Tag Archives: Deepwater Horizon

Gulf Blue Plague is Evolving

Below is a link to an article about BP and the 2010 oil disaster, and the role of Craig Venter of Synthetic Genomics and the artificial life bacteria he created and dubbed ‘Synthia’. Following the spill, the public was informed of the discovery of a new oil-eating bacteria in the Gulf, which was rapidly cleaning up the goop. Wonderful news? Or is this ‘new’ bacteria actually the ‘self-replicating artificial life form whose parent was a computer’ created by Venter’s company and announced to the public as a ‘scientific breakthrough’ earlier this year in the mainstream media?
Has this antibiotic-resistant bacteria been released into the wild and what will the consequences be? Could it be, as this article suggests that the BP Flu or Blue Plague is the result of infection with this artificial bacteria? Marine toxicologists from the Gulf have reported extensive poisoning of cleanup workers and the local population, but they have also disclosed that the mixture of oil and Correxit is what, by absorption through the skin, can cause such devastating symptoms as internal bleeding.

You may remember that in the spring of 2010, we were told that the coming summer was to be the worst hurricane season in several years, with 17 hurricanes expected to hit the Gulf Coast, threatening to carry the oil and dispersant-laden waters inland. As it turned out, however, NO hurricanes hit the coast this year. This is absolutely not normal. Is this the result of the loop current being stalled or is this evidence of weather-modification technology being used to prevent not the oil and dispersants from coming ashore (Correxit has been intentionally sprayed on the coast line), but to keep the potentially disastrous effects of this artificial bacteria at bay?

From reading this article, I cannot come to any solid conclusions. It is all worthy to take note of the information gathered by the author, but I would like to point out that when it comes to conspiracies and conspiracy theories, retrospective analysis of an event often reveals truths while projections and speculations often do nothing more than create unnecessary hype and fear. Some of the comments to this article engage in such speculations.

When the advent of Synthia was made public knowledge, it was stated that immediate uses included speeding up flu shot production. While this is nasty and distasteful as it is, a comment left under the article below proposes the possibility that these new vaccines will serve the purpose of innocuating the population against not flu, but the deadly infections that could be caused by the artificial bacteria itself. And the author of the comment hypothesizes that it may turn out that only half a billion shots will be made available, serving the openly stated goal of reducing the world’s population to that number, as only the innoculated will survive.

Could this be a trick to weed out vaccine refusers? This, to me, is nothing but speculation and I wouldn’t dwell on it. First of all, the depopulation plans include a number of existing vaccines, covert and open sterilization techniques, war, biotech-induced famine and disease, and a number of other strategies such as weather modification and destruction of agriculture through techniques like spraying aluminum that changed the Ph of soil, making it inhospitable to plant life. Even if a synthetic, self-replicating bacteria were to escape and cause disease, I don’t believe it this plague would smite the world’s population uniformly. Organisms with disease-creating potential and generally not equal-opportunity killers and require the host to have a compromised immune system in order to make it a victim. Besides, why take such a multi-pronged approach to depopulation if all it takes is the release of an artificial bacteria to accomplish these goals?
Personally, I would take note of the information provided in the article below, but I would not succumb to the notion that this is to be the golden instrument of worldwide depopulation by disease. The attacks of the NWO are many and stealthy, but their greatest weapon is fear.


Matt Simmons Dead

Matt Simmons has died at the age of 67. There are varying reports on the cause of death. According to the Digital Journal, it was a heart attack:
“The controversial investment banker warned the Earth’s oil supply is running out and that Middle Eastern reserves are unreliable. The author passed away at 67.
Simmons died Sunday of a heart attack at his home in North Haven, Maine.”


Yahoo News tells us he had a heart attack, and adds that he was possibly having some career trouble lately:
“While Simmons’ views on peak oil were regarded as somewhat controversial, he drew even more attention for a June 9 interview with Fortune magazine, in which he predicted BP Plc would be driven bankrupt in “about a month” as the cleanup costs for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill mounted.

A week later, Simmons & Co International (SCI), the investment bank that Simmons founded in 1974, said it was cutting ties with its founder, who until that point had served as chairman emeritus.”


Regarding the cause of death, another report says he drowned:

And here again, he drowned:
“NORTH HAVEN, Maine — A former energy adviser to president George W. Bush and a founder of the Ocean Energy Institute from North Haven died Sunday.

According to the Knox County Sheriff’s Department, Matthew Simmons drowned around 10 p.m. Sunday on Salt Marsh Road.

Simmons founded the Ocean Energy Institute in 2007. The institute, based in Rockland, is “a think-tank and venture capital fund addressing the challenges of U.S. offshore renewable energy,” according to its website. “


Of course, it is possible that the heat from the hot tub raise his blood pressure, which brought on a heart attack, which then caused him to drown. But was it really a heart attack? And which came first, the drowning or the heart attack?

The following post on Current.com states that:
“According to Corporate Media reports, he drowned in his hot tub at his summer home in Maine. Followed by a later report from the Medical Examiner that concludes ” Simmons was suffering from heart disease ” which might have been a contributing factor in his death.”

Some people are speculating that Simmons was assassinated:

But who would want to kill Matt Simmons? Let’s look at who he was and what he had done. Simmons was an energy investment banker and a ig proponent of peak oil theory. He had published a book entitled ‘Twilight in the Desert’ aout declining Saudi oil reserves and was founder and CEO of Simmons & Co. Investment firm. He criticized the oil industry and called for increased transparency.

More recently, he had crtiticized BP’s way of handling the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster and had contradicted BP and the MSM’s official accounts on the seriousness of the situation. He had stated that far more oil was floing from the leak than BP was admitting, as much as 100 000 to 150000 barrels a day and that if left unfixed it could continue to leak for as much as 30 years. He also claimed that there was an open hole in the sea floor that was causing crude to gush from a lake of oil underneath, that there were multiple leaks and that the live footage being shown was of only a small leak, not the main one. Basically, he had said that the disaster was much worse than BP was making it out to be and BP wasn’t doing anything proper to address it. Here you can see an interview he gave shortly before his death:

Who would have wanted Simmons dead? BP? The government? Someone else? Would it have been a matter of ‘national security’ to shut him up? Naturally, some people would entertain these hypotheses. And would it even be possible to murder him in a way that mimics a natural demise?

According to the following article from Fourwinds10.com,
“According to Washington Post report on 4/2/1979, since 1950s, Office of Strategic Services (the World War II predecessor of the CIA) researched on methods to induce death (e.g. heart-attack, cancer) to knock off or assassinate their targets, so the targets appeared to die of natural causes. “The CIA project apparently started with an undated, unsigned note indicating concern about the vulnerability of US leaders to assassination by ‘natural causes’.”

(Source) “Assassination by ‘Natural Causes’ – CIA Considered Inducing Death”, WASHINGTON POST, 4/2/79 “

In addition to this, by 1987 the Russians apparently had a prototype for a weapon by which they could induce a heart attack in a goat from as far as 1km away, and the Pentagon had been working on similar projects since the 1960’s.

There are also drugs that can be used to induce cancer or heart attack, but the problem with these is that they may be detected during autopsy. For this reason, the military had prefered to focus on the use of radio-frequency weapons to induce heart attack and had developed such devices by the 1960’s according to “Wonder Weapons” by Douglas Pasternak, US NEWS & WORLD REPORT, (7 July 1997).


This is where things get even stranger and reality appears to overlap with the realm of science fiction. According to the Fourwinds10 article, the military also possesses the technology to make the assassins using such weapons not only invisible, but tiny as an ant and able to levitate. By deploying these agents to carry out their mission, they can completely evade detection. The origins of invisibility-creation for military purposes go as far back as WWII, when Albert Einstein helped the US forces to develop a technology that would enable a naval ship to not only disappear, but teleport to another location through the application of unified field theory. The Philadelphia Experiment involving the naval ship USS Eldridge was such an application. Although the ship disappeared from the harbor in Philadelphia and later reappeared intact, the experiment went horribly wrong when it came to the crew. Some of them went mad while others were found to be moleculary fused to the ship on their return, with as much as half their bodies embedded in the deck or other parts of the ship. The experiment was classified beyond Top Secret and all witnesses made to swear to silence. Nonetheless, information regarding the event came out via one man named Carlos Allende and a short documentary on this was eventually made by the History channel.

So was Matt Simmons simply the victim of poor health and a perilous hot tub, or was he the target of a tiny, invisible, levitating CIA assassing deploying a top secret radio-frequency weapon? While we may never know for sure, our biggest clue may be to wait and see if his assessments and predictions were right.

NWF CEO Schweiger Admits Oil Crisis was Engineered for Political Reasons?

The following was discussed on The Truther Girls radio show on June 21 st.

At US House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, June 15, Larry Schweiger, President and CEO of NWF, says oil spill is a crime scene. Refers to turtles dying, states US must take steps to cut oil dependence in half.

Schweiger says BP should not be in charge of dealing with cleanup and providing info to public- info is restricted. BP CEO Hayward ‘choosing sound bites over science’.
5 species of turtles in Gulf listed as endangered or threatened. Oil imperils them, as do dispersants. Nat’l academy of science said years earlier that the effect of mixing dispersants into the ocean is not known, but testing they recommended was never carried out.
Solution: urging obama to get Fed gov to take over environmental monitoring, testing and public safety protection form BP. Cap on liability and punitive damages should be lifted.
Invest in restoration of Mississippi delta. Disaster should ‘make it clear thet congress shousl pass real energy reform that would cut our dependence on oil in half. Hold oil co and other corporations accountable for spills and carbon pollution. This crisis in the gulf is about creating a safer energy platform for America.’
Moderator adds: “making a safer energy platform really characterizes what we are in pursuit of in this hearing, among other things.”
The moderator has rephrases what Schweiger said. What Schweiger said literally means “The purpose of the crisis in the gulf is to create a safer energy platform for America” as in, this crisis has been deliberately created to push through energy reform. I have studied grammar and linguistics and I can assure you that that is what Schweiger’s statement means. Did Schweiger just openly admit that the Gulf oil crisis was deliberately engineered or is being deliberately used to push through new laws?

Schweiger is right about one thing, it certainly IS a crime scene.
“BP is blocking access to rescuing turtles and is incinerating turtles in the oil. Interview by Catherine Craig
Report boat captain Mike Ellis, working for BP and coast guard to save turtles, who was at the site states that BP is preventing turtles from being saved. Shrimp boats towing booms, collecting weed lines and oil lines, turtles getting caught in these lines.
They cut the operation short and kicked the turtle people out. Turtles are being caught between boons and being left to burn alive in the oil that has been set on fire. Project was supposed to be 3 weeks, but BP has cut it short. Mike also reports workers are getting headaches.

Evidence Oil Spill May be Totally Fake

This was found on the website SHTF, in a forum. The post explains why there is good evidence the ‘oil spill’ (blowout) is completely fake, and that the rig drilled into an asphalt volcano and that this was known by the company from the beginning.
Here is the forum link
“The ship, and a specific college study from 2005, in the Gulf of Mexico, are your starting points to what’s really happening in the gulf. Here’s a link to what the study synopses” http://geology.about.com/cs/volcanology/a/aa051604a.htm

This actually makes a lot of sense and would explain a lot.
Meanwhile, a local Gulf Coast news stations reports that people are becoming sick from exposure to something toxic in the area and BP is removing animal carcasses from Gul Coast beaches. I suspect that their reason for doing this is to prevent anyone from performing and autopsy on them, as this would likely reveal that they died form the dispersants, and not from oil.

Oil Spill- Where Are the Safe Areas?

4 Earth – 12 jun 2010
G. Mcclure – Nashville TN
Permission is granted for all use, with credit. http://georgemcclure.net/journal.html

EPA orders BP to quit Corexit, BP refuses http://www.huffingtonpost.com/edward-f-blizzard/bp-thumbs-its-nose-at-the_b_588686.html

In the U.S. and Canada, midSouth and coastal regions are hit by Gulf winds first, TX LA MS AL FL. Next are inland locations OK AR TN GA, followed by KY OH IL. Looking at population centers, if Corexit travels at toxic levels in the Gulf Stream, up the eastern seaboard of North America, Montreal will be hit after Boston, nearly last. If the dispersion rate is below 2.61ppm, the kill level, areas can be spared.

Winds cycle from the Gulf all the way through Chicago and the Great Lakes and will reach these areas before the far northeastern U.S. and Maritime provinces.

The first truly safe zone begins at the Rocky Mountains and locations such as WY, MT, ID and so on. In Canada, regions from Superior north and west, AB SK and western ON, are safe from Gulf influence.

1.) Intellicast wind direction and speed, U.S. and north america http://images.intellicast.com/National/Wind/Current.aspx

2.) NOAA Wind Map http://www.weather.gov/forecasts/graphical/sectors/conus.php?element=WindSpd
How to read the map: o___/ symbol means wind is blowing from the tail to the center node, or “o” (the dot.) The number of tails // indicates wind velocity.

3.) Intellicast Jet Stream map http://www.intellicast.com/national/wind/jetstream.aspx
Jet stream flows up to 80mph and faster, around 10Km (7 miles) above the surface. Jet streams form at boundaries of different temperature air masses. Jet stream is mostly found at the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.

If the toxic Corexit dispersant is caught in the jet stream, it will quickly spread over huge areas, more than one continent and open oceans.

12 jun 2010
george mcclure

BP Blowout: Evidence of Foreknowledge?

The following was discussed on The Truther Girls radio show on June 7, 2010.

A few suspicious things that may point to foreknowledge:

BP CEO Tony Hayward sold 1.4 million British pounds worth of shares weeks before the blowout

Deepwater Horizon is owned by Transocean

Transocean to make a $270 million profit from insurance policy

The dispersants being used are produced by a company called “Nalco” which was recently aquired by Blackstone Group, Apollo Management L. P., and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners as a joint venture (how convenient) in 2003

Haliburton buys major oil firefighting company Boots & Coots less than 2 weeks before blowout:

Haliburton not to be held responsible, collects on insurance policy: shares jump as result of announcement

Goldman Sachs sells massive amount of BP shares shortly before blowout:

Gulf of Mexico Oil Rig Blowout -Part 2

Links and notes from The Truther Girls radio show May 19:

I covered this extensively on the radio, so if you are really interested in this topic, I would recommend you download the May 19th episode of The Truther Girls and you will get all the details, including Credo Mutwa’s apocalyptical predictions.


What went wrong? First you have the lack of an acoustic switch, thanks to deregulation. Then you have the statistically unlikely failure of several layers of other safety systems. Add to that preventing the media from reporting on the true level of severity of what is going on, plus a climate change bill on the table, and a situation that can lead to laws that could bring on what the Copenhagen Agreement hoped to accomplish, and what do you get?
A very, very convenient catastrophe- at least for the globalists.

When Deepwater Horizon was built in 2001, MMS (Minerals Management Services, a government agency) allowed BP to build the rig without an acoustic switch which would have sensed any explosion and capped the wellhead right away. This was a typical case of the regulatory body, MMS, being in bed with the corporation it was supposed to be overseeing, BP , much like the FDA is supposed to be overseeing the work of Monsanto, when this company has used their influence to put at the head of the FDA people who serve Monsanto’s interests. Not installing an acoustic switch allowed BP to save about $500 000. The rig also had a blowout preventer which has about 10 failsafes on it, several on the ground, i.e. panic buttons, sensors and alarms, and 3 at the well head site itself. This should normally ensure that the well is automatically capped as soon as there is any sign of a problem, and this type of system is virtually 100% reliable.
Is it a coincidence that Obama had just lifted the moratorium when the disaster occurred. This lifting gives the impression that the government supports offshore drilling, when the larger agenda of the Obama administration and the globalists who put Obama in power is to decrease Western industrialization, lower our standard of living, and lower the population. Problem: offshore drilling causes environmental disasters. Reaction: offshore drilling is bad and dangerous. Solution: you can have offshore drilling, but I’ll bet you don’t want it, and since we have this disaster we’re probably going to have to impose radical new ‘climate change-related’ laws on the citizens, which will actually be doing nothing other than furthering the agenda of the Copenhagen Summit, which the WHO, another arm of the globalists, has recently bolstered by taking it upon themselves to be the ones to implement the agenda of Internet taxes, another form of wealth redistribution in the name of health for all. Environmentalism is, as we know, the front for global communism and wealth redistribution.

From the Guardian.co. uk article, to which the link is provided below, points made regarding regarding Kerry and Lieberman’s Climate Change Bill:
1st- The two Senators deliberately gave a boost to offshore drilling under a strategy that saw the Obama administration and the White House working to build support among Republicans and industries that stood to be affected by the new regulations

After the disaster:
2nd- Some Democratic Senators are now threatening to vote against any climate bill that allows expanded drilling. “I will have a very hard time ever voting for offshore drilling again,” Senator Jay Rockefeller, a West Virginia Democrat told reporters. (Funny they should use Rockefeller as an example)

3rd- The White House is also trying to use the disaster to make a case for a bill. “This accident, this tragedy, is actually heightening people’s interest in energy in this country and in wanting a different energy plan,” Carol Browner, the White House climate adviser told Bloomberg television at the weekend.

As Rahm Emmanuel once said, “Never let a crisis go to waste”.

Haliburton oversaw cementing job, drilling mud replaced with seawater, all safety mechanisms failed, deemed statistically unlikely by Princeton professor.

This acoustic swtich system is mandatory everywhere in the world except the USA, due to deregulation from the Bush era.

Blowout preventer damaged weeks before blowout, pieces of rubber surfacing, staff told to ignore it:

CBS reporter was recently threatened by Coast Guard acting on behalf of BP for filming oil spill

Scientists from the European Space Agency say BP has so far not been able to contain the gusher and oil is expected to his the coast of Florida within 6 days.

White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill

Wayne Madsen’s blog: A lot of good info here. Corps of Engineers asked for satellite imagery from NASA, were refused.

Reports in Internet forum that African shaman Credo Mutwa stated that half the population of the earth would die in 2011 and that the cause would be oil.

Oil Rig- Was it North Korea?

Oil Spill- Links and Notes from TTG Show May 10

These are links and notes from our Monday May 10, 2010 radio show.

The following quotes are from the Washington Post article:

“A target of the investigation, according to Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who chairs the House energy subcommittee and met with oil company officials last week, is the final cementing job on the well. Four employees of Halliburton — founded by Erle Halliburton in 1924 as the Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Company — were on Deepwater Horizon. They had overseen the main task of cementing the well just 20 hours before the blowout.

A petroleum engineer whose name is not public, but who called the Mark Levin radio show in New York and is now represented by New Orleans attorney Scott Bickford, has given an account of what happened in the final moments before the blowout, according to a report in the New Orleans Times-Picayune. He said that the heavy drilling mud was pulled from the well and replaced with lighter sea water before the second cement plug was put in place. According to Bickford, this lowered the resistance to the natural pressure of the well, and a bubble of gas surged upward.

Whatever happened with the cement, the mud and the plugs, there was supposed to be a fail-safe mechanism: the blowout preventer. This massive apparatus has multiple valves that can close the well, plus a pair of blind-shear rams that can slice right through the pipe in an emergency.
Survivors say they hit the red button on the rig to activate the system. The device also has a “dead man’s” switch that should have worked when the well erupted even if there was no manual signal from above.

Deffeyes, the Princeton professor, said, “Here we have the statistically unlikely case of both systems failing.” The blowout is one failure, the blowout preventer’s malfunction is the second, and there may even be a third failure, he said — for example, if the steel casing was improperly attached to the blowout preventer.”

Moratorium lifted on offshore drilling- environmental concerns raised.

Could the oil spill now be used to push the agenda of the globalists through limiting our use of oil and privatizing our water?
Example article on the water privatization issue and Canada:

SWAT teams sent by US to inspect oil rigs in Gulf of Mexico after blowout

Mr. Obama said SWAT teams were being dispatched to the Gulf to investigate oil rigs and said his administration is now working to determine the cause of the disaster.

Definition of SWAT team from Wikipedia*:
A SWAT (special weapons and tactics) team is an elite paramilitary tactical unit in American and some international law enforcement departments. They are trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular officers. Their duties include performing hostage rescues and counter-terrorism operations, serving high risk arrest and search warrants, subduing barricaded suspects, and engaging heavily-armed criminals.
*Note: It doesn’t say anything about oil rigs.

Article above refers to Exxon Valdez spill. Background info on Exxon-Valdez spill from Wikipedia:
The Exxon Valdez oil spill ocurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when the Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound forLong Beach, California, hit Prince William Sound’s Bligh Reef and spilled an estimated minimum 10.8 million US gallons (40.9 million litres, or 250,000 barrels) of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters ever to occur in history.[1] As significant as the Valdez spill was — the largest ever in US waters — it ranks well down on the list of the world’s largest oil spills in terms of volume released.[2] However, Prince William Sound’s remote location (accessible only by helicopter, plane and boat) made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response. The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline[3]and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.[4]


Refering to the Exxon-Valdez spill does give the impression that it happened before and life went on relatively as normal, so this too shal pass, but it is hardly a comparable situation. Exxon Valdez happened in a remote part of Alaska. The Mexican Gulf spill is affecting coastal areas of the US and Mexico, in areas of human habitation. Will affect tourism, food prices, destroy large parts of fishing and shrimping industries, and deal another blow to an already damaged US economy.