inept and/or corrupt. The treatment of cancer and degenerative diseases is a national scandal. The sooner you learn this, the better off you will be.” Dr. Allan Greenberg (Dec 24, 2002). [My research into pharmaceutical drugs fully confirms Dr. Greenberg’s assertion that almost all of them are toxic; and further, that vaccines (plus MABs and rDNAs) are highly dangerous. Even the seemingly innocent Paracetamol is actually the world’s Number One cause of Liver Failure – which is fatal; while Aspirin actually kills about one in two thousand chronic users, or about one in thirty thousand people each year overall in developed countries, by causing brain haemorrhage. Additionally, having come to understand the human biology and dynamics of cancer and several other diseases in depth, I can only agree fully that nutrition and natural medicine are cornerstone knowledge bases for anyone who wants to live a long and healthy life.]

    • This is thr funniest ….. So you are in a road traffic accident …and have a fractured skull with a subdiral maematoma .,.. And he would seek a natruropathic doctor for aromatherapy and dietary advice …. Well guess what he is a moron

  186. 21. “There is not one, but many cures for cancer available. But they are all being systematically suppressed by the ACS, the NCI and the major oncology centres. They have too much of an interest in the status quo.” Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D. [It took many years of painstaking research and study, but the project has been worth my time and effort. As a result, Cancer’s Answers now elucidates most of these many cures for cancer to which Dr. Atkins refers. I have also verified him fully correct on the matters of suppression and other misconduct on the parts of ACS, NCI and major oncology centres – MSK and Mayo in particular.]

    • I want murderers try clinics sin Mexico where they give coffee enema s or people who sell black salve on the Internet and claim it cures “50% of internal cancers ” or ozone or suntan lotion with beef paste ….
      Or better still try not getting “evidence “from fifty years ago …. Even greg agreed it was crP

  187. A university radio station aired an interview with two female university scientists on July 5th, 2013. They’ve been studying effects of two immunomodulating agents on Mesothelioma and other lung cancers, which presumably, though not stated, are SCLC and NSCLC. Complete and permanent cures, where the cancers never return, were indicated. The immunomodulating agents were not named. Apparently, in view of the ongoing research being far from complete, the researchers are playing it close to the chest and not revealing too much. Aloe Vera was mentioned as a source, If there was another source for the second compound, I did not catch it as I listened to the segment. But since Aloe Vera accounts for at least one of the two substances, I can at least name that one with confidence. It is Acetyl-mannan, a long-chain fibre sugar built on mannose units. The researchers speak of the compounds activating macrophages in particular, though I have reason to believe there is a broader spectrum of immune response that engages other types of leucocyte, too. This compound is one of the most potent innate immune system activators known to medical science. Many types of long-chain sugar are known for activating the innate immune system. Beta-1,3-1,6-glucans found in some species of Japanese mushroom such as Shiitake, Maitake and Reishi contain these. Incidentally, although it is totally harmless to humans, Acetyl-mannan is illegal in the US. No surprises there!
    The researchers have published several papers relating to this work in peer-reviewed journals and they say there has been a good deal of enthusiastic reaction to the results so far achieved in this “new research”. In my view, much of what they’re doing sounded a bit like “old hat” to me, since the general properties of Acetyl-mannan at least are already fairly well-known. However, there may be some useful elucidations of biochemical pathways and mechanisms of action emerge from the work that will add to the body of existing knowledge.
    Beyond that, I doubt that when it comes to the crunch, there will ultimately be a formally recognised and approved cancer treatment emerge from it. So, it is likely to become another string of research and means of treatment that goes underground, like so many others have over the last 90 years.

  188. 22. “We went through the records and we found over five hundred of his patients who were alive and well five years after their treatment, with no cancer. And Dr. Burton didn’t selectively give us these. These were “take what you want. Here are the patients I treated.” So there was statistical improvement — more so than any cancer institution in the United States could show.” Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D.

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      Please are you going to quote the entire book as if it is evidence?

  189. 23. “Dear Reader:
    My name is Charles Pixley, 4810 Saint Paul Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14617.
    My telephone number is 716 266 4630.
    In April of this year [1997] I was found guilty in a Federal Court and sentenced to serve a jail term, for causing to be imported a Homoeopathic compound derived from camphor, from Canada known as 714X. A very successful treatment for cancer and other degenerative disease. Not because it did not work, but because it was mis-labeled. The US Attorney told my attorney that the FDA wanted me silenced. As a result of this trial my book was banned and a GAG order placed upon my speech.
    Just as the high tide raises all boats, we need again all the public response that we can muster to expose the light of truth of this story, which is born of commitment to working to achieve a goal common to all, persistence and obstinate resistance to crimes against humanity.
    Today America and most other nations are caught in the middle of an epic betrayal; the deadliest of tyrannies or trade wars ever. Today personal choice in medicine may be likened to Henry Ford’s comment, “you may have any color car, so long as it’s black.” This trade war is not new, but a culmination of a concerted effort focusing its energies particularly since the 1920’s.
    In cancer therapy alone 2.5 million Americans die per year, predominantly because they are only allowed “Allopathic” methods of treatment, limited to Surgery, Chemicals and Radiation, which are lethal, destructive to the bone marrow, the immune system, the heart, liver or kidney’s [sic], and carcinogenic.
    They are dispensed with regular doses of negative reinforcement and/or false hope, cloaked in the term remission between billing cycles.
    Insurance companies are cost plus providers, which have no incentive to reduce costs. They act as “gatekeeper” and for their role in the monopoly will not pay for any treatment which comes from outside the cartel. This nation is coming to understand this horror is a result of complacency as well as collusion between government agency, pharmaceutical interests and institutional medicine and its powerful financial influence over nearly every facet of the worldwide bureaucracy and mass media.
    For many years there have been treatments available which are successful and usually NOT harmful for diseases, such as AIDS, cancer, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, organ regeneration and other diseases. One by one these treatments and their creators or proponents have been targeted by the FDA, which I call the “office of orthodoxy enforcement,” illegally using just powers derived from the consent of governed.
    These forms of tyranny are always accompanied by multi agency intrusions or harassment, confiscation of private medical files, censorship of written materials and threats or prosecution.
    Kervorkian has forced the issue into the Second and Ninth Circuits which have ruled that the Sovereign Citizen has a Right to choose the time and manner of his/her death. This Fall, we will argue in the Second Circuit that denial of access is the equivalent of passive genocide, and that the concomitant Right must also exist, the manner in which you choose to preserve life.
    There is much more to share, should you have an interest, we have done much research in the area of passive genocide through FDA programs. We have an exceptional chance of success; however, to win this battle, I need your help too! Conversely, if I can be of service, you may call upon me at any time.
    Charles Pixley.” Charles Pixley, National Executive Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians. [When reviewing Cancer Quotes, I decided it was time to find out precisely who Charles Pixley was and what were his credentials. The original quoted text here was that now shown in dark blue (from Cancer Tutor) and “Charles Pixley” appeared as the source with no additional information. I presumed he was an investigator. When I punched up the name in the Firefox search field, it returned several hits and the first yielded the full text of his quote and his position in the organization named above. I can now fairly safely presume that he is a practising physician as well as a founder of this Association of Eclectic Physicians. Clearly, he also has an active association with the famous microbiologist, Gaston Naessens of Canada. From another letter by Charles Pixley, I derived eight more quotes – #155, #156, #157, #158, #159, #160, #161 & #162. Like so many other quotes reproduced in this series, they lividly show the FDA up for what it is – a rotten-to-the-core clique of inhuman, passively genocidal criminals, who are, for all practical intents and purposes, effectively owned and bankrolled by the pharmaceutical cartel. The outcome of the Second/Ninth Circuit hearings was unsatisfactory: something to the effect of, “We are reluctant to set new precedents on this matter”, so despite previous and direct legal precedents in this very stream, the “concomitant right” to choose one’s manner or methodology of preserving human life, was not supported, reasserted or enshrined by the courts. The judges elected to ignore the relevance or status of those prior cases of legal precedence. One would have thought that in a benevolent democracy, such a Right should be considered automatic and inalienable, but here is evidence that it is not.]

  190. 24. “There had been a head of the AMA (who later turned out to be a fraud) his name was Fishbein and he was rampantly opposed to any alternative therapy. He went after Hoxsey, the Hoxsey therapy back in the 1940’s and 50’s, and destroyed Hoxsey. But not before Hoxsey sued the AMA and Fishbein and [proved] that the therapy actually worked. But it didn’t help him because they closed him down anyhow” Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D. [That wasn’t all. It’s a matter of official record that the compensation he won in his “successful” lawsuit against the AMA and Fishbein was $2. Yes, that’s right… TWO DOLLARS. Even in the present day, it remains a favourite tactic on the parts of orthodox shakedown artists (especially, but still not limited to the FDA) to prosecute or litigate regardless of the probability of obtaining a successful verdict.]

  191. 25. “Over the next three years, Krebiozen was destroyed. But to destroy Krebiozen you first had to destroy Andrew Ivy. How do you destroy the most influential, respected scientist in the United States? You get friends in the media. You get rid of his academic affiliations. You start a whisper campaign. And next thing you know, nobody wants to know the man. It took about five years, then they brought him up on a trial of fraud. It was at that point the longest medical trial in the United States’ history. At the end of it, the jury found Ivy and the Durovic brothers innocent. Not only that, but they found the FDA irresponsible. And the jury actually made a statement, which is rare, about the contempt that the FDA had for honesty in what it did at trial.” Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D. [Krebiozen, an alternative cancer treatment agent I eventually identified as Creatine Monohydrate, was used by Stevan Durovic and Andrew Ivy – see,9171,842474-2,00.html and Wikipedia.]

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      more quotations…………….personal opinion by a looney selling a book…..meaningless

  192. A little more on Clinoptilolite (Zeolite):

    During five months, the progress of 114 terminal cancer patients treated with zeolites was observed and their case histories were recorded in the Svecnjak clinic in Zagreb and the VITA NOVA clinic in Umag, Croatia.

    21 of these patients had brain tumours considered terminal. They were in bad general condition, immobile and only received palliative care, i.e. antidepressant and pain medication. Three to four weeks after starting on the powdered zeolite, their health had significantly improved. No longer did they suffer epileptic seizures, they also had become more mobile and some of them had regained the ability to read, to wash themselves and to communicate normally. After five months, 14 of these patients (67%) showed no signs of cancer.

    40 other patients had end-stage primary lung tumours. Three and four weeks after beginning the zeolite treatment, their overall condition was significantly improved. They suffered much less pain and were able to breathe and move without difficulty. Only one of those “terminal” cancer patients died due to an extremely cachectic state.

    53 final-stage highly cachectic patients suffered from gastro-intestinal cancer. With this group of patients, the positive effect took somewhat longer to become apparent (weeks 5 to 7), and 4 patients died in the initial phase of taking the supplement. All the other patients improved and recovered, after 5 months only a few showed traces of their former symptoms (92% positive response).

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      where is this published? Are you back to the chemicals that cause cancer and “asbestosis” in the USSR … they are curing ? if you want to be taken seriously – which clearly you dont – publish the reference as to where this article was published – otherwise it is meaningless

  193. 26. “So what do they do? They start writing articles in the New York Daily News. Boy, that’s a paper that loves to write crap on people, isn’t it? Wanna talk about a paper that supports fascism! Man, I’ve seen more doctors hatcheted in there. The butchery they did on Emmanuel Revici, the butchery they did on Lawrence Burton, calling him nothing more — what was the quote the guy said?. . . “Burton is nothing more than a horse doctor.” Denigrating him, tearing down his character.” Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D.

  194. 27. “But today in the United States, and this shows you where fascism REALLY exists, ANY doctor in the United States who cures cancer using alternative methods will be destroyed. You cannot name me a doctor doing well with cancer using alternative therapies that is not under attack. And I KNOW these people; I’ve interviewed them.” Gary Null (1994).

  195. 28. “A solution to cancer would mean the termination of research programs, the obsolescence of skills, the end of dreams of personal glory, triumph over cancer would dry up contributions to self-perpetuating charities… It would mortally threaten the present clinical establishments by rendering obsolete the expensive surgical, radiological and chemotherapeutic treatments in which so much money, training and equipment is invested….The new therapy must be disbelieved, denied, discouraged and disallowed at all costs, regardless of actual testing results, and preferably without any testing at all.” Robert Houston and Gary Null.

  196. 29. “I think Coley’s Toxins used in a proper manner for a long enough duration could cure well over half of all cancers that are solid malignant tumours…. But treating cancer with Coley’s Toxins in the US today (1994) is illegal” Wayne Martin. [Coley’s Toxins were comprised of a bacterial inoculation (dead baceteria of the two species, Streptococcus Pyogenes and Serratia Marcescens) and produced an immune response.]

  197. 30. “We have found Laetrile to be effective in people that have active cancer; but that is not its only function. For the prevention of cancer and the maintenance of remission there is nothing as effective as Laetrile. Its non-toxicity permits its use indefinitely in the prevention of relapses and the prevention of metastases.” Contreras Hospital, Mexico [This statement was made by Dr. Ernesto Contreras when he was in charge of Oasis Of Hope, many years ago. His son, Dr. Francisco Contreras, now heads the medical teams at Oasis in Tijuana and California. Daniel Kennedy heads the administrative division. Take particular note of Ernesto’s comments, “… maintenance of remission there is nothing as effective as Laetrile. It’s non-toxicity permits its use indefinitely…”]

  198. 31. “Throughout his career Dr Christopher spent his life in and out of court and in and out of jail. He was handcuffed and taken away after one of his lectures for giving herbs to ease the suffering of a woman with terminal cancer. Usually the jury acquitted him against the instructions. Finally in 1969 he was not so lucky and was given a suspended sentence, because prescribing (suggesting herbs) without a licence was a felony.” Dr Shulze, M.D.

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      are you going to print A . any proof? b. Anything that isnt a quotation? c. anything that isnt at least forty years old?

  199. The centrepiece of the Johanna Budwig Diet and Bill Henderson Protocol is a mixture of cottage cheese and flaxseed (linseed) oil. The flax is rich in Omega fatty acids, which, whether O-3, O-6 or O-9, are all active Cox-2 and 5-LPO inhibitors. That means, they exhibit anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and in addition, exhibit anticarcinomic action as a flow-on effect (5-LPO commonly characterises a good many cancer cell lines). They are used in a number of topical anti-inflammatory and pain-killing formulas to very good effect. However, when mixed with cottage cheese, they react to produce an enzyme that exhibits more profound anticarcinomic effects.

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      More crap – fatty acids and cottage cheese – absolutely ridiculous

  200. 34. “If you can shrink the tumour 50% or more for 28 days you have got the FDA’s definition of an active drug. That is called a response rate, so you have a response…(but) when you look to see if there is any life prolongation from taking this treatment what you find is all kinds of hocus pocus and song and dance about the disease free survival, and this and that. In the end there is no proof that chemotherapy in the vast majority of cases actually extends life, and this is the GREAT LIE about chemotherapy, that somehow there is a correlation between shrinking a tumour and extending the life of the patient.” Dr. Ralph Moss, PhD (former publicist for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital.) [Although Ralph is not a medical doctor and his PhD is a classic one, he is nevertheless correct. All over the internet, you will find hundreds of CAM experts (especially practising naturopaths and maverick medical doctors) stating flatly and vehemently that there’s no significant correlation. And they back it up with reliable science. Time and again, Cancer’s Answers states that killing cancer cells is not the main solution, because it does not correct the cause of the disease; and because in the cases of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it destroys the body’s constitution and its innate ability to restore the internal biological balance. So usually, chemotherapy makes things worse. Slaughtering large numbers of cells, whether healthy or malignant, actually presents deadly dangers such as increased virulence and TLS – not solutions. What we have here is a false medical paradigm.]

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      Even more crap – he is not a doctor – but a classic Phd ? What the fuck does that mean? “All over the internet” – so what – they back it up with reliable science? Really – where??????
      Print a single reference ……… to these hundreds of non doctors printing anything of relevance that stands up to any scrutiny

      You are just printing any crap you can find – you are simply copying statements . This is not evidence . It is as valid as quoting people who say they have been abducted by aliens . its opinion – usually by quacks trying to make money or sell books

  201. 35. “We know that conventional therapy doesn’t work—if it did you would not fear cancer any more than you fear pneumonia. It is the utter lack of certainty as to the outcome of conventional treatment that virtually screams for more freedom of choice in the area of cancer therapy. Yet most so-called alternative therapies regardless of potential or proven benefit, are outlawed, which forces patients to submit to the failures we know don’t work, because there is no other choice. “The FDA, NCI and ACS, and the large treatment centres work to eliminate choice of cancer therapies, particularly better ones. They openly attack breakthroughs made by “mavericks”, which they define as anyone outside their ranks. Folks, any serious study of how these entities work together to destroy hopeful approaches to cancer reveals a trail of corruption, conspiracy, dishonesty, and inhumanity that warrants designation of evil…. We continue to use them not because they work, but because those who perform them have so vigorously eliminated any other choice.
    First, I would not even check in with a conventional oncologist, particularly not one from a prominent cancer institution. Their expertise is in implementing the erroneous paradigm that cancer must be purged from the body with toxic methods. This, in my opinion, is no more valuable than maps from the Flat Earth Society. When there is a paradigm shift—and we definitely are in the middle of one with cancer treatment—those sitting on the lofty perches of authority are the last to make the change, because they are guarding the paradigm about to be replaced. I don’t buy maps of a flat earth, and I wouldn’t go to the NCI or Memorial Sloan-Kettering Centre for cancer treatment.
    I’d turn my back on 50 years of institutionalised expertise, because it follows the wrong paradigm. Everything that is done in medicine today or in any other discipline fits some paradigm. The paradigm I use for cancer is that it is a systemic problem in which the normal control mechanisms of your body are altered. Your immune system likely bears the largest burden for this control; thus, all techniques that enhance it are promising. Those that damage it are not.” Julian Whitaker, MD. [Author’s Note: I reproduced one sentence of this quote in bold. Read it again. It’s the first and most important piece of good advice you will ever receive concerning cancer. NCI and ACS maintain websites, which I have myself visited for the purpose of garnering and analysing information about cancer and its treatments. In my Websites Directory of the Appendices, I have recorded comments and accordingly rated these sites, amongst others. Of course, after studying vast amounts of material, I openly state that I am in agreement with Dr. Whitaker’s statements regarding these organisations (plus others, including MSK and Mayo). Doctor Whitaker is not alone amongst medicos and scientists in making such statements against these institutions, either. I personally recommend that you firstly see my comments on the NCI and ACS websites; and then visit them yourself – in doing so, I believe you can only draw the same conclusions as those of Doctor Whitaker and myself. And it happens that Dr. Whitaker’s analysis of control mechanism failure (largely borne by the Immune System) as being the engine of cancer proliferation is absolutely, if conditionally correct. The one caveat one needs to understand is that behind all this is a fundamental microbial cause – viruses and microbes. It follows for various reasons that his resultant treatment paradigm is without question the correct one, also.]

  202. 36. “There is no better example of the weakness of our dominant medicine than its clearly ineffective War on Cancer. There is no better example of the superiority of a complementary approach than in the management of this dread disease…. We are equally concerned about whether mainstream medicine’s demand for proof works to maintain it at its current level of ineptitude.” Dr. Atkins, M.D. [That’s the opposite side of the same coin. No, the demand for proof does not work in the same way for pharmaceutical or other orthodox treatments. If it did, there’d be no such drugs for cancer treatment as Mustard Gas derivatives, Platins, Anthracyclines, MABs or a host of other dangerous poisons. In point of fact, it’s not a demand for proof, but a demand instead for huge fortunes, that masquerades as a demand for proof. This is particularly so in view of the quality of proof required for a pharmaceutical drug to gain FDA approval. It is borne by the fact that clinical trials for an IND (Investigational New Drug) are conceived, designed, recruitment screened, conducted, assessed and reported on by none other than the pharmaceutical corporations seeking their approval – AND their placebos, which are not truly placebos at all, are also custom formulated and kept absolutely secret, even from the FDA.]

    • responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

      another quotation . Meaningless.
      You seem to be avoiding answering any questions like how do American authorities control the rest of the world?

  203. responding to continious posting of utter rubbish

    Coleys toxins………….from 1896 ………….yes of course ….and laetrile……….the cyanide poisoning nut extract from 1920’s ….are you sure you’re not Greg as this is all the same stuff over and over………..but guess what – some blocke who seels it says its safe .well that is alright then …must be true

  204. 38. “The great success stories of chemotherapy were always in relatively obscure types of cancer. Childhood leukemia constitutes less than two percent of all cancers and many of chemotherapy’s other successes were in diseases so rare that many clinicians had never even seen a single case (Burkitt’s lymphoma, choriocarcinoma, etc.)” Ralph Moss

  205. 39. “The drugs’ or surgery’s only approach that modern medicine uses to treat today’s diseases is archaic.” Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. [I wouldn’t use the word, “archaic”. Traditional medicine is archaic, yet in principle and generally also in efficacy, it is usually often found to be superior to orthodox medical practices of the 19th, 20th and early 21st Centuries. I would instead prefer to use the descriptor, “barbaric”.]

  206. 40. “I look upon cancer in the same way that I look upon heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, or even obesity, for that matter, in that by dramatically strengthening the body’s immune system through diet, nutritional supplements, and exercise, the body can rid itself of the cancer, just as it does in other degenerative diseases. Consequently, I wouldn’t have chemotherapy and radiation because I’m not interested in therapies that cripple the immune system, and, in my opinion, virtually ensure failure for the majority of cancer patients.” Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D. [This is one of the central failures in orthodox oncology – the irrefutable fact that most orthodox chemotherapy drugs cripple the Immune System, when it is the Immune System’s optimal functionality that is itself central (and indeed critical!!) to combating the disease successfully. Dr. Whitaker is unconditionally correct.]

  207. 41. “The Hunzakuts eat the fresh apricots for the three months they are in season and the remainder of the year they eat dried apricots. They never eat a dried apricot without enclosing the seed between them. This supplies them with better than average of 50 to 75 milligrams of Vitamin B17 a day. There are many of us in the Western World who don’t ingest this amount of Vitamin B17 in the course of an entire year. As a result we’re in the midst of a fulminating deficiency of Vitamin B17 or nitriloside, the anti-neoplastic vitamin. Its absence from our diets accounts for the fact that cancer in our population has reached such a pandemisity as to account for its occurrence in one in every three American families.” Ernst Krebs. [The vitamin status of Amygdalin, Laetrile or Linamarin is disputed by most scientists and in addition, it has been claimed that Dr. Krebs named it Vitamin B17 in order to capitalise commercially on the Vitamin supplement craze which was burgeoning at around that time. But when one examines all the other vitamins and even just those of the B Group alone, one finds a chemical diversity that defies understanding – they are mostly complexes: that is, substances comprising two or more distinct types of basic molecular chemicals and in this, these three nitrilosides are no exceptions. By definition, a vitamin is an essential substance the body MUST have in order to maintain health – and which the lack of results in a specific deficiency disease. Scurvy, Ricketts and Pellagra are but three examples. In most cases, these are substances that the body cannot synthesise itself. Vitamin D is a peculiar exception, since it is naturally synthesised in human skin with UVB. Technically, it is therefore not an “Essential Vitamin”, since to qualify for that descriptor, it must be one which the body cannot synthesise otself and must acquire from external nutritional sources. If we accept Dr. Krebs’s assertion that Amygdalin is a genuine anticarcinomic and that its deficiency is conducive to cancer, then it should technically qualify as a vitamin and indeed, an “Essential Vitamin” on the additional basis that the body cannot synthesise it. So the qualification of what is or isn’t a true Vitamin does seem somewhat arbitrary. The Hunza do in fact enjoy longer lives (up to 120 years is common). They also enjoy far lower cancer incidence rates AND far higher cancer survival rates, despite having very poor access to orthodox medicine (or rather perhaps thanks to poor access). That further legitimises Dr. Krebs’s claim. However, a situation has arisen whereby the substance itself was systematically discredited through manipulated publicity and systematically disapproved within the medical and pharmaceutical system, regardless of its true vitamin status or its real efficacy – especially through corrupted medical trials at MSK. Finally, it is in fact a provenly effective anticarcinomic and when used correctly via IV infusion, surprisingly safe. See Cancer Quote #30 from Dr. Ernesto Contreras of Oasis Of Hope Hospital and Quote #42.]

  208. 42. “Kanematsu Sugiura…..took down lab books and showed me that in fact Laetrile is dramatically effective in stopping the spread of cancer. The animals were genetically programmed to get breast cancer and about 80 – 90% of them normally get spread of the cancer from the breast to the lungs which is a common route in humans, also, for how people die of breast cancer, and instead when they gave the animals Laetrile by injection only 10-20% of them got lung metastases. And these facts were verified by many people, including the pathology department.” Ralph Moss. [Ralph Moss was employed by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital as its media publicist. Kanematsu Sugiura was a laboratory researcher at this same hospital. When MSK administrators started fudging Kanematsu’s lab reports on Laetrile, he must have brought the dirty work to Moss’s attention. Moss went public with the truth and MSK subsequently fired him. I have no information about what happened to Kanematsu, but it is probable that his career was crashed and burned by MSK.]

  209. 43. “Since I had never been seriously ill, I wondered if my (cancer) condition had anything to do with the death of my son. Three years later, as chief of internal medicine in a so-called gynecology-oncology clinic at Munich University, I had the opportunity to study female patients with cancer and to compare my findings to see if the mechanism was the same as mine; if they too had experienced such a terrible shock. I found that all of them, without exception, had experienced the same type of biological conflict as I had. They were able to recollect the shock, the resulting sleeplessness, weight loss, cold hands and the beginning of tumor growth. At the time, my point of view was very different from all the current medical concepts, and when I presented these discoveries to my colleagues, they gave me an ultimatum: either to deny my findings or leave the clinic immediately.” Dr. Hamer (website source redacted) [The condition referred to in this quote is sure to be what psychiatrists call “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. Central Nervous System disorders of this kind, to which we can add Chronic Depression, Bipolar and some other disorders are known to associate with abnormally low levels of healthy cell signalling compounds and correspondingly high levels of problematic ones. A major and almost inevitable effect of such systemic biochemical imbalance is Immune System dysfunction, resulting in a host of susceptibilities – to such afflictions as infection, obesity, diabetes and cancer – and the victim’s inability to combat the conditions satisfactorily.]

  210. 44. “As a chemist trained to interpret data, it is incomprehensible to me that physicians can ignore the clear evidence that chemotherapy does much, much more harm than good.” Alan Nixon, Ph.D., Past President, American Chemical Society.

  211. 45. “It amazes me how much of what passes for knowledge in cancer therapy turns out to be incomplete, inadequate, and anecdotal.” Ralph Moss, Ph.D.

    46. “Your toxic concoctions (chemo) are actually the false hope you worry so much about.” William Kelley Eidem, author “The Doctor Who Cures Cancer”.

    47. “Two to 4% of cancers respond to chemotherapy……The bottom line is for a few kinds of cancer, chemo is a life extending procedure—Hodgkin’s disease, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, Testicular cancer and Choriocarcinoma.” Ralph Moss, Ph.D. 1995 Author of Questioning Chemotherapy.

    48. “A combination of laetrile, Gerson, enzymes and Coley type vaccines would cure over 95% of cancers.” Frank Hourigan, co-author with Dick Richards, M.D. of The Good News on Cancer.

    49. “This (Coley’s toxins) is really an effective treatment and it’s an OUTRAGEOUS crime of the century that we at MSK were able to cure cancer a 100 years ago that they can’t cure today.” Ralph Moss

  212. 50. “Medications are palliatives. They are not designed to cure the degenerative diseases of the body.” F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. [That is a perfectly accurate assessment in the vast majority of cases. Only very recently have some pharmaceutical drugs begun to emerge on the market with some partial ability to cure. An example is the latest drug for the treatment of viral Hepatitis – particularly HBV & HCV. Success rate is claimed to be in the order of 90% and side effects are claimed to be minimal and easily tolerated. How true these claims are in reality still definitely remains to be seen. The drug is based on recombinant DNA. I have not examined it closely, but I strongly suspect it may use an engineered virus as the carrier. If that surmise is correct, it must surely throw up a new spectre of possible danger. Playing with engineered viruses opens a veritable Pandora’s Box of potentially dangerous unknowns, especially with recombinant DNA. Some MABs produce cures in cancer and other diseases, but there is a terrible cost in fatalities and the infliction of permanent autoimmune diseases. Addendum November 2012: A personal friend of mine was administered this new and allegedly safe hepatitis treatment. It nearly killed her and no, it did not wipe out the HCV – only some 95% of it. Before very long, the viral infection would have returned to its previous levels of severity.]

  213. To blog readers here, I should perhaps confess I’m having some fun, here. Lots more to come and although they are quotations (hardly original, of course) they do form a compelling body of evidence, even if they don’t meet the “strict” standards of “proof” that have given us such wonder drugs as Vioxx, Avandia, Neurontin, nitrogen mustards, anthracyclines, nitrosoureas, platins, MABs and rDNAs. Yet even then, the comments point to a host of excellent alternative medicine modalities and with my own footnotes, also form a body of information about various useful things to know such as aspects of the human biology and so forth.

    I’d like to speak of pharmaceutical contrivances a bit more, here.

    Until recently, approximately 25% of pharmaceutical drugs were derived from natural agents isolated from plants or some other natural sources. They would be isolated after the whole plant or other whole biological entity/substance was tested and tested individually – usually in-vitro. The most active isolates would then be concentrated and a chemical process would be developed for each to duplicate it artificially. Oh, but that’s not much good commercially, because the competition can still easily market the same stuff. So they take each one and treat it with chemical reagents, such as nitric or hydrochloric acids with buffers to nitrify or chlorinate these substnaces. In many cases, they may also methylate, acetylate or polyphenylate them – or some such modification – any modification that will produces a range of derivatives which do not occur in Nature. These can be patented and therefore protected from plagiarism under law. They are progressively eliminated from contention as the “new drug” on the basis of “efficacy” and “safety” through a series of further comparative tests in-vitro and some in-vivo using animal models. The most efficacious and safest ones don’t necessarily make the selection cut. They may instead be held in escrow, but that’s another aspect of the story I won’t go into, here. The prime determinant is PROFITABILITY POTENTIAL.Finally, the successful contender is put to regulating authority approval by the usual routes – IND permit, phase I, II & III trials etc.

    But because of the nature of the chemistry involved in producing drugs by this route of derivation from natural substances, it’s relatively easy from a chemical technology standpoint. Plagiarisation still takes place and the plagiarists need only use similar chemical means to slightly modify the drug a little more – and it can even get past patent protection. Yet in m any third world countries, that is hardly necessary, if patent laws hold no sway there.

    So more and more, the heavyweights in the pharmaceutical business are moving away from Nature altogether and concentrating as much as possible instead upon higher drug technologies that only the big boys can do. So even TKI/CDKI drugs like Lestaurtinib, Gefitinib and so on are rapidly becoming unfashionable as they rely more upon Monoclonal Antibodies and Recombinant DNA drugs. These are NOT easily plagiarised, at all.

    That approximate 25% natural derivation figure is already in decline and the decline will accelerate as Pharma moves more and more towards super-high-tech drugs.

    Little men in white coats with their chemistry sets are becoming so supremely arrogant nowadays, that they think they can outdo Nature and become as gods.

  214. One of the great misunderstandings in cancer medicine is that one must come up with the treatment that is effectively hostile to cancer cells. Even the efficacy of natural/CAM/Integrative modalities are often expressed in these terms, such as in the case that alkalising the body makes the environment hostile to cancer cells. Well, that’s true enough from that particular perspective, but in the broader picture, it is really a case of applying “bio-friendly” principles and treatments like nutrition and so on to normalise what I call the Biodynamic Balance. (This embraces homeostasis,and more.) Such a condition is naturally and inherently hostile to malignancy. Here is a significant element of the distinction between a sound medical paradigm and a false one. Chemo and radiation are simply not bio-friendly and consequently do massive collateral damage, which the patient must additionally struggle with – things like myelosuppression, immunosuppression and toxicity in particular. False medical paradigm. Bad science – with ALL the clinical trial proof to its vile credit. Surgery has a legitimate place in medicine, but its limitations must be recognised and regarded with appropriate reserve.

    I’ll be off for perhaps a week or so. Then I’ll be back to put more salt on the boojum’s tail. Heaps more. I’ve acquired a taste for encouraging the tosser to put even more callouses on its palms than it already had.

    • All you are demonstrating is the following
      You are a thick fuck
      You do not answer any questions
      You are mentally ill
      You are obsessive about cutting and pasting opinions and quotations
      You are unable to differentiate between fact and opinion
      you have clearly or read any of the blog above and are regurgitating ever fake cure there has ever been …. Again
      You are unable to explain how your paranoid theories operate outside of America
      You cannot demonstrate a SINGLE case where cancer has been cured by “alternative ” methods

      Think that about covers it all

  215. Have you ever considered publishing an ebook or guest authoring
    on other sites? I have a blog based on the same ideas you discuss and would love
    to have you share some stories/information. I know my readers would value your
    work. If you are even remotely interested, feel
    free to shoot me an e-mail.

    • Skintagsremoval, it’s a little unclear who you replied to, here, but on following a link from your post, I gather it’s probably me.

      Cancer’s Answers is the book I’m still working on – estimated to be around two years out from completion. It will be a mailed CD or downloadable e-file format for people who don’t mind 350 MB downloads.

      Hadn’t seriously considered sharing info as a guest author on any sites at all until I encountered this blog page. I came here firstly in my hunt for more data on Black Salve and decided to offer some input. Somehow, that seems to have exploded, despite that I didn’t originally have such an intention. I guess I was somewhat incensed by the slanging between Greg Caton and the boojum and decided to take some heat and see what the boojum is made of. Bit disappointed, actually. It has demonstrated much more of what it doesn’t know than what it does know.

      Anyway, no promises at this stage, but you could always offer your email and thereby establish contact outside of this forum. I suppose I could run some material by you in your particular streams of interest and you could use it as you wish.

      I have a strong interest in exposing CAM modalities to people in general, especially as they relate to cancer. My contribution to beating mainstream medicine’s information blackout.

      • Bit disappointed, actually. It has demonstrated much more of what it doesn’t know than what it does know

        You’re disappo

        • Your disappointed ????
          So far all you have done is print anonymous unverifiable quotes provided no evidence , showed that you don’t know asbestos causes asbestosis , think that yogurt prevents invasive candida , don’t understand oxygen or poisonous chemicals recommend cancer causing chemicals to treat cancer , are totally deluded , completely unqualified in even basic sciences , refuses to reply to any questions and are clearly either a spokesman for Mexican fake clinics mentally Ill or both

  216. some real cases

    The FDA has announced the outcome of its investigative efforts by the Office of Criminal Investigations, conducted jointly with the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) for the Eastern District of New York and the New York Division of the United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS), to bring to justice a businessman who had victimized cancer patients by heavily advertising and selling Laetrile, a highly toxic product that has not shown any effect on treating cancer.

    Jason Vale, president of the New York-based Christian Brothers Contracting Corp., was sentenced on June 18, 2004 to 63 months in prison and 3 years of supervised release by a United States District Court in the Eastern District of New York.

    “There is no scientific evidence that Laetrile offers anything but false hope to cancer patients, some of whom have used it instead of conventional treatment until it was too late for that treatment to be effective,” said Dr. Lester M. Crawford, Acting FDA Commissioner. “This sentence sends a strong message that we will not tolerate marketing of bogus medicines.”

    Following the investigation by FDA, the USAO, and the USPIS, the U.S. District Court for Eastern District of New York placed Vale’s illegal sales and promotion of Laetrile — also known as amygdalin, “Vitamin B-17”, or apricot pits — under injunction in April 2000. Defying the court order, Vale set up a shell corporation in Arizona, and continued to ship the product from the basement of his own home to customers passed on to him by his New York firm. For these activities, Vale was found guilty 11 months ago of three counts of criminal contempt, and ordered to be held without bail pending his sentencing.

    Last week, the court also found that Vale, who had made at least $500,000 from his illegal sales of Laetrile, had committed fraud in his marketing of Laetrile. In addition, Vale defrauded the U.S. government by claiming that he qualified for Legal Aid. As a result, Vale was ordered to reimburse the government $31,000 for the costs of his appointed defense attorney.

  217. some real cases

    A prominent Los Angeles doctor who claimed that specially-prepared herbal supplements could treat a wide variety of diseases including cancer, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease — with a success rate as high as 80 percent — has been convicted and sentenced to prison.

    BLOG: In Twist, Fake Medicine Could Save Rare Animals

    Christine Daniel, a Pentecostal minister, sold her miracle cures through her San Fernando Valley clinic and on the Christian Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) show Praise the Lord. In September 2011 Daniel was convicted of several crimes including wire fraud, tax evasion and witness tampering. Last week Daniel was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison and ordered to repay over $1 million that she took from clients.

    According to a story on Yahoo News, some of her patients died of treatable forms of cancer within 3 to 6 months after taking the supplements. Chemical tests showed the treatments contained beef extract flavoring and a sunscreen preservative.

  218. some real cases

    Fake Doctor with ‘Cancer Cure’; Arrested

    A man accused of practicing medicine and treating cancer and AIDS without a license has been arrested, according to District Attorney officials. The Orange County District Attorney’s office was alerted to self-proclaimed doctor, Daryn Wayne Peterson, 37, after an article about his alternative cures for cancer appeared in the Orange County Register, OC DA’s office spokesperson Farrah Emami said. An investigator working for the District Attorney’s office went undercover, pretending he was diagnosed with lymphoma, Emami said.

  219. some real cases

    AN AUSTRALIAN woman is believed to be among the victims of a
    deregistered doctor accused of peddling fake cures for cancer and AIDS
    in Thailand.
    Hellfried Sartori, 67, is being held on charges of fraud and practising
    medicine without a licence in the northern city of Chiang Mai.

    Police allege that several ill foreigners travelled to Thailand with
    false hopes for his cures, only to die after receiving injections of a
    dangerous chemical compound bought for $A50,000 from Sartori.

    Bangkok’s Nation yesterday reported that one Australian cancer patient,
    Kathleen Preston, had died in a Thai hospital last July. An autopsy
    report found an excessive amount of potassium in her blood, the report

    Ms Preston’s death is being investigated by the Northern Territory
    Coroner, a spokeswoman, Lorelei Fong Lim, said. “The NT Coroner’s office
    is investigating the death of NT resident Kathleen Preston,” she said.
    “It would be inappropriate to speculate or pre-empt any outcome of the
    In Canberra, Australian Federal Police said they had passed on
    information from police in Western Australia and the Northern Territory
    regarding Sartori’s arrest. A spokesman denied a report the AFP would be
    seeking to extradite Sartori to face charges. Northern Territory police
    and Western Australian police both declined to comment.

    Thai police said Sartori’s internet advertisements offered desperate
    people all over the world the false prospect of a cure for “everything
    from AIDS and cancer to allergies and hardening of the arteries”.
    His patients had “consultations” carried out in various hotel rooms in
    Chiang Mai. Several had died in hospitals in Chiang Mai, according to
    Thai police.

    Chiang Mai detectives said Sartori, who studied medicine in his native
    Austria, had been convicted in the US of illegally administering his
    so-called “ozone treatments”, and had been jailed in New York State in
    May 1992 and Washington in July 1998.

    Professor Bruce Armstrong, the director of research at the Sydney Cancer
    Centre at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, dismissed the cancer
    treatments offered by Sartori.
    “Neither ozone treatments nor cesium chloride have any evidence based
    behind them for being effective as cancer therapies,” he said.

    Sartori had been stripped of his medical licence in several US states,
    police said.
    It was not clear yesterday when he would appear in court or if he would
    face more charges. The investigation is widening following reports he
    had links with cancer treatment groups in Perth and Darwin.
    New Zealand police also joined the investigation after a national, named
    as Melissa Judith Taylor in Nation, was admitted unconscious to
    intensive care at Chiang Mai Hospital.

    Hospital officials said yesterday the woman had recovered sufficiently
    to return home.

  220. some real cases

    A bogus doctor was jailed for eight years yesterday after dreaming up perverted cancer “treatments” so he could sexually abuse female patients.

    Reginald Gill, 77, conned women into believing they had cancer and told one victim her condition could be cured if a man sucked her breasts for 30 minutes a day.

    Gill and wife Leila, 35, ran an alternative medical centre from their bungalow where they abused two women.

    Jurors heard that wheelchair-bound Gill told his victims he had been an Army doctor but he had no medical qualifications.

    He was found guilty of three sexual assaults, six assaults by penetration and two counts of fraud.

    His young wife was given six months after being convicted of sexual assault and fraud.

    John Hopkins, defending, told Swansea crown court: “It was a quack enterprise motivated by the mistaken belief Reginald Gill had in his own capabilities.”

    The Gills, of Cwmduad, Carmarthenshire, who were arrested last May, had charged their patients.

    Prosecutor Huw Rees said Gill kissed a victim “in the middle of the stomach” after telling her about the perverted breast “cure”.
    – See more at:

  221. some real cases

    “Swindling people living with cancer is one of the most despicable forms of fraud,” said Andrea Rosen, Acting Deputy Commissioner, Competition Bureau. “Consumers should be skeptical of health-related products or services that look too good to be true, and should always speak to a health care professional before trying any new treatment.”

  222. still reading

    I had gone undercover to Tijuana, posing as a terminally ill cancer patient …

    The death of Coretta Scott King—widow of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and herself a major figure in the civil rights movement—brought new and much-needed focus on quack medical clinics in Mexico. Mrs. King died on January 30, 2006, of pneumonia, the result of complications from advanced ovarian cancer. She had entered an “alternative” medical facility in Rosarito, just south of Tijuana.

    The circumstances of Mrs. King’s death were doubly painful for me. First, the Kings had inspired my own involvement in the civil rights movement. (I marched with Dr. King and became a community poverty-program organizer in rural Georgia.) And second, I had personally investigated the quack-medicine scene in Mexico.

    In the fall of 2003, assisted by fellow investigator Vaughn Rees, I had gone undercover to Tijuana, posing as a terminally ill cancer patient. One hospital we visited offered homeopathic treatments. (Homeopathy is a form of quack medicine essentially based on the mystical principle of “like cures like.”)

    Another, respectable-looking hospital offered such “alternative” treatments for cancer as shark cartilage, mega-doses of vitamins, and “prayer therapy.” The hospital also offered Laetrile, a notorious cancer treatment discredited by repeated scientific studies.

    Publicity about such treatments has long sent desperate cancer victims to Mexico, including in 1980, Hollywood actor Steve McQueen. He gave a glowing testimonial at the beginning of his Laetrile treatment, but he soon died. Others followed. Today, an organization called the Cancer Control Society, which has a post office box in Modesto, California, offers bus tours of cancer clinics in Tijuana, including those offering a variety of “alternative” treatments.

  223. still reading

    Were patients to return from Mexico cured and doctors saw the unbelievable, positive results, we would pursue it,” stated Dr. Jack Lewin, the California Medical Association’s CEO. “We don’t have patients coming back with miraculous cures.”

  224. still reading

    “The hospital also offered Laetrile, a notorious cancer treatment discredited by repeated scientific studies.”

    Just in case you missed that bit .oh hang on is the Oasis of Hope Hospital not based in Mexico as well??? Now there is a coincidence……..

  225. An interesting discussion is worth comment. I think that you should write more about this subject, it may not be a taboo subject but usually people don’t discuss these topics. To the next! Cheers!!streetdirectory

  226. Very shortly this web page will be famous among all blogging
    people, due to it’s good content


    strong opposition to this content is clearly made by those who are probably being paid to try to turn people against something that could be an easy and cheap cure to skin cancer.

  228. If it is being paid, the boojum isn’t managing to do its job very well. I wouldn’t call it strong opposition – merely obnoxious. I would even venture to speculate that its activities might just be generating MORE interest in CAM – not less. For if there is argument and if it is not conclusively settled – which I suspect would be so in a great many readers’ minds – then that will prompt them to look more deeply into the respective cases for and against Allopathic and CAM medical practices, both. What they’ll find will shock them. Whether you choose to call it Pandora’s Box or simply a can of worms – it awaits them. They, of course, must draw their own conclusions.

  229. Lester Crawford resigned as head of the FDA in September 2005 after a stormy two-month stint. On October 17, 2006, he pleaded guilty to a conflict of interest and false reporting of information about stocks he owned in food, beverage and medical device companies he was in charge of regulating. He received a sentence of three years of supervised probation and a fine of about $90,000. From 1978 to 1980 and from 1982 to 1985 Crawford was director of the FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine. From 1987 to 1991 Crawford was administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. From 1997 to 2002, he was Director of the Center for Food and Nutrition Policy, based at Georgetown University before moving to Virginia Tech in 2001. Previously in his career he was chair of the Department of Physiology-Pharmacology at the University of Georgia, executive vice president of the National Food Processors Association, executive director of the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges, and a practising veterinarian. Crawford served as a FDA Deputy Commissioner since February 25, 2002, and served as acting Commissioner for some of this time. He cannot have been instrumental as a kingpin in the FDA actions against Greg Caton, but might possibly have been influential in the mammography device scandal cited by the “FDA Nine” group of dissident scientists and physicians in their whistle-blowing letters of complaint to President Obama, plus numerous senators and congressmen. Certainly he was in a position to do something positive about them, yet did not. Moreover, it cannot be theorised that these goings on were unknown to him, because he was in the thick of it all for many years as a very senior FDA executive. It is also widely accepted that processed foods are nutritionally deficient in general; and I further cite the terrible nutritional frauds that have been perpetrated through the last several decades. Yet here we find this crooked fellow in the executive vice-presidency of the National Food Processors Association representing commercial interests of this powerful lobby group, while also holding conflicting positions as administrator in the US Department of Agriculture and Director of the Center of Food and Nutrition Policy, as well as the FDA. His short tenure may have been due to the fact that he wasn’t one of Big Pharma’s plants as the great majority have been, so it may have been they who got the dirt on him in order to replace him as FDA Commissioner with one of their own crooked agents. After all, that’s exactly how things work in America.
    In due course, I’ll post some more interesting stuff about the FDA – especially from the mouth of another of its own Commissioners (Dr. Ley) and the “FDA Nine”.

    • Didn’t Steve McQueen use Laetrile why not rather than start more diversion tactics answer any of the points raised? All you have done is run away insult and quote ….. Adds upto fuck all.
      And I think it is more likely you are being paid by a Mexican cancer clinic ….I have a perfectly good day job but if you ever see a job offering a large sum of money to post a few times a week ona website let me know … Sounds great


    Recently released into the market by Bristol Myers Squibb is Ipilitumumab, also called “Yervoy”. It’s an MAB dedicated to Malignant Melanoma and two other pharmaceutical corporations have had their own equivalents under development – whose prices, efficacy and side effect profiles will be very similar.

    Yervoy offers (according to clinical trial results, which one must realise could have been cooked) an 80% probability of complete remission in exchange for $120,000 and a serious side effect profile of 13% – the worst of these serious adverse events being permanent autoimmune disease (sometimes fatal) or outright fatal anaphylaxia. Forget about the minor side effects. It carries a Black Box Warming from the FDA.

    • “outright fatal ” ???? Rather than what ?? Partly fatal ??
      And a new medicine under surveillance ? Amazing ….
      And of course melanoma is completely harmless as we know … Or would you recommend gregs self diagnosis and cream that you say doesn’t work?!

    • Perhaps I should clarify something here. “Outright fatal” means it kills outright. This was intended to distinguish the consequence of anaphylaxia from the consequence of an “eventual fatality” arising out of a severe autoimmune disease – these can take a long time to exact their final tolls..

  231. 51. “My opinion, however, is that they (herbs) are superior 95% of the time to any pharmaceutical drug!” Dr. Willner, M.D. [Herbs evolved in concert with animals (including humans) over millions of years. There is an unquestionable symbiosis between species of the various kingdoms. When one uses a medicinal herb, there is not one single active ingredient, but a multiplicity of them, so whilst one compound in particular may be the most active for the treatment of a given health condition, its exclusive use can sometimes be as problematic as using a pharmaceutical drug. The many other substances present in a given herb are so often found to provide broader efficacies, synergies and rebalancing effects that can compensate for the unbalancing effects or shortcomings of some individual active compounds. For this reason, whole herbs or their extracts are almost invariably superior to single purified compounds or their artificial derivatives.]

  232. 52. “At your next dinner party, try playing the following game. Challenge everyone around the table to produce a single drug that can cure people of an illness, other than antibiotics. If you come up with anything, stop whatever you are doing and call me.” Lynne McTaggart www; [You should even think twice about antibiotics. They are used too freely and widely. They circumvent the functions of the Immune System and thereby render it less virulent in its own right; destroy important symbiotic flora in the GIT, oral and vaginal tracts; and through over-use, they eventually lose their potency against acquired resistance by the microbes they are designed to kill. Destruction of the symbiotic flora can result in aggressive Candida infections, which are incredibly difficult to eradicate. Lynne McTaggart is a researcher who has also explored paranormal phenomena in the context of the science of Noetics. I refer to The Intention Experiment elsewhere in Cancer’s Answers, which focused on reducing crime in Washington DC by means of conscious intention by hundreds to thousands of people organised for the purposes of the experiment’s several phases. Their successes were astounding. Look up “The Intention Experiment” on the net.]

  233. 53. “Finding a cure for cancer is absolutely contraindicated by the profits of the cancer industry’s chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery cash trough.” Dr. Diamond, M.D.

    54. While writing the story of Gerson, I couldn’t help feeling it was too shocking to believe. The friends with whom I discussed it became almost angry in their denial that anything of the sort could happen in this day and age. It developed that we were all naïve…there had been dozens of lone scientists…who had been stamped out of existence and driven to spending their last days in solitude and bitterness.” S.J. Haught (Dr. Max Gerson, Censured for Curing Cancer). [Yeah, sure – those who weren’t murdered…]

    55. “On two occasions Gerson became violently ill…Lab tests showed…arsenic in his urine. Some of Gerson’s best case histories mysteriously disappeared from his files…Gerson was invited on a talk show by host Long John Nebel…Nebel was fired the very next day and the radio network was threatened by the AMA.” Norman Fritz.

    56. “One death from poisoning, and one from being run down by an automobile, both victims being physicians of distinction and prominent in the advocacy of the Koch treatment. Mail has been opened…Dr. Koch himself was the target of at least 13 unsuccessful attempts on his life.” M. Layne. [They got him in the end. Dr. Koch was fatally poisoned in 1967.]

  234. 57. “The AMA virtually stopped the Rife treatment in 1939, first by threatening the physicians using Rife’s instrument, then by forcing Rife into court….During the period 1935 to early 1939, the leading laboratory for electronic or energy medicine in the USA, in New Jersey, was independently verifying Rife’s discoveries…(this) laboratory was “mysteriously” burned to the ground…..Rife’s treatment was ruthlessly suppressed by the AMA’s Morris Fishbein.” Barry Lynes.

    58. “Gaston Naessens’s trip to hell was a direct consequence of his having dared to wander into scientific incognita… In 1985 he was indicted on several counts, the most serious of which carried a potential sentence of life imprisonment.” Christopher Bird. [Gaston Naessens was based in Canada and developed a formula based on Camphor called 714X for treating cancers. It was, after years of legal battling, approved for cancer treatment in Canada. Currently, the FDA continues to resist giving its approval in the U.S. and Charles Pixley was jailed for dealing in 714X.]

    59. “After presenting a rather effective lecture on cancer…the windshield was shot out of my car on the road back to San Francisco. The next night the glass window in the tailgate was shot out (300 miles removed from the first shooting). The police said, ‘maybe someone is trying to tell you something’. The late Arthur Harris, M.D. was threatened by two men with assassination if he continued to use laetrile. Since that time we have de-centralised the work so that, if any two of us are shot out of the saddle, it will have only a slight negative effect on the program.” Dr. Krebs.

  235. 60. “The thing that bugs me is that the people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn’t. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day.” Dr Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA. [Here it is from the horse’s mouth. If anybody ever dared to defend the FDA against activists making accusations about its activities, this must surely shut their mouths, once and for all – well, everybody except the boojum, I guess.]

  236. 61. “For I have in fact cured my own cancer, the original site of which was the lower bowels, through Essiac alone.” Charles Brusch, M.D.

    62. “Clinically, on patients suffering from pathologically proven cancer, (Essiac) reduces pain and causes a recession in the growth; patients have gained weight and shown an improvement in their general health…. Remarkably beneficial results were obtained even on those cases at the “end of the road” where it proved to prolong life and the quality of life…The doctors do not say that Essiac is a cure, but they do not say it is of no benefit.” Dr. Brusch & Dr. Charles McClure.

    63. “Essiac is an excellent blood cleanser and can help tremendously if someone is toxic from either chemotherapy or radiation. Patients seem to feel better taking Essiac; at some level it appears to enhance mood.” Dr. Jesse Stoff, M.D.

    64. “Essiac is a therapeutic tea that all cancer patients can benefit from.” Dr. Robert Atkins, M.D.

    65. “I’m not sure what Essiac does to extend cancer survival, and for all we know it may not have this effect. On the other hand, it’s not toxic and my patients have reported feeling good while taking it, so why not support them?” Dr. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. [Importation of Essiac Tea has been made illegal in Australia. It is a formulation consisting mainly of herbal antioxidants, which was developed by a nurse named Caisse. Essiac is her surname in reverse.]

  237. 66. “In 1994 neither of the people with whom we discussed alternative treatment for pancreatic cancer has any sign of cancer now. They were both told this form of cancer is not treatable by doctors in Western medicine. Both had two five hour operations to diagnose malignant cancer. Statistically less than I % of patients survive for 12 months.” Max Costello. [Pancreatic Cancer is extremely aggressive and the current survival rate under orthodox treatment in 2010 is touted to be about 5% in some circles, but without the duration of survival being specified. I know it is in fact much less than that for long-term survival and 0% to 1% is a more reliable figure, based not only on this quote from Max Costello, but also on much more recent UK statistics I have to hand. There is a totally non-toxic detoxification mineral which is provenly effective in producing complete remission in a high proportion of pancreatic cancer patients – the Zeolite mineral Clinoptilolite.]

    67. “A doctor whose patient had been diagnosed with terminal cancer, showed signs of recovery. When the doctor rang me he confirmed it was me who had helped the patient, then said, “I will stop you from doing this to our industry”. Now that he has stopped the importation of this treatment he can now boast to his patients and colleagues that he has stopped cancer patients from purchasing Essiac in Australia.” Max Costello.

    68. “I am of the firm opinion and belief that Hoxsey has cured these people of cancer. Hoxsey has been done a great injustice and . . . articles and utterances by defendant Morris Fishbein were false, slanderous, and libelous.” Judge W.L. Thornton [This refers to what I believe was the infamous case where Hoxsey successfully litigated against Fishbein and the AMA for damages and was awarded TWO DOLLARS. Besides Fishbein and despite Thornton’s criticism of the thug, that two-dollar damages award doesn’t exactly cover Judge Thornton with laurels, either. The obvious inference to be drawn from the outcome of the Hoxsey Vs. Fishbein case was that Thornton was either successfully bought or threatened by some very influential entities. It effectively put Hoxsey out of business, which was the whole aim of the game. So the enemy lost the case, but still won, anyway. That’s American justice and that’s American medicine!]

  238. 69. “Garlic has been shown to help our white blood cells not only defend us against cancer, but also to increase our ability to destroy tumors…Garlic has been found to stimulate interferon production, enhance natural killer cells, stop tumor growth, and even reduce the associated pain of cancer. Most of the research has been done on cancers of the digestive tract.” Dr. Shulze.

    70. “Pharmaceutical drugs are killing hundreds of thousands of people every year…In spite of that, they claim that two people were hurt with chaparral, so they have taken it off the market. And these claims aren’t even substantiated.” Dr. Shulze. [An American study put the death toll from properly prescribed and administered pharmaceutical drugs at around 100,000 annually and some sources quote 160,000 or 180,000 and one even cites a figure of 400,000. The annual number of people seriously affected by such drugs exceeds 2 million (this appears to be agreed upon by most sources); but do you know that cancer allegedly kills 2.5 million Americans annually? In Quote #171, the official 1988 to 1989 figures cited were 809 and 6,407, which shows a very big discrepancy with the study mentioned here. Did the American Association of Poison Control Centers play the numbers down big-time? Or did this study I speak of hugely exaggerate? Whichever the case, the AAPCC numbers are too inexcusably high, even at 809 deaths & 6,407 seriously affected. Knowing what I know about pharmaceutical corporations, their organisational infiltration tactics and their drugs in general, AAPCC is in the pockets of the pharmaceutical cartel and is deliberately playing down the real numbers. Careless dosing with Chaparral can result in death – that much is true. Whilst it is not an intrinsically toxic herb, its major active constituent is NDGA, a potent “detox” chelating compound, which mobilises poisons like Mercury out of the adipose tissues into the blood and lymph. However, it does not complete the detox function by neutralising or conjugating the toxins and then finally removing them from the system. The Liver must complete the job. If there is more toxin mobilisation than the Liver can cope with, one has a Herxheimer’s Syndrome (toxaemia) situation to cope with. In severe cases, this can be lethal. St. John’s Wort can aid Chaparral’s role significantly by accelerating liver function in the detox role, but my research indicates that Clinoptilolite and/or MCP are far superior choices.]

  239. 71. “Tests showed cancer of the larynx and the doctor advised an operation immediately. I was informed that my larynx had to be removed completely. I heard about Dr Breuss and went to see him…. He prescribed the juice treatment…. By the time I had completed this juice treatment I felt fit and once again had a good appetite. Despite my 72 years I felt my old self again.” J. Neukirch, 1972.

    72. “In 1978, in the space of 10 months, 28 leukemia patients came to me and they could all work after six days. It is a portal vein circulation disease, not cancer of the blood. So far 150 leukemia patients have come to me and I could help all of them. Do not fear this disease any more.” Dr. Breuss. [I have no opinion on this portal vein disease. I must attempt to research it in due course.]

    73. “The person gets cancer because he’s not properly metabolising the protein in his diet.” Dr. Kelley. [This is a valid factor in carcinogenesis, but I would not consider it to be the cause.]

    74. “I have never known anyone in 20 years to metastasize or affect another secondary area after the enzymes were started.” Dr. Pierce. [The enzymes Dr. Pierce and Dr. Carson (Quote #76) spoke of appear to be those of Beard’s Enzyme Therapy, which operates on the Trophoblastic Theory and blocks the action or production of Chorionic Gonadotropins. Beard was the original developer of this theory and pioneer of ET at the very beginning of the 20th Century. Much later, it was taken up by Dr. Valentin Govallo and Dr. M. Rigdon Lentz.]

    75. “I speak as a cancer patient who 7 years ago was sent home to die by a doctor who told me there was nothing more traditional [CORRECTION: orthodox or conventional – not traditional!] medicine could do for me…One of the doctors who performed my surgery told me that I had the fastest growing type known to man and cobalt and chemo would not help me…If I had accepted the advice of my doctor, if I had not been directed to Dr. Kelley, I would be another cancer statistic.” Pat Judson, 1972, to Michigan State Legislature.

  240. 76. “Cancer can be attacked directly by metabolic enzymes and then be assisted by the enzyme diet programme. The second greatest cancer breakthrough of the 20th century is the metabolic organic effect on malignant tumours of correcting the body fluid pH to a non-acidic pH 7.1 to 7.5. A neutral pH 7.0 resists cancer formation. An acid body fluid pH of 6.44 and below permits tumours to biochemically become malignant. At pH 7.5 cancer may become inactive; at 8.5 tumours may disintegrate.” Dr. Carson. [Keep the systemic (whole body) pH within the 7.1 to 7.5 range. It can be higher if entirely localised to the tumours in question and that requires the pH elevating agents to become insoluble once delivered into the tumours and thus remain there; or to react as needed within the tumours and thus lose their high pH before dispersing into the rest of the body (such as with Black Salve). Systemic pH levels above 7.5 are otherwise harmful to more than just tumours and this is potentially dangerous. High levels of Omega fatty acids and the endogenous antioxidants SOD, CoQ10 and Glutathione can offset this problem on a system-wide scale, but a systemic pH above 7.5 is still NOT recommended. Neither is it necessary.]

  241. 77. “Since the second decade of this century there has existed an effective, powerful cancer treatment—Enzyme Therapy (ET), based upon this theory (Beard’s), and which is non-toxic, non-mutilating, and highly successful…. that ET was not perfected and made universal, is one of the great mysteries of modern times; possibly the greatest of all time.” Dr. Richards, MB, BcH. [No, it is not a mystery. All of the best and most effective cancer treatments are suppressed by the orthodoxy in America, without exception. This applies in varying lesser degrees to all other developed countries. There is not a single CAM treatment that has not met with a wall of resistance, or worse, in western democracies. Beard was the original progenitor of the Trophoblastic Theory. His ET was based upon this theory and was designed to intercept immunosuppressive hCG/bCG secretions by malignant tissues. The theory has great merit. Malignant cells actually do express immunosuppressants, as do Trophoblasts that encapsulate gestating foetuses in pregnant mothers.]

    78. “The word detox does not appear in the main textbook on cancer or the main medical textbook… the word in medicine refers to heroin addicts and getting them off heroin… they do not conceive that there are such things as toxins created by a tumour… where do they think it all goes?” Ralph Moss [Ralph is correct. It doesn’t. Yet Detoxification is a key cancer treatment measure that is totally safe when carried out correctly and certainly one which MUST NOT BE NEGLECTED. Doesn’t the absence of THAT in orthodox medical practice ring alarm bells in your head? I tell you, it should…!!]

    79. “A coffee enema should be given every morning for one month; then twice a week for eight months. The coffee enema is very stimulating to the liver, and is the greatest aid in eliminating its toxic poisons.” Dr. Kelley DDS.

    80. “Here is a therapy (Gerson) which, despite its considerable drawbacks, can cure some of the most intractable medical conditions known to science. Yet the general public, many of whom will perish from cancer, and those charged with their medical care…have never heard of it!” Dr. Richards & Frank Hourigan. [Max Gerson’s therapy primarily comprises raw vegetables, mostly juiced and consumed in volumes of about 16 pounds daily. It is a pH and nutrition-oriented therapy]

  242. 81. “Dr. Revici has cured many people of cancer who were otherwise considered incurable. It is my professional opinion that his medicines have worked for many of the patients whose records I have examined.” Seymour Brenner, M.D., F.A.C.R.

    82. “Dr. John Heller was the medical director of Sloan Kettering when he said he’d known of Revici for ten years. He then went on to say he’d seen people walk in dead and walk out alive from Revici’s clinic. Heller added that he didn’t know how Revici did it. Heller’s Sloan-Kettering office was only blocks from Revici’s, yet in ten years he never went to find out the answer. Heller never did find a cure for cancer, nor did Sloan-Kettering.” Dr. William Kelley Eidem. [MSK is NEVER going to find a cure for cancer. It has NEVER had any such intentions. There is evidence aplenty indicating that MSK was more busy conducting retrospective laboratory trials on various existing alternative cancer treatments for the specifically intended and premeditated purpose of discrediting them – than with curing cancer patients. Being thus oriented in the “market”, it would be anathema to expect MSK to radically change its policy, whether to examine Revici’s protocols constructively – OR to develop any new treatments of its own with any view to improving cancer practices, unless its own trade began to fail. Interestingly, something of this sort has actually begun to happen since Oasis Of Hope Hospital set up shop in San Diego circa 2006. Perhaps MSK has undergone a change in management and/or policy, because this erstwhile paragon of oncological corruption has finally begun to improve its treatments in the face of superior competition. Nevertheless, it still lags so badly behind the current state of the art that it doesn’t even come close to qualifying as a respectably effective cancer treatment institution. That remains consistent with my first two sentences of this commentary.]

  243. 83. “Dr. Revici has a ton of x-rays of patients who have experienced MULTIPLE bone regeneration from cancer.” William Kelley Eidem, author “The Doctor Who Cures Cancer”.

    84. “The pubic bones (seen on x ray) are now well defined and represent a remarkable rebuilding of bone and halting of the cancer process. The ischium are also reforming and the illi (hip bones) likewise show diminution of bone lysis. No sane, honest physician could call this a “spontaneous remission”. Dr. Robert Willner, M.D..(Dr Sodi Pollares, M.D., Bravo 31, San Jeronimo 10200, Mexico, D F. Tel 011 525 691 1923)

    85. “When correctly applied (my treatment) can, in many cases, bring under control even far-advanced malignancies. ….We are fully entitled to consider it not only a highly beneficial treatment which can be offered now for this disease, but even a major step nearer to the solution of the problem of the therapy of cancer.” Dr. Revici, M.D.

    86. “There is an abundance of scientific evidence showing that a clinically guided nutrition programme for the cancer patient…can improve quality of life by 12 to 21 fold…and a greater likelihood of complete remission.” Patrick Quillin, Ph.D.

  244. 87. “74% of Americans are below daily RDA requirements for magnesium, 55% for iron, 68% calcium, 40% vitamin C, 33% B12, 80% B6, 33% B3, 35% B2, 45% B1, 50% vitamin A. From 25-50% of hospital patients suffer from protein calorie malnutrition. Pure malnutrition (cachexia) is responsible for at least 22% and up to 67% of all cancer deaths. Up to 80% of all cancer patients have reduced levels of serum albumin, which is a leading indicator of protein and calorie malnutrition. At least 20% of Americans are clinically malnourished, with 70% being sub-clinically malnourished, and the remaining “chosen few” 10% in good optimal health.”—Patrick Quillin, Ph.D. [The finding here on Calcium deficiency is a very different one from that of other information sources I have examined. They indicate instead that Calcium deficiency in most western countries is only manifest in about 10% of people and that the real problem lies in biological failure to utilise the Calcium correctly. Toxicity with heavy metals such as Mercury is only one case in point, where these metals become bound up with Calcium complexes in order to neutralise them. The complexes are in turn stored in tissues – particularly the artery walls, which become hardened by the buildup; and as such, Calcium is diverted from other important uses. Magnesium deficiency is very much more common and is a major cause for the failure of satisfactory Calcium utilisation. However, the observation of nutritional deficiency in western populations and particularly in the U.S. is perfectly valid and it causes all such countries to play host to a pandemic of chronic nutritional diseases.]

    88. “We KNOW the answer to cancer…Yet the authorities, in the form of the law of the land (UK), will not allow this book (The Good News On Cancer) to be promoted to lay persons…. It is not permitted that they can even be told where to find information that might help them. That has got to be democracy with a very small d……One eminent publisher…backed out as he feared he could be jailed for infringing the Cancer Act by offering the book to the public. Another…was deliberately pressured by an unnamed group after his medical reader (an M.D.), having checked the manuscript, leaked its contents to a confidential authority.” Dr. Richards & Frank Hourigan.

    89. “Laetrile is most assuredly a very potent anti-cancer factor but requires stringent methods of use in order to succeed. Amateurs invariably fail. High sounding U.S. pronouncements that ‘laetrile’ is toxic and ineffective are fraudulent and calculated to deceive. It will become again one of the major weapons in the cancer therapy armamentarium.” Dr. Richards & Frank Hourigan.

  245. 90. “The survival rate of Dr Burton’s patients approximately doubled the maximum survival rate of conventionally treated patients. Had these findings pertained to a chemotherapy drug instead of IAT, massive amounts of funding would have been allocated to investigate the drug. Once again, the politics of cancer barred a potentially valuable treatment from reaching the public.” J. Diamond, M.D. [Dr. Burton’s IAT uses blood proteins to stimulate the patient’s immune system. The principle has merit. Yet achieving that level of success versus orthodox oncological standards is not difficult, using any of a multitude of different alternative treatment options. I have not yet been able to accurately ascertain the risk level of anaphylaxia associated with IAT. Certainly, it could not possibly be any worse than occurs with the use of Monoclonal Antibodies and immunisation vaccines. If the proteins used come from the patient’s own blood – then anaphylaxia is NOT a risk factor, but statements have been made to the effect that multiple blood donor sera are used and this represents a potentially serious risk. Treat IAT with very strong reserve. Treat conventional therapies with outright refusal.]

    91. “The average frequency of the human body during the day time is between 62 and 68 cycles each second. If it drops below this rate the immune defence system will start to shut down. Cold symptoms appear at 58 cycles, flu at 57, candida at 55, glandular fever at 52, cancer at 42 cycles each second…” Dr. Young and Bruce Tainio. [Cheny University. WA. USA] [I have not studied human systemic resonances in detail. However, studies have shown a strong correlation between high tension electric fields of 220 KV or above at 50 Hz and the stunting of development in both plants and animals. Other health disorders are also vaguely associated with 50 Hz electromagnetic fields. Then there are the geospheric frequencies known as Schumann Resonances, which are considered beneficial to the human biology, if not actually necessary. There can be no questioning the fact that resonant wave energies do affect biological systems in various ways, being dependent upon frequency and field intensity. They can set up sympathetic resonances in those biological systems. Many effects of these wave energies are not certifiably known, or are poorly understood, but should not be discounted without due consideration for the possibilities they represent. See Quotes #100 and #103 on Schumann Resonances.]

  246. 92. “Dr Johnson died in 1944. The suspicion exists that he was silenced… However two federal inspectors did examine his hospital record in the late 1950’s. They concluded it was likely that he was poisoned.” Barry Lynes.

    93. “Everyone on this planet needs to be made aware that for several years now I have met and keep meeting people who no longer have AIDS, cancer, and almost any other disease you can think of, due to the continual and correct application of oxygen therapies.” Ed McCabe (1992). [Ed McCabe was jailed in 1998 and served 547 days of imprisonment.]

    94. “I called all the major network news bureaus, including Public Radio, and reported ozone AIDS cures coming out of Europe. Not a single reporter or show called back for details. I wrote and sent documentation to all the ‘household word’ TV talk show hosts who make their living acting ‘concerned’ and I tried all the ‘AIDS fund raising spokespeople’, show business celebs, even sending proof of their home addresses, but as of yet not one single phone call or inquiry came back for more.” Ed McCabe.

    95. “There is so much medical evidence to support oxygen therapies that no media dared cover it.” Duncan Rhoads, Nexus Editor on Ed McCabe lecture tour of Australia.

    96. “One of the original AIDS experts recently stated that all he could see as a result of all the millions of dollars being spent on AIDS research was that all of his colleagues are now driving more expensive cars.” Ed McCabe.

    97. “I interviewed 15 people who stated they were cured of cancer by using one of the oxygen therapies…amazingly enough, one of them had pancreatic cancer. A man had prostate cancer. Someone else had colon cancer. Dr Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize twice for stating that the cause of cancer is a normal cell denied 60% of its oxygen requirements…. I asked a big cancer specialist …if he had ever heard of Dr Warburg, and he said no. And this specialist’s title was ‘Head of Fermentation Process Laboratories’.” Ed McCabe. [A possible presumption here is that the specialist lied. It would be extremely unlikely that any senior professional in oncology would not have heard about a DOUBLE Nobel Prize winner and his work. This instead smacks of ‘public denial’.]

    98. “The FDA won’t spend a dime on ozone research, but they spent over $1 million intimidating, harassing, and persecuting me alone.” Dr. Jonathen Wright

  247. 99. “What made Dr Burzynski a threat to the cancer industry from the beginning was the prospect that antineoplaston therapy represented a successful alternative to toxic and dangerous chemotherapy drugs, upon which most of the cancer industry’s profits depend. Did the NCI pick up the tab for completing his research? Did the ACS help with favourable publicity? Of course not. The minute NCI saw evidence of antineoplastons working they distorted the data by withdrawing the 2 successful patients and thus the evidence. NCI’s conduct towards him is a striking example of how an agency presumed to be objective can set up a study that will either prove or disprove anything it wants. In this case, there is clear evidence that NCI wanted to prove antineoplastons didn’t work.” John Diamond, M.D. & Lee Cowden, M.D. [The NCI used both MSK and Mayo to conduct these corrupted trials. There was a litany of dirty tricks on NCI’s part involving broadening the terms of the trial to include patients with much more advanced diseases against Burzynski’s objections. Burzynski insisted that the more advanced patients needed much heavier doses of antineoplastons and as such, should not be part of that particular trial. NCI ignored him and carried on with its own agenda, using antineoplastons supplied by Burzynski under the original agreement, yet in direct breach of that same agreement. They underdosed other patients, too. Meanwhile, the FDA and Texas Medical Board kept him occupied with repeated legal prosecutions whilst NCI and a former understudy of Burzynski’s snuck in under cover of those legal proceedings, plagiarised his work, then applied for and were granted a large number of antineoplaston patents that were already claimed to be held by Burzynski. All this happened in the 1990s. See Burzynski case quotes #144 to #150.]

  248. 100. “I’ve looked at cases of chronic myeloid anaemia and chronic lymphoid leukaemia and found without exception you didn’t find a case without you having three different types of radiation present and that was the outside edge line of an underground stream, two-banded Hartman, which was negative in its polarity and AC pos magnetic fields over three hundred nano-tesla. The last four cases of chronic myeloid lymphoid leukaemia the AC field part of the equation was supplied by a transformer and they varied. When you measured them in the area of the bed from just over 300, one was 1100, one was 3,400, the other was around 800, in association with water.” Alf Riggs [The forms of radiation described in this passage and in Quote #103 are beyond my present knowledge base, so I cannot comment much on their validity, other than to indicate that Riggs quoted measured magnetic flux densities (Nanotesla). That clearly means magnetic fields and in this case, geomagnetic fields. I like to think of myself as someone who knows a bit about wave energies, but even when I searched out material concerning Curry and Hartman Grids, I initially found myself out of my depth. Apparently, so are most university experts, so I don’t feel so bad about it and less so since Alf says the Curry and Hartman Radiation Grids are almost extinct. My attention was drawn to one thing of very special interest, however. I’d often previously heard of lethal radiation in the magnetosphere that should have made the manned moon missions impossible, at least according to conspiracy theorists who allege that the Apollo missions were a huge hoax. However, Alf Riggs mentioned that NASA overcame the earlier problem, by installing equipment in space capsules, which emitted three types of radiation to counteract the effects upon humans. The equipment replaced the earthbound energies the astronauts were otherwise removed from and these supposedly interacted successfully with the Van Allen fields. Astronauts no longer became sick. It suggests to me that the sickness phenomenon is not purely and simply related with the Van Allen fields, but with the absence of the Geomagnetic fields. After all, I believed it should be quite readily possible for spacecraft to be shielded from Van Allen radiation. In 2013, NASA’s Curiosity Rover mission to Mars returned radiation data indicating that such manned spaceflights of extended duration would be likely to result in astronauts contracting cancer and other radiation-related diseases. Currently, I fail to understand why other forms of solar and cosmic radiation could not also be shielded by some means. One type of geomagnetic radiation is called the Schumann Wave, named after Professor Winfried Otto Schumann who mathematically predicted and discovered it in 1952, although Nikola Tesla had some limited knowledge of it circa 1899. Schumann Resonance is the one of special interest, for it is said to be an extremely beneficial energy to the human biology and was even listed by Jim Bare in his mighty work I called the Huge List of Rife Machine Frequencies (reproduced in Chapter 06D3). Again, almost nobody in the universities knew anything about this form of radiation and apart from NASA, only Berkeley University had equipment able to detect and measure it. Its primary or base frequency is 7.83 Hz, but it has a number of harmonic frequencies. See Quote #173. 1 Tesla = 1 Weber (Magnetic Flux) per square metre.]

  249. 101. “Dr. Pinto explained that his parents had both been dentists. His father had attended a conference in the 1920s at which a speaker had condemned mercury. The elder Pinto remembered this a while later when he was asked to treat a child dying of leukemia. Her biggest complaint was that her gums hurt. He removed her amalgams quietly, and the terminally ill child responded within a few days. “Spontaneous remission!” announced the medical profession. Pinto responded by telling the physician he had removed the amalgams. There was a pecking order at that time, just as there is today, in the health professions. He was academically whiplashed and made to feel inferior and foolish. This was standard procedure. So Pinto quietly replaced an amalgam in the little girl, then told the doctor to watch for a recurrence of the leukemia the next day. There was a recurrence. He removed it, of course, and the child recovered again.” Hal Huggins DDS.

    102. “I’ve been dealing with feline leukemia for years; and I get disgusted with most vets, who advocate Test and Slaughter – that is, if the cat tests positive, it’s best to kill it. We’ve had cats who have been able to climb trees and look normal in less than ten weeks. And I’m talking about cats who were brought in to us when they were too weak even to stand up.” S. Allen Price, D.V.M..

    103. “Regarding the geobiological connection between earth radiation and chronic disease, in particular cancer, it could be shown, as already reported two years ago, but now with even greater precision, that at least the starting cause of these diseases is very closely connected with the radiation complex habitually found in cancer zones and at cancer points. Here it was found again and again that the so-called double Curry zones, in connection with radiation from water, but sometimes also without this, were the main cause. Of approx 600 cancer cases which I investigated, there were less than 5% which had no connection with the radiation situation outlined above. In my book which is to be published in the autumn of this year there will be a rich choice of case histories in the form of radiation sketches, and I shall also report in detail on the mystery of “geomancy”.” Hofrat Prof Dr Emil Worsch. [Alf Riggs has made exhaustive studies in this field, also – which embrace not only the Curry zones, but the Hartman Grid and Schumann Resonances. I see some merit in the concept, but am not qualified to support or oppose the assertions. I am inclined to suspect that these Curry zones and the Hartman Grid effects might relate to the magnetic interaction of the earth’s nickel-iron core with flux-concentrating seams in the earth’s crust. They may be nearly extinct, but something suggests to me that these phenomena may wax and wane over the millennia as the earth’s magnetic poles shift.]

  250. 104. “So we took out those 3 root canals when she had 3-6 months to live. And that was 6 years ago, and she is still alive today, and MRI can’t find the tumour anymore. It went away. –Hal Huggins DDS

    105. “I have had a number of patients with breast cancer, all of whom had root canals on the tooth related to the breast area on the associated energy meridian.” John Diamond, M.D. [Root canals become havens for pathogenic bacteria and are a significant cause of often misdiagnosed diseases. Meanwhile, the safety of Mercury-Silver dental amalgams as alleged by orthodox medicine and dental practice associations in particular is a major health fraud. Its use is not only associated with increased incidence of Leukaemia, but a pandemic of other diseases. Both are fairly reactive metals, but it is the Mercury, which slowly leaches into the system and is highly toxic, that causes the trouble. Silver getting into the system at comparable levels is actually beneficial, especially against bacteria. Despite the known toxicity of Mercury, there is open denial that it actually does leach into the system from the amalgam – they falsely claim the amalgam is inert. And they are able to accuse any number of other extraneous Mercury sources as being responsible when someone shows elevated internal Mercury concentrations – such as eating too many fish from the top of the food chain. Even when excessive levels of Mercury are found in a patient, they will NOT advocate Detox to clear the poisonous metal from the person’s body.]

    106. “Dr. Issels innovated the surgical removal of focal infections of the jaw and Waldeyer’s tonsillar ring for rapid improvement in the immune status of many patients. He published his observations a number of times in the umpired medical journal of Germany. He was careful to send all extracted dead teeth, root canals, and tonsils to outside pathology labs where they were almost to the last sample documented with multiple infections, atrophy, hyperplasia, etc.” Gar Hildenbrand, Chief of Clinical Epidemiology ISSELS/CHIPSA/GRO  Gerson clinics & therapy.

  251. 107. “It could just be that the results achieved by Coley are the best results we will ever achieve in the treatment of cancer.” Dr. Charles Starnes, Ph.D. an immunologist. [I was finally able to ascertain the constituency of Coley’s Toxins. It is actually a vaccine comprising dead bacteria of the species Streptococcus Pyogenes and Serratia Marcescens. Thus it is an immunotherapy that activates macrophages, induces fever and triggers production of TNF and Interleukin-12. Once increased in number and switched to “defensive mode”, the macrophages are better able to recognise and destroy malignant cells, as well as bacteria; and one must appreciate that bacteria do loom large in the cancer equation. Furthermore, dead bacteria are not known for causing severe anaphylactic reactions. Allowing for an upper limit in tolerable fever temperature, such a vaccine should not have presented the kinds of lethal dangers that mainstream vaccines do. William Coley developed the treatment back the late 19th Century. It was in fairly common use in the US from 1893 until 1963, when the FDA assigned “New Drug Status” to it and thus made it illegal to prescribe except in clinical trials. It is curious, though hardly surprising to find the FDA so arbitrarily designating a therapy as a “New Drug” that had been in common use for 70 years. In truth, it is a common contrivance on the FDA’s part and in direct breach of a law that specifically exempts any drugs in common use before 1906 from “New Drug Status”. Since then, some small clinical trials were sporadically conducted, but results were supposedly mixed. I think there has hardly been a single year pass since 1930 that the FDA hasn’t pulled at least one filthy stunt in its serial betrayal of the American public and citizens of those countries whose governmental regulatory agencies show a tendency to follow in its footsteps. Britain and Australia are among these countries. The FDA is still doing it, too.]

    108. “It never was. The National Institute of Dental Research – part of the National Institutes of Health – found out about my project and forced the university to have me stopped. I had a choice of returning to Brazil or changing my topic. I had no choice, but I still have the materials.” Dr. Pinto. [It is unclear whether this quote refers to research on Mercury-Silver dental fillings, or pathogenic organisms in extracted teeth (especially in root canals); and in either or both cases, the resulting disease incidences. It may relate to both, given parallel work by Dr. Issels.]

  252. 109. “In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer deaths, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.” Dean Burke, Former Chief Chemist Emeritus, US National Cancer Institute. [I have not verified the substance of this claim, which is to say that I have not confirmed the existence of irrefutable science proving the carcinogenicity of fluoride. However, fluoride is NOT friendly to the human biology in most forms and on balance of probability, Dean Burke should be regarded as being correct. What is interesting is that this was a senior NCI scientist. NCI is not renowned for permitting its senior staff to make comments like this one, so it must have been made after he left the NCI.]

    110. “It’s a toxic waste product of many types of industry; for instance, glass production, phosphate fertilizer production and many others. They would have no way to dispose of the tons of fluoride waste they produce unless they could find some use for it, so they made up this story about it being good for dental health. Then they can pass it through everyone’s bodies and into the sewer.” [A novel approach to toxic waste disposal–just feed it to the people and let their bodies “detoxify” it]. “It is a well coordinated effort, to keep it from being declared for what it is–a toxic waste.” Dr. Lee. [Fluoridation allegedly inhibits demineralisation of the tooth enamel caused by acids that sugar eating bacteria like Streptococcus Mutans and Lactobacillus produce. This supposedly allows remineralisation to balance out the rate of demineralisation and the reduced incidence of tooth decay was first noted in regions where the water contained natural fluoride. The most common forms used are Sodium Fluoride, Fluorosilicic Acid (a byproduct of phosphate fertiliser manufacture) and Sodium Fluorosilicate. One of the most serious problems of water fluoridation is that the dose cannot be controlled. For that reason, domestic water supplies ought to contain NO dietary, nutritional or other chemical supplements. If you’re not using bottled water or a fluoride filter, you are at risk to a host of possible health problems, including cancer. Sodium Hypochlorite is also added to Australian water supplies and this spontaneously produces chloroform – a known carcinogen. The latter two fluoride forms can increase human uptake of Lead. A so-called statistical analysis in 2006 may have glossed these over, reporting no support for concerns of higher blood lead in children. When one considers what is given to our children for their own good (deadly and leukaemia causing vaccines and deadly chemo drugs for children who already have leukaemia for example) I would not put much stock in statements like that. Fluoride poisoning among whole populations has been known to occur (including at least one death) from accidental overfluoridation of the water supply. Three such outbreaks were reported in the US between 1991 and 1998. Long-term effects of too much fluoride include skeletal fluorosis and weakened bones. I even find water fluoridation difficult to accept on the premise that it keeps the pipes clear of algae. But the major official excuse is not algal control, but so-called dental health benefit. You get healthy teeth, but never mind the cancer, bone fluorosis and other health issues. They’re merely incidental and not a problem, because the authorities say they’re not – or “are within acceptable limits. Curiously, there is no clear legislation in Australia concerning domestic water treatment – only what are called “Guidelines”.]

  253. 111. “I had a brain cancer specialist sit in my living room and tell me that he would never take radiation if he had a brain tumor. And I asked him, ‘but, do you send people for radiation?’ and he said, ‘Of course. I’d be drummed out of the hospital if I didn’t.’ ” Dr. Ralph Moss, PhD.

    112. “The field of U.S. cancer care is organized around a medical monopoly that ensures a continuous flow of money to the pharmaceutical companies, medical technology firms, research institutes, and government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and quasi-public organizations such as the American Cancer Society (ACS).” John Diamond, M.D., & Lee Cowden, M.D.

    113. “The Imperial Cancer Research Fund writes—‘One of the biggest myths in recent years is that there is a cancer epidemic by exposure to radiation, pollution, pesticides and food additives. The truth is that these factors have very little to do with the majority of cancers in this country. In fact food additives may have a protective effect—particularly against stomach cancer.’ Decades ago they (cancer charities) were relatively independent from industry… Now they are all but departments of large pharmaceutical companies. The Imperial Cancer Research Fund (ICRF) is a case in point. While most lay people imagine that it is simply a worthy charity collecting money to research cancer, few will understand that it is itself a multi-million-pound corporation which hardly makes a move independently of professional science, or its industrial pharmaceutical patrons and backers. Through its council and its benefactors, the ICRF is run by, and mainly for, the profit of the pharmaceutical companies: the very corporations whose products would have to be investigated for any wide-ranging investigation of cancer and the environment.” Martin Walker writing in the Ecologist vol 28 No 2. Martin Walker is the author of “Dirty Medicine.” (ICRF ) [You don’t need to know a huge amount about biology to easily recognise the ICRF’s statement as a bald-faced lie. Radiation, pollution, pesticides AND food additives are doing enormous harm wholesale to people all over the world – the cancer epidemic is just the tip of the iceberg. The real myth is that ICRF serves the health interests of the British public, because in fact, it doesn’t, any more than does the FDA or the EFSA, or the TGA. Dirty medicine is the true stock in trade of these organisations.]

  254. 114. “Two alleged trials took place under the direction of Dr. Charles Moertel at the Mayo Clinic. However as one might expect from a proven swindler operating at such a dishonoured location, these bore little resemblance to scientific methodology. Moertel cooked the first trial…by packing the trial with patients whose immune systems had already been destroyed by toxic chemotherapy. He then rigged the second trial by treating the patients with ascorbate for only two and a half months and then continuing with the “trial” for another 2 years. He then issued a perjured press statement in which he announced that vitamin C therapy had been proven ineffective, carefully concealing the fact that he had almost certainly caused the death of several patients by reason of this iniquitous fraud. The resulting carefully devised publicity on the subject also caused the deaths of several other patients who had been happily surviving on ascorbate.” Dr. Richards & Frank Hourigan. [It is not Moertel’s only sequence of indiscretions. He has been guilty of much more. He died of cancer in June, 1994. Poetic justice.]

    115. “This man (Moertel) of the Mayo Clinic, no less…had the effrontery to defend the employment of two toxic preparations, with no curative value, in cases of metastasised intestinal cancer lest they (the patients) otherwise seek it (hope) from the hands of quacks and charlatans. In other words Moertel urged the use of a harmful substance of no value…on patients who are, presumably, paying a fee for their therapy,…and are hoping for a cure,…just to keep some other therapist from trying to save them!…(You) can find a permanent record of the distinguished Dr. Moertel’s recommendations in the New England Journal of Medicine, 1978.” Dr. Richards & Frank Hourigan.

    116. “Vaccinations and sulfa drugs have been recognised as being directly responsible for the production of leukemia in humans.” Dr. B. Duperrat, of the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris, writing in the French medical journal Presse Medicale, March 12 1955. [This was certainly the case with Smallpox vaccinations – they DID cause Leukaemia in a lot of children, especially. It quite possibly applies to a plethora of others. There can be no doubt that orthodox vaccines DO kill and DO cause other serious diseases. The Gardasil Vaccine, with the deaths of 90 young Americans to its discredit as of February 2011 after only 4 ½ years in the market – is a glaring case in point.]

    117. “Already published reports, as well as our own observations indicate that smallpox vaccination sometimes produces manifestations of leukemia. In children and adults observed in the clinics of Cracow, smallpox vaccination has been followed by violent local and general reactions and by leukemia.” Professors Julian Aleksandrowickz and Boguslave Halileokowski of the Medical Academy of Cracow, Poland wrote as reported in Lancet, May 6 1967.

  255. 118. “The vaccine modifies the terrain of the vaccinated, driving it towards alkaline and oxidised terrain – the terrain of cancer. The fact can no longer be denied.” The January 1958 issue of another French medical journal, Revue De Pathologie Generale et de Physiologie Clinique. [Author’s note: This quote surfaces the conflict of views regarding alkaline-versus-acidic terrain in the body and its relationship with cancer causality. Even as of January 2010, I have not been able to conclusively resolve this conflict, although weight of evidence strongly suggests an acidic environment with pH of 6.7 or lower is more conducive to cancer incidence, while an alkaline environment with pH of 7.1 to 7.5 is conducive to prevention and probable cure. Which particular vaccine is referred to here is not specified. Nevertheless, pH notwithstanding, vaccines are themselves much too typically troublesome and they DO modify the terrain in highly undesirable and often lethally dangerous ways.]

    119. “Up to 10% of childhood cancers are caused by radiological examination during pregnancy.” Prof. R. Doll, Nature, Vol. 265, 1977, page 589. [High energy radiation does in fact modify DNA. It’s mutagenic. In an adult, exposure to X-Rays affects a given amount of stem cells, from which a malignant condition is more likely to spring than from matured cells. In the unborn child, there is a far greater proportion of these stem cells, which are providing the child’s growth and development. As the affected cells multiply in number during the child’s growth and pass on their mutation, so does the probability of carcinogenesis increase with their growing number; and therefore higher proportion of the total cell population. The unborn child is DEFINITELY at vastly greater risk under X-Rays than any adult. I predict most emphatically that if a study were to be conducted under careful and correct management upon the effects of X-Rays on foetuses, children and adults, a direct correlation would be solidly established between the proportionality of active stem cells in the people studied and the incidence of cancer – particularly leukaemia. What I mean is that the younger the person is, the more vulnerable to X-Ray effects they will be in direct relationship to their stem cell activity and rates of growth. How many childhood cancers like leukaemias are caused by X-ray exposure? I would say MILLIONS.] If you are a pregnant woman – NEVER tolerate X-Rays!

    120. “…Patients are as well, or better off untreated. My studies have proven conclusively that untreated cancer victims actually live up to four times longer than treated individuals. If one has cancer and opts to do nothing at all, he will live longer and feel better. With every patient that boosts his health to build up his natural resistance, there’s a high chance that the body will find its own defense against the cancer.” Hardin Jones, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology, University of California, Speaking in 1975, quoted in the Journal of the American Anti-Vivisection Society. [Professor Jones’s assessment has never been refuted. The statement was also reported by Walter Last in The Ecologist, Vol 28, No. 2, March-April 1998, Page 120. What is more, according to Walter Last, three studies by other researchers have upheld his theory. It is a fact that a lot of people who have had cancer growing and spreading within them nevertheless manage to live fairly normal lives until the effects of malignancy prompt them to seek diagnosis of the problem. When cancer is diagnosed, the first thing that manifests is a psychological impact and that has a certain debilitating effect of its own, so it represents the imposition of an increased gradient upon the rate of the person’s deterioration in health. However, it is when they commence with an orthodox treatment that the deterioration hits a REALLY steep gradient, most particularly when it is a chemotherapy or radiotherapy that immediately puts the Immune System under the hammer. That is when they suddenly get VERY sick – much more seriously so than could ever be attributed to the malignancy itself. In countless such cases, fatality results in just a few months following the chemo treatment and medicos and scientists like Professor Jones who claim that those same people would have continued living for much longer without the treatment are more often than not completely correct.]

  256. Mad Prof, you know so much. How can someone contact you if they need some cancer advice.

  257. Mad prof, thank you from the bottom of the heart for all these information, which I carefully store away in case I need to relate to it later. what would you recommend for leukemia and ovarian cancer patients? My take would be:
    1.Detoxify the body like deep cleansing of liver, colonic irrigation, etc.
    2.Drink and bath only in pure water, like spring natural water or at least osmosis reversal water.
    3. Eat a lot of organic preferably raw veggies and fruits, juices.
    4. Take zeolites (as you recommended)
    5. Exclude from diet sugar (white especially), gluten, any processed food.
    6 Take Essiac tea or Greg’s tonic, or any other know anticancerouse herbs in capsules, or in other forms.
    7. take MMS?
    8. Take everyday essential vitamins and minerals like Beyond Tangy Tangerine of Dr. Wallack.
    9. Exercise on mini trampoline
    10. Breathing exercises like pranayamas

  258. Knowledge, if you can offer an email, it can then be arranged whereby I can send you a CD edition of Cancer’s Answers by mail. I’m presently in the process of exposing some of its contents here in this forum, starting with the “Cancer Quotes”. I’ll progress to stuff of greater value and importance in due course, but it must be said that I cannot disseminate all of it here. The CD would provide you with Cancer’s Answers in its entire current state of edition.

  259. Lovingterra, it looks like you have a fairly good take already when it comes to the generalised approach. These are mainly preventive measures of course and essentially non-medical, so they’re easily put into effect.
    By MMS, I take it you mean MSM. This is useful by the oral or IV route, but I prefer its reduced form – DMSO, or both together. It can then be used transdermally, infused intravenously at 5% (a medical procedure) or taken orally if you can stand the awful taste. Bear in mind that DMSO and MSM are oxidative agents, so as is the case with Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide or Chlorine Dioxide, a slow dosage buildup protocol must be observed to ensure adequate regulation of oxygen radicals in the system. You touched upon a couple of aspects of the mind, body, heart and soul components with your items 9. & 10. – these are important. If you add microbiome support, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal, the basic approach picture is rounded out quite well.
    I could expand upon most of these and add some extra elements (I listed the “basics” in some earlier posts here) but to do so in any significant degree requires a foundation of biological theory at the appropriate levels – then one can build further on that. As such, I propose to post some info on cancer risk and causality factors, the progression of carcinogenesis, the biomechanisms and thence lead into the fundamental treatment principles, subsidiary principles and the “Phased Integrative Cancer Strategy” model.
    It’s a lot of material and could take weeks to post it all in this forum.
    Perhaps you could do as I suggested to “Knowledge” – offer an email. We could then arrange for you to receive the Cancer’s Answers CD. There would be no charge – Cancer’s Answers is not yet complete, nor in a state of final edit for publication and hence is not ready for sale. So I simply give it to interested persons, but what you’d get is “current state of edit” – not the finished work.

  260. It was only ten days ago that I had a consultation with a sales representative of a company that manufactures and sells water filtration units, including their flagship Reverse Osmosis unit, priced at $2500. I plan to get one in due course. It is important to remove the fluorides, hypochlorites and heavy metals from your drinking water, but this type of unit removes microbes, including viruses, too.

  261. Mad prof, thank you for yr generous offer to send me CD, my emal is lovingterra at gmail dot com. I need to learn more about ‘microbiom’ thing as it is a new term to me.

  262. Leukaemias could be viewed as a class of autoimmune diseases, being as they directly involve runaway mitosis of leucocytes. However, the problem here operates at a different level than that of immune overactivity – the hallmark of a classic autoimmune disease. Unfortunately, I can only generalise when it comes to treatment and it’s the same with ovarian cancer. Beyond the non-medical basics, I advocate a strong oxidative therapy, which could be Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine Dioxide, DMSO, MSM or Intravenous Ascorbic Acid Megadosing – or a combination of these. All of these result in elevated levels of Hydrogen Peroxide – some of them doing it systemically – others more localised in tumours or individual malignant cells. As you may be aware, Hydrogen Peroxide is a major weapon produced and used by certain types of leucocyte to combat bacteria and malignant cells. It shifts the pH up the scale, renders the environment intolerable to anaerobic cells and organisms and induces apoptosis in most such entities that refuse to differentiate. DMSO, MSM and IV Ascorbic Acid provide for higher concentrations of H2O2 within malignant tissues, whereas O3, ClO2 and H2O2 are rather more exclusively systemic. With Leukaemia, it might be worth trying Cats Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa Chemotype I) and Astragalus Membranaceus, because they regulate immune activity. Clinoptilolite is an essential for all cancers, because it is a potent Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor and therefore operates at the G-phases in the Cell Cycle. I have not yet positively identified a specific gene switch for Philadelphia Chromosome, but one or more peptides known as Burzinski’s Antineoplastons just might do the trick (some of these operate as gene switches) and they are generally anticarcinomic in any case. They’re safe and non-toxic with only minor side effects that are transient. Because DMSO is a potentiator in malignant tissues as well as a transdermal carrier, catalyst, antiviral, antifungal and even a potent analgesic, it is excellent in cancer treatment of any kind. It’s the cornerstone of what are called the Overnight Cancer Cure Protocols. These involve the buildup dosage patterns I have repeatedly mentioned and conditionally upon the protocol being correctly observed, adult dosages of 60 grams daily (5 gram increments hourly) are safely tolerable. Actually, 80 grams daily is safely tolerable in adults, but I don’t believe in getting too close to that limit. For either, but especially for ovarian cancer, I would additionally use Rife Technology. The best type of device is the Rife Beam Ray Machine or Rife-Bare Machine. These are Scalar Wave emission machine configurations that use the audio frequency settings, an RF carrier wave and plasma tube emitters. There are plenty of frequency settings for Leukaemias, but no specific frequency settings for ovarian cancers and as such, general cancer frequencies should be used: 2128, 2008, 2184, 2084, 2048, 2720, 2452, 6064, 120, 524, 854, 800, 728, 784, 880, 666, 464, 5000, 3176, 10000, 3040 and there are second and third frequency sets listed in Cancer’s Answers – Huge List of Rife Machine Frequencies. However, for Ovarian disorders, general – 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 26, 2720, 2489, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 690, 666, 20. These numbers are audio frequencies in Hertz. The carrier wave can be any frequency between 1 MHz and 30 MHz, with 3.1 MHz being excellent for deepest penetration into all tissues.
    Cancer’s Answers comes with a precision frequency generator in software form. You run it on your computer, so the computer becomes the basic Rife Machine. This signal is then audio-amplified to 150 – 200 Watts, mixed with the carrier frequency from an RF oscillator and the resulting signal is put through an impedance-matched coupling to a plasma tube or globe. The patient needs only be seated near the working machine for short periods of between 3 and 12 minutes, once only every three days. Medical monitoring is strongly advised. This is a potent procedure. Destruction of viruses and microorganisms is one of the main aims of using Rife Technology, because these are central to the cancer causality equation. Basically, viruses infect bacteria. Bacteria infect human hosts. Human tissue cells learn how to live independently of human systemic control mechanisms by inheriting recombinant viral DNA with such aberrant codons as immortalisation, drug-resistance, immune masking, G-phase fidelity cheats, aggressive anti-immunity (such as T-reg cells) and so on. Some agents are produced by the bacteria and much of the viral replication is also done by them – but ultimately, infusion of viral DNA into cell DNA (particularly into stem cells) is your major carcinogenic mechanism. Rife machines are devastatingly effective against viruses, bacteria and funghi – even resistant ones. They are also very good at re-energising the system and at boosting immunity. This is why they are so effective against cancers of all kinds.

  263. Lovingterra, no problem! I’ll get a message off to your email shortly and then you’ll have mine. Then it’s a postal address and the rest is history.
    “Microbiome” is a term that embraces the symbiotic microorganisms living in the gastrointestinal, oral, vaginal and other interstitial tracts of the body.
    You’re probably familiar with “probiotics” which are cultures of these living organisms. Then there are “prebiotics”, which are nutrients that feed these symbiotic flora.

  264. Are we facing the end of modern medicine?

    Recently, HSI told its readers about a leading doctor who risked professional suicide by suggesting that a 10 pence vitamin B tablet is more effective for treating dementia than the expensive blockbuster drug Aricept…

    We’ve also heard warnings from the UK’s Chief Medical Officer that antibiotics have been so over-used that they’re now almost completely useless against ‘super strains’ of bacterial infection. [There are natural solutions to this problem: Acetogenins and Styryl Lactones from Annonaceous plants like North American Paw Paw (Asimina Triloba), Graviola (Annona Muricata, Annona Montana), Custard Apple (Annona Squamosa) and Goniothalamus. There is also Berberine from Goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis), Goldthread (Coptis Chinensis), Barberry (Berberis Vulgaris), Cork Trees and some other plants. Acetogenins and Berberine are Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitors, which means that they are effective at shutting down the p-glycoprotein efflux pumps – the mechanisms of drug resistance in bacteria and malignant cells.

    This means that, in future, routine operations could become impossible to carry out, and minor cuts and grazes become potentially life-threatening – UNLESS you resort to using natural agents like the aforementioned Acetogenins or Berberine..

    And now, another eminent medical professional is sticking his head in the firing line to expose the sleazy practices of Big Pharma…

    David Healy, Professor in Psychological Medicine at the Cardiff University School of Medicine claims that pharmaceutical companies are under such enormous commercial pressure to come up with new blockbuster drugs that they are deliberately falsifying drug trials to make them seem more beneficial than they really are.

    Worse still, drug companies are deliberately hiding data on potentially lethal side effects of new drugs by fiddling the figures or by simply refusing to publish the full results at all. And the regulators are just sitting on their hands doing nothing…

    In short, the drugs we’ve come to rely on have become too dangerous to use, and are at best no better than placebo for treating illness.

    When medical ‘insiders’ begin to break ranks and spill the beans, then you know something must be horribly wrong and that our whole drug-based system of healthcare is teetering towards collapse.

    If you ask me, the Big Collapse cannot happen soon enough.

  265. 121. “The man in the street has unfortunately been sold the idea that the breakthrough cure for cancer is just around the corner… The very prospect of effective treatment seems so remote that it doesn’t even enter into the speculative day-to-day conversation of people engaged in cancer research… New treatments have not produced any detectable decline in the total annual cancer mortality, even for children.” John Cairns, Director of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund’s Mill Hill Laboratory, Cancer, Science and Society, 1978. [There is a staggering parallel between this and Christian Prophecy that the Messiah will return. That is because even if Jesus were to actually return, it would be acknowledged only by a very few and rejected by the majority under the influence of those who are already well entrenched in the hierarchy and who will oppose any threat to their power and prestige. Thus, it would lead to a schism in Christianity, like so many that have occurred previously. If a true magic bullet for cancer were to come, the same thing would happen and it would lead to a similar further fragmentation within the ranks of cancer medicine as has likewise occurred previously; and very much for the same reasons – power, prestige and MONEY. Now, since many such magic bullet therapies have in fact been discovered whereby they produce actual cures in excess of 90% of cases over a wide range of diseases including cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, AIDS and Hepatitis to name a few, one must expect that such schisms have also occurred in medicine already. Then, if one closely examines the state of modern medical practice today, one finds that indeed, these schisms have indeed occurred many times.]

    122. “In England and Wales, total death rates from all forms of leukaemia have increased more than six times between 1920 and 1952… According to Wilkinson, sulphonamides (antibiotics) stand convicted as one of the contributing factors, even when fairly low dosages were employed. In cases reported in detail, the tragic path from a granulocytosis to haemolytic anaemia and acute monocytic leukaemia is revealed in black and white.” The July 1957 issue of Medical World, article by Freda Lucas.

  266. 123. “During the last 10 years of my practice I utilised many therapies that were not in the mainstream of medicine. They were safe, non-toxic and very effective. When I retired I travelled and researched other therapies… I spoke with many doctors and patients who were getting excellent results from these alternative therapies and witnessed their success first hand. It is time to seriously question and reject the standard orthodox cancer treatments of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, except in a very few instances.
    You may have difficulty in obtaining some of these therapies, because the FDA has literally pressured Congress, under the guise of protecting the public, to keep time-honoured cultural and natural therapies out of the hands of the general public. If you look at the record of the FDA, it becomes obvious they are serving interests other than yours and mine. [The Acetyl-Mannans in Aloe Vera represent one case in point, but many others are cited in these quotes.]
    The ‘cancer establishment’ is a network of extremely powerful and wealthy companies whose members sit on the boards of many non-profit organisations. They literally control and direct all cancer research within the USA and throughout the world…… Although these centres are non-profit they serve their masters by suppressing most, if not all, non-patentable treatments in favour of the expensive treatment therapies that have wrought havoc with patients while losing the war against cancer.” Dr. Willner.

    124. “Mercury amalgams are as close as you can get to the centre of the illness universe; their use in dentistry has set us up for most of the health problems we see today.” Bruce Shelton, M.D., M.D.(H), Di.Hom. [I cannot agree unequivocally. I think other factors are closer to the centre of that particular universe. However, I freely acknowledge that Mercury amalgams are a very serious problem of tremendous magnitude.]

    125. “Cleansing enemas are not retained or held in the body; they are used to flush out the colon…(A coffee enema) is beneficial in treatment… because it stimulates the liver to excrete toxins or ‘poison bile.’ It’s called a retention enema because it is held in or retained for fifteen minutes.” James A. Balch, MD. (Prescripton for Nutritional Healing Pages 323,324)

  267. 126. “The medical and scientific establishments have (largely through the fact that they have sold out to the enormously wealthy and powerful international pharmaceutical industry) obtained more or less complete control over politicians and the media… Advertisements for my book Food for Thought are still banned by Britain’s Advertising Standards Authority because the book contains advice on what sort of diet to eat in order to reduce the chance of developing cancer.
    Because we refused to accept the ban the ASA (which, quite bizarrely, will not accept scientific research papers or even government publications in evidence) has warned newspapers not to accept any of our advertisements. The ASA claims to exist to protect the public but I find it difficult to see how banning a book that contains a summary of proven clinical advice on how to avoid cancer can possibly protect the public. It seems to me that, wittingly or unwittingly, the ASA is simply protecting the cancer establishment. I find it difficult to avoid the observation that the cancer industry would undoubtedly find it much harder to raise money if the incidence of cancer were cut.” Dr. Vernon Coleman.

    127. “(Coffee enemas for gallbladder problems).’The coffee enema causes a relaxation in the liver-gallbladder region, which gives rapid relief of pain. If you are lucky, you could even pass a gallstone or two. Maybe more. If you are not lucky, the pain returns and you must repeat the process until help can arrive for more definitive care. In either event, you have jeopardized nothing. This is the one and only time I recommend coffee. As a drink, it is a no-no for hypoglycaemics, which applies to most people”. Dr. Harold W Harper, MD (How You Can Beat the Killer Diseases p.169).

    128. “During a basic dietary detox programme, other, more subtle colon stimuli are usually used to enhance colon action. These may include herbal or pharmaceutical laxatives, fiber and colon detox supplements, such as psyllium seed husks alone or mixed with other agents, for example, aloe vera powder, bentonite clay, and acidophilus culture. Enemas using water, herbs, or even diluted coffee (stimulates liver cleansing) may also be used”. Dr. Elson Haas, M.D. (Staying Healthy With Nutrition).

  268. 129. Commenting about the state of America’s health system, “Well, the system’s broken….” United States President Barack Obama. [Footnote: President Obama followed up on his election mandate for health reform. His proposed legislation was rejected early in 2010 by a hostile Senate. By March 20th, he postponed his scheduled Australian visit to resolve the impasse and that visit was further delayed by the oil rig disaster in the Gulf Of Mexico; which in turn brought his national energy reform policies into priority focus. On health however, Australian medical system observers believe that even if his proposed overhauls were to be enacted successfully, they would not achieve a desirable result. Medical insurance premiums are employer-sourced, whilst unemployment is rising; so there’s a very serious inherent flaw right there; I am told there is no government-funded universal medical or base-level hospital care system in place; and insurance funds are profit-oriented, administratively top-heavy and inefficient. The entire system literally costs twice as much per capita to operate as Australia’s system, yet at the same time is of poorer quality overall. This does not mean that Australia’s medical system doesn’t need a solid kick in the backside, because it does. However, it is said that Mr. Obama’s model does not address America’s basic health problems and the faults in the American system run much deeper. They will ultimately require far more correction beyond even those basic measures, but there is every indication that there are too many parasites milking the system and they’re powerful, greedy ones with absolutely no scruples. They will not give an inch without a fight.]

    130. “An ethical oncologist must recognize the many shortcomings and failings of conventional therapy, however. Most everyone is aware of the negative side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. They are immunodepressant and kill healthy cells as well as malignant cells. This can take a terrible toll on the patient’s quality of life and in some cases will actually shorten the patient’s life. But, there is an issue much more significant than the drawbacks of the side effects. Cancer cells become resistant to therapy over time. Unfortunately, many patients that experienced a good outcome at first with chemotherapy or radiation will find that they no longer respond as well on subsequent cycles. Conventional medicine can be part of the solution but it is limited and rarely extends the life of stage IV cancer patients for very long. This is why thousands of people seek out alternatives. Considering that less than 20% of people with stage IV breast cancer will survive longer than one year, it is understandable that many people want to see if there is a more promising approach.” Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD(H) & Daniel E. Kennedy, MC, MBA, BE, son & grandson of Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Oasis Of Hope Hospital and co-authors of the book, “HOPE – Medicine And Healing” (2009) on the work at Oasis Of Hope and their Integrative Regulatory Therapy (IRT). [My lengthy review of this book and Contreras IRT is in the Integrative Therapies section of Chapter 6.]

  269. 131. “Originally, my treatment was planned for six months, as the cancer was larger than a newborn baby and had spread to many sites. After three months of treatment with both orthodox and natural medicine, I was completely cancer-free, stunning doctors, family and friends. It is amazing what a totally open mind with the desire to heal can accomplish. Never doubt the power of your mind!” Katrina Ellis, Naturopath, Iridologist, cancer victor & author of the book, “Shattering the Cancer Myth”. [Footnote: Katrina used her own Complementary Therapy, combining Orthodox and Alternative. Though she had the advantage of medical knowledge, she was a determined young lady and correctly emphasised power of the mind in her victory against cancer. Defeating Stage IV cancer of such an advanced state is no small achievement.]

    132. “…But, as with the liver, the immune system can become so deluged that it can’t cope, and it also faces attacks that undermine its own strength and efficiency. When this happens disease runs rampant, as we see with the immune destroyer known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS. People don’t die from AIDS; they die from diseases that their shot immune systems can’t deal with. Ironically, vaccinations are supposed to boost the immune system when, in truth, they undermine it. All the crap they put into vaccines is another attack that the immune defence has to cope with and this reduces its ability to meet other challenges effectively by making the DNA/RNA misfire. “Even the process of making the vaccine includes using monkeys, chick embryos and surgically aborted human foetuses, along with disinfectants and stabilizers that include streptomycin, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, aluminium hydrochloride, sorbitol, hydrolyzed gelatin, formaldehyde and a mercury derivative called thimerosal….” David Icke, author of “Infinite Love Is The Only Truth – Everything Else Is Illusion”. [This is a foreshortened version of the quote recorded in the previous Section A of this Chapter. David is correct where AIDS is concerned and in fact, the majority of AIDS sufferers actually die from cancer, or the evil therapies used to “treat” it. When the Immune System is shot, the mechanisms of carcinogenesis I have described in the prior chapters of Cancer’s Answers easily do the rest. The most effective treatments for AIDS and also viral Hepatitis are Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide. These agents usually cure. Currently, there is NO pharmaceutical drug that can cure AIDS and only recently has a drug been released that is alleged to cure viral Hepatitis. It is a recombinant DNA treatment. Addendum: A personal friend with Hepatitis C received this rDNA treatment on the recommendation of her specialist , who had designated all previous pharmaceutical Hep C treatments to be unsatisfactory and even dangerous. That was fair enough, so she took his word that this was the first and only safe and effective treatment. It wiped out some 95% of the virus as I understand it, but did not eradicate it. The downside is that it very nearly killed her. In time, the virus would have regenerated to its previous levels.]

  270. Here’s another one that sticks the truth straight back up the FDA’s fundamental orifice.

    133. “When it comes to cancer breakthroughs, the mainstream, including some of the most prominent health organizations all over the world have a habit of botching studies, skewing results and hiding the truth about Nature’s cancer curing potential from the people who need it most. Think I must be mistaken? I wish I was. But facts are facts… Like the ones that emerged from a 2006 survey sent by the Union of Concerned Scientists to nearly 6,000 U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists. Those scientists that responded to the survey (about 1,000 of them) made some pretty shocking admissions…
    Almost 20% had been asked explicitly by FDA decision makers to “provide incomplete, inaccurate or misleading information to the public, regulated industry, media, or elected/senior government officials”.
    Less than 50% agreed that the FDA “routinely provides complete and accurate information to the public”.
    47% admitted to being aware of instances “where commercial interests have inappropriately induced or attempted to induce the reversal, withdrawal or modification of FDA determinations and actions.”
    That last admission gets right to the heart of the matter…It all boils down to one of the deadly sins — GREED.” Dr. Allan Spreen MD, Health Sciences Institute Advisory Panel, Author of “Tomorrow’s Cancer Cures Today”. [These three important statistical items were destroyed (replaced by characters the computer cannot read) by some text virus or word processor incompatibility and could not even be recovered by revisiting my subscription emails from HSI, from which Quote 133 was transcribed. Finally, these 3 components of the quote were successfully reconstructed in March 2011 – captured with the neat little ScreenRip32 freeware program from an HSI-sponsored audio-visual presentation! Add THIS indictment to former FDA Commissioner, Dr Ley’s Quote #60 AND the huge stink raised by the “FDA Nine”; then consider the FDA’s influence in most western democracies is very considerable; and you inevitably have a global system of drug lords and quacks, regulated by hacks and controlled by crooks. The ultimate result? Multiple global epidemics on an almost astronomical scale – and pitifully few, if any CURES.]

  271. 134. “For the most common cancers (lung, breast, prostate, colon, stomach, pancreas, bladder, ovary, head, neck, etc.), which account for close to 90% of cancer deaths in the industrialised world; clinicians agree that chemotherapy is of little help. This was confirmed by biostatistician, Dr. Ulrich Abel of Heidelberg University.” Dr. Francisco Contreras & Daniel E. Kennedy, Principals of Oasis Of Hope Hospital and authors of “HOPE – Medicine & Healing”.

    135. “Dr. Albert Braverman, Professor of Haematology and Oncology at New York State University stated that no solid tumour, which was incurable in 1976 became curable by 1991. Publishing in Lancet, he wrote, ‘The time has come to cut back on the clinical investigation of new chemotherapeutic regimens for cancer and to cast a critical eye on the way chemotherapeutic treatment is now being administered.’ ” Quoted from Dr. Francisco Contreras & Daniel E. Kennedy, Principals of Oasis Of Hope Hospital in their book, “HOPE – Medicine & Healing”. [That was a period of 15 years. In 2011, another 20 years farther down the same road, there has still been NO significant improvement for orthodox chemotherapy patients, either. Yet when you hear of those people who did miraculously beat the disease and then examine more closely WHY they did, you actually discover they approached things very differently. And the main difference is that they resorted to non-orthodox treatment methods, whether exclusively, or in combination with orthodox treatments.]

    136. “John Bailar III is described as no ordinary scientist with an endless list of credentials and credits. He wrote, ‘…cancer program is in big trouble’ and ‘…35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged as a qualified failure.’ ” Quoted from Dr. Francisco Contreras & Daniel E. Kennedy, Principals of Oasis Of Hope Hospital in their book, “HOPE – Medicine & Healing”.

  272. 137. “The drug industry is a two-tier market for lemons. In tier one: drug companies overstate a new drug’s benefits and downplay or even hide details about serious side effects. In tier two: doctors are given misleading information that they pass along to their patients.” Dr. Donald Light, PhD. [Donald Light is a professor of comparative health care at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine. He is an economic and organizational sociologist who compares health care systems and analyzes health care policies. He has written about the history and dynamics of health care markets and health care insurance, countervailing powers, the medical profession, immigrants and health care, and global justice. As a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics, Light is concerned about the high prices of medicines and barriers to their access. His research aims to provide a demythologised, more realistic account of costs, relative effectiveness and harms, and innovation than is promoted by commercial interests and sponsored academics. He is concerned that current incentives, laws, and regulations encourage companies to develop many new drugs with few advantages, rather than focusing on really superior new drugs. In the long run, this does not serve the major companies or society well. He has a website at www pharmamyths net.]

    138. In an analysis he presented at the recent annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Dr. Light ticked off three key reasons why the drug industry produces lemon after lemon:
    “1) New drugs are tested by drug companies.
    “2) Drug companies put up complex walls of legal protection to hide information about possible harm or lack of effectiveness.
    “3) A new drug doesn’t actually need to be very effective to get FDA approval.” Dr. Donald Light, PhD.

    139. “A drug company’s principal responsibility is to its shareholders, not to the patient.” Dr. Max Pemberton, a columnist for The Telegraph.

  273. 140. “A German epidemiologist from the Heidelberg/Mannheim Tumor Clinic, Dr. Ulrich Abel, has done a comprehensive review and analysis of every major study and clinical trial of chemotherapy ever done. His conclusions should be read by anyone who is about to embark on the Chemo Express. To make sure he had reviewed everything ever published on chemotherapy, Abel sent letters to over 350 medical centers around the world, asking them to send him anything they had published on the subject. Abel researched thousands of articles: it is unlikely that anyone in the world knows more about chemotherapy than he. The analysis took him several years, but the results are astounding: Abel found that the overall worldwide success rate of chemotherapy was ‘appalling’ because there was simply no scientific evidence available anywhere that chemotherapy can ‘extend in any appreciable way the lives of patients suffering from the most common organic cancers’. Abel emphasizes that chemotherapy rarely can improve the quality of life. He describes chemotherapy administered throughout the world as a ‘scientific wasteland’ and states that at least 80 per cent of chemotherapy administered throughout the world is worthless and is akin to the ’emperor’s new clothes’ – neither doctor nor patient is willing to give up on chemotherapy, even though there is no scientific evidence that it works! (Lancet, 10 August, 1991). No mainstream media even mentioned this comprehensive study: it was totally buried.” Tim O’Shea, The Doctor Within.

    141. “I want to do more for my patients than what’s offered by the pharmaceutical industry because I realized earlier on that modern medicine has become, unfortunately, more of a big business than a healing science.” Paul Beals, M.D., C.C.N. Georgetown University School of Medicine (Course Instructor 1996-2004: Introduction to Complimentary and Alternative Medicine).

    142. “The vast majority of drugs – more than 90% – only work in 30% to 50% of the people.” 2003, Dr. Allen Roses, a top executive of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline and worldwide Vice President of Genetics.

  274. 143. “Drugs for Alzheimer’s disease work in fewer than one in three patients, whereas those for cancer are only effective in a quarter of patients. Drugs for migraines, for osteoporosis, and arthritis work in about half the patients.” 2003, Dr. Allen Roses, a top executive of pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline and worldwide Vice President of Genetics.

    144. “I am an eleven-year veteran of the San Francisco Police Department. I hold the department’s highest medal of honor for bravery—that used to mean a lot more to me than it does now. What I’d like to talk to you about today is—my now 7 year old daughter. This is an identical twin, her sister is now dead. Her sister, when she was 4 years old, Crystin—developed a highly malignant brain tumor that had spread throughout her spine and her brain. The doctors told us that we had really two options—take her home and let her die, or bring her in for massive dosages of chemo and radiation simultaneously. In either event she was going to die, they were quite certain of that—and very quickly. Believing her only chance to be the standard route, we gave her the chemo and radiation. It burnt her skull so bad she had second degree burns and her hair never came back. To change her diapers we had to wear rubber gloves because her urine was so toxic and it burned her. At the end of 6 months, miraculously she survived the standard treatment, although there was a high expectation that she wouldn’t. She still had cancer. We were told “sorry, we’ve done everything we can, now she’s going to die, probably within a couple of months.” My wife and I choosing not to except that, started reading—the first book I picked up, the third chapter, discussed Dr. Burzynski. As you may guess, I have some expertise in fraud, in fact I’m quite certain there are enough attorneys in the room that I could be ordered as an expert in fraud—and, I conducted my own investigation. I have no doubt the man is not a fraud. I have no doubt that he does what he does out of earnest belief that his medicine works. Now, you are in a position to judge for yourselves whether it works or not—but it’s well established by the FDA, that it’s non-toxic. Eighteen months later, we took my daughter off the Antineoplaston—she had not died. She had no signs of tumor, she remained free for eighteen months of cancer. Within a month, her cancer was wide-spread in her brain. We put her back on Burzynski’s—by the way at the objections of our doctors who for some reason felt that it had failed her. We put her back on—within nine weeks the tumor was completely gone. She died last July, of neurological necrosis—her brain fell apart from the radiation. The autopsy showed that she was completely cancer-free. Out of fifty-two cases of that disease ever, no one died cancer-free, just Cryssie. So she didn’t die of a terminal illness—she died of my inability to care for her properly and she died from bad advice. She died because there is a government institution, that disseminates false information, and is not looking out for the welfare of the people. You know, ladies and gentlemen I swore an oath eleven years ago and I think most of us in this room swore it at one time or another to uphold the constitution? It says “life” right in the beginning.” Sergeant Ric Schiff, San Francisco Police Department in evidence to Congressional Subcommittee hearing, Feb. 29, 1996.

  275. 145. “I was astounded. Dr. Burzynski had MRIs of brain tumors, known to be almost universally fatal, that had simply disappeared. It was obvious to me, that Dr. Burzynski had made the most important discovery in cancer treatment—ever. It’s what we have been looking for.” Dr. Julian Whitaker, mid 1990s, Burzynski Movie interview.

    146. “From where we started in the 1970’s, is now forming a completely new approach to cancer treatment—which is called ‘gene-targeted therapy’. Antineoplastons are medicines which work on the genes that are causing cancer, and now, there are 25 medications which belong to the family of gene-targeted therapy which are approved by the FDA in the United States. The problem with these medicines is that they don’t cover as many genes as Antineoplastons, many of them simply work on single genes, and this is not enough to have long-term responses. A single medicine is not going to do it, it’s not enough. Antineoplastons work on close to one hundred different genes.” Dr. Stansilaw Burzynski, Burzynski Movie interview.

    147. On May 15th of 2000, I was diagnosed with an inoperable, stage three, anaplastic astrocytoma brain tumour. Following my diagnosis I was told that I had six to eighteen months to live. So I met with an oncologist here in Los Angeles and in San Francisco, and they were telling me at that time—the oncologist told me, that the protocol for me would be to do Temodar® (On screen-graphics: Temodar for Anaplastic Astrocytoma = 13.9 month median survival) which is a chemotherapy, followed by a course of radiation. I asked them what that treatment would get me and they said maybe five years. “Maybe five years of life?” So of course I asked what would happen after five years, if I get to that five years and they said “well, we’ll see what’s available at that time” meaning I would perpetually be on a course of treatment. Didn’t sound good enough for me. Also at that time I had heard about Dr. Burzynski in Houston, and I found out about Dr. Burzynski through a friend of mine. But I met with a prominent neurosurgeon here [Dr. Keith Black of Cedars-Sinai]—who wrote off Dr. Burzynski. He told me point blank that “antineoplastons don’t work”. But Dr. Burzynski’s treatment really sounded right to me. So I started on his treatment on June 6, of 2000. In December of 2000, all that was left of the tumour was scar tissue—and again, this was confirmed through an MRI. On October of 2001, I stopped Antineoplaston therapy altogether. I’ve had annual MRIs since that time, so over the course of the last eight years, annual MRIs have confirmed, all that’s left of the tumour is scar tissue—and I’ve been off the treatment for that entire time. So, Dr. Burzynski cured me of a brain tumour.” Jodi Fenton, Astrocytoma Survivor, Burzynski Movie interview.

  276. 148. “Arguably, the worst type of cancer is inoperable brainstem glioma. It usually occurs in the brain of a child. And, unfortunately, there is very little that can be done. Radiation is the only “treatment” available, which can be used to slow down the progress. So that’s the type of tumour for which there is no curative treatment, no chemotherapy which has been approved, and numerous clinical trials were performed but failed in the past. So we selected this type of tumour, because we would like to prove the point beyond any doubt, that this type of cancer can be cured by the use of Antineoplastons—and we already have proof that it can be cured.” Dr. Stansilaw Burzynski, Burzynski Movie interview.

    149. “For a long time, I didn’t have any contact with the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, until around 1984, some of my patients told me that they were approached by the agents sent to them by the Texas Board of Medical Examiners who were trying to convince them to file complaints against me. This was shocking to me. What is surprising is that they were using the state money, they were using taxpayer’s money to travel long distances, like from Houston to California, to convince our patients who live in California to file complaints against me. This was completely irrational. But nothing else happened at the time until I met, by coincidence, the Vice President of M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Dr. Hickey, who informed me that I will have problems with the Texas Board of Medical Examiners. And obviously the problems began. I was called to the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, they began investigating me. However, there were no complaints from the patients, the patients were happy, we were treating patients who were very advanced, for whom there was no treatment available, and they were getting good results. So, apparently, there was no justification for such action. This was a very unpleasant investigation, they were trying to convince me again to stop my research and to stop treating patients. After about two years of going back-and-forth and being called to the board—finally, they proposed to me that I should present to them a number of cases of patients who benefited from my practice. They informed me that such medical records would be reviewed by their expert oncologists and if they are satisfied that I am not harming patients and the patients are benefiting from my activity then they would leave me in peace. I was very happy with this, I believed that the Texas Board would do an objective review of our results and finally they would leave me alone—because we had amazing results in the treatment of very difficult cancer cases. I supplied to them twice as many medical records, which showed without any doubt great results in the cancer treatment. Incurable forms of cancer completely disappearing, with patients going into complete remission and patients who were cured and living a normal life after that.” In 1986, Dr. Burzynski agreed to present to the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners forty cases of various types of cancer he had successfully treated using Antineoplastons. Cancers in patients ranged from breast, bladder, lung, liver, brain, head and neck, to lymphoma. After submitting these cases to the medical board, he didn’t hear back from them, leaving him to assume that the board was satisfied and would leave him in peace. [Source: 11/18/86 TMB Affidavit]. However, two years later, the board came back again, pretended that the cases he submitted were not successful, and claimed he was violating a law that didn’t exist, which was grounds for the board to cancel, revoke, or suspend his license. [Source: 9/6/88 TMB Complaint] “It was a shock to me. I believed in justice, I believed in the high ethics of the board, but this was just a lie.” Dr. Stansilaw Burzynski, Burzynski Movie interview.

  277. 150. Subsequent to the developments of Quote #149, the Texas Medical Board, under pressure from the FDA, prosecuted Burzynski before a (County?) and then District Court; followed by Grand Jury trials at least four times – all without success, bar one in which a judge imposed an injunction against him. During one of these trials, a leading expert of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Nicholas Patronas, a board-certified radiologist since 1973, professor of radiology at Georgetown University, and founder of the neuroradiology section of the National Cancer Institute [Source: NIH Staff Pages] recognised the absurdity of the Texas Medical Board’s case against Burzynski, put his own career on the line and flew himself to Texas to testify on Dr. Burzynski’s behalf. Dr. Patronas testified under oath his role at the National Cancer Institute and gave testimony concerning his own observations about Burzynski’s work with cancer patients. It included this remark. “Well, it’s amazing, the fact that they (Burzynski’s patients) are not handicapped from the side effects of any treatment, and the side effects of most aggressive treatments are worse than the tumour itself, so these particular individuals not only survived, but they didn’t have major side effects. So I think it’s impressive and unbelievable.” Dr. Nicholas Patronas, NCI, in trial testimony for Dr. Burzynski. [It does seem that not everybody employed in organisations such as the NCI has the stink of corruption. There may yet be hope!]

    151. “It is ironic but true that many cancer chemotherapies are known to cause cancers.” Dr. Otis Brawley, Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society. [I wanted to stop adding more quotes at 150, but this one was just too juicy to exclude. Dr. Brawley’s admission refers to chemo drugs commonly used in this 21st Century – not just the archaic toxins predating 1970. In any case, most of those archaic poisons like the Nitrogen Mustards ARE still in common use and even some recently developed drugs actually belong to this class of chemical warfare poisons, too.]

  278. 152. In June, 2011, Richard Alderman, director of the SFO, addressed the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) and singled out the UK pharmaceutical industry, noting that it was “on the high risk register of the US Department of Justice” (DoJ) and that it “will be receiving a considerable amount of attention from the DoJ.” [The UK government has introduced new bribery laws, which will be prosecuted by the SFO (UK). This is likely to be a double standard situation in the US. The American pharmaceutical industry, on its own turf in America, is likely to continue enjoying a privileged position of immunity against the DoJ, since such things as facilitation payments made to the FDA have been perfectly legal to date and it is unlikely that any US government would legislate to terminate the huge half-billion-dollar revenue windfall it generates each year. Nevertheless, the signals sent by the British SFO and American DoJ clearly indicate prior knowledge or suspicion on the parts of these authorities of corrupt practices by British pharmaceuticals, if not those of other countries. The question remains then, “Are these merely loud noises being made by paper tigers?” Big money roars much louder than paper tigers and nowhere more so than in America. Putting another spin on this speculation, “Can American pharmaceutical companies swing this government attention towards the ABPI in their own favour? Can they step into the breach to increase their market share if British pharmaceuticals get taken down a few notches?” After all, they’ve got the FDA in their pockets.]

    153. “An additional increased spike in incidence of autism occurred in 1995 when the chicken pox vaccine was grown in human foetal tissue.” Helen Ratajczak, a senior scientist of pharmaceutical corporation Boehringer-Ingelheim. [It has come to my attention that millions upon millions of vaccines – all of them nowadays – are produced from just three aborted foetuses, according to HSI’s sources; or, according to Ratajczak, about 23 types of vaccine. Autism as a condition was first identified in 1943 and Ratajczak recently produced a 79-page review of autism research that spanned the whole period from 1943 to the present. It has important insights about the contents of vaccines and how they could trigger autism as the main focus of one particular article she published on the subject, but more broadly, her studies embraced other neurological disorders associated with vaccines. This quote is from that review. We already knew about Thimerosal (or Thiomersal, a toxic Mercury compound), autoimmune diseases, fatal anaphylaxia and contaminations by deadly toxins and microbes or viruses in vaccines. Now we’ve got this – autism in children given the chickenpox vaccine. What next? And is it any surprise that pharmaceutical corporations, government regulating bodies and your medico do not inform people about what’s in these vaccines and worse yet – actively oppose scientific investigations into the safety of using them?]

  279. 154. Dr. Franklin – a former research fellow at Harvard Medical School – is the director of market research at Boston Scientific, a company that develops medical devices. Reflecting on his time at Warner-Lambert, a pharmaceutical company acquired by Pfizer circa 2000, he says the thing that was most troubling was the pressure they put on him to encourage doctors to prescribe Neurontin in much higher doses than it was approved for. He told the New York Times, “I recognized that my actions may be putting people in harm’s way.” Dr. David P. Franklin; Sources: “Drug Giant Accused of False Claims” NBC Dateline, 7/11/03, “Suit Says Company Promoted Drug in Exam Rooms” The New York Times, 5/15/02, [This may have been the thing that troubled him most, but what emerged as evidence in Franklin’s lawsuit during 1997 against Warner-Lambert was in fact a litany of illegal and dishonest marketing tactics involving this anti-seizure epileptic drug, to say nothing of a host of other drugs. It began with enlisting doctors like Franklin to encourage physicians to prescribe Neurontin for a wider range of off-label uses for which the drug was not approved, such as pain relief, bipolar disorder and ADHD in children. It extended to paying marketing consultants $12,000 each for bogus medical journal articles and doctors $1,000 each for agreeing to have their names listed as “authors” of the articles. Salespeople then used them to promote off-label use as being “safe and effective”. Also, Warner-Lambert paid 75 to 100 physicians $350 or more per day for allowing sales representatives to sit in on doctor-patient consultations. It is unclear whether any of the patients knew these representatives were not doctors and that there may consequently have been breaches of privacy laws. At the conclusions of these exams, the sales representatives gave recommendations on what medications to prescribe. Can you believe that?? No, it doesn’t end there. 75% of Warner-Lambert’s $2 billion per year in Neurontin sales is for off-label use; and 37% of doctors who participated in a Maryland study said they had received compensation from drug companies for prescribing their drugs. There is little doubt Warner-Lambert was no different from any other pharmaceutical company in this regard – Pfizer’s post-2000 denials subsequent to its buying-up of Warner-Lambert notwithstanding. One instance was recorded in which a doctor kept increasing the dose of Neurontin to a bipolar patient when standard dosage didn’t work. After becoming hostile and attempting to commit suicide, she was taken off the medication. We have here a classic case in which sales representatives are directed by their pharmaceutical employers to do the drug prescribing by proxy. Thus the doctors are their pawns and fall guys; patients are their victims; and both patients and governments are the cash cows – even paying, in the ultimate analysis, for all the kickbacks, incentives and enormous Fortune 500 profit margins, as well as the pharmaceutical drugs themselves. There is more about Neurontin, because Parke-Davis, which was acquired by Warner-Lambert in 1970, apparently conducted a 1995 trial of this drug that was exclusively designed to make it more popular among doctors. This is known as a “seeding trial”. Some 770 doctors were recruited as “study investigators”and they in turn recruited 2,759 patients. Of those, over 1,000 experienced mild side effects, 70 experienced severe adverse events and 11 died. Subsequent to the trial, Neurontin sales increased by 40%.]

  280. 155. Awakened at 4 a.m., coffee, shower, morning prayer and off to the camp kitchen. Breakfast is prepared for approximately 300 men. After cleaning the institutional kitchen, we start over again preparing lunch. After work, a session on the track, the weight room, the bocce court or Hatha Yoga class with The White Lotus Foundation: “Healing Arts” tape series with Ganga White, Tracey Rich, Patricia Walden, or Rodney Yee as master guides. Rest and dinner, then 4 to 6 hours of work on a translation transcription of THE HOLY QURAN from the ancient Arabic into modern English text. Then rest and sleep until the cycle begins again the next morning. No meat, no bread, no desserts except fruits, no alcohol, no sex and no leaving the confines of the small mountain camp. Does this sound like life in an ashram? No, it’s a federal prison camp in Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, North of Harrisburg. The diet is survival by choice; the rest is making the days count instead of counting the days. My “crime” was making available the knowledge of and access to 714X, a homeopathic camphor compound which is well regarded and a highly successful therapy against cancer. The mandatory portion of my sentence was completed on July 26, 1998, after which began a three year probation period.” Charles Pixley, National Executive Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

    156. We built a modest enterprise and sponsored the formal introduction of 714X to the American people. We endured modest hardships and helped thousands of people and saved hundreds of lives. All who responded to our efforts were terminal cancer patients, who had been given up as hopeless, after receiving the standard orthodox therapies of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
    Many of those people are still alive today and many extended their lives for months or years. After all, at the terminal stage of cancer, there are no guarantees, only potential and hope. Taking on the federal government proved to be a very costly, yet rewarding challenge. A wise man once told me: “Impossible is a word found only in a fool’s dictionary.” Pressure and [a word missing – harassment?] continues to this day against me, my family, the corporation and our business associates by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). This eventually led to intense investigations, federal indictment, prosecution, trial, conviction and sentence of 19 years in jail, which was reduced to a year and a day by a compassionate judge, appeal and total financial ruin.
    French microbiologist, Gaston Naessens, who resides in Quebec, Canada, first introduced 714X some 20 years ago. It has since been used by over 100,000 terminal cancer patients, as well as early stage cancer patients, in numerous countries with varying, yet impressive, degrees of success, without one instance of any side effect. Furthermore, it may be used as a preventive and is inexpensive. 714X was made legal by prescription for Canadian citizens by the Canadian Department of Health and Welfare in 1989 after a three-year emotional court battle, which was won by Gaston Naessens. The story of this remarkable genius, his microscope, his phenomenal advancements in understanding the blood, his ability to pre diagnose cancer and degenerative disease up to two years prior to its manifestation, his discovery unlocking the secrets of cancer cell activity and its elimination and the attempts of the Canadian medical authorities to destroy him was first told by best-selling author Christopher Bird, in his book: THE GALILEO OF THE MICROSCOPE. Later, Bird’s book was retitled: THE PERSECUTION AND TRIAL OF GASTON NAESSENS.
    In order to comply with federal requirements and after considerable research and preparation, we compiled, published and marketed a book titled: DO NO HARM: Defying a Hopeless Prognosis: to introduce, inform, educate and obtain “Informed Consent,” from any prospective users of 714X.
    We began in 1990 by selling Bird’s book and offering regular radio interview presentations. Later, after much research, we became aware that the FDA was preventing various cancer remedies from the U.S. market since the 1920’s. This horrifying revelation spurred us to create the first citizen organized Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) under the laws of Congress and to do whatever was required to make the public aware.
    From the inception of our IRB in April of 1992, the FDA paid regular visits to our office and requested and received copies of all available research, toxicology studies, spectrographic chemical evaluations, rat studies, patient histories, books, tapes and samples of the 714X. Later, they testified under oath in court that: “We have no knowledge nor understanding.”
    Even though we cooperated with all requests, our office was raided by the FDA. Computers, books, tapes and business records were seized, as well as patient files, without the consent of our patients. After several attempts by the U.S. Attorney, a Grand Jury indicted me and my corporation as co-conspirators, with a felony charge under Title 18 U.S.C. 321, “Conspiring to Defraud the United States by importation of an unapproved new drug.” We later discovered through the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) that the agency regulation had never undergone the requirements of the Federal Register Act and therefore was not promulgated. In other words, it’s NOT law only an agency regulation.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

  281. 157. “The FDA regularly approves dangerous, often lethal pharmaceuticals. The side effects of these potentially deadly, or harm causing pharmaceutical drugs can only be fully discovered by wide-spread use. This is despite the average $250-$500 million and 15 years to bring these drugs to market, including phase trial tests, trying to prove the elusive “efficacy” requirement of the F.D.&C. Act.
    Typically, after one of their highly publicized “wonder” drugs fails, causes death or serious side effects, no FDA official nor PAC member company president, research assistant, corporate official, company doctor, nor testing lab will be subjected to raid, investigation, indictment or jail term.
    Chemotherapy and radiation, though it is known for 33 years to be a total failure in the so-called war against cancer, remain as the only therapies which enjoy federal mandate. These therapies are repeatedly reintroduced as new, or new approaches, promising that sometime in the unknowable future, maybe we will have a cure for cancer. Yet the so-called alternative healing arts are consistently accused of offering false hope.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

    158. “The current and long-standing 3% long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated. Refer to : New England Journal of Medicine, “Progress Against Cancer,” May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up “The War on Cancer” which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn.
    In HEALTH UNITED STATES, an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. In addition to the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag.
    Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why we cannot find a cure?
    It is increasingly apparent that we have surrendered many of our fundamental Rights and have become subservient to a “legislative democracy” which usurps the legitimate sovereignty of the people and abrogates it to itself. The power structure designed by our founders as a Republican form of government, where the power descends from GOD to WE the People, from the people to the county, from the county to the state and from the state to Congress, not the other way around.
    By our tacit complacence, it has surreptitiously created the coast to coast “federal zone” where WE have become its federal citizens. Refer to: FAIR TRADE FRAUD, Freedom in Chains: The Rise of the State and the Demise of the Citizen, Shakedown: How the Government Screws You from A to Z, and, or Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty, by James Bovard for a shocking look at the rights we have surrendered.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

  282. 159. “Both Gaston Naessens and Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, have spent the last 25 years perfecting independent blood tests, which are able to pre diagnose any type of cancer and immune disorders up to two years prior to their onset, with a 1% margin of error. The industrial average false/negative ratio remains extremely high by comparison, yet these new tests are ignored or met with resistance.
    With early detection and preventive therapy, like 714X and so many others that have been suppressed, cancer can be controlled or even eliminated. Finding a cure for your cancer may only be limited by your will. Taking control of your life, becoming informed of all the options world-wide, remaining calm in the face of the threat posed by disease and placing your trust in God may also be part of the answer. Be patient with yourself, you didn’t develop cancer overnight and you won’t eliminate it overnight either.
    Assigned by the Almighty to jump headlong into the long-standing evil trade war between the dissimilar camps within the healing arts had its rewards and its price. Serving a sentence in federal prison hasn’t been one of the best experiences of my life, but it could have been much harder and I would do it all over again if necessary. However, in my view, the ones who are being punished are the people of all nations who are denied access to life-saving therapies.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

    160. “Homeopathy is an honored and recognized healing art. It was originated in 1757 by Samuel Christian Hahnemann, MD, a German allopath who had grown weary of the failures of the “regular school” to eliminate disease. In America alone, from its founding and through the First World War, 65% of the American public enjoyed its gentle therapies, even though the art was practised by only 15% of the physicians. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (“F.D.&C. Act”) states that any substance included in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States,(“HPUS”), the United States Pharmacopoeia, (“USP”) or the NATIONAL FORMULARY, (“NF”) prior to 1906 is approved as safe and effective requiring no further approval.
    Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D., of Washington, DC, and editor of the 8th edition of the HPUS, testified before the United States District Court that all components of 714X as compounded by Gaston Naessens are indeed in the HPUS prior to 1906 and therefore NOT a new drug as the FDA charged. Dr. Coulter is an internationally renowned medical historian and author of over 30 books and essays, which include: THE DIVIDED LEGACY, a four volume epochal history of medicine, which covers its origins to present day.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

  283. 162. “The case against me and the destruction of our business for making available a promising “cure” for cancer is only one of dozens by the FDA, or “Big Medicine,” since the early 1900’s. One of the first targeted in this country was Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. His powerful evolutionary microscope, capable of shattering cancer cells and viruses with radio frequency vibrations, was destroyed and his books burned by federal authorities and he was imprisoned.
    Andrew Ivy, MD, a pillar of the A.M.A., who came back from Germany after participating as a panelist in the Nuremberg war crime trials with a cure for cancer called Krebiozen, had his career shattered. Some other embattled pioneers include, but are certainly not limited to: The healing arts of Ethnobotany, Naturopathy Chiropractic and Acupuncture and Chelation, which all met intense resistance and violent opposition by federally protected orthodoxy.
    Our own IRB Chief Investigator, Dietmar Schildwaechter, Ph.D., MD, was invaded in his home office in a militant style by state and federal authorities in the late 1980’s for introducing a cure for Squamous cell cancer, which was proven in a 20-year study in Germany. Bruce Halstead, MD Warren Levin, MD;Vincent Speckhart, MD; Royal Raymond Rife, MD
    Wilhelm Reich, MD; Jossef Issels, MD; and Max Gerson, MD;
    Joseph Gold, MD, Emmanuel Revici, MD; Stanislaw Burzynski, MD;
    James Privitera, MD; Ed McCabe, author of Oxygen Therapies, jailed for 547 days; and very recently best selling author and cancer therapist, Hulda Clark, ND; and too many more not listed here.
    These gifted pioneers brought relief to a suffering humanity and were ruthlessly attacked by medical authorities and scientific dogma. Each paid a high price but distinguished themselves by their courage and resolve to stand up for their convictions, even in the face of overwhelming opposition, loss of license and jail. For a closer look at the inner workings, read: THE CANCER INDUSTRY: The Classic Expose’ on the Cancer Establishment, by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.” Charles Pixley, National Director, Association of Eclectic Physicians.

  284. 163. “Packing the courtroom, and often making demonstrations outside it, were scores of emotional patients and their kin who believe that Krebiozen has saved their lives. The jury of four housewives, two saleswomen, a stenographer, a printer, a retired machinist, a maintenance man, a truck driver and a janitor heard more than 4,000,000 words of testimony so full of conflicting claims that Judge Julius J. Hoffman declared: ‘This case bristles with issues of veracity.’ ” Julius J. Hoffman, Presiding Judge of the Durovic & Ivy trial, to TIME Magazine.

    164. “Last week, despite the mountains of evidence amassed by the prosecution, the jury decided every last one of those issues in the defendants’ favor and acquitted them on all counts. It was clearly the question of Krebiozen’s medicinal value that had been on the jurymen’s minds. Explained Foreman Adolph J. Beranek: ‘There had been no fair test of Krebiozen. We were convinced that it had some merit, and we were not in a position to kill it without a fair trial.’ ” Adolph J. Beranek, Foreman Juror of the Durovic & Ivy trial to TIME Magazine.

    165. “The bottom line is that radionics devices have no value for diagnosing or treating anything.” Dr. Stephen Barrett, MD, Principal of the Quackwatch website. [I simply could not resist adding this declaration by Barrett, taken from an article he wrote by way of reviewing electromedical devices “for public information”. Apart from being utterly false, it may seem an unremarkable statement, until you see the next quote #166!]

    166. “During the past few years, magnetic devices have been claimed to relieve pain and to have therapeutic value against a large number of diseases and conditions. The way to evaluate such claims is to ask whether scientific studies have been published. Pulsed electromagnetic fields – which induce measurable electric fields – have been demonstrated effective for treating slow healing [bone] fractures and have shown promise for a few other conditions. However, few studies have been published on the effect on pain of small, static magnets marketed to consumers.” Dr. Stephen Barrett MD, Principal of the Quackwatch website, excerpted from his website as revised April 26, 2001 as part of a website review by Dr. Joel Kauffman and reproduced in Cancer’s Answers Chapter Eight – [This particular passage comes from a Barrett article in which his focus was on disparaging the therapeutic use of static field permanent magnets and it appears that at the time, he wasn’t too particularly concerned about what he let slip about PEMFT radionics or TENS pulsed electric devices – because he ADMITS their efficacy in a limited range of applications – that is, after stating flatly that radionics devices have no value for diagnosing or treating anything. Three things of significance arise here. Firstly, there is the obviously direct conflict with his statement quoted in #165 – got him dead to rights, with his “ideological integrity pants” down around his ankles. Say, “Cheese!!!” Secondly, it’s a fact that electromedical devices such as Rife Machines have the broadest utility and greatest efficacy of all kinds of medical treatment – barring absolutely none – and that includes total cure in a huge range of diseases and afflictions not matched by anything alse whatsoever. Thirdly, he stated that few studies have been published on the effects of static field magnets, yet several have been, both for the better and worse – yet again, as I have noted elsewhere in Cancer’s Answers and particularly in the Kauffman review, his selection of citations was heavily skewed against any revelation of favourable regard for the magnets (or other Alternative treatment modalities, for that matter); and those cited studies showing no efficacy appear to be fudged, misreported, non-existent or otherwise demonstrably unreliable. That is especially so of the bogus “Danish Study”, a favourite of the medical establishment and of Barrett in particular, but which was criticised heavily by reviewing peers – yet Barrett cited it, anyway. It was never going to be difficult to nail the bugger for being a liar, once I set out to find the proof; and moreover, it was never going to be difficult to locate proven science to show that what Barrett claims to be science is nothing of the kind. Barrett is only partly correct in one thing this excerpted statement quotes from him: “The way to evaluate such claims is to ask whether scientific studies have been published.” It is only partly correct, because it is not enough to ask whether they’ve been published – they must be examined for satisfactory design, methodology and veracity. A secondary question, “What entities actually designed, conducted and/or evaluated the scientific studies and what motives are indicated for their doing so?” must also be asked, because it would astound you to learn just how many such studies are absolutely controlled from start to finish by entities with vested commercial interest or some similarly crooked ulterior motive; and they have shamelessly ABUSED the privilege, time and time again. Barrett relies heavily on the presumption that you won’t check those things for yourself; and what Barrett calls scientific studies are generally very different things from what YOU should call scientific studies. They frequently refer to material at his own Quackwatch site including drivel authored by himself; or to fudged studies sponsored by NCI and carried out by MSK and Mayo. These are three organisations among several that are widely implicated in breaches of public trust and which one shouldn’t trust as far as one can toss a rogue bull elephant. If that makes no sense, think of it this way… You can’t toss a rogue elephant. He’ll toss you instead, with fatal consequences; which is to say that if you trust NCI, MSK or Mayo on matters of your cancer treatment, you’ll get tossed into the grave.]

  285. 168. “Cancer is trophoblast in spatial and temporal anomaly, hybridized with, and vascularized by, hostal or somatic cells and in irreversible and fiercely malignant antithesis to such” (Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr. – Townsend Letter for Doctors, Feb.-March, 1993, p. 175). [The Trophoblast Theory Of Carcinogenesis was first put forward in 1902 by Scottish embryologist John Beard. He noted that in almost every way, the Trophoblasts that encapsulate and protect an embryo behave just like cancer cells, in that they are aggressive, invasive, multiply rapidly, resist immune system attack and indeed, create immunosuppressants to switch off the Immune System’s recognition and defence mechanisms. One of the central agents common to both is hCG (or its bacterial equivalent, bCG). This Trophoblastic outlook has been endorsed by many distinguished cancer specialists throughout the last 100 years right up till the present. They included Ernst T. Krebs Jr. (Laetrile’s discoverer), Dr. Valentin Govallo (IPT) and Dr. M. Rigdon Lentz (Ultrapheresis Machine). Various among these specialists have improved upon the theory and integrated it with other elements including the Pleomorphic Microbe Theory of Doctors Rife, Warburg and Livingston-Wheeler genesis. Trophoblastic Theory never acquired universal favour in the medical mainstream and fell into deeper obscurity around the time of Laetrile’s rise in popularity. Laetrile’s rise was not the cause – actually the theory’s obscuration was brought about by competing interests, because Radiotherapy was also coincidentally on the rise and driven by big dollars at that time.]

    169. “Pregnancy and cancer are the only two biologic conditions in which antigenic tissue is tolerated by a seemingly intact immune system. It is recognized that trophoblastic tissue has all the characteristics of a true cancer; it is deeply invasive, it is highly anaplastic in morphology [i.e., lacks normal shape], it has a high mitotic index [i.e., frequently divides], and it produces oncofoetal antigens [i.e., shows `Baby On Board’]…in every respect, [it] behaves as a true cancer.” Dr. M. Rigdon Lentz, Cancer Research Biochemist. [Lentz was the inventor of the Ultrapheresis Machine used to filter immunosuppressant oncogenic factors (“anti-TNFs”) from the bloodstream. The device was comparable to a dialysis machine. His work coincided with and more or less paralleled that of Dr. Valentin Govallo. Both were pretty much on the same track and they may have collaborated in some degree.]

  286. 170. “One wintry night our home was burned to the ground. All was lost including the older stored medical records and our pets……..McQueen frequently called me on my FBI-tapped telephone. In one call McQueen made to me, he stated in his famous hero’s voice, “I’m going to blow the lid off this Cancer Racket.” This of course freaked out the Cancer Establishment. The FBI then leaked it out to the National Enquirer scandal sheet of the CIA. This exposure was to discredit me. McQueen was then constantly watched and harassed by the FBI, CIA and the Media. During the surgery, the skin over the liver was cut open and the encapsulated, dead Tumor fell out on the operating table. After surgery McQueen had a talk with me. During the night a government agent came into his room posing as a Physician on duty and injected McQueen with a blood clotting medication, which was the cause of death. The Establishment could not depend upon Good [I have failed to establish who Good is] and Gonzalez [presumed to be Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who admitted publicly that the NSA was bypassing FISA warrants to conduct wiretapping and other surveillance operations without warrants under President Bush’s direction via his expanded powers for the “War On Terror” post-911. Hence the Establishment could no longer trust him (or them) to keep government dirty work secret and would have cut them out of the loop], delay any longer, or take any more halfway measures. I was a most serious threat to their $100 Billion a year Industry. These lawless Establishment Devils went to work and:
    Poisoned (food) me 3 times to the point of Grand Mall Seizures 3-4 times a week for 14 Months;
    Tried to shoot me once during this time;
    Sent the usual IRS agents to do me in;
    Bought off and bribed my Lawyer and Accountant;
    Set up a takeover of the Kelley organization by employees and wife (standard Establishment procedure);
    Offered [Kelley himself] $500,000.00 to kill a counselee [probably in order to set him up on a “conspiracy to commit murder” rap];
    Caused a vitamin manufacturer of supplements Kelley often used to take all active ingredients out of Kelley Program Supplements.”
    William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S.; “Section II Cancer Cure Suppressed”. [This kind of conduct towards the more successful alternative medicine physicians and scientists, plus their associates, has been par for the course since about 1920 and www is the site from which I sourced this one. It references other sources in turn. The same site lists several murders and attempted murders, including some already quoted via Cancer Tutor, plus the following:
    Dr William F. Koch: Medical doctor, Professor of chemistry, histology and physiology. Inventor of “Glyoxylide Catalyst” cure for cancer. Sued by FDA but was acquitted after 600 doctors testified in his favour. Died of poisoning, 1967. Accidental? Not a chance!
    Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass: Developer of “Homozon™” (original Ozone oxygen therapy product) – murdered outside his house, same year and month as Dr Koch.
    Dr Basil Earle Wainright: Physicist – inventor of polyatomic apheuresis oxygen therapy. Imprisoned for 4 years. Claims he survived six assassination attempts whilst in prison.
    Dr George A. Freibott, IV. President of the American Naturopathic Association, consultant for International Association for Oxygen Therapy, US Government approved and internationally accepted expert witness on oxygen/oxidation therapies. Survived numerous assassination attempts and several anonymous phone calls threatening him with his life.]

  287. 171. “It is a given that every human activity presents certain risks. If essential oils are used arbitrarily and applied in excess, it is possible that some may burn or sting or cause allergic reactions, and some might actually be harmful. If, however, we use essential oils responsibly and with common sense, the risks are minimal. Proper dosage is as critical for plant-derived medications and essential oils as for any other drugs. Any form of medication, whether a conventional drug or essential oil, that has positive effects when administered in a therapeutic dosage can cause severe problems if overdosed. Nevertheless, the risks associated with plant medicines have been exaggerated by the pharmaceutical lobby, as statistics show. According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, 809 cases of fatal poisonings and 6,407 cases of serious but nonfatal poisonings were reported caused by conventional pharmaceuticals between 1988 and 1989. In contrast, plant-based preparations caused 2 fatalities and 53 serious poisonings in the same time period. The most dangerous plants were not medicinal but were house plants or shrubs.” allaboutaromatherapy com. [At first, I thought this was a quote from Dr. Jean Valnet, but I could not corroborate that. Neither could I identify the website’s principal. The 809 fatalities quoted here as sourced from the AAPCC are much lower than the 160,000 annual deaths attributed to the “proper and correct use of pharmaceutical drugs, as cited in other literature. When looking at the sheer magnitude of this discrepancy, one can’t help but ask, “Well, who’s telling the truth?” The much larger number of 160,000 deaths each year would at first appear to be heavily exaggerated and therefore the likely culprit. However, whilst I have so far been unable to verify this figure for accuracy, it is because I have not yet attempted to get past the smokescreens of concealment and dig deeper for the real truth. I still have have other priorities. Countless other instances exist where I’ve in fact verified the veracity and accuracy of claims made on behalf of Alternative Medicine campaigners, doctors and so on and I must tell you that in not one single case whatsoever have I verified any such claim to be false. Every single case of a claim being verified false has been one where the claim in question was made on behalf of Orthodox Medicine campaigners, doctors and so on. Again, in the absence of conclusive proof, if one must draw inferences on the basis of probability and motive, one MUST favour the progenitors of Alternative Medicine. The figure of 160,000 deaths is far more likely to be an approximation of the true scale of the problem – not that quoted from the AAPCC. Of course, that in turn infers that the AAPCC is lying about those numbers.]

    172. “It is conceivable that the day will come when the true therapeutic value of natural substances will be given proper recognition.” Dr. Jean Valnet MD, Aromatherapist 1920-1995. [Today, modern science has validated the worth of essential oils in thousands of medical studies. Nevertheless, the battle for assumption of their rightful roles in medicine continues. Valnet had an impressive list of credentials.]

  288. 173. (Interviewer asking Alf Riggs about knowledge of Schumann Waves): “So it still hasn’t filtered out to the universities?” “No; and this is an extremely important and beneficial type of radiation. When I delivered my paper I started talking about the benefits of Schumann Waves, it upset one or two people. There was a professor there who delivered a paper on the biological effects of AC fields in the area of the brain in as far as it reduced the production of melatonin. Well, I would fully agree with that, based on my observations, but when I said there wouldn’t be any melatonin without the beneficial Schumann waves, he couldn’t come to terms with that at all. In fact he was shouting at me across the table at lunch in the university and there was a Danish physicist who wanted to ask me some questions and he wouldn’t allow it. He kept getting up and putting his hand in front of his mouth. There’s something radically wrong with that bloke. There’s quite a few of those around.” Alf Riggs interviewed in 1999. [Schumann Waves have aroused my interest and I have commenced to research them. As for the inexcusable conduct of the other professor, Alf is correct. There’s quite a few of those in Academia and there’s something radically wrong with them. Of course, they also abound in Medicine and there’s something radically wrong with Medicine. OK, now Schumann Resonances as they are more accurately named were first discovered (vaguely) by the genius Dr. Nikola Tesla at his Colorado Springs laboratory circa 1899. There he determined that Earth’s electromagnetic resonance was about 8 Hz and scientists later refined that to 7.83 Hz – something I already knew, but without realising it is actually the Schumann Resonance base frequency, the lowest of several ELF spectrum peaks propagating in the atmospheric cavity between the Earth’s surface and the Ionosphere. They are excited by lightning and now that I think of it, they possibly also couple with what radio operators call “ground waves” and “skip”. The other resonances are 14.3 Hz, 20.8 Hz, 27.3 Hz, 33.8 Hz, 40.3 Hz, 46.8 Hz, 53.3 Hz and 59.9 Hz. After Tesla, Heaviside and Kennelly suggested the existence of the Ionosphere and its capability of trapping these electromagnetic waves in 1902. This is the very same Oliver Heaviside who co-derived the four Heaviside-Gibbs or Heaviside-Hertz (vector derivation) Equations from James Clerk Maxwell’s elusive Quaternionic Equations, now said to number 20 instead of 16. Heaviside is quoted as saying, “They [Maxwell’s original equations] had to be murdered.” The Heaviside-Gibbs/Hertz Equations are now known as Maxwell’s Equations and those original Quaternionic Equations still elude me, though through this research, I think I’m getting closer to them! Wikipedia FINALLY has some elucidations. The Ionosphere’s existence was proven by Appleton and Barnett in 1925. These events were all precursors to Schumann’s elucidations on these geomagnetic resonances. Having learned this much about them, I am now much less non-committal about the significance of geomagnetic waves in biology. In an intuitive way, I sense merit in Riggs’s assertions. The base frequency Schumann Resonance and the next one or two “harmonics” are in the range of brain wave frequencies. And because Schumann waves propagate around and around the globe within a spherical confine and give rise to surface waves at the high and low altitude extremes, there is the likely manifestation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves with a gravitational component, further likening them to brainwaves. Moreover, because lightning stimulates Schumann Resonances, but also creates plasma from extreme voltage potential, longitudinal waves are generated directly out of the strikes, just as they are from Tesla Coils. I’m beginning to perceive possible links. Spotting the common denominators is a habit of mine. C’est tres interessant, n’est ce pas? It could all lead back to the possible applications of my conceptual QRED machine. If you consider again the virulent reaction of Alf Rigg’s academic opponent, you can easily see also what cutting edge scientists, inventors and medicos are so often up against.]

  289. 174. “Why is it that the world’s greatest minds, blessed with virtually unlimited funding have struggled to make even the humblest dent in the cancer epidemic?” Dr. Francisco Contreras, via “Hope – Medicine & Healing” by Dr. Francisco Contreras & Daniel E. Kennedy of Oasis Of Hope Hospital. [Dr. Contreras asks a very obviously rhetorical question. But he is either too complimentary towards their intelligence, or very tongue-in-cheek. These are NOT the world’s greatest minds in medicine who have and use that enormous funding, but freeloaders who do not ever make giant leaps in discovery, but instead organise medicine around themselves to advance their own agendas. Big medical advances and miracle cures are NOT part of those agendas. They jealously guard their status, prestige, wealth and power against any competition from medicos or scientists who are GENUINELY brilliant; and they behave exactly as Alf Rigg’s academic opponent is described as doing in Quote #173, or worse – MUCH worse. In that, because they really aren’t as bright as they’d have everyone else believe and because their characters are defined more by greed and prestige than philanthropy, they are freely used for their predictable behaviour as fronts, puppets and pawns by other, more sinister minds. These other, more sinister minds ARE clever and some are even brilliant, but theirs is the cunning, unscrupulous brilliance of the Industrial CEOs and beyond even them, the hidden dynastic movers and shakers who practically own those same CEOs. Oh, yes, there’s a hierarchy and it’s a ruthless one.]

    175. “To keep the cancer racket going, the medical establishment perpetuates dangerous myths about cancer. Let me tell you the worst five cancer myths…
    #1: ‘Your chances are better with the latest “state of the art” drug, even if it costs $10,000 a month.’
    Facts: Cancer drugs fail 98% of the time. They’re a waste of money!
    #2: ‘Cancer cells are powerful and hard to stop.’
    Facts: Cancer cells are weak. Hit them with a blast of oxygen, and they die by the millions!
    #3: ‘You just have to accept the pain, nausea, and hair loss that go along with chemo.’
    Facts: If chemo makes you sicker than you were to begin with, something is wrong. I know for a fact that thousands of patients have cured their cancer without misery.
    #4: ‘Cancer doctors tell you to use chemo because they believe in it.’
    Facts: A McGill University study showed that most cancer doctors wouldn’t undergo chemo if they had cancer and they wouldn’t let their families do so, either!
    #5: ‘My cancer doctor will tell me all about the most effective treatments.’
    Facts: Your cancer doctor could be hauled before the medical board for recommending anything other than surgery, radiation, and chemo.”
    Bill Henderson, retired USAF Colonel, author of “Bill Henderson’s Special Report”. [Bill Henderson lost his wife to cancer under disgraceful circumstances and then did precisely what I did by spending several years researching cancer. However, he has progressed further than I, inasmuch as his “Bill Henderson Protocol” is fairly well known and widely used – with considerable success, even by terminal patients. He also hosts a radio program in which he exposes information about cancer and its cures. The “Bill Henderson Protocol” is based on the Johanna Budwig diet of organic cottage cheese and refrigerated flaxseed oil, but involves some additional measures. It is extensively tried, tested and proven effective. The Budwig diet is known for its excellent results against advanced cancers – the two simple ingredients, when combined in a blender and consumed as a staple foodstuff react with each other to generate an oxygenating agent that attacks malignant tissues and microbes. It also revitalises healthy tissues and the Immune System. At the same time, this food is highly nutritious and excellent for weight control. Taste? Well, that’s individual. I think it’s not so great, but you can’t have everything…]

  290. 176. “You probably saw the news story about the 13-year-old Minnesota boy who fled the state with his mother. They didn’t want the boy to suffer another round of chemotherapy. The first round of chemotherapy made the boy so sick, he couldn’t stand the nausea. He vowed to fight back if they ever tried to force more of the chemo drug into him. But a court ignored the boy’s wishes and ordered him to go through chemo again. The boy wanted to use natural treatments instead. But the government stepped in and ordered the mother to get her son back into chemotherapy, or else! Well, after a nationwide warrant was issued for the mother’s arrest, she and her son were left with no choice. They were forced to return to Minnesota for another dreadful round of chemo.” Bill Henderson, retired USAF Colonel, author of “Bill Henderson’s Special Report” and developer of the Bill Henderson Protocol. [In America, the Land Of The Free, one is free to enjoy those constitutional rights, which one can AFFORD to pay a good lawyer to REMIND the judge of, or to purchase suitable favour with those in authority. In America, what they call “Freedom” is actually “Free Enterprise” and that in turn translates further to “minimally restricted & regulated commerce.” The USA is not the Land Of The Free for ordinary citizens. Instead, it imposes modern-day manifestations of slavery upon them and so it has hardly grown out of its own foul history as a slaving nation prior to the Civil War of 1860.]

    177. On the subject of Vitamin C as a cancer treatment, in March 2011, the FTC moved against a company named McGuff Pharmaceuticals, warning, “You manufacture and market unapproved new drugs in violation of Sections 505(a), 502(f)(1)[21 §§ 355(a) & 352(1) of the Act]” and directed the company to cease making and distributing Intravenous Ascorbic Acid (IAA) for Vitamin C Megadosing Cancer Therapy. FTC, quote sourced via Health Sciences Institute. [Special note: The quote cited the FDA as the guilty party in this case and indeed, the FDA was probably using the Federal Trade Commission as its “front” authority in this case. I have corrected it to read, “FTC” – I hope this is accurate and if not, then the FDA would have been more directly involved. Either way, this is seen by some very angry industry watchdogs as an action by the FTC/FDA to “test the waters” before proceeding with issuing the same directives against several other American companies that also produce IAA for cancer therapy in alternative circles. This strategy is seen as a back door manoeuvre, in view of the product being used in several hospitals quite legally, including Oasis Of Hope – so it appears that they cannot shut it down from the medical treatment direction and are resorting to other means by browbeating manufacturers instead. Then with the FTC and Customs in cahoots, they can also shut down imports of the preparation and bingo! American hospitals have one less safe and effective cancer treatment option to use. Somebody has GOT to stop these hacks AND their hidden cartel bosses. Ascorbate is NOT a drug, whether “New Drug” according to the FDA’s arbitrary definition, or not. It is a Vitamin. Intravenous use is a mere technicality that still doesn’t qualify it as a drug, since nourishing patients intravenously in hospitals is a legitimate and routine procedure and one that is not being challenged by the FDA. Treating cancer by nourishment instead of with drugs is nothing new, as demonstrated by several dedicated cancer diets. The reason its use in hospitals is not being challenged is because the FDA cannot legally win on those grounds.]

  291. 178. “The article [Theoretical Aspects of Autism: Causes—A Review” by scientist Helen Ratajczak] goes on to discuss many potential vaccine-related culprits, including the increasing number of vaccines given in a short period of time. “What I have published is highly concentrated on hypersensitivity,” Ratajczak told us in an interview, “the body’s immune system being thrown out of balance.” University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Brian Strom, who has served on Institute of Medicine panels advising the government on vaccine safety says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy (brain damage), but not scientifically linked to autism. As for Ratajczak’s review, he told us he doesn’t find it remarkable. “This is a review of theories. Science is based on facts. To draw conclusions on effects of an exposure on people, you need data on people. The data on people do not support that there is a relationship. As such, any speculation about an explanation for a (non-existing) relationship is irrelevant.” Ratajczak also looks at a factor that hasn’t been widely discussed: human DNA contained in vaccines. That’s right, human DNA. Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue. Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR [Mumps, Measles & Rubella] vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked. Ratajczak also says an additional increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue. Why could human DNA potentially cause brain damage? The way Ratajczak explained it to me: “Because it’s human DNA and recipients are humans, there’s homologous recombination tiniker. That DNA is incorporated into the host DNA. Now it’s changed, altered self and body kills it. Where is this most expressed? The neurons of the brain. Now you have body killing the brain cells and it’s an ongoing inflammation. It doesn’t stop, it continues through the life of that individual.” Dr. Strom said he was unaware that human DNA was contained in vaccines but told us, “It does not matter…Even if human DNA were then found in vaccines, it does not mean that they cause autism.” Ratajczak agrees that nobody has proven DNA causes autism; but argues nobody has shown the opposite, and scientifically, the case is still open. A number of independent scientists have said they’ve been subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit them when their research exposed vaccine safety issues, especially if it veered into the topic of autism. We asked Ratajczak how she came to research the controversial topic. She told us that for years while working in the pharmaceutical industry, she was restricted as to what she was allowed to publish. “I’m retired now,” she told CBS News. “I can write what I want.” CBS News reporting on Helen Ratajczak’s article linking human-DNA vaccines with autism. [Here, I note several specific items the CBS article raises. 1. The body’s immune system is being thrown out of balance (by vaccines in increasing number and frequency); 2. The prevailing medical opinion disagrees that vaccines are linked with autism, according to Dr. Brian Strom, who in the same breath ADMITS direct association with brain damage – so what the hell does he think autism is – sugar addiction? “Brain damage” is much worse and actually adds dozens of other neurological diseases to the list alongside autism, since one must be mindful already that vaccines are notorious autoimmune disease triggers; 3. Toxic Thimerosal in vaccines and if most has been taken out, that still leaves some, but wait! It’s been replaced with something else to continue fuelling the global disease epidemic – recombinant human DNA and that is your autoimmune disease trigger, because as Ratajczak correctly points out, it is recombinant in humans and therefore “changes self” to trigger immune response – permanently; 4. A number of scientists said they’ve been subjected to orchestrated campaigns to discredit their research into vaccine safety issues and especially if it went near autism, indicating SOMEBODY behind the scenes knows precisely that vaccines and autism ARE linked, but is determined to prevent official acknowledgement by those who represent the “prevailing medical opinion” by merely perpetuating an apparent “absence of peer-accredited proof”; 5. Ratajczak herself was restricted in what she could publish while in the employ of pharmaceutical corporation Boehringer-Ingelheim, but can now write what she wants; 6. She’s not the first who was on the inside of this stinker of an industry to blow the whistle and she won’t be the last. 7. Something not mentioned in this CBS news article is the advent of the infamous “Danish Studies” of 2002 & 2003 organised by Poul Thorsen. These retrospective metastudies produced conclusions that there is no correlation between the Thimerosal-bearing MMR vaccine and the incidence of autism. The studies are widely criticised as being invalid – that they were corruptly contrived to protect sales of the vaccine and also protect the progenitors of it from litigation or prosecution. There are very strong indications that the claims correctly implicate Thorsen and colleagues in scientific fraud and Thorsen was actually indicted on charges of fraud, money laundering and “theft” of up to $2 million from the Centers for Disease Control. CDC was the sponsor and major funding source for the studies – the charges against Thorsen were limited to the financial arrangements of the studies as they were disbursed through a CDC insider named Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp and had nothing to do with the study conclusions. CDC was able to get off the hook and leave Thorsen as the fall guy, yet still benefited from the work of Thorsen and colleagues. Despite the accusations against Thorsen and colleagues on the veracity and reliability of the studies, CDC and other affiliated organisations still cite the Danish Studies’ conclusions to allay public concern in America about the vaccine. Even Dr. Stephen Barrett cites them in his pro-orthodox literature. So although Thimerosal is now supposedly no longer present in MMR vaccines administered to children, I am not aware of any overt official recognition of the Thimerosal-autism link; nor of any class actions of litigation that would surely arise out of a wider public awareness of the real truth.]

  292. 179. The standard conventional treatment for the prevention of Prostate Cancer is Avodart, Proscar, or one of the other drugs in a class known as “5-ARIs.” This class of drugs was developed to treat enlarged prostate (also known as BPH, or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). However, it appears some pharmaceutical companies sought to extend the use of a drug beyond its approved usage. In a 2010 New England Journal of Medicine study, about 3,300 men at high risk of prostate cancer took Avodart for four years. A second group, also at high risk, took a placebo. When compared to placebo, the relative risk of any level of prostate cancer was reduced by nearly 23 per cent in the Avodart group. Keep in mind that every man between the ages of 50 and 75 is considered high risk. If asking whether it’s worth the gamble, consider that according to one insider, the NEJM study doesn’t reveal why this is a rigged game. In an editorial appearing in the same NEJM issue as the Avodart study, Dr Patrick Walsh points out that Avodart and Proscar, “… do not prevent prostate cancer but merely temporarily shrink tumours that have a low potential for being lethal, and they do not reduce the risk of a positive biopsy in patients who have an elevated PSA level.” And in 2009, in the journal Prostate Cancer Discovery, Dr Walsh had this to say about Proscar: “Men will believe that it prevents cancer, will be pleased that their PSA levels fall, and will not understand the potential danger of undiagnosed high-grade disease.” Speaking specifically about the Avodart study, he said the results showed, “There was a 23% reduction in low-grade tumours that the patients would never have known they had. Does this sound like an indication to take a pill with sexual side effects that costs $4 a day?” In the NEJM study, sexual dysfunction was higher in the Avodart group. More importantly, subjects in that group were nearly twice as likely to experience heart failure compared to placebo. Recently, the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed Dr Walsh’s reservations about 5-ARIs. The FDA told makers of the 5-ARI drugs to change the warnings and precautions on all labels to include new safety information about increased risk of diagnosis with high-grade prostate cancer. Dr. Patrick Walsh, Distinguished Service Professor of Urology at Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the US, where he served as Urologist-in-Chief for 30 years. [Cardiotoxic drugs for the marginal reduction in prostate cancer risk… That kind of efficacy and safety in a pharmaceutical drug is par for the course. I’ll research and write up on these drugs to include in Chapter Five when I get the chance.]

  293. 180. “For some time now I have refrained from making any comments in regard to information on the Internet concerning hydrazine sulfate. My silence has been occasioned by the hope that our federal and prominent private-sector cancer agencies would endorse the use of hydrazine sulfate, in the wake of clinical trials demonstrating its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer. But this hasn’t happened. Quite the opposite. A casual examination of the Internet shows that information in regard to hydrazine sulfate is composed of a mixture of “endorsements” of hydrazine sulfate from individual patients and their advocates—and the seemingly authoritative disparagement of it by cancer establishment sources. It is this “condemnation” of hydrazine sulfate I wish to address—the scientific gobbledygook of so-called studies, side effects, carcinogenicity, toxicity, cautions, critiques and inferences woven together by our cancer agencies’ most talented “spin doctors” into a web of outright misrepresentations, deception and scientific fraud. (As an example of this fraud, NCI has posted an entry on the Internet, “date last modified: 6/18/04,” stating “hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials,” which as will be seen is patently untrue and does not reflect the ten years of randomized clinical trials performed by Harbor-UCLA Medical Center from 1981-1990 and the many published, peer-reviewed clinical studies based on that body of work.” Dr. Joseph Gold MD, Syracuse Cancer Research Insitute, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate. [The full text with references is in Chapter Eight, Article C8: “The Truth About Hydrazine Sulphate – Dr. Gold Speaks #1.” More excerpts from this article are included in this series of quotes. Dr. Gold’s reportage of the filthy tricks perpetrated by several organisations – NCI, ACS, AMA, GAO, FDA & MSK amongst them – is eloquent and heavily supported with corroborations. It is absolutely staggering to realise how nakedly criminal and cruel these agencies have been and continue to be towards people who suffer from fatal medical conditions (especially cancer) because of profit motive and/or power politics.]

    181. “First and foremost, it is important for you to know that, contrary to implications made on the Internet, clinical trials of hydrazine sulfate have been done and published in peer-reviewed medical journals which circulate worldwide. And the truth is that every single, informed-consent, controlled clinical trial of hydrazine sulfate, performed in accordance with internationally accepted criteria and standards of scientific conduct—without exception—has indicated efficacy and safety of the drug. The only contrary results have been the National Cancer Institute-sponsored trials of hydrazine sulfate in which incompatible agents (medications) were used with the test drug. It must be stressed that no legitimate researcher on this planet would ever knowingly use an incompatible agent—or one even suspected of incompatibility—in the trial of a test drug. Use of an incompatible agent in a drug test, which acts to cause a negative study, can only be the result of incompetence or deliberateness.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  294. 182. “Secondly, Internet sources have implicated hydrazine sulfate to be toxic or carcinogenic. Although hydrazine sulfate is carcinogenic—i.e., can cause cancer—in some weanling mice given the drug in their drinking water since birth, there has never been a case of human cancer reported as a result of HS therapy . (In contrast, routinely administered chemotherapy drugs are commonly carcinogenic—and can produce up to 26% of “second cancers.”) Perhaps more importantly, the influential medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine presented a “Brief Communication” (and accompanying editorial) in its December 5, 2000 issue, of a single patient who allegedly died of fatal hepatorenal failure as a result of “HS” therapy. The only trouble was that no firm evidence was presented in this paper that the patient in question ever took hydrazine sulfate. The authors of this article stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This means there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple spectrofluorometric blood tests that will confirm even the smallest residues of hydrazine sulfate ingested even months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal on earth—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient in question ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences, without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. But the editors and writers of the Annals—with our federal health agencies’ knowledge and participation—chose to disseminate their reports to the media of the world, to the medical profession of every country and to the Internet, where the public would be sure to find them. To put this situation in its proper context: While Annals chose to issue a “drug warning” based on one, single presumptive case of fatal toxicity of HS in the 30 years since the drug has been in use, there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy deaths each year. Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer organizations ever let the public know this?” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    183. “Despite this drug’s early promise, from the very beginning of clinical trials, HS was to be met with controversy as a function of government action. On March 8, 1976, veteran congressman James M. Hanley (Chair of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee and a member of many committees and subcommittees) requested a “status report” on HS from the director of the National Cancer Institute, our country’s—and the world’s—largest and most influential cancer agency. Within two weeks he received a reply which stated: “Hydrazine sulfate has been tested in the Soviet Union at the Petrov Institute in Leningrad [St. Petersburg ]. In a clinical study directed by Dr. Michael Gershanovich, no evidence of meaningful anticancer activity was reported. This information was communicated to the NCI under the Joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Health Agreement of 1972.” Days later, however, reprints of the actual study became available. Its English summary stated: “Clinical observations enabled us to state a definite therapeutic effect of hydrazine sulfate in patients with lymphogranulomatosis [Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas] and malignant tumors of various localizations, when other measures of specific therapy failed.” This was exactly opposite of what was communicated to Congressman Hanley. In fact, the text stated that because of the highly positive findings the study was being immediately enlarged. As to whether the NCI response to Congressman Hanley represented an innocent error on the part of the NCI or a deliberate fabrication, a further letter from the NCI, dated June 22, 1976, stated: “An abstract [summary] of the Gershanovich study appeared in Cancer Therapy Abstracts (Vol. 16: No. 4 [19]75-2046), a journal published under contract to the NCI.” This published abstract antedated the NCI’s response to Congressman Hanley by six months. Thus, at the time the NCI was writing to Congressman Hanley that the Soviet data were negative, the NCI already knew these data were positive.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  295. 184. “It might surprise you to know that two thirds of all cancer patients who don’t survive die because of a problem called Cachexia ( ka-KEK-see-a). Cachexia is a wasting process which destroys the body’s muscle mass and debilitates the patient to a fatal degree. This process also occurs in advanced cases of AIDS. Almost 40 years ago, Dr, Joseph Gold, head of the Syracuse Cancer Institute in Syracuse, New York, discovered that Hydrazine Sulfate could not only reverse and prevent this wasting away process, but could also significantly inhibit tumor growth. In some cases it caused the tumors to disappear entirely. Hydrazine Sulfate is also non-toxic, without the side effects of many conventional treatments, and is available off the shelf. It works by inhibiting “Gluconeogenesis,” the liver’s recycling of lactic acid into glucose. This sick relationship between the liver and the cancer is what causes healthy cells to starve while increasing deadly sugar, which feeds the cancer. Cancer loves sugar. Dr. Gold was inspired by a paper written by biochemist Paul Ray, explaining that Hydrazine Sulfate could shut down the enzyme that was necessary to produce glucose from lactic acid. True to his own theory, Dr. Gold had serendipitously found a real way to starve cancer. So here we go again. The American Cancer Society put Hydrazine Sulfate on it’s “Unproven Methods” blacklist in 1976 after a clinical trial held at Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan on 29 cancer patients. It condemned and stigmatized the drug, even though it was later proven that Sloan Kettering botched the tests. Dr. Gold himself visited the hospital unannounced, and discovered that the trials were not being conducted according to their joint agreements and the drug testing protocols. Some patients received doses far too high, while others were grossly under dosed. This skewed the test results, to say the least. The study’s protocol called for patients to receive 60 milligrams per day for the first three days, twice a day for the next three days and three times a day for the following six weeks. Sloan was administering 90 to 100 milligrams at one time, giving some patients a 67 percent overdose. Although the testing could never be published today, the damage was done. The blacklisting by the ACS caused Dr. Gold to lose his funding and deterred other researchers from following up Dr. Gold’s previous research. In 1975, a study on 84 advanced cancer patients showed that 70% of them experienced weight gain, or stopped weight loss and also reduced pain. Tumor improvement was not as gratifying, coming in at only 17%. But others were watching and conducting their own tests on Hydrazine Sulfate. The Russians at Petrov Institute in Leningrad, were conducting their own tests, with more impressive results. In a study of 48 terminal cancer patients, 35 percent had tumor reduction, and 59 percent showed a return to near normalcy or better. Then, something remarkable happened. The ACS reversed itself in 1979 and removed Hydrazine Sulfate from its blacklist; something it had done only four previous times. In 1982, Hydrazine Sulfate was removed permanently from the list. Its remarkable ability to both reduce or destroy tumors and reverse the wasting away syndrome of cachexia make it one of the most amazing treatments in the war against cancer.” Dr. Yvonne Kleine, Naturopath, PhD Nutritionist. defeatosteosarcoma dot org/2010/11/dr-joseph-gold-and-hydrazine-sulfate/. [It is most unlike the ACS to reverse a blacklisting and therefore tacitly endorse Hydrazine Sulphate in this manner. Nevertheless, it is a matter of public record that ACS permanently removed Hydrazine Sulphate from its blacklist. The reasons why ACS did this remain unclear, since in Alternative Medicine circles, ACS is renowned for crookedness. Note also that MSK was neck-deep in its own dirty work, deliberately skewing clinical trials yet again! It is claimed variously that at least one in three cancer sufferers dies not from cancer itself, but from cachexia. Dr. Kleine puts the figure at two in three, while at least one campaigner claims the figure is three in four patients. So accurate figures don’t appear to be available. However, it is an established fact that people die from anorexia. I have been personally acquainted with one such woman who subsequently died and one of the most famous cases was that of the outstanding female vocalist, Karen Carpenter. In the light of these tragedies due to anorexia nervosa, it is completely safe to presume that cachexia kills most people in whom it is not reversed soon enough, regardless of whether that should prove to be in 33%, 67% or 75% of cancer sufferers.]

  296. 185. “In 1975 three articles would appear in the medical literature, detailing initial clinical results with hydrazine sulfate. The first, the Soviet study, a phase II controlled clinical trial, set forth astonishing results in a class of patients termed “factually terminal [stage 4],” who had become unresponsive, or had failed to respond initially, to conventional therapy: 58 percent demonstrated anticachexia response (weight gain, performance status improvement, normalization of the laboratory indices, etc.), and 35 percent showed antitumor response (tumor regression or stabilization); one year later the initial series of 48 patients was enlarged to 95 patients, with essentially the same results. The second, a pharmaceutical-sponsored IND (Investigational New Drug) study of 84 terminal and preterminal patients with different types of cancer demonstrated a 59 percent anticachexia response and a 17 percent antitumor response. The third, a small study of 29 patients conducted at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, totally uncontrolled for patient selection, drug dosage and treatment schedule, and prior and concurrent therapy, found no long-term improvements (although transient response was recorded). On the basis of this totally uncontrolled MSKCC trial of 29 patients the American Cancer Society, in March 1976, placed HS on its “Unproven Methods” list. The ACS stated: “After careful study of the literature and other available information, the American Cancer Society does not have evidence that Hydrazine Sulfate is of any objective benefit in the treatment of cancer in human beings.” In its article, the ACS referenced only the uncontrolled MSKCC study, but failed to reference the phase II controlled Soviet trial or the (American) pharmaceutical-sponsored IND study. (In late 1979 the ACS removed HS from its Unproven Methods list, in the wake of increasingly positive data on HS.) In March 1979 the Soviet study was enlarged to 225 patients. Published as an abstract in the March 1979 Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, controlled for patient selection and prognosis, performance status, dosage protocol, prior and concurrent therapy, the study reported overall results of 65 percent anticachexia response and 44 percent antitumor response. Anticachexia response was described as “appreciable improvement of appetite and general status, disappearance or reduction of severe weakness characteristic of the pretreatment period, reduction or complete elimination of pain, tendency toward normalization of the laboratory findings”; antitumor response included tumor regression (“less than 25 to greater than 50% of initial tumor volume”) and tumor stabilization (from “3-6 months”); side effects included “minimal nausea, dizziness, anorexia, polyneuritis (1.7%) [tingling of the fingers]”—and the absence of bone marrow depression (“leukopenia and thrombocytopenia were not observed”). In this class of patients no efficacy and safety findings approaching these had ever before been reported. Nevertheless, although arrangements had been made through the Soviet and American governments to have Dr. Gershanovich come to this country to discuss these results, after traveling more than 7,000 miles he was not permitted to present his paper orally at the annual scientific meetings of the American Association for Cancer Research in New Orleans. Asked by the media at this conference whether “consideration should not have been given to the fact that [this] Russian trial was the first large-scale study of [HS], purporting to show significant benefits from its use”—and therefore become subject to open discussion by the world oncology community—the program chairman of the AACR stated: “The Gershanovich paper is not going to be presented, and that’s it.” (In 1981 the Gershanovich data were published as a full-length paper in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer.)” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  297. 186. “Also in 1979 a negative paper on HS of 25 non-randomized, non-blinded, non-controlled, open-study patients would be published in the journal Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, whose editor-in-chief was an NCI official, authored by Dr. William Regelson (now deceased) and colleagues from the Medical College of Virginia. In this totally unaudited study, 7 of the “negative” patients died (of their disease, not from the drug) within 11 days of starting HS therapy (1 died on the very first day), another was “lost to follow-up” after two weeks, 2 others received prior chemotherapy which had not yet cleared, 1 received concurrent medication shown to be incompatible with HS as long as four years previously, and 16 received HS less than the required four-week minimum (l patient received HS for only 1 day, 9 for 1 week or less, 16 for 2 weeks or less). Of the 25 “negative” patients only five could qualify for evaluation according to established drug-testing protocol. Because only 20 percent of the patients of the study were evaluable, it is unclear how this paper achieved publication, since it was apparent that it could not have been subject to normal, independent peer-review procedures.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    187. “In January 1980 the Commentary section of the Journal of the American Medical Association would present another negative article on HS, again authored by Dr. Regelson. The JAMA was at the time perhaps the most authoritative medical journal in the world and its prestigious Commentary section, located at the beginning of many issues, was in effect a forum that usually addressed an important social or political medical problem or question—and was thus a reflection of the views of organized medicine at its highest levels. In this Commentary article Dr. Regelson stated that he and “others” had performed randomized, double-blind studies on HS that were negative. (“In both randomized double-blind and nonrandomized studies, our group and others have tested hydrazine sulfate in advanced cancer patients….”) But the truth was that Dr. Regelson—or “others”— never performed any double-blind studies and indeed the only study that Dr. Regelson ever performed was the one, previously discussed, in which 80 percent of the patients were unevaluable and which could not have been published on the basis of independent peer-review. In fact Dr. Regelson never once mentioned the Gershanovich results—the only truly controlled (phase II) clinical trial of HS up to that time (1979), which dwarfed all other studies (225/233 evaluable patients) of HS combined. (Gershanovich’s name did not appear once in the text.) Of HS Dr. Regelson only stated: “[Hydrazine sulfate] does inhibit the Walker 256 carcinoma [a rat tumor] and has shown synergy with chemotherapy in the L 1210 in mice….Where does that leave us?” Thus extolling the “double-blind” studies he had never published or performed, and omitting any mention of the large-scale, positive, controlled Russian trials that had been published and performed—Dr. Regelson’s Commentary article sent an unmistakable message that HS was tantamount to quackery medicine, in effect regarded by the cancer establishment (he referred to himself as “we members of the Establishment”) as a pharmaceutica-non-grata . Equally disconcerting was the fact that the editorial staff of the JAMA had apparently not checked to ascertain that Dr. Regelson—or “others”—had indeed published double-blind studies on HS, in effect that what Dr. Regelson was writing was in fact true. JAMA ‘s failure to perform this most elementary task served only to reinforce Dr. Regelson’s egregiously erroneous “message” to the practitioners of American medicine. Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  298. 188. “First published in the early 1980s, one of the most influential cancer textbooks in the world was (and still is) CANCER, Principles & Practice of Oncology, whose principal editor was Dr. Vincent T. DeVita, Jr., then director of the NCI. In its first edition in 1983 this textbook carried a chapter, “Unproven Methods of Cancer Treatment,” authored by Dr. Jane E. Henney, deputy director of the NCI (who would become Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration in 1998). As expected, Dr. Henney’s chapter would not include HS, since this drug had been removed from the American Cancer Society’s Unproven List three years previously and the Soviet phase II study of 225 patients had already been published in 1981 in the American peer-reviewed journal, Nutrition and Cancer. But in this textbook’s second edition, published in 1985, in the wake of further positive clinical studies, Dr. Henney’s chapter, strangely enough, did include HS. By that time the Russian (Soviet) series had been enlarged to 356 patients, reporting essentially the same highly positive results as in earlier papers, again in very late stage, refractory patients. In her chapter, Dr. Henney characterized these Soviet results—in this instance 44 percent antitumor response and 50 percent anticachexia response, previously unheard of in this class of patients—as merely showing “hints of subjective activity.” And although the watershed February 1984 Cancer Research Harbor-UCLA article—and its predecessor ASCO abstracts of 198230 and 198331 —were available to her before the chapter went to press (in her chapter Dr. Henney quoted a reference dated April 1984), no mention whatsoever was made of the Harbor-UCLA work.
    In subsequent editions of the DeVita textbook Dr. Henney’s chapter was entirely removed. Nevertheless, a signal was sent to the oncology world that the two highest officials of the NCI—Drs. DeVita and Henney—had seen fit to characterize HS as an “unproven method” at a time when positive data, including randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, were emergent from unimpeachable clinical sources.
    Harbor-UCLA Grant Application To The NCI . On July 1, 1983 Harbor-UCLA, under the principal investigatorship of Rowan T. Chlebowski, M.D., Ph.D., considered one of this country’s leading authorities in intermediary cancer metabolism, submitted a grant application to the NCI to continue its successful, initial studies with HS and extend this salient work with the performance of an all-important clinical outcome study. Over the next few years NCI action would prove disconcerting to the Harbor-UCLA investigators. When Chlebowski and his colleagues made changes in the application recommended by the NCI study section, NCI referred the revised grant application to new and sequentially different study sections, which knew less and less about it and would demand further changes, until action by a third study section—submission to three, successive study sections had never before happened to any NCI grant application—would demand changes that had nothing to do with the original grant application or with changes recommended by the first, and primary, study section. In 1985 Dr. Chlebowski received notice from the NCI that his grant application had been approved but achieved only a “borderline” funding score, indicating a substantial uncertainty it would be funded. Chlebowski therefore sent an urgent letter to the NCI, requesting “special funding consideration.”
    In his letter Dr. Chlebowski, stated: “Our cumulative data are largely in agreement with the over 300 patient Russian experience where clinical benefit was observed in approximately half the patients receiving hydrazine sulfate therapy.” Emphasizing the importance of his research, he stated: “If the negative prognostic implications of weight loss in these cancer patient populations could be overcome by hydrazine sulfate—[which he termed “representative of an entirely new class of therapeutic compounds”]—a major therapeutic advance applicable to hundreds of thousands of cancer patients would be achieved.”
    Chlebowski received no reply to his letter in over a month. A copy of his letter was then forwarded to the direct attention of Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, for an “unbiased review of the hydrazine sulfate situation and of Dr.Chlebowski’s letter in particular.” Two months later Dr. Chlebowski received a “Notice of Grant Award” from the NCI for his three-year project, “Glucose Metabolism and Hydrazine in Cancer Cachexia,” to begin September 1, 1985.
    In 1987 three papers were published as a result of this new (and residual ACS) funding. In February Chlebowski and colleagues would demonstrate, in a full-length paper, that weight maintenance in HS-treated patients was statistically associated with an increase in the effectiveness of calories ingested, that the mean blood circulatory levels of HS nine hours following a standard oral dose (60 mg) ranged from 0 to 89 ng/ml—average: 45± 16 ng/ml—implying that patients who received no benefit from HS may not be absorbing it from their gastrointestinal tracts (i.e., patients with near-zero blood levels), that side effects were minimal, consisting of low levels of nausea, lightheadedness and “less than 1%” peripheral neuritis. In August Harbor-UCLA investigators, again in a full-length paper, demonstrated that HS reduced protein breakdown and preserved peripheral (body) muscle mass in patients with late stage non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC); it was also found that HS acted to maintain serum albumin levels, an important prognosticator of survival in these patients.
    However, in 1987, it would be a third paper published only in abstract form by the Harbor-UCLA investigators which would prove to be most consequential. In this abstract (and in an oral presentation at the annual scientific meetings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology that year) substantive evidence was presented that HS resulted in statistically increased survival in a subset of early patients with NSCLC, which had never before been reported as a result of drug therapy: HS addition to standard chemotherapy resulted in a median survival time of 328 days, vs. placebo addition to standard chemotherapy which resulted in a median survival time of 209 days, the difference being statistically significant to the p<.05 level. It was the first time that a treatment directed primarily at abnormal host metabolism was demonstrated to favorably influence survival outcome in patients with malignant disease.
    By the beginning of 1988, prospectively randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies had thus indicated that HS: (a) normalized abnormal glucose metabolism, (b) resulted in increased effectiveness of ingested calories, (c) caused weight gain or weight stabilization, (d) reversed protein breakdown and muscle wasting, (e) maintained serum albumin levels, and (f) resulted in statistically significant survival increase in lung cancer patients. However, that same year NCI's Dr. DeVita, representing this country's cancer leadership at its highest levels, would pronounce HS a “ho-hum idea,” referring to this drug as merely “a therapy that gave you plumper people by the time they died” (and reaffirming his statement made to the media in 1981: “We throw away drugs that are better than hydrazine sulfate”).” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate. [In saying this, Dr. DeVita actually spoke the truth. They do in fact throw away better drugs than Hydrazine Sulphate. What he did NOT say however, was that they routinely KEEP drugs that are much, much worse.]

  299. 189. “Recognizing the large therapeutic potential of HS as a result of their metabolic and clinical outcome studies, Harbor-UCLA investigators undertook to enlarge their work from a single-institutional study to a multicentric study and from examination of a single tumor type, namely lung, to three tumor types: lung, breast and colon. The institutions involved would be: Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (study headquarters), Emory University Medical Center, University of Toronto Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. Among the co-principal investigators were some of the most distinguished names in cancer medicine and research: Dr. Dan Nixon, Dr. Murray Brennan, Dr. G. G. Boyd, and others. Dr. Chlebowski, a most experienced—and successful—grant writer, undertook to write the initial draft of the multi-institutional grant application, then sent it to his colleagues at the cooperating institutions for their comments, then revised it according to their recommendations. At about the time of publication of the Harbor-UCLA outcome study abstract (1987), Chlebowski sent the completed multicentric grant application to the NCI. Chlebowski, considered a “luminary” in the field of cancer metabolism investigation (he was one of thirteen scientists selected by the U.S. government to help establish a cancer treatment and teaching center in Taipei, Taiwan ), was shocked some months later to receive notification from the NCI that his grant application was not only not approved, but received one of the worst scores possible (at the time a perfect score was ‘1,” the worst “500”: the number given to his application was 460). In giving Chlebowski’s multicentric application—written in conjunction with some of the country’s top research institutes and scientists—such a resoundingly high (poor) score, the NCI in effect gave indication of its apparent displeasure with further, independent trials of HS. Shortly thereafter, NCI—the frequent and assertive adversary of HS since 1976—assumed sole control of all further clinical testing of this agent.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    190. “But the Harbor-UCLA investigators, and HS, would be dealt another surprise at the hands of the cancer establishment. In early 1988, after gathering and collating all the data from its outcome study, Harbor-UCLA sought to publish a full-length paper on this study, detailing all study parameters—including patient selection, concurrent medication, treatment protocols, methods of study conduct, statistical analyses, etc.—in a journal of unquestioned reputation. Anticipating no difficulty in this task, Chlebowski and his co-workers sent this paper off to a mainstream, well regarded, internationally circulated cancer journal, in which they had published many times previously. This journal’s editorial board kept his paper for four months—instead of the usual six weeks—and then rejected it. He then submitted the paper to the Journal of Clinical Oncology —a journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology —considered by many as the emergent, authoritative journal for clinical studies of cancer drugs. In early 1989 the JCO agreed to publish the Harbor-UCLA paper, with “major revisions,” most of which related to methodology and details of statistical analyses. However, each time Harbor-UCLA submitted its revisions, the JCO would ask for further changes. Finally, in June 1989 Harbor-UCLA received final acceptance by the JCO, stating its paper would be published in the journal’s January 1990 issue.
    But it would not be a “normal” publication. Ordinarily a journal submits to the author(s) galley proofs (page proofs) of the paper shortly before publication. These proofs are strictly of the author(s)’ article and are for the express purpose of making last minute changes, additions or corrections. No galleys or proofs of any other articles or content appearing in the journal issue are ever sent to the author(s)—which would be considered highly unethical. But when Chlebowski and his group received galleys of their article, included in these galleys were the galleys of yet another paper—an editorial, “Hazards of Small Clinical Trials,” taking aim exclusively at the Chlebowski paper and the conclusions reached. Up to this time no journal had ever sought to attack its own lead article. Confronted with the choice of withdrawing their paper with the understanding that the editorial, too, would be withdrawn, Chlebowski and his group chose rather to go ahead with publication.
    Although in the January 1990 issue of the JCO Chlebowski and his group were able to demonstrate unequivocally that HS addition to chemotherapy significantly extended the lives of NSCLC patients, the effect of the editorial (which preceded the Chlebowski paper) was devastating. Written by Dr. Steven Piantadosi of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Center (who at the time was also a member of FDA’s Oncology Drug Advisory Committee which recommended to the FDA which cancer drugs to approve and which not to approve), the editorial singled out only the HS results, shredding the Harbor-UCLA work on the basis that it was “too small” a clinical study to be valid. However—and as pointed out in a subsequent issue of the JCO – the Chlebowski trial was comprised of 65 patients, considered adequate for any phase III single-institution trial, whereas in the same journal issue there were trials of 15, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31, 40, 40, 43, 49, and 51 patients, and the editorial took issue with none of these or the conclusions reached. The effect of this “hired-gun” editorial was to dramatically curtail the use of HS in the U.S., and cast a pall over future, independent clinical research with HS, discouraging individual researchers and their sponsoring institutions from implementing any such undertakings.
    (In contrast, in 1990—the same year as the Piantadosi editorial—HS, following approval for use throughout the Soviet Union, was named Sehydrin by the nomenclature commission of the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Health and, one year later, approved by the Pharmacology Committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia [the equivalent of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration] for general oncology use.) Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  300. 191. “In 1988 the NCI announced it would sponsor three large-scale multicentric (multi-institutional) phase III studies of HS, the first (and largest) of which would be conducted under the auspices of the Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Cooperative Oncology Group of the NCI, headquartered at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla. The second and third were conducted by the North Central Cancer Treatment Group (NCCTG) headquartered at the Mayo Clinic. NCI’s Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), headed by Dr. Michael Friedman, held the portfolio of the planned HS studies.
    HS is an irreversible and potent MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor, a class of compounds that can have potentially deadly interactions with other drugs. For over three decades it has been known that central nervous system depressants—such as barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol—are incompatible with MAO inhibitors and use of the two together could result in extremely dangerous effects. Because these agents—especially tranquilizers—were commonly used as supportive agents in cancer patients, CTEP and all study chairs of the planned NCI-sponsored studies were alerted that use of HS in conjunction with these agents would constitute a clinical hazard, were advised that these supportive agents should be excluded in any study of HS (if not, a negative study would result), and were provided published and unpublished data indicating deleterious interactions between the two. (For example, one of the provided studies indicated that tumor bearing rats given either a benzodiazepine tranquilizer or HS suffered no harmful effects, whereas when the two types of compounds were given together in the same doses, the rats became comatose and a 50% to 60% mortality resulted, depending on which benzodiazepine was given.) CALGB’s reply was that after careful review and discussion, “barbiturates, tranquilizers and alcohol will not be specifically excluded.”
    In the June 1994 issue of the JCO, the three NCI-sponsored studies were reported as negative. Publication of these studies was apparently carefully planned, since they appeared consecutively —even though they were finished at far different intervals (February 1991, October l992, November 1992). The first (CALGB) study was finished a year and a half before the last studies—and held until the last studies were completed, the effect of which was that their simultaneous—and sequential —publication might have greater impact. In the largest of these studies it was emphasized that “no patients received barbiturates and virtually no patients received phenothiazine-type tranquilizers with the exception of prochlorperazine (Compazine), which was used as a short-term anti-emetic [anti-nausea] agent.” No mention was made of use of the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, the implication being that the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were not used. Tranquilizers were thus indicated as used only sparingly and for very short periods of time. Yet another—fourth—article on HS appeared in the same journal issue, an editorial identifying HS as a “vampire” and the NCI-sponsored studies as “three stakes in the heart of hydrazine sulfate.”” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    192. “Because of evidence of irregularities presented to Congress, the ranking members of the Subcommittee on Human Resources and Intergovernmental Relations of the House Government Operations Committee ordered a General Accounting Office investigation of the NCI-sponsored HS studies (the GAO is the investigative arm of Congress). This investigation was commenced in June 1994 under the leadership and direction of 28-year veteran investigator Barry D. Tice, Assistant Director of the GAO, Health Planning Division. The GAO soon learned that far from the exclusion of barbiturates and short-term use of only Compazine as a tranquilizer, the CALGB study included widespread—and in many cases prolonged—use of a spectrum of both phenothiazine tranquilizers as well as the more powerful benzodiazepine tranquilizers, with no exclusion of barbiturates or restriction on use of alcohol. Among the phenothiazine tranquilizers used were: chlorpromazine, perphenazine, prochlorperazine and triethylperazine; among the benzodiazepine tranquilizers were: alprazolam, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, oxazepam, temazepam and triazolam; barbiturates included: pentobarbital, phenobarbital, secobarbital and donnatal. These are among the most powerful depressants known, with such trade names as Thorazine, Compazine, Xanax, Valium, Dalmane, Ativan, Restoril, Halcion, Nembutal and Seconal. They are all incompatible—and potentially dangerous—with MAO inhibitors. It was ascertained that many patients in these studies received both phenothiazines and benzodiazepines, and some more than one tranquilizer at a time. As a consequence the CALGB was forced to publish a new paper clarifying the use of these agents. The new paper specified that 94% of all patients received tranquilizers, half receiving the main benzodiazepine tranquilizer used, lorazepam (Ativan), on a long-term (>48 hours) basis, that the data were not computerized and that information regarding the use of concomitant medications “was not complete.” At the end of this new paper the authors nevertheless maintained: “The correction and clarifications offered here do not change the conclusions originally reported from our study.”” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  301. 193. “The principal question of this investigation was whether or not HS was an MAO inhibitor. If so, the NCI-sponsored studies would be, by definition, intrinsically flawed (since tranquilizers were known to be incompatible with MAO inhibitors). Despite pharmacology textbooks identifying hydrazine as an irreversible MAO inhibitor over the past 30 years, the NCI vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS was an MAO inhibitor. On September 14, 1994 Dr. Michael Friedman, associate director of CTEP and in charge of NCI’s HS studies, wrote to Dr. Vera A. Gorbunova inquiring whether “Russian oncologists restrict the coadministration of hydrazine with alcohol, antiemetics, tranquilizers and barbiturates.” Within three weeks he received a reply from Russian oncologist Dr. M. B. Bychkof: “Hydrazine sulfate is a modulator of biologic reactions…it functions as an inhibitor of monoamine oxidase [MAO] and therefore cannot be used in combination with alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates.” Nevertheless Dr. Friedman would later write to Barry Tice: “That hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor seems unsupported by our review of the data.”
    Repeatedly asserting that HS was not an MAO inhibitor—acknowledgement by NCI of MAO inhibition by HS would be tantamount to an admission that NCI wittingly or unwittingly used known incompatible agents (“negative bias factors”) in its HS studies—and leaving GAO investigators confused—NCI submitted to the GAO a series of nine “retrospective analyses” alleging that even if there were an incompatibility between HS and alcohol, tranquilizers and barbiturates, usage of these substances made no difference anyway to the studies’ outcome. But these retrospective analyses were filled with statistical irrationalities and subjected to an outside, independent audit by consultant biostatistician Richard D. Wilkins, a former senior biostatistician at a major pharmaceutical company. In his 19-page report, Wilkins summarizes: “The NCI retrospective analyses, as presented, cannot statistically substantiate any claim that the use of adjunctive tranquilizers and/or barbiturates had no (deleterious) effect on hydrazine sulfate drug action or on survival outcome.”
    On June 5, 1995 the GAO issued its 28-page Final Draft Report of its ten-month investigation which was, in effect, a scathing criticism of the NCI-sponsored studies, which GAO investigators stated actually contributed to, rather than clarified, the controversy surrounding HS. Its title was: “NIH Actions Spur Continued Controversy Over Hydrazine Sulfate Therapy.” The report stated: “NCI did not conduct adequate oversight of these trials. It did not take sufficient measures to appropriately address concerns over alleged incompatible agents…. The issue of possible incompatibility of hydrazine sulfate with certain other agents is unsettled….The clinical importance of possible interaction between hydrazine sulfate and tranquilizing agents, barbiturates, or alcohol has not been determined and the issue remains unsettled.” This was circulated as a perfunctory courtesy to the Food and Drug Administration, the NCI, the Public Health Service and “interested congressional committees” before publication as an official document. Two days later, as set forth in a published investigative article, NCI representatives met with GAO, expressing “grave concern” lest the Draft Report be made public, and five days later presented GAO with an 8-page memorandum “demand[ing] a major rewrite.” Shortly thereafter Barry Tice was removed from his position as lead investigator and relieved of all responsibilities in this case. Three months later (September 13, 1995) GAO published its official—new—report of its investigation. The new title read: “Contrary to Allegation, NIH Hydrazine Sulfate Studies Were Not Flawed.”
    Tice commented, regarding the changes made in the Draft Report: “There weren’t that many words changed from our Final Draft Report, but…the impact of the changes and few key deletions was tremendous. Those changes took NCI almost completely off the hook….In my almost 30 years at GAO I was rarely forced to accept rewrites or deletions that…significantly altered a report’s message.”
    Tice retired from his long career at GAO soon after the altered GAO report was published. However, he was still haunted by the lingering doubt as to whether HS was an MAO inhibitor, on which, he knew rested the crux of the entire GAO investigation. As a private citizen, using his own stationery, he wrote to Robert M. Julien, M.D., Ph.D., of St. Vincent Hospital, Portland, Oregon, an acknowledged expert in the field of drug interactions and author of the seventh edition of A Primer of Drug Action—whose book he had come across after leaving GAO—asking whether HS was an MAO inhibitor. Tice received a timely reply indicating HS was “an irreversible MAO inhibitor” (Dr. Julien’s emphasis).
    On October 25, 1999, four years after the NCI had so vigorously denied to GAO investigators that HS could be an MAO inhibitor, lest the NCI-sponsored studies be termed “intrinsically flawed”—four years after the GAO investigation had safely passed—NCI issued a multipage newsletter on complementary and alternative medicine, discussing HS. Its opening line was: “Hydrazine sulfate is an MAO inhibitor….”” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    194. “In flagrant violation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act of January 26, 1998, the “appointing authority” (FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research), however, invited only those who could speak against HS to its PCAC meeting of May 7, 1999. Three outspoken adversaries of HS gave testimony (in favor of de-listing) to the committee, one of whom (charged with a “conflict of interest” in his role in the NCI-sponsored HS studies) was not present in person but gave testimony by videotape and live telephone-hookup.
    The appointing authority issued no invitations to any qualified proponents of HS to give testimony, either in person or by videotape or by live telephone-hookup, in favor of HS, and thereby balance the “points of view presented,” as required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act of 1998. As a result the committee—sustaining a virtual blackout of information on the metabolic and clinical efficacy and safety data of the drug as presented in the peer-reviewed journals—voted unanimously, 12-0, to recommend the de-listing of HS from the bulk compounding list.
    On February 6, 2001, section 353a of the Food and Drug Modernization Act of 1997, under which authority the PCAC voted its recommendation of May 7, 1999 to de-list HS from the bulk compounding list, was declared unconstitutional by a panel of three judges of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The FDA thereupon petitioned this court for a rehearing en banc (all 11 justices). The Court unanimously declined to do so. FDA then took this matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice Department arguing the FDA’s case. On April 29, 2002 the Supreme Court upheld the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in effect declaring section 353a—and all action taken under its authority (including the recommended de-listing of HS)—null and void.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

  302. 195. “What could not be done to eliminate HS by official intimidation, by rigged clinical trials, by GAO complicity with the NCI, by one-sided PCAC (FDA) action, our cancer leadership sought to accomplish by enlisting what can only be termed the academic whoredom of one of this nation’s premiere medical journals.
    As alluded to previously, in its December 5, 2000 issue, the influential medical journal, Annals of Internal Medicine, published a “Brief Communication” and editorial alleging that HS caused fatal hepatorenal (liver & kidney) toxicity in a single patient. There was one thing “wrong,” however. No proof was presented that the patient ever took HS. The authors stated: “We could not obtain samples of the product he [the patient] ingested.” This meant there was no possibility of a direct examination of what it was the patient was taking. The authors further stated: “His blood was not tested for the presence of hydrazine.” But there are simple blood tests that will detect even the smallest traces of the drug ingested months earlier. It must be emphasized that no medical journal anywhere—of high repute or not—would publish an article and editorial based on one case, calling attention of the medical profession and public to the potential toxicity of a drug gaining in common usage, without incontrovertible, verifiable, air-tight evidence that the patient ever took the drug in the first place. No journal would have the ethical recklessness to disseminate an article having far-reaching public health consequences without absolute proof of its basic assumptions. In this regard the authors wrote: “It is not necessary to be certain that a direct cause-and-effect relationship exists between the product and the adverse clinical event…to file a [toxicity] report [to the FDA].” The authors were in effect stating that it was not necessary to know for sure that HS caused the adverse clinical event before reporting it to the FDA. The authors then stated: “This report [the article and editorial] suggests but does not prove that hydrazine sulfate caused the liver and kidney failure.” Thus, knowing full well that its position was unsubstantiated, the Annals, one of this nation’s top medical journals, went ahead anyway, disseminating its “drug alert” to doctors worldwide, across the Internet and onto the front pages of newspapers everywhere—without consideration to the heavy price that large numbers of cancer patients, their families and loved ones would pay if its message were incorrect.
    To understand the moral turpitude of the Annals’ action, it is necessary to know that—in contrast to the single, reported, presumptive case of fatal HS toxicity (in the drug’s 30 years of use)—there are tens of thousands of authenticated chemotherapy fatalities, deaths from chemotherapy drugs, in this country each year. Has the Annals, or other medical journals, or our federal health agencies, or the prominent private-sector cancer agencies ever let the public know this?” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate.

    196. “More than 1.2 million new cases of cancer are reported in the U.S. each year; more than 600,000 Americans die from this disease annually. The Petrov (Russian) data, corroborated by the Harbor-UCLA data, indicate that of every million late stage cancer patients treated with HS, more than half a million would receive measurable symptomatic improvement, 400,000 would have their tumors cease growing or regress, and some would go on to long term survival.
    If these data are correct—as seems likely—the human toll, in terms of needless suffering and/or premature death, because of a lack of access to HS therapy, has been 5 million persons in the last 10 years in the U.S. alone, many more worldwide.
    The National Cancer Institute and the Food and Drug Administration, as well as private-sector cohorts, are principally responsible for this woeful public health calamity. Their sham message to the public—of “validity” of the flawed NCI-sponsored studies, of potentially fatal “toxicity” of HS, of “validation” by the GAO of the NCI study results—has served to deceitfully undermine use of what appropriately controlled clinical trials have demonstrated to be a safe and effective drug and, in so doing, impose a public health menace on significant numbers of cancer patients worldwide.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate. [Other information sources report that currently, about 2,500,000 Americans are dying from cancer annually. Very large discrepancies occur in reportage of statistics and it is difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain exactly which figures are correct. That is especially so in America, because different government agencies appear to collect their own statistics and more to the point, put their own spins on the numbers according to their own agendas. So almost nothing can be completely trusted. There can be no dispute that the numbers are nevertheless huge and do in fact represent, in Dr Gold’s own words, “…a woeful public health calamity”.]

  303. 197. “It has come to the attention of the Syracuse Cancer Research Institute that the National Cancer Institute has placed the following misrepresentations on the Internet on June 18, 2004, repeated verbatim on March 3, 2005 (, in regard to hydrazine sulfate:
    (1) “There is only limited evidence from animal studies that hydrazine sulfate has anticancer activity.”
    (2) “Hydrazine sulfate has shown no anticancer activity in randomized clinical trials.”
    The first sentence implies there have been no human studies that have demonstrated the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. But, as NCI well knows, there have been many controlled human studies demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate, dating from as far back as 1975 and published in leading peer-reviewed cancer journals which circulate worldwide (cited in article references 15, 17, 23, 27, 29, 34, 35, 41, 78).
    The second sentence states categorically there have been no randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate. RCTs represent the “gold standard” of clinical trials, in that they are prospectively randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind and thus tend to minimize study bias from all sources. But NCI knows there have been four such randomized clinical trials demonstrating the anticancer activity of hydrazine sulfate (references 27, 34, 35, 41), all of which NCI has been aware from the very beginning. NCI knows that the above statements it has currently placed on the Internet are simply not true.” Dr. Joseph Gold, one of the world’s foremost authorities on the therapeutic use of Hydrazine Sulphate. [Reference citations are found in the complete article, reproduced in Chapter Eight, Article C8.]

    198. “As a medical Laboratory scientist, I accept much of what you say about the Gardasil and Cervarix cervical cancer vaccines. However, I wonder how many people understand that these vaccines (like all other vaccines) actually fail to protect anyone from anything! Since vaccines are injected into our bodies (which is not only unnatural but also invasive), they bypass numerous natural defences normally engaged when disease or infection threaten the immune system. There is no plausible scientific evidence that vaccines are effective against specific infectious diseases. On the contrary, they do a great deal of harm by raising free radical (oxidative) stress with their toxic additives and adjuvants, especially since most people have low levels of antioxidants due to unhealthy eating habits. I believe that the push to get as many vaccines as possible into all of us (especially the youth), is to cause permanent immune damage which shortens our lives and make us permanently reliant on more drugs until we die. These vaccines not only cause numerous chronic degenerative diseases, but in some cases even cancer… which are presently rising to pandemic levels. I also think vaccination programmes have a very sinister element of population control to them… let alone filling the pockets of greedy drug companies… at the cost of many lives. It saddens me to know that this is happening right under our noses and the victims have no knowledge nor any defence against it. I am totally disgusted with what is going on. It is completely amoral and a crime against humanity. Words are inadequate to express this outrage against the innocent and vulnerable. Genetically modified food and these Pharma concoctions have turned the medical industry into the greatest killers on earth.” E. Car, medical laboratory scientist, email 12.11.12.

  304. 199. “There is no evidence whatsoever that seasonal influenza vaccines have any effect, especially in the elderly and young children. No evidence of reduced cases, deaths or complications.” The Cochrane Collaboration, an independent research organisation in 2009, after reviewing every influenza vaccine study conducted from 1948 to 2007, quoted via HSI. [Conversely, there is also a huge volume of compelling evidence that they cause many awful side effects; a lot of misery; and are contributing to an ongoing and worsening pandemic. Increased incidences of autoimmune diseases that are usually permanent and often lead to premature death, plus fatalities resulting directly from anaphylaxia are the most serious, but the problems are not limited to those, because there’s multiple organ and CNS damage, toxaemia, plus who-knows what else. These effects are broadly specified in the preceding quote by medical scientist E. Car.]

    200. In an article on, Inspector General of HHS (Human Health Services) Daniel Levinson says:
    That elderly residents in nursing homes are “too often” given antipsychotic drugs “in ways that violate government standards for unnecessary drug use;”
    “Researchers found that 88% of the time, these drugs were prescribed for elderly people with dementia. This is precisely the population that faces an increased risk of death when using this class of drugs, according to the FDA;”
    Government investigations have found that several drug companies “improperly promoted their antipsychotic drugs for unapproved uses;”
    In one case, Eli Lilly actually pleaded guilty to criminal charges for illegal marketing of the antipsychotic Zyprexa. Part of that marketing included doctors who treated elderly patients in nursing homes”;
    Levinson adds that federal prosecutors charged Johnson & Johnson with paying millions in kickbacks to promote the antipsychotic Risperdal for treating nursing home patients.
    Daniel Levinson, Inspector General of HHS (Human Health Services, U.S.) [The question that remains unanswered concerning these wilful abuses is whether the prosecutions had any inhibitive effect upon continued abuses of the same kind. I have plenty of reason to suspect that they did nothing to stop continuing malpractices on the same – if not vastly increased – scale and scope.]

  305. 201. “The great unexamined assumption for today’s reader is that natural healing in the later nineteenth century became “quackery”. This attitude betrays something of a triumphalist approach to the wonders of twentieth century medicine, whereas twenty-first century American medicine in many ways has become nothing to celebrate. The vast majority of Americans were once able to leave “frontier medicine” for two or three generations and enjoy medical practice and health care marked by well-trained physicians they knew and trusted, and the widespread availability of compassionate health that were accountable to their own communities. In the twenty-first century Americans now subsidize and sustain with hundreds of billions of dollars each year (16% of gross domestic product – the largest share in the world, but resulting in only the fortieth best health status among nations) a largely ineffective, inequitable, unsustainable health care system for the benefit of an unaccountable corporate-government-research complex of vested interests – marked by the arrogance and intransigence of mainstream biomedical research elites, excessive corporate profiteering through “blockbuster” drugs and direct-to-consumer marketing (rather than true therapeutic breakthroughs), and the mirage of “biotech” cures as well as the substitution of hard-won medical knowledge and clinical judgement by insurance company bureaucracies that results in withholding of care and health care rationing (ironically, that which had been the greatest fear under the “solialized medicine” of a single-payer system). For several decades, many have awaited the next “miracle” drug, biotech breakthrough, and, now, medical information technology for solutions to our health care crisis. This book [Fundamentals of CAM Fourth Edition teaching text, which he co-authored and edited for tertiary institutional teaching in CAM] illustrates that often it is ancient knowledge and wisdom about healing that, when adapted to new circumstances, provide truly innovative approaches to health problems. In today’s economy, the health care crisis is rapidly moving toward collapse. Many Americans may find themselves back on the medical frontier, where fortunately, the natural healing and remedies once spurned (including some in this book) are still abiding in the contemporary consumer movement labelled as “complementary/alternative medicine””. Dr. Marc S. Micozzi, MD, PhD, Adjunct Professor of the Department of Physiology & Biophysics at Georgetown University School of Medicine, Former Director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. [Integrative Medicine or CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) as it is more generically named has very slowly begun to turn the tide against powerful resistance in America as it increasingly gains acceptance. Because what is quoted was written in a teaching text, Dr. Micozzi’s comments are very restrained, even as he describes the faults in the American medical system, the ways it is abused and the consequent failures. It would be ironic indeed if Integrative Medicine were to eventually emerge as the dominant health care stream as a result of the complete collapse of the existing system and its crooked paradigms, yielding a relatively sudden return to something like frontier medicine by the majority! Presently, this is actually indicated to be a more likely possible outcome in America than that of a very slow takeover from mainstream medicine by CAM, which is currently driven by gradually increasing awareness amongst Americans and an ongoing lack of efficacy with intractable diseases like diabetes, arthritis and cancer. As the system collapses by rendering mainstream medicine too expensive for the government to effectively subsidise and therefore become accessible to those alone who can afford it, people will only too naturally resort to whatever alternatives are available. The irony and the blame would reside solidly with the system’s worst abusers, who will have been the very cause of the new emergent medical paradigm from the ruins of the old, by virtue of causing the demise of their own source of profit sustenance. Ticks, malarial protozoa and other parasites make the very same mistake – they likewise poison their hosts to death.]

    202. “Chemo is a double-edged sword. There is a benefit from the drug and there is a harm from the drug.” Dr. Otis Brawley, MD, Chief Medical Officer, American Cancer Society, quoted via HSI. [That much is obvious. But again, here it comes from the ‘horse’s mouth’.]

  306. 203. According to Fox News and other media sources in January 2009, “In an unusually blunt letter, a group of federal scientists is complaining to the Obama transition team of widespread managerial misconduct in a division of the Food and Drug Administation.” The letter communicated to the Obama administration’s Transition Team following his presidential election but prior to his being sworn in, was authored by nine scientists in the employ of the FDA who review approval applications for medical devices. The letter was written on FDA Center for Devices and Radiological Health official stationery. “The center is responsible for medical devices ranging from stents and breast implants to MRIs and other imaging machinery. The concerns of the nine scientists who wrote to the Transition Team echo some of the complaints from the FDA’s drug review division a few years ago during the safety debacle involving the painkiller Vioxx. […] In their letter the FDA dissidents alleged that agency managers use intimidation to squelch scientific debate, leading to the approval of medical devices whose effectiveness is questionable and which may not be entirely safe. A copy of the letter, with the names of the scientists redacted, was provided to the Associated Press by a congressional official.” The following passages are quoted from the letter. 1.“The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the scientific review process for medical devices at the FDA has been corrupted and distorted by current FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk.” 2. “Managers with incompatible, discordant and irrelevant scientific and clinical expertise in devices […] have ignored serious safety and effectiveness concerns of FDA experts. Managers have ordered, intimidated and coerced FDA experts to modify scientific evaluations, conclusions and recommendations in violation of the laws, rules and regulations, and to accept clinical and technical data that is not scientifically valid.” 3. “Currently, there is an atmosphere at the FDA in which the honest employee fears the dishonest employee, and not the other way around.” 4. [Top FDA managers] “committed the most outrageous misconduct by ordering, coercing and intimidating FDA physicians and scientists to recommend approval, and then retaliating when the physicians and scientists refused to go along.” FDA spokeswoman Judy Leon responded, “We have been working very closely with members of the transition team and any concerns or questions they have on any issue, we will address directly with the team. Separately, the agency is actively engaged in a process to explore the staff members’ concerns and take appropriate action.” “Senior Democratic and Republican lawmakers are urging Obama to appoint a commissioner who will shake up the FDA and restore the confidence of its working-level scientists and medical experts. But industry officials fear that approval of new drugs and devices could be delayed by endless scientific disputes – which is the agency’s reputation. The FDA dissidents have previously taken their concerns to Congress and found support from lawmakers in the House. In the letter the group singled out mammography computer-aided detection devices as an example of a technology that should not have gone forward. The devices were supposed to improve breast cancer detection, but instead studies showed they were associated with false alarms that led to unnecessary breast biopsies. Since 2006, FDA experts have recommended five times against approving the devices without better clinical evidence, the letter said. In March of last year [2008] a panel of outside advisers supported some of the concerns of the FDA’s in-house scientists. Nonetheless, FDA managers overruled the objections and ordered approval.” “FDA Nine” scientists of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, via Fox News, January 2009. [The “appropriate action” glibly referred to by the FDA representative apparently implied damage control measures by the FDA involving covert surveillance of emails; dismissals of scientists several months later; and a lawsuit brought against the FDA by the scientists, as divulged in the following quotes.]

  307. 204. The “FDA Nine” sent this letter on Department of Health and Human Services (FDA Office of Device Evaluation) to House of Representatives member, John D. Dingell on 14th October, 2008. “Dear Mr. Dingell: This letter seeks your urgent intervention because serious misconduct by managers of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) is interfering with our responsibility to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices for the American public and with FDA’s mission to protect and promote the health of all Americans. Managers at CDRH have failed to follow the laws, rules, regulations and Agency Guidance to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices and consequently, they have corrupted the scientific review of medical devices. This misconduct reaches the highest levels of CDRH management including the Center Director and Director of the Office of Device Evaluation (ODE). [1 word redacted] physicians and scientists [2-3 words redacted] at CDRH have already sought intervention from the FDA Commissioner [Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, apparently Margaret Hamburg’s predecessor]. [2-3 words redacted] physicians and scientists [4-5 words redacted] are responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of all [3-7 words redacted] devices before they are used on the American public. The devices we regulate are crucial and fundamental to medical practice [extensive passage redacted] devices constitute a substantial [1-2 words redacted] cost to the [1 word redacted] American health care system with more than 500 million adult and pediatric [1-2 words redacted] procedures performed every year in the United States. It is crucial for FDA to regulate medical devices based on rigorous science. A stated in the November 2007 FDA Science Board Report entitled ‘FDA Science and Mission at Risk’: ‘A strong Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is crucial for the health of our country. The benefits of a robust, progressive Agency are enormous; the risks of a debilitated, under-performing organization are incalculable. The FDA constitutes a critical component of our nation’s healthcare delivery and public health system. The FDA, as much as any public or private sector institution in this country, touches the lives, health and wellbeing of all Americans and is integral to the nation’s economy and its security. The FDA’s responsibilities for protecting the health of Americans are far-reaching. […] The FDA is also central to the economic health of the nation, regulating approximately $1 trillion in consumer products of 25 cents of every consumer dollar expended in this country annually. The industries that FDA regulates are among the most successful and innovative in our society, and are among the few that contribute to a positive balance of trade with other countries. The importance of the FDA in the nation’s security is similarly profound. […] Thus, the nation is at risk if FDA science is at risk.’ There is extensive documentary evidence that managers at CDRH have corrupted and interfered with the scientific review of medical devices. The scientific review of medical devices is required to work as follows: FDA clinical and scientific experts (‘FDA experts’) review submissions based on the best available scientific information and in accordance with the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, the Code of Federal Regulations and Agency Guidance documents (when such guidance documents exist for a particular device or category of devices). FDA experts give their best scientific judgments, opinions and conclusions regarding safety and effectiveness of medical devices and make corresponding regulatory recommendations. These form the scientific and regulatory basis for managers at FDA to make final regulatory decisions (i.e., clearance or approval of medical devices). While managers can disagree with FDA experts, they cannot order, force or otherwise coerce FDA experts to change their scientific judgments, opinions, conclusions or recommendations. In accordance with the law, if managers at FDA disagree with FDA experts, managers must document their disagreements in official Agency records, must scientifically justify any contrary judgments, opinions, conclusions or recommendations and must take personal responsibility for their final regulatory decisions. The review process is well described in long existing Agency Guidance. The law requires that qualified experts make safety and effectiveness determinations based on valid scientific evidence. Managers at CDRH with no scientific or medical expertise in [1-2 words redacted] devices, or any clinical experience in the practice of medicine [2-3 words redacted], have ignored serious safety and effectiveness concerns of FDA experts and have ignored scientific regulatory requirements. To avoid accountability, these managers at CDRH have ordered, intimidated and coerced FDA experts to modify their scientific reviews, conclusions and recommendations in violation of the law. Furthermore, these managers have also ordered, intimidated and coerced FDA experts to make safety and effectiveness determinations that are not in accordance with scientific regulatory requirements, to use unsound evaluation methods, and accept clinical and technical data that is not scientifically valid nor obtained in accordance with legal requirements, such as obtaining proper informed consent from human subjects. These same managers have knowingly avoided and failed to properly document the basis of their decisions in official Agency records. Under the banner of regulatory ‘precedent,’ managers at CDRH have demanded that physicians and scientists review regulatory submissions employing methods, and accepting evidence and conclusions, that are not scientifically proven and clinically validated. These demands appear to be based on the misguided notion that because flawed methods, evidence and conclusions were used or accepted in the recent or even the remote past, we must continue to blindly and knowingly accept these flawed methods, evidence and conclusions and continue to use them as the basis for regulatory recommendations. Such invalid regulatory ‘precedent’ goes against current scientific and clinical evidence. Rather than remedy past regulatory or scientific errors after they come to light, and rather than applying the best and latest scientific knowledge and methodology, these managers at CDRH knowingly continue to make the same regulatory and scientific mistakes over and over again. Rather than recall, re-evaluate or otherwise deal with potentially unsafe or ineffective devices that are already on the market, these managers at CDRH continue to approve more devices of the same kind in a non-transparent and non-scientific manner. This is especially true of the 510(k) program but also applies to the PMA program as well as the advice and guidance given to manufacturers before they make regulatory submissions. The practices described above represent an unwarranted risk to public health and a silent danger that may only be recognized after many years. When physicians and scientists have objected to the management practices described above, managers at CDRH have engaged in reprisals and ignored these critical concerns. FDA physicians and scientists therefore contacted the Office of the Commissioner:
    On May 31, 2008, [1 word redacted] FDA physicians and scientists [4-5 words redacted] wrote to the FDA Commissioner, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach (See attached letter). [This letter is not appended to Cancer’s Answers.]
    The Commissioner immediately asked Mr William McConagha, the Assistant Commissioner for Integrity and Accountability, to begin a full investigation.
    Since early June 2008, FDA physicians and scientists have met with Mr. McConagha numerous times and have facilitated his investigation by providing written documentary evidence including internal emails, reviews, memos, meeting minutes, etc.
    Mr. McConagha has characterized the documentary evidence as ‘compelling,’ ‘convincing’ and ‘sufficient’ to justify curative and disciplinary actions. As a result, the Commissioner met with CDRH Director in August.
    On September 3, 2008, [1 word redacted] FDA physicians and scientists [4-6 words redacted] met with the Director of CDRH in the presence of representatives from the Commissioner’s Office. At the request of Mr. McConagha, the FDA physicians and scientists presented the issues and documentary evidence to the Director of CDRH (See attached presentation). [This presentation is not appended to Cancer’s Answers.]
    The Director of CDRH then conducted his own investigation and concluded that we, FDA physicians and scientists need to ‘move forward,’ thus allowing managers to avoid and evade any accountability and without taking any curative or disciplinary actions whatsoever. The Director of CDRH has further aggravated the situation by knowingly allowing a continuation of management reprisals. These reprisals now include removal and threatened removal of physicians and scientists [3-5 words redacted] as well as illegal and improper employee performance evaluations.
    On September 29, 2008, [1 word redacted] FDA physicians and scientists wrote a second letter to Dr. von Eschenbach (see attached letter). [This letter is not appended to Cancer’s Answers.]
    To date, despite involvement by the Commissioners Office, there has been enormous internal resistance from entrenched managers at CDRH including the Center Director and the Director of ODE. These managers seem far more concerned about ensuring their current positions and protecting and promoting their own careers and those of their cronies, than they are about ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical devices and protecting and promoting the health of all Americans. CDRH managers prefer to employ regulation-based ‘pseudo-science’ rather than science-based regulation. It is evident that managers at CDRH have deviated from FDA’s mission to identify and address underlying problems with medical devices before they cause irreparable harm, and this deviation has placed American people at risk. Given the large number of [2 words redacted] submissions to the FDA, the complexity of the scientific and medical issues involved and the importance of [1 word redacted] to the practice of medicine, we believe that proper regulation of [1 word redacted] devices requires the establishment of a new and separate Office at FDA [2-4 words redacted]. This Office must be staffed by expert physicians and scientists at all levels including management and must provide vision and leadership by being proactive rather than reactive, by incorporating the latest scientific and technological evidence into device evaluation, compliance and post-market surveillance, and by making all regulatory decisions in a transparent manner based on sound scientific and clinical principles. At the same time, there is a need for new legislation that modernizes the regulatory structure of the 510(k) program so that complex medical devices are not allowed onto the market without a comprehensive (or in some cases, any) clinical evaluation of their safety and effectiveness. This is especially true for [1 word redacted] devices due to their markedly increased use in clinical practice and because [1 word redacted] devices employ highly complex hardware and software, undergo rapid technological changes and touch the lives of so many patients on a daily basis. The current framework for medical device adverse event reporting does not work for many {1 word redacted] devices [3-5 words redacted] as the adverse effects of [1 word redacted] devices are rarely detected immediately, are not transparent on an individual patient basis, and can only be prevented by a rigorous pre-market evaluation process. FDA leaders need to re-establish the trust of the American people. Congress needs to ensure that FDA physicians and scientists can do their jobs by being allowed to follow the laws, rules and regulations without fear of reprisal, by applying the best and latest scientific knowledge and methodologies, by having an updated modern regulatory structure, and by allocating sufficient financial and other resources to FDA. Finally FDA leaders and Congress must restore compliance with the law, must hold accountable those managers at FDA that fail to carry out the FDA mission to protect and promote the health of all Americans, and must protect FD physicians and scientists so that they can protect the American public. As the Branch of government responsible for oversight of the FDA, we urgently seek your intervention and help. [signatories redacted]. The “FDA Nine” dissident scientists and physicians charged with assessing medical devices at the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH). [Bold blue letters indicate commencement of new paragraphs in the text. These “FDA Nine” physicians and scientists must be commended for their courage in challenging the crooked status quo within the FDA, but while many of the measures recommended (especially disciplinary action against the offenders including but not limited to criminal charges, plus thorough retrospective re-evaluation of past FDA approvals) are well founded, there are some of these lattermost recommendations whose enactment might only serve the greater good temporarily. Unfortunately, the managers referred to are pressured and backed by very powerful forces. These forces have a will and they’ll inevitably find ways of circumventing the safeguards, checks and balances of an overhauled system; so it would only be a matter of time before things returned to the unsatisfactory ways that have been manifest for the past nine or more decades – that is, unless the entire commercially oriented medical culture in America could be changed. It’s incredibly unlikely and failing that kind of radical evolution, then at some point, if there is an oversight office staffed by physicians and scientists, the key members will be blackmailed, threatened or bought in much the same way as the managers currently are. These forces are already extremely well practised at ensuring from behind the scenes that only corruptible people will be successful contenders to positions in the oversight bodies. They know exactly where the power is and they know exactly how to subvert and control it. Different people – same old results.]

  308. 205. The “FDA Nine” sent this letter on Department of Health and Human Serices (FDA Office of Device Evaluation) letterhead stationery directly to President Obama on 26th Juanuary, 2009. “Dear Mr. President: We, physicians and scientists of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), wrote to Mr. Podesta and Members of Congress in a letter dated January 7, 2009. We informed Mr. Podesta that FDA is fundamentally broken and that there is an atmosphere at FDA in which the honest employee fears the dishonest employee and where honest employees committed to integrity and the FDA mission cannot act without fear of reprisal. We recommended that you remove and hold accountable all managers who have ordered, participated in, fostered or tolerated the well-documented corruption, wrongdoing and retaliation at the Agency. In November 2008, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce sent a letter to the FDA Commissioner stating that they had ‘received compelling evidence of serious wrongdoing … and well-documented allegations … from a large group of scientists and physicians … who report misconduct within CDRH that represent an unwarranted risk to public health and a silent danger that may only be recognized after many years … and that physicians and scientists within CDRH who objected [to the misconduct] … have been subject to reprisals.’ It has been brought to our attention that FDA management may have just recently ordered the FDA Office of Criminal Investigation (OCI) to investigate us, rather than the managers who have engaged in wrongdoing! It is an outrage that our own Agency would step up the retaliation to such a level because we have reported their wrongdoing to the United States Congress. FDA management has ignored the dire warnings from the United States Congress that all FDA managers immediately cease and desist from engaging in prohibited personnel practices in violation of 5 USC 2302, making false statements in government documents in violation of 18 USC 1001, interfering with a Congressional inquiry in violation of 18 USC 1505, or denying or interfering with an employees [sic] right to furnish information to the Congress in violation of 5 USC 7211. We note that violation of 18 USC 1505 subjects the violators to ‘be fined [or] imprisoned not more than five years.’ We are asking for your immediate intervention. We are confident that you will follow through on your promises to protect ‘government employees committed to public integrity and willing to speak out’ because you have stated that ‘such acts of courage and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled’ in order to ‘empower federal employees as watchdogs of wrongdoing and partners in performance.’ This is the charge that America desperately seeks and has rightfully brought you to power. Sincerely, Robert C. Smith, MD, JD; Paul T Hardy II, BS; Ewa Czerska, PhD; [redacted]” The “FDA Nine” dissident scientists and physicians of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, FDA. [The remaining six identities have been redacted from the document. The letter was repeated to: Rahm Emanuel, Chief of Staff; Senator Tom Daschle, HHS Secretary-Designate; Senator Max Baucus; Senator Chuck Grassley; Congressman Henry Waxman; Congressman Bart Stupak; Congressman John Dingell; Congressman Joe Barton; Congressman John Shimkus; Senator Edward Kennedy; Senator Michael Enzi; Senator Barbara Mitulski; Senator Ben Cardin; & Congressman Chris Van Hollen.]

    206. “Current and former Food and Drug Administration officials say in a lawsuit that the agency secretly monitored their private email after they raised concerns that approved medical devices might risk public safety. The doctors and scientists who researched the products approached members of Congress and the incoming Obama administration to express alarm that the devices were approved over their objections. Their lawsuit, first reported Monday [20th January, 2012?] by the Washington Post, says the agency monitored email sent from their personal Gmail and Yahoo accounts from work computers over two years. It says those emails included messages to congressional staff and drafts of whistleblower complaints. The staffers say they were legally protected whistleblowers and the monitoring violated their constitutional rights to free speech and against illegal search and seizure, even though a warning on FDA computers said they had no expectation to privacy. The defendants [sic – this should read, “plaintiffs”] say they were admonished or lost their contracts to work with FDA in retaliation. The FDA said Monday it would not comment on ongoing litigation. The lawsuit says the plaintiffs were among those who complained in fall 2008 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that senior managers at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health ‘ordered, intimidated, and coerced FDA experts to modify their scientific reviews, conclusions and recommendations in violation of the law.’ Then in January 2009, after Barack Obama’s election but before he was sworn into office, nine FDA employees sent a letter to the Obama transition team complaining of corruption within the FDA device review process that they said was endangering public health. For example, the FDA scientists alleged that the agency approved the use of computer-aided detection devices with breast mammograms even though they had been determined not to be safe or effective, harming women and resulting in unnecessary public health costs. The suit says FDA officials began secretly referring to the letter’s signatories as the “FDA 9” and began the secret monitoring. The suit says he agency used spyware on their government-owned computers that allowed them to take ‘screen shots,’ or pictures of what was on their computer screens without their knowledge. The scientists’ complaints were the subject of a New York Times article on March 28, 2010, that said FDA brushed aside its own experts’ warnings about the risks of radiation exposure from routinely using powerful CT scans to screen patients for colon cancer. The lawsuit says lawyers for General Electric Co., which applied for agency approval of CT scans for colon cancer screenings, complained that confidential information may have been leaked to the Times. Agency officials used the letter to make a criminal referral to the Office of Inspector General and attempt to have the plaintiffs investigated and potentially charged with serious crimes, the suit says. But the IG’s office found no evidence of criminal conduct and noted that disclosures relating to public safety to Congress and the media were protected whistleblower activity. The attorney who filed the suit, National Whistleblowers Center Executive Director Stephen Kohn, said spying on employees who raise health concerns stops others from coming forward in the interest of public safety. ‘The FDA’s illegal spying program is not just a problem for the six victims in this case,’ Kohn said in a statement Monday. ‘The day we allow the government to spy on employees based on their lawful whistleblower activities is the day we give up privacy for every honest public servant in America.’” news media, 30th January, 2012, reporting on fallout from the “FDA Nine” scandal.

  309. 207. “A wide-ranging surveillance operation by the Food and Drug Administration against a group of its own scientists used an enemies list of sorts as it secretly captured thousands of e-mails that the disgruntled scientists sent privately to members of Congress, lawyers, labor officials, journalists and even President Obama, previously undisclosed records show. What began as a narrow investigation into the possible leaking of confidential agency information by five [sic] scientists quickly grew in mid-2010 into a much broader campaign to counter outside critics of the agency’s medical review process, according to the cache of more than 80,000 pages of computer documents generated by the surveillance effort. Moving to quell what one memorandum called the ‘collaboration’ of the FDA’s opponents, the surveillance operation identified 21 agency employees, Congressional officials, outside medical researchers and journalists thought to be working together to put out negative and ‘defamatory’ information about the agency. FDA officials defended the surveillance operation, saying that the computer monitoring was limited to the five scientists suspected of leaking confidential information about the safety and design of medical devices. While they acknowledged that the surveillance tracked the communications that the scientists had with Congressional officials, journalists and others, they said it was never intended to impede those communications, but only to determine whether information was being improperly shared. The agency, using so-called spy software designed to help employers monitor workers, captured screen images from the government laptops of the five scientists as they were being used at work or at home. The software tracked their keystrokes, intercepted their personal e-mails, copied the documents on their personal thumb drives and even followed their messages line by line as they were being drafted, the documents show…” The Age Of Autism website, reporting on fallout from the “FDA Nine” scandal.

    208. In the ‘Comments’ section of the web page hosting the preceding article at www ageofautism com, the following was offered by a contributor to the discussion thread. It reads: “Belwo [sic] is a letter of complaint from FDA scientists to Rep John Dingell alleging serious misconduct by managers at the FDA.” [The web URL was given in hyperlink text to an image of the letter typed on official Department of Health and Human Services letterhead. This heavily redacted letter is reproduced in Quote #207 following and is referred to as the ‘second letter’, where the ‘first letter’ is presumed to be the complaint sent to the Obama Transition Team.] “Rep John Dingell, D.-Michigan, is a senior member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which has jurisdiction of the FDA. He also is the author of H.R. 1483, the Drug Safety Enhancement Act, which would give the FDA more authority and funding to oversee the U.S. drug supply. Another article about the scandal—FDA Whistleblowers Sue Agency, Claim Retaliation Over Unsafe Medical Device Revelations January 20, 2012 ~ What’s going on inside the FDA? Six of the “FDA Nine” whistleblowers are suing the agency for illegally spying on their private email claiming they were retaliated against after they warned lawmakers that unsafe medical devices were being approved for market. You may recall as President Obama was taking office on January 7, 2009, nine scientists alerted him to the internal problems, accusing the agency of acting illegally by approving flawed and defective medical devices for sale even when others within the FDA objected because of safety issues. One medical device cited as problematic was the computer-aided breast mammograms, [sic] ‘the FDA approved the devices anyway in a flawed process that ignored the science. This had led to significant harm to large numbers of women and significant unnecessary cost to the public.’ After that, the staffers said the FDA spied on their private emails, harassed them and in some cases fired the whistleblowers. Internally the group was known as the ‘FDA Nine’. The federal lawsuit filed in the District of Columbia charges the agency with 12 counts and names FDA chief Margaret Hamburg, M.D., Jeffrey Shuren, M.D., William Maisel, M.D., and HHS chief Kathleen Sebelius accusing them of retaliation, among other things: ‘Defendants have taken and converted private emails without due process or just compensation in violation of the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution. Defendants have initiated searches and seizures in violation of the 1st and 4th Amendments. Defendants have conducted searches and seizures of a scope that violates the 1st and 4th Amendments. Defendants have violated the 1st Amendment by chilling free speech with searches and seizures. Defendants have violated the 1st Amendment by chilling Plaintiffs’ and the public’s right to associate with whistleblowers. Defendants have violated plaintiffs’ right to representation. Defendants have chilled plaintiffs’ protected 1st Amendment right to free speech.’” Posted by Sarah, a discussion thread contributor on The Age Of Autism website, July 16th, 2012 regarding the fallout from the “FDA Nine” scandal.

  310. 209 to 214 relate to Greg Caton and his dealings with the FDA and FBI. They are considered superfluous in view of Greg’s erstwhile presence on this site, so I have not posted them.

    215. “I never dreamed that my discovery four decades ago would lead to such a profit-driven public health disaster. The medical community must confront reality and stop the inappropriate use of P.S.A. screening. Doing so would save billions of dollars and rescue millions of men from unnecessary, debilitating treatments.” Dr. Richard Ablin, inventor of the Prostate Specific Antigen Test, 1970. [Dr. Ablin now calls it “the Great Prostate Mistake.” He’s never had the test himself… not once. Ablin says the test simply reveals how much prostate antigen is in the blood – not why it’s there. It doesn’t detect cancer and it can’t tell the difference between a lethal and non-lethal cancer. Researchers concluded that the PSA test is flawed because it results in “over diagnosis” – as high as 50% of the time – of slow-growing tumours that would never have been a real problem. PSA levels fluctuate all the time, so a man with a high level may NOT have any prostate problems at all. Other factors can raise PSA, such as infection, or enlargement of the prostate that happens to most men after the age of 50; and even ejaculation within two days before a PSA test can cause levels to spike and result in a “false positive.” Dr. Thomas Stamey – a Stanford urologist who originally promoted the PSA test – agrees with Dr. Ablin. 25 years ago he had high hopes that the PSA test would find cancer and save lives. Now, with the number of false positives that are actually found, he says it’s a test that DOESN’T WORK. It flags benign prostate enlargement 98% of the time and a paltry 2% success rate means the test is doing more harm than good. Firstly, there’s the invasive biospy and perhaps following that if cancer is detected (because there’s no clear distinction made by such biopsies between lethal and non-lethal cancers), pressure follows to undertake what basically amounts to chemical or surgical castration. Men with positive diagnoses have to make an agonising decision… whether or not to get crippling cancer treatments that could cause them to lose their hair, wear nappies and forget about sex. There’s a lot of pressure to get the PSA test. Heavily promoted by Big Pharma, it’s a $3 billion business every year.]

  311. 216. “You don’t hear much about magnesium, yet an estimated 80 percent of Americans are deficient in this important mineral and the health consequences of deficiency are significant. One reason could be because magnesium, like vitamin D, serves so many functions it’s hard to corral. As reported by GreenMedInfo, researchers have now detected 3,751 magnesium binding sites on human proteins, indicating that its role in human health and disease may have been vastly underestimated. Magnesium is also found in more than 300 different enzymes in your body, which are responsible for:
    Creation of ATP (adenosine triphospate), the energy molecules of your body;
    Proper formation of bones and teeth;
    Relaxation of blood vessels;
    Action of your heart muscle;
    Promotion of proper bowel function;
    Regulation of blood sugar levels.
    A number of studies have previously shown magnesium can benefit your blood pressure and help prevent sudden cardiac arrest, heart attack, and stroke. For example, one meta-analysis published earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at a total of seven studies collectively covering more than 240,000 participants. The results showed that dietary magnesium intake is inversely associated with risk of ischemic stroke. But its role in human health appears to be far more complex than previously thought, and—like vitamin D—its benefits may be more far-reaching than we’ve imagined.’s database project has indexed over 100 health benefits of magnesium so far, including therapeutic benefits for:
    Atrial fibrillation;
    Type 2 diabetes;
    Premenstrual syndrome;
    Cardiovascular disease;
    According to the featured report: ‘The proteome, or entire set of proteins expressed by the human genome, contains well over 100,000 distinct protein structures, despite the fact that there are believed to be only 20,300 protein-coding genes in the human genome. The discovery of the “magneseome,” as its being called, adds additional complexity to the picture, indicating that the presence or absence of adequate levels of this basic mineral may epigenetically alter the expression and behavior of the proteins in our body, thereby altering the course of both health and disease.’ Magnesium also plays a role in your body’s detoxification processes and therefore is important for helping to prevent damage from environmental chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins. Even glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant that has even been called “the master antioxidant,” requires magnesium for its synthesis.” Dr. Joseph M. Mercola DO, Osteopath, Physician & Surgeon, Medical Author. [This quote is a sampling from a rather excellent website maintained by Dr. Mercola and it highlights the importance of Magnesium beyond even my own previously held knowledge of it. It is critical amongst these many other things to the correct utilisation of Calcium and therefore its deficiency is indirectly linked to Osteoporosis, some cases of Alzheimer’s, atherosclerosis and a number of other diseases. Do mainstream health information sources tell you much about Magnesium? I cannot authoritatively answer that. However, I CAN say that I consistently get my best quality and most reliable information from alternative health advocacy sources. This one is a good example. The site is and I recommend it. Chlorophyll-rich plants or algae are the best natural sources of Magnesium. Two of the best forms of supplemental Magnesium for correcting a deficiency are Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium Chloride, due to very low ionic stability constants – they dissociate into ions very easily. Magnesium Chloride has the added advantage of being transdermal – it will absorb through the skin. A cheap, yet excellent quality product is “Ancient Minerals”, sold as a bath salt. Others tend either to exhibit poor bioavailability, or produce other physiological effects, such as stool softening, laxative or antacid effects. If you take a magnesium supplement, you must also pay attention to your ratios of Calcium, Vitamin K2, Vitamin D and saturated animal fats, as these nutrients work together synergistically.]

  312. 217. “You are wise to question who you can trust when it comes to maintaining, enhancing or rebuilding your health. With all websites, newspapers, magazines and other publications offering health advice, with every new multi-million dollar TV ad for another proclaimed miracle drug, with any recommendation offered by traditional and natural physicians, it is essential to answer this question above all others: what is their real motivation? Only if the answer provides you with a sense of security, move on to the next important question: what are their qualifications? The primary trick of the existing medical establishment is to get you to forget that first question – their real motivation – by dazzling you with what appears to be magnificently trustworthy qualifications. But clinical trials conducted by heavily biased “researchers,” advertisements and news stories carefully scripted to scare you into belief, highly polished corporate offices and corporate websites, and an extreme focus on whatever has the most profit potential – not lifesaving or life-enhancing potential – are not qualifications. They are scams. Don’t fall for them.” Dr. Joseph M. Mercola DO, Osteopath, Physician & Surgeon, Medical Author. [This point made by Dr. Mercola is an important one. Glitz and glamour with ‘magnificently trustworthy qualifications’ are favourite commercial and even political tricks, especially in America, where marketing is a highly evolved science. I have dealt with ‘clinical trials conducted by heavily biased researchers’ at length already. Remember that exactly as Dr. Mercola says, you need to look at motive. Refer back to my Detective’s Investigative Principles (DIP) in the previous Chapter 3A.]

    218. “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment centre. Cancer victims who live far from such centres have a chance.” Professor Charles Mathe, French cancer specialist and author of “Scientific Medicine Stymied”, Medicines Nouvelles (Paris, 1989).

    219. “Cancer now strikes one in three and kills one in four Americans with over 500,000 deaths last year. Over the last decade, some 5 million Americans died of cancer and there is growing evidence that a substantial proportion of these deaths was avoidable. Furthermore, the cancer establishment and major pharmaceutical companies have repeatedly made extravagant and unfounded claims for dramatic advances in the treatment and cure of cancer. Such claims are generally based on an initial reduction in tumour size (tumour response) rather than on prolongation of survival, let alone on quality of life, which is often devastated by highly toxic treatments.” Dr. Samuel Epstein,. MD, at a press conference in Washington DC, 4th February, 1992. [This is part of a statement, which was co-authored by former directors of three US federal agencies and endorsed by 64 leading national experts in cancer prevention, public health and preventative medicine. The Daily Mail newspaper headline was, “OUR CANCER DISGRACE”, while the Express headlined with, “HARD-UP NHS FORCES CANCER DOCTORS TO LIE”.]

  313. 220. “PUBLIC BEWARE! Warning Against The Hoxsey Cancer Treatment… Sufferers from cancer, their families, physicians and all concerned with the cure of cancer patients are hereby advised and warned that the Hoxsey treatment for internal cancer has been found worthless by two Federal courts. The Hoxsey treatment costs $400 plus $60 in additional fees – expenditures which will yield nothing of value in the cure of cancer. It consists essentially of simple drugs which are worthless for treating cancer. The Food and Drug Administration conducted a thorough investigation of the Hoxsey treatment and the cases which were claimed to have been cured. Not a single verified case of internal cancer by this treatment has been found. Those afflicted with cancer are warned not to be misled by the false promise that the Hoxsey cancer treatment will cure or alleviate their condition. Cancer can be cured only through surgery or radiation. Death from cancer is inevitable when cancer patients fail to obtain proper medical treatment because of the lure of a painless cure “without the use of surgery, x-ray or radium” as claimed by Hoxsey. Anyone planning to try this treatment should get the facts about it. For further information write to: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare… Food and Drug Administration… Washington 25, DC.” FDA warning released April 1956, reproduced from the image at [This is one I just could not resist adding to Cancer Quotes, because it directly quotes the FDA in an official public information release. Key statements in this press release are, “…expenditures which will yield nothing of value in the cure of cancer. It consists of simple drugs which are worthless for treating cancer…”; “…misled by the false promise that the Hoxsey treatment will cure or alleviate their condition.”; “Cancer can be cured only through surgery or radiation.”; and “Death from cancer is inevitable when cancer patients fail to obtain proper medical treatment because of the lure of a painless cure…” Note that chemotherapy isn’t even mentioned at all and the article exhorts people to believe that surgery and radiation are the only ways to cure cancer. Now, it is an incontrovertible fact that NEITHER of these two orthodox modalities does any such thing as cure cancer. THEY DO NOT. NOT EVER. PERIOD. Surgery NEVER removes the cause of cancer and as for radiation – it is an almost universal FAILURE that usually causes massive collateral damage and often ADDS A CANCER CAUSE that rears its ugly face from months to years later, IF the patient even survives that long in the first place. On these lattermost premises alone, this official FDA release is a collection of the very filthiest of lies and nothing less. And since when has death ever been inevitable if patients fail to obtain “proper treatment”, by which it is obviously implied to mean surgery and radiation? But that’s not all. In rebuttal of the first two of these key excerpts, “…expenditures &c.” and “…misled &c.”, I use the following summation reported of Dr. James A. Duke. According to this very highly respected botanist of the United States Department of Agriculture, eight of the nine Hoxsey-tonic herbs have some anti-tumour activity in animal models, five have antioxidant effects, and all nine have antimicrobial activity that may be linked to cancer-fighting effects. I use Duke’s Database extensively and his assessment was that the Hoxsey tonic ingredients showed very significant chemical and biological anticancer activity. The FDA’s allegedly thorough investigation of the Hoxsey treatment involved the FDA, National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Yes, all the very worst and most dishonest cancer organisations in America if not the world, if you exclude M.D. Anderson on the basis that I have not found incriminating information about this one particular institution. About the others, I have a great deal.]

    221. “WARNING… ALDARA, sold for skin cancer and genital warts CAN KILL. My warnings have been ignored since October, 2005. Full details at:” Elaine Hollingsworth. [Sydney-based Elaine Hollingsworth is depicted here with this statement on a placard outside a Sydney pharmacy. She is mentioned in previous quotes from Greg Caton, being accused by him of marketing counterfeit black salve under the Cansema brand name and cites dirty tricks on the part of the FDA involving Hollingsworth. This brand name belongs to Caton of Alpha Omega Labs, Ecuador. Black Salve is a derivation of the topical Hoxsey Formula.

  314. 231. “You can’t solve the problem of reversing disease if you’re constantly dealing with the symptoms. You have to get with the cause. We control the destiny of our health. We control the quality of our health. We choose that, every day.” Dr. Robert Young, PhD, microbiologist & author, “The pH Miracle”.

    232. “It’s sure, he’s on the right tr… [“track” is not fully articulated. Bernardo speaks of comments by Burton Goldberg, also present and speaking during the video-recorded interview. Three words are unintelligible before this next sentence.] …We spent trillions of dollars… Y’know, we’re winnin’ the war… Hell, we’re not doin’ a damn thing. We’re losin’ the rest. One out of two people, that’s 50% of people have cancer right now. Ah, one of the things that we found out was that all cancer patients – their pH is acid. You have surgery for colon cancer, it will always – ALWAYS – come back… Why? They deny and [1 unintelligible word]. The problem is ACIDOSIS.” Dr. Bernardo. [Dr. Bernardo is a passionate man and speaks fast, but doesn’t enunciate his words very well. Nevertheless, I managed to capture most of what he said.]

    233. “ The minute you’re diagnosed, your immune system goes in the basement. I mean, you’re in fear. I know. It happened to me. At the turn of the century from 18 to 1900, when my daddy was born, 3% of the US population had cancer of any kind, shape or form. I’ve had cancer twice. It’s not a question of, “Will I have cancer?” It’s really a question of “When?” I would rank the American Medical Association on a one to ten scale… minus three hundred. They don’t don’t know how to go to the causes – they don’t know the causes. In my book, “Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide…” I did with two doctors, we had thirty-three categories of the causes of cancer and you have to find which of those categories are in that person. You don’t treat cancer – you treat the person who has the cancer. The pharmaceutical, chemical industrial complex – that is aided and abetted by the media. That’s why this documentary is so very vital. Because this information isn’t gonna come from 20/20 on ABC. How come I know this – an Honorary Doctorate? The National Cancer Institute doesn’t wanna know. The American Cancer Society doesn’t wanna know. You don’t vote – you get the kinda government you deserve. You vote and you vote people in who will create a national health insurance so that everybody is covered. It’s pathetic. And there’s no bigger earner than the petrochemical and the pharmaceutical industry – they’ll sell you down the river – for their profits.” Burton Goldberg, Honorary Doctorate, Author, “Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide To Cancer”. [This statement to the effect that the Immune System goes into the basement when cancer is diagnosed is very true, even without recourse to immunosuppression by chemotherapy. It’s closely connected to the “fight or flight” response. Fear tends to deactivate healing and recuperative mechanisms in favour of combat, pain suppression and survival mechanisms. The concept of why it is observed to happen in humans is explained elsewhere in Cancer’s Answers. The “vital documentary” referred to is the YouTube video clip from which this quote was taken.]

    234. “How ’bout a minus two… two thousand?” Dr. Bernardo. [This was his rejoinder to Burton Goldberg’s “minus 300” remark.]

    235. “There’s more damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation than there is benefit. Well, there’s no doubt about it. The medical system has been a terrible failure, a corrupt system…” Dr. Wallach.

    236. INTERVIEWER: “What was the thing clicked in your brain one day that made you decide to not be so narrow-minded…?”
    Dr. FORSYTHE: “We were seeing these patients and ah, to my amazement they were doing very well and this was a real awakening to me – why they should be doing well when they weren’t getting what I always learned was the only way to treat cancer.” Dr. James W. Forsythe, MD, HMD.

  315. Hello Mad Prof,
    Knowledge here. My email address is Thank you for your offer. From everything you know, I am sure that you have saved so many lives. Thank you for making so much effort to educate the public. I am sure that I am not the only person that appreciates all your knowledge. Thank you for spending your time in learning so much.

  316. Some info on Laetrile:

    People get the general impression that Laetrile is a natural substance found in the seeds of variouys plants – rosaceous ones in particular, like apricot, almond, cherry, peach, plum, apple, quince, pear, blackberry, raspberry and so on.

    Well, it’s not true. Laetrile is a semi-syntheitc substance that does not occur naturally. It is a monoglucoside built on a single glucose unit attached to a cyanide unit and a benzaldehyde unit.

    To be sure, its biological properties are very much the same as those of Amygdalin, which is the naturally occurring one – especially in rosaceous seeds. The difference? Not much – Amygdalin is a diglucoside, so it has two glucose units. The rest is the same as with Laetrile.

    Most so-called Laetrile is actually Amygdalin – there have only been two facilities in the world ever to have manufactured Laetrile to my knowledge – one in the USA and one in Germany. Stuff sourced from Mexico is natural Amygdalin extracted from apricot pips and purified.

    There are other Nitrilosides, as these are called.

    Linamarin is found in Cassava and some related fabaceous plants (beans). This one is described as a natural monoglucoside of acetone cyanohydrin. That means there’s a cyanide unit attached to an acetylketone unit and this in turn attaches to the glucose through the ketone, which thus forms an ether link (oxygen coupling) with the glucose ring.

    Then there’s Lotaustralin, which is very similar to Linamarin.and found in most of the plants that express Linamarin. Also a monoglucoside, the cyanide unit attaches to a methyl-ethylketone unit, which likewise attaches to the glucose unit through the ketone and again, this forms an ether link.

    All of these are anticarcinomic. They are selective cytotoxins. Not much research has be done with these latter two bean-derived nitrilosides, but with Laetrile and Amygdalin, it’s a different story.

    Cleavage of the nitriloside by an enzyme results in separation of the constituent units. Until this cleavage occurs, the Laetrile or Amygdalin molecule exhibits no overt bioactivity except moderately good water-solubility and the natural tendency to bind with glucoreceptors on cell membranes, which then import the whole molecule into the cell.. But with the separated components, it’s different. The cyanide unit is cytotoxic and the benzaldehyde unit is slightly cytotoxic and highly analgesic (a local anaesthetic). So when cleaved by a glucosidase enzyme, it becomes active.

    However, the healthy cell is able to further metabolise the cyanide by using another enzyme called Rhodanese and thus renders it harmless – up to a reasonable limit. The more nitriloside present – the more Rhodanese is needed, so there are dosage limits applicable. Then there’s only the Benzaldehyde left to deal with. Benzaldehyde is the reason Laetrile and Amygdalin are renowned for providing pain relief, through a direct effect upon sensory neurons. Secondary pain relief also occurs through tumour reduction, resulting in less inflammation and so on.

    The malignant cell likewise cleaves the molecule with Glucosidase, but doesn’t express Rhodanese and cannot metabolise the cyanide. Moreover, the malignant cell imports and uses a lot more sugar than healthy cells do, so it takes up a lot more nitriloside. The cyanide kills the malignant cell. Therefore, its bioactivity is highly selective – much more active against malignant cells.than healthy ones.

    Oral ingestion imposes much more severe restrictions upon dosage, due to enzymatic cleavage and chemical reaction taking place in the gastrointestinal tract. One of the resulting byproducts in the GIT is free cyanide without the benefit of Rhodanese, so the Liver must eventually deal with it. Ammonia is another toxic byproduct in the GIT. In the case of apricot pips, twelve seeds per day is reckoned to be the upper limit of dosage range in an adult. A cup full of apple seeds has allegedly been known to kill.

    Intravenously, these nitrilosides are much safer, provided they have a satisfactory purity. This bypasses the GIT and delivers the molecules intact to the cells, instead of releasing cyanide and ammonia into the blood from the GIT.

    Now, I have stated already that cytotoxic treatments of cancer are not completely satisfactory curative approaches to take. Nitrilosides can work in reducing or perhaps even eliminating tumours, reducing or preventing metastases and in prevention of carcinogenesis. This has been proven. However, when dosage is discontinued, the cancer usually returns, unless other definitive measures aimed at CURE are also undertaken. For this reason, the use of nitrilosides is better made together with other agents – especially DMSO because it will potentiate the nitriloside even more than the nitriloside does alone and serves a host of other beneficial purposes – but even then, I still wouldn’t limit the treatment modality to DMSO-Laetrile exclusively. There are heaps of good adjuvancies, not least of which is Clinoptilolite. I would use as many modalities as possible – especially those which address the basic essentials I have already mentioned – nutrition (Budwig and/or Gerson diet, lifestyle, immune support, microbiome support, (detox is effected by Clinoptilolite and so is some considerable measure of immunomodulation), antimicrobial action, pH management and so on. Chuck in some good herbs rich in flavonoids, terpenoids, Omega fatty acids and some particular alkaloids and the patient should in most cases be well on the road to recovery without any bad side effects whatsoever.

  317. Another good adjuvancy is honey, laced generously with ginger, turmeric and black pepper.



    Elements or factors that cause, contribute to, or elevate probability of carcinogenesis are many and most of them are listed here:
    Radiotherapy – meaning that ironically, cancer therapy using radioisotopes is often carcinogenic;
    Electromagnetic Radiation in certain frequency bands – especially Short Wave Ultraviolet and X-Ray;
    Neutron or other subatomic particle bombardment (radioactivity);
    Any other propagated high energy disturbances to biochemical pathway equilibrium in the body;
    Chemotherapy agents – especially Nitrogen Mustards;
    Organic carcinogenic compounds – Benzene, etc.;
    Carcinogenic mycotoxins – Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin, etc.;
    Inorganic carcinogenic compounds – Asbestos, Erionite etc.;
    Systemic acidity (pH <7.0);
    Free radicals (excess charged ions) in body tissues;
    Heavy metal cations, such as Mercury, Lead, Platinum and Cadmium;
    General toxicity;
    Oxidative stress;
    Some specific enzymes – Kinases, TGF-Beta, 5-LPO, Cox-1, Cox-2, etc;
    Some specific hormones – Oestrogen, Cortisol, hCG, bCG etc.;
    Some specific proteins – ABCB-1, ABCCs, NF-Kappa-Beta, WNT Signalling Proteins, IL20, IL22 & IL24 Interleukins, NADH Oxidase, Oestrogen Receptor, etc.;
    Telomeres – limit to the number of healthy daughter cell generations programmed into DNA’s replication);
    Unbalanced biodynamic constitution;
    Low systemic Oxygen levels;
    Poor diet – mineral deficiency, vitamin deficiency, malnutrition;
    Negative emotion (Cortisol-related anger, fear, hate, stress, depression, etc.);
    Inadequate sleep;
    Physical injury;
    Constitutional susceptibility;
    General systemic deterioration;
    Immune System compromise or dysfunction;
    Nervous System deterioration or dysfunction;
    Liver failure;
    Pancreatic failure;
    Other endocrine/exocrine failure;
    Hormonal imbalance;
    Prior constitutional burden – chronic or acute diseases (AIDS, Diabetes, etc.);
    Viral infection;
    Bacterial infection;
    Fungal infection – Mould, Yeast infection;
    Protozoic infection;
    Mutation factors (DNA alteration);
    Heredity (inborn genetic factors – DNA eg: Philadelphia Chromosome);
    Foreign genetic material with proliferative or antiapoptogenic coding (DNA, RNA) usually of a viral source;
    Aberrant genes & chromosomes, whether inborn or implanted by virus – MDR-1 Gene, etc.

    All these can be first addressed in a preventive sense by cultivating a healthy lifestyle that avoids exposure to "too much of a bad thing" and maintains a strong constitution. It includes the telomere equation, because you can limit the frequency with which the cells in your body need replacing, thus extending the time it takes for the telomere countdown in the most active cell lines to reach zero. Consider that telomere countdown doesn't reach zero in all cells or tissues simultaneously. Normally, only those cell lines in continuous replication mode for extended periods may reach this state early in a person’s life and so faulty tissues don’t suddenly appear everywhere in the body at once. Amongst other things, reducing the telomere countdown rate will even minimise a genetic tendency to carcinogenesis.

    An important thing to note is that no single causality factor can be solely responsible for causing cancer. It's demonstrably so in the case of genetic factors, because were it not so, then even the limited success achieved in treatment of Philadelphia Chromosome leukaemia patients would not be in evidence – in other words, it should not be possible. Genes, including oncogenes, can be switched on or off.

    Indeed, carcinogenesis is invariably the result of a combination of factors and a series of inducements.

    It begins with risk exposure factors, such as radiation, toxicity, carcinogenic compounds, nutrition deficiencies, Oxygen deficiency, obesity, free radicals and any of certain heavy metals – Mercury, Cadmium, Lead and so on. Oxygen deficiency is a major one common to ALL cancers and gives rise in turn to partial immune dysfunction, but still requires additional factors to set in, which cause the cells to turn rogue. A major one among these is the phenomenon of immortalising agents, usually imparted by a viral and microbial combination operating in the oxygen-deficient environment.

    These can cause some susceptibility factors to arise, such as increased cell membrane permeability, reduced cell resistance to infection, depressed Immune System function, possible impediments to healthy blood-forming, other kinds of regenerative dysfunction, interference with normal cellular biochemical pathways, introduction of abnormal cellular biochemical pathways induced by foreign genetic material, proteins and/or toxins and what-have-you.

    There are also other innate or chronic susceptibilities that may already be present; or of which there is a progressive onset over time in a deteriorating systemic constitution. The telomeric equation figures in this, though there are many aspects that warrant consideration. Among these are negative emotions, unbalanced constitution, ageing, lack of sleep, general system deterioration, prior disease like AIDS or Diabetes and heredity factors.

  319. The Cell Cycle

    Just like human beings who go through birth, adolescence, reproductive stages, senescence and death, each and every cell in your body also goes through its own life cycle. Scientists are piecing together a huge amount of detail in this field of study, but here is a simplified picture.

    The various stages of a cell’s life are the G0, G1, S, G2 & M phases. The G0 phase is akin to childhood. This is the quiescent phase in which the cell is immature and not ready to do much of anything. When it is ready to grow up and take part in real life, it has to pass a fidelity test to make sure everything is in order. This test is called a “checkpoint”. In normal cells, if the cell does not pass the test, it is not allowed to progress to the next stage. This test prior to entry into G1 stage is called the G1 checkpoint. In many cells the G1 checkpoint seems to be the most important. If a cell passes G1, it will usually complete the cycle and divide. If it does not receive the go-ahead at G1, it will go back to the G0 resting phase. Most cells in an adult human body are in the G0 phase.

    Once the cell has met the standards of the G1 checkpoint, the cell grows in size, making more protein and synthesizing RNA. This is like the period of adolescence in humans, when the cell is getting ready for its adult role of reproduction. After completion of the G1 stage, the cell goes on to the S phase of its life, where “S” stands for synthesis. This is when the cell makes fresh DNA, making exact copies of each of its chromosomes. This can be likened to the pregnancy phase, in which the cell is getting ready to give birth to its daughter. But before it is allowed to give birth, it has to go through another period called G2 phase, when it puts the finishing touches and pass/fail another test, the G2 checkpoint to determine if the cell is fit to reproduce. These three stages, G1, S and G2 are together called Interphase.

    If the cell has met the stringent requirements of G1 and G2 checkpoints, it is allowed to proceed to Mitosis, akin to childbirth by this analogy. Cell growth and protein production stop, all other functions take a back seat as the cell focuses all of its energy on the complex job of dividing itself into two similar daughter cells. Mitosis is much shorter than Interphase, it lasts only about one to two hours. There is yet another checkpoint in the middle of mitosis that ensures the cell is ready to complete cell division, with no detectable screw-ups along the way. After completing the process of duplicating itself, the two daughter cells enter G0 resting stage, until they are ready once more to enter the cycle of G1, S, G2 and M.

    The rites of passage of cells from birth to the point where they have earned the right to replicate themselves is pretty strict, with multiple tests and checkpoints along the way. These are necessary hurdles, in order to make sure the genetic information transmitted to the next generation of daughter cells is correct and without errors. The checkpoints are important in weeding out potentially dangerous mutations that can give rise to cancer. With all these safeguards in place, how is it that humans do get cancer? Unfortunately, cancer cells are able to subvert the checks and quality controls and sneak past the checkpoints. For every system of checks and repeat quality control tests that our bodies can invent, there seem to be an equal number of ways of subverting the system. Cancer gets a foothold and establishes itself as a viable entity in our bodies only when it has learned a way of getting around the checkpoints of the cell cycle. This is the stage at which the virus and microbe infection factor plays its role, because these supply programming to the cells to produce higher levels of the Cyclin Dependent Kinases that enable cells to pass the G1 and G2 checkpoints; or reduction of Cyclins, which prevent them doing so. They may also supply other ‘systemic disobedience’ factors, such as an imitator of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, a hormone that selectively suppresses the pregnant mother’s immune response against her own baby in-utero. This allows the malignant cells to protect themselves from immune response. In cases of drug-resistant cancers, they are responsible for providing the programming by which the cells can produce more export pump proteins to get rid of toxins.

    The Kinases are proteins that control the cell cycle, but most of the time they are in an inactive form. To be active the Kinases must be associated with another type of protein called Cyclins. Hence they are called Cyclin-Dependent Kinases or “CDKs”. CDKs control the various checkpoints, they are the gatekeepers that decide whether to pass or fail cells as they go through the various quality control checkpoints in the cell cycle. Cyclins are frequently over-expressed in human cancers (for example, the tell-tale marker for Mantle Cell Leukaemia is over expression of Cyclin D1), lowering the bar for the checkpoints, letting just any malignant cell to pass the checkpoint and on its way to reproduction. Another common feature of cancer cells is decrease in the function of inhibitors of CDKs. Think of these peptides (p16 and p21 are two important genes that encode them) as the supervisors that keep an eye on the CDKs, to make sure they do not drop the standards too low. When the supervisors are asleep on the job, and the CDKs get lax in their standards, malignant cells can pass the checkpoints and proliferate. This is one of the most common features of all cancers.

  320. Repair And Healing Mechanism

    The presumption where malignancy is concerned (and it is a central one) is that the body’s repair and healing mechanisms have been caused to go awry. The process of healing and repair may be perceived to comprise four distinct Phases.

    First of these is the Inflammation Phase, being a response to cell deaths via tissue damage or cell redundancy. It involves inflammatory agents such as Nitric Oxide and enzymes such as Cox and LPO.

    The second is the Cleanup Phase, which is an immune system response, whereby white blood cells move in to clean up the debris and make way for new replacement cells.

    The third is the Proliferation Phase, which follows the triggering of inflammation and cleanup, whether by external agents or by the body’s own regulation mechanisms that involve Nitric Oxide, 5-LPO, Cox-1 or Cox-2 and a cascade of events takes place involving angiogenesis (VEGF-driven) to repair or initiate new blood supplies to an affected region, plus the triggering of Stem Cells (also called Mast Cells, driven by EGF & other factors) into generating replacement cells for the damaged or destroyed tissues. They do this through mitotic replication, by following the cell cycle explained above.

    The fourth is the Differentiation Phase, in which the cells newly generated from stem cells through the Proliferation Phase progressively undergo a differentiating process of maturation into various specialised cells. Dedicated stem cells have no function other than to multiply in order to replace missing, damaged or malfunctioning tissues, though intermediate types exist, which can perform some functions other than multiplying – fibroblasts and some leucocytes, for example. As they multiply and regulated as they normally are by Cluster of Differentiation markers, Interleukins, WNT cell signalling proteins, CDKs and other agents, they progressively develop more specialised morphologies along a path of differentiation in which they eventually mature into dedicated cells of various specialised functions. Once they become fully differentiated and matured, they cease dividing and take up their required functions in the tissues. By doing all this, they would have progressed through this Differentiation Phase and if not for this, they could never mature and thus never assume their proper roles in the new tissues.

    As already explained, cell cycle CDK regulation plays a significant role in the Proliferative Phase of healing, so failure of its regulation can set the wheels of carcinogenesis in motion.

    But further, as a result of any of the foregoing conditions, the body’s repair mechanisms are also caused to become faulty in some degree in the Differential Phase of healing, because not only have malignant cells devised means of slipping past the CDK radar, but also inherited the means to defy maturation signals that would otherwise direct them to mature, cease dividing, assume designated roles in the tissues where they are generated and obey systemic regulation signals so that they behave as they should and perform their required functions correctly.

    These foregoing conditions form the basis of a set of risk and susceptibility factors in carcinogenesis and I built the Dynamically Unbalanced Constitution Theory Of Carcinogenesis (DUCTOC) on these.

    Cancer as a biodynamic process is effectively the interference with these vital Proliferative and Differential Phases of the normal healing and repair process, in which multiplying cells pass replication tests when they shouldn’t and then do not mature in this way and so never assume their proper functional roles – but just go on multiplying, instead. In effect, cancer is an abnormal perpetuation of the Proliferation Phase of healing and failure of the Differentiation Phase to initiate and complete the regeneration process. Certain regulating mechanisms in either the Proliferative Phase or the Differentiation Phase (or both) have been caused to fail in some ways and the preceding passages on the Cell Cycle describe some of the key mechanisms. Having said this, the nature of cancerous cells is still intrinsically different from that of healthy Stem Cells. They are affected to the extent that they may no longer respond satisfactorily to the body’s normal regulating mechanisms, even if those regulating mechanisms were to be fully restored. They have inherited from the viruses and microbes, by DNA recombination or the production of specific biochemicals, the will and the ability to survive and function much more independently of their healthy parent tissues than healthy tissue cells do. In other words, they have inherited ‘selfish’ survival traits of the infectious microbes, themselves.

    These bodily repair mechanisms are orchestrated to some considerable extent by the Immune System, indicating that at least some prior loss of its functionality is already demonstrated by the mere presence of cancer. And so any of these conditions additionally lead to the Immune System’s functionality being further compromised.

    These are key factors in carcinogenesis.

    All people who have cancer are:

    (a) Functionally oxygen deficient, which may not be a lung or haemoglobin malfunction, but an oxygen transport malfunction across cell membranes. Such a failure may well be connected with poor Calcium utilisation, because this metal is a key element in the process. However, literal Calcium deficiency is actually quite uncommon – but in order to utilise Calcium correctly, the body also needs Magnesium. Magnesium deficiency is relatively common in developed countries. Systemic toxicity caused by heavy metals like Lead, Platinum, Cadmium and Mercury tends to interfere with trace mineral utilisation, so it can be a contributing oxygen transport interference factor.

    (b) Immunologically compromised, because Oxygen deficiency leads invariably to this condition. The body’s leucocyte army and its regulating mechanisms need oxygen, like any other cell types, to function optimally. In general, I consider their need for (and consumption of) oxygen is second only to neurons – the most oxygen-hungry cells in the entire body.

    It is not to say that they are unconditional causality factors, because in truth, they’re not – they do not cause cancer in every person in which they are present. However, they ARE critical susceptibility factors and as already stated, they are universally found in every case of malignancy.

    There are NO exceptions to either of these imperatives. They must therefore be regarded as cornerstones in causality theory and a basis upon which prevention and treatment principles are developed. I call these the Oxygen Deficiency Imperative Theorem (ODIT) and the Compromised Immune System Imperative Theorem (CISIT).

    Further to that, there is a very strong parallel between the behaviour of malignant colonies and a gestating foetus. The similarities are startling [see Trophoblast Theory and Immunoplacental Therapy (Dr. Valentin Govallo) in Chapter Six, which looks at Gonadotrophins hCG and bCG].

    Still further yet, my VIMTOCC model (Virally Infected Microbe Theory Of Cancer Causality) has finally evolved to the point where it can plausibly account for causality of ALL cancers. Whether factually so without any exceptions still remains to be established.

  321. The Microbe Phenomenon

    When immunity is compromised as it surely must be when oxygen deficiency is present, opportunistic infection can easily take place, involving invasion of viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms – or activation and proliferation of previously dormant ones already present in the system. It is not just any microbes, but a cohort of apparently cooperative (or semi-cooperative) pathogens, which collectively exhibit a specific range of biological tendencies. This is a critical stage in which the cancerous condition actually manifests under a regime of microbial causality.

    Microbes – viruses, bacteria, yeasts and protists account for causality of an undetermined, yet nevertheless large proportion of all cancers. There was a time around the middle of the 20th Century when 100% microbial causality of cancer was more or less universally accepted. It fell from grace, but the reasons are unclear. Despite that, I believe the combined activity of these various microbes actually represents the major proportion of all cancer causalities and further, that all others are characterised by the legacy of previous microbial infections, whereby dormant stem cells inherit the ‘knowledge’ of how to turn rogue from microbes, but do not ‘activate’ until much later in the lives of the otherwise apparently ‘uninfected’ victims. Yet that is in disagreement with existing beliefs among many (but certainly not all) of the present-day biologists and cancer scientists – whose estimates on viral cancer causality alone vary considerably.

    I noted during May, 2013 that R. Webster Kehr (Cancer Tutor) now also asserts that microbial infection is universal to all cases of carcinogenesis. He did not arrive at his conclusions out of any influence from me, but it is strongly indicated that he did so via the same general stream of research revelations that led me to postulate VIMTOCC. Those relate mostly to Rife’s electromedical technology of the 1930s to 1950s; the development of an electromedical protocol in 1990 by Doctors Lyman and Kaali and the adoption, use and refinement of it by Bob Beck, in which 100% remission rates have been recorded through the use of both these technologies. All of them pinned causality on microbial activity. If they achieved perfect remission results, even against terminal cancers, then who should question their conclusions? I am in full agreement with Webster that these are the most powerful cancer treatments on Planet Earth. They are unique, in that no other treatment modalities, regardless of whether they may be Ancient Traditional, Alternative or Orthodox in nature, are known to produce such curative results. None!

    Notwithstanding the beliefs of Rife, Lyman, Kaali, Beck, Webster, myself and other cancer researchers, those viral estimates I am currently acquainted with are: 10% (Cancer Research UK); 15% (Professor Ian Frazer & Colleagues); and 25% (Raven & Johnson’s 1989 university biology teaching text). Among these are 100% of cervical cancers, 80% of liver cancers, 5% to 30% of penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal, oral and pharyngeal cancers and indeterminate proportions of leukaemias, skin, lung, brain and intestinal cancers.

    87% of cervical cancers, in addition to their 100% viral causality, also have demonstrated bacterial involvement, since it is proven that HPV-16 has been shown to infect Bacillus, Enterococcus, Staphylococcus and Corynebacterium bacteria, all four of which have shown up in cervical cancer biopsies in that proportion of 87%. Apart from this specific instance, there are no other estimates made public by biologists or orthodox cancer scientists on relative proportions of bacterial, protozoic, yeast or other fungal cancer causality – at least, none to my current knowledge. However, the greater proportion of stomach cancers are caused by the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori and it can be safely surmised that it is equally true of intestinal cancers – oesophageal, duodenal, colon, anal and so on – more so, when one introduces virally infected Enterococcus and other Cocci into the equation as indicated by the cervical cancer biopsies. It indirectly suggests a 4% to 25% bacterial involvement factor of current and active infection in penile, vulvar, vaginal, anal, oral and pharyngeal cancers in addition to whatever Helicobacter Pylori causes. And that is to say nothing of prior infection legacies.

    Fungal (yeasts, moulds, etc.) cancer causalities remain a contested issue. Most mainstream cancer scientists deny any involvement of yeasts in the phenomenon and effectively quote a 0% estimate. Meanwhile conversely, there are several medical practitioners who have treated cancer patients in their clinics or dedicated cancer hospitals and have quoted 100% yeast involvement, saying that every single patient of theirs with cancer had a Candida yeast presence – usually Candida Albicans. This species and Candida Parapsilosis are certified producers of carcinogenic toxins. In addition, many infectious moulds – Aspergillus Flavus, A. Parasiticus & A. Ochraceus and some strains of A. Niger are factually known to produce carcinogenic toxins such as Aflatoxin and Ochratoxin, indicating the likelihood that several other related species do likewise. Many Penicillium, Stachybotris, Microsporum, Trichophyton and probably other genera of moulds also produce carcinogens. There are no estimates on Aspergillus cancer causalities, nor indications of just how infectious these funghi are. It has been indicated that Aspergillus infection is by spores inhaled into the lungs. There, in the Alveoli, they grow into funghi, form tumours called Aspergillomas and also migrate via the blood to just about anywhere else in the body. Aflatoxin is one of the most potent carcinogens known to medical science. It was during 2011, I was able to verify Candida Albicans and Candida Parapsilosis do in fact produce carcinogenic toxins. That now adds direct and active carcinogenesis to their possible, or even probable contributory roles by providing anaerobic fermentation of sugars to produce energy; and also their facilitating cellular penetration by viruses and bacteria.

    Giving account for these microbially caused cancers is the model I call Virally Infected Microbe Theory Of Cancer Causality (VIMTOCC).

  322. Tissues With High Rates Of Redundancy

    The most common cancers occur in epithelial, endothelial, mesothelial, endocrine, exocrine and bloodforming tissue types, partly due to the short life expectancy of healthy cells in such tissues and the consequently high rate of ongoing replacement that is necessary to maintain those tissues in good order; and partly due to their higher-than-usual degree of exposure to pathogens or carcinogens than most other tissue types. These two main factors combined result in a much higher risk that the healing regulation processes can more easily fail in membranous, endocrine, exocrine and bloodforming tissue (immune system) types; and thereby result in carcinogenesis in any glands, membranes or leucocytes – lungs, blood & lymph vessels, intestines and so on – or indeed in any tissues with a high proportion of active stem cells.

    This in turn leads to a further cascade of events, mainly at the cellular level. They include the production of abnormally high levels of certain aberrant bioregulatory or modulatory proteins, enzymes and hormones; or the inhibition of others needed for healthy metabolism and regulation. They may be triggered in the microorganisms by virii, or they may be triggered in the cells by either virii or various other microorganisms. Among them are undifferentiating agents or differentiation inhibitors, which cause cells to regress into (or perpetually remain in) abnormal “stem cell states”, where they continue multiplying instead of naturally progressing towards maturation. These invading microbes are also responsible for apoptosis mediation inhibitors that prevent actions that normally induce a cell to die when it is no longer satisfactorily functional; plus still others that inhibit the Immune System from getting rid of them.

    The pathway of carcinogenesis may progress through pre-cancerous phases via formation of “noncancerous” or “precancerous” tumours or growths, such as moles, warts, papillomas or other hyperplastic and neoplastic abnormalities. In any case, the tissue maintenance and repair system is functionally degraded in at least some degree when this occurs. Cells created to replace damaged or redundant ones cease to differentiate in the correct manner. Instead, they continue to multiply and ultimately fail to mature properly, so they cannot assume their properly assigned roles in the tissues. If they remain clustered together to form a distinct and aberrant growth, they are often referred to as “neoplasms”.

    Driving Forces Of Disrupted Biogenic Regulation Pathways

    Substitution of genetic material with that from viruses by the virii themselves occurs in the infected microorganisms and also in the host cells, further driving the cascade of abnormal biochemical reaction pathways and accelerating the process of cellular mutation. This mutation may depend somewhat on whether the viral genetic material is DNA or RNA. Foreign DNA and RNA interpose the biochemical pathways of a living cell at different stages in those biochemical processes – DNA pretty much directly at the genetic level (it is recombinant and therefore definitely mutagenic), while RNA does so at the transmission of information level, becoming responsible for encoding aberrant proteins and so on as if there were some genetic mutation present, but not necessarily stemming from nuclear mutation, itself; nor necessarily leading to it.

    This in turn presupposes, in the case of a legacy microbial infection being the cause of carcinogenesis, that the culprit must have been Recombinant DNA – not RNA, nor residual carginogenic chemicals.

    Energy and nutrition requirements in the affected cells increase dramatically as they enter into a perpetual cycle of mitosis (cell division), because it requires more resources to sustain the increased metabolic activity of a malignant cell. Bacterial or yeast interference with the Krebs Cycle may occur also and whether or not this occurs, anaerobic respiration becomes the major process by which ATP and/or other energy carriers are created to power the cell replication process.

    The demand is possibly met by yeasts or some types of bacteria, since the Mitochondria may no longer meet the energy demand alone.

    Glucose and Insulin demand increases much more drastically to fuel this energy requirement, since although anaerobic glycolysis is conveniently faster, it is also about 19 times less efficient than aerobic metabolism of sugars. The infected cells are forced to generate far more glucose and insulin receptors than is normal in healthy cells, in order to import the required amounts of fuel and other materials. The byproduct of this anaerobic glycolysis is lactic acid, which becomes a toxic factor. The poorer efficiency means that production of lactic acid and probably other toxic byproducts is vastly increased.

    These cells typically have much more permeable membranes than healthy cells – they are described as being “leaky”. At least some of that permeability may be attributable to the cells multiplying rabidly in a nutritionally deficient environment, whereby they are unable to generate fully formed membranes and other substructures (perhaps by skimping on the length of the lipid chains in the membrane bilayers and/or other shortcuts). Normally, such cells would die of their own accord through internal apoptosis mediation or systemic regulation, but with immortalisation agents like excessive CDKs being present or with suppressors of p16, p21 and other related genes, they don’t necessarily die, at all. In some other cases, they may have been made leaky by enzymes causing proteolysis or lipolysis (destruction of proteins or lipids in cell membranes), such as those produced by Yeasts. They may also simply be using short cuts to obtain nutritional resources and discharge wastes more easily.

    However, bacteria produce an array of additional substances as mentioned, such as anti-apoptogens (sometimes called “immortalising agents”) and masking proteins or immuno-downregulators such as Chorionic Gonadotrophins to inhibit immune response; angiogenesis agents that stimulate blood vessel growth to feed growing tumours; and even in some cases, specialised export pump proteins to facilitate drug resistance; plus other toxins as byproducts of their own metabolisms – or they trigger the victim tissue cells to produce them. These even include defences designed to kill attacking leucocytes, such as T-reg Cells, a mutant cancerous form of T-Cell Leucocyte. This nasty little bugger resides in tumours and directly attacks healthy leucocytes and destroys them if they enter the tumours in an attempt to fight the cancer. In other words, T-Cells can be hijacked to provide tumours with aggressive defence against normal immune response. This is an apparent emulation of foetal trophoblast behaviour. Trophoblasts are foetal cells that protect the foetus from its own mother’s immune response.

    Some types of infected cells may be driven to express increased amounts of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, again for defence against immune response. Note that this can be a very DANGEROUS hormone, yet HCG is becoming much more freely used in weight loss regimes. Certain coccal bacteria are also known to produce their own imitation of hCG, which I call bCG. Most cancer cells are also triggered into producing increased amounts of differentiation mediators such as TGF-; which mediate differentiation in healthy cells, but inhibit differentiation in cancerous cells; and which also cause accelerated development of blood vessels to increase nutrient supply. Other proteins are produced, whether by cancerous host cells or their infecting bacteria, such as NF-Kappa-Beta. It’s a mediator of all sorts of unhealthy functions ranging from the causing of Cachexia, to encoding of P-Glycoproteins for various transport functions and especially toxin efflux pump proteins to give the cells resistance against cytotoxic drugs (as well as to save them from being poisoned in their own lactic acid mire).

  323. Resistant & Unresponsive Cancers

    Resistance and unresponsiveness to treatment on the parts of various cancers are not necessarily the same thing. Resistance to drugs is characterised by certain types of cancer wherein the cells have equipped themselves with dedicated transport proteins in their exterior membranes called Efflux Pumps. The ABCB-1 protein is the classic example. Knowing this predetermines that a set of treatment agents active against Mitochondrial Complex I will be the optimal approach – whether Acetogenins, Styryl Lactones, Berberine, Rotenoids or other ATP inhibitive agents. This is because inhibition of ATP production is the best way to defeat malignant biochemical processes characterised by efflux pumps, because they are so highly energy-intensive. These Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitors generally also cause Mitochondria to release Caspase enzymes, which are potent apoptosis mediators.

    Unresponsive cancers may not necessarily be so characterised and may instead be merely unresponsive to certain particular anticarcinomic agents because they are tolerant of them; and the agents cannot interfere with their respective biochemistries. It may be due to absence of the appropriate chemical receptors and this would be the result of genetic mutation. Consider that mutation is a characteristic of cancer, whereby almost infinite variation in cellular biochemistry of the resulting generations of daughter cells becomes possible. Some are simply not viable and die. Some inherit certain sets of biochemical receptors and chemical pathways for accomplishing metabolic functions, yet not others. They may respond to certain anticarcinomic agents, yet not others. It’s one of the mechanisms of evolution, even in relatively healthy biology, but is radically accelerated in cancer to more nearly approach that of microbes themselves. Basically, the malignant biology in its own way of random experimentation, is trying to seek out a way to survive, very much after the same fashion as microbes. Healthy specialised cells are unselfish, cooperative and willingly die if that is for the greater good. Malignant cells do not communicate in the same ways with each other, are poorly cooperative and show a stronger individual tendency to selfishly survive. In this sense, they display behaviours more consistent with independent primitive organisms such as bacteria, yeasts and protozoa. When one connects and illuminates this observation with the knowledge of bacterial or viral genetic material being inserted into malignant cells via infection, each phenomenon explains the other and it all makes perfect sense.

    For this reason, it is to be expected that not every cancer, even among those presumed to be of the same type, can be cured through using the same agent or combination of agents, no matter how good it may generally be overall. When resistance or unresponsiveness is encountered in cancer treatment, one must be prepared to apply different treatments using different agents. If one is familiar with the precise mutation and its particular characteristics, that offers an advantage in the matter of treatment choice, but with almost infinite variety, the majority are not known and their inherited chemistries are not understood in complete detail.

    One size does not fit all and one treatment does not cure all. Even if using something like Rife technology, it is usually necessary to apply a range of specific frequencies, instead of just one.

    So one begins with the application of basic treatment principles and then expands upon those into various combinations and permutations, guided as much as possible by the known biological factors, but where it becomes necessary, into the realm of experimentation. Doing so is common in all forms of medicine, whether mainstream or alternative and were it not for that, there would be no medical advancement. So whether experimentation is a good or a bad thing depends upon the motive driving it and the manner in which it is conducted.

    When venturing into such terra incognita, there are certain rules of safety that must be observed under the general principle: “Do No Harm”.

    Stem cells are also affected in carcinogenesis to become CSCs (Cancer Stem Cells), in the way I have presumed under VIMTOCC. And although they constitute only a small proportion of the population in normal circumstances, they are much more highly undifferentiated than other cell types, so they can evolve to meet certain survival needs more quickly and easily than other cells. I believe the more common non-resistant cancer cells would first need to retro-differentiate before being able to re-differentiate in such specific ways to be capable of expressing large numbers of efflux pumps. So I believe CSCs are therefore the major progenitors of the MDRCs (Multi-Drug-Resistant Cells) that are so difficult to eradicate and are ultimately responsible for a large proportion of cancer treatment failures and resulting deaths.

    When the usual drugs used against cancer have reduced the cancer cell population, sometimes almost to nil (but not quite), the great majority of surviving cells are of this drug-resistant kind. They proliferate rapidly (because they’re stem cells of a sort) and when developed into MDRCs, don’t respond to conventional treatment. Together with the infecting microbes and many side effects induced by chemotherapy, they eventually kill the victim. Even when these cells are fully eradicated, the surviving virii and other microorganisms, mutant or viral genetic material, plus other proteins and hormones, together with systemic toxicity and so on, can still trigger perfectly healthy stem cells into becoming CSCs and possibly MDRCs in turn; and so renew the vicious cycle.

    Preventing this compels eradication of infectious microbes.

    MDRCs are characterised by the presence of huge numbers of P-glycoprotein ABCB-1 efflux pump molecules in their membranes, plus others perhaps, such as ABCCs – it’s not just efflux pumps in the plasma membranes, but intracellular transport molecules such as ABCGs, too; with which they are able to rapidly expel toxic waste and cancer drugs. The operation of these transporters and efflux pumps requires enormous amounts of energy in the form of ATP – about 200 times more than a healthy cell, placing even greater demand upon the processes that synthesise ATP. And if all that ATP is being produced anaerobically, then it is also requiring 19 times as much Glucose to avail the same quantity of ATP. Being able to expel toxins is the MDRC’s strength, but comes at an enormous cost – requiring such huge amounts of energy to function is its inherent weakness.

    I also learned circa 6th March 2010 that there is a very important protein called NF-Kappa-Beta, which mediates a lot of abnormal biochemical activities in cancer cells; plus a few lesser ones and especially so in MDRCs. It apparently mediates production of the efflux pumps in resistant cells and amongst several other unsavoury biochemical activities, it is even responsible for cachexia, since it mediates muscle protein destruction, in concert with that Liver enzyme in a process called Gluconeogenesis – the generation of new Glucose, presumably from non-saccharide substances. What is not yet known is which entities are actually responsible for creation of the NF-Kappa-Beta protein. Do viruses encode this substance in bacteria, or in human cells, or both? What of the efflux pump it mediates production of? Is it the P-gp ABCB-1 efflux pump, or are there still others – perhaps ABCB-2 and so on, or the related ABCC and ABCG proteins? What relationship, if any, is there with MDR-1 Gene that is said to encode P-gp ABCB-1; and is the MDR-1 Gene native to the human cell genome, or is it a pathogenic implant from virus or bacteria? The latter seems more than just highly likely in my view, but obviously, I still have gaps to fill.

    It is also suspected that infecting bacteria (and possibly other microbes such as yeasts and protozoa) develop resistance via similar efflux pump mechanisms to those of MDRCs. A percentage of these microbes become what I call MDRMs [Multi-Drug-Resistant Microbes – MDRB (bacteria); MDRYs (yeast); or MDRP (protozoa)]. The worst bacterial examples currently known are MRSA and VRSA, respectively the Methycillin Resistant strain and Vancomycin Resistant strain of Staphylococcus Aureus – the notorious Golden Staph. These strains produce prodigious quantities of Anthoxanthin, a very potent antioxidant Carotenoid, which gives Golden Staph its characteristic colour and clearly indicates that all strains of this bug are resistant in some degree. They use it to neutralise Oxygen radicals and particularly those released by Hydrogen Peroxide, the main chemical weapon produced by Granulocytes to kill them. However, the strains differ in what particular drugs they are best able to resist, which indicates that they may use other secondary means of resistance, too. As of early 2012, I have been able to verify that these bacteria do indeed use efflux pumps, so Anthoxanthin is not their only means of drug resistance. It also adds more weight to the theory that MDRCs probably inherit this efflux pump encoding capability from viruses and bacteria.

    The presumption where microbe eradication is concerned, is that as the non-resistant microbes are eradicated through treatment with bactericides, fungicides and so on, the proportion of MDRMs in the overall microbial population increases to make the successful elimination of the cancer more difficult, as is the case with MDRCs among cancer cells. I therefore hypothesise this to be a significant aspect of the refractory cancer phenomenon that is additional to the MDRC problem. Another possible explanation exists for drug resistance in microbes – they may actually develop chemical processes within themselves to metabolise toxins. However, I see this as being far less likely, as it may require the development of a separate processing pathway involving whole hosts of enzymes and other agents for each particular class of toxin. This has to be more of an evolutionary process that might have required millions of years, were it not that nowadays on Earth, there is probably an abundance of variegated strains of virus already abroad and of which a proportion is simply bound to carry suitable genetic programming. Nevertheless, I hypothesise it should still take some time for a new bacterial strain to emerge and thrive by inheriting new viral DNA like this. In this hypothetical evolution of microbes that specialise in processing a particular type of toxin, if the toxin is significantly different, you can be fairly sure the microbe is a different species or at least a different strain. Could the role lie more in the domain of Archaea than Bacteria? By contrast, efflux pump development is far easier because it merely involves selective adaptation and deployment of a specific set of transport proteins.

    Whatever phenomenon facilitates microbial drug resistance, their certified involvement in carcinogenesis is the reason that the microbes must also be eradicated and the entire system must be normalised to a healthy, balanced state – otherwise, there can be no satisfactory result. The fact that they can become resistant to certain drugs simply implies that the means to do so must be equal to that more difficult purpose of eradication. In following parts of Cancer’s Answers, those means to deal successfully with MDRCs and MDRMs are identified and discussed in greater detail. It will surprise you when you discover just how many natural agents elucidated in the Cancer’s Answers databases are actually effective against MRSA, VRSA and other resistant bugs. You do not need Cillins or Mycins; and Cillins cannot beat MRSA, nor Mycins beat VRSA, yet certain natural agents such as Acetogenins, Styryl Lactones, Berberine and Rotenoids definitely can. Many different botanical species produce bactericidal agents that are proven effective against resistant strains and in particular, MRSA. Matico (the Soldier’s Herb), and the annonaceous plants such as North American Paw Paw, Graviola and Custard Apple are among these. So are Goldthread, Goldenseal, Cork Trees and Barberry, to name a few of the plants that express Berberine.

    Mutation rates are generally accelerated through several of these various carcinogenic processes, resulting either through substituted gene replication from viruses; or from faulty gene replication in the unhealthy tissue environment – especially the lactose-rich and bacteriotoxin-rich (mycotoxin-rich) environment within the cytoplasm of the cells, themselves. These cells, in the scheme of their apparent immortalisation, also seem to become immune in at least some degree to attrition due to Telomere loss. They can lose all the Telomeres and still remain viable – a fact that has scientists dedicated to studying longevity VERY interested. Chromosome breaks (or chromosome losses) occur at vastly greater rates than in healthy tissue replenishment or growth processes. One of the reasons is that the mitosis checkpoint system no longer operates properly in malignant cells. In spite of the faulty apoptosis signalling mechanisms that fail to tell cells to commit suicide when they’re too mutated to be viable, there is nevertheless a high attrition rate. Large numbers of cancer cells die regardless, due to non-viability caused by critical DNA transcription errors, or by toxification, or starvation within the cores of hard tumours, as well as through other factors. The deaths release substances from their cytoplasms in increasing amounts that become dangerously and even lethally toxic when there are enough of them, including Lactic Acids, Phosphates and Potassium.

    Excessive release of Phosphates and Potassium embodies the deadly phenomenon known as TLS (Tumour Lysis Syndrome).

    Cachexia arising from the production of a certain liver enzyme and mediators like NF-Kappa-Beta further compound that toxicity problem through the destruction of healthy tissues. More Potassium and more Phosphates are released into the lymph and vascular system to heighten the danger even more. It also includes the anti-apoptogenic, anti-differentiation and anti-immune compounds already mentioned. The cascade effect from this is a depletion of Calcium, resulting in dangerous reduction of transmembrane Oxygen transport in healthy cells, because the Calcium is precipitated out of the Lymph and blood as Calcium Phosphate. This Calcium depletion works to subvert more cells to the cancerous condition, beginning when they are forced to metabolise anaerobically and then start producing lactic acid, themselves; but this process is of course compounded by the host of other carginogenic elements present, including those of microbes and their pathogenic activities. Calcium Phosphate also blocks arteries and wrecks the kidneys, because it is very poorly soluble and easily forms plaque deposits in function-critical places. The Potassium, at high enough levels in the Lymph, is quite simply lethal. This toxic condition involving unbalanced levels of Calcium, Potassium and Phosphates is called Tumour Lysis Syndrome, as I have already mentioned. It can be very, very deadly. Several mainstream chemotherapy drugs – Flavopiridol, some MABs and other types are notorious for causing TLS.

    There may be some natural cytotoxic agents, which if overused, can do likewise. However, in alternative medicine, naturopathic doctors are much more cautious about resorting to cytotoxic methods in the treatment of cancer. I have found that the great majority base their treatment philosophy on approaching the restoration of the biodynamic balance and tend to do so by taking multiple approaches. In this way, they intervene in a much broader spectrum of the physiological pathways associated with carcinogenesis and deal with each specific pathway somewhat less aggressively. In other words, they seek balance and follow the correct medical paradigm, unlike orthodox oncologists. Therefore, the risk of TLS rarely becomes an issue in alternative cancer medicine, if ever.

  324. Faulty Cell Signal Transduction

    WNT cell signalling molecules play a role by binding to signal receptors on the membranes of malignant cells to close their intercellular signal mechanisms up into wholly autonomous feedback loops, so that the malignant cells signal to themselves and do not respond to externally originated signalling proteins or perhaps even hormones (many of which are proteins, anyway). This of course reduces or eliminates the normal tendency to cooperate with other cells in the manner that healthy cells do. In turn, the phenomenon predetermines what types of Interleukin cell signal mediators will play active roles in signal transduction between cells.

    The mutation rates also generate motile cancer cells – ones that migrate to other tissues and establish new tumour colonies. The migratory phenomenon may be driven by generation of faulty intercellular binding proteins and specialist saccharides by which cells recognise each other, communicate and congregate to form tissues and is probably further compounded by the WNT self-signalling phenomenon. They are known as Cluster Of Differentiation markers and when these no longer match the CD markers characterising the other cancer cells among which they were generated, those cells with the new CD markers become motile and actually set out to find their own kind by migrating elsewhere. Their ongoing process of mitosis is what creates more of their own kind and eventually as they bind together in separate colonies like this, they cease to roam and become new static growths of malignant tissue. This migratory process is called Metastasis and those secondary tumours established in this way are called Metastases. When cancer reaches this stage of development, it is described as Metastatic, or Stage IV. These colonies have a stronger tendency to generate similarly mutated cells than their parent tumours, which once again don’t recognise their progenitors as compatible tissues, so they in turn become motile and the whole process of metastasis repeats at accelerated rates of incidence. The metastatic phenomenon is exponential in nature, operating literally on a binary exponential function of acceleration, so the whole process snowballs and can rapidly become fatal.

    Further, toxin efflux saturates the lymph in surrounding tissues, weakening healthy neighbouring cells. Since they are also starved in some considerable degree of the oxygen, glucose and insulin they need to function normally by competition from cancer cells and the loss by precipitation of Calcium, so they commence respiring anaerobically, as cells normally do when there is insufficient oxygen present to fully support the Krebs Cycle. Athletes commonly experience anaerobic respiration at the outer limits of their physical performance, but that is relatively harmless in a healthy system unless too much of it builds up in the myocardium (heart muscle). However, in a system hosting ravenous and rabidly multiplying malignant cells, the hypoxic condition becomes chronic for these erstwhile healthy cells and they can be subverted to the cancerous condition by the coincident host of carcinogenic agents inherited from microbes. The likelihood of cells becoming subverted by closely neighbouring malignant tissues is thus further increased by the presence in the Lymph of these various immortalising and other aberrant agents produced and released by the malignant cells, or pathogens or both; especially as they die in increasing numbers and release them wholesale into the Lymph.

    Virii and other microbes are also released from infected cells, both living and dead. The live ones actively seek out new host cells. Increasingly, healthy cells nearby become susceptible to cancer through this toxic and microbial presence. In exponentially increasing numbers, they become cancerous, themselves, although I consider that they remain as “Sensitive Cells” and do not evolve into MDRCs, unless they happen to be stem cells that become infected in this way. But of course, where stem cells are present, they, too can become infected or otherwise subverted and so become CSCs; which can then in turn become resistant MDRCs. MDRCs are difficult to treat without the right kinds of agents, but CSCs can be more so, because of their capacity to evolve rapidly, in order to survive in a changing biochemical environment. To give you some idea, they can actually assume a low energy state, which other cancer cells presumably cannot. This can enable them to survive against MDRC agents such as Acetogenins. Ah, but the good news is that in the low energy state, they cannot survive against certain other apoptogenic or cytotoxic agents. They can either evolve into MDRCs, or into LECSCs (Low Energy Cancer Stem Cells), but they can’t be both at the same time.


    Having and operating efflux pump proteins to facilitate drug resistance is a function that has inescapably high energy requirements, particularly in the form or ATP. Low and high energy states in malignant cells are not mutually compatible. Either you have a high energy cancer cell, or you have a low energy cancer cell. You cannot have a cell which is in both states at the same time. So what appears to happen instead is that the malignant stem cell population generates both of these subtypes, possibly in more or less equal proportions – MCF-7/wt is one such line of CSC that can apparently generate a subtype (MCF-7/let) one could call a LECSC, as well as the MCF-7/mdr (MDRC) such as MCF-7/adr (Adriamicin resistant type). This seems to be what is observed by scientists in Human Adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) tissues, so I presume it also occurs in other malignant tissue types. One may perceive the LECSC as a more-or-less dormant type that is not actively proliferating, much as you find most healthy stem cells remain dormant until they are signalled to become active.

  325. Cachexia, Hijacked Cell Cycle Regulation & Systemic Toxification

    The onset of an entropic tissue condition known as Cachexia begins when the first malignant cells appear in the tissues. This appears to be a response to the presence of various substances generated by malignant cells or carcinogenic microbes, whereby the Liver is induced to produce an enzyme that deconstructs cells in the body – especially by proteolysis (breaking down proteins). These are presumed to circulate freely and break proteins apart throughout the body. The resulting peptides or aminos enter the bloodstream and eventually reach the Liver. There, they are reprocessed to produce more Glucose – a process called Gluconeogenesis – and the new Glucose returns to the circulation to eventually feed the cells. The Proteolysis Inducing Factor (PIF) that is produced in tumours is a major culprit. NF-Kappa-Beta is also said to mediate production of a cachexic enzyme and NF-K- is typically produced by malignant cells. The mechanisms are said to be not well understood in medicine even still, but TNF-α, IL-6, PIF and Cytokines are thought to be instrumental in the manifestation of Cachexia. High blood plasma levels of Ghrelin, a 28-amino-acid peptide that acts as a hormone and stimulates hunger, are found in cachexic cancer patients and in anorexic people. Precisely how Ghrelin figures in Cachexia or Anorexia is something I have not yet studied. In its advanced form, Cachexia is dangerous to the point of being lethal and is directly responsible for a great many cancer deaths – allegedly one in every three cancer victims.

    The Upshot Of It All

    When a person’s Immune System is unable to cope with a normal incidence of mutant cells; or more definitively, it loses its ability to regulate the Differential Phase of tissue repair and when other conditions associated with cancer are also present to induce this condition of differential regulation failure (such as chemical carcinogens, tissue acidity, anoxia and those particular microbial infections), they start to multiply uncontrollably and then interfere with the body’s normal functions. This happens according to my reckoning through two general mechanisms.

    One is triggering the cells into uncontrolled mitotic cycles, in which they rapidly divide as they strive to “evolve themselves” to better suit the existing environmental conditions that are set up by the infecting microorganisms and their virii; or by other causes. This evolution is more or less akin to cellular differentiation, but the biochemical governing factors are abnormal and for most of the cells (the “sensitive” ones), that capacity to evolve is still rather limited – there can be enormous attrition rates among them. Those microbes, for the greater part, also provide the chemical mechanisms for sustaining cellular undifferentiation, perpetual mitotic cycles, immortalisation and immune response inhibition. It is made worse by that response to these conditions by the Liver, which produces the proteolytic enzyme that results in Cachexia. That may be a response to PIF, or sensing in some way that the Glycogen and fat reserves are all gone and the sugar levels are still too low to sustain ongoing metabolic functions, or perhaps that cellular overgrowths are happening and it tries to do its bit to normalise the situation. But Gluconeogenesis actually contributes to feeding the malignancy and a vicious cycle is entered. It is further made worse by NF-Kappa-Beta, which also mediates Cachexic processes. Malignant cells typically produce substances of this type. And it is made worse by WNT and Interleukin cell surface signalling proteins of certain types which create closed self-signalling loops in which the malignant cells are telling themselves not to suicide and instead to continue multiplying; while at the same time becoming unresponsive to signalling from other cells. In effect, they lose the ability to cooperate normally with other cells.

    The other mechanism is my own surmise, based on the following premise.

    It occurs by cancer cells changing the living conditions of the healthy cells in the most closely surrounding tissues, which are robbed of the lion’s share of available Glucose and increasingly over time, of Calcium (by phosphorylation) and therefore Oxygen, too. They are induced to metabolise anaerobically, but in addition, the local Lymph is acidified (or toxified) to such an extent that those neighbouring cells suffer weakening of their membranes and interference to their normal metabolic processes. This induces them to become infected more easily by the offending microbes and since it’s in an increasingly oxygen-deficient environment, it is one that is naturally conducive to further carcinogenesis. Anaerobic microbes are able to thrive and healthy cells cease to be healthy when there is a persistent shortage of Oxygen. Thus, the cancerous condition subverts increasing numbers of healthy cells as well as proliferation via rapid multiplication of the already unhealthy, cancerous cells.

    Unchecked, the whole condition of the disease ultimately leads to death through physical tissue damage, poisoning and other factors, which include Cachexia. It is often horribly painful. A frequent result among terminally ill cancer patients is that they enter into palliative care hospices, where the pain is treated with opiates such as Morphine, instead of the cancer being treated. As often as not, the anaesthesia kills the patient before the cancer does, as was the case with my father. And believe it or not, this form of auto-euthanasia by self-administered drip is commonplace in developed countries, even where euthanasia is otherwise illegal!

    The whole scenario naturally shows that when a person’s Immune System is functioning at optimum and the body environment is in balance, cancer should not occur, regardless of any other contributing factors, such as carcinogens, genetic predisposition, pathogenic infection and so on. This clearly indicates that in most cases if not all cases, the right treatments can just as readily reverse carcinogenesis. Any cell replication process invariably produces a nominal percentage of mutant cells, because DNA replication is an immensely complex process and occasionally MUST go wrong with a few cells. It is normal and can even conceivably help to drive the body’s adaptive processes by producing subtle variations in certain specialised cell types. Either the Immune System just as normally copes with the dysfunctional ones, unless it’s functionally deficient or overburdened, itself; or apoptosis catches up with the whacko cells, eventually. This should usually happen during the G1 and G2 checkpoint phases of the Cell Cycle, but of course, that regulation process is off the rails in the case of cancer, due to the overproduction of CDKs and/or the underproduction of its inhibitors per the Immune System’s p16 and p21 Genes.

    Keeping tissue oxygenation optimal and the Immune System as highly functional as possible is therefore of paramount importance.

    Of course, the presence of carcinogens serves to upset the balance in the bodily environment. It’s been stated by several experts that carcinogens facilitate easier penetration of the protective cell membranes by those microbes responsible for interrupting the Krebs Cycle; OR, according to non-microbial theories, that the carcinogens directly interfere with Oxygen transport across the cell membranes to trigger anaerobic respiration. To these, I can add another process of facilitating penetration by carcinogenic microbes. Various funghi or yeasts and also parasitic protozoa use potent enzymes that digest cellular matter and can thus make it very easy for bacteria and virii to enter cell interiors: for example, Malarial protozoa actually penetrate into cell interiors and can certainly carry bacteria and viruses with them; but in all cases known to me, it takes more than any such elements in isolation to trigger large-scale carcinogenesis.

    There are other conditions required and other steps involved, as already indicated.

    Carcinogenesis is not a simple process.



    There have been various theories over the years regarding the exact nature of cancer cells and what causes them to generate. The Trophoblastic Theory and Pleomorphic Microbe Theory are two examples and these have been discussed either in Chapter One or elsewhere.

    It is likewise with treatment philosophies, strategies and technologies. In some cases, they would have stemmed from those respective theories, but in others, unexpected results in medical treatment and even other environments have instead prompted evolution of the theories to suitably account for observed phenomena. Some have shown merit, but a great many have not, usually as a result of being founded upon erroneous premises. Shortcomings or errors of these types may associate with any of the various streams of medical practice – mainstream, traditional OR alternative.

    Red herrings do appear to have disseminated into the community to promote ignorance and maintain public expectation of poor curative results. There have been others merely cooked up by some moron whose mind is away on another planet; or by an equally brain-dead religious nut; or by a creative and very entrepreneurial type, who happens to be short of a scruple or three and smells a money spinner. The advent of the Internet has expanded the incidence of any or all of these, but on balance, I would venture to say it has mainly been for the better. One of the biggest benefits in this respect is the radical difference the Internet has made to the availability and accessibility of factual scientific data and research material. It is almost matched by the rate of growth in the body of biological knowledge in recent decades, particularly with respect to DNA and cellular biochemistry pathways. In is inevitable these developments will ultimately lead to an eventual conquest of cancer and that conquest will be total. The problem is that commercial forces still exist, which are an impediment to this utopian condition becoming a reality anytime soon. The same problem is exacerbated by persistent efforts pharmaceutical corporations make to worsen the general health of the global populace via faulty, contaminated, doctored or substandard drugs that (a) do not cure; and (b) create additional diseases. Via both of these contrivances and coupled also with control and manipulation of regulating authorities, they exercise monopolistic or oligopolistic powers to maximise profits.

    However, there are some exceedingly powerful ancient secrets dating back over 5,000 years and possibly as far back as 12,000 years that still survive in various forms through the teachings of some Tibetan monasteries, the Tantra, Ayur Veda and manuscripts of the Essenes in the Middle East, especially those of the Dead Sea Scrolls from Wadi Qumran. These take the form more of an “understanding” of the human condition from a spiritual perspective and the strategies and technologies are natural and spiritualistic (religio-psionic). This viewpoint may be seen by medical people of an “empirical” outlook to be inherently faulty, but because spirituality is undoubtedly a powerful force in human health, it is not necessarily true, at all. A “faulty medical rationale” can still work quite powerfully well and for purely practical purposes, if it works, it should be considered quite valid enough.

    Some other theories and treatments date to the very early 20th Century and of these, a few are surprisingly sound, if rather basic. Throughout the latter two-thirds of the 20th Century, some extremely effective treatments were discovered or devised, along with a variety of theories about causality, but few of these found their way into the medical mainstream, while one that did was ultimately removed from orthodox practice in the early 1940s. That was Electromedicine, especially in the form of George Lakhovski’s Multi-Wave Oscillators and Royal Raymond Rife’s machines.

    Currently, theory on cancer causality pretty much evolves in three streams.

    One is in orthodox pharmaceutical research centres, where they strive to develop profitable custom-designed and patentable drugs to make money out of. Cures are not overtly sought by researchers in this stream, because cures are not profitable.

    The second is in institutional medical research and academic science circles affiliated with universities, although these cannot always be entirely separated from the first stream; because whenever there is a major discovery, its chances of seeing the light of full development seem to rapidly disappear unless it is taken up by a commercial interest; or it is otherwise subverted by orthodox pharmaceutical research teams to find patentable mutations of it. Some may only be picked up upon subsequently by accident, if maverick documentary researchers stumble onto them amidst the vast mountains of material accumulated in medical journal records. Sometimes when a disenchanted oncology researcher’s brilliant work has been abruptly terminated on a suspiciously poor pretext, he decides to “go public” with whatever results he already has. This maverick dissemination of information is starting to happen more often through the Internet, because the World Wide Web is quite impossible for authorities or companies to completely control, or censor. And not every individual in the field of oncology has sold his soul to Big Pharma or the mighty Dollar.

    These maverick people more or less become part of the third stream, which also includes medicos who observe the poor performance record of orthodox oncology and who, by their powers of observation and reason, also discover likely solutions and proceed to exploit them for the greater genuine good. In the pursuit of their personal discoveries, some begin treating patients outside the scope of the medical orthodoxy and often produce very significantly better results. Not always, but many examples do exist. Unfortunately, successful and popular unorthodox treatments like these have frequently only perpetuated for as long as it took certain powers that control the medical system to move in and shut them down. The Twentieth Century is littered with persecuted and downfallen medical geniuses.

    Politics and economics aside, of particular significance as far as this Chapter is concerned are three important things.

    1. The first is the need to establish what causes cancer as accurately as possible and ideally to evolve a theory that suitably explains it, duly accounting for all of its possible elements from all the available data. The three parts of Chapter One have already embraced this requirement.

    2. The second is the need to distil a philosophical essence that distinguishes the hallmarks of a sensible approach to SAFELY fighting cancer in order to CURE it, whilst embracing humanity and quality of life; as opposed to one that is merely designed to treat the symptoms, or to make money. The basis of that essence establishes certain intrinsically FUNDAMENTAL TREATMENT PRINCIPLES, which can be said to be immutable. They are elucidated next in the second part of this Chapter.

    3. The third is to devise a strategy of treatment that addresses every known causality factor and every consideration regarding the most effective possible treatments for the patient, survival imperatives, proper welfare and quality of life; and so actually lives up to those requirements. These are embraced in the third, fourth and fifth parts of this Chapter.


    PRINCIPLES IN MEDICINE EXIST FOR A REASON. Six simple rules are set down here. These become the fundamental criteria to which any individual treatment of a cancer patient must conform to be entirely satisfactory.

    1. In the first instance, it must strive to minimise the incidence of cancer – to focus on prevention, since that is always better than cure. This, logically, depends firstly on education that promotes sensible lifestyle choices. It immediately predefines the need to preserve a proper biodynamic balance in the body as much as possible in the first place; but if it gets out of whack, as in the case of cancer, the treatment must instead aim to correctly restore the balance.

    2. It must be on the best available biological, clinical and therapeutic evidence. This should not presume out of hand that the medical orthodoxy is the sole possessor of that evidence. It most certainly is not, by any means; and a clinical trial result does not necessarily meet the criterion of empirical proof for efficacy and safety.

    3. It must strive to the utmost to render effective and absolute cure, which implies more than mere survival where possible. This firstly requires circumventing the financial imperatives that currently underpin the system, probably starting at the levels of government policy, regulation and subsidy of clinical trials. Secondly, at the grass roots level of treating the individual patient, it requires getting at the basic causes of the cancer, itself – and addressing those causes directly, rather than merely treating the symptoms. Thirdly, it requires holistic treatment of the patient, rather than the disease alone, or worse, its symptoms alone.

    4. It must not fail to provide a viable treatment to the patient – one with a satisfactory expectation of successful cure. This absolutely requires total destruction of the existing system in which double-blind placebo controlled medical trials may be regarded as a “Gold Standard” in drug evaluation. It is nothing of the kind. Aside from the facts that placebo control in these studies is anything but an elimination of the Placebo Effect variable and that placebos are instead custom designed to corruptly make an experimental drug look better than it really is – the people on placebo are NOT being treated for their disease and are therefore being abused in a most unprincipled and cruel manner contrary to good medical principles and which, thanks to so-called placebos, are nevertheless caused to suffer similar side effects to those patients actually receiving the real experimental treatment, or worse – not that mainstream experimental drugs in question may be expected to be satisfactory in their true efficacy, either. In this stream, such conduct as that of Dr. Charles Moertel of the Mayo Clinic, in having treated patients with sub-optimal doses of Vitamin C orally instead of intravenously and for only a tiny fraction of the duration of the trial in order to “disprove” the treatment’s efficacy – did criminally fail to obey this vital principle and which faulty treatment he administered did directly result in unnecessary deaths. That is NOT medicine – it is MURDER.

    5. It must remove any potential for further harm that the cancer may cause to the patient. It must not bring harm or suffering to the patient, or endanger the patient in any ways additional to those for which the cancer is already directly responsible. This has ALWAYS been an essential principle in medicine – “DO NO HARM” – yet it is too frequently ignored in cancer therapy in a willingness to do whatever it takes to destroy tumours at the extreme risk to the patient’s safety, real survival chances and verily, life itself.

    6. Where possible, it must facilitate the greatest possible restoration from damage done by the cancer and enable the fullest possible recovery, together with the best possible quality of life, throughout the treatment and beyond. It must maximise freedom from sickness, debilitation, pain, confinement, constraint, melancholy, hopelessness, meaninglessness, fear and death itself. In all phases, this predefines the need to treat the patient – not just the disease.


    A small minority of more recently developed chemotherapy agents begin to more nearly approach this standard and permit scope for integration with others in safer, more effective protocols than was possible a generation or more ago, but still too often with severe shortcomings and limitations. New generation Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors or Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitors are not so much chemical warfare cytotoxins like most older ones and indeed, they are targeted therapies. They are instead designed to approach the treatment of cancer by impeding DNA replication or other key functions in the mitosis cycles of cancer cells in greater preference to healthy cells, rather than just slaughtering any multiplying cells. A very few, which again are mainly TKIs or CDKIs, are able to induce differentiation in cancer cells. Additionally, some TKIs or CDKIs will work against certain drug-resistant cancer types. It is without doubt a much more desirable direction to take, as it reduces serious toxicity problems, manifestly that of Tumour Lysis Syndrome. The exhibition of very much higher specificity to cancer cells than older chemo drugs; fewer side effects with less severity; and better efficacy against cancer represent distinct improvements that have been far too long in coming. They are still much too slow in coming and in concert with the various other therapies in common use by the orthodoxy, they are still largely inadequate.

    Moreover, whilst these and especially the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors are generally the best of the chemotherapy crop at present, this kind of enzyme inhibition is a common action amongst a wide range of perfectly natural Bioflavonoid and similar natural compounds. Their action is merely emulated by these artificial pharmaceutical constructs, but unlike the natural substances, most of the better chemo agents are also rather specific to particular types of cancer and they are therefore limited in their respective scopes of application. Most importantly, they are still not even remotely as effective as a whole range of alternative treatments, because they still fail in a critical department – they do not attack the root causes of the problem – particularly oxygenation, nutrition, systemic toxicity, microbes and immune condition; and furthermore, most of them exhibit poor efficacy against resistant populations, or no efficacy at all. In addition to these considerations, they are hideously expensive. Far too expensive – greed thrives in this industry – a lot of it. To top it off, there appears to be no orthodox protocols one might consider to be satisfactorily effective against CSC populations. These are precursive to MDRC malignancies, but are themselves amazingly resilient and able to come up with some very creative survival evolutions against many cancer treatments – alternative and orthodox alike – in the process of differentiating themselves towards an MDRC state, or something else. Yet at the same time, there are those that remain undifferentiated and these least-differentiated CSCs are believed by myself to be the central core of the resistant cancer problem.

    Meanwhile, cure via genetic manipulation is still very new, with a long road of development ahead before it can become satisfactorily and safely effective, while effectiveness against those types of cancers it has been tested on still only stands at 7% as of 2009. Furthermore, the current state of the art in this particular field involves genetically engineered viruses functioning as carriers of recombinant DNA, which the author regards as potentially dangerous. D-Bait technology is still too new and may also have a nasty turn of side effects to account for, but we will not know for many years to come. Nanotechnology is still in its infancy; and stem cell research and medical treatment is so severely restricted in Europe, Australasia and North America on ethical grounds that once again, one must actually go overseas (in this case, China!) to gain access to it. The most recent advances made with stem cells created from genetically altered skin cells in Japan hold some promise for the not-too-distant future, if it can find its way past the minefield of “ethical” and commercial opposition.

    If the adage, “You only get what you pay for!” were wholly true, you should actually be extremely well-paid to receive common mainstream chemotherapy drugs and likewise to become part of any clinical trials, where you would not even be guaranteed of receiving a course of new drugs, at all, but might instead be given older, nasty ones and placebos. Actually, the Placebo Control without any of these other filthy agents whatsoever would the best of the three groups in a blind clinical trial to be in, were it not that the placebos themselves are custom designed to produce some very nasty side effects (or even worse). They are kept absolutely secret. They’re not even revealed to the FDA when it approves the drug in question! How can the pharmaceutical corporations actually get away with that?? However, they usually only do Double Blind trials, where half the patients get the new drug, often in combination with an existing drug already in common use, whilst patients of the other half get the same older drug and a placebo….

    Unless and until a better clinical trial system is evolved, this existing one is contributing to the impediment of serious cancer treatment advances in the orthodox mainstream and most importantly, it is perpetuating the sanction of a treatment system that is unprincipled, mercenary and brutal – one that willingly sacrifices peoples’ lives to both cancer and to poisoning by dangerous chemotherapy drugs and placebos which never should have been approved for use.

    The shortcomings of the existing clinical trial system, to be more specific about them, are as follows:
    1. The trials (in America especially) are not usually subsidised by the government, or if they are, they’re administered through the likes of the NCI. Therefore, only treatments or drugs with huge amounts of investment capital behind them can successfully cross the financial or “successful trial” barriers.
    2. The trials are mounted by those entities who can afford to meet the massive cost. In the majority, that means Big Pharma. In some isolated instances, it means so-called charitable cancer research organisations, such as NCI.
    3. In cases where entities such as NCI or NIH conduct the trials, Big Pharma still pulls the strings – ALL the strings.
    4. The massive investment behind any given treatment or drug demands profitable return. Therefore, natural and hence unpatentable treatments do not qualify for commercial support, regardless of their true efficacy or safety.
    5. The trials are designed, conducted and assessed by the very same entities who produce the drugs under trial. They deliberately doctor placebos to make the experimental treatments look better than they really are, while at the same time NOT serve their true intended purpose of eliminating the Placebo Effect as an unknown variable from the evaluation of the trial results.
    6. The constituency of these placebos are NOT disclosed to the FDA, but kept secret, instead. In short, they shamelessly cook the books and the FDA lets them. Placebo design and use is one of the biggest loopholes through which Pharma is able to slip when conducting trials, because these are not subject to regulatory oversight. A placebo could actually be the filthiest, nastiest, most dangerous drug cocktail used in a clinical trial and nobody but the pharmaceutical corporation would ever know it.
    7. That opens the way to several different kinds of abuses that are perpetrated to guarantee commercial success.
    8. One is deliberately faulty trial architecture contrived upon the use of older cancer agents still in common use, which are inferior and dangerous – as the comparative benchmark. Platins, Anthracyclines and Mustards are popular choices. The new treatment under test doesn’t need to be all that brilliantly better to win approval.
    9. Another is narrow selection criteria imposed upon patients engaged in the trial.
    10. Still another is loading the trial group cohorts and then downplaying or concealing this preselection conduct.
    11. Another is fudging results and putting arbitrary spin on the reportage of them.
    12. The government regulating bodies merely review the results. Sometimes that scrutiny may be close and assiduous, but usually, it is only perfunctory – witness what happened with Vioxx and Avandia. The bureaucrats whose responsibility it is to conduct the scrutiny are often lazy, complacent or incompetent; and in addition, they may be provided with incentives, such as large bribes or in less common cases, career-critical ultimatums in an environment riddled with political power plays – witness the exposure of this conduct on the part of the FDA by the “FDA Nine”.
    13. The trials use the Double Blind design as the basic architectural framework. This penalises a proportion of the trial participants with their signed consent, but without their knowledge of what treatment they receive. It is a cruel lottery.
    14. The trials are invariably narrow in scope and instead of using national or international statistics as the benchmark, they use the blinded dud drug as the direct comparison. Since this dud drug (placebo) is always custom engineered for the trial in question, it is not what it ought to be, but is instead a method of skewing trial results in the experimental drug’s favour.
    15. As a basic benchmark definition of efficacy, they use percentage of tumour regression. That is a called a response rate. It is a faulty premise and contributes to the promotion of the false cancer treatment paradigm of aiming to kill cancer cells – rather than aiming to cure the causes of the disease.
    16. They do not readily facilitate the application under trial of complex, sophisticated therapy systems, such as a full Integrative System treatment. Such forms of medicine are almost impossible to conduct under a Double Blind trial architecture because the differences between Orthodox and Integrative cancer treatment methods are so radically great that they cannot be blinded to the patients in order to eliminate placebo effect from the results; nor effectively randomised is such a way that “assessment” is insulated satisfactorily from bias.
    17. The specific efficacies of the individual components of an Integrative Cancer Therapy System cannot be separately assessed under such conditions, so regardless of the overall effectiveness of such a treatment system, bureaucrats may be difficult, if not impossible to satisfy, because they cannot approve the individual components and cannot construct a rigid definition of the whole integrative treatment to approve, either. It’s too complex, too flexible and too fluid to force-fit into a codified framework of approved medical practice if defined in purely empirical terms. It’s only one of many inherent problems in allopathic medicine’s reductionist approach.


    What follows here is a list of treatment principles that are subsidiary to the Fundamentals. They operate at a more “hands-on” level. This is a dynamic list of treatment refinements to which items are likely to be added over time with increasing expertise in treating cancer by Alternative methods. The first is an important warning to patients. The next two apply to “In-House” procedures when a given Treatment Phase is “gearing up” – that is, progressing from commencement to optimal levels of dosage for all agents and therapies being used in that particular Treatment Phase *A.

    1. Mixing Drugs Can Be Dangerous. Patients undergoing drug therapies often fail to tell their physicians of other medications they use concurrently – especially natural supplements added to prescription drugs. The problem is serious enough with ignorant medicos prescribing cocktails of pharmaceutical drugs. But adding herbal or other natural preparations to such cocktails often results also in unexpected interactions, side effects and occasionally, serious problems. Always inform your physician of ANY additional medications and preferably avoid mixing them altogether unless their interactive properties are known.
    2. Administer First-Time-Used Agents Singly, At Least Two Hours Apart From Any Other. When intending to administer a selected treatment agent to a patient for the first time, do not do so together with others, not even when the drug interactions of ALL possible combinations of those currently in use with the newly administered agent are already clinically known. Undesirable drug interactions are merely the first aspect of this principle. The second aspect is individual patient reaction to a particular agent, which may be unexpected because the agent is generally known to be “perfectly safe”. Some people can be histaminically or anaphylactically sensitive to the most harmless, innocuous substances or foodstuffs – take peanuts for example. Symptoms of such unexpected reactions usually have rapid onset periods of less than one hour. With this in mind, administration of new agents should be separated by periods of at least two hours. Reactions which manifest after multiple first-time administrations of substances make it difficult or even impossible to identify the substance responsible for the problem. That would thereby force immediate cessation of all the substances administered at that time until somebody finds out which agent is responsible. When a single new substance is introduced in its own separate timeframe, its effects and interactions can be observed and noted to ensure relative safety. If reactionary symptoms appear in the patient within that timeframe, one can fairly safely attribute the problem to the last substance administered. That one agent can then be discontinued without any others also having to be stopped. Knowing what the responsible substance is, appropriate ameliorative measures can be taken quickly, without a whole series of time-consuming diagnostics and pathology tests being necessary. All this slows down the progression of therapeutic agents being added to a given treatment protocol, but ensures greater safety and a more reliable pattern of positive progress.
    3. In Cases Of Unknown Possible Interactions Or Reactions By a Selected Therapy Agent, Begin With Small Doses And Increase Dose Incrementally Over Two-Hourly Intervals Towards The Appropriate Therapeutic Dose. Seven progressive events are possible. Using this principle will permit appropriate adjustment through the usual monitoring of vital signs, blood, urine, stools and so forth.
    (a) The first is progressive sensitisation to the agent (decreasing tolerance).
    (b) The second is progressive desensitisation to the agent (increasing tolerance).
    (c) The third is accumulation of the agent in the system, whose effects may not manifest until a critical threshold is reached.
    (d) The fourth is an activated purgative mechanism in the system that increases its activity to get rid of the agent, either by metabolism or by conjugation/extraction/expulsion.
    (e) The fifth is possible concentration-dependencies, since there are numerous substances that behave in a particular way when concentration is within one range; yet behave in precisely the opposite manner when concentrations fall within a different range. One of Quercetin’s 99 bioactions operates like this.
    (f) The sixth is concentration-dependent synergy/potentiation through interaction with another substance.
    (g) The seventh is concentration-dependent agent antagonism/inhibition when interacting with another substance.
    If monitoring is specifically dependent upon urine or stool samplings in particular, two-hourly incremental dosage intervals may be extended to accommodate the necessary tests, if time and resources permit.
    It is appreciated that this procedural approach to medication is resource-intensive and care-intensive. It is also appreciated that time and such resources may be at a premium, in limited supply, or costly. What usually ensues because of these considerations is a delicate balancing act, but in general, the best results are achieved by the best efforts. Therefore, though it may not always be possible to achieve absolute adherence to this principle, it must be striven for to the greatest practicable degree.
    4. When A Patient Is Not Responding To An Existing Regime, It Is Necessary To Try Something Different, Based Upon Best Possible Options. One cannot expect different results when one continues to use the same method. So this does NOT mean upping dosages when the patient fails to respond. It means, “Examine the causality of the problem and based on that, try something else.” In extreme cases where all or most of the supposedly known and popularly used options have failed, this probably warrants venturing into the unknown, with the patient’s informed consent. Trial and error is not new in medicine, whether Orthodox, Traditional or Alternative. Even every kind of Orthodox chemotherapy is itself highly experimental at some level. Being experimental isn’t the real problem where the shortcomings of orthodox practice are concerned. Rather, the true problem lies in the medical principles underpinning the treatment, including and especially the very approach in the matter of precisely what conditions in the patient are being specifically treated. So it is stated here and repeated throughout Cancer’s Answers (even ad nauseam?) that unless the root causes of cancer are directly addressed – especially oxygenation, nutrition, systemic toxicity, microbes, psychology and immune condition – there can be NO completely satisfactory outcome. Instead, you might get either remission followed by relapse; or no remission at all in most cases; or you might get fatality resulting from the toxicity of the drug, itself (and drug fatality is one of the NORMAL outcomes when it is a typical cytotoxic chemotherapy drug). So experimentation in medicine within the limits of certain obvious cautions is fine, provided that it is realistically designed to achieve the right aims. But this is where chemo and radiotherapy fail at the most fundamental level. They aim to achieve the wrong thing (near-indiscriminate cell slaughter) and tolerate too many other wrong things in the process – it’s not in the experimentation as such that any fault resides. But in every such case involving experiment, the preceding two subsidiary principles should be adhered to in the greatest degree that is practically possible in the circumstances. This fourth principle is one important reason that many “terminal” cancer patients given up for dead by orthodox medicine actually survive long-term or even defeat the disease – they seek something different and under some such Alternative regimes, a good 50% and even up to 80% of them do actually defeat the disease *B. NEVER SAY DIE!

    *A. Treatment Phase: Treatment Phases are an evolution in Integrated Cancer Therapies and are fully explained in the following Section.
    *B. Up to 80%: The sole use of the Zeolite mineral Clinoptilolite has yielded a 78% full remission among terminal cancer patients in a trial lasting 14 months after being given up for dead by mainstream medicine. Therefore, this figure is not only completely realistic, but can even be exceeded without much difficulty through the use of additional treatment components.


    It is of course perfectly logical and indeed, it is absolutely necessary to fully address ALL applicable causality factors in any intrinsically sound treatment strategy. The fewer relevant factors adequately tackled by a given treatment, the less effective it will be.

    A general approach to this is outlined in a 29-point strategy. The Strategy is based upon six specific Treatment Phases, during which particular aspects of a Treatment Plan may be selectively used concurrently, or in specific cases, sequentially applied. It is structured so, because timing has been noted for its importance with respect to such factors as buying time in critical cases; certain incompatibilities among some treatments or agents, which cannot be administered concurrently; different optimums required for the treatment of particular cancer types such as MDRCs; and other considerations. Thus, certain parts of the overall strategy can be applied during certain Phases, but perhaps not during others. It should be noted that although the whole plan is generally modelled in keeping with the DUCTOC philosophy, some particular importance squarely rests within the narrowed scope of VIMTOCC, whereby the more significant imperatives associate with thorough eradication of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, other microbes and resistant malignancies that cannot be differentiated or rendered benign. When these are eliminated and biodynamic balance is restored, cancer cannot proliferate. When they are not, cancer is highly likely to persist, or to rebound.

    The Six Phases have been defined as follows.

    1. DIAGNOSTIC PHASE (Initial): Clearly, you need to know exactly what’s what, so that you’re not proceeding blind and treating your cancer on assumptions. It is essential from the outset to ascertain the particular nature of the cancer involved and to relate that with the evidence of pathology tests. These must identify all possible cancer cells & colonies by location, population size, cell line and bio-characteristics (whether PCC, NRCC, CSC, MDRC, ER+, Philadelphia Chromosome +, etc.); viruses, bacteria, funghi, yeasts, toxins, extraordinary hormones, proteins, enzymes, deficiencies and so on that are present in the system, both throughout the body and within particular organs or tissues. It extends to include lifestyle assessment and the less obvious – matters emotional and spiritual, wherein the guidance of skilled people who care can help to determine what problems of these kinds may be present and determine methods to deal with them – depression, or even a simple negative mental attitude belief, like, “I’ve got cancer – I’m as good as dead,” for example. Such beliefs too easily become self-fulfilling prophecies, so they truly must be assessed like any other aspect of a patient’s condition; and if diagnosed, they must be addressed, rather than ignored. These measures enable tailoring of the treatment for optimal results, both medically and in the broader, holistic sense embracing body, mind, heart and soul. Specific diagnostics must also be conducted regularly throughout any cancer treatment to monitor progress and safety, but these will be appropriate to their own respective Phases.

    2. STABILISATION PHASE (Early): This Phase aims to stabilise the patient’s overall biodynamic condition and even to normalise it as much and as quickly as possible by stemming further proliferation or worsening of the condition and to some degree, to commence reversal of it without triggering terminal complications such as haemorrhage or TLS. It should include preconditioning treatments designed to protect the patient from undesirable side effects that may be induced by the agents used in subsequent phases of treatment. In critical cases, it aims to buy time so that aggressive treatments, which need to be paced in order to avoid such complications can proceed satisfactorily and safely. This involves initiating holistic principles, such as diet, lifestyle, emotional and spiritual enhancement; Immune and Nervous System reinforcements; administration of detoxification, differentiation, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, oxidative preconditioning or similar agents; and other appropriate measures that don’t directly attack and slaughter the cancer cells themselves too aggressively. It should quickly promote a bodily environment that is generally hostile to cancer as an overall condition – thereby causing proliferation arrest and a partial regression of the condition, together with a strengthening of the patient’s general constitution. It may also include adjuvant treatments for such corollary conditions or complications that attend cancer, such as pain, inflammation, cachexia, bone metastasis, jaundice and so on. In all cases, it strives to improve one’s own natural immune response. It is more particularly so in Post-Chemo cases, where it also tries to restore some semblance of functionality to the Immune System and any other damaged systems or organs as quickly as possible, both to extend survival initially; and to enhance the effectiveness and safety of ongoing treatments, quality of life and recovery. In certain cases, it may be geared to restore drug-sensitivity to previously resistant cancers. Among other things, the aims of the Early Phase extend to include informational, psychological, emotional and spiritual counselling. These measures should help the patient to better understand the condition, regain a sense of being more in control of his or her life, allay fear, strengthen resolve and restore optimism. In emergency cases resulting from very advanced and aggressive cancers, more potent cytotoxic agents may become necessary during the initial part of this Phase and in these cases, a short course of Acetogenins (perhaps for a week or so) or a short course on a Rife Machine can do the trick. Using Acetogenins may impose restrictions upon what other agents may be employed as treatment components of this Phase. But with that respite gained, the other salient components of this Phase that are not compatible with Acetogenins can be engaged after the short course of Acetogenins is discontinued.

    3. SENSITIVE MALIGNANCY PHASE (Mid): This Phase aims to reduce non-resistant tumour masses including metastatic ones as rapidly as is safely possible to a point where most of what remains of a malignant population comprises mainly CSCs, MDRCs and MDRMs. To the best extent possible, principles and treatments used in the Early Phase continue to be applied, but in going after the non-resistant population of malignancies, more aggressive apoptogens or in some rare cases, necrotics may be used in this phase, when the patient is suitably able to cope without undue stress or harm. It seeks in the meantime to avoid triggering the genesis or proliferation of resistant populations; or the creation of new complications. Fairly close monitoring is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, total tumour mass may be expected to be not much less around the commencement of this Phase than it was at commencement of the Stabilisation Phase and may even be greater. Whilst it is desirable to reduce that mass as swiftly as possible, the rate of reduction must be very carefully limited by the risk of Tumour Lysis Syndrome. As such, Potassium, Phosphate and Calcium levels must be closely watched. Secondly, the duration of this Phase must be determined according to the Law Of Diminishing Returns. When the rate of tumour mass regression becomes noticeably slower, this is probably an indicator that the remaining malignancy comprises a higher proportion of resistant cells. It marks the time when the Sensitive Malignancy Phase must give way to the Resistant Malignancy Phase. In the special case of refractory cancers where minimal or no population regression by the typical differentiators, apoptogens or necrotics can be achieved, this treatment Phase is immediately superseded by the Late Phase with the employment of Acetogenins, Berberine and selected adjuvants or supplements. The same approach may also be employed temporarily as part of the Stabilisation Phase in cases where the cancer is very advanced or very aggressive, in order to gain a satisfactory respite. However, a separate Emergency Strategy was devised with that in mind and is described in Section E of this Chapter.

    4. RESISTANT MALIGNANCY PHASE (Late): This Phase is a special stage of the strategy, which recognises that drug-resistant malignancies require special treatment quite distinct from that applied to the more general malignant population. Here, Acetogenins mainly represent the best answer to this special problem of a resistant population, both in cancer cells and microbes, because they are so specifically effective in neutralising the function of molecular efflux pumps and their associated mediators. Since there is a potential neural side effect problem that must be considered with heavy or extended use of Acetogenins, their otherwise powerful efficacy against any cancer cells or bacteria is not taken advantage of during the earlier phases, unless it is made imperative by other considerations. This avoids possible neural complications arising unnecessarily and it also permits the use of a range of other agents that are incompatible with Acetogenins during other Phases. During this Late Phase, the Acetogenins serve the purpose of eliminating the MDRC and MDRM populations including residual metastatic ones, as well as helping to clean up surviving viruses. Berberine is another option with MDRM and MDRC efficacy. They are also expected to eradicate most of the residual CSC population, but not all, since Acetogenins like Bullatacin have shown themselves to be merely cytostatic towards some lines of CSC, rather than cytotoxic. This being the case, the use of Acetogenins may not constitute the complete solution – these Acetogenin-static CSCs can hold their own until the treatment is discontinued and then resume propagating. However, it is known that Acetogenins cause accumulation of other toxins, including any adjuvant drugs used and it is also known that agents such as Piperine and Chavicine retard metabolism and so cause a similar condition. Assuming that preconditioning and cell differentiating treatments have been administered prior to the execution of this Phase; and on the further presumption that they can also be selectively used during this Phase, it should nevertheless be possible to produce a definitively positive result with certain adjuvant cytotoxic agents and Immune System modulators. Since what remains to the Acetogenins during this Phase should normally be a relatively small surviving population, the duration and indeed the overall dosage of Acetogenins required to complete the task should be minimal. It should not exceed thirty days, the recommended limit of time over which a sustained course of Acetogenins should be administered before a spell is taken. But it is critical to ensure that the cancer is eliminated to the extent that it will not relapse, due to even a small surviving number of resistant cells, stem cells or bacteria. In the special case of refractory cancers of any kind, the Sensitive Malignancy Phase is superseded by this Resistant Malignancy Phase, which presumes that Acetogenins and some other selected supplements must be kept in use for longer than would otherwise be necessary. It is hoped that in such instances, the course should still not exceed thirty days and that in any case, neural detriment is kept minimal. Mainly during the Stabilisation Phase, a treatment called Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy can be used to improve tolerance of (and protection from) the oxidative effects of Acetogenins, but that may not ameliorate susceptibility to neuropathy. It is also hoped that THC may offer a compatible solution to the increased risk to the Central Nervous System through its neuroprotective and neural regenerative properties. Both approaches might allow extension of an Acetogenin course, but this latter approach using THC still needs to be tested somehow and so must be regarded with reserve. One might consider trying it if other measures fail. THC itself has a very high safety ratio, where dosage can be optimised easily to within the optimal neuroprotective range without danger, except to that 0.1% of the population which may be susceptible to psychotic episodes; and of course in any instances where potentially hazardous function-critical tasks such as driving are concerned.

    5. CONVALESCENT PHASE (Very Late): This Phase provides for convalescence that primarily involves regeneration and recuperation from any erstwhile harm done to the patient, such as to the Immune System, Nervous System, or organs, as a result of prior administration of harmful chemotherapies; or damage caused by cancer itself. It provides for the administration of any healing agents that should not be used when attacking malignant populations, due to any possible tendencies of the regenerative agents to neutralise the effect of anticarcinomics, or promote renewed cancer proliferation. This may not apply to all healing agents. If they provide for healing by promoting cellular differentiation and not by promoting cell proliferation, they should be otherwise quite useful through both Malignancy Phases of the treatment. During this Convalescent Phase, some final cleaning up of dead cells, toxins, microbes and other detritus is carried out and provides for continued or resumed administration of differentiating agents, antimicrobial agents, immune and nervous system stimulants, detox and any further constitutional enhancements.

    6. REMISSION PHASE (Final): The Remission Phase is designed to ensure that the whole treatment is completely successful and that relapse does not occur. In addition to the general, holistic or recuperative measures that characterise the Stabilisation or Convalescent Phases, this phase also involves regular ongoing pathology and close monitoring of the patient for a minimum period of 12 months following completion of the Convalescent Phase. Some of the best cancer treatment facilities and their staff actually provide for indefinite support in a multiplicity of ways, including post-treatment diagnostics. This Phase should also aim to ensure the patient is wholly familiarised with lifestyle approaches to preventing future occurrence of the condition, which requires education. Yes, that might even extend to a form of “patient conditioning” if the patient is willing and suffers from lifestyle dysfunctionality caused by deep-seated subconscious behavioural traits. The aim is to ensure that good living habits are likely to persist in the long-term. Some people embrace lifestyle changes quite readily when motivated in the right ways or by the right reasons, but those ways differ considerably from one person to the next, as do the most effective “training methods”. Therefore, as is true of any other phase of treatment, the Remission Phase is tailored to the individual needs of the patient.

    The next Section D of this Chapter describes how the various Treatment Components are generally applied through these 6 Phases, thus embodying a Phased Cancer Treatment Strategy.


    The Fundamental (Philosophical) and Subsidiary Treatment Principles form the basis of a good approach to cancer treatment. The Phases define the basic structure of that approach, each with its particular set of objectives. The Treatment Components form the constituency of the treatment regimes.

    What follows here is a description of how the Components are applied with respect to the 6 Treatment Phases and in some cases, preceding or following them. This is the core embodiment of HICs – the Holistically Integrated Cancer Strategy. It’s by no means an ironcast structured regimen, but a flexible framework of guidelines. Intelligent adaptability is much more desirable than rigid conformity – knowledge, thought and care is required to exercise optimal choices within the scope of this framework.

    Treatment Treatment
    Components Phases

    Prior Diag Stab Sens Resi Conv Remi After
    Medical Expertise X X X X X X I
    Holistics I X X X X X X I
    Microbiome I X X X X X X I
    Diet I X X X X X X I
    Detox I X X X I
    Preconditioning X A A
    Analgesia A A A
    Immune System I X X S X X I
    Nervous System I X X S X X I
    Differentiation X X S X X
    Electromedical L L L L
    Potentiation A A S A
    Redox X X S A
    Re-energising X X X X
    Antifungal X X S X X
    Antibacterial X X S X X
    Antiparasitic X X S X X
    Antiviral X X S X X
    NRCCs A X
    Brain Cancer A A S
    Anticachexia A A A A
    Bone Resorption A A S
    Liver Cancer A A S
    Protect/Rescue A A S A
    Pregnancy G G G G G
    Regeneration X A
    Completion X A
    Emergency E

    The chart above frames the 6 Phases and 29 Components of the Phased Cancer Treatment Strategy. It shows which Components may be used during each of the Treatment Phases. The following texts explain it in better detail. Duration of each respective Treatment Phase cannot be specified.

    Each is very much dependent upon ongoing diagnostics, which are vital elements of Component 1 in the form of “Medical Expertise”. The other elements of this first component are:- skilled, qualified medical and support personnel; appropriate amenities and equipment; and appropriate determination of detailed strategy design, treatment choices and dosages.

    “S” “Suitable” in the “Resistant” column, is a warning that refers to making sure of compatibility between agents used, because that Phase of the Strategy mainly involves the use of Acetogenins, with which there are many other incompatible agents. Compatibility issues may also surface in other treatment phases, which is one of the main reasons that the strategy has been structured in phases. It provides for separation of treatments that may be incompatible with each other to apply appropriately in their own most useful times of a patient’s period of treatment and convalescence.

    “L” “Limited or Restraint” in Row 11, “Electromedical” warns that this technology must not be over-used, especially during the “Stabilisation” and “Sensitive” Phases.

    “R” “Resistant” in Row 25, “MDRCs, MDRMs” indicates that if the cancer is resistant, then the “Stabilisation” and “Sensitive” phases are superseded by Resistant Malignancy treatment options as a matter of priority, to whatever extent is appropriate in the circumstances. Normally, the treatment of MDRCs and MDRMs is confined to the “Resistant” phase.

    “G” “Gestation” in Row 27 means due consideration must be given to antiproliferative treatment effects upon an unborn child when the cancer patient is pregnant, so as to avoid abortion or birth defects.

    “A.” means “As Required” or “When, or if needed”.

    “I” “Ideally” means the component or at least some elements of it should ideally be applied beyond the period of cancer treatment – whether before, after, or both. By logical definition, it is the practice of prevention.

    ECTS:– in addition to the 29 Components, the Emergency Cancer Treatment Strategy’s place in the Phased Strategy is shown. In this, any or all of the Components applicable to the Stabilisation Phase likewise apply and may be used within normal limits of compatibility. See Chapter 2E.

    NRCCs are “Non-Resistant Cancer Cells”. These respond normally to typical apoptogenic treatments.

    MDRCs are “Multi-Drug-Resistant Cells”, which in being equipped with efflux pumps, do not respond to normal apoptogenic or cytotoxic treatments.

    MDRMs are “Multi-Drug-Resistant Microbes”, which may be bacteria, funghi (including yeasts) or even protozoa that are likewise equipped with efflux pumps and do not respond to normal microbicides.

    CSCs are “Cancer Stem Cells”, which are malignant stem cells that like the healthy stem cells serving as progenitors for the various other specialised cells in the human system, are highly undifferentiated and geared to a very high rate of multiplication and able to generate daughter cells with particular specialities, such as multi-drug resistance.

    LECSCs are “Low Energy Cancer Stem Cells”, which are malignant stem cells in a dormant state, much as you find most healthy stem cells in an adult are dormant until required to generate replacement cells in the body due to damage or senescence. LECSCs are resistant or cytostatic to Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitors such as Acetogenins and Berberine.

  331. Space tabulations for column conformity in the table didn’t work.

    Correction as follows – “o” means not applicable to the corresponding phase. “X” means fully applicable. Other designations as per previous post.

    Component….Phases P 1 2 3 4 5 6 A

  332. The following goes into the PICTS components in a bit more detail, but is still fairly general and presently not completely up to date as I continue to delve more deeply into biochemical pathways and herbology. Nevertheless, it should serve as an adequate guide.

    The PHASES are:
    Diagnostic (Initial)
    Stabilisation (Early)
    Sensitive Malignancy (Mid)
    Resistant Malignancy (Late)
    Convalescent (Very Late)
    Remission (Final)

    The COMPONENTS are:

    1. QUALIFIED EXPERTISE – Everyone has probably heard of some people who defeated terminal cancer by treating themselves. They are either skilled individuals, or lucky; and they are in the minority among cancer survivors. To maximise your chances, remember to use the services and amenities provided by skilled, qualified practitioners and their facilities, especially for Stage III and IV cancers. Be prepared to hunt for them, because if choosing alternative methods, practitioners who willingly accommodate alternative methods may not be easy to find in convenient proximity to where you live. Diagnostics are vital in this, for it is essential from the outset to ascertain the particular nature of the cancer involved and to relate that with the evidence of pathology tests. These must identify all possible cancer cells & colonies, viruses, bacteria, funghi, yeasts, toxins, extraordinary hormones, genetic problems, proteins, enzymes, deficiencies, pH, oxidative stress markers and so on that are present in the system, both throughout the body and within particular organs or tissues. This will enable tailoring of the treatment for optimal results. Also, in order to pace a treatment correctly, ongoing tests to closely monitor Toxins, Oxidative Stress Markers, Potassium, Phosphate and Calcium levels in blood, tissues and kidneys is very important. The three lattermost levels (K, PO4 & Ca) can mark the difference between life and death, quite literally – they are the markers of the deadly condition called TLS – Tumour Lysis Syndrome. Critical element, all phases.
    2. HOLISTICS – Mind, Body, Heart & Soul. A healthy, social lifestyle with plenty of exercise, learning, love, creativity, recreational fun, success and fulfilment makes a difference that cannot be over-emphasised and must never be underestimated. Include things like Meditation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Massage and preferably also family life and community involvement to enhance these elements. Hypnotherapy can benefit some people, but not all. Make sure you place a great deal of importance upon Faith in your own success. Visualise that success as a foregone reality. Likewise, believe in a higher design, purpose and meaning in life. That does not require belief in some god, but genuine religious faith does actually work. Any strong and genuine faith does. Don’t go to bed and try to sleep it all off. Stay active, do worthwhile things and thus proactively live your life. Skilled counselling is a valuable adjuvancy in this aspect of treatment at both the emotional and spiritual levels, with ongoing personal growth and development being significant elements. In most aspects, this is a lifetime practice and more – a way of life.
    3. MICROBIOME – Probiotic microorganism culture and the prebiotic saccharides such as FOS, GOS & TOS to feed them. These are important, since among their numerous functions, symbiotic gut flora are among your first lines of defence against pathogenic organisms. They modulate the Immune system, neutralise toxins, attack pathogens, aid digestion and absorption of valuable nutrients and even create many essential vitamins. They help control propensity to diabetes, obesity, IBS, coeliac disease and other chronic illnesses. They protect the gut membranes and help prevent inflammation, DNA damage, leaky gut syndrome, auto-immune diseases and perform other important functions. They will protect the GIT from colon and duodenal cancers and fight existing cancers in the intestinal tract. It is critically important to realise that mainstream antibiotics are harmful to your symbiotic flora. When these are depleted by taking antibiotics, then resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria can take over and create serious problems for which you no longer have your natural protection. But the problem goes much further. Not only do you lose the capacity of the probiotics to control pathogenic populations in the gut, but you also lose all the other internal regulating and protective mechanisms that your symbiotic flora provide. It’s a double whammy and there is NO up side. Keep your symbiotic flora healthy and stay away from antibiotics! All Phases and ideally a lifetime practice.
    4. DIET – Johanna Budwig, Robert O. Young, Johanna Brandt, Max Gerson or other dedicated cancer diets with all the needed nutrients, vitamins and minerals to restore a healthy biodynamic balance. Supernutrient formula supplements are valuable. Some selected constituents of such a diet should be discontinued before the Late Phase of treatment against MDRCs, due to possible incompatibilities with Acetogenins. Though the knowledge base has improved and several substances previously thought to be incompatible have been found to be compatible, or even synergistic in some cases, consideration and care should be given to the inclusion of Vitamins C & E and any strong antioxidants such as Essiac, SOD and stronger Flavonoids directly with Acetogenin treatment. All these are very common constituents of good anticancer diets. Some of these dedicated diets are incompatible with other cancer treatments, so choose carefully when designing your strategy. Otherwise, the diet is sustained throughout the treatment and a more generalised health diet is sustained beyond the treatment period; for example, the Arnold Ehret (Vegan style) or Mediterranean Diet. Ideally a lifetime practice, allowing for incompatibilities. All-vegetarian diets MUST be supplemented with Vitamin B12; and this is especially critical with children, because if they’re on exclusive vegetarian diets, they can become radically deficient in B12 and suddenly drop DEAD without warning. Adequate meat in the diet solves the problem. There is a botanical species that yields B12 – Angelica Keiskei (Ashitaba), a Japanese plant listed in the Botanical Catalogue, but for most people, red meat is the easiest and best option. Saturated animal fats in meat are important nutritional components that synergise with Vitamins A, D3, E and K2.
    5. DETOX – Eliminating toxic substances from organs is critical, yet at the same time is a complex, fairly sensitive and very lengthy process that can take years. Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) is truly superlative and greatly simplifies a detox program, because it is completely non-toxic, both a chelator and an adsorbant, in addition to its immunomodulatory and apoptogenic actions and requires less care in balancing the mobilisation and elimination of toxins. It will relieve the liver of a great deal of its detox burden and thus greatly accelerate the detox process, whereas several of the other chelating agents like DMPS, EDTA, NDGA, DMSA or IP6 are mobilisers and can effectively increase the blood toxicity and liver burden by leaching toxins from the tissues, yet not quite as effectively eliminate them from the system. Thus, these others rely on liver function and the process must proceed slowly. St. John’s Wort is valuable, because as a liver tonic, it enhances the rate at which the liver can process toxins in order to get rid of them. Another choice detox agent is MCP, which offers the same advantages as Clinoptilolite, plus the extra advantage of not requiring much at all in the way of mineral replacement that Clinoptilolite imposes. EDTA, DMSA, DMPS, IP6, BDET and NDGA are in various ways effective in some limited detoxification role, each with particular strengths and weaknesses. Many Flavonoids and several Amazon plants are also useful in this capacity: especially Hispidulin and its major natural sources – three Amazon Asteraceae known as Carqueja (Baccharis Genistelloides, Gaudicaudiana and Trinervis). MSM, Glucuronic Acid, Ubiquinol CoQ10, SOD and Glutathione are very valuable, but the latter three cannot survive oral ingestion unless they are first proofed against breakdown in the Gastrointestinal Tract by chemical complexation or conjugation. Although intravenous administration may circumvent that problem, it preferentially requires medical assistance. Bentonite Clay or Charcoal are very useful as mild detox agents, but exclusively as intestinal heavy metal adsorbants – they are not pan-systemic. So if other agents like DMPS mobilise heavy metal toxins out of the tissues and the liver doesn’t manage to process them before they can re-embed in the tissues, these three and Clinoptilolite or MCP will take at least some of them up and carry them out through the GIT. Always supplement detox with minerals and supernutrients to restore those important ones that may also be removed by the detox. Only MCP may circumvent the need for mineral supplementation. Supplementation is alternated with detox dosages involving suitable periods of separation – they are not taken together and I recommend separation periods of two to three hours. Stabilisation, Convalescent and Remission Phase treatment, but ideally should also be done on a regular basis as a preventive measure to maintain good health. An important consideration for anyone who has Mercury-Silver dental amalgams is the comprehensive removal of them, but the procedure must be carried out by a specialist who is properly trained in their safe removal. If done by a regular dental or medical surgeon who is not so trained, the operation can result in a catastrophic release of additional Mercury into the system and in isolated cases, it can be fatal. The timing can also be critical, because there are times when certain other priorities may contraindicate undertaking this measure until the decks are cleared of more immediate medical problems. Only an expert can advise you on “exactly when” will be an appropriate time in the course of a general detox or cancer treatment program. Pretreatment with detoxification agents and particularly with the likes of Clinoptilolite or MCP before and after the removal procedure is necessary to minimise system uptake of that amount of Mercury, which the procedure may cause to be released. In general, the continued presence of Mercury dental work in one’s mouth is highly detrimental to general health, immunity, cognitive function and recovery from cancer or any number of other acute and chronic diseases. That is so even to the point of frequently (or usually!) being responsible for CAUSING them. Mercury fillings are not safe, but instead are highly toxic, often to the point of being extremely dangerous. It is the second most toxic of all metals, superseded only by Plutonium and it DOES leach out of the fillings. There are no exceptions.
    6. PRECONDITIONING – Oxidative Preconditioning is a treatment designed to stimulate the production of natural endogenous antioxidants such as SOD, CoQ10 or Glutathione from within, which in turn protect the patient from complications and side effects of subsequent anticarcinomic treatments in which Reactive Oxygen Species are dosed or produced within the body, ostensibly to destroy the cancer. It has special importance with regard to the later use of Acetogenins, Vitamin C Megadosoing or even orthodox chemotherapies in a complementary or integrated medicine strategy, because Acetogenins, Vitamin C and most orthodox chemo agents either trigger production of Reactive Oxygen Species, or they are ROS themselves. These cause Oxidative Stress that leads to apoptosis, but healthy tissues need selective protection and endogenous antioxidants achieve this aim beautifully. The best oxidative treatments currently available are O3-AHT (Ozone Autohaemotherapy) or H2O2-AHT (Hydrogen Peroxide Autohaemotherapy) in which 200 ml to 600 ml of the patient’s blood is removed and infused with Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide. The Ozone or H2O2 reacts with blood components to generate a number of oxide products, which will signal the presence of Oxidative Stress to the body’s defences when the blood is reintroduced to the patient; but without actually causing the stress, itself. Actually, it does a great deal more, so you should refer to the latest data I have on these oxidative therapies in which they are described as cure-all treatments. There are very strong Immune System boosting, antibacterial (anaerobic strains), antiviral, antifungal and anticarcinomic benefits. The procedure is usually repeated several times over several days in increments that are safely and easily tolerated. This treatment is used with considerable success and the highest safety in Europe; and also by the Contreras (Oasis Of Hope) Hospital of Tijuana, Mexico and San Diego, California. Stabilisation (Early) Phase as a rule, but may be used in other Phases where there are no incompatibilities or contraindications. Administration by qualified medical personnel only, although food grade H2O2 can be self-administered orally in very small doses thrice daily at concentrations of 1% or less. Likewise, so can Chlorine Dioxide or food grade DMSO to very similar effect. DMSO @ 70% to 100% concentration can be administered topically, since it is highly transdermal in this strength range and that is usually the best way of using it. MSM can be taken orally and this is internally reduced to yield DMSO within the tissues.
    7. ANALGESIA & ANTI-INFLAMMATION – Since pain and tissue inflammation commonly attend cancer, these symptoms need to be attenuated for the patient’s comfort when they occur, but preferably without interfering with other aspects of combating the cancer and preferably without depressing system functions. Furthermore, anti-inflammatories which specifically 5-LPO and/or Cox-2 also have anticarcinomic effects. Agents that target and neutralise NF-Kappa- , 5-LPO and Cox-2 or their receptors are therefore very valuable, but be cautious of any that also inhibit Cox-1. Diclofenac (Voltaren) is okay within limits, but Vioxx is too active against Cox-1 and actually doubles the risk of heart attack. Vioxx has been known to kill, but I believe it has been taken off the market. For strong analgesia, orthodox medicine prefers to use opiates like Morphine. This is a very nasty, addictive drug with side effects and it can kill. DMSO is far more preferable and so is THC – you must ingest a lot of either one of these to get seriously ill – they have extremely high safety coefficients. Watch for haemorrhagic effects or Liver trauma with DMSO – in other words, don’t use too much DMSO, build the dosage up slowly over 10 to 21 days in the same way as any other oxidative agent, don’t prolong it at therapeutic doses and make absolutely sure it is administered under watchful medical supervision, especially if using it to potentiate another substance. An active differentiating anticancer agent, it’s also a very effective analgesic as strong as Morphine and an anti-inflammatory agent with additional chelating, potentiating, synergistic, antiviral, oxygenating and numerous other functions. It is safer, exhibits far fewer side effects and lasts about three times longer than Morphine. MSM can be used as an oral substitute, since it reduces to DMSO within the tissues. Laetrile and Amygdalin are very strong anticarcinomics, very potent analgesics because they release the anaesthetic Benzaldehyde; and are also very effective anti-inflammatory agents. They are very safe when of high purity, are administered intravenously under good medical care and cause no serious side effects within sensible dosage limits. The heavy alkali metal salts Caesium and Rubidium Chloride are also very good at reducing inflammation and pain, in addition to being potent anticarcinomics – these also require close medical supervision. Acetogenins are extremely powerful anticarcinomic agents with additional analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and other beneficial effects. They are relatively safe and require significant dosages over extended periods to manifest possible neurodegenerative effects, so they are mainly recommended for use in the Late Phase for utmost safety. THC or Cannabis is likewise a powerful anticarcinomic with very good, long lasting analgesic effects, plus potent neuroprotective and neural regenerative properties within certain dosage limits. Cannabinoids are among the safest and least toxic analgesics for short or medium-term use, although they’re pyschotropic and mildly addictive. None of the others are addictive or psychotropic. By contrast, Morphine is in no way anticarcinomic or neuroprotective and may not even be all that wonderfully anti-inflammatory. It is also psychotropic and highly addictive. It’s not especially safe, either. It has a terrible secondary role in cancer therapy, which is that of palliative auto-euthanasia. It is used to kill the patient painlessly. Any of the suggested alternatives to Morphine may be used in isolation, since all have anticancer actions, while some such as DMSO are better used in concert with other agents (with the proper care). There may be synergy or compatibility concerns with DMSO or Acetogenins, indicating selective use of perhaps one suitable analgesic agent or combination during some treatment phases; and different agents in other treatment phases – when required to attenuate the symptoms. Laetrile or Amygdalin used with DMSO in the Stabilisation (Early) to Sensitive Malignancy (Mid) Phase; THC generally and also for any non-refractory brain cancers; or Acetogenins in the Resistant Malignancy (Late) Phase & refractory brain cancers, possibly with THC. Since all these agents can play other important roles in cancer therapy, they may in fact remain in use when there is no need for analgesia or anti-inflammation. There should be no need for any dedicated anti-inflammatory agents or analgesics at all in the Resistant Malignancy, Convalescent or Remission Phases. Avoid combining any mutually incompatible treatments.
    8. IMMUNE STIMULATORS – DHEA, HGH, Clinoptilolite (Zeolite), Artemisinin with Transferrin, Poly-MVA, Mannans, Glucans, Fructans, Lignans, Peptides like Tuftsin or Rigin, Interferon, Interleukins, Selenium, Germanium and many other agents capable of boosting the Immune System or supplementing it may be used throughout the treatment and beyond, excluding agents that are incompatible with Acetogenins during the Late Phase. Aloe, Asteraceae; Amaranthaceae; ABM, Maitake, Reishi, Shiitake, Coriolus & PSK Mushrooms; and a host of other botanical species are excellent immunomodulators. Far Infrared (FIR) therapy also mobilises the Immune System. Zeolite, although an extremely effective immune booster and cell cycle arresting apoptogen, is not recommended for use in conjunction with other cytotoxic agents during the two Malignancy (Mid & Late) Phases because it is a Detox agent and may remove those other agents. Therefore, it is either used in isolation during the Sensitive Malignancy and not at all in the Resistant Malignancy Phase due to Acetogenin incompatibility, or reserved entirely unto other treatment Phases. Throughout all other Phases, Zeolite is a superlative choice. Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) can produce total cancer cures in its own right. If you are of advanced age and your natural DHEA & HGH levels are low, you should meditate daily, or seriously consider lifetime Hormone Replacement Therapy, because there is a correlation between low DHEA & HGH levels and degraded immunity. Another excellent choice is Pueraria Mirifica and related species of White and Red Kwao Krua or their principal active constituent, the magical Sterol called Deoxymiroesterol. Gotu Kola (Indian Pennywort) is also extremely beneficial. Meditation is actually the best means of enhancing DHEA, HGH, ATP and Acetyl Choline production.
    9. NERVOUS SYSTEM STIMULATORS – Selenium in very small doses (trace amounts only – too much is dangerous), Poly-MVA, CoQ10, Cowhage herb (Mucuna Pruriens), Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) and other agents that can help to boost Nervous System function may not directly address the cancer itself. However, at a holistic level, it must be appreciated that the Central Nervous System pretty much governs all bodily functions; in concert with the autonomous roles of DNA and RNA at the cellular level. Keeping its function as nearly optimal as possible and also keeping a good frame of mind and spirit are important factors for maximising success against cancer. Meditation is an exceedingly powerful tool that really must be included – it boosts nervous function to astounding levels, produces countless beneficial cascade effects throughout the body, including the Immune System; and has absolutely no bad side effects or drug incompatibilities. Allowing for incompatibilities, especially with Acetogenins, CNS stimulation treatments should be applied throughout the treatment – some beyond.
    10. CELL DIFFERENTIATORS – DMSO, MSM, Vitamins A & D, Alsihum or others that are listed in the Cell Differentiating Agents List are used to induce multiplying cells to mature and eventually cease dividing. This will return a small percentage of them to marginally normal function and render another percentage of them benign and unable to continue multiplying. Antineoplaston peptides are powerful differentiators and also function as selective gene switches. Some differentiating agents like EGCG or Boswellic Acids work by inhibiting production or actuation of agents involved in anti-apoptosis, antidifferentiation and/or cellular proliferation, such as VEGF, NF-Kappa-, EGF-R, IGF-1 and 5-LPO – these are substances that are variously overexpressed in cancer tissues and make trouble. This therapy applies mainly to PCCs, NRCCs and CSCs. It is also useful during the healing stage in low doses, both to promote maturation of healthy stem cells for tissue repair and hedge against the possibility that any of those stem cells may unexpectedly lose their maturation mechanisms to become CSCs. Contreras Hospital appears to call this treatment Cell Signal Transduction Therapy. The OCC and OCF protocols are DMSO-based and considered extremely effective, so one of these may be a very good option in this treatment component. They are geared to increase dosages slowly (normally over a period of ten days) in order to allow the patient’s tolerance of DMSO to improve. Oxidative agents such as O3 inhaled from an air ozonator, or MSM and H2O2 when taken orally in dilute daily doses, will help to induce cellular differentiation and DMSO is also taken orally by some people in the same fashion. That can be augmented with Chlorine Dioxide, which apparently binds to DMSO, to the effect that it is potentiated in the cancer cells by nearly a thousand times. DMSO will induce production of endogenous antioxidants, as will any other oxidative agents, including Chlorine Dioxide. DMSO-based therapies can often produce total cancer cures in their own rights. So can Burzynski’s Antineoplastons. Early to Mid Phase and Very Late to Remission Phase. May be used in Late Phase if there are no incompatibilities.
    11. ELECTROMEDICAL – 1. Long wave infrared heat called FIR is a hyperthermic therapy with multiple effects. The primary effect is heating tissues to fever level (preferably localised to one area at a time, but can be used system-wide) to that temperature above which malignant cells cannot survive – 42oC. In this stream, it is a cytotoxic therapy and must be used with restraint. It is also in effect a re-energising therapy and immune system therapy; and further, it assists the detox process. 2. Other electromedical technologies may be used as equivalents of Infrared radiation or for a wider range of applications: The Rife Frequency Generator or Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator is either sonic or pulsed current; the Rife Beam Ray Machine or Rife-Bare Machine is scalar wave pulsed electromagnetic, the GEIPE is DC current, the PainSolv PEMFT is pulsed electromagnetic, the Lyman-Kaali-Beck system is alternating current at about 4 Hz and the MicroDoctor MCEPT is pulsed current. They operate differently, but generally achieve the same results as the infrared devices, plus several additional capabilities particular to their own modalities of operation. Similar cautions apply. PainSolv and MicroDoctor are not actually designed for direct cancer treatment and are probably limited to indirect adjuvant treatments, such as anti-inflammation, detox, arthritis, tendonosis, muscular complaints, tinitus and so on. All the others are more directly active against microbes and malignancies. Electromedical treatments such as with Beam Ray or Rife-Bare machines can produce total cures in their own rights. Rife Beam Ray Machine treatment used on a small cohort of 16 trial patients (of terminal status) represents the only instance in medical history known to me, where a 100% cure was ever claimed. This occurred at the Scripps Clinic in La Jolla circa 1950. Whether completely true or not, Electromedicine is nevertheless very potent and ample proof exists to support this, including a large number of microscopic view video clips on YouTube. Stabilisation, Sensitive, Resistant and Convalescent Phases. Electromedicine may be used to very good effect as a component of the Emergency Treatment Strategy. Restraint is required in the use of all electromedical devices in their respectively applicable Phases, because the effects of these are usually very potent and their use can be overdone quite easily – to the patient’s considerable detriment. They are not harmless toys and are only safe when used correctly. Medical supervision is recommended for localised infrared treatments, while system-wide infrared administration imperatively requires medical supervision, strict adherence to instructions or plenty of good experience and judgement. Medical supervision is also recommended with some of the other electromedical devices and there are some specific applications to which using certain types of device should never be attempted. Applying pulsed or DC electric currents across the heart or brain is one example – don’t do it.
    12. POTENTIATORS – DMSO, Insulin, Transferrin, Piperine, Chavicine, Acetogenins or other Potentiators can be used to enhance transport and specificity of Differentiating or Apoptogenic agents to PCCs, CSCs, MDRCs and NRCCs, thereby maximising bioavailability to cancer cells and minimising harmful side effects; OR they can selectively retard the metabolism or efflux functions that malignant cells use to defend themselves against anticarcinomics and thereby maximise their effectiveness by forcing increased levels of retention. Selectively used throughout the treatment except perhaps the Late Phase, exercising attention to incompatibilities. DMSO, Insulin and in some circumstances other potentiators require administration by qualified medical staff.
    13. REDUCTION-OXIDATION – Ozone as in Preconditioning O3-AHT, H2O2-AHT, DMSO, MSM, Perftec or other Oxygen carriers are highly antagonistic towards anaerobic cancer cells, which comprise the majority of non-refractory cancer cells. Ozone is incompatible with Acetogenins and so is Hydrogen Peroxide, whilst both can be dangerous if too much is directly infused in-vivo, so in both these cases, special measures must be used to avoid the toxicity and ROS damage to healthy tissues. That is why Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide is administered ex-vivo to extracted blood, then reinfused to the circulation via IV. Direct blood infusion must be in low concentrations. Hydrogen Peroxide can be taken orally in concentrations between 0.08% and 1% to excellent effect with complete safety. Some people use 3% with no ill effect. It MUST consist of H2O2 and distilled water ONLY. Use only Food Grade 35% or 50% H2O2 and Distilled Water to prepare the dilutions. There must be no stabilising compounds or other additives present in the solution at all. Oxidative therapy is also strongly antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal and anticarcinomic. Further, it boosts the Immune System and can often produce total cure in its own right. Vitamin C & K3 intravenous megadosing will generate H2O2 within the cancerous tissues, which in turn releases ROS into them in a much safer manner and AHT is the safest way to put Ozone or H2O2 directly into the blood. There is also a synthetic Oxygen carrier called Perftec that offers great promise in this role. Another oxidative therapy is Chlorine Dioxide. As with Hydrogen Peroxide, Chlorine Dioxide can be self-administered at home, provided it is prepared and used correctly. MSM can also be used orally at home, keeping in mind that dosages must adhere to the safe buildup principle. There are additional Reduction treatments, which are the reverse of Oxidation treatments and which may therefore be used to achieve balance or reverse problematic conditions induced by oxidation. These mainly comprise antioxidants such as CoQ10 or Flavonoids like Hispidulin. Treatments of these kinds are employed by Contreras Hospital and are called Redox Therapies, though Contreras doctors may no longer include DMSO in their therapies as they once did in Mexico. Early to Mid Phase; using Acetogenin-compatible agents only during Late Phase. If warranted, these may also be used in the Convalescent (Very Late) Phase. Ozone, H2O2, DMSO, ClO2, Perftec, intravenous and possibly other treatments of a similar kind require administration by qualified medical staff, though H2O2 strictly of the food grade can be ingested orally in concentrations ranging from 0.08% up to peak therapeutic doses of 1% x one 7 fluid ounce (200 ml) glass thrice daily, one hour before meals. Some people ingest it at 3% strength without harm, but they’re experienced with their stores of endogenous antioxidants already at peak levels and have adapted to the strong bleach-like taste. Oxidative therapies have an energising effect, so they also qualify for use in the following therapy component. Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, DMSO, MSM and similarly, Chlorine Dioxide can produce total cures in their own rights.
    14. RE-ENERGISING TREATMENT – ATP, Ubiquinone CoQ10, DHEA, HGH, Glutathione, Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide and several Amazon plants with tonic properties can be used to re-energise the body’s tissues, assist in cell differentiation and reduction of PCC or NRCC tumour mass, provided Acetogenins are not in use. ATP & CoQ10 may help MDRCs to thrive and better defend themselves, so these are best used only in Early to Mid Phase, before MDRCs are likely to become a problem; before dedicated MDRC & MDRM treatment is commenced in Late Phase; and possibly during Very Late Phase. ATP, HGH & CoQ10 may also be used to reduce or even rescue neurological side effects from over-zealous use of Acetogenins, but at an effectiveness cost against the Acetogenins. N-Acetyl-Cysteine and possibly other Amino Acids can be used to very similar rescuing effect. Therefore, NAC is otherwise also incompatible with Acetogenins in normal circumstances. It is further likely to apply to other Amino Acids, such as L-Arginine, which should normally be reserved for the Early and possibly Very Late and Remission Phases – not Mid or Late Phases. Meditation is also powerfully beneficial in this element of treatment and can be used throughout the entire treatment. Except for Meditation, re-energising treatments are not applied during the Resistant Malignancy Phase, since elevating cellular energy levels is conducive to encouraging MDRCs to thrive. Voltage potentials supported by ATP are the key to this.
    15. ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS – NaHCO3, H2O2, Ozone, DMSO, MSM, several Amazon plants or similar to eliminate fungal pathogens such as yeasts, especially C. Albicans, Parapsilosis, Tropicalis, Dublinensis & Glabrata. Flavonoids, Terpenoids and Acetogenins are also useful and certain polysaccharides like Glucans, Mannans, Lignans or Fructans will assist against yeasts by regulating sugars (and other mechanisms) in the gastro-intestinal tract. Several plants are documented in Cancer’s Answers that exhibit superlative fungus & yeast killing properties. Electromedicine such as Rife technology may also be used, but Candida species are especially resilient, which means that Rife Machine treatments must be administered once each few days over a period of several weeks to yield fully satisfactory results. Against aggressive disseminated Candida, Rife or GEIPE technology and Acetogenins probably offer the ONLY definitive elimination solutions. GEIPE technology holds promise against microbes and cancer cells too, because it is steady electrical current at a set voltage that will upset critical electric potentials in the membranes of these cells or microbes. Remember that microbes and cancer cells (especially MDRCs) operate at different electrical potentials than healthy cells. This electric potential consideration relates to anaerobic versus aerobic metabolism and applies likewise with Acetogenins. Fungicide is a key measure used throughout the treatment. Exclude Acetogenins preferably until Late Phase, primarily to avoid dosage & duration-related neurological side effects attributed to at least one Acetogenin (Annonacin) – it is probable that other Acetogenins may exhibit similar effects; and to avoid Acetogenin incompatibility with Ozone, H2O2 and similar ROS or AOS. I have begun to seek after potential agents that might possibly inhibit key metabolic functions in yeasts or other funghi in similar ways that Acetogenins do in bacteria and cancer cells without inducing concomitant neuropathic effects. I suspect I have found some – they are certainly very aggressive against yeasts and funghi. H2O2 & Ozone are incompatible with Acetogenins and must be excluded during Late Phase. IV Ozone & H2O2 require administration by qualified medical staff, whether ex-vivo or in-vivo.
    16. ANTIBACTERIAL AGENTS – Berberine, Transferrin, Silver Nitrate, Silver Chloride or Colloidal Silver; Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Acetogenins, Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, Comfrey, several Amazon plants and Rife technology can eliminate bacterial infections such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Bacillus, Corynebacterium, Helicobacter and other bacteria implicated in cancer causality. They can also deal with other bacterial strains and thereby unburden the Immune System somewhat. This is a key measure used throughout the treatment – exclude Acetogenins preferably until Late Phase and exclude agents incompatible with Acetogenins during Late Phase.
    17. ANTIPARASITIC AGENTS – Several of the Amazon plants are eminently suitable in this role and will be listed accordingly in due course. Acetogenins are generally very effective. As with any other antimicrobial components, this component aims to reduce the burden upon the Immune System and in this case to do away with these organisms (Protozoa, worms, etc.) so that they also cannot toxify the body or host and reproduce viruses or bacteria in the patient. This key measure is used throughout the treatment – exclude Acetogenins preferably until Late Phase and exclude agents incompatible with Acetogenins during Late Phase.
    18. ANTIVIRAL AGENTS – DMSO, several Amazon plants, Rife technology, Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, MSM, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Acetogenins and other agents able to destroy or inactivate virii implicated in cancer causality; or which inhibit their replication. Clinoptilolite will cage some virions and remove them from the system, too. The viruses include SCV, HPV, EBV, HSV, BPV, SPV, WDSV, HBV, HCV, HTLV and HIV. This is a key measure used throughout the treatment – exclude Acetogenins until Late Phase and exclude agents incompatible with Acetogenins during Late Phase.
    19. NRCC CYTOTOXICS (CELL APOPTOGENS & NECROTICS) – Clinoptilolite, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Stilbenoids, Alkaloids, Acetogenins, Curcuminoids, Rife technology, Vitamin C & K3 megadosing, heavy Alkali Metal salts, Amygdalin or Laetrile and many other compounds can be used to reduce tumour mass and cancer cell populations mainly comprising NRCCs by inducing them to suicide or by killing them. It may even include some of the latest developments in Electromedicine such as HIFU; or Signal Transduction Therapies, such as D-Baits. This is a key measure used in the Sensitive Malignancy (Mid) Phase, but should always be preceded where possible with non-toxic treatments – differentiation, immunotherapy, etc.. Preferably exclude Acetogenins until Late Phase, unless the cancer is brain, refractory, very aggressive or very advanced.
    20. BRAIN CANCER TREATMENT – When the major affliction is brain cancer, agents with the ability to cross the Blood Brain Barrier are necessary from the outset. DMSO, Antineoplastons, Acetogenins, Alsihum and Cannabinoids must be considered the best of these, but DMSO can be used to carry others. Anvirzel, Poly-MVA, Cancell, Entelev, Cantron and Protocel are also Trans-BBB formulations that will serve in this role, but function in a similar manner to Acetogenins. Myrrh, Frankincense, Boswellic Acids and Vitamins A, C, D & K3 should also be considered. Terpenoids are typically BBB transient, too. Many Amazon and other tropical plants are useful. Acetogenins might be avoided in the Early to Mid Phase, provided that other agents are satisfactorily able to reduce non-resistant cancer and microbe populations in the brain. If the cancer is refractory, Acetogenins become the necessary agents with the greatest promise of success. In especially difficult cases involving CSCs in the brain, Acetogenins and Piperine/Chavicine may be used to potentiate the effects and retention of supplementary apoptogens. Antineoplastons also help with resistant brain cancers. THC may be considered worth trying in conjunction with Acetogenins in a supplementary neuroprotective role, but this is an untested procedure that warrants more research and a healthy measure of caution. Early to Late Phase, Acetogenins preferably reserved for Late Phase or used with care for dosage and duration limits or apparent neuropathic effects or substituted in cycles with other BBB-transient agents.
    21. ANTICACHEXIA – When weight loss is involved, Hydrazine Sulphate or other anticachexic agents that can suppress gluconeogenesis are used to keep body mass and constitution from deteriorating to any stage that deprives the patient of an ability to fight the disease from within. HGH & DHEA are useful choices here, too. Cannabinoids may also serve in this role to some degree, because they improve appetite. That will not rectify the cause of the cachexia, but should alleviate its effects to some degree. Beetroot seems to promote weight gain in cachexic cancer patients and although any actual anticachexic action is not verified, it seems likely and may be worth trying. So are any agents that inhibit VEGF, EGF-R, IGF-1, 5-LPO and especially NF-Kappa-, such as Boswellic Acids and Clinoptilolite.
    22. BONE RESORPTION INHIBITORS – When Osteoma or bone-metastasis occurs, or there is a strong risk of bone metastasis as in the case of breast cancer, Odanacatib, Ipriflavone, Osteoprotegerin or one of the Biphosphonates or SERMs can be applied to inhibit cancer proliferation in bone tissue and to prevent bone resorption. Laetrile and Amygdalin are also effective metastasis inhibitors, but they do not specifically inhibit bone resorption. One must be very cautious with Biphosphonates, especially Alendronate and Zoledronate, due to such things as causality of Atrial Fibrillation in the heart, Mandibular Osteonecrosis and a 10 ½ year half-life. They stay in the system a very long time. The most potent is Zoledronate. SERMs also have their own side effects and warrant care in their use, but there are natural SERMS that one should expect to be safer to use. These should be tried first, before resorting to other types of agent. Administration of bone resorption inhibitors of any kind must be by qualified medical staff. Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) may offer a means of removing Biphosphonates from the system when their purpose has been served, but that is currently unverified.
    23. LIVER CANCERS – The Liver processes a huge range of substances, either by breaking them down or by glucuronic conjugation and thereby effectively rendering them inert and water-soluble. These important hepatic functions obviously reduce toxin levels in the body, but they also reduce the range of effective agents that may be expected to work against Hepatitis and Liver Cancer, since if the Liver is going to process them into something less active, they’re hardly any use. Even so, the best possible retention of the liver’s proper function is absolutely essential. Therefore, one cannot expect any inhibition of its function to be satisfactory just for the sake of protecting various cytotoxic agents from being metabolised by the liver. Another approach is necessary. Use Carqueja, or related Asteraceae that contain Hispidulin, because this Flavonoid is a fabulous Liver protective and antitoxin – probably one of the best in existence. Whole extract of Carqueja is even better. Boswellic Acids, complex Saccharides from Japanese mushrooms, Aloe, Thistles, Andrographis, Dandelion, Sunflower and other plants will help. 80% of Liver Cancers are caused by Hepatitis B & C viruses, but metastasis in the Liver also occurs from cancers of other types and any of these cancers are very aggressive and highly lethal when they damage the Liver sufficiently to stop it processing toxins. This indicates that antiviral agents should be employed that can get into the Liver without being neutralised themselves and likewise, any other active agents being employed in the treatment of Liver Cancer. Oxidative agents such as Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, DMSO, MSM or Chlorine Dioxide are again excellent for this purpose. I have several virulent Amazon plants listed that are very active in the Liver as protectives, tonics, antivirals, hepatic detoxifiers and anticarcinomics, so these should definitely be considered as preferred choices, perhaps sequenced rather than simultaneously, depending on their particular modes of action. These agents do get into the Liver and remain active. Consider Acetogenins for up to a month, regardless of Phase, because these are antiviral as well as anticarcinomic and are very well suited against aggressive cancers. Liver cancers are so serious and prognosis is generally so poor (close to 100% mortality) that resorting to Acetogenins regardless of Treatment Phase may be entirely justified. Rife or HIFU Technology is also worth using as transabdominal signals and are quite readily applied in the zone of the Liver. Infrared radiation for very short periods also offers promise. Clinoptilolite engages liver cancers directly by G-phase apoptogenic action, but in addition, it chelates, adsorbs and removes systemic toxins via kidneys and alimentary tract without need of the liver’s conjugative detoxification functions. Therefore, it additionally unburdens the liver. Oxidative agents, particularly Ozone or Hydrogen Peroxide, are very beneficial in treating the Liver because they boost mitochondrial activity and liver function in general; and are also strongly anticarcinomic, antiviral and antimicrobial. Cannabinoids are not quickly or easily processed by the Liver and yet are strongly anticarcinomic, so Marijuana is a very good choice against Liver Cancer.
    24. PROTECTIVES & RESCUES – Curcumin with Piperine, CoQ10, Flavonoids, Cannabinoids, Zeolite, NAC, DHEA, HGH, St. John’s Wort, Salicylic Acid, Boswellic Acids, Hispidulin, probiotic cultures, several Amazon plants and other agents protect various organs or systems including Liver, Digestive System, Circulatory System, Immune System and Nervous System. Curcumin is a DNA protective and an anticarcinomic. Piperine is its Potentiator. Coenzyme Q10 is a neuroprotective, neurostimulator and ATP production stimulator. THC and various other Cannabinoids are powerful nervous system protectives and regeneratives, with potent anticarcinomic properties, as well. There are several Liver protectives, such as Inulin, Laevulin (Dandelion, Sunflower & other plants), Lentinan or Grifolan (Maitake, Reishi & Shiitake) and all these polysaccharides plus similar Mannans and Lignans are also potent immunomodulators. Hispidulin (a Flavonoid from Carqueja) is a superlative hepatoprotective, antihepatotoxic, detox & antidote agent that is always worth using for toxic syndrome rescue. It neutralises an impressive range of poisons and has a particular affinity with the Liver. St. John’s Wort increases the rate at which the Liver processes toxins, so it’s a very useful adjuvant. Zeolite has broad corollary protective and rescue effects through its detoxifying and immune modulating actions. Salicylic Acid (White Willow bark) inhibits NF-Kappa- activation and it has additional cardioprotective properties. So does Aspirin, but is much less safe than Salicylic Acid or Salsalate. Rutin, Quercetin and other select Flavonoids are good protectors of various organs and tissues, including the Liver. Any of the Kwao Krua species containing Deoxymiroesterol and other similar sterols offer excellent protective potential and Gotu Kola (Indian Pennywort) is very useful. Protectives may be selectively used throughout the overall treatment, except those incompatible with Acetogenins during Late Phase. Rescues should not be required in most cases where treatments have been administered correctly, but may otherwise be used if problems do require them. They may also be applied to help undo damage done by some of the more brutal orthodox chemotherapy or radiation treatments, or to precondition before using chemo or radiotherapy. Cannabis, ATP, CoQ10, NAC, HGH and other Essential Amino Acids may be used to reduce adverse neural effects of Acetogenins, for example. Curcumin (from Turmeric) is very good against mutagenic agents, including radiation; and Piperine will potentiate its retention. Myrrh and Frankincense also exhibit antimutagenic or other protective influences and some Amazon plants do likewise.
    25. MDRCs & MDRMs – Acetogenins are preferably used to decisively eliminate Multi-Drug-Resistant Cells, Multi-Drug-Resistant Microbes and other surviving cancerous entities of most types in the Late Phase, when tumour mass and general infections are reduced as realistically far as possible by other means. Entelev, Cancell and Protocel are also effective against resistant cancers in varying degrees by cancer type, because they interfere with ATP production and therefore have very similar effects to Acetogenins. Berberine or any of its several source plants do the same. Rotenone is another, but is largely untested and may exhibit other toxic effects. They may be assisted by microbicides like Transferrin, Colloidal Silver, Sodium Bicarbonate, or certain Amazon plants. Acetogenins and some Amazon plants will also deal effectively with Protozoa, which in some instances may be present and playing host to viruses or other microbes, or engaging the body’s leucocyte defenses – the macrophages, B, T and NK cells. Extract from Paw Paw is excellent, since it is readily available (except in Australia, where it is unavailable from within). It has 20 or more extremely potent Acetogenins – the incredibly powerful Bullatacin, Asiminocin, Asimicin, Asimilobin and Trilobacin, plus Asiminecin, Asiminicin, Bullatetrocin, Bullatin & Bullanin, over 40 more Acetogenins and many other additional phytochemicals. Paw Paw’s Acetogenins are not currently cited to cause neurodegeneration explicitly, suggesting it is preferable to Graviola or Annonacin – in any case, Paw Paw is at least 24 times more potent as a cancer cocktail than Graviola. But possible neuropathy is implicit, since course duration limits still apply to Paw Paw and indeed it’s so with any Acetogenins. I say again that Paw Paw is NOT available from within Australia, but Graviola herb can be imported. What is called Paw Paw in Australia is actually Papaya, which is not related and does not contain Acetogenins. Exclude incompatible agents such as CoQ10, ATP & NAC. Non-Nitrogenous Biphosphonates may be useful in treating resistant bone cancers, because they block FPPS. This is the Late Phase treatment, but when the cancer is refractory, it should also be applied in Early & Mid Phase. Acetogenins can be used efficaciously in earlier phases of the treatment, but attention must be given to incompatibilities and alertness to possible neural effects. To reduce dependency on Acetogenins when combating multi-drug-resistance, try Alsihum, Cantron, Protocel and Myrrh as supplements or as time-cyclic replacements. Curcuminoids and Piperine should be very useful here. Cannabis (THC and other Cannabinoids) may be considered good neuroprotectives and regeneratives for use in conjunction with Acetogenins – incompatibility is not initially indicated – but this is not verified, so close observation is required to ensure decisive efficacy against resistant populations, even if it means foregoing suggested protective measures and resorting to neural restoration in the Very Late Phase. This is a discretionary principle. If Acetogenins actually do cause appreciable neural trouble; or if the efficacy of Acetogenin treatment is only marginally impaired by use of a protective; or if the protective is effective in its role without causing a critical compromise in the eventual and timely elimination of resistant cell or microbe populations, then Cannabis may indeed be applied judiciously.
    26. CSCs & LECSCs – As powerful as Acetogenins are, there are some lines of Cancer Stem Cell such as one MCF-7/Wild Type variant that exhibit limited resistance to them and upon which the Acetogenins have a cytostatic effect (killing some and preventing the survivors from proliferating, but without reducing their population very significantly) rather than a cytotoxic effect. In order to deal successfully with Acetogenin-static populations such as these, the continued use of cell differentiating agents such as Vitamins A & D or Antineoplastons are recommended to force CSC populations to differentiate. In the presence of cytotoxins, this may well result in generation of MDRCs, but those are eradicated readily enough by the Acetogenins. Undifferentiated CSCs may remain as a latent problem that can flare up again when treatment is ultimately discontinued, if they are not also differentiated or eradicated successfully. Once having reduced a CSC population to the minimum possible degree without recourse to Acetogenin-static cell lines, it is then recommended to use additional potentiating agents such as Piperine and Chavicine to further retard CSC metabolism below that level achieved by the Acetogenins in order to deal with stem cells of very slow metabolism. These may be designated as LECSCs – Low Energy CSCs that don’t multiply much (more or less dormant, unlike active CSCs) and therefore have low energy requirements. Low energy requirement enables them to survive in ATP depleted environments, but like dormant Stem Cells, they can activate at later dates. These Alkaloids from Piper Nigrum have very good transport protein inhibiting effects, making them highly useful against resistant populations and they additionally potentiate the effects of many other agents by increasing their internal retention – especially Curcumin from Turmeric. Acetogenins have this effect, too, so using other cytotoxic agents in conjunction with them is very useful at this stage of treatment. Other potentiators such as DMSO should also prove very useful. These are used in conjunction with selected synergistic apoptogens, which owing to the action of Acetogenins and Piperine/Chavicine, are retained in the CSCs without being either expelled or metabolised quickly enough to protect themselves from being induced to apoptosis. Piperine and Chavicine are especially well known for potentiating Curcumin, a very good cancer apoptogen; likewise other anticarcinomic agents. Curcumin is also an antimutagenic DNA protector. It’s a very good combination to use either after Acetogenin treatment, or in conjunction with Acetogenins. Laetrile or Amygdalin is ideal against stem cells and is highly synergistic with DMSO, so it should do excellent work against CSCs. Alsihum, Myrrh and Cannabinoids should again demonstrate usefulness in the final elimination of these more difficult CSCs and there are a lot of other worthy choices, especially among the Amazon plants. Immunomodulators are also very strongly recommended in this stage of treatment, since when the Immune System is suitably stimulated, it can be relied upon to clean up the last malignant survivors. Rife and similar technologies have excellent utility against CSCs and LECSCs – well, against just about anything, actually. Except for Rife technologies, which can stand alone if a skilled medical practitioner is on hand to apply them, these are acetogenic adjuvancies applied in the Resistant Malignancy (Late) Phase. These must exclude Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) in this Phase, which should be used in the following Convalescent (Very Late) and Remission Phases instead, because it is a Detox Agent that would remove all manner of cytotoxins from the system, including those being used against the CSC population. It is therefore not desirable in the Sensitive or Resistant Malignancy Phases.
    27. PREGNANCY – This is a special treatment modality that must be adopted if treating a gestating mother for cancer, because the welfare of the baby is also at stake. Most cancer treatment modalities are cytotoxic or antiproliferative in nature, such that they will harm the baby’s development. Therefore, the modalities used must be those that are baby-safe and non-teratogenic and if ANY antiproliferative agents are used at all, they MUST be totally selective (targeted) to malignant cells only. As of April 4th, 2012, I have not fully researched the pregnant mother consideration and all the likely suitable treatments. This Component was only just added to the PICTS model at this time, so work remains to be done. The Oxygenating Therapies such as Vitamin C Megadosing, Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide should be considered safe and likewise the Budwig Diet, Bill Henderson Protocol, Rife & FIR Technology. Clinoptilolite should also be considered completely safe, because although it causes cell cycle arrest at either or both G phases, its cycle arresting action is totally selective to malignant cells and does not arrest the cycles of healthy stem cells at all. This is evidenced by the fact that Clinoptilolite does not cause loss of hair, nor any form of cytopenia in patients using it in cancer treatment. Furthermore, it will reduce or even eliminate the baby’s inheritance of Mercury from the mother. In this case, because cytotoxins are generally not to be administered to pregnant mothers, Clinoptilolite may be used in both malignancy phases. There will probably be immunological considerations that warrant special care in pregnancy cases, too. Bear in mind that the baby, due to paternal DNA, is a foreign entity to the mother, so Trophoblasts, Human Chorionic Gonadotrophins and selective suppression of the mother’s immune response become relevant in the context of the baby’s protection. If suitably baby-safe treatments fail to arrest resistant cancers, then the Resistant Malignancy Phase must be delayed if possible until the baby can be delivered. Applicable to gestating mothers right throughout the period of concurrent pregnancy and cancer treatment – inclusive of all adjuvant and supplementary treatments.
    28. REGENERATION – This is healing and regeneration of tissues, organs, systems and general constitution, particularly where either cancer or administration of harmful orthodox treatment methods (chemo, surgery and radiotherapy) have damaged or destroyed them. Holistic treatments are very important in this, while there are many natural agents known to stimulate general regeneration – Start with the Oxidative agents already mentioned – Ozone, Hydrogen Peroxide, etc.. Add Comfrey, Cats Claw, Valerian, Gotu Kola, Aloe Vera or Aloe Arborescens and a host of Amazon plants. Most are also anticarcinomics and antimicrobials, while THC is an excellent neural regenerator. DHEA, HGH and CoQ10 are very valuable in this role and I believe Pueraria Mirifica, Pueraria Montana or Butea Superba will help, too. Holistics are perpetual, while the use of Comfrey, Cats Claw and other regenerative plants or agents can be multiphase, but preferably Very Late and Remission Phases, after MDRC treatment with Acetogenins and adjuvant CSC treatments. Comfrey is a proliferative healer and therefore incompatible with antiproliferatives of any sort, including Acetogenins. Cannabis or THC can be used more widely. It is a strong anticarcinomic and is able to cross the Blood Brain Barrier. Acetogenins are not ideal for this Component. Clinoptilolite (Zeolite) is strongly recommended as a Regenerative Agent because it modulates Immune System activity (therefore healing) and because Detox (with mineral supplementation) definitely helps regeneration and recovery in the Convalescent (Very Late) and Remission Phases.
    29. COMPLETION – This is the Remission (Final) Phase; an extended period of treatment using largely preventive measures including diet, detox, microbiome, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, healing and immune boosting treatments, with regular monitoring of the condition using pathology and other diagnostic methods – mainly through outpatient clinical services. It should last at least twelve months and the continuing detox program may easily last longer. Do not become complacent because you might feel fully recovered, or because pathology tests show the “all clear”. If you are fortunate enough to be involved with institutions like Contreras, there may be an ongoing relationship with your specialist, the hospital and support network – even in perfect health – for life. Where cancer is concerned, that’s a desirable amenity to have at your disposal.

    • Where do you deem up this shit ???
      ” suddenly drop dead” from b12 deficiency ??? Would you like to report a case? Just one ????

      Back to zeolite the cancer causing chemical that’s perfectly safe ????

      This is like the ramblinga of John Nash ., least he was intelligent when he wasn’t ill

      • The interesting point is the only thing you have said doesn’t cure cancer is what this nonsense post was about in the first place.
        Just the pathological compulsive behaviour of a man with mania .
        Or free advertising for your ” book” …..or natural selection as people would call it . Anyone fiollowing the ravings of a moron aren’t likely to last very long

  333. Only some of the more prominent natural agents have been mentioned in the 29 HICS components above, but it should be mentioned that a vast range of choices exists for most applications. Those mentioned include the most prominent and a select few particularly and repeatedly so, not only for their efficacy, but their versatility. They are mentioned again and again, like a recurring theme. If you check the lists of plants and biochemicals in the Appendices, you’ll find significant numbers of beneficial agents with their properties. Some good product sources on the internet are and Nature’s, but there are many others. Fusion is a very good Australian supplements brand with a quite respectable range of natural products based strongly on TCM. I now have reliable Australian suppliers of almost 100 types of dried herb and related natural health products called Accolent – find this vendor on eBay; and New Directions at If the source is internet-based, test the source’s reliability in delivering the product with a small-scale purchase using a debit card (after ensuring that if delivery is via international mail, your country’s customs service will allow its importation). The debit card should have only a sufficient balance to cover the purchase. Avoid using any card that allows you a line of credit. These are too easily fingered by unscrupulous hackers and cybercrime is on the increase.

    March 6th, 2010: Following an email request to Contreras (Oasis Of Hope) Hospital for information on cancer cure stats and treatment regimes, I received a book from them authored by Fransisco Contreras MD and Daniel E. Kennedy MC. Statistics provided were very simple and basic, but show a clear and definite pattern of profound superiority over any kind of non-augmented conventional chemotherapy. The book is titled, “HOPE – Medicine & Healing”. What an excellent book! I came to understand why such stats were bare and basic. More importantly, I was given insight into a fully integrated cancer treatment philosophy VERY, VERY SIMILAR to that which I had already devised and set down here under these Chapter Two HICS headings, “Fundamental Treatment Principles”; “Phases In A Cancer Treatment Strategy”; and “PICTS – Phased Integrative Cancer Treatment Strategy”. It came as a surprise, for I’d previously believed Contreras used a rather more ad hoc range of protocols, including DMSO-Laetrile.

    The components of my own integrative cancer treatment system are as described above and in what follows. They are embraced collectively under what I call the Holistically Integrated Cancer Strategy.

    Too few cancer treatment protocols (and none known to me in orthodox oncology) are fully integrated approaches to cancer treatment. Most are therefore inherently defective. Consequently, I was greatly heartened to learn that SOMEBODY out there is actually practising a variant of what I preach in Cancer’s Answers. The Oasis Of Hope version is called IRT – Integrative Regulatory Therapy. It supersedes what I previously believed Contreras to have been doing in cancer treatment. I have also since discovered that there are several other institutions besides Oasis Of Hope that provide Integrative Cancer Therapies. It’s a good sign and clearly points the direction in which cancer therapy must evolve in future.

    I also learned a bit more about some particular details of cancer treatment that were too good to overlook, so I appropriately added another modification to my PICT Strategy as a pre-eminent extension of the “Oxygen Treatment” and “Protectives & Rescues” items already listed, plus some extra information to two or three other small items. The new major Item is called “Preconditioning”. So, I have Contreras to thank for some significant improvements.

    Contreras strategies don’t appear to overtly attack the microbe aspects of cancer causality as I advocate; and indeed, the book doesn’t even mention microbes in the cancer context. But the funny thing is that it doesn’t matter too much. Their strategies are so similar to mine, that they actually do address microbial infection issues as a perfectly natural matter of course. The system of treatments they employ cannot fail to do this.

    Oasis Of Hope does not yet appear to have embraced the use of Acetogenins, Berberine, Myrrh or some other natural agents, but does have approaches designed to overcome multi-drug resistance via resensitisation. I suspect they’re not quite as good as Acetogenins, but they are unquestionably more effective than typical orthodox treatments in this regard and it is a critical element of success in cancer treatment. Contreras doctors are very progressive in their thinking, however; and even quite legitimately redefine “success” in cancer treatment. So I have a feeling they may well integrate Acetogenins into their therapies in future and possibly even embrace the microbial aspects more deliberately, too.

    There is one particular area in which the doctors at Contreras and I disagree. That is in believing that no natural anticarcinomic compounds are as potent as the orthodox ones for regressing tumour masses. Consequently, Contreras selectively uses orthodox chemo agents coupled with protective agents and potentiators to achieve the predominant tumour regression. I maintain that there ARE such powerful natural anticarcinomic agents, though they do not act as swiftly as the orthodox agents. Of course, these are the Acetogenins. One of these (Bullatacin) is 1,000 million (a billion) times more potent than Adriamicin for a couple of cell lines, including Prostate. Two more (Asiminocin and Trilobacin) are a million million (a trillion) times more potent than Adriamicin, again for certain specific cell lines. All three are found in natural North American Paw Paw.

    As far as I’m aware, the ONLY orthodox chemo drugs approaching this kind of potency are some of the Platinum drugs – notably Triplatin Tetranitrate. However, almost ALL of the Platins are dangerously toxic – they just don’t have a satisfactory safety profile to go with their potency. In any case, all Platin drugs have another serious weakness, because for all their cytotoxic potency, they can’t beat MDRCs without causing collateral destruction that is far too massive to the point of literally being lethal to the patient. Orthodox TKI or CDKI drugs are actually much better in that particular respect, but Acetogenins are still far superior!

    This is the area in which Contreras Hospital would do better – by adopting the use of Acetogenins and augmenting that with the use of the Curcumin & Piperine combination, plus a select few other agents like Berberine, Entelev, Cancell or Protocel and perhaps even Antineoplastons. In doing so, erstwhile difficulties so often experienced in treating multi-drug resistant cancers will be dramatically reduced, if not eliminated. It is fortunate for people in North America that Paw Paw is easily available, since it is native to that continent. Australians are currently not so blessed – Paw Paw seeds and herbal extract products seem to be heavily overshadowed to the point of concealing displacement by a vile marketing strategy involving the misnomenclature of Carica Papaya to masquerade as Paw Paw (Asimina Triloba). I intend to change that unsatisfactory situation, for although Paw Paw dried leaf and stem is actually permitted to pass through Australian Customs, seeds are not. That isn’t the result of corrupt malenforcement of laws supposedly intended to protect the country and its people from noxious plant imports or dangerous drugs as such, but the result of a peculiar combination of subtle quirks involving naming rights of pharmaceutical cartel Papaya products as “Paw Paw” products and government bureaucratic oversight.

    Papaya is an anticarcinomic plant I have largely overlooked to date. That may be unfair, because as I continuously sift through data concerning cancer treatment, interesting little snippets of information do pop up from time to time. Papaya is used as an adjuvant in cancer treatment by at least one Queensland hospital, but that is not what I have recently found to be of interest. Instead, this next thing in my journey of discovery was previously overlooked, even though it was right under my nose, until something in the Black Salve literature triggered a “connection moment” in my head. That “next thing” is proteolysis of immune masking proteins by certain enzymatic compounds called “Proteases”. Now, there are components in Black Salve which are said to contain these, but it happens that Papaya expresses Papain proteases. Could Papaya exhibit similar unmasking properties to Black Salve and thereby enable immune response against erstwhile disguised cancer cells? Research is ongoing, but if confirmed, then this or perhaps even certain evolutions of Black Salve or Hoxsey tonics may become the cornerstone agents of a new PICTS Component #30 – “Unmasking Proteases”.

    It’s too soon yet, but we shall see!

    Proteases notwithstanding, where Papaya is otherwise concerned, Big Pharma has been pulling strings again, which is nothing new, but which absolutely must cease and must be reversed. Further, the production and marketing of drugs such as Nitrogen Mustards, Nitrosoureas, Anthracyclines, MABs, rDNAs, Platins, Avandia, Botox, Vioxx, Gardasil, Statins and a host of other filthy crimes against humanity must be outlawed and the progenitors and approvers of them must be prosecuted with utmost prejudice under the Law – which of course is never going to happen, regardless. These are drugs which have permanently damaged and killed people, some drugs individually into the tens of thousands of fatalities during the last eighty years. Even Acetominophen (Paracetamol) has killed. It’s the World’s Number One cause of liver failure and liver failure means death. On a global scale, the collective death toll directly attributable to such drugs runs into the tens of millions. They almost rival cancer itself and are America’s sixth biggest killer at around 100,000 fatalities annually according to one source, or 160,000 according to another source dated from the early 1990s, without including illicit drug use, but even yet, there is another claim at large that the annual American fatality rate from ‘normal drug use’ runs to 600,000. Update: Vioxx and Avandia have been withdrawn from the market! Two down – hundreds still to go.

    Mexico has also been the centre of pioneering work with an artificial Oxygen carrier called Perftec, mainly due to chronic shortage of donor blood in hospitals – whereby they were forced to look for a Haemoglobin substitute. The magic substance is an Oxygen chelating Porphyrin like Haemoglobin and has enormous potential in cancer therapy. Contreras uses this agent in its Redox Therapy.

    Contreras is now spearheading change in cancer treatment in the US, having expanded from Mexico and established a hospital in San Diego, California. It is apparently so much so that MSK and NCI are now beginning to change their tunes and are more readily embracing complementary cancer treatments, if not alternative or fully integrated ones that they formerly took every opportunity to discredit.

    It is long overdue.

    I have added a whole new Section devoted to the description of Contreras IRT, based upon the contents of that fine, eloquent little book they sent me in their generosity. In it, I also reflect the great importance Contreras places upon the spiritual component of wellness and indeed the whole outlook based upon FAITH, together with a factual scientific basis for its beneficence. Of course, my belief system is Agnostic, while theirs is classic Christian – indeed, it is Roman Catholic, but of very enlightened flavour, richly imbued with excellent understanding of Jesus’s philosophy and teachings. That is very significant, for Jesus was more than Davidian Jew, Gallilean or Nazarene. He was ESSENE, not by birth as most Essenes at Wadi Qumran, Mount Carmel, the Nile Delta and the Himalayas were, but by choice and teaching. He was a Holy Man who travelled widely and learned a great deal – that included the herbal as well as spiritual healing disciplines practised by the Essenes – basically, he adopted the Essene ways and fused them with his hereditary Judaism. This is why his teachings were in very sharp contrast to either the orthodox Jewish OR the Roman religious ways of thinking at the time. And Contreras holds true to his vision – you don’t need to be religious to appreciate that.

    The new Section G in Chapter Six will enable you to compare Contreras strategies with mine. I trust it will help you to better appreciate the DIFFERENCE that fully integrated cancer therapies such as theirs represent in the treatment of this terrible disease and moreover, the difference they make to people’s lives in a far broader context than simple medical health alone. It is not to say they have all the answers – they don’t. Neither do I, unfortunately. It is to say that there is a seriously significant difference for the better when compared with the abysmal performance of orthodox oncology. I am confident that Contreras is going to put America’s cancer treatment orthodoxy on its complacent, heartless, soulless, greedy, corrupt, parasitic bloody backside; and spearhead the coming of a New Age in oncology. The same may be said of other institutions offering similar integrative therapy regimes – several of these are now listed in the Directories. I seriously hope similar initiatives will soon burgeon here in Australia; and so much the better if it becomes a global phenomenon.

    Issels Treatment: This is an impressive Integrative Cancer Medicine system which again appears to strongly resemble HICS. A feature of the Issels Treatment is Infrared Therapy and my studies indicate this is an extremely potent and valuable therapy. As a result, I have integrated it into the architecture of HICS/PICTS/ECTS as an option among the Electromedical modalities.

    Footnote: With the discovery during March 2011 of four Integrative Medicine clinics in Australia, I can say that the trend has indeed begun in this country. See the Directories of practitioners and clinics in the Appendices. By the time Cancer’s Answers goes to publication, there may well be more of them.

  334. Erratum: Substitute all instances of Vitamin K3 with K2.

  335. Here are a few more indictments of the FDA and several pharmaceutical giants.

    237. “In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors announced Monday. The agreement also includes civil penalties for improper marketing of a half-dozen other drugs. The fine against GlaxoSmithKline over Paxil, Wellbutrin, Avandia and the other drugs makes this year a record for money recovered by the federal government under its so-called whistle-blower law, according to a group that tracks such numbers.
    In May, Abbott Laboratories settled for $1.6 billion over its marketing of the antiseizure drug Depakote. And an agreement with Johnson & Johnson that could result in a fine of as much as $2 billion is said to be imminent over its off-label promotion of an antipsychotic drug, Risperdal. No individuals have been charged in any of the cases. Even so, the Justice Department contends the prosecutions are well worth the effort — reaping more than $15 in recoveries for every $1 it spends, by one estimate. But critics argue that even large fines are not enough to deter drug companies from unlawful behavior. Only when prosecutors single out individual executives for punishment, they say, will practices begin to change. “What we’re learning is that money doesn’t deter corporate malfeasance,” said Eliot Spitzer, who, as New York’s attorney general, sued GlaxoSmithKline in 2004 over similar accusations involving Paxil. “The only thing that will work in my view is C.E.O.’s and officials being forced to resign and individual culpability being enforced.” The federal whistle-blower law, officially the False Claims Act, dates to 1863 and was originally envisioned as a check on war profiteering after the Civil War. Whistle-blowers get a share of any money recovered by the federal government. So far, according to Patrick Burns, spokesman for the whistle-blower advocacy group Taxpayers Against Fraud, at least $10 billion has been agreed to in settlements this fiscal year, which ends in September. The settlement, which requires court approval, stems from claims made by four employees of GlaxoSmithKline, including a former senior marketing development manager for the company and a regional vice president, who tipped off the government about a range of improper practices from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s.
    Prosecutors said the company had tried to win over doctors by paying for trips to Jamaica and Bermuda, as well as spa treatments and hunting excursions. In the case of Paxil, prosecutors claim GlaxoSmithKline employed several tactics aimed at promoting the use of the drug in children, including helping to publish a medical journal article that misreported data from a clinical trial. A warning was later added to the drug that Paxil, like other antidepressants, might increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in teenagers. Prosecutors said the company had marketed Wellbutrin for conditions like weight loss and sexual dysfunction when it was approved only to treat major depressive disorder. They said that in the case of Avandia, whose use was severely restricted in 2010 after it was linked to heart risks, the company had failed to report data from studies detailing the safety risks to the F.D.A. “Today’s multibillion-dollar settlement is unprecedented in both size and scope,” said James M. Cole, the deputy attorney general. “It underscores the administration’s firm commitment to protecting the American people and holding accountable those who commit health care fraud.” The initial terms of the settlement were announced in November, and Glaxo had already set aside cash for the settlement. In a statement Monday, the company said it has since changed many of its policies, including no longer rewarding sales representatives for the number of drug prescriptions sold. Andrew Witty, the chief executive, sought to portray the illegal actions as part of the company’s past. “Whilst these originate in a different era for the company, they cannot and will not be ignored,” he said in the statement. “On behalf of GSK, I want to express our regret and reiterate that we have learned from the mistakes that were made.” The three criminal charges involved Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia and included a criminal fine of $1 billion. The remaining $2 billion involves fines in connection with a civil settlement over the sales and marketing practices of the blockbuster asthma drug Advair and several other drugs. Part of the civil settlement also includes claims that the company overcharged the government for drugs. Glaxo did not admit any wrongdoing in the civil settlement. Despite the large amount, $3 billion represents only a portion of what Glaxo made on the drugs. Avandia, for example, racked up $10.4 billion in sales, Paxil brought in $11.6 billion, and Wellbutrin sales were $5.9 billion during the years covered by the settlement, according to IMS Health, a data group that consults for drugmakers. “So a $3 billion settlement for half a dozen drugs over 10 years can be rationalized as the cost of doing business,” Mr. Burns said. Mr. Burns and others have said that to institute real change, executives must be prosecuted criminally or barred from participating in the Medicare and Medicaid programs, an action known as “exclusion.” This has occurred in only a handful of cases, and rarely in a case involving a major pharmaceutical company. In 2011, four executives of the medical device company Synthes were sentenced to less than a year in prison for conducting clinical trials that were not authorized by the Food and Drug Administration. That same year, the former chief executive of K.V. Pharmaceutical was sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $1 million for selling misbranded morphine tablets. The previous year, the Department of Health and Human Services excluded him from doing business with the federal government. Those in the pharmaceutical industry have stressed that the activities revealed in the recent settlements occurred many years ago, and practices have changed radically since then. The Glaxo settlement includes an agreement by the company to withdraw bonuses from top executives if they engaged in or supervised illegal behavior, believed to be a first. “That creates pressure and it creates an element of responsibility,” said Erika Kelton, who represented two of the four whistle-blowers in the Glaxo case. “I think it’s a good step in the right direction.”” Journalists Katie Thomas & Michael S. Schmidt in the New York Times 2nd July, 2012, quoting New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer; Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole; GSK CEO Andrew Witty; Spokesperson of whistleblower advocacy group Taxpayers Against Fraud, Patrick Burns; and GSK whistleblower Erika Kelton.

  336. 238. “The FDA is responsible for 140,000 heart attacks and 60,000 dead Americans. That’s as many people as were killed in the Vietnam War. Yet the FDA points the finger at me and says, ‘Well, this guy’s a rat, you can’t trust him,’ but nobody is calling them to account. Congress isn’t calling them to account. For the American people, it’s dropped off the radar screen. They should be screaming because this can happen again.” Dr. David Graham, Associate Director of the FDA’s Office of Drug Safety and a whistleblower, said in an interview 2006.

    239. “…the agency’s senior management is more concerned with external appearance than rigorous science.” Dr. Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet, referring to FDA.

    240. After reading the Merck insider emails published in the Wall Street Journal showing how Merck sought to distort drug trials to hide evidence of heart disease, and after reviewing the same clinical trials on the drug that the FDA reviewed before approving it, Dr. Horton was outraged and called for FDA reform: “In the case of Vioxx, the FDA was urged to mandate further clinical safety testing after a 2001 analysis suggested a ‘clear-cut excess number of myocardial infarctions’. It did not do so. This refusal to engage with an issue of grave clinical concern illustrates the agency’s in-built paralysis, a predicament that has to be addressed through fundamental organizational reform.” But Dr. Horton didn’t stop there. He also explained, “…with Vioxx, Merck and the FDA acted out of ruthless, short-sighted, and irresponsible self-interest.” Dr. Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet.

    241. “In other words, Merck and the FDA were playing the classic “cover your ass” game in trying to hide the destructive health consequences of Vioxx from the public for as long as possible. And they managed to pull it off for four years thanks to the gullibility of conventional doctors and the ignorance of the American public, who continue to believe in prescription drugs as “miracle cures” for just about every symptom or disease, even though the facts reveal that prescription drugs heal no one. More often than not, they actually kill people.” Mike Adams, Health Ranger Editor of

  337. 242. Another FDA researcher, Dr. Andrew Mosholder, was censored and not allowed to testify in February, 2004 about his study that found antidepressants increase the risk of suicides in children. There was a war within the FDA between the scientists who recognized the clear health risks of drugs like Prozac and Vioxx, vs. the top administrators who wanted to keep pushing drugs to the public regardless of their health risk. As Dr. David Graham explained, “The review and clearance process had been turned into a battleground, full of contention and intimidation because our managers, the people who fill out our performance evaluations, had created a system where it was taking a great risk to stand firm in our scientific beliefs.” Dr. David Graham, Associate Director, FDA Office of Drug Safety and whistleblower, with excerpt from article by Mike Adams, Health Ranger Editor,

    243. “These actions are not mere “administrative oversight,” folks. These actions represent a pattern of criminal behavior on the part of FDA employees and drug company executives. Promoting these toxic drugs, distorting the clinical trials, and burying the negative evidence are criminal actions and should be treated as such. In a sane world, the FBI would march into the FDA offices tomorrow and arrest these white-collar felons for the crimes they have committed. Executives at Merck should do prison time — plus pay billions in fines — for the pain, suffering and death they have unleashed upon the population. Quite clearly, Big Pharma is a highly corrupt industry, and it is backed and promoted by a federal agency that needs to be wiped clean and rebuilt from scratch (along with a new office of Internal Affairs that would investigate FDA employees for precisely these sort of crimes). Regardless of what happens next, it’s evidence that the public trust in the FDA has been destroyed.” Mike Adams, Health Ranger Editor,

    244. “…the most important legacy of this episode is the continued erosion of trust that public-health institutions will suffer. Failure to act decisively on signals of risk might minimize short-term political criticism for regulators, or shareholder unrest for company chief executives. But the long-term consequence of prevarication is a tide of public skepticism about just whose interests drug makers and regulators truly represent.” Dr. Richard Horton, Editor, The Lancet, referring to FDA conduct in lieu of the Vioxx scandal.

  338. 245. “In September 2009, Pfizer pleaded guilty to the illegal marketing of the arthritis drug Bextra for uses unapproved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and agreed to a $2.3 billion settlement, the largest health care fraud settlement at that time. Pfizer also paid the U.S. government $1.3 billion in criminal fines related to the “off-label” marketing of Bextra, the largest penalty ever rendered for any crime. Called a repeat offender, this was Pfizer’s fourth such settlement with the U.S. Department of Justice in the previous ten years. Access to pharmaceutical industry documents has revealed marketing strategies used to promote Neurontin for off-label use. In 1993, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved gabapentin (Neurontin, Pfizer) only for treatment of seizures. Warner–Lambert, which merged with Pfizer in 2000, used activities not usually associated with sales promotion, including continuing medical education and research, sponsored articles about the drug for the medical literature, and alleged suppression of unfavorable study results, to promote gabapentin. Within 5 years the drug was being widely used for the off-label treatment of pain and psychiatric conditions. Warner–Lambert admitted to charges that it violated FDA regulations by promoting the drug for pain, psychiatric conditions, migraine, and other unapproved uses, and paid $430 million to resolve criminal and civil health care liability charges. Today it is a mainstay drug for migraines, even though it was not approved for such use in 2004. In September 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $2.3 billion to settle civil and criminal allegations that it had illegally marketed four drugs—Bextra, Geodon, Zyvox, and Lyrica—”for non-approved uses; it was Pfizer’s fourth such settlement in a decade. Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Inc., a Pfizer subsidiary, agreed to plead guilty to misbranded promotion of Bextra, a felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The criminal fine accounts for $1.3 billion of the settlement, and was the largest criminal penalty imposed in American history until the BP plea agreement for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Pfizer has entered an extensive corporate integrity agreement (CIA) with the Office of Inspector General and will be required to make substantial structural reforms within the company, and maintain the Pfizer website ( to track the company’s post marketing commitments. Pfizer must also put a searchable database of all payments to physicians the company has made on the Pfizer website by March 31, 2010. In addition, two former employees were separately indicted and sentenced for their role in marketing of Bextra. A former District Sales manager was found guilty of obstruction of justice for destroying documents pertinent to the investigation, and a Regional Sales Manager pled guilty to the distribution of a misbranded product. The case was also the largest civil settlement against a pharmaceutical company as of then.] Pfizer paid a $1 billion civil fine to settle allegations it had illegally promoted the drugs for uses that were not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and caused false claims to be submitted to Federal and State programs including but not limited to Medicare and Medicaid. Under the False Claims Act, damages can be assessed for violations of the federal Anti-Kickback statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a–7b(b) and the off-label marketing provision within the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”), 21 U.S.C. §§301-97. Six whistle-blowers will receive $102 million for their participation in the civil investigation, and John Kopchinski, a former sales representative, will receive $51.5 million for his allegations involving the marketing of Bextra. According to Harper’s Magazine publisher John MacArthur, Pfizer withdrew “between $400,000 and a million dollars” worth of ads from their magazine following an unflattering article on depression medication.” Wikipedia,

  339. The sheer volume of material I’ve posted might easily be perceived as overkill. Alas, I am a sinner! In a fit of weakness, I decided the boojum should be shown up and put in its proper place. Now, in an act of contrition (sort of!) I hereby confess that I enjoyed doing it. Well, nobody’s perfect….

    To most of you good folks who visit this site and probably gasp, “What the….” I express a sincere hope that despite your bemusement, you’ve been able to derive a useful perspective and information from it that might make a worthwhile difference in your quest for answers to those questions revolving around cancer and even health in a broader context.

    What I posted comprised information in three general streams:

    1. Introduction to a number of pioneer medicos (in cancer and other diseases) and the treatment modalities they developed and used;
    2. A perspective on the commercial and political dynamics operating in the medical/drug industry with its prime epicentre in the USA, plus plenty of incrimination of Big Pharma and the FDA;
    3. Basic cancer causality theory, fundamental medical treatment principles, an Integrative Medicine treatment system for cancer and insight into the utility of a number of treatment modalities and natural substances within the framework of that Integrative Medical System.

    And if I can cap it off by returning to the original theme here, let me please indicate that Black Salve has a legitimate place in the treatment of skin cancers, plus a few other types of malignancy. May I please emphasise yet again however, that one should always engage every possible approach to treating any given kind of cancer – not any single modality alone. This is consistent with the philosophy that defines the basis of Integrative Medicine. The cornerstones of that philosophy are: “Treat the whole patient – not the disease or its symptoms in isolation;” and “DO NO HARM”.

    Best wishes!

    Mad Prof.

    • What a load of absolute shite . If you remember your first comment you said ” black salve does not cure cancer”
      Now you are saying it does….
      You are simply an unqualified confabulating imbecile who has not provided a shred of evidence for anything you have written . Most of this crap is simply quotations and opinions .
      You don’t answer any questions and you have made outrageously stupid statements about basic facts which you have wrong .
      You aren’t a treasure you are a moron

  340. Oh, I forgot the other cornerstone: “Look to the CAUSES of the disease, rather than the symptoms.”

  341. New ruling puts pharmaceutical companies beyond the law… so now you can’t even sue them if their drugs ruin your life.

    This just about takes the cake…..

    Last week a US Supreme Court passed a ruling which makes pharmaceutical companies virtually EXEMPT from prosecution by patients whose lives are ruined — or ended — by one of their drugs.

    It relates back to a case in 2004 when Karen Bartlett was prescribed the generic anti-inflammatory drug Sulindac for her sore shoulder.

    Three weeks after taking the drug, Bartlett began suffering from a flesh-eating side effect called, ‘toxic epidermal necrolysis’. The condition is extremely painful and causes the victim’s skin to peel off, exposing raw flesh in the same manner as a third degree burn victim.

    It turned out that the manufacturer, Mutual Pharma, had known about the side effect all along, but had deliberately covered it up.

    Karen Bartlett sued Mutual Pharma in New Hampshire state court, arguing that the drug company included no warning about the possible side effect. A court agreed and awarded her $21 million.

    Now, NINE YEARS LATER, the US Supreme Court has astonishingly OVERTURNED the original verdict and award.

    The judges ruled that all generic drugs and their manufacturers are exempt from liability for side effects, mislabelling or virtually any other negative reactions caused by their drugs, so long as the drugs are made from the exact same formula and carry the exact same warnings as their brand name counterparts.

    The only companies that can now be sued are manufacturers of original ‘name brand’ drugs.

    But, when you consider that generic drugs account for over 80 per cent of all drugs prescribed, this ruling provides Big Pharma with a massive incentive to deliberately withhold safety information and to cut corners on monitoring adverse side effects.

    In the US, the FDA has ultimate authority over pharmaceuticals. So, now if the FDA says a drug is safe — even if that decision is wrong or based on lies, fraud or deception on the part of the worlds’ pharmaceutical companies — then there’s no way to sue either the FDA or the pharmaceutical companies for their incompetence, negligence or deception.

    How long before a similar ruling makes its way to the UK and Europe?

    Well, you can bet your mortgage that Big Pharma’s lobbyists are already stuffing bundles of unmarked Euros into brown paper envelopes to win over the hearts and minds of the lawmakers in Brussels.

  342. Sanguinaria – one of the major ingredients in Black Salve:

    It’s a member of the Poppy Family of plants and is rich in alkaloids – 60-plus, to say nothing of any non-nitrogenous polyphenols or terpenoids.

    Of these, I’ve managed to get some gen on three of them.

    Berberine (for which Goldenseal, Goldthread and Barberry are better known and yield higher amounts) is a very important one. It is powerfully anticarcinomic and antimicrobial with a principal activity mechanism of Mitochondrial Complex I inhibition – it acts against Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase. This suppresses the pumping of protons to develop electric potential to create ATP. Long story short, this absolutely qualifies it as being effective against multi-drug-resistant cells and microbes. Berberine is also a systemic tonic/adaptogen, within certain dosage limits.

    Chelerythrine’s mechanisms of action are less extensively researched and documented. It is a protein kinase c inhibitor and very highly slective, with efficacy against cancer cells and microbes.

    Sanguinarine is much more extensively researched. It occurs in Bloodroot, Greater Celandine and several other plants. This one binds with Complex I to inhibit ATP production in a similar way to Berberine, so again, it’s effective against malignant cells and microbes via Complex I inhibition and likewise therefore effective against multi-drug resistance. It’s highly selective and yet exhibits many other actions, starting with the inducement of apoptosis in malignant cells and does likewise with microbes because it also binds with Bacterial Complex I, which is a similar but smaller and simpler proton pump called Ubiquinol Oxidase. For another example, it’s a potent protein cleaving enzyme, giving fairly strong credence to the unproven theory that it can “unmask” cancer cells by destroying the membrane proteins which provide the disguise. There are several protein types it is active against. It also cleaves DNA. In most of its bioactions, its potency is such that very small amounts in the range of 0.1 to 10 Micromoles produces any of several specific effects at up to 100% efficacy. As a bone resorption inhibitor, for instance, it is 100% effective at less than 1 Micromole. When you look at these four properties, you might easily realise that it’s one of the few highly potent almost-all-round cancer killers and perhaps more significantly, one of the few antiviral agents that works three ways: 1. Indirectly via inhibition of ATP production, it reduces or stops virus reproduction; 2. Directly, it cleaves proteins and therefore viral capsid proteins; 3.Directly, it cleaves viral DNA. These latter two actions clearly mean that it is an active virus destroyer. In laboratory research, it has proven very potent against very long lists of malignant cell lines, bacteria and funghi.

    And these are just three of over 60 alkaloids in Bloodroot. There can be little doubt that when further potentiated by Zinc Chloride and DMSO, as you find in a typical Black Salve, you do indeed have a powerful cancer killer.

    With the science behind it that I have so far found, there equally can be no doubt at all once again (it’s par for the course, anyway) that the FDA and orthodox medicine aficionados who nay-say Black Salve are either total ignoramuses, or outright liars.

  343. What goes wrong in nature, nature provides an antidote!

  344. Ju Wau,

    Good observation – very true.

    To put another spin on it, the biology of this planet has evolved over millions of years in a complex mix of competitive and symbiotic relationships. As new species develop via evolution from their ancestors, they progressively acquire new abilities to survive, either through symbiosis or through defensive mechanisms, yet nevertheless inherit core chemistries from their parent species, just as we humans inherit our ability to produce ATP from a process devised by bacteria between 1 and 1.5 billion years ago. Plants did the same in both this process and that of photosynthesis.

    Thus, we share biochemical similarities in varying degrees with other organisms and did ourselves evolve with a nutritional and medicinal dependency on other organisms – particularly plants. Nowhere is this more true than where it applies to medicine.

  345. Species of Larrea (Zygophyll Family) and in particular, L. Divaricata and L. Tridentata have been used medicinally for thousands of years by North American natives for a wide variety of illnesses – and to good effect.

    Chaparral (also called Creosote) may be found as an ingredient in Hoxsey-style formulas, including Black Salve.

    It is said to contain toxins. NDGA (Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid – a Lignan which is also called Masoprocol) is a very potent Detoxifier, a cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase inhibitor and has potent antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticarcinomic and other actions. This may possibly mitigate some of the plant’s alleged toxicity, but I would strongly recommend keeping dosages very small. The lignans in Chaparral had IC50 values against several cancer cell lines of 5-60 micromole with the linear butane-type lignans being the most potent, and it was found that colon cancer cells were the least sensitive cell type tested. The relative potency of linear butane type lignans against human breast cancer appears to correlate positively with the number of O-methyl groups present on the molecule. Immunomodulatory proteins in Chaparral elicit immune response in mammals. The antibodies thus generated by the Immune System are active against bacteria. A resinous coating covers the leaves and stems of the Chaparral plant, which makes it sticky business to collect. This wax-like coating consists mainly of flavonoids, approximately 50%, along with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) in approximately the same 50% ratio. Flavonoids have been found to be beneficial to the walls of capillaries throughout the body, and so are good to take regularly in cases of capillary fragility. The main ingredient though, (as far as what is seen as the most active constituent in the plant), is NDGA. It is responsible for inhibiting several enzyme reactions, including lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, which are responsible for some unhealthy inflammatory and immune-system responses. It has been shown to reduce inflammatory histamine responses in the lung, which is good news for asthma sufferers. NDGA is one of the most highly anti-oxidant substances known to man. Several types of tumours, such as those in uterine fibroids and fibrosystic breast disease, may be helped immensely by a concentrated extract form of the plant if toxic effects can be mitgated. Recent new studies have shown that Chaparral can improve liver function, causing the liver metabolism to increase, clearing toxins, and improving the livers’ ability to synthesize fatty acids into high density lipids (HDLs) while the low density lipid levels (LDLs) decrease. For people who have a history of heavy drinking, hepatitis, or exposure to toxic chemicals (all of which damage liver tissue), a combination of Chaparral with milk thistle seed standardized extract and Tribulus Terrestris (common puncture vine) may help recover the normal function of the liver to a large degree . The strong antioxidant effects of Larrea Tridentata appear to repair free radical damage caused by drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines. Indigenous peoples of the Southwestern area of North America used Chaparral for treating such ailments as: tuberculosis, bowel complaints, cancers, colds and flu. In the Southwestern eclectic tradition, (a marriage of various Native American traditions with Spanish herbal traditions), Chaparral is used to heal stomach ulcers and bowel disorders, as well as for the anti-fungal topical uses listed below. External uses of the herb include poultices placed on aching joints, and the tea or a fermentation (applied several times per day and left on the area) for such things as ringworm, skin fungi, and athlete’s foot. For this type of problem, Chaparral can be combined with Thuja or Tea tree essential oils. A foot soak for nail fungus can be used by placing 2 large handfuls of the dried herb into a vessel which is large enough to comfortably accommodate both feet at once. Heat water to boiling, and pour onto herb until it is covered (2 to 3 inches deep), and let the herb steep for awhile, until the water is cool enough to put your feet into, while still being pretty hot. Leave the raw herb floating in the water, and soak your feet in the tea while you read a book or watch a movie, leaving them in the tea until it is cool, (and your feet look “prune-like”.) During this process, the anti-fungal liquid (tea) is absorbed into the tissues of the feet, where it can inhibit fungal growth and kill existing infestations. An essential oil of Lavender, Tea tree, or Thuja. As with many herbs having strong properties (like Larrea), some caution is advised. There is a therapeutic window of use, which means more is NOT always better. The fact that this herb can so strongly affect the liver, (increasing function…and heating) may be good to a point, but taking too much may stimulate the liver too strongly, and cause liver damage……Of course, taking too many Aspirin can do this too… So just be careful when using this herb.. not to exceed the amount recommended, and to observe your own body carefully, and heed what it “tells” you.

    For many years, reports citing the hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of herbal products (especially if taken as concentrated pill or tablet forms) containing creosote bush have aroused concern, both in the public, as well as in the scientific community (Mc Cann, 2003; Skidmore-Roth, 2003; Mahady et al., 2001). However, few of the 18 reports of liver damage in people employing creosote bush were related to the use of the plant as an infusion (tea), which is the traditional method of application (Castleman, 2001). In a clinical trial, 10% extracts made from this plant did not present toxicity when taken internally, even during prolonged periods of time (Heron and Yarnell, 2001).

    Uses of Larrea:
    • To dissolve urinary calculi (kidney stones). (Adame and Adame, 2000; Vázquez, 1999; Dimayuga, 1996; Martínez, 1989; González, 1998).
    • As an anti inflammatory to treat respiratory ailments (asthma) and arthritis (Foster and Tyler, 2000; Karch, 1999; Melgarejo and Cupp, 2000).
    • To eliminate gallstones (González, 1998; Dimayuga, 1996).
    • Against urinary infections (Melgarejo and Cupp, 2000; González, 1998; Martínez, 1989).
    • For the treatment of venereal disease (Dimayuga 1996; Barnes et al., 2002).
    • As an abortifacient (Dimayuga, 1996).
    • Against diabetes (Skidmore-Roth 2003; Luo et al,. 1998).
    • Bronchitis and colds (Skidmore-Roth, 2003).
    • Rheumatism (Vazquez, 1999; Barnes et al,. 2002).
    • Against some types of cancer (Skidmore-Roth 2003; Melgarejo and Cupp, 2000; González, 1998; Barnes et al., 2002).
    • Inhalation of the resin vapors is employed against dizziness (González, 1998).
    • As a mouthwash against tooth decay and halitosis (bad breath) (McCann, 2003; Castleman, 2001).
    • Externally for skin infections, especially those caused by bacteria and fungi (Castleman, 2001; Adame and Adame, 2000; González, 1998; Martínez, 1989).
    • As a foot bath against odor (Adame and Adame, 2000; González, 1998).
    • The resinous substances present in both L. tridentata and L. diarivcata act as strong antioxidants especially in fats, oils and other substances, which is why this species is of interest as a possible antitumour agent.
    • Some of the substances contained in creosote bush, especially Nor-DihydroGuaiaretic Acid (NDGA) inhibit the cyclooxygenase enzyme. Since this enzyme is implicated in the oxidative conversion of procarcinogens to carcinogens, the inhibition of cyclooxygenase could be a factor to prevent cancer, although the preliminary results are mixed and further research is needed in this area of study (Gonzales and Bowden, 2002; Castleman, 2001; McDonald et al., 2001; Foster and
    Tyler, 2000; Melgarejo and Cupp, 2000; Anesini et al., 2001, 1999, 1996; Diaz Barriga et al., 1999; Miller and Murray, 1999).
    • In one study, the proposed anticancer activity of creosote bush’s active ingredients seems to be present in vitro, but not in vivo (Hoferova et al., 2003).
    • It has been found that NDGA belongs to a novel family of microtubule-stabilizing compounds that protect microtubules in NRK cells from depolymerization caused by various drugs such as colchicine, ilimaquinone, nocodazole and vinblastine (Nakamura et al., 2003).
    • Mexican folk medicine uses this herb as a weak infusion (tea) in order to reduce the size of kidney and gall bladder stones (Vázquez, 1999; Argueta, 1994; González, 1998; Adame and Adame, 2000; Martínez, 1989). It should be noted, however, that Mexican herbalists recommend that if the plant is to be taken internally, infusions (teas) made from the leaves should be very weak, not concentrated and that treatment be limited from only a few days to a maximum of two weeks (Adame and Adame, 2000).
    • Studies in hamsters have suggested that the main active principle in this plant, NDGA may be responsible for its action against the formation of gall bladder stones. The animals receiving creosote bush leaves in their diet did not show any signs of cholelitiasis, but, on the other hand, did manifest signs of serious toxicity (Granados and Cardenas, 1994).
    • NDGA and other lignans contained in Larrea tridentata have been found to have microbicidal properties against a variety of bacteria, including: Penicillium, Salmonella, Streptococcus species, as well as Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus (Barnes et al., 2002; Verastegui et al., 1996; Anesini and Perez, 1993).

    The common name Chaparral is also used for the unrelated Species, Pickeringia Montana or Chaparral Pea, a member of the pea/bean family Fabaceae. It shares the same desert habitat of Larrea.

  346. Where “toxicity” of Larrea is concerned, it may well be that the toxin mobilising effects of NDGA are the real cause. It extracts embedded toxins from the tissues and thus puts them into circulation in the blood and lymph, such that the Liver must then process them via glucuronidation to facilitate removal from the system. This is why it qualifies as a detox agent. Because the detox process at a systemic level is still dependent on the Liver with agents like NDGA, EDTA, DMPS or DMSA, dosages must be carefully paced to avoid excessive levels of these chelates. If safe dosages are exceeded, symptoms of toxaemia can manifest – this is known as Herxheimer’s Syndrome. So it may well be that NDGA, which is a Lignan (oligosaccharide), is not toxic itself, but that it can generate a toxic condition if over-used.

  347. Some of the most amazing things I have discovered and drawn fabulous inferences from do not relate directly to cancer medicine, although one stream of these does offer profound potential in medicine. These are in the realm of recent cutting edge research by scientists at the very fringe of currently accepted science – or even beyond it.

    The central focus is on DNA.

    Now, DNA is a polymeric sugar-nucleotide complex – therefore a nucleoside. It is understood even by many laypeople that DNA has the will to survive, evolve and reproduce encoded into it.

    Early revelations I uncovered some seven to ten years ago when researching over-unity effects brought me to the conclusion that Gravity can be generated artificially by creating a zone-separated difference of electric charge density. One can follow up on this stuff by researching “Flux Capacitors” and comparing the phenomenon with the dynamics of any atom or Baryon. They are consistent and the possibility that the phenomenon might be caused by one of the four forces other than Gravity (Electric, Magnetic, Weak Nuclear or Strong Nuclear) was logically and easily eliminated.

    More recently, a reference to charge density came to my attention in literature about DNA and an anticancer agent called Poly-MVA. I followed it up in ever-increasing depth and found several examples of scientific research that provide considerable corroboration without much conflicting data at all; so inevitably, a cascade of realisations occurred in lieu of all this.

    Yes, apparently, DNA can acquire and hold a zone-separated differential of electric charge density. This suggested that DNA should in theory be consequently capable of generating Gravity independently of the natural tendency of its individual atoms and baryons to do so. That was the hypothesis. Would it be static gravitational force, or could emission and/or absorption of gravitational waves also manifest? Was there scientific corroboration to be found for either or both phenomena?

    Oh yes – definitely.

    One of the noteworthy experiments was that in which human corpses were precisely weighed shortly after death and continued to be weighed at intervals over a longer period of time beyond death. It was shown that the weight of these corpses changed independently of their actual mass. The researchers reported something to the effect that, “…The human spirit has been weighed.” I formed the hypothesis that this may not have been the “spirit leaving the body” as such, but the effect of DNA losing electric charge (leakage without recharge) over time following death. That, according to my reasoning, would result in loss of static gravitational force being generated by the DNA.

    Hardly conclusive, of course, but keep in mind the behaviour of flux capacitors which hundreds of hobbyists around the world seem to like playing with. Then couple that with what you often witness when you watch top-level basketball matches. You see players take flying leaps at the hoop and their trajectories through the air appear to defy the earth’s gravity to a degree – gravity should pull them down sooner than it actually does. Their trajectories are slightly longer and slightly flatter than they should be for the velocity at which they travel – for just a very short moment in time. I have done the very same thing, myself on a couple of occasions only, but never so consistently as elite athletes regularly do and not to such an easily observable degree as they do, either. Always in these cases, overdoses of adrenaline are involved. Nervous system activity is dramatically intensified. And something else happens, too. Their perception of the lapsing of time changes, too. These moments in flight seem to happen in slow motion to those who are performing the feat. High jumpers and pole vaulters also use it, together with a finely trained physical discipline of moving one part of the body through a height above the centre of mass with exquisite timing, so that they can clear the bar without the centre of mass attaining the required height for them to do so. But this discipline cannot alter the trajectory of the centre of mass. It’s the former phenomenon which does that.

    OK, so if it’s a valid observation, there must be a mechanism that makes modification of a trajectory possible.

    Enter the next very interesting corroboration – a DNA experiment by Drs. Vladimir Poponin and Peter Gariaev, conducted simultaneously in Russia and the USA. They set up a vaccuum chamber in each location and put a laser beam through it. Predictably, the light was not influenced. Then they placed DNA in the chamber and repeated the laser application. This time, the beam was influenced and inherited a coherent interference pattern. That was also predictable. However, what they did next was to remove the DNA altogether and put the beam through the chamber again. One should expect that the interference pattern should not happen, but it did. Moreover, the laser’s interference pattern persisted for almost a month afterwards in each of several such tests conducted.

    What force caused the interference to persist like that?

    Only one force comes up trumps – the one that can alter the character and topography of Spacetime, itself – Gravity of the static kind. Time was locally dilated within the chamber, for if it were not so, the laser interference pattern should not have manifested at all when the DNA was removed. Therefore, in the converse, Space was locally compressed – a clear gravitational effect.

    OK, so what about Gravity waves? These are generated and propagated by alternating a static gravitational force.

    For a demonstration of that, one needs to look at The Intention Experiment per Dr. Lynne McTaggart. Static Gravity could not have done what occurred in that series of experiments, because cause and effect EVENTS were influenced at the quantum level. Only gravity waves can do that, by being intercepted and absorbed by remote matter-energy systems – but more significantly in this particular case, by minds and the resultant human behaviour. That means ENCODED GRAVITY WAVES. Could DNA have been responsible for manifesting gravity waves that were modulated by INTENTION in this manner? Are human minds influenced by gravity waves encoded with thought? And could it not only explain this, but the observations by quantum physicists that sub-elementary particles routinely pop into existence to be observed as a result of the INTENT to observe them? It is the intent that actually manifests them. Could this explain it?

    Look at the molecular structure of DNA. It’s a long chain polymer, double stranded, with thousands of crosslinks. Its atoms naturally oscillate. It’s an unavoidable consequence of electron activity and resulting recoils in the atoms and in fact, the electron transitions routinely emit wave energies, including some gravitational at the purely atomic or baryonic level. Electrons themselves are the dynamic oscillators – their transitions are what set the waves in motion, or capture incoming waves. The atoms vibrate physically as well as in EM and gravity spectra, because of the physical recoils due to conversion of energy. All of these are retransmitted in some way to other atoms and so on, first within the molecule and then beyond. SO DNA has inbuilt tendency to oscillate. Then if you perceive the two long sugar polymers and the crosslinks, you can see a means of resonating (tuning) the frequencies of those oscillations, because they are of fixed lengths through huge numbers of loops. So it’s like a complex tuned circuit, analogous to what you find in a radio. If you have electronics expertise, then look again and see the powerful analogy with a Phase Locked Loop, because DNA does indeed offer physical characteristics that qualify it very well in this regard – Nature’s own Phase Locked Loop. Here are your carrier frequencies and there could be millions of them, determined by selective separation of the strands and certain select crosslinks – thus changing the combinations of resonances.

    Next, you might want to look at field intensification to strengthen the signal. That requires coiling of the “circuit”. Again, it’s easy. DNA is coiled up in three ways. Its primary coiling is the natural helical twist of the molecule. Its secondary coiling is around spherical protein complexes called Histones. Its tertiary coiling is the way it is wound up into more compact forms called Chromosomes. The signal fields I speak of are naturally intensified three ways all at once. The coils are coiled and the coiled coils are coiled, yet again.

    Modulating the signal outputs from this with brainwaves? Too easy. And Doctors Poponin and Gariaev noted emphatically in their conclusions regarding their “DNA Phantom Effect” experiments that the Holy Grail of Physics – the TOE or Theory Of Everything – cannot be replete without an integration of a sound Theory Of Consciousness. They clearly recognise that Consciousness manifests and is influenced by energy waves.

    So we have a logically plausible explanation for such phenomena as faith healing, telepathy, NLP and “The Law OF Attraction” per Tony Robbins – just about all of that mind power stuff. I’ve conducted experiments in this field, myself. Precognition experiments were only marginally successful, and psychokinesis experiments were something of a flop, but telepathy experiments with rigid controls were nothing less than astounding. And others have conducted much more definitive experiments than I ever could.

    So, there is relevance at this level to healing and other interesting things.

    I have postulated the hypothesis that DNA sits at the very confluence of Biological Life and Consciousness – and in addition, that its energy wave manifestation does not obey the Euclidian laws of spacetime dimensionality as we normally use them to interpret our physical reality here on Earth.

    But here’s another beauty of a revelation. I suspect that many cutting edge astrophysicists and quantum physicists have also come to realise what I have regarding the very nature of the Spacetime Continuum, itself. It is not static like a “solid”, nor even semi-static with a certain “elasticity” like rubber. Were it so, the coherent interference pattern of the laser beam in each “DNA Removed” test would have decayed almost instantly.

    Yet the DNA Phantom Effect persisted for almost a month in each test.

    Look again at the DNA Phantom Effect. Were the vaccuum chambers in America and Russia static? Nope. In Moscow, the vacuum chamber was moving with the Earth’s rotation at about 895 kmh. In the space of almost a month, there was a distance travelled in circles of 300,000 Km. But the Earth travels around Sol at an even greater speed – about 9400 kmh for a distance of about 76,000,000 Km. Ah, but Sol travels around the galaxy at an even greater velocity and the galaxy is travelling somewhere through space at some nominal fraction of the speed of light. If the Continuum were more or less static, then that tiny portion of it within the vacuum chamber would have moved beyond the chamber in a tiny fraction of a second. The chamber could have physically captivated and carried it, because we’re talking about the very medium in which matter exists – what we perceive as “empty space”. So there could not possibly be a persistent residual influence upon Spacetime within the chamber – UNLESS…

    Unless Spacetime were a FLUID, such that the local portion of it within the chamber just happened to be travelling along with the Earth’s motion.

    So Spacetime followed the earth’s motion. Ergo – FLUID medium, much like the earth’s atmosphere, if you want to visualise an analogous substitute model that adequately fits the picture. This then throws up all the possible equivalent effects one observes in Fluid Dynamics – expansion, contraction, density fluctuations, boundary layers, adhesion, Bernoulli Effect, Tolmien-Schlichting Waves, Eddy currents, vortices, direct interaction with matter, flow regimes, flow curvature, shearing effects and so on.

    Bloody magnificent.

  348. Typo erratum: “…the chamber could NOT have physically captivated and carried it…”

  349. IRT – INTEGRATIVE REGULATORY THERAPY – Oasis Of Hope Contreras Hospital


    During February of 2010, I finally got around to doing what I’d intended to do with regard to contacting a Mexican hospital that specialises in cancer treatment. I wrote of that intention somewhere in Cancer’s Answers previously. The intention was to try to obtain information on the available types of treatment and anything they may have in the way of statistics concerning treatment results with their patients. I hoped to be able to compare these with stats from mainstream oncology and was pretty sure that if I actually did get any such stats, they would certainly show better results than mainstream American oncology does. I chose Contreras simply because it was the most widely known and probably the most reputable among the numerous Mexican hospitals (mainly located in Tijuana) that ply the “American cancer tourist trade”. Actually in all honesty, I did not entertain any great expectations of even getting a reply.

    However, on the 6th of March, I found a package in my mailbox from Contreras Hospital – it appeared to contain a book. I took it indoors, opened the envelope and inspected the contents. Yes, it was indeed a book. Nothing else – no letter or anything – just the book titled, “HOPE – Medicine & Healing” by Francisco Contreras, MD & Daniel F. Kennedy, MC (Second Edition,  2009). The sender’s address was interesting, however, because the package was sent from San Diego, California. It appears that Contreras has opened an Oasis Of Hope centre on the northern side of the Mexican border, circa 2006.

    “Well, this is more than I really expected,” I thought of actually having received a book, of all things, “But it just might prove to be a lot more!”

    I settled down to read it without further ado and finished reading it with the dual conclusions that it certainly was a great deal more than I expected and that I would have to write up on it in this Chapter. Indeed, this may well be the most important such article that is ever likely to appear in this Chapter. Such was the quality of what I learned about Contreras Hospital.

    I couldn’t help observing (and not without enjoying the bonus for my ego) the remarkable similarity between Contreras Hospital’s Integrated Regulatory Therapy and my own “Holistically Integrated Cancer Strategy”. They have some smallish differences, but so much in common! Begin with the fact that both are specifically designed from the ground up as comprehensive, fully integrated cancer treatment regimes intended to tackle every possible aspect of cancer and most importantly, the patient as a whole person – not merely the disease. There are comparatively few fully integrated holistic cancer treatment systems in existence at all, even on paper such as mine – far less those like IRT that are actually in full practice. This is more sophisticated than what I previously believed Contreras Hospital to have been doing. Other integrative therapies are listed with overviews in the next subdivision of this Chapter (06G2)

    According to my perceptions, both IRT and HICS have been evidenced by the contents of this book from Contreras to exhibit certain shortcomings. Nothing major – it’s just that both could be improved, each by the design of the other. Well, I wasted no time improving those of my own HICS, guided by what I learned from the book. What now remains is the converse, whereby the aspects of HICS which are not currently shared by IRT and which stand to improve it, may be integrated into IRT at some time in the future. Obviously, that is not something I can do – it is up to Dr. Contreras and his medical staff. However, it is at least possible for me to present suggestions I feel are appropriate to Oasis Of Hope and this I did during late April, 2010.

    HICS now provides for the use of Ozone Therapy in the form of O3-AHT as a preconditioning regimen designed to protect a patient from ill effects of chemotherapy (if used), or indeed any cohort of anticarcinomic agents that might otherwise subject the patient to potential harm resulting from their use and especially from systemic oxidative stress. Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy is an equivalent – pretty much the same thing, to all intents and purposes. Although I still feel chemotherapy is unnecessary in view of the very existence of Acetogenins, that accommodation even extends to more readily embracing the idea of using chemotherapy agents if there is a clear benefit to be had, provided that it satisfactorily adheres to Fundamental Principles in cancer treatment I set down in Chapter Two. Under Contreras design, those fundamentals are adhered to, because Contreras practices under the very same principles. It also recognizes greater value in selective high-dosage of Vitamins A, C, D & K3. Also on the Philosophical side of things, Contreras opened my mind to embrace a redefined concept of success in cancer treatment and the doctor, hospital, patient and support network relationship. Those were two more good things.

    The improvements that IRT stands to gain from the HICS model mainly hinge on using Acetogenins as the principal means of combating resistant cancers, supported with a few other agents, such as Piperine, Cantron, Alsihum and even THC. Acetogenins in particular represent a more decisively effective solution to the problem of resistant cancers than Contreras’s existing approach. IRT could conceivably give stronger emphasis to Detoxification with the likes of Hispidulin, Clinoptilolite and/or EDTA (alternated with mineral supplements!) and might also do well to look at some additional cell differentiatimg agents – particularly Burzynski’s Antineoplastons.

    Inclusion of Meditation into the Emotional and Spiritual Support elements of IRT, together with a non-religious spin option designed for atheistic or agnostic patients who don’t wish to embrace institutional religious beliefs to find inner strength, will also improve it. There are productive alternatives that are just as beneficial to atheists and agnostics as faith in God and Jesus is to Christians. After all, one does not wisely attempt to change a person’s belief system, but instead tries to harness that person’s existing belief for the better. I’m confident the people at Contreras already fully appreciate this, but I suspect they might not yet have such a design tailored for atheists and agnostics.

    IRT might also benefit by expanding the Preconditioning Element’s scope to embrace amelioration and rescue techniques in cases where people have already suffered harm from improper use of orthodox chemotherapy agents before presenting themselves to receive IRT. Actually, it’s at least possible that they already facilitate these measures, since they’d have been treating “terminal” chemotherapy victims from across the border in America for decades, but I’ve got a beauty they could add to their rescue list – Hispidulin – and for that matter, Clinoptilolite is also superlative in this role.

    On the Theory side of things, IRT doesn’t overtly embrace microbial infection as a distinct facet of cancer causality or treatment, but it does fully include measures that are quite satisfactorily adequate to that purpose. Also in theory, it does not appear to embrace an idea that resistant cancers are characterised specifically by MDRCs, or more especially, that Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) are the probable progenitors of MDRCs, thereby accounting for the very much greater aggressiveness of resistant cancers.

    And although there are strong emotional and spiritual support elements in IRT, it is unclear whether IRT includes Meditation and the teaching of it, plus hypnotherapy perhaps, in its emotional and spiritual components. There is mention of “Psychoneuroimmunology” and “Psychoneuroimaging”, which are not unique to Contreras and which do appear to be in the Meditation-style stream.

    Electromedicine in the forms of Infrared, Rife, Lakhovsky or GEIPE Machines is not used by Oasis, either.

    For Oasis Of Hope, it is understood that there are legal considerations where the possible integration of certain treatments into IRT is concerned. Inclusion of Acetogenins should not be a problem, for although not approved in the U.S. by the FDA for specific medical treatment of cancer, that prohibition can be circumvented easily enough by legitimately calling them Dietary Supplements. Rife Machines and other electronic means of treating cancer (or other diseases) are another matter. It is unlikely that Oasis would be able to circumlocute existing prohibitions against these machines, so they are probably not a viable option.

    As a consequence of reading and learning from the book, I resolved to make a future attempt to open some dialogue with Dr. Francisco Contreras, who is incidentally the son of Contreras Hospital’s founder, Dr. Ernesto Contreras. To that end, I wrote to Dr. Contreras via email, but to my disappointment, I did not receive a reply. Still, with Contreras now in California, to say nothing of several other integrative medicine clinics operating across the USA, the cat is now among the pigeons. Whole mainstream cancer research and treatment institutions throughout America must now lift their disgraceful game – they’ve got serious competition they can no longer afford to ignore, if only for the sake of their own declining prestige and public image. It even appears that two of the worst such institutions have already begun to respond in a positive way to the Integrative Medicine influence by at least embracing Complementary Medicine. They are NCI and MSK and whilst they still fall short of the Integrative Medicine standard, at least there are signs of improvement. I am almost beside myself with unholy glee from having learned of this and I want to see how it further develops over the next several years.

  350. About Oasis Of Hope Contreras Hospital And IRT, From The Book, “HOPE – Medicine & Healing”:

    One could take this book I received from Contreras as a sort of handbook about Oasis Of Hope and IRT (Integrative Regulatory Therapy). I’ll cover it chapter by chapter, but will also note here that throughout the book, testimonials appear from fifteen Oasis Of Hope Patients. I have not reproduced these here.

    1. Your Healing Partner For Life.
    Doctor Francisco Contreras here describes assemblage of a support team of “specialists” around a Team Captain, who is none other than the patient. Francisco wrote, “To be invited into a person’s inner circle of confidence in spite of physical, emotional and spiritual vulnerability, is something I take very seriously. I believe that the patient-doctor relationship is sacred. I love the human spirit and I am inspired by the Holy Spirit to be a part of a patient’s support system. I am not afraid to hope for each one of my patients. It is my privilege to hope for those who cannot find the strength to hope for themselves. My resolve comes from the experience and profound example of the Oasis Of Hope founder, my father, Dr. Ernesto Contreras, Sr..”
    Ernesto Contreras set an example to his son, working with patients who considered a cure to be the only acceptable outcome to help them realize that the number of days one lives is less important than how one lives each day. From being able to see only the light at the end of the tunnel, they came also to see the path along the way and the opportunities it offers to live, as distinct from merely surviving. In subtle ways, it helps patients with the realization that mortality is biologically inevitable, whether it be tomorrow, or a hundred years into the future. Therefore, what truly matters in concert with extending one’s longevity where possible, is what one does with one’s tenure as a biological entity. Based upon the faith of Roman Catholicism, the people of Contreras Hospital also believe very firmly in what lies beyond death’s door and overall, they do try to help patients to embrace a more enlightened perspective – a greater vision. And from this perspective emerges the principle that total health means being well in mind, body and spirit.
    When a person is diagnosed with cancer, the tendency is to become socially withdrawn. It’s a counterproductive and antiquated response, rather like what dinosaurs did when they got sick, by waltzing off to the tar pits. The right thing to do is the exact opposite.
    Oasis Of Hope has assembled a phenomenal team of specialists – expert physicians, surgeons, radiologists, nurses having decades of experience with cancer patients and researchers working on new therapies. Nutritionists, physiotherapists, counselors, educators teaching patients how to make lifestyle changes and even prayer partners are on the team. These spheres of expertise are brought together in an environment that strategically intervenes in a patient’s life as the very Oasis that the desert wanderer needs. It isn’t an ordinary hospital and the support provided there is available to patients as needed for life.

    2. Oasis Of Hope
    “Wrap-around care” provides amongst other things for the relief of anxiety that people usually feel when they have a sense of being lost and so there is a focus on inspiring confidence and trust.
    Dr. Francisco Contreras recounts the story of a workaholic father who finally got around to keeping a promise to his son by taking him fishing for a day. The father had big expectations of making the day special for his son, but was greatly disappointed. He wrote in his diary, “Rained like crazy, caught nothing, worst day ever.” Several days later, he happened to see a picture that his son had drawn at school. It showed the two of them fishing in the rain. Below the drawing was written, “Dad and I went fishing. It rained all day and we didn’t catch anything. Best day of my life.”
    Perspective. Every experience is unique to the individual and people experience illness differently, too. It’s why the “one size fits all” approach to treating disease is such a huge failure. On this premise, Oasis Of Hope tailors a treatment program for each individual patient by establishing a close personal connection to the patient, with personal understanding being an important element.
    It includes working to eliminate stress factors, which are factually known to weaken the immune system; contribute to cancer causality; and impede recovery.
    It emphasises care for the whole patient – not just the disease.
    A significant aspect is learning to “live in the now”. And I know from personal experience that you are never more alive than when you’re living in the moment. It is where I love most to be, though I admit it is something that comes more easily to people like myself, who in the psychology science of Jung-Myers-Briggs Personality Typology are known as “Sensing Perceivers” or “Experiencers”. Such people represent about 27% of the population in a developed country. For other people of different dispositions, learning how to do that is a very worthwhile exercise in the whole context of life. It is not just so in cancer therapy alone.
    Dr. Contreras strongly believes in the importance of a firm grounding in Christ. That is of course a Christian outlook, so let’s make allowance for that and translate it to mean “a firm spiritual grounding”, preferably one that embodies the philosophical teachings of Christ or perhaps Buddha, remembering the already mentioned individual perspective thing. I personally agree quite strongly, given that I am not an institutional Christian and I don’t personify God or deify Jesus any more than I deify myself, or you, or anyone else. My personal concept of spirituality differs somewhat from a conventional Christian one. But I know a thing or three about DNA and the “Divine Matrix”, so I know factually that each of us is truly much more than a mere biological entity.
    Therefore, focusing on spirituality in the context of a person’s individual belief system is a valid and tremendously important principle in cancer therapy.

    3. IRT – Integrative Regulatory Therapy

    “The final outcome of a system should be greater than the sum of its parts.”

    IRT comprises eight parts, or elements. They are:
    Oxidative Preconditioning
    Cytotoxic Therapy
    Cell Signal Transduction Therapy
    Redox Regulatory Therapy
    Immune Stimulation
    Diet & Exercise
    Emotional Support
    Spiritual Support

  351. Prior to my studying this book, the only significant elements lacking in my own HICS when compared with IRT was the Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy and the Emotional and Spiritual Support components, although HICS does feature incitements for emotional and spiritual conditioning and includes a meditation module. The closest equivalent HICS had previously to Oxidative Preconditioning was Potentiation Of Cytotoxins using agents such as DMSO or Insulin to target the cytotoxic agents more specifically to malignancies instead of healthy tissues and thereby similarly protect the patient from bad side effects. Well, I liked the idea of preconditioning and Oasis Of Hope also has an admirable working emotional and spiritual support infrastructure operating. These things made perfect sense, so accordingly, I improved the design of HICS – with the credit duly merited to Oasis Of Hope.
    Ah, but I have something I fully intend to offer in return!
    Dr. Contreras swings onto that very issue here – in fact it’s the most critical failure of orthodox oncology and he does broach it very early in this chapter. He uses the rapid evolution of technology to illustrate a point, making analogy of the fact that change happens so fast now that the latest new gadget is already out of date by the time it hits retail shop shelves. In a similar way, cancer cells exhibit an ability to rapidly evolve through mutation and so become resistant to the latest chemotherapy or radiation treatment, which is thereby effectively rendered out of date.
    He describes the last four decades as ones in which researchers have made monumental efforts to examine and understand cancer. They’ve worked hard to learn all they can about the causes of cancer, nature of cancer and the principles that govern the growth and spread of cancer. To this end, they’ve examined tumours and individual cells in every known type of cancer. In laboratories and the halls of medicine, they have attacked cancer with every imaginable tool and substance. They have used hundreds of advanced surgical procedures, a variety of methods to burn malignancies and an arsenal of chemotherapeutic agents to destroy cancer in the most hidden niches of the body. In over 35 years, the medical community has spent hundreds of billions of dollars researching new cancer treatments, but failed to significantly impact the incidence of cancer, or the cancer mortality rate.
    Doctor Contreras asks, “Why is it that the world’s greatest minds, blessed with virtually unlimited funding have struggled to make even the humblest dent in the cancer epidemic?”
    A rhetorical question, for almost every oncologist knows the principal reason and Dr. Contreras answers the question by saying, “One significant factor is that cancers can mutate and become resistant to chemotherapy and radiation. This is especially true, once cancer spreads.”
    He further explains that a patient’s chances of survival are much higher when the cancer is caught early and the tumour is still localised, because it can be totally removed. I would qualify that by adding, “In most cases.”
    Yet by Stage IV, the cancer has spread or metastasised to other organs. Things get complicated and the treatment options can become exceedingly dangerous. Unfortunately, many patients don’t discover they have cancer until it has already reached Stage IV. That is because early-stage cancers don’t present a host of obvious symptoms and are not easily detected. I add, “Except in people who regularly undergo thorough checkups with adequate frequency”.
    So too many people become completely devastated when an oncologist tells them it’s already too late. Now, sometimes these people refuse to accept that and begin their own search for a solution. It usually leads them to discovering alternative therapies of one kind or another.
    Dr. Contreras at this point explains the differences between Orthodox and Alternative cancer therapies. One important thing he notes here is that in Orthodox medicine, the focus is on the disease. In Alternative medicine, the focus is on the patient. The goal of orthodox cancer therapy is tumour eradication. He says that each of the three means of intervention – surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy can be extremely effective when used properly. The same can be said of some new types of intervention not mentioned by Dr. Contreras that are evolving in the orthodox medical stream, such as genetic engineering and HIFU.
    But he also remarks that an ethical oncologist recognises the many shortcomings and failings of conventional therapy. Most people are aware of the negative side effects of these three methods of treatment. Chemotherapies in particular are immunodepressant and kill healthy cells as well as malignant ones. It can take a terrible toll on the patient’s quality of life and in some cases, can actually shorten the patient’s life. Dr. Contreras does not comment quite so openly on the rarity of this ethic in oncology as I do, but he hints at it in a subtle way. He knows as I do that they typically forge ahead with such therapies, even knowing in advance that they are doomed to failure; and further that the side effects practically incapacitate the patient, who is then left without any decent quality of life for whatever survival time remains.
    So, he amplifies on this disadvantage that is even more significant than the side effects and lost quality of life. The cancer cells become resistant to therapy over time. So patients who respond well to therapy at first will find that they no longer respond so well on subsequent treatment cycles.
    Immunosppression by chemotherapy is the second major reason why. These two major problems are the reasons why thousands of people seek alternatives. Considering that about 65% of people with Stage IV breast cancers will survive more than one year and less than 20% will survive longer than five years, it is understandable that so many people want to see if there is another more promising approach. And although I should add here that orthodox researchers are now working harder to develop targeted treatments aimed at resistant cancers that do not cause massive collateral damage, or suppress the Immune System and blood forming organs, they still have a very long way to go.
    The term “Alternative” can mean just about anything under the sun, from Vegan diets or juice regimens to reflexology and magnet therapy. The main belief in alternative medicine is that a person’s Immune System must be boosted to a healthy balance (which is not so in orthodox cancer medicine). Then, the body will heal itself of any illness from heart disease to diabetes to cancer. Juicing, vitamin and mineral supplements, detox and Immune System building all have great merit.
    “God designed the human body with great abilities to heal itself and even has immune system cells that are specifically tasked with killing mutated cells.
    But alternative medicine has many deficiencies, as well, says Dr. Contreras. In my mind, that may depend on precisely what is meant by alternative medicine. But his comments are perfectly valid, as the following shows.
    Just as there are oncologists who know nothing about nutrition (or Biodynamic Balance either, if I may add…), there are many alternative medicine clinics that don’t have oncologists on staff – that is to say, there is no one formally trained in mainstream cancer treatment. There is often also a great lack of clinical trials to support using many alternative medicine treatments.
    According to Dr. Contreras here, the biggest shortcoming of alternative treatments is that many cancers are just too aggressive to respond to purely natural medicines.
    Well, this is the cornerstone of what I propose to contribute towards the improvement of Oasis Of Hope’s IRT, if Dr. Contreras and colleagues have not already adopted this critical element of HICS. That is because in fact, there ARE purely natural medicines that are not only more than powerful enough to deal decisively with most cancers including all the most aggressive ones, but which are also decisively effective against all resistant cancers. Moreover, some of them are not merely adequately powerful enough to compare with the strongest orthodox chemotherapy agents, but are actually a damned sight MORE powerful. Three in particular are, as I have already stated multiple times throughout Cancer’s Answers, the most potent known anticarcinomics on the whole planet, bar absolutely none. One is a BILLION times more potent than Adriamycin against at least one malignant cell line. The other two are a TRILLION times more potent, again being so with at least one malignant cell line. Few cancer cells have resistance to it and those cells cannot be of the aggressive kind, because Acetogenins stop ALL aggressive cancers cold. That’s still not all, because on top of all that, the side effect profile of these substances (Bullatacin, Asiminocin & Trilobacin) and many other similar Acetogenins is miniscule compared with every one of the non-targeted chemotherapy drugs, plus many of the targeted ones and especially MABs. That is because it and other Acetogenins are so incredibly selective that they ARE targeted therapies in their own rights.
    Anyway, back to IRT.
    For years, according to Dr. Contreras, oncologists have criticised alternative medicine doctors and accused many of being scam artists. Alternative doctors fought back, stating that the failure rates of chemotherapy are unacceptable and that the treatments make the patients suffer more than the disease. Of course, I strongly agree. I think they’re life wreckers and butchers.
    The great news is an emerging trend called “Integrative Medicine”. This approach combines all the best therapies into one synergistic whole. Oasis Of Hope is one of the trendsetters, with more than 45 years of experience in integrative cancer treatment. It is followed by Cancer Treatment Centers Of America, with over 25 years and now, major centres such as Memorial Sloan-Kettering, MD Anderson and others are starting to enhance their therapies using complementary medicine.
    Dr. Contreras adds, “Hopefully, these major centers will graduate from Complementary Medicine up to the major league of Integrative Medicine! Oasis Of Hope continues to be in a class of its own, however, because our approach is not just about what treatments we use; it is more about the whole treatment experience that we provide our patients. It’s a beautiful blend of medical competence and caring, of art and science, of faith, hope and love.”
    No mention is made in this Oasis book of the achievements of Burzynski, Livingston-Wheeler and a few other fairly well-known institutions in terms of where they stand in the statistical performance stakes. I’d like to make comparisons, if at all possible.
    “Close to 90% of the patients that come to Oasis Of Hope arrive with late stage cancers. They feel hopeless because they have been told nothing can be done and they should get their affairs in order. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is always hope.”
    Dr. Contreras addresses the reader directly here, by saying, “If you find yourself in these circumstances, please allow me to speak directly to you for a moment. To begin with, you are not a statistic. You are a person living with cancer and there are some options available to you that you may not have heard about. Your natural strengths can help you respond to this threat. Please do not discount the possibility of a miracle in your life.
    “The other thing I want you to know is the field of molecular biology has made a number of significant breakthroughs, helping scientists and doctors understand the nuts and bolts of malignant cells and their behaviour. In addition, the medical community has developed less aggressive chemotherapies and found effective ways to minimise side effects. For more than two decades, I was an outspoken opponent of chemotherapy, but that was only because the treatment made patients suffer and rarely prolonged their lives for a significant amount of time. Chemotherapy by itself is still of little value. However, chemotherapy that is used as one element in an integrative medicine regimen can be extremely effective.”
    There is a brief overview of the synergistic effect of integrating therapies in the way of IRT and then Dr. Contreras gets down to explaining each of the eight elements listed at the beginning of this chapter.

  352. Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy: The first component – when the cells of our bodies are exposed to large quantities of oxidants, a condition called Oxidative Stress occurs and often results in tremendous damage. The body produces a number of natural antioxidants to try and prevent it. Cytotoxic chemotherapy often creates hazardous levels of oxidative stress, not only in the cancer, but also in the healthy tissues. OPT is intended to boost the capacity of the body’s normal tissues to withstand the oxidative stress imposed by chemotherapy. Exposing cells to an acute and repeated mild oxidative stress increases the antioxidant defense system. In Ozone Autohaemotherapy, 200 ml of a patient’s blood is drawn and this is exposed to Ozone and UV light. This treated blood is reinfused into the patient. The reinfused blood contains oxidised compounds, which serve as a signal of oxidative stress to the body’s healthy tissues, reflexively causing them to increase their production of protective antioxidant enzymes. (I think Super-Oxide Dismutase might be one of these.) This therapy ensures that the tissues are in much better condition to withstand the oxidative stress imposed by subsequent chemotherapy. That makes the chemotherapy much more tolerable and simultaneously improves the effectiveness of the chemo.

    Cytotoxic Therapy: This is the second component, which is designed to destroy cancer cells. Coupled with Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy, the cancer killing effects are maximised, while the side effects are minimised.

    Cell Signal Transduction Therapy: This third component uses pharmacy grade vitamin & mineral supplements and safe drugs to target cell signalling pathways in cancer cells. This is designed to make cancer cells easier to kill, while also suppressing their capacity to grow, metastasise and evoke the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumours. The term, “Signal Transduction” refers to the way in which cellular proteins undergo small and usually reversible changes in their structure, to induce alterations in cell behaviour. Genetic material in cancer cells is typically altered by mutation in ways that over-activate intracellular signalling pathways that promote unregulated growth and spread of malignancies; or that make them harder to kill by the immune system, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Cell Signal Transduction Therapy seeks to inhibit these overactive signaling pathways, making cancers easier to kill and control.

    Redox Regulatory Therapy: This fourth component selectively targets tumour sites with intense levels of oxidative stress. The therapy is designed to attack tumour cells only and present no harm to healthy tissue. The combination of high-dose Vitamin C therapy (I suspect in concert with Vitami K3), coupled with Ozone Autohaemotherapy and the oxygen carrier Perftec achieves this effect. It can hold tumour growth at bay while boosting the killing effect of concurrent cytotoxic therapy.

    Immune Stimulation Therapy: This fifth component is designed to aid the Immune System’s ability to attack cancer by optimising the function of Natural Killer Cells and Cytotoxic T-Cells. The therapy employs a two-pronged approach. The first involves using natural products that boost the function of the Immune System. The second involves the use of substances that block mechanisms the tumours use to suppress the Immune System.

    Diet & Exercise: This sixth component is significant improvement with regard to diet and exercise. World evidence for the preventive and curative use of diets low in fats and animal proteins is compelling. In addition, the preventive and curative benefits of regular aerobic exercise is widely acknowledged. More recent research suggests these strategies may also help to slow the growth and spread of many pre-existing cancers. Prudent advice on diet and lifestyle is a key component of therapy at Oasis Of Hope. Personally I advocate some variations to the diet constituency, because fat consumption is not such a major issue, even of saturated ones. The Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are particularly important and so are all kinds of Cholesterols. You need them. What is desirable is to limit consumption of high GI (Glycaemic Index) carbohydrates such as Glucose, Sucrose, Wheat and Corn Starches; to maintain a healthy sensitivity to Insulin and avoid producing surplus of it (because this stuff stimulates lipid cells to convert carbohydrates into fats – and plenty of exercise is a major Insulin regulator); plus good levels of endogenous antioxidants that prevent Cholesterols from oxidising. If Cholesterols don’t oxidise, they don’t precipitate on blood vessel walls and you don’t get arteriosclerosis. These things may not relate directly to cancer, but they DO relate directly to your general constitutional health and that in turn has an important influence in the malignancy equation.

    Emotional Support: The seventh component is the development of an emotional support structure, not only at the hospital but at home, as well. Cancer can tax the strongest individual. Energy is required to learn about the illness, embrace treatment and alter lifestyle. It creates a need for an external emotional support system to strengthen and refresh the patient. No doubt, this includes helping the patient come to terms with anger, sorrow, loneliness and any other emotional states that could affect their ability to combat the disease. I imagine quite easily that this would involve measures to improve the patient’s focus on positive things, such as the love of family and friends, as well as to help assemble the right people around the patient in the form of a support network and even to show them how best to provide that needed support. Overall, this component has a powerful impact on the program.

    Spiritual Support: The eighth component concerns development of spiritual security. There’s no question that fear and anxiety produced by the spectre of death and insecurity regarding the afterlife have a significant impact on a patient’s overall physical and emotional state. Oasis Of Hope seeks to provide avenues for patients to develop the hope, peace and security that stems from a healthy relationship with God. This, too, positively impacts a patient’s ability to engage in the whole process of disease management. As I remarked earlier, there is no mention of equivalent strategies for augmenting outlooks of atheist or agnostic people in a spiritual sense, although since Contreras has treated many people of non-Christian faiths with similar success, there is a suggestion that they must have something appropriate for such people in their IRT design. This segment of the chapter also speaks of the changeability of the cancer condition, such that treatments, which work quite well initially, may not do so well subsequently. Therefore, the whole must be confronted from every possible direction and strategies must be adaptable to the changing conditions. I might also add, though once again, it is not mentioned in the Contreras text, that people who are affected by closet skeletons such as feelings of guilt will have difficulty coming to terms with combating cancer at the best possible levels until they also come to terms with the skeletons. Here again, the spiritual support component of IRT can make a tremendous difference. For certain reasons of my own, I don’t separate the emotional and spiritual components of an integrated therapy. Contreras addresses the Emotional side separately from the Spiritual in the belief that the first comes from within, whilst the second comes from God. In my belief, it is more difficult to distinguish between such aspects in relation to emotion, spirituality, thought, faith, intent and the Divine. I believe instead that human consciousness at a certain level IS a slice of God – an individualised part of a tremendous collective consciousness. The stuff of miracles can be brought about by joining the “internal, individual” Subconscious and Conscious with the greater “external, collective” Superconscious, through using mental disciplines like Meditation, NLP, Manifesting and “Quantum Jumping”. By doing so, such as in Prayer, for example, one can “talk to the Universe (or God)” and derive great inspiration. In simple terms, I think of the Superconscious as the “Mind of the Universe” and the Universe and everything in it as the “Body of God.” However, which belief system is “factually correct” is unimportant. What truly matters is that any such set of beliefs can be harnessed equally well to achieve the same designs – mind over self, mind over body, mind over matter and even mind over reality. It is the very stuff of True Peace and of Miracles.

  353. 4. People Get Ready

    This chapter goes into greater detail about the Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy. It indicates that direct infusion of Ozone into the body is a hazardous undertaking. But by infusing it into small amounts of extracted blood and allowing it to react to produce the oxides before it is reintroduced into the body, the hazards are eliminated and the oxides then do the job of signalling the body’s defensive mechanisms to produce the desired antioxidants. These will then serve to protect healthy tissues from oxidative damage by chemotherapy drugs in the following treatment phase called Cytotoxic Therapy. The procedure is repeated several times and has an excellent safety profile – virtually free of side effects. That is because the body’s tissues are not exposed to Ozone, but instead only to the oxides produced by the Ozone. These are in themselves harmless, but they signal oxidative stress, so the system reacts to them defensively as it would to the Ozone itself. But there is something more, as reported by Professor Richard A. Lerner MD, Associate Professor Paul Wentworth PhD and their research team in a 2002 article published in the prestigious journal, Science. The article was titled, “Evidence For Antibody-Catalyzed Ozone Formation in Bacterial Killing and Inflammation”. Ozone may be part of a previously unrecognised killing mechanism that enhances the defensive role of antibodies, by allowing them to subject pathogens to Hydrogen Peroxide. This may allow the antibodies to participate directly in the killing of pathogens. The research opens up exciting possibilities for new antibody-mediated therapies for conditions ranging from bacterial and viral infection to cancer. If Ozone is indeed produced naturally by the human immune system, even skeptics have conceded this would give tremendous credibility to the concept of Ozone as a medical treatment. My own take on this is that the body probably does not produce Ozone within, except perhaps in the skin under exposure to UVB radiation. Instead, I perceive that Ozone introduced into the system will dissociate into O2 and O singlets. The singlets will either oxidize certain other substances in the system, or reassociate with H2O to form H2O2. In other words, it creates Hydrogen Peroxide. Furthermore, Hydrogen Peroxide IS in fact produced endogenously – for example, by Vitamin C in malignant tissues. It is for this reason that Hydrogen Peroxide is an equivalent therapy to Ozone. The philosophy behind Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy is, “Better prepared – better armed.” Here, I would like to add that such therapies, even by working against bacterial and viral infection alone, will have a definite effect against cancer.

    5. The Case For Chemotherapy

    This chapter expands upon the description of Cytotoxic Therapy. While speaking of a case for Chemotherapy when used as part of an integrated regimen that includes protective preconditioning, he first discusses the shortcomings and failures of chemotherapy when it is used exclusively. He notes that gene transcription errors in healthy tissue regeneration are normal and happen all the time. However, the body has inbuilt mechanisms to deal with this phenomenon, so there is usually no problem. There are genes that suppress mutation and the Immune System cleans up mutated cells. So it’s when these corrective mechanisms fail that cancerous cells develop. Then he moves on to mention that the earliest chemotherapy drugs were developed from the chemical warfare agent, Mustard Gas. Right from the outset, there was a problem with risk versus benefit. He then tells of 1971, when Richard Nixon teamed with NCI to declare war on cancer and instituted the National Cancer Act. In the following ten years, big strides were apparently made with some cancers. Successes were:
    Choriocarcinoma, 90%
    Burkitt’s Lymphoma (Stage I), 90%
    Testicular Carcinoma (Stage II-III), 70-90%
    Childhood Sarcomas (w/ radiation & surgery), 70-90%
    Nodular Mixed Lymphoma, 75%
    Childhood Lymphomas, 75%
    Diffuse Histiocytic Lymphoma, 70%
    Acute Lymphocytic Leukaemia, 60%
    Hodgkin’s Disease (Stage III & IV), 60%
    In the cases of these particular cancers, Dr. Contreras indicates that he recommends the chemotherapy protocol that has yielded those results and no doubt improves upon them in the scheme of IRT. However, many of these cancers are quite rare and nothing significant was developed for many more common and more dangerous cancers. Also after that first decade, chemotherapy’s success seemed to stagnate. For the most common cancers (lung, breast, prostate, colon, stomach, pancreas, bladder, ovary, head, neck, etc.), which account for close to 90% of cancer deaths in the industrialised world; clinicians agree that chemotherapy is of little help.
    This was confirmed by biostatistician, Dr. Ulrich Abel of Heidelberg University.
    And Dr. Albert Braverman, Professor of Haematology and Oncology at New York State University stated that no solid tumour, which was incurable in 1976 became curable by 1991.
    Publishing in Lancet, he wrote, “The time has come to cut back on the clinical investigation of new chemotherapeutic regimens for cancer and to cast a critical eye on the way chemotherapeutic treatment is now being administered.”
    John Bailar III is described as no ordinary scientist with an endless list of credentials and credits.
    He wrote, “…cancer program is in big trouble” and “…35 years of intense effort focused on improving treatment must be judged as a qualified failure.”
    In the medical journals specialising in cancer, more than 1.5 million articles are about chemotherapy. Surprisingly, the bulk of the studies report success. They cite successes in petri dishes, guinea pigs and even patients in controlled clinical trials. Meanwhile, in cancer wards around the world, patients are dying at ever-increasing rates. Dr. Contreras says the news is not all bad. In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that the five-year survival rate for cancer patients improved from 50% in 1971 to 63% in 2003.
    I say, “Big deal!”
    And although Chemotherapy would have played a role, data is insufficient to credit chemotherapy alone for that improvement. Many of the “successes” touted for chemotherapy amount to an average survival improvement of only three months. It calls into question the whole existing definition of “success”. FDA defines an effective chemotherapy treatment as one that achieves a 50% or greater reduction in measurable tumour mass for 28 days. It does not assess whether disease progression is halted or life is prolonged. To the Oncologist, effectiveness is defined by the degree to which a therapy can be endorsed without fear of legal repercussion.
    John C. Bailar wrote, “We have given it our best effort for decades: billions of dollars of support, the best scientific talent available. It hasn’t paid off.”
    Dr. Contreras speaks of having written on the subject himself for years and still feels that chemotherapy, if used as the primary weapon against cancer, is wrong and generally bad for the patient. He cites three things he calls undeniable facts, though I must add here that none are absolute facts and preferably should be qualified. Well, in a handbook for the layperson, they are admittedly quite adequate as they are. They are that:
    1. Chemotherapy tears down tumours fast;
    2. Cancer cells mutate in ways that make them resistant to chemotherapy; and
    3. Chemotherapy is toxic and causes serious side effects.
    In view of the speed with which toxic chemotherapy drugs can tear tumours down and in Dr. Contreras’s belief that no natural, non-toxic therapies can do that, he states that there is a legitimate place for chemotherapy in IRT as a secondary weapon (and I presume, a conditional one). In my personal view, it might only have depended upon the relative urgency of the patient’s condition IF it did not already require a certain amount of time to put the Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy into effect before administering chemotherapy. Since it does, the relative speed at which chemotherapy works becomes moot in the light of the slightly slower, yet still much more potent efficacy of Acetogenins. These take a couple of days’ administration to begin having significant effect, but can get a big head start on chemotherapy, because they do not require time spent on preconditioning, owing to their very high specificity to cancer tissues. I feel it still might leave a place in an integrated system for chemotherapy and certainly for new-generation TKIs, but I don’t otherwise warrant it to be a big role. What I do warrant is that all other treatment options should be fully explored BEFORE any chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery is resorted to. Meanwhile, in less urgent cases, the preconditioning is a great thing to do, even prior to commencing with Acetogenins. It would dramatically improve the dosage rate and duration of treatment with them, providing extra protection to even further reduce any risk of neurodegeneration.
    Back to chemotherapy drugs: a mildly toxic one may destroy 99% of a moderately aggressive cancer, but the surviving 1% often mutates into a highly aggressive cancer that no longer responds to mildly toxic drugs. So drug manufacturers have allegedly had to develop a second and even third line of drugs, with each new line having increased toxicity and predictably more dangerous side effects. Tolerance to chemo varies widely. Some people die from exposure to the least aggressive chemotherapy drugs, whilst other people experience zero adverse reactions, even to drugs that are so toxic that those administering them must wear rubber gloves. Dr. Contreras lists many of the side effects typically caused by chemo drugs and states that a most dreaded one is Mucositis. It’s an inflammation of the mucous membranes in mouth and stomach that can lead to dangerously life-threatening diarrhoea and bleeding. Actually, knowing of several chemo drugs that cause Mucositis, I still didn’t imagine it could become that serious, but I do now.
    Anyway, Dr. Contrearas asks:
    “What if there were ways to….
    1. Leverage (potentiate) the cancer killing potential of chemotherapy;
    2. Re-sensitise resistant tumours to mildly toxic chemotherapeutic drugs; and
    3. Protect healthy cells from the onslaught of chemotherapy, thus reducing side effects to a minimum?”
    He follows this up with discussions on doing just that, citing new discoveries, the use of natural nutrients in a variety of roles (as I, myself advocate) for protection, re-sensitisation, selective suppression or antisuppression and so on. In the use of chemotherapy drugs at Oasis Of Hope by qualified oncologists, two things distinguish it from oncology everywhere else. The first is the protective preconditioning therapy. The second is an umbrella of protection they create around their patients.
    Dr. Contreras quite rightly observes a serious contradiction in the existing orthodox benchmarks of success in cancer treatment. He states that much of the medical community is entrenched in thinking that deems a treatment successful, merely because it reduces the size of a tumour. Many such treatments shrink tumours, but do not extend the life of the patient, or secure quality of life for the patient.
    That is not success, or it is a meaningless success, at best, according to Dr. Contreras. I wholeheartedly agree.
    Likewise, there are many in the medical community that would deem a treatment ineffective or a failure, merely because although it extends life and/or improves quality of life, it does not result in significant reduction of tumours. That is not failure. It is a meaningful, if limited or qualified success. Again, I wholeheartedly agree, although I definitely prefer an unqualified success! I don’t doubt for a second that Dr. Contreras feels likewise.
    He recounts the following to illustrate this.
    “This whole concept became crystal clear to me when I accompanied my father to a prestigious cancer treatment center in New York to review his cases.”
    I suspect he refers to Memorial Sloan-Kettering, but Dr. Contreras diplomatically refrains from naming the institution.
    He continues, “My dad put a number of X-rays up for review but the oncologists were confused, if not annoyed. My dad’s patients still had tumours. One oncologist said, ‘Your treatment has failed! The patient still has a tumour. Let me show you one of my patient’s X-rays.’ The oncologist put up before and after films and explained, ‘See, the tumour is gone. Now, that is success.’ My father exclaimed, ”That is wonderful! How is the patient, now?’ The oncologist replied, ‘The patient died soon after the treatment.’ My father stated, ‘My patient is still alive after five years even though there is some cancer left.’ The oncologist said, ‘That is still a failure’. This experience with my father helped me redefine our treatment goals. Tumour destruction would no longer be sufficient. We would fight to help our patients live longer and stronger.”
    I wish to point out here that with that particular oncologist’s way of thinking being so common in orthodox cancer medicine, you shouldn’t wonder why I call them butchers, quacks and poison peddlers. These people must be eradicated from the system – they are themselves cancerous.

  354. 6. Regulating Healthy Cell Behaviour

    This chapter expands upon the basic description of Cell Signal Transduction Therapy. The behaviour of our body’s cells is tightly regulated to ensure that each cell acts in a way that supports the health of the whole body. But acquired alterations of a cell’s genetic material can disrupt the intricate internal mechanisms that govern cell behaviour, causing the cell to multiply and spread in ways that are detrimental or even lethal to the body. These rogue cells form the basis of cancer. The last several decades has seen molecular biology gradually unravel the way in which the cells work. “Signal Transduction” refers to the way in which cellular proteins undergo small and usually reversible changes in their structure to induce alterations in cell behaviour. Genetic material in cancer cells is typically altered in ways that overactivate intracellular signal transduction mechanisms, specifically, the ones related to the malignant behaviour of cancer. Some of these prevent the process of apoptosis as well as support cellular multiplication, tissue invasion and metastasis; and the resistance to being killed by cytotoxic agents or radiation. Cell Signal Transduction Therapy seeks to regulate the signalling pathways in cancer cells to make them kill and control. This approach involves the use of nutrients, phytochemicals derived from plants and some currently available drugs to suppress signal transduction that promotes abnormal cell behaviour; and also to enhance signal transduction that promotes healthy cell behaviour. Among the substances used at Oasis Of Hope are Omega-3 Fatty Acids from fish oil, Silibinin, Green Tea Extract (containing EGCG & other Phenols), Boswellic Acids, Salsalate, Diclofenac and Disulfiram.
    There is a dissertation at this point in the book on NF-Kappa-Beta and its multiple roles in carcinogenesis; and upon those of Cox-2, EGF-R, 5-LPO, IGF-1and VEGF. Of course, it discusses ways of regulating them and the mechanisms involved, describing how using these various nutrients, safe drugs and phytochemicals actually work. Although I do not reproduce those details here, they are mainly consistent with other research findings I have made and mainly utilise substances that I typically endorse in HICS. Many of these are detailed in other parts of Cancer’s Answers – the Synoptic List, specialised agents lists and in several chapters on Alternative Medicine.
    Significant ones are Omega-3, Silibinin, EGCG, other Phenols (Flavonoids, etc.) and Boswellic Acids.
    Salsalate is a safer equivalent of Aspirin; Diclofenac is a pharmaceutical Cox-2 anti-inflammatory drug commonly marketed as Voltaren, that has relatively minor impact on Cox-1 (I have used this drug to control tendonosis in a shoulder joint to moderate benefit without any ill effects); and Disulfiram, a pharmaceutical inhibitor of NF-Kappa-Beta and proteasomes. These are protein enzymes that break proteins down. They are responsible for degrading a particular protein that inhibits NF-Kappa-Beta activation. Disulfiram renders cancer cells less aggressive and more susceptible to eradication and is apparently fairly well tolerated in the usual clinical doses. I endorse all of these except that I have some reservations about Salsalate because although safer than Aspirin, it can still increase risk of internal haemorrhage; Diclofenac in certain patients because it increases risk of heart attack; and Disulfiram because I have not extensively researched it. It happens that there are many other agents that will perform similar roles.

    7. A Balance Of Give And Take

    This chapter expands upon the Redox Regulatory Therapy. Redox is jargon for Reduction/Oxidation – the chemical reaction process of losing or gaining electrons and the normally resulting recombination of elements or compounds into new chemical compounds. This therapy is about selectively regulating activities of free radicals to ensure a good balance. Free radicals (whether reductive or oxidative) can be damaging or beneficial, depending on location, concentration and other variables. Chronic imbalance can result in such conditions as Oxidative Stress. The therapy includes selectively inducing intolerable levels of oxidative stress in cancer tissues – H2O2 is very effective in this regard when directly introduced to tumours, but intravenous infusion takes it via the blood, where antioxidant components might neutralise some of it. It is also hazardous, when directly infused to the blood in high concentrations, as is true with Ozone. That approach yields somewhat limited benefit at safe concentrations and too much systemic toxicity at higher levels.
    Thus, amongst other things, the therapy includes high-dose Vitamin C, supplemented with Vitamin K3. These break down in cancer tissues to produce Hydrogen Peroxide right there inside the tumours and it is becoming apparent that H2O2 has a natural part to play in human biochemistry – it is produced and used by the body in certain circumstances. Ozone therapy via O3-AHT is also used in this phase of treatment.
    These treatments don’t always work, since some tumours for example can produce larger amounts of Catalase and so neutralise more H2O2.
    Another possible failure can result from lack of Oxygen in the malignant tissues, but this too can be overcome by enriching Oxygen supply and this introduces a new synthetic Porphyrin compound called Perftec. It does nothing but carry and release Oxygen, just as Haemoglobin does.
    Other kinds of supplements to assist the effectiveness are electron transfer catalysts.
    Incidentally, the Vitamin C is infused intravenously. Oral ingestion, even in high doses, is ineffective. It was by administering lower doses and by doing so orally that C. G. Moertel of Mayo Clinic contrived in NCI-sponsored clinical trials to discredit Linus Pauling’s work with Vitamin C. 30 years later, clearly verified science is coming to light in powerful support of Dr. Pauling. Vitamin C trials are not the only ones that Moertel and Mayo Clinic deliberately fudged, either. Who should be surprised?

  355. 8. Internal Security Team

    This chapter expands upon the Immune System Stimulation element of IRT. It discusses the function of the Immune System and a number of substances used at Oasis Of Hope to enhance its function, or to overcome the immunosuppressant agents that malignancies produce to protect themselves against immune response.
    Dr. Contreras introduces Melatonin, a substance that is listed in my Synoptic List as a hormone that stimulates immune activity. According to Dr. Contreras, a simple breakdown of what it does is to stimulate Dendritic Cells to produce greater amounts of Interleukin-2. NK & T-Cells are activated as a result.
    Probiotics consisting of special strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are another important element and again, they activate NK & T-Cells from within the gut. This is because the Dendritic Cells recognise the polysaccharides making up the bacterial external membranes as foreign material produced by invading bacteria. They respond appropriately.
    Supplemental Selenium is used. It sparks an increase in the capacity of NK & T-Cells to express more receptors for Interleukin-2. When this happens, they grow in greater abundance.
    Cimetidine is an anti-ulcer drug that Oasis Of Hope Hospital also uses as an immunosupportive agent that stimulates NK & T-Cells, but also reduces the risk of metastasis in many cancers.
    Doctor Contreras doesn’t mention other types of polysaccharides such as those in mushrooms or certain seaweeds, be they Glucans, Mannans, Fructans or Lignans; the powerful androgen DHEA, or Tuftsin (a tetrapeptide); but he does mention Silibinin, a Flavonolignan from Blessed Milk Thistle. All of these are immunomodulators.
    The other half of the immunomodulation equation is that of overcoming immunosppressors. Tumours use these to survive against the action of the Immune System. One mechanism cancer cells use to suppress the Immune System is a special cell called a T-reg Cell. These are special lymphocytes that often colonise tumours and kill or disable attacking immune cells by producing immunosuppressive factors. My personal belief is that these are probably microbe-infected T-Cell lymphocytes. Metronomic Chemotherapy, as it is called, is extremely useful for controlling T-reg Cells. They are exquisitely sensitive to being killed by small doses of chemotherapy drugs. The doses are too small to harm other immune cells, or cause other side effects. This is a rare case where chemotherapy actually helps to boost the immune system’s function, instead of suppressing it.
    Diclofenac is used to inhibit production of an enzyme called Cox-2. This is commonly produced by cancer cells and in turn, it produces immunosuppressive compounds called Prostaglandins. Cox-2 also causes inflammation, which is why Diclofenac is used as an anti-inflammatory. It assists the Immune System by blocking the tumour’s Cox-2 immune suppression mechanism.
    Caffeine is used because Adenosine is an immunosuppressant produced in many tumours, especially in poorly oxygenated regions. The energising effects of Caffeine are evidence of Caffeine’s ability to block the activation of Adenosine receptors in the brain. I surmise that Theobromine and Theophylline from Cacao (Chocolate) may do the same. Caffeine has the same potential in tumours, offsetting the immunosuppressive effects of Adenosine.
    I indicated that Dr. Contreras didn’t mention the use of certain seaweeds (like Kombu) as immunomodulators, but Oasis Of Hope does use Arthrospira bacteria (Spirulina) in an anti-immunosuppressive role.
    The moderately oxidative environment found in many tumours is extremely toxic to NK & T-Cells, impairing their tumour killing capabilities and even killing them. Most of this oxidative stress is generated by a specific enzyme complex. A key phytonutrient found in Spirulina is a Pyrrole related to Porphyrins called Phycocyanobilin. It’s a potent inhibitor of that specific immunosuppressive enzyme complex that creates oxidative stress and is produced in tumours. Phycocyanobilin gets at the root of oxidative stress. Spirulina also contains polysaccharides that stimulate the Immune System and can act directly on some cancer cells to slow their growth and spread. Further, it interferes with angiogenesis, so Spirulina acts in four ways.

    9. Healing Foods And Motion

    This chapter expands on the Diet and Exercise components of IRT. It happens that a lot of people acting on the guidance of various weight loss gurus still fail to lose weight and keep it off. Many people are also under the illusion that they “know” enough about good nutrition to maintain good health. And the media bombards us with this and that diet, etcetera, etcetera. The actual concepts are more complex. Oasis Of Hope knows something most of us don’t. It’s Insulin. Now, the presence of two hormones – Insulin and its related compound, Insulin-like Growth Factor-1, directly correlate to the incidence of some cancers. Controlling levels of these hormones is one of the more important aspects of an anticancer regimen.
    There is also a correlation of risk for most cancers with the proportion of dietary calories provided by animal products. An ongoing study in rural China conducted by Cornell University spanning more than 20 years involved people who ate a primarily plant-based diet. The study revealed a big difference in cancer incidence amongst these people when compared with people in western industrialised countries.
    What is indicated by Dr. Contreras here is that animal proteins, animal fats, processed sugars and white flour boosts production of these two hormones. At Oasis Of Hope, high levels of these hormones in the bloodstream have been linked to the rapid multiplication of mutated cells.
    Therefore, the connection is clear. They block the natural process of cell apoptosis. This assertion was verified by a UCLA study employing the Pritikin Diet-exercise program. Where physical activity is concerned, its impact upon cancer treatment was powerfully illustrated in recent studies of women with breast cancer. Breast cancers are very sensitive to Insulin activity and women with high levels of Insulin have a far poorer prognosis than those with low levels. Other studies have also demonstrated that daily aerobic exercise improves insulin sensitivity. The effect is a substantial reduction in the risk of breast and colorectal cancer mortality of 50% or more.
    Furthermore, it has a favourable impact on the Immune System’s function and is beneficial prior to, or even during cytotoxic treatment like chemotherapy. It tends to counteract the fatigue that often associates with such therapies and thus improves the quality of life. IRT encourages patients to make lifestyle changes with regard to diet and exercise, which reduce the levels of Insulin and free IGF-1. A Vegan or quasi-Vegan diet of mostly vegetables, whole grain and fruits with fish oil is best. For those who find it too great a change, a “Mediterranean” diet is a good intermediate stage.
    Moreover, certain vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, onions and garlic cause the body’s cells to produce higher levels of antioxidants.
    Spirulina is essential. I also recommend DHEA, the tetrapeptide Tuftsin and also mushrooms, like Coriolus, Agaricus, Reishi, Maitake & Shiitake, plus Kombu seaweed, if you can get it; plus of course, those probiotic bacteria. All these promote stronger Immune System activity in response to their polysaccharide or other “foreign” constituency, even though they are themselves benign; or else they act in other ways to enliven immune activity.
    Oasis Of Hope will educate patients thoroughly in all these matters, including a huge range of other foods not mentioned here. Once a week at the hospital, the staff prepares a cultural food festival, celebrating cuisine and culture from one of the world’s countries. The dining hall has been turned into a slice of Spain, Mexico, Germany, Japan, China, Italy and many other countries on different occasions. Enjoyment that the patients find in these social mealtimes is also very therapeutic.
    The remainder of this chapter contains recipes. When it becomes possible, I will endeavour to reproduce these in the appropriate appendix of Cancer’s Answers. I will also add here that there is an apparent compatibility conflict with IPT (Insulin Potentiation Therapy) and IHT (Insulin-induced Hypoglycaemic Therapy).

  356. 10. A Healthy Perspective

    This chapter expands on the Emotional Support component of IRT.
    Dr. Contreras opens this chapter with a description of something he observed himself when watching television. A 6′ 3″ tall Indian Guru, using his mind over body discipline, squeezed himself into a 2′ by 2′ by 2′ glass box. We often hear of people walking on burning coals and various other strange happenings. Elsewhere in Cancer’s Answers, I also cite such cases as the Medicineless Miracle performed by three Buddhist Avatars in a Chinese hospital, where they made a large tumour disappear in 2 ½ minutes; and Russian Scientist Poponin’s discovery of the DNA Phantom Effect. These phenomena must surely force us to reassess what we usually tend to think of as “impossible”.
    I want to point out in further support of the Contreras principle of applying both Emotional and Spiritual Support in IRT, that it has been proven by molecular biologists that mood hormones produced in the brain’s Hypothalamus directly influence the tightness of DNA helical twist. This in turn directly influences the way in which the DNA is able to separate for RNA transcription, due to torsional stress. That in turn governs cellular behaviour. In short, negative emotion begets negative results and positive emotion begets positive results.
    In light of this, I would actually like to see Oasis Of Hope enhance their Emotional Support program further by integrating Meditation into it, if it is not already in use. Certainly, they do use Prayer, which is a form of Meditation, but the more strings on the bow, the better. It is not hard to teach the methodology and for some people (though not all), Hypnotherapy offers similar benefits. Well, perhaps they do apply this science already in some way, since Dr. Contreras mentions Psychoneuroimmunology and Psychoneuroimaging.
    One thing is certain. Oasis Of Hope definitely appreciates and works to harness the power of the human mind, particularly at the subconscious level, through which it all becomes possible. He illuminates the power of perspective in this chapter and emphasises that one should not shoulder the burden alone. It is true that when other minds and hearts are with the patient and working with the patient towards a common goal, the effect is amplified tremendously. Contreras also teaches patients to deal more comfortably with other people whose empathy does not affect them positively. So many people are uncomfortable in the presence of a person living with cancer and find difficulty relating to the patient in the right kinds of positive ways. That can rub off on the patient and have negative effects, such as social withdrawal. Oasis teaches how to adjust one’s outlook, how to focus on the positives, how to surround one’s self with the right people and how to perceptually filter out the negative feedback.

    11. True Hope, True Healing

    This chapter expands upon the Spiritual Support component of IRT.
    Now, at Contreras, this is framed mainly around spirituality in the mainstream Roman Catholic perspective. Therefore, there is a focus upon the principle that, “Everything that takes place in the physical world is a reflection of what happens in the spiritual world.” This also holds true across almost every other religion and among the beliefs of many Agnostics, too. “If you are filled with the fruit of the Spirit (love, peace, joy, gentleness, goodness, faith, temperance and so on), your spirit will be balanced and healthy. If you suffer from hatred, discord, jealousy, rage, selfishness or lack of forgiveness, then you have issues to work through to restore your spiritual health.” So Oasis helps patients to take a moment to evaluate their spiritual lives. People need to consider the physiological impact of choosing to live in a manner that creates spiritual disequilibrium (imbalance). The Oasis approach encourages patients to:
    Evaluate their relationship with God;
    Acknowledge areas in need of healing;
    Seek direction and healing from God;
    Embrace their true identity in Christ;
    Establish a Godly purpose for living;
    Forgive others including themselves;
    Adopt Godly thoughts and behaviours.
    Even I, a supposedly godless heathen, acknowledge the significance of all these things – I merely interpret them a little differently, while retaining their essence of intent. And don’t worry – Oasis, whilst unashamedly Christian, welcomes people of all persuasions and makes them feel at home and cared for, without forcing their belief upon anyone. This chapter is concluded with Dr. Contreras speaking of Eternal Healing. In the scheme of this, the erasure of the fear of death and the emplacement of a faith in what lies beyond our corporeal phase of life both have their parts to play in IRT.


      1.You are now stretching any figment of reality here. “Tumours disappearing” – THIS IS COMPLETE CRAP .




    “A non meat containing diet” – you mean “vegetarian” presumably………… thick can you be trying to be clever…………..Jesus……..


    Honestly I have never read such utter unadulterated fiction and shite in all my life.The reason you are ignoring as it is a fly in the ointment is if you are going to try an con people pretend that you have done research and have theories when in fact all you have is absolute made up CRAP

    Vibrating DNA imaginary chemicals, fake theories , disappearing tumours diets, vitamins, pseudo scientific mumbo jumbo when you know precisely FUCK ALL

  359. Some Newtonian wisdom from the farm…..

    If you walk into a farm paddock and find a nice, half-dried clod of animal dropping – just firm enough that you can handle it and throw it – you should toss it up into the air just as high as you can.

    If it falls to the ground and goes SPLAT, you’ll know it’s cow shit.

    If you then take another clod of similar consistency and repeat the experiment, but it DOESN’T come down – well, that’s bullshit.

    • Is that really the best you can come up with after pages of fucking utter bullshit…. No proof no papers no evidence …. Just a book that arrives on your doorstep and hey presto …. More and more fucking utter shit

  360. Brainstorm!

    I shall create the ultimate miracle cure-all for everything.

    All I need is the right ingredients.

    Firstly, I will force-feed a cat with lots of citrus, mucilage, prune juice and so on. Very clever herbal treatment… The extract from the cat’s valiant efforts shall become the first magical ingredient and it shall be called “Catchit”.

    Secondly, I shall go fishing and store the pescatori in a warm environment for – oh, a week or so should do it. From this, I will derive the finest aromatic essences and I shall call this concentrate a “Metic”.

    I surely must add the rich essence yielded by wriggly things in a piece of roadkill and call it “Maggik”.

    Simply can’t overlook going to Hong Kong, there to retrieve the exotically fragrant essence from the bilges of a Chinese junk. That needs a nice oriental sounding name – “Boo Jum”.

    Then there’s extract from the flower of a Supranthus tree. That will be called “Effluvius”.

    The remaining ingredients, alas, must be held secret. Otherwise, everybody would be making their own and I won’t get filthy rich.

    But of course, everybody will want it. Who wouldn’t buy the potion that cures everything? Appropriately priced, of course. People will look at the price and think, “It costs THAT MUCH? Christ, it MUST be good!”

    So when everyone is cured of all diseases, there will only be one small problem left – the ungodly stink.

    Don’t worry, folks. The boojum is the stuff of pure genius. It will happily provide the solution – in the form of its enlightening comments, which the bouquet of no marvel potion invented can ever aspire to rise above.

    Come to think of it, neither can anything else.

  361. A miracle compound of this calibre must surely have a name – EUREKA DK. Catchy, don’t you think?

    Lily the Pink would be proud – or insanely jealous…

  362. 12. A New Hope

    “For some, the only thing that matters is the bottom line.”

    With that in mind, here are some statistics provided by Contreras Hospital on their patient survival rates, repeated from Chapter 3D. The first set of three-year stats came to me via the Oasis publication, “Hope – Medicine & Healing” early in 2010 and the second from the Oasis website late in 2011. I have reproduced only the stats of the second 5-year table here. They disclose figures for two Integrative Medicine institutions, Oasis IRT, CTCA IM and the USA national average from the US Seer Monograph. Numbers are percentage survival at 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years respectively.

    Contreras IRT:
    Breast (no prior chemo treatment elsewhere): 100, 90, 83, 78, 75
    Breast (prior chemo treatment elsewhere): 93, 73, 60, 51, 45
    Lung: 82, 50, 27, 23, 9
    Ovarian: 94, 87, 74, 60, 54
    Colorectal: 72, 48, 26, 17, 16

    CTCA IM:
    Breast: 88, 63, 46
    Lung: 37, -, –
    Ovarian: 68, -, –
    Colorectal: 68, -, –
    CTCA had only been operating three years, specialising in breast cancer and one year with the other cancer types.

    National Average:
    Breast: 65, 44, 32, 25, 20
    Lung: 20, 6, 3, 2, 1.6
    Ovarian: 62, 43, 30, 23, 18
    Colorectal: 43, 22, 13, 10, 7

    Dr. Contreras here writes, “The Oasis Of Hope clinical research team developed IRT, integrating a number of therapies in order to overcome the barriers to effective cancer treatment and provide an umbrella of protection to healthy cells. Our success rates show we are headed in the right direction. Not all of our patients are cured, but most enjoy an improved quality of life and increased longevity. In fact, most live much longer than previously anticipated.” And so the bottom line he offers the would-be patient comes in the form of a modest table of statistics. It shares the 3-year results of an ongoing 5-year study with Oasis patients that have breast, lung, ovarian or colorectal cancers.
    Also included are the national average survival rates, mainly comprising patients receiving “conventional treatment” in the USA. Those USA statistics are the “Gold Standard” in cancer treatment. Personally, I prefer to call them the “Mud Standard”. They don’t even stack up well against the otherwise poor standard of orthodox cancer treatment in Britain, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and probably Canada. The statistics were taken from the NCI’s SEER Survival Monograph for 2007. They do indeed indicate that Oasis is on the right path, for Oasis patients are doing far better than those receiving the average standard of care in the US.
    In particular, the survival rate of patients with lung cancer was strikingly better than average – about ten times better at three years. Dr. Contreras indicates they’re not doing so well with colorectal cancer because it is typically resistant to currently available chemotherapies, again at three years. Despite that fact, the results are still twice as good as the average. I strongly believe that can be radically improved with Acetogenins, because they are the decisive answer to resistant cancers. Note also that the results for breast cancer patients who came to Oasis Of Hope soon after diagnosis are quite good, with more than double the 3-year survival percentage of patients who opted for conventional therapy alone. Oasis patients are clearly doing better.
    Contreras doesn’t claim they have been “cured” in the sense that cancer has been eliminated and won’t come back, but they are certainly outliving all previous expectations and are additionally enjoying lifestyle that is effectively rendered impossible under purely conventional therapy for most such patients. It’s a far more palatable option than becoming a meaningless success by enduring highly toxic treatments that successfully shrink tumours, but destroy quality of life and fail to significantly extend the life of the patient.

    Based on the original three-year stats, I generated survival projection curves to ten years. When the five-year stats came in, its predictions at five years were very accurate. In Cancer’s Answers, these show as visual curve graphs. They cannot be reproduced here without a lot of editing.

    Oasis also shifts the perspective of patients to embrace the concept that living with cancer does not mean facing imminent death and no matter what the statistics say, reality is dictated by perceptions. Remember that most people who are diagnosed with cancer had the disease lingering within them for a considerable time – even years before the diagnosis. And they probably didn’t even feel particularly ill until the latter stages, prior to diagnosis. In some cases, they might not have felt too terrible until they were diagnosed. Then they suddenly perceive their world crashing down around them.

    I agree that’s a perception thing and the imminent threat of death is actually something that has been cultivated by the use of viciously toxic chemotherapy drugs and other horrendous conventional treatments that work dually to: destroy quality of life; and fail to control the cancer satisfactorily towards some semblance of longevity with a minimum of discomfort. It is why I call them butchers, even if Dr. Contreras doesn’t.
    But as Doctor Francisco Contreras says, “When your being is no longer determined, nor defined by cancer, you are a cancer victor.”

    “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift; and that is why it is called the present.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    The remainder of the book’s contents comprise 202 references to scientific papers and that kind of stuff, plus contact information and a DVD offer.

    This is the contact information:
    Oasis Of Hope
    Toll free from USA: 1-888-500-HOPE
    Direct: 1 (619) 690-8450
    Fax: 1 (619) 690-8410
    Toll free from Mexico: 01-1800-026-2747
    Direct in Mexico: 664-631-6124
    Fax in Mexico: 664-631-6154
    Email: health at oasisofhope com
    Webstite: www oasisofhope com

    Elsewhere in Cancer’s Answers, I have an older quote or two from Oasis Of Hope’s Dr. Ernesto Contreras, I think. Oasis used DMSO and Laetrile in those days and reported good results, also unequivocally stating that there was nothing better than Laetrile for cancer prevention. However, you might have noted that DMSO and Laetrile are not even mentioned in this more current literature from Contreras Hospital, except where I inserted my own remarks about them. It happens that Oasis does offer Laetrile Therapy to patients who request it, but DMSO is not mentioned and I presume it is no longer used. Laetrile Therapy is not a standard component of IRT. It’s a corollary option. How they stand with Laetrile’s use and the Law in California is presently unclear, but I imagine California recently might have become one of the states which better respects the rights of patients to choose their treatments. It wasn’t always legal in that state. I am by no means sure of the reasons why Laetrile is used and DMSO is not, but if I have the opportunity, I will endeavour to find out.

    That Oasis largely discontinued DMSO-Laetrile Therapy may be due to any of the following possibilities:
    DMSO and Laetrile may have been made redundant by more effective therapies now used in IRT.
    Current therapies used in IRT may be safer than DMSO and Laetrile therapy.
    Current IRT therapies may be both more effective AND less harmful than DMSO-Laetrile Therapy.
    Oasis Of Hope has established itself within the United States in recent years (circa 2006), while apparently continuing to operate in Mexico. American states do not permit the use of DMSO for treating cancer, at all, whilst less than half of those states allow the use of Laetrile. Federal medical control authorities oppose its use outright.
    Circa 2001, federal medical regulation instrumentalities from within the US extended their cancer policing activities into Mexico in cooperation with the Mexican government, in their attempts to “clean up” the cancer treatment business there. There was a particular focus on the many shoddy medical operations; and according to one report from R. Webster Kehr, they attempted to stop the use of Amygdalin or Laetrile in cancer therapy throughout Mexico, as well. The FDA’s action against DMSO in Mexico is not mentioned in the same literature – but it seems probable, that is, in addition to the emplacement of a number of restrictions upon hospitals or clinics to use “experimental treatments” only if granted government permit to do so and a limit of six patients. Further, I speculate that they moved against “Laetrile” production facilities in Mexico, noting as I say this, that product quality varied widely from one production facility to another. It was always natural Amygdalin extracted from apricot pips in any case – not true artificial Laetrile, which has only ever been manufactured in the USA and Germany. In doing so, I hold forth a small possibility that Oasis Of Hope gained a foothold on American soil conditionally – possibly being upon agreement to discontinue the use of DMSO-Laetrile therapy, perhaps on both sides of the border. It is no sleight against Oasis Of Hope – they do what they can with what they have and what is permitted them, but I definitely have very poor confidence in American bureaucracy to be doing entirely the right thing for entirely the right reasons. In short, I think they stink.

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    • here we go again...more made up crap

      Interesting more made unverifiable statistics as part of this continued informercial for this crap fake cancer clinic. What puzzles me is why with so many “natural” “anticarcinogenic” remedies at your disposal how can anyone possibly die??
      Just nothing short of utter diarrhea.
      But surely heaven forbid under this ” big pharma/ big business” routine…………please tell me all your treatments are for free or cheap at least?

  364. Pingback: Stool antigen for H. pylori eradication. (Mindful Practice).(Helicobacter pylori): An article from: Internal Medicine News | WWW.DINFOSITE.COM

  365. You really make it seem really easy with your presentation however I to find this topic to be actually something which I think I’d
    never understand. It sort of feels too complex
    and very broad for me. I’m looking forward to your next submit, I will attempt to get the hang of it!

  366. You are a fowl mouthed and not wining the argument! I hope all reading this
    blog does their own research because being informed will save one’s
    life. The proof is in the outcome and cancer has not been eradicated by
    allopathic medicine, period. In addition, spontaneous cure rate is about
    30% , survival is 5 years with treatment and 5+ without. So life is a risk
    However, once faced with cancer learning what is available takes time and
    patience, research and knowledge about one’s particular case. After reading all the clinical trials, which is a daunting task, with the statistical
    outcomes. At this moment in time, everything is on the table and are being explored to cure cancer and for anyone to disregard diet, exercise, naturopathy, conventional as well as unconventional remedies. Anyone,
    with intelligence and cancer wants the best outcome. I will tell you all treatments are not equal and money is the root cause for achieving
    a good treatment! I have cancer and the journey is fraught with maybe,
    you can’t do that ! I say lets try, don’t wait for stage 4 on the death bed!
    Do not let fear, override logical experience. Truth sometimes upsets
    conventional medicine, no one likes to be wrong when professional ego is
    challenged and money.

  367. Pingback: More on Black Salve, and Escharotics | The Magic in Life

  368. It is perfect time to make some plans for the future and it’s time to
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  369. Epistemology…the study of the origin and validity of knowledge..

    It’s easy to spout off ignorantly about Bloodroot paste …no proof? Baloney! Try clinical studies performed by no other than Dr. Mohs himself..The disconnect here is because it was not called Blood root paste it was called Zinc Chloride paste…but it is Bloodroot paste and Mohs recipe is out there for all to see…and use CAREFULLY! Here’s a link to an article and video that should pretty much provide salt and pepper for the feet in the bloodroot naysayers mouths….

  370. Is this proof that ozone is not a poisonous gas when used correctly?

    Science. 1980 Aug 22;209(4459):931-3.
    Ozone selectively inhibits growth of human cancer cells.

    Sweet F, Kao MS, Lee SC, Hagar WL, Sweet WE.

    The growth of human cancer cells from lung, breast, and uterine tumors was selectively inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by ozone at 0.3 to 0.8 part per million of ozone in ambient air during 8 days of culture. Human lung diploid fibroblasts served as noncancerous control cells. The presence of ozone at 0.3 to 0.5 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth 40 and 60 percent, respectively. The noncancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. Exposure to ozone at 0.8 part per million inhibited cancer cell growth more than 90 percent and control cell growth less than 50 percent. Evidently, the mechanisms for defense against ozone damage are impaired in human cancer cells.
    PMID: 7403859
    [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

    Ozone forms several peroxides, hydrogen peroxide with reaction with water and lipid peroxides with reaction with fatty acids. These fatty acids include the fatty acids found in the cell membranes. The peroxides generated enter in to both healthy and cancerous cells. But the antioxidant enzymes in the healthy cells break these peroxides down in to water and oxygen. The cancerous cells though lack these enzymes and therefore can not break down the peroxides. Because they are not broken down the peroxides continue entering the cancer cells causing them to swell like a water balloon until they burst. For this reason the ozone selectively kills cancer cells, but not healthy cells.

    • your explanation just doesnt make any sense. The claim that is being made is that ozone is an effective proven safe treatment for cancer in humans.
      You have quoted one paper from 33 years ago based on a cell culture. You have then said that human cells arent affected as they dont have an enzyme which renders them immune to the action of ozone . Unless the concentration is slightly higher when in which case it kills half of human cells so your explanation doesn’t make any sense.
      This is a long time ago and in terms of modern research, eons…It involves cell culture not humans. it has not been repeated.
      In essence it is meaningless. Ozone has no proven benefit in cancer treatment and if this is the best you can do it ………….
      it is also not been given away or is it cheap.It doesn’t work – like most of the rubbish on here. It is simply a peddling ground for quacks with no morals to exploit the vulnerable and the sick

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  379. Sw the DVD from Elaine Hollingsworth….and told my cousin about it. He knew the guy in the DVD who had the tujmour that was called “Wilson” . heplayed golf with the guy and the guy gave him some black salve. he hasn’t had to go to the doctor for skin cancer removal since. He used to go several times a year.
    My cousin and I followed the instructions on how to make black salve and did so ourselves. Since then we have given some to another cousin who had a leision that was to be cut by a doctor (on his scalp about the size of a 50cent piece) and a graft from his thigh to replace it.
    He tried balck salve , much to the anger of his surgeion, and within 2 weeks the cancer was gone. That was a year ago.
    I have spoken to others who have used black salve too. Good news from all. They generally went on strict alkaline diets too.

    Must saw…it probably will be painful
    Myself?? I used it on a wart I couldn’t get rid of for 30 years. Had to apply black salve twice….. second application about 10 days after the first. The wart was gone shortly after….lots of tingling,… but not real pain. Has been gone for 2 years now.

    Just my experiences

  380. This thread is a great testimony to why having a *banning mechanism for troll posters* is an excellent idea.

  381. hahaha. funny to get so angry and agitated about such things. what is even more funny, is that this substance does infact remove skin cancers, tumors, warts, moles, skin tags, etc. i have seen it work. i make it. : D i also make concentrated cannabis oil for use to cure cancers. both work. both may not work in all cases, in all forms of cancer, but that does not mean they do not work at all. chemo kills. the government lies. western medicine is poison.

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  383. I love reading through a post that can make men and women think.
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  384. I have seen the effectiveness of external use and my oldest dog has a neck tumor that may get done that way to avoid anesthesia damage.
    Now we have a small cell lung cancer female 57yo. It has already begun to spread, there appears to be a family hx of vulnerability to cancer and sclc has grim prognosis. Fast and the chemo/rad are considered just to slow it down with not many records of even 5 year survival. White doctor from town gave her a year.
    I think we are compelled to discuss the internal method because she is young, otherwise healthy/positive and this cancer has been aggressive, only being slowed by green tea and foods she was already eating.
    On the drawing board and by testimony, there should not be a live cancer cell after 21 days. If anyone has done this, by all means please write. But I will update what happens with us as this is one of those “no other conventional help known” and first tier organics have not defeated it. Cheers!

  385. I just started making the salve, but there are no instructions (recipe #1) for when or how to add the pine tar or the Vit. A. Help!

  386. Does anyone know wher to reach Michele , the woman named iin the article? I have breatscancer and have uses black salve aswell and i agree that Back salve eats away cancer cells only I have seen this also with my own eyes. The trouble is like Michele also is saying in it sooo painfull. This is what has made me stop using for now 4 times in a row. I can not get to the rout of teh problem…eleminated 80% or even more, but had to stop because of the pain. I cannot get morfine , used painkillers and cannabisoil instead. I really would llike to get intot contact with Michele. I hope to hear form you soon!

  387. I have used Cansema a few times.I use Colloidal silver and ant venom that is used as a pain killer.

  388. Where might I obtain zinc chloride?

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  392. Hi nice to hear your experience with salve. Just going through the process on my scalp. All is going well & just confirming the effects stingy itchy etc. 2 WEEKS NOW so a few more to go. Cheers fellow big pharma hater. Fr

  393. I am from united state of america, I want to testify of how i got cured of Hepatitis B, I got infected with Hepatitis B disease in 2015, i have visited several hospitals, spiritualists and pastors for cure but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end until,i searched google and read about possible cures to get cured of HBsag. i saw a post in a health forum about (MED LAB), that cures all kinds of deadly diseases including HIV AIDS, ALS, Herpes, Diabetes MND, Epilepsy, Leukemia, Asthma, Cancer, Ghonorhea etc, at first i got shocked, because many Doctors said that there is no parmanent cured for HBsag, but when i go further i saw various testimony, about many people who got cured, that is how i give a try because this is my life, i so much believe in achieving what you desire. when i contacted this MED LAB via email: medlab36@gmailcom he sent me HBsag Vaccine via courier service, when i received this Vaccine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply them, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly disease within 8days, I am now Hepatitis b Negative (-) all thanks to MED LAB. Contact this great MED LAB CENTRE, Email: medlab36@gmailcom

  394. Black salve is wonderful treatment for many skin problems. Black salve is made up of several herbs so it work great for skin cancer.

  395. Great article, though your recipes for the salve are a bit out. Alpha omega labs salve is decent 🙂 you can buy a kit from plant essentials in Oz to make your own. Please watch one answer to cancer movie it has the ingredients and how to make tutorial in the documentary 🙂 peace and health to all reading x

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  397. A very interesting read. I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article.

  398. Thanks for making such a cool post which is really very well written. Will be referring a lot of friends about this. Keep blogging.

  399. my sister has two black tumors on her upper and lower back. i need to help her get rid of these things. plz what can i do and whats the quickest remedy. im in Florida.

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